Reginald's FamilyChapter 8 free porn video

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Peter LeBrun laughed at the tale. “So it was a case of the human left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing?”

“That is a good description, sir. The English were in competition with the Spanish, so neither would do anything to help the other in any way. It could be that the turkeys got from Spain to France, and from there to England, where exotic species were all the rage in that era. The English would have been unaware that it was an American bird.”

“I can believe that scenario, Mr Robertson.”

“Please, sir, do call me Reginald, or preferably Reg. Everyone else does.”

“Very well, Reg, provided you call me Peter, or preferably Uncle Peter, as you are married to my niece.”

“I shall be happy to do so, Uncle Peter. As the father of such a wonderful set of twins, you merit praise for that achievement alone.”

Uncle Peter glanced at Frances, slightly concerned at the comparison between Frances’ looks and his gorgeous twins. She smiled sweetly, and told him, “Uncle Peter, you needn’t concern yourself about what Reg might say. He treats all girls according to their personality, brains and abilities, not simply on what they look like. For example he married me, and Erika, and Freda, and Prudence.”

Peter seemed embarrassed at this comment, and admitted, “I had heard from my girls that you and Reg were not exclusive, but I didn’t think you could all be married.”

“You are quite correct, Uncle Peter. We found that Reg could only marry one of us, so we elected to have no marriage, but a group commitment that is just as strong as a marriage. We held a public ceremony to tell the world – or at least the university community – that we are a family, and we are now known as married there. The other girls and I all regard ourselves as married, and we girls all changed our names by deed poll to be Mrs Robertson, so we are effectively married, and eventually we will have Reg’s children.”

“What? All of you?”

“Yes, Uncle Peter; all of us.”

“My goodness,” exclaimed Peter LeBrun. “Are your parents aware of this?”

“Yes, uncle. We explained it all to them, and they are on board with it. We invited them to our Commitment Ceremony, and so they saw that we meant it. We have visited them recently, and they saw that we love Reg and he loves us, and that is all there is to it. They have been very generous to us.”

“Frances?” asked Peter, looking around. “There was another young woman here that I was introduced to, but you didn’t name her as one of your marriage team. Who is she, if I may ask?”

“Oh, that’s Fiona. Hang on a mo.” She glanced around, and noted that Fiona was not in evidence. Grabbing Erika, she whispered, “Where’s Fiona?”

Erika whispered back, “The loo. She found she was still dripping cum!”

“Okay. That’s fine.”

She turned back and told Peter, “Uncle Peter, Fiona is what you might call a volunteer. She is a couple of years older than us, but was unhappy. She has a proverbial evil stepmother who wants rid of her, so Fiona is looking for a stable family she could put up with, and whom could put up with her and her problems. She is a clever girl, already a graduate in sociology, and embarking on a PhD course, but has emotional needs. She has just moved in with us to see how she likes it, so don’t embarrass the girl.”

“Oh, I see. I shall say nothing, Frances. You are being very nice to everyone around you, aren’t you? I am impressed.”

“Oh, we are not nice all the time, Uncle Peter. We had a run-in with a teenage burglar and his family, and we had a bully problem at the university, but we dealt with these. Prudence’s Dad made this building more secure, and Freda’s father, as a lawyer, handled some legal matters for us in relation to the burglar, when his family tried to bribe us to drop our complaint. Our families have been very helpful in a number of ways, including financing the twins’ salary here. You chipped in, too, didn’t you?”

“That’s right, we did. We were glad to see Carol and Holly settled in a safe environment where they will learn their occupations and be happy with it. I suspect it was your idea.”

“All I did was observe that we had difficulty with looking after ourselves while studying, and the twins were looking for exactly that kind of work. We could offer them jobs if the finance was there. I just put the two problems together, et voila!”

“Well, thanks for that insight, Frances my dear girl. How long do you expect my girls to remain here?”

Frances looked him in the eye, and informed him, “That is up to them, Uncle. We hope they will continue to work for us. We have several years to go on our courses, so we hope they will be here for that period. They have agreed that if we start a family, they will help with the child-rearing, so that we can continue our studies while having children.”

She paused, then went on, “Of course, Carol and Holly have plans in the way of children themselves, so who knows what they will do in the future?”

