Reginald's FamilyChapter 9 free porn video

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“In that case, my darling, I’ll be happy to make start on our baby as soon as possible. Even when we take our contraceptive implants out, it takes some time for the body to become fertile again.”

“Ah, yes. I read something about that in a book about fertility; or was it an online article on the subject?”

“The source doesn’t matter, Reg. All that matters is the reliability of the facts stated.”

“Too true, my love. It is like those histories that claim Christopher Columbus brought Syphilis to Europe: a load of rubbish. Tests on human bones from well before Columbus’ time show Syphilis was already in Europe centuries before his time. His men may have brought back a more virulent strain, or people here may have had no immunity to that new strain; but the disease was here all the time.”

Prudence looked at Reg’s face.”Why were you reading up on syphilis, darling? A bit odd, don’t you think?”

“Yes, but I WAS a bid odd at that time. ANY facts were of interest to my mind, no matter how unusual or obscure.”

“Well, I am glad of it, as that brought me to you, my dear husband.”

“Since you put it that way, Prudence, I shall be happy that my interests were so far-reaching and comprehensive. It got me you, and the other girls.”

“One way or another, darling, it got us each other, and I am happy.”

“Have I massaged your forehead enough, Prudence? Need other massages, such as I mentioned?”

She giggled, “Nice as it would be, Reg, I would probably be accused of pre-empting my turn with you. Fiona got told off already, so I don’t want to compound the problem. I’ll look forward to you making love to me properly, later.”

“You are a dear, Prudence my love. You are a great asset to our marriage. I hope Fiona turns out as well as you.”

“We’ll see, Reg. I think she wants to do well for us, but so far doesn’t have the same level of commitment that we have for each other. Give her some time; she may get there eventually.”

“Thanks, Prudence. She may be the first one to have a baby, given that she has no contraceptive in place.”

“So I heard. We will deal with the situation if it arises. Any child of yours we will take into the family; we have already decided on that policy, love.”

“Now why am I not surprised, Prudence?

The phone rang. It was the house phone, not a personal phone. Prudence waited to see who would answer. It was one of the twins, starting their new work.

“Hello, this is the Robertson residence. How may I help you?”

“I see. And which Mrs Robertson did you wish to speak to, sir?”

“Thank you. I shall see if Mrs Frances is available. Please hold the line.”

She went off to find Frances, bringing her to the phone in the hall.

“Hello? Oh, it is you, Sergeant. What news do you have?”

“Really? How unfortunate. What do you want us to do?”

“Very well. What? Oh, that was my cousin, Holly. She is going to work for us at the house.”

“Certainly, if you think that would be helpful. Goodbye.”

“Curious,” Francis said aloud to herself.

Prudence, having found Reg, told him, “Wait here, love, till I get Frances.”

She shouted, “Frances! Can you come in here a moment?”

Frances followed the sound and stopped in front of Prudence and Reg.

Prudence enquired, “Who was that, Frances? Anyone interesting?”

Frances had a slightly puzzled look on her face.

“Police. It was our local Sergeant. It seems that our local crime family have vanished. Officially, they have ‘gone on holiday’, but no-one seems to know where.”

“Odd,” remarked Prudence. “And what else did the sergeant want? It sounded like he surprised you.”

“He did. When I told him about Holly answering the phone, he asked if he could visit and speak with her. It seems he wants to have personal knowledge of all the inhabitants of this building, but he added, ‘just in case’. I was puzzled by his ‘just in case’.”

Reg interjected, “I would be worried, too. That sounds as if he is concerned for us, as a family, or us as residents of this building. To me, it implies he thinks we might be targeted for another attack of some kind. I believe he is trying to become knowledgeable about any new person in our household, as there may be an external connection that could be used against them for entry to the building.”

“Isn’t that a bit strong, Reg? A vendetta against us? You surely don’t seriously imagine that might happen?”

“No idea, love. I am just speculating from the known facts. That family has a record of taking advantage of other people, at any opportunity. Their top priority is themselves, and to hang with morals and laws. I don’t see that as a trait to be ignored, Prudence. It is an abomination in our society, and I will gladly do what I can to counteract it.”

Later in the afternoon, Reg got a call from the Finds Liaison Officer for treasure finds. He had news.

“Mr Robertson?”


