ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 25
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“In that case, my darling, I’ll be happy to make start on our baby as soon as possible. Even when we take our contraceptive implants out, it takes some time for the body to become fertile again.”
“Ah, yes. I read something about that in a book about fertility; or was it an online article on the subject?”
“The source doesn’t matter, Reg. All that matters is the reliability of the facts stated.”
“Too true, my love. It is like those histories that claim Christopher Columbus brought Syphilis to Europe: a load of rubbish. Tests on human bones from well before Columbus’ time show Syphilis was already in Europe centuries before his time. His men may have brought back a more virulent strain, or people here may have had no immunity to that new strain; but the disease was here all the time.”
Prudence looked at Reg’s face.”Why were you reading up on syphilis, darling? A bit odd, don’t you think?”
“Yes, but I WAS a bid odd at that time. ANY facts were of interest to my mind, no matter how unusual or obscure.”
“Well, I am glad of it, as that brought me to you, my dear husband.”
“Since you put it that way, Prudence, I shall be happy that my interests were so far-reaching and comprehensive. It got me you, and the other girls.”
“One way or another, darling, it got us each other, and I am happy.”
“Have I massaged your forehead enough, Prudence? Need other massages, such as I mentioned?”
She giggled, “Nice as it would be, Reg, I would probably be accused of pre-empting my turn with you. Fiona got told off already, so I don’t want to compound the problem. I’ll look forward to you making love to me properly, later.”
“You are a dear, Prudence my love. You are a great asset to our marriage. I hope Fiona turns out as well as you.”
“We’ll see, Reg. I think she wants to do well for us, but so far doesn’t have the same level of commitment that we have for each other. Give her some time; she may get there eventually.”
“Thanks, Prudence. She may be the first one to have a baby, given that she has no contraceptive in place.”
“So I heard. We will deal with the situation if it arises. Any child of yours we will take into the family; we have already decided on that policy, love.”
“Now why am I not surprised, Prudence?
The phone rang. It was the house phone, not a personal phone. Prudence waited to see who would answer. It was one of the twins, starting their new work.
“Hello, this is the Robertson residence. How may I help you?”
“I see. And which Mrs Robertson did you wish to speak to, sir?”
“Thank you. I shall see if Mrs Frances is available. Please hold the line.”
She went off to find Frances, bringing her to the phone in the hall.
“Hello? Oh, it is you, Sergeant. What news do you have?”
“Really? How unfortunate. What do you want us to do?”
“Very well. What? Oh, that was my cousin, Holly. She is going to work for us at the house.”
“Certainly, if you think that would be helpful. Goodbye.”
“Curious,” Francis said aloud to herself.
Prudence, having found Reg, told him, “Wait here, love, till I get Frances.”
She shouted, “Frances! Can you come in here a moment?”
Frances followed the sound and stopped in front of Prudence and Reg.
Prudence enquired, “Who was that, Frances? Anyone interesting?”
Frances had a slightly puzzled look on her face.
“Police. It was our local Sergeant. It seems that our local crime family have vanished. Officially, they have ‘gone on holiday’, but no-one seems to know where.”
“Odd,” remarked Prudence. “And what else did the sergeant want? It sounded like he surprised you.”
“He did. When I told him about Holly answering the phone, he asked if he could visit and speak with her. It seems he wants to have personal knowledge of all the inhabitants of this building, but he added, ‘just in case’. I was puzzled by his ‘just in case’.”
Reg interjected, “I would be worried, too. That sounds as if he is concerned for us, as a family, or us as residents of this building. To me, it implies he thinks we might be targeted for another attack of some kind. I believe he is trying to become knowledgeable about any new person in our household, as there may be an external connection that could be used against them for entry to the building.”
“Isn’t that a bit strong, Reg? A vendetta against us? You surely don’t seriously imagine that might happen?”
“No idea, love. I am just speculating from the known facts. That family has a record of taking advantage of other people, at any opportunity. Their top priority is themselves, and to hang with morals and laws. I don’t see that as a trait to be ignored, Prudence. It is an abomination in our society, and I will gladly do what I can to counteract it.”
Later in the afternoon, Reg got a call from the Finds Liaison Officer for treasure finds. He had news.
“Mr Robertson?”
“Your Finds Officer here. I have spoken with the Coroner for this area, and described what you have found. You recall it was a concretion?”