“They seriously want children? I thought that was simply little girl fantasies that would change as they grew up.”

“Uncle Peter, they have ALREADY grown up, I assure you. Starting a full-time job is a sign of growing up, isn’t it? Their future desires in the way of children are up to them, and we in this household will do our best to act in loco parentis. Does that help?”

Peter sighed. “My baby girls have grown up. In some ways I am sad, for I enjoyed watching them grow over the years; but at the same time I have to let them become adults with their own ideas of what they want to do with their lives. You will face the same dichotomy a couple of decades from now, Frances.”

“I expect so, Uncle Peter, but I hope I will know when to give my children their freedom.”

“I am sure you will. Now I should be getting home again. Where have my girls got to?”

“The others have have been showing them their bedrooms and helping them unpack. We were unsure if they wanted to share a room, or have their own places, so we are starting with them having their own rooms. If they want to be together, we can sort that out later.”

“I never thought of that. They have always shared, but if one of them fancies a boy, she may want a bit of privacy. That was a wise thought, Frances.”

“Perhaps. We do not have any intentions of letting either of them have a boy in their bedroom; not for the present anyway.”

“You really mean to act as a mother to them, don’t you?”

“Uncle Peter, I can tell you confidentially that I have been designated Chief Wife of this family, so being in charge of the twins is not a great extra task.”

“An unusual title, Frances. I shall keep it to myself. I don’t think your parents will want to know that title!”

At this point there was the sound of clattering feet as the twins and their handlers came down the stairs from the bedrooms.

“Daddy! We have our own bedrooms here! Can you imagine that?”

“So I was just hearing, girls. Don’t abuse the privilege, through. I am just about to leave, so is there anything else you need?”

Carol told her father, “There was a chair in our room that I particularly liked, Daddy; the leather one with the wooden arms. Can we ship it here?”

“I don’t see why not. We’ll leave the rest of your furniture as it is, so that if you come back to visit, you can use your old room. Okay?”

Holly came in with, “That’s great, Dad. Give our love to Mummy. Tell her we are happy here. The girls are SO nice. We haven’t even had time to say hello properly to Reg, but we saw lots of him back at Uncle Paul’s.” The double meaning was lost on their father.

“Right. Farewell, girls. Behave yourselves as your mother expects.”

“We will, Daddy. ‘Bye,” they chorused, each giving him a kiss.

The rain had stopped, so Reg and Frances went out to see him off, trailed by the twins. Peter told Frances, “We will probably send the chair by carrier. That is easiest, and cheaper than driving both ways.”

“Thanks for bringing them and their baggage, Uncle Peter. It was nice of you.”

“That’s what fathers are for, Frances. Reg, look after my girls, and that includes Frances.”

“Will do, sir.” he said, while Frances interjected, “Reg knows how to take care of me properly, Uncle Peter. We have taught him what to do, so he has been well trained.”

Peter LeBrun was uncertain of what she was referring to, so took it as Reg learning to do as he was told.

Once the car had left, Reg and Frances returned inside, where the twins now greeted Reg the way they really wanted to. They smothered him with kisses, and pushed their breasts against his chest. Eventually Frances had to intervene.

“Girls! Girls! Enough is enough. You will be living here, so Reg will always be within easy reach. Let him breathe for now.”

The twins recognised Frances’ common sense approach, so ceased their attentions for the moment. Reg told them, “Girls, remember that your prime task within this building is cook and housekeeper. All else is incidental.”

Holly looked at Frances and pointed out, “So, Reg is incidental? Not a priority for you, then, Frances?”

Frances remonstrated with her, “That is misreading my words, Holly. Looking after the building, and cooking for its residents is your primary focus. That is what you will be paid for. Seeking Reg’s attention must come lower in your priorities, girls. Remember my words from before you arrived, about your work having to be satisfactory before we let you near our Reg for anything else?”

Holly’s face fell. “Awe ... yes, Frances. I thought you didn’t mean that seriously; just a joke.”

“It is important that you learn when I am being serious, Holly. I am your boss, remember?”

Holly gave her a mock salute. “Yes, sir, boss lady!”