“Your Finds Officer here. I have spoken with the Coroner for this area, and described what you have found. You recall it was a concretion?”

“Yes, with a coin edge sticking out. Silver, you thought. You were carefully breaking it up, you said”

“Indeed. We have chemically induced the concretion to separate, and the contents appear to be all silver coins; of what date, we are uncertain, but certainly Roman; the differences in condition may be minimal. For archaeological dating, we must keep the group together for the present. The earliest coin, and the latest coin, will give us a spread of dates, so that the deposit is dated after the earliest coin, and before the most recent one.”

“That makes perfect sense”, said Reg. “What else, sir? You can’t be ringing just to say that.”

“Indeed. The number of coins and their relationship together classifies the find as Treasure, so the Coroner has to have the British Museum make a determination as to disposal, and will have to have a valuation made prior to that. It all means it may be several weeks before the matter comes to a conclusion.”

“Oh.” Reg was a little disappointed. “I see.”

“However, Mr Robertson, my own estimation is that the coins are quite valuable individually, and when the number is totalled up, the value will be in the thousands of pounds; how many thousand will depend on the valuer’s estimate.”

“Gosh!” Reg was flabbergasted. “Thousands?”

“Indeed, Mr Robertson.”

“That’s a lot of money!”

“It is. That is why I questioned your suggestion of donating most of your coins to the university. You were underestimating your find, through inexperience. Besides, you and the farmer are sharing the proceeds, aren’t you?”

“We are, sir. Thank you for reminding me. I shall consult my family before I do anything.”

“Good idea. Your parents merit some consideration in this situation.”

“My parents? Oh, I was not thinking about parents. My father is long dead, and my mother ... well, we were not on good terms for many years.”

“Even so, you should consider your other close relatives – brothers and sisters.”

“Only child, sir, but I have my wives ... wife to consider.”

“Wife, wives? Mr Robertson, is your first name Reginald? You aren’t the university student that has several wives, are you? I remember you said you were married, but I was assuming a normal marriage.”

Reg paused and took a deep breath before replying.

“Why should that matter, sir?”

“It doesn’t, young man. I just find it interesting that a client of mine may be a famous student at our local university.”

“Famous? I am a nobody, sir. My girls are far more important than me.”

“That reaction fits what I heard; so you are the guy! Tremendous. What brought you to do what you did, you and these girls?”

“Sir! Please believe me when I say that it was all rather unexpected, and certainly not what I had in mind when I started my course here.”

“Well, Mr Robertson, you must admit that what you did was quite surprising, perhaps unique. That by itself has given you a reputation. My nephew is a student there. He was the one who told me about it; he was quite astonished by you. He claimed you were a loner, hardly speaking to anyone, and that the girls were unusual as well; something to do with their looks. But, a loner? That is not how I perceive you. You seem perfectly normal, if a little subdued at times.”

“Your nephew was quite correct, sir. That is exactly what I was like. The transformation is all down to Frances and her friends. They inveigled me into a sharing scheme whereby I tutored them and they in turn taught me how to speak with people, and other social abilities that had passed me by in my childhood.”

“Weird! Oh, sorry, Mr Robertson; I didn’t mean to disparage you in any way. It was just so unusual to hear your tale. I am still unclear as to how and why you married them.”

Reg was reticent again, ruminating before replying.

“Sir, I have to confess that Frances is not a pretty girl, and neither were her two friends. They hung together because of that very trait, and that is part of the reason for our success, academically and socially. I had never had a girlfriend, so getting to know them had a considerable impact on me; to my surprise, I found myself falling in love with them. It turned out that they were in a similar situation; their lack of good looks had deterred boys from asking them out, so when I treated them as wonderful women – which they are – they reacted to me much as I reacted to them. Instead of it being me and Frances, it was me and Frances and Erika and Freda. A short while later a very tall girl, Prudence, joined us for much the same reason, though in this case it was her height that was the main difficulty. She was as tall as me. Most boys and men prefer a girl shorter than themselves, and act accordingly, which left Prudence without any suitor. Meeting me and the girls, she sussed out what was happening, and added herself to the mix when she saw how I treated her, even in private; she was so pleased by how she was respected. It worked, and she fitted in; the other girls welcomed her into their select group.

That is how we all came together as a family. Our resulting marriage is not a legal marriage; it is a permanent commitment to each other, which we regard as equivalent to a marriage.