“Yes, with a coin edge sticking out. Silver, you thought. You were carefully breaking it up, you said”
“Indeed. We have chemically induced the concretion to separate, and the contents appear to be all silver coins; of what date, we are uncertain, but certainly Roman; the differences in condition may be minimal. For archaeological dating, we must keep the group together for the present. The earliest coin, and the latest coin, will give us a spread of dates, so that the deposit is dated after the earliest coin, and before the most recent one.”
“That makes perfect sense”, said Reg. “What else, sir? You can’t be ringing just to say that.”
“Indeed. The number of coins and their relationship together classifies the find as Treasure, so the Coroner has to have the British Museum make a determination as to disposal, and will have to have a valuation made prior to that. It all means it may be several weeks before the matter comes to a conclusion.”
“Oh.” Reg was a little disappointed. “I see.”
“However, Mr Robertson, my own estimation is that the coins are quite valuable individually, and when the number is totalled up, the value will be in the thousands of pounds; how many thousand will depend on the valuer’s estimate.”
“Gosh!” Reg was flabbergasted. “Thousands?”
“Indeed, Mr Robertson.”
“That’s a lot of money!”
“It is. That is why I questioned your suggestion of donating most of your coins to the university. You were underestimating your find, through inexperience. Besides, you and the farmer are sharing the proceeds, aren’t you?”
“We are, sir. Thank you for reminding me. I shall consult my family before I do anything.”
“Good idea. Your parents merit some consideration in this situation.”
“My parents? Oh, I was not thinking about parents. My father is long dead, and my mother ... well, we were not on good terms for many years.”
“Even so, you should consider your other close relatives – brothers and sisters.”
“Only child, sir, but I have my wives ... wife to consider.”
“Wife, wives? Mr Robertson, is your first name Reginald? You aren’t the university student that has several wives, are you? I remember you said you were married, but I was assuming a normal marriage.”
Reg paused and took a deep breath before replying.
“Why should that matter, sir?”
“It doesn’t, young man. I just find it interesting that a client of mine may be a famous student at our local university.”
“Famous? I am a nobody, sir. My girls are far more important than me.”
“That reaction fits what I heard; so you are the guy! Tremendous. What brought you to do what you did, you and these girls?”
“Sir! Please believe me when I say that it was all rather unexpected, and certainly not what I had in mind when I started my course here.”
“Well, Mr Robertson, you must admit that what you did was quite surprising, perhaps unique. That by itself has given you a reputation. My nephew is a student there. He was the one who told me about it; he was quite astonished by you. He claimed you were a loner, hardly speaking to anyone, and that the girls were unusual as well; something to do with their looks. But, a loner? That is not how I perceive you. You seem perfectly normal, if a little subdued at times.”
“Your nephew was quite correct, sir. That is exactly what I was like. The transformation is all down to Frances and her friends. They inveigled me into a sharing scheme whereby I tutored them and they in turn taught me how to speak with people, and other social abilities that had passed me by in my childhood.”
“Weird! Oh, sorry, Mr Robertson; I didn’t mean to disparage you in any way. It was just so unusual to hear your tale. I am still unclear as to how and why you married them.”
Reg was reticent again, ruminating before replying.
“Sir, I have to confess that Frances is not a pretty girl, and neither were her two friends. They hung together because of that very trait, and that is part of the reason for our success, academically and socially. I had never had a girlfriend, so getting to know them had a considerable impact on me; to my surprise, I found myself falling in love with them. It turned out that they were in a similar situation; their lack of good looks had deterred boys from asking them out, so when I treated them as wonderful women – which they are – they reacted to me much as I reacted to them. Instead of it being me and Frances, it was me and Frances and Erika and Freda. A short while later a very tall girl, Prudence, joined us for much the same reason, though in this case it was her height that was the main difficulty. She was as tall as me. Most boys and men prefer a girl shorter than themselves, and act accordingly, which left Prudence without any suitor. Meeting me and the girls, she sussed out what was happening, and added herself to the mix when she saw how I treated her, even in private; she was so pleased by how she was respected. It worked, and she fitted in; the other girls welcomed her into their select group.
That is how we all came together as a family. Our resulting marriage is not a legal marriage; it is a permanent commitment to each other, which we regard as equivalent to a marriage.
Does that answer all your questions? I get tired of having to explain us to other people, over and over, so I hope you are satisfied.”
Recognising that the young man was becoming peeved, the Finds Liaison Officer put on his most reassuring manner to reply.
“Perfectly satisfied, Mr Robertson. Your unique life is your own; and I hope you enjoy it for many years to come.”
“That is our intention, sir. Can I thank you for your advice regarding the finds?”