“Right. As soon as you are settled in with all your luggage unpacked and put away, today’s first duty is a working tour of the building, when you can list all the things that need doing, maintenance-wise, and how often. I have laid out a couple of notebooks and pens for you to use. Repairs are simply to be noted and reported to me, and I will determine the action on these. Some may require a tradesman.

The kitchen area, before we start today, is simply for recognition that the pair of you will need to check it over for any missing implements, materials – dishcloths, etc. – and ingredient supplies. Got it?”

“Yes, Frances,” they chorused.

“When do we start the cooking, Frances?” Carol wanted to know.

“Make that tomorrow. Today is investigation and note-taking day.”

“Okay. We can live with that, cousin.”

Reg found himself tapped on the shoulder from behind, and found it was Freda.

“What’s up, Freda darling?” he grinned.

“My Dad has just been on the phone to me. I emailed him copies of your mother’s documentation, and he says the data is fine and will allow him to get the legal process started, but he needs the originals for the court when it gets to that stage. He wants to get to that stage ASAP, so I need you to authorise passing the originals to him, dear.”

“Of course, Freda. They are no use to me as it is. Their value is when they are in the hands of our lawyer – your Dad. How do we get them to him?”

“He can get a courier firm to collect the parcel from here today, and deliver it to him early tomorrow. He will send me a security code for recognising the courier as genuine. The courier will give you that code when asked for identification.”

“Sounds well planned, Freda. Can I leave you to deal with it from this end? Make sure the parcel is fully secure against tampering.”

“Sure, Reg. I like having a modicum of responsibility. Any message to go with the parcel?”

“Just a message of grateful thanks from this family; and I really mean it, Freda; your Dad is a wonder!”

“Thanks, Reg. I wish I could say the same about your mother, but she is still in the ‘possibly reformed criminal’ category.”

“I understand, Freda. Your assessment is true, so I can’t complain. Just in case I haven’t said so recently, I love you, Freda!”

“You are my own true love as well, Reg. I love being your wife!”

A thought struck Reg. “What about...” then he shut his mouth, remembering he should not ask such questions.

Freda queried, “About what, Reg? You lost me there.”

“Sorry. It was my old difficulty, worrying about costs. I know now to drop such questions. You girls have hammered that into me.”

“In this case, you don’t need to bother about costs, darling. Daddy will ask the court to award costs to you, as the innocent victim, so Daddy’s charges will be paid by the insurers. I can’t imagine any other outcome.”

Reg allowed his relief to show as he said, “Wow! I had read of that, but I admit I hadn’t considered it in this case.”

“Daddy being a lawyer, he would have thought of it from the start, my darling boy. Lawyers are good at getting adequately well paid, you know.”

Reg smiled with pleasure, knowing his father-in-law would be exceedingly well paid; lawyers don’t come cheap. “Great. I am pleased for him, Freda. He deserves all he gets.”

“Huh. I sometimes wonder, Reg. I think some legal costs get inflated, based on the ability of the client to pay; the richer the client, the higher the charges for the same work. It is like antiques and art work, with rarity pushing the price up. In the legal profession, it is often the level of the client’s finances that determines the level of charge. That way, the legal profession are able to take on some cases pro bono publico. Everyone benefits to some extent.”

“I get you. Some of your Dad’s knowledge has rubbed off on you, Freda.”

“Just as well, sometimes. I’d better get that stuff parcelled up and sealed, Reg, in case the courier comes soon.”

“Oh, right. I’ll let you get on with it, love.”

Lunch was a buffet style affair; snacks en masse to be taken and consumed until you were full. Unlikely as it appears, it did not lend itself to discussion. Each member of the family was busy selecting their favourite snacks, or had their mouth full, or were going back for a refill. As a result, Reg’s interaction with the twins was little more than ‘hello’ in passing. Fiona was not permitted to spend time with Reg. She had taken her chance during the morning, so now the others made sure she was diverted.

She had earlier been introduced to the twins; told they were the new staff. They in turn met her as a new resident of the household. It was left unclear for the present what her exact relationship was to the Robertson family. The twins assumed she was a lodger in difficulties, being given help by the family. The fact that she seemed older than the Robertsons made that more probable than a close relationship.