Does that answer all your questions? I get tired of having to explain us to other people, over and over, so I hope you are satisfied.”

Recognising that the young man was becoming peeved, the Finds Liaison Officer put on his most reassuring manner to reply.

“Perfectly satisfied, Mr Robertson. Your unique life is your own; and I hope you enjoy it for many years to come.”

“That is our intention, sir. Can I thank you for your advice regarding the finds?”

“No trouble, Mr Robertson. It is my job; glad to be of help.”

Reg said his goodbyes and concluded the call.

Next morning, there was a follow-up call by the police sergeant to Frances.

“Can I visit you this morning? I shouldn’t need too long, if your new member of staff is available?”

Frances informed him, “If you want to speak to a new resident, there are three: two resident staff and one other student addition to our household. Do you want to speak with all three?”

A startled policeman stammered, “uh, if I may, Mrs Robertson. This is unexpected; I shall have to inform the station that I shall be longer than planned with my visit.”

“Whenever it suits you, Sergeant. We all expect to be at home, as it is still a few days before the semester begins.”

“Thank you, Mrs Robertson. Expect me in about half an hour.”

Frances told all three that they were to be interviewed by the local police. This puzzled them, but no more than Frances, as she still was unclear about his reason for calling.

More or less up to time, the policeman arrived and was admitted. He was quite deferential to Frances, who escorted him to the sitting room, where the twins and Fiona were sitting, chatting. Frances introduced them by name, ending, “Do you want to speak to them together, or individually, Sergeant?”

He announced, “Individually, in private, if I may, Mrs Robertson. Tell me, how do I tell the twins apart?”

“They will let you know who you are speaking to, Sergeant; otherwise, you need to know them to tell them apart. Do you wish them to wear a different set of earrings, for example, to allow you to tell which is which?”

“I don’t think we need to go that far, Mrs Robertson. As long as the second one comes in as the first goes out, I will know it is a different person.”

“Suit yourself, but as twins, you are not likely to get different results.”

“I understand that, but please allow me to try.”

“What sort of questions do you hope to have them answer, Sergeant?”

“The actual questions do not matter as much as the responses. These will tell me how the person thinks; how they perceive people, things, and events.”

“How do you mean?”

“Let me tell you an old story, about a newly settled American community. It was a ‘dry’ town, to suit the God-fearing residents: no alcohol. This was fine until an entrepreneur arrived and proceeded to build his own saloon, despite the protestations of the local church.

The church folk prayed mightily to God to prevent this abomination afflicting their community, but to no avail. Then one night there was a thunderstorm, and a bolt of lightning struck the wooden saloon and set fire to it. The building burned to the ground, and the local folk cheered.

However, the building owner started a law suit, claiming damages from the local church folk for directly or indirectly causing the fire.

The protested mightily, until a judge came to examine the case. He looked over all the evidence, then called the lawyers for both sides to his chambers.

‘Look, gentlemen, I am puzzled. We have here a case where a heathen owner is claiming for damages caused by the power of prayer, and a Christian congregation that in its defence claims their prayers were not responsible!’ He dismissed the case as frivolous on both sides.

The moral is that you can look at the facts in several ways to interpret what is said and done. I have the same judgement to make in my interviews.”

Frances laughed at the story. “I take your point, Sergeant. May I suggest you start with the simpler task? This is Fiona, who just a few days ago joined our community.”

The twins got up and left with Frances, leaving the Sergeant facing Fiona across the table.

He examined the girl in front of him with a professional eye. She appeared slightly older than the Robertson girls, he estimated. What was she doing here, he wondered, and voiced his thought aloud.

“What brings you into this household, Fiona? Pardon me, but what is your full name? Mrs Robertson only said Fiona.”

“Sergeant, in answer to both questions, I am Fiona Prentiss or Robertson.”

The Sergeant raised his eyebrows. “Robertson? So you are a relation of Mr Robertson? A cousin of some kind?”

“No, Sergeant. The Robertson name will become my surname once I officially join this family.”

His brows clamped together as he absorbed this peculiar reasoning, then the penny dropped, as did his jaw.

“What? You intend to be another wife of Reginald?”

“Yes, Sergeant. By my own choice. I have been interrogated by the other Mrs Robertsons, and they have concluded that I can be an acceptable extra wife.”