“No trouble, Mr Robertson. It is my job; glad to be of help.”
Reg said his goodbyes and concluded the call.
Next morning, there was a follow-up call by the police sergeant to Frances.
“Can I visit you this morning? I shouldn’t need too long, if your new member of staff is available?”
Frances informed him, “If you want to speak to a new resident, there are three: two resident staff and one other student addition to our household. Do you want to speak with all three?”
A startled policeman stammered, “uh, if I may, Mrs Robertson. This is unexpected; I shall have to inform the station that I shall be longer than planned with my visit.”
“Whenever it suits you, Sergeant. We all expect to be at home, as it is still a few days before the semester begins.”
“Thank you, Mrs Robertson. Expect me in about half an hour.”
Frances told all three that they were to be interviewed by the local police. This puzzled them, but no more than Frances, as she still was unclear about his reason for calling.
More or less up to time, the policeman arrived and was admitted. He was quite deferential to Frances, who escorted him to the sitting room, where the twins and Fiona were sitting, chatting. Frances introduced them by name, ending, “Do you want to speak to them together, or individually, Sergeant?”
He announced, “Individually, in private, if I may, Mrs Robertson. Tell me, how do I tell the twins apart?”
“They will let you know who you are speaking to, Sergeant; otherwise, you need to know them to tell them apart. Do you wish them to wear a different set of earrings, for example, to allow you to tell which is which?”
“I don’t think we need to go that far, Mrs Robertson. As long as the second one comes in as the first goes out, I will know it is a different person.”
“Suit yourself, but as twins, you are not likely to get different results.”
“I understand that, but please allow me to try.”
“What sort of questions do you hope to have them answer, Sergeant?”
“The actual questions do not matter as much as the responses. These will tell me how the person thinks; how they perceive people, things, and events.”
“How do you mean?”
“Let me tell you an old story, about a newly settled American community. It was a ‘dry’ town, to suit the God-fearing residents: no alcohol. This was fine until an entrepreneur arrived and proceeded to build his own saloon, despite the protestations of the local church.
The church folk prayed mightily to God to prevent this abomination afflicting their community, but to no avail. Then one night there was a thunderstorm, and a bolt of lightning struck the wooden saloon and set fire to it. The building burned to the ground, and the local folk cheered.
However, the building owner started a law suit, claiming damages from the local church folk for directly or indirectly causing the fire.
The protested mightily, until a judge came to examine the case. He looked over all the evidence, then called the lawyers for both sides to his chambers.
‘Look, gentlemen, I am puzzled. We have here a case where a heathen owner is claiming for damages caused by the power of prayer, and a Christian congregation that in its defence claims their prayers were not responsible!’ He dismissed the case as frivolous on both sides.
The moral is that you can look at the facts in several ways to interpret what is said and done. I have the same judgement to make in my interviews.”
Frances laughed at the story. “I take your point, Sergeant. May I suggest you start with the simpler task? This is Fiona, who just a few days ago joined our community.”
The twins got up and left with Frances, leaving the Sergeant facing Fiona across the table.
He examined the girl in front of him with a professional eye. She appeared slightly older than the Robertson girls, he estimated. What was she doing here, he wondered, and voiced his thought aloud.
“What brings you into this household, Fiona? Pardon me, but what is your full name? Mrs Robertson only said Fiona.”
“Sergeant, in answer to both questions, I am Fiona Prentiss or Robertson.”
The Sergeant raised his eyebrows. “Robertson? So you are a relation of Mr Robertson? A cousin of some kind?”
“No, Sergeant. The Robertson name will become my surname once I officially join this family.”
His brows clamped together as he absorbed this peculiar reasoning, then the penny dropped, as did his jaw.
“What? You intend to be another wife of Reginald?”
“Yes, Sergeant. By my own choice. I have been interrogated by the other Mrs Robertsons, and they have concluded that I can be an acceptable extra wife.”
“The women decided? What about Mr Robertson - Reginald?”
“He is a married man, Sergeant. Surely you understand that means his wives make the decisions?”
The Sergeant looked as if he had been hit with an uppercut. He sat there, unsteady and off his stride. He recognised the truth of what she had said, and marvelled at it.
“So Reginald simply goes along with what his wives say? No input from him at all?”
“Not quite so simple, but getting that way. I had discussed my intentions with him, and he had no objections, provided his ‘girls’ approved me first. When they were heading towards approval, they allowed me to spend a night with Reg, so that we could establish compatibility after he had taken my virginity.”