That was the position until it dawned on Fiona that Frances was a cousin of the twins. She became annoyed at this apparent nepotism, giving jobs to relatives, and so when she met the twins during the afternoon in a corridor, she confronted them.

“Girls, I understand you are related to Frances?”

Holly was quick to agree.

“Yes, Frances is our cousin. We were visiting Uncle Paul and Aunt Dolores when we met Reg and the other wives. Reg was a real sweetie, and we were enamoured of him almost at once. He is a man worth being interested in, don’t you think?”

In a moment, Holly had swept Fiona’s assumption into oblivion. The twins’ interest was in Reg, of all things. Deflected by this revelation, Fiona declared, “Yes, I soon found him interesting enough to want him for myself.”

Holly and Carol both halted when they heard this. Carol demanded, “You fancy him as well, do you?”

Fiona suddenly realised what she had revealed, and tried to divert attention away from her.

“What makes you interested in him, girls? Hasn’t he got enough women to satisfy already?”Holly frowned at this and retorted, “Oh, he is happy with his wives, I agree. We just need him to take our virginity for us. We know he is a safe man for that job.”

“Oh, he is good at that job, I agree,” admitted Fiona, then blushed. The twins stared at her, and Carol offered, “Don’t tell me he is fucking you, as well as his wives?”

Fiona found herself stuck for words, despite being years older than these teenagers.

Her silence and red face told its own story. Carol turned to Holly, “He is, Holly. He is fucking her as well! How come?” she demanded of Fiona.

Fiona confessed, “I asked him. I needed a man I could depend on; and a stable family where I could feel comfortable and safe.”

Holly retorted, “No way! You are a liar. Reg wouldn’t fuck you simply because you asked. He has higher ideals than that.”

Carol added, “Frances and the other wives would have to give their permission, for Reg to even touch you. Are you a slut, then?”

Horrified, Fiona declared, “I was a virgin, young lady, and Reg’s wives DID approve of me, after giving me an extensive grilling.”

“A virgin? At your age?” Carol accused.

Fiona responded angrily, “Yes, at my age! I am a graduate, working for my PhD, and until now, I steered clear of entanglements with boys. You don’t seem to have the same high moral standard that I did.”

Holly was not going to let her away with that. “Did? Past tense? You dropped your standards so you could have your way with our Reg?”

“What do you mean, YOUR Reg? He is your employer, girl. You shouldn’t talk of your employer like that.”

The argument had brought attention from elsewhere, and Prudence had heard the last of the exchange. She slipped away to fetch Frances as family policewoman.

Frances was there in moments, and called out, “Girls! Enough of this arguing. It is time you got to know each other properly. Now what was this all about?”

Holly rounded on her cousin, “This hussy has been fucking Reg, we discovered. She claims you gave her permission; as if you would!”

Fiona, in turn, accused the twins, “These two have their eyes on our Reg, Frances. You had better warn them off!”

Frances took ma step back, and regarded the three of them with dismay. This wasn’t what she had planned. She decided she might as well make a clean breast of al the facts.

“Girls, come into this bedroom, all three of you. I need to tell you something.”

She ushered the three into the nearest bedroom, which happened to be Erika’s, but she knew Erika would not mind.

She got all three to sit; the twins on the bed and Fiona on the single chair. She herself remained standing, giving her the height advantage.

“Girls – that means all three of you – you are all starting from a false preconception. Let me tell you: you all are here as potential extra wives, in the future. You are not in competition for Reg’s favour. You are in competition for MY favour, and that of the other wives. Is that clear?”

“What? The staff are here under false pretences?” Fiona was confused.

Frances clarified, “No. We invited them to work here, to cover a multitude of questions, but they had asked me earlier if Reg could remove their hymens for them, before any job offer came. The job is partly to give them work experience, partly to protect them from workplace bullying, and partly to solve an important need by this family – looking after the house and cooking means so that we can all concentrate on our studies. The parents of us wives are all contributing towards their salaries, so they will work hard for their pay, but what happens with Reg as we go on is still unsettled.”

Carol corrected her, “Frances, you said we were ALL here as potential extra wives. Did you really mean that?”