“The women decided? What about Mr Robertson - Reginald?”

“He is a married man, Sergeant. Surely you understand that means his wives make the decisions?”

The Sergeant looked as if he had been hit with an uppercut. He sat there, unsteady and off his stride. He recognised the truth of what she had said, and marvelled at it.

“So Reginald simply goes along with what his wives say? No input from him at all?”

“Not quite so simple, but getting that way. I had discussed my intentions with him, and he had no objections, provided his ‘girls’ approved me first. When they were heading towards approval, they allowed me to spend a night with Reg, so that we could establish compatibility after he had taken my virginity.”

The Sergeant blinked. “Virginity? What? A university student who was still a virgin?”

“Sergeant, us virgins are not all that rare! All of Reg’s wives were virgins before they met him.”

“Yes, but ... you are better-looking, if I may say so.”

“Why, thank you, Sergeant, but conserving my virginity was my own choice, albeit drummed into me by my father. I gather that the twins are also virgins.”

“Perhaps, but they are much younger and attractive, by the looks of them. What are they, seventeen?”

“Eighteen, actually. They told me they protected each other from predatory males.”

“Anyway, we are not here to talk about them, but about you. Why should you want to participate in what is, to all intents and purposes, Reg’s harem?”

“As the girls explained to me, Sergeant, it is not a harem; it is a group marriage. There is a big difference, and that is why I find that interesting, as a qualified sociologist. No woman is less than any other. They all collaborate on decision-making, and often present Reg with a decision before he even needs it. He values his wives immensely, to the extent that he would risk his own life to save any one of them from harm. What more could a girl want than that?”

“I get that, but it still doesn’t explain why you approached them in the first place. I gather the first contact came from you?”

“This is where it gets complicated, Sergeant. My own mother died while I was young, and years later, my father remarried. My stepmother resented my presence, so pushed for me to go university and live away from home. That way, she got rid of me, most of the time, for several years. I graduated with a Sociology degree, and then was persuaded to then do a PhD in sociology. My stepmother again was the prime mover, and my father doesn’t see her interference for what it is. He imagines she is doing her best for me; but she hasn’t a degree herself, so has no past experience to work from.

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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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A Night At The Sub Shop

This experience is from the summer between my graduation from high school and my entry into college. During this time I worked at the sub shop on the edge of town. It wasn’t a very well known one, and if you weren’t from our town, you never would’ve heard of it. This caused us to have slow periods, where we would be left to our own devices. Only two people ever worked at a time, and I often found myself working with Chyanne on the 4pm to midnight shift. The uniforms we had to wear were a red...

2 years ago
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Colony Ki Aunty Ke Jism Ko Shant Kiya

Hello doston, main kk aur is desi category me, yeh meri pehli story hai. Meri height 5ft 9inches hai, gora hun and athletic type ki body hai. Aur shukriya un sabko jinhone meri pehli stories to saraha aur aache replies diye. Un sabko shukriya. Koi bhi mahila, aunty aur bhabhi agar mere saath is tarah ka koi rishta chahti hain to mujhe email kar sakte hain. Mera email id hai lekin main mumbai, visakhapatnam me rehta hun. Lekin puri koshis karunga kisi doosri jagah bhi aa sakun. Toh doston meri...

4 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 22 Go The Distance

Thursday, October 2, 1997 I woke up to my alarm clock. I was still clutching the cordless phone. I had dried tears around my eyes. The events of last night came flooding back to me. It was such a good day until I screwed it up at the last possible moment. I slogged out of bed and forced myself to get ready for school. I pulled out a blue skirt and tossed it onto my bed. I wasn't feeling happy. I really wasn't into looking cute right now. So I pulled put a black t- shirt and tossed...

1 year ago
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Great Mom Pt4

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was Monday after my sons had spent the weekend with their father, the Monday after I had given them very good blowjob's. I was out most the day running errands for work. I knew my boys would be at home, anxiously waiting for me to come home. I had to admit, I couldn't wait either, and I had been looking forward to sucking their cocks again. My daughter, Tiffany, was over at one of her friends house's for the day/evening. I pulled up into my...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Bani Humsafar

Ye kahani ek aise bhabhi devar ki hai jo dheere dheere ek dushre se pyar kar baithte hain aur humsafar ban jate hain. Doston ye meri pehle kahani hai aur agar aapko pasanad aaye to apna feedback jarur mail kare mera mail id hai Humara ghar gaya(bihar) k ek chote goan me hai aur humlog 3 log rehte hain.Bhaiya 29 sal ek middleclass businessman,bhabhi sheetal 29 sal rang gora,patli kamar 34-30-34 figure hai.Dekhne me bahut sunder hai aur may 24 sal 5’10 height. Ye kahana us samay ki hai jab may...