The Sergeant blinked. “Virginity? What? A university student who was still a virgin?”
“Sergeant, us virgins are not all that rare! All of Reg’s wives were virgins before they met him.”
“Yes, but ... you are better-looking, if I may say so.”
“Why, thank you, Sergeant, but conserving my virginity was my own choice, albeit drummed into me by my father. I gather that the twins are also virgins.”
“Perhaps, but they are much younger and attractive, by the looks of them. What are they, seventeen?”
“Eighteen, actually. They told me they protected each other from predatory males.”
“Anyway, we are not here to talk about them, but about you. Why should you want to participate in what is, to all intents and purposes, Reg’s harem?”
“As the girls explained to me, Sergeant, it is not a harem; it is a group marriage. There is a big difference, and that is why I find that interesting, as a qualified sociologist. No woman is less than any other. They all collaborate on decision-making, and often present Reg with a decision before he even needs it. He values his wives immensely, to the extent that he would risk his own life to save any one of them from harm. What more could a girl want than that?”
“I get that, but it still doesn’t explain why you approached them in the first place. I gather the first contact came from you?”
“This is where it gets complicated, Sergeant. My own mother died while I was young, and years later, my father remarried. My stepmother resented my presence, so pushed for me to go university and live away from home. That way, she got rid of me, most of the time, for several years. I graduated with a Sociology degree, and then was persuaded to then do a PhD in sociology. My stepmother again was the prime mover, and my father doesn’t see her interference for what it is. He imagines she is doing her best for me; but she hasn’t a degree herself, so has no past experience to work from.
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
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Group SexShe was the first to spot them. “Over there.” Lily said. The whiff of excitement in her tone revealed she had gotten sight of a hot guy. The other girls, even Sarah, looked at where Lily had nodded. “Mmm, the right one…” Jessica licked her lips as a way to amplify what she had just said. “What about the blonde guy?” Sarah added. “He looks pretty cute. I think he…” A shout overruled her voice. “Mom!” The others girls laughed, as Emma started to lecture her mother about how to behave around...
TabooHi mera Jack hai(fake name) aur mein iss ka bohat purana reader hu. Maine yaha par bohat saari stories padhi hai aur mujhe sab se zyada desi stories padhna pasand hai. Ab mein apne baare mein batata hu mera naam Jack hai aur Mumbai mein thane district mein rehta hu, mein dikhne mein itna kuch khaas nahi hu meri body slim hai aur mere lund ki size 6 inch hai. Yeh kahani meri life ki real ghatna hai jo meri girlfriend ke bua ke saath ghati thi. Meri gf ki bua ka naam Renuka hai(fake name to hide...
My name is Louise. I work in the beauty department of a major chain of stores that caters to the rich and famous in the larger portion of our town. I started here because I didn't want to go into an office and be stuck there on a 9-5 basis. No, my life's ambition was not to work at the beauty counter and spritz people with the latest perfumes as they walk by, but it got the bills paid; and I was always on top of the beauty scene and got a nice discount on my favorite scents. I also got to see...
Erotic"Fuck" thought Kate "Fuck that goddamn alarm" she rolled out of bed and squinted at the light spilling in through her bedroom window. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* "GODAMMIT!" she screamed as she fell face first into her pillow and slammed down on the alarm. "Oh shit wait my alarm was on my phone" she whimpered. "Kate, what's all that screaming about? It's Saturday morning what are you doing up?" yelled her mom from downstairs. "Saturday? Had she...
That week had been long and hard at work.On Friday I was really looking forward to going out with the girls from the office for happy hour. All of them were funny girls, but they were so much younger than me. And they have been trying to get me to go out with them for months. Finally my lovely husband agreed to stay home as I would go out with my girlfriends…The girls had told me to wear something nice and sexy.I went that Friday dressed as usual to the office; but I packed another sexy outfit...
The night's drinking left me with a hangover and a foul taste in my mouth. It also left me with absolutely no short term memory of the night before. I brushed my teeth while I considered a shower. The two older men had gone for the day, so I could do it without any fear of an unwanted visitor. Since the Guest House's owner never came around before noon, and then hung out for only a couple of hours, I didn't have to fear him either. What the hell, I thought. I hadn't taken an early...
"Mmmm Hmmmm?" I thought to myself. "What the fuck?" I sat frozen in my chair, putting two and two together. No wonder Lady had seemed so familiar. Lady, was my Mom! "I'm goin ta sleep sugar, lock up will ya?" "Sure thing" I said in a daze. I heard her walk through the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. I sat there reliving the evening in my head and recognized a lot of the things I had missed in my lusted haze. The blond ponytail had thrown me off. Her pussy had been completely...