Frances sighed as she answered, “I didn’t mean to say that, but it was the truth. I didn’t want to have you two concentrating on Reg until you grow up a bit more. We wanted you to discover yourselves first, and possibly meet nice boys; and only if that didn’t happen would we be thinking of letting you join our clan in that way. At least that was the plan...”

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The Blind Pig is a story universe of the TSA. Tara's Story By Radioactive Loner [email protected] Copyright 1997-1999 CHAPTER ONE: TARA'S STORY My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I instantly knew something was wrong. My body just... *felt* different... wrong. I looked down at the outline of my body underneath the sheets, and realized immediately I had a major problem. My feet were nowhere near as far away as they used to be, and instead of my potbelly curving gently out...

2 years ago
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The Wifes Sister Visits

This is a true story. My lust filled sister-in-law comes to visit. What an unexpected surprise. Lorrie, wife’s sister wanted to come and visit for a week. She had finished high school and business college. She was 22 years old. When I heard she was coming, I did some arranging in the room to prepare for her arrival. I had a long mirror, which I positioned in the corner so that as I walked by her door, I could see the bed. This turned out to be a great asset. From the day she arrived, the air...

First Time
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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 3 Ch 09

When Sharon awoke the next morning, she stretched leisurely and grinned to herself. The night had indeed been an interesting one and the sex was great. She felt like a new woman and the promise of a new day made her even happier. She slipped quietly from the bed leaving Ted sound asleep. Reaching into her closet, she brought out a slinky see-through night gown that did nothing to hide her luscious figure and silently departed the bedroom. As she started down the hall she suddenly realized she...

1 year ago
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Stay At Home

We received the notice about the school closing down, and had to vacate the dorms.  I felt this would happen when I read about the outbreak of the virus in China, and its spreading to other countries.I called my parents to let them know what was happening.  My dad told me to be safe, and he and my mom would see me when I got home.  It took a couple of days for me to pack up my belongings and load them into my car.I planned to leave Boston, stop to see my sister in North Carolina, and then head...

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Voyeur Wife

My wife Jaq is a very sexy fifty-year-old who never fails to surprise me. On a recent trip to a large hotel in town, she surprised me once again.  We had enjoyed a good night out enjoying a show and a few drinks and we returned to our a hotel a little after midnight.  After a final nightcap, we went up to our room, once there we were soon engaging in some sexy play. Jaq was sucking my cock when I noticed the curtains were still open. I mentioned this and Jaq became very aroused indeed.  After a...

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Wife punishes me for Jerking Off PT3 Chastity

Three months! My wife was going to keep me in a cock cage for three months! Actually, it was threemonths from today, so three months plus one week. Kate circled the date on the calendar.Over next month, weird things happened. While my libido remained in check, my wife’s went off thechart. It started right when she began to wear more and more lingerie around the house. She wouldtease me by saying things like, “I bet you wish your dick was hard now!” and, “Don’t I look great inthis?”I did want my...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sheena 8211 Part IV

Hey friends im really very sori for posting this story late. As my exams wer going on me story likh nai paa raha tha , bt ab me ekdam free hu. Ye story continuation hai sex with sheena part 3 ka. Agar aapne pehle wale part nai padhe hai to jarur padhiye. Me aarush jain aapki seva me haajir hu, sexy aunties, bhabhis aur ladkiya muje mail kare. Me aapke mail ka intezaar karunga. Ab jyada time waste na karte hue me story pe ata hui. Ye story meri aur sheena ki hai, jin logo ne age k parts nai...

2 years ago
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Dating Kelly Part I

I am 25 years old, married, and completely in love with my wife. We have a baby on the way, and this is the first of a series of true stories about our teenage years together, starting with when I first asked her out. If you're just looking for sex, you won't find it yet, not for a few more parts. When I was 16 years old I lost my virginity. I was always pretty shy, despite my ability on the athletic fields of high school, and the musculature that resulted from being a quarterback, wrestler,...

Love Stories
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 902 Nakli Biwiyon Ka Ab Ayega Asli Maza

Narrated by Akash Amit aur main dono aage badhe. Woh dono besharmi ke saat apni gand daaye-baaye hilane lagi. Amit ka to pata nahi. Par mera lund unhe aise lubhawne harkat karte dekh jhatke marne laga. Amit apna sara kapda nikal phekha. Fir Bhawna ke gand ke golayi ko pakad sahlane laga. Woh dekh mein bhi Neetu ke gand ko apne hath mein le liya. Aise ubhare gand ko hath mein lekar sahlane mein maza aa raha tha. Khaas kar jab unki choti si band aur kasi hui ched dekhta to mera lund lohe jaisa...