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My Initiation

It all started when I was in that 1st grade age, maybe a little younger. It might have been the summer between 1st and second, I'm not sure. My front neighbor was Caeser, a kid about a year younger than I. We would hang out and roam around with other kids in our neighborhood. Caeser took me to the house of an older kid named Alex. Alex was about 15 or 16. He was a poor kid, that seemed to always be alone, I never saw his parents around. He had this playhouse type deal, behind his actual...

2 years ago
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A Brothers Love Ch 02

(September 22nd 1994) Lena trembled as she looked up, sickness creeping into her stomach. She didn’t want to go in, didn’t want to accept that this was her new school now. Her old school was so much better, with its deep red brickwork and long green lawns. This place was too big and uninviting. Smooth grey pathways led between sculpted grounds of bark chippings and prim box hedges, up to the large, sweeping steps at the school’s entrance. Huge windows loomed over them from a blank,...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 66

At a local bar in downtown Barrie the owner/bartender was so sure that he was the strongest man around, that he offered a standing $1,000 bet. The bartender would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass, and then hand the lemon to the patron... Anyone who could squeeze two more drops of juice out of it, would win the money. Many people had tried over the years: weight lifters, longshoremen, block layers, etc., but nobody had ever been able to do it. One day, this scrawny...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 3 Kisses

Three hours went by before my mom finally knocked on my door, breaking up my research session. "I brought your suit up," she said through the closed door. "You should probably get ready. People will be arriving soon." "Thanks," I said, as I opened the door to get my bikini from her. "You've been awfully quiet up here," she said. "Is everything alright?" "Yeah, everything's fine mom," I said, lying through my teeth. "Just catching up on my reading." "OK, well get dressed and...

2 years ago
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My wife and our fantasies

My wife is very conservative and somewhat sexually naïve. When we first got together she was 18 and I was 23, she had never sucked a dick or had her pussy eaten and had only had one prior sexual experience and it was not a good one. Over the years, we gave each other pleasure and did make some very passionate love, but with kids and work that spark kind of fizzled. I suggested to her that we should buy some sex toys to spice things up. My wife to my surprise eagerly agreed. We started...

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She sensed the moment he walked into the room, even though he made not a sound. Her pulse quickened at just the scent of his cologne. He stood behind her, and she could feel his hot breath on her neck, which caused her pussy to dampen.Without a word, he reached around and cupped a breast while he kissed and nuzzled her neck. She closed her eyes and moaned as the hard little nub between her legs began to throb. And when he took a single finger and traced an imaginary line slowly down her spine,...

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Shenanigans and Broken Things Degrading Dodger

This is the installment of a story about a guy/girl who gains god-ish-like powers, that are unfortunately not always reliable. This effectively means that you can either play through as a "winner" and toy with other people, or be a "loser" and be the one who gets toyed with. Other paths are stuff like, playing as a male or a futa, and private sex and shared sex. **(W/M) Winner/Male (W/F) Winner/Futa (L/M) Loser/Male ** (L/F) Loser/Futa TL:DR - Skip to chapter three to avoid...

2 years ago
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Forbidden LoveChapter 2

After the final bell, I walked outside to feel the warmth of the late-spring sun on my face. There was a gentle breeze and in the sky several passing puffy white clouds cast a brief shadow across the sidewalk ... spring fever had me tightly in its grip. As I walked unhurriedly down the sidewalk I looked up. A wide smile came to my face when I saw my mother waiting at the curb for me. She was driving my old door-less and topless Jeep that she had helped me purchase for my eighteenth birthday....

3 years ago
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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 08

It was like a vision of heaven, thought Kitty, as she watched the city of Barcelona unfold from distant smudge to clear definition over a period of an hour or so. She knew that Captain Prince had business here in the rookeries of the Raval district, and she also knew that this might be her best chance of escaping his maddening personal and sexual despotism and living her own life, however hazardous. She had a pair of britches and a promise of a rowing boat from Tom, she had a bag of cunningly...