Is story mein ek buddha watchmanjo hamare ghar ke samne jo baithta hai, meri biwi ko apna pyaar jatata hai aur biwi us pyaar ka inaam deti hai…. Jaise aapko pata hai hum dono bahut kinky hain aur hame try karna pasand hai sex mein…..Yeh ek fantasy hai hamari jo hum shaayad kabhi sach ker dein….. Hamare ghar ke samne he colony ka gate tha jis per ek buddha watchman tha….Woh raat ko aata tha…Kareeb 60 ka hoga aur bahut helpful tha….Hame us per pura bharosa tha….Ek baar mera plan ban gaya bahaar...
This is your first day. The first day of your new life, Your new beginning. Goodbye to London and hello to Ravenswood. This is what you've been waiting for your whole your life. This is what you've wanted since you were knee-high. And now it's yours. Your about to begin your first year at Ravensworth College studying Physical Education in the hopes of becoming a sports teacher. You arrived and now it's time for you to meet your dorm mates. You stare at the closed door and sigh gently to...
GaySomething unlimited is a lewd superhero-themed resource management game. Al that you nerds ever talk about is how hot some superhero slut is or who the fuck would win in a fight. I get it. Some of these babes are hot as all hell. I’d love to have that elastic bitch from the Incredibles all tangled up. Could you imagine the crazy positions you could fuck her in? Damn. Oh, right, superheroes. Don’t you wish you could gather up all of your favorite superhero babes into one place? Imagine binding...
Free Sex GamesCarol Heath reasoned that she was hardly in need of any sort of stimulant; she had thought of little else but the inciting arrangement of their "dinner," party since the passion-arousing episode with Max Keele the day before. Nonetheless, she had drunk three of his absinthe concoctions while watching the lewdly erotic performance of the two naked girls on the TV screen. Though she had never thought of herself as having the slightest lesbian tendencies, she couldn't deny the added sensual...
When Marley Brinx is around, there is no telling what kind of scandalous situations she is going to get herself into. The tatted teen loves fucking her not quite uncle so much, she does not even care whether her annoying aunt finds out! She tosses him alluring looks all day until the old lady finally leaves. Then, she makes her move. She comes into the house and grabs her not quite uncles cock, getting it stiff as a board before whipping it out onto her eager tongue. Then, she blows the lucky...
xmoviesforyou100% fiction! In my first installment, 'Akiko and My Dad', I revealed the true story of how my father seduced my na've japanese wife into having sex with him. Being a very honest and open person, she told me what had happened in very specific detail. My first reaction was to send my crippled father to a senior home; but Akiko, reminded me that he was so old and handicapped; and, since we were his only living family, we needed to continue to care for him. Somehow, I agreed to allow her to...
IncestOk, so I'm in college. love to party, drink, and fuck, and occasionally study. However, i really like fucking. relationships are cool bu t i guess i haven't found the right girl yet because whenever I get into a relationship i always find myself fucking around with other gorgeous women. I don't mean for it to happen but it does. I mean what, i have high standard, and am attractive. Girls basically throw the ass at me. Like i said I haven't found the It girl yet or else i would be able to fight...
Let me introduce again -I am Abijeet R. and my wife Nitisha .R, well you must had read the first series which I told about my kinky fantasies where I saw my wife Nitisha having sex with other man (Vijay). I wanted to see how my wife goes wild with him, naughty, hidden lust of another man. We loved each other since college days so trust and bonding has been strong. First she hesitated to have other man in our sex life reason was my jealously & Indian culture. But I made everything ease and told...
My New Job Part 1 I was on my way to his office in Chicago. The plane ride had made me listless and being cooped up in an area that confined usually makes me horny. There’s nothing else to think about! So here I was walking in a very tight sexy, somewhat office appropriate outfit, very wet and ready to be taken to bed. I could feel my stockings clinging to my thighs trying to stay warm, the garter getting stuck in the creases of my lower body. Other parts of my body told me I was very...
So, here I am (Ridzy)as promised to my followers, readers and well wishers to share with them another recount of my life and my experiences, the previous chapter engulfed the beginning of my journey from a small town girl to a professional escort, this would be a renaissance of how I advance with it, my life, my decisions, my choices, my will , my desire and all that love mean’s to me because somebody rightly remarked; love isn’t just about feeling good, it’s about doing what you don’t want to...