1 year ago
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Red riding hood

This is a story about red riding hood red riding hood was a sexy thing , she wore a red cape wore bright red lipstick red finger nail polish and red sexy high heels black stockings and red silky underwear, she walked in the woods needing to go to grandmas house along the way she got hungry she couldn't eat what was in the basket for that was for her grandma so she saw some wild berries and ate them. along with drinking some fruit juice she had in her basket. As she was walking the woods she saw...

Erotic Fiction
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The Insouciance of Innocence

THE INSOUCIANCE OF INNOCENCE Twin suns My eyes run Molten tears Burning beds down Cheeks bright With furrowed pain Your nipples Sear my brain Again In her kitchen She charms Cobras risen from The floor The very picture Of domesticity Her tendency to float Notwithstanding I want to tour Her house And pass through walls With her She fits nicely In a box When naked And folded Prehistoric with child Her mouth Surrendered And her eyes full Of dark tears The...

2 years ago
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Star Wars Vader Can Wait

‘P-Dommmm! P-Dommmm!’ The lasers of the Imperial Star Destroyer slammed into the small Rebel ship with unceasing accuracy. “Take that, you Rebel scum!” screamed one of my fellow Stormtroopers as the shields of the Rebel ship were visibly seen to buckle and fail. Everyone from my squad was at the windows watching the battle. All that nonsense about Imperial stoicism is baloney. Most of us were cheering and whooping with delight as we kicked Rebel butt. ‘P-too! P-too!’ came the Rebel return...

2 years ago
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An Absolute Made Sub and Cuckold

A foolish man paid the price of his actions, then found himself after being shown the way by his beautiful blond wife and her black lovers. I was sat in my chair completely dumbstruck, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I had no idea where the DVD I was watching had been made. But in my heart of hearts I could guess why, she knew I had been unfaithful, the perfume, a brush of lipstick, it had all added up, and the interrogation by my wife had nailed me. But this, this was too much, this...

4 years ago
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Two Girls Pt 1

Two Girls - Pt 1 Becky and Simon married when they were just twenty-three years old, now four years ago. They had reasonable jobs, a nice apartment and some fun friends. One night they were visiting a couple of friends for drinks and the subject arose of women waxing their legs. "I hate it, but there's no good alternative," Becky said. "Yeah, who wants to make love to a gorilla," Mike joked and his wife raised her eyebrows at his comment. "It can't be that bad," Simon chipped...

2 years ago
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My cousin and I What Happened Next

We both got onto the bed, and I got on top of her. We began making out. Our boobs pressed up against each other ever so nicely, and we both loved that. Neither one of us really said anything. Although, one thing was for sure, we were hot for each other. We both wrapped our arms around each other, and had our eyes closed. We rolled around a bit, and made some noise in the process. Obviously, our parents were still busy."Shit, we gotta be quiet," Jenna said."Our moms are fucking each other...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 11

Bobby had finished his last class of the day, auto shop. He'd really enjoyed it, as he had most of his classes. He was very pleased with all his teachers, and in each class he felt like he'd been able to connect with at least a couple of the students to start to make new friends. It didn't really register with Bobby that in every case those connections had been with pretty girls. Even with his Mother's instruction and his relationship with Patty, his instincts were still lagging far...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Brandi Love Mommy Wants Meat Brandi Love Gets A Supersized Cock

Beautiful MiLF Brandi Love is simply tight and right in this scene from Jules Jordan. In fact she’s more of a WiLF (woman I’d like to fuck). Her big league assets are on full display, decked out in all red lingerie. The hazel-eyed starlet makes her way to the top of a stairway during a nice tease sequence. It’s at this summit where Brandi and her backside should be bronzed and turned to a statue. She delivers a two-fisted bj to Chris Strokes. Including a wonderful titty fuck sequence that...