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After I have finished my morning routine, put on a clean sleep shirt, and I’m done in about an hour. I’m downstairs and there is some light cleaning needed to be done from the gathering he had here last night. Sometimes he allows me to join, sometimes he keeps my locked upstairs. Last night I was kept locked in my room. There are moments after he has sent everyone else home he will come up and spend time playing with me, other times I am left alone listening as the door creaks shut. ...

1 year ago
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The Cougar and the Bookstore

Since a few years ago, I noticed a few things about me were changing. I didn't feel any older but gravity had certainly begun its betrayal of loyalty to me. I wasn't happy about that but what's a girl to do? The funny thing about hitting my 50's is that while everything seemed to be in a slow decline, my desire for sex was staging a rebellion. As a young woman, my cravings had a hair trigger on them and, more than a few times, the slightest stray thought of flesh or a glimpse of my own naked...

2 years ago
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Friday 9th March 2012

OK, so this is my first true story. I’ve kind of been in two minds about whether or not to write about myself because I don’t want to come across as too vain or self-centred but it’s been a bit hectic and I can’t really tell anyone about what happened so I’m offloading to you guys. I guess I should start with Adam. Adam has been one of my dad’s friends for almost ten years. He actually started off working for my dad but then he got tired of minimum wage and went elsewhere. Dad didn’t mind, he’s...

1 year ago
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Fall of the Queen

Your name is Blanche Lechat. You are tall attractive 37 years old woman. Your skin is silky white, your face is beautiful – comparable to a Greek sculptures. You have slender hips, firm ass and big round breasts. Your violet silky hair reach below your ass. You love wearing stockings, garter-belts, high-heeled shoes and silky dresses. You love the feel of silk on your skin. You are a Queen of Akein kingdom. You’re a widow after last king and have been ruling for over six years. Your kingdom has...

4 years ago
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The Peeping TomGirl

I am a peeping tom(girl). I mean, aren't we all at some point? Why should the latter half of my teenage years be any different? When walking around at night time, you see windows with lights on, and the curtains or blinds closed, but occasionally you see a window with no restrictions, a clear view inside. Who knows what is going on in that house? Nobody knows until you take a peek. At one point, we lived in a little townhouse, with a back patio and privacy walls on the sides,...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ki Badi Gand Mari

Hi dosto main sachin ek bar fir se hazir hu apni ek new story le kar sorry for the delay…pehle main ap sb ka bhut dhanyawad karta hu meri pichle story ko itna pyar dene ke liye. Agar meri yeh story apko pasand aye please coment at   Pehle jo log mujhe nahi jante main sachin gurgaon se hu meri unar 25 saal hai aur kund ka size apko santusht karne ke liye bhut story ki heroine hai hema fig toh uska qatil karne wala badi gand badi badi chuchi…38-34-40. Rang gora tha uska…   Toh baat aj...

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Shipwrecked Part 1

This story has a fairly long lead in before you get to the action, so be patient, and I hope you think it is worth it. Part 2 will be up shortly as well, which will raise the temperature a lot of degrees more. We’d been away from home now for nearly 3 weeks, and were getting close to our goal. Our boat had conquered 30 foot waves, and horrendous hurricane force winds, and the 6 person crew (four men and two women) had become a slick team, any rough edges having been long since knocked off. ...

4 years ago
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Naked in Military SchoolChapter 12

I knew something was wrong when Drill Instructor Sergeant Saunders woke me up. The two Dobermans knew it, too. "Kennel the dogs," Saunders ordered. I did so, telling the dogs to go into their cages. I tossed my blanket in Goofy's kennel and locked the cage doors. I told Goofy to stay—even when locked he could escape from his cage. "How did you do that?" Sergeant Saunders asked. "I can yell at them all day long and they'll just look at me as if I'm stupid." "Sir, they understand...

2 years ago
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Bridesmaid BethanyChapter 1

I suppose that in today's constantly evolving society, things would have been much easier for me had I simply been either a gay man or a transsexual woman. The stereotype that gay men routinely cross dressed, perpetrated by pop culture's embrace of the outrageous, campy drag queen, was rivaled only by the daytime-talk-show-portrayal of the transsexual as a predatory seducer of straight men. But for a heterosexual, genetic male like myself, to dress as a woman not as the result of a...