2 years ago
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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 18 Orient Express

By the following morning, I was no wiser regarding the visit of the night before. I was at once annoyed and puzzled by the behaviour of Miss Mbute. Was she there at Sir Bristow's instruction, I asked myself, or was there some other motivation for her burglary? It all seemed most irregular. As far as I could tell, nothing was missing. My guests had not been disturbed. There was only the problem of the broken window which was soon resolved by a local glazier who was good enough to replace the...

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How I fucked my neighbors incredibly hot 16yearold gymnast daughter Pt 1

How I fucked my neighbors incredibly hot 16-year-old gymnastics daughter. (I wont post pictures of her, but I can tell you she looks a hell of a lot like Sasha Rose.) I posted this last night, but I didnt get to format it correctly and work out all the typos. A more complete version for your pleasure): It was the beginning of summer, and I had just moved out of my parents house at 23, having founded a successful web startup company earlier on with the help of a few friends. I bought a house...

4 years ago
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Highway Patrol

The roar of the engine filled the early morning desert air as the canary yellow 1996 Viper convertible raced down the empty highway. The young woman at the wheel paid no attention to the tableau around her as it hurried past. Her mind was on much more important matters. To anyone who owned a television, the young redhead's face was instantly recognizable. Right after, that was, they stopped looking at the long smooth, tanned legs that stretched out from her white shorts and the overflowing...

3 years ago
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The Beautiful Taboo

“No, I’ll be there,” Meribal said into the phone. “ I just can’t stay very long today, that’s all. I know, I have too. I’ll be there. Give me twenty minutes.” She gently put the office phone down and walked quickly into the toilet, where she spat as much as she could onto some folded tissue paper and wiped herself around the back. The front she had already done and anyway, it wasn’t so important. “Back in an hour,” she said breezily to her P.A. as the girl watched her leave. Meribal walked...

1 year ago
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Investment Banker8211 Investor8217s Daughter

Hi all iss fans, this is Roy Rahul, one of many vivid iss fans. I am an investment banker by profession, age 25, living in Bangalore. Without further delay, let me start sharing my experiences with you. This story is the beginning of the series which i will continue posting in regular intervals. The only motive is to share my experiences, thoughts etc. which were buried within me since my childhood. Being an investment banker is not an easy job. This not only requires you to be sharp with a...

4 years ago
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Boarding School Ch 02

It was the middle of the night, so school was in session. The limo driver on the other side of the tinted partition remained patiently in his seat for instructions. I stared out at the massive building, not feeling at all gun-ho about being a student here. ‘Your meeting with the Dean is scheduled in five minutes, Mistress.’ The deep rumble belonged to my bodyguard. My father always insisted on them, despite the power I wielded to fend for myself if any threat arose. This particular suite was...

2 years ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain 8

Introduction: Be careful what you wish for Having settled in my place here at the gym , I wandered downstairs to see if I could help out with Donna or Sandra. There were shipments of energy drinks, protein drinks, cases and cases of various juices to stock as the guy with hand trucks kept stacking them behind the juice bar. As he finished, I watched Sandra pay him in cash, over a grand from what I could see. You ladies need some help with that? I asked. No thanks Dano, just mingle with the...

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Muslim Wife Cheats with American Businessman

Nagwa is a beautiful married Muslim woman and mother from Egypt. She looks younger than her age and has a great set of tits and pale white skin with long black hair. She is your typically conservative Muslim wife, she covers up her beauty and has always been faithful to her husband in their 12 years of marriage. Some would call her prude but she has always enjoyed sex with her husband and does whatever he wants to satisfy him! In fact over the last few years she hasn’t been getting as much sex...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 35 Failed

The Chief Eunuch broke the news to Maryam that the Emir now knew that she was not pregnant, but seemed undeterred by the news. He wanted to use all possible means to impregnate her. 'All possible means' sounded frightening, so she asked what means were being considered. Inwardly she remembered that for more than a year now a number of men had had free and unrestrained use of her body and she had not shown the slightest sign of becoming pregnant, even though a number of them had used the...

3 years ago
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(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: March 17, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, explicit sex scenes, group sex ***** ---- BOOK 1 ---- - CHAPTER 1: Rescue - I got home from school, parking my silver used car in its usual spot, and went inside to begin making dinner for myself and my… Well, essentially, my housemate. The girl I lived with was five years older than me, and had practically been a part of my life since I...

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Cassie was a dreamer. It didn't matter where she was, she could always drift off to some fantasy land. Most people found it annoying but she considered it to be one of her greatest traits, being a day dreamer.. although.. it was becoming strange. In her current dream she's walking through a dark endless hallway, the walls rotating impossibly around themselves, their ends seeming to meet their beginnings as the young girl walked daze-like between them, watching them in wonder. She suddenly...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 4

The rest of the summer flew by. Somehow, I managed to cram nineteen weeks of information into fourteen weeks. On my last day, I was surprised when Dan told me that I had finished and passed the class with a 94%. The only official criterion to be a Marshal that I hadn’t met now was a college degree or equivalent military service. Until I graduated in two and a half years, I would be a provisional, part-time Marshal--whatever that meant to the pencil pushers. Nobody I worked with had seemed to...

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Dangerous Dames

I was caught in a game that I just couldn't win. You get beat and you just play again. Thinking this time is the time I win. The time that I win big. The time that for one fuckin brief moment in time everything aligns in my favour for once. Is it really asking that much to get a fuckin lucky break. Just once. That fate, fickle circumstance, God himself, is for one moment actually looking out for your interests instead of every other fucker's. Who gets to decide whose dreams live and whose get...

2 years ago
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A Family Tradition KeptChapter 2

Mary and Helen were being home schooled by my wife, so it had mostly escaped my notice that the long summer school vacation was upon us. The only difference I experienced was that there was less traffic – fewer cars – on the roads during the ‘rush hour’, when it seemed everybody was trying to get to or from work without the extra burden of parents driving their children to and from school. So it was something of a surprise when the doorbell rang one afternoon and we discovered my sister,...

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Sex With Ex Boyfriend

Hi to all my readers , I am Annaya raiker of Bangalore and I am 22 years old. This is my first experience of sex in my life and so I decided to write it here.Well the story goes like this , I usually traveled on my own vehicle to my college once morning I was too late for my college and in the middle of the road road my vehicle stopped because there was no petrol in it. I was already late so I was tensed then came a guy in a i20 car he got down and came towards me luckily he was the handsomest...

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Naughty Nymphos Knot Training UKOZ Ep 4

5Emmanuelle (19 yr old coffee colored Welsh girl)Over the last three shows we’ve visited England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, which only leaves Wales to cover the four nations of the United Kingdom – and it’s to Wales we go next.A pretty girl walking along a sunny street. She has a dancer’s body – lithe and strong, with long legs and a narrow waste, slim arms. She wears ripped skin-tight blue jeans that show off her legs and little ass, and a loose, low cut sweater (when the interview begins...

4 years ago
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A new lesson for an old friend pt5

I wrapped my arm around her waist started to rub her clit again while sucking on her earlobe.Once her eyes closed shut and she pushed her tight bubble ass back at me i knew she was ready.I guided my cock to her twat with my left hand and slowly entered her.My eyes never left her face as she took me, i wacthed her chin drop to her chest as she inhaled sharply and ohhed for me.If i'd had any doubts about her being a virgin before-which i did'nt-i knew for sure now,her pussy was so snug the walls...

3 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 40

"What's the matter, Betsy?" Betsy looked over at her brother and said, "It is just not as much fun swimming without the sharks near me." Smiling at the fact that even when she was depressed Betsy couldn't slow down, William said, "I'm sure." "I felt really complete swimming with them," Betsy said with a sigh. She eased into a simple backstroke straight from treading water and swam away at what was a leisurely pace for her. William watched her swim and thought about her swim...

1 year ago
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Next Door Neighbors Part 2

I have had a nice vacation so far. I fucked Kate, the girl next door, almost on a daily basis. She's a straight freak! My home girl from work Mia, and I hooked up with Kate for a mind blowing threesome. Mia has a fabulous ghetto booty who loves pussy as much as she love dick. One day while Mia was pulling up into the driveway, she noticed Maggie (Kate's mom) was staring her down from the time Mia hit the driveway until she walked through my door. "Who dat bitch?", Mia hissed as she sat her sexy...

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