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Nisha Massi

Hi to all the fan of ISS..I have been reading these stories ever since I started using internet. I would appreciate it if the ladies send their comments at Though I have been reading these stories for over 9 years now..I am writing a story for the first time. Firstly about myself….I am Rahul Mittal, 25 year unmarried guy with unusual sexual appetite..I masturbate twice or thrice everyday sometimes even 5-6 times especially on Sundays…I am 5’6” weatish complexion, slim built…I belong to a well...

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student lesbians 2

As the weeks gone by, Lisa and Sam’s friends started to notice they were getting closer. Lisa and Sam started to walk around the university holding hands, they would always go out together and would rarely be seen apart. One day out shopping Sam thought it would be a fun idea, to do some photographs with Lisa, taking it in turn to pose for the camera, whilst the other one would be snapping away. Sam’s first problem would be to get Lisa to agree to this. Sam started to think how it...

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One for the BooksThe Hard Earned Bonus

Well, almost two months had gone by since I started my new job at the bookstore, but I was getting no closer to my Camaro, between gas, and dating I just wasnt being able to save money.I was quickly learning, getting what you want is a mixture of who you know, what you know, opportunity.......and leverage.Maybe its time I got in the game...instead of watching it, hey, they say luck favors the bold.I entered work the next day, on a mission, I informed my boss as confidently as I could pretend to...

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EdenChapter 44

"And it's still daylight, sort of," she smiled. He laughed easily. "I gather that you feel pleased about the proposed course of action." "Very pleased," she said. "But you know, I don't like the idea of dealing with this over the communicator. I really think I need to get back to the Gardener and get it talked out with everybody in the same place." He nodded slowly. "That should not be difficult to arrange," he said. "We can have a lander sent down to retrieve us at our...

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Jennifers Shame

At the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own daughter there. 20 years ago it had been a great place and...

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After School Blow Jobs

Fifteen year old Billy was fiddling with the radio in his friend Kyle's ten year old Mustang. Kyle was a year older than Billy but they were in the same grade at Hilton High School because the older boy had skipped too much school the year before and stayed back. They lived in the same apartment complex on the edge of town and had been friends since they were toddlers. Kyle had been mumbling something while Billy attempted to find a good rock and roll station on the radio. "What?" Billy...

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The Summer I Broke My LegChapter 11

As I made my way back home, I noticed Allison’s car in the driveway. I was hoping she’s home for lunch and has time to give me a nooner, since Dad won’t be back for another ten days. On this day in history - I had my first wish come true. As soon as I walked in, Allison met me in the front room with a smile that made my cock get hard, even though Perle Clifford had just ridden my cock for an hour. “I’m so glad you came home just now. Hurry and get your clothes off. I need you like you would...

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Needed to share

let me tell about how it feels when I first penetrate my girlfriend's pussy... I write this as I stare at her masturbate and read to her out loud what I'm writing... Inspiration is just flowing right now... Her pussy is always moist by the time she takes off her jeans. She rarely wears any undies, because she knows how crazy I get when I find out. I typically like to sit her down on a table so I can savor the magical sight when I spread her legs. First she'll slide a finger quickly up and down...

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Kolkata Ka Male Escort

Hello readers …!! My name is samrat and main kolkata ka rehne wala hoon aur meri age 22 hai and main ek college student hoon lekin abhi main ek part time male escort hu. Maine apni pehli kahani “soni ki kahani meri jubani” post kari thi.. Pyar and response ke liye thank you very much, special thanks to my special bhabhi for your love… Ye kahani bilkul sachhi hai, agar achi lage toh please mail kare… Baat kuch month pehle ki hai ki kaise main ek male gigolo bana actually hua ye ki jb mera...

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Darkness and LightChapter 3 The wish of a Queen

After Athea’s decision to leave Falkath, they sent servants to call for the Clan-Chiefs. Now back at the hall, Roban had taken his seat on the Throne of Blood. He watched the opposing forces; about fifty Norgar Clan-Chiefs, Ognar and Gyorak among them, were facing his little sister with Iane at her side. The rest of their friends had fanned out behind them. “I called for you to let you know about some decisions I have made,” Athea told the gathered Chiefs. “You mean decisions, the...

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