Hi Friends , Kaise ho sab es Teacher ki aap ne pehle b 2 stories Pad chuki hai “Desi Jatt mood in sex” and “Neeru” jo aap logo ne pehle b both pasand ki .Ab main aap k liye ek or story jo abbi abbi huyi tazza tazza sexy sexy real story hai. Jo mere barre main nahin jaante unko btaa du I m ravi from Punjab 25 m .Muje meri colony ki ladkiyaa jo ab muje kaam dev kehne lag gayi hai lakin meri colony k log muje sab se sareef or Asshaa pda likha huya ladka samjte hai so esi liye to unho ne mere paas...
Notebooks on Girl-Making by Salomeee Notebook II: Full time slave Chapter 6 It was a rainy Sunday, and I couldn't agree with anybody to let me do her shift at the Cafe, so there I was, alone and bored. I wasn't at home very much, so I didn't even have a TV. I tried to keep sleeping until later, but I couldn't. I felt somehow nostalgic and a bit depressed. You know how bad Sundays get when you're alone and had nothing to do. I didn't expect to see you, either, as I know you...
John Edwards sighed, he tossed the letter in the trash and went back to viewing the snapshots Lance had sent him. The female swim team looked as delicious as warm pie ala mode. He’d paid out a wad of cash to arrange for the eight members of the team to pose nude for him. Lance had done the job for free, once the girls agreed to appear in his live web cam shows. He had all ready enjoyed cumming over the group shot. His semen had erupted out of his cock and exploded all over the glossy print. Mr....
Continuing from – Interview for Personal secretary position _II After fucking boss number two for four hours where he poured his cum into my, I was just getting used to the pounding I have to undergo for next six months. Boss number three came from the bathroom and asked my enter it. I went inside and he said. Kneel down babe…and suck…I sucked his cock again and he then pissed on my. Baby drink this and poured his piss into mouth. I drank as much possible and poured on tits. He took a glass...
Terry At first it was the perfect home coming. Clarissa was caring and loving in spite of the hell she put me through with her teasing and tormenting. Thing is, the subbie in me liked that part. She was driving me crazy with the need to cum and I lost count how many times she brought me right to the edge. To my surprise I had actually a good time but then we had done this before. The only difference, in the end I got to fuck her and our combined orgasms were absolutely mind blowing after...
(When we left Sally, she was in bed with a new acquaintance named Martha. They were surprised by a third person, whom Sally was very happy to see. I don't think it will be a surprise to anyone who knows Sally just who the third person is. We pick up the next morning.) Sally woke up and her nose itched. She tried to scratch it. For some reason she couldn't. She tried again. Nope, her hand didn't want to seem to move. She wiggled her nose. That didn't help. Opening her eyes seemed to be...
I was always toying with my partner about being a Sub Slut. In my personal life I am quite the opposite so it would be a tough transition for me but was still interested somewhat. We have pretty much done it all sexually and some things were much more enjoyed than others , but both of us always open to new possibilities. We always felt that if two consenting adults agreed on something and no one was forced than it did not matter how crazy, kinky , or bizarre it may seem. I have turned out to be...
It wasn’t until one day while exploring the site that we discovered the forums and the stories, and we loved them both. The only problem was that sometimes the forum discussions and the stories having to do with consensual incest would piss me off. I was amazed at what some people would say or write about a subject they obviously knew little about. I was left with the impression that perhaps these people had had a bad experience, or it wasn’t what they had expected, or they were misinformed,...
When they untied me I thought I could break loose but the two of them together were far stronger than I'am and easily held me until we got to the basement where the dungeon was. It wasn't much of a dungeon except it was sound proof and had shackles embedded in the wall to hold me by my wrists and ankles. Many times my husband had shackled me and whipped me until I begged for mercy. Once secured I couldn't go anywhere. When they removed my blindfold I saw my husband and son staring at...
Hello everyone and my name is Sanket. I am 18 a pure bottom height 5.10 with fair colour skin and before I just jump on to my story. I would like to say that all the criticisms and suggestions regarding the story are welcomed at It is a story of emotions and so those who are looking for quick sex will be disappointed. It is going to be my first story on ISS so please forgive me for my mistakes. So starting with the story everything was just going normal. I used to go my university regularly...
Take Your Daughter to Work Day Belladonna David Paris stared at his son with a slack jaw. His eyes peered over to the appalled look on his ex-wife's face as she processed their son's words. "What do you mean you're jealous of other girls?" Diana inquired, placing her hands on her hips as she did so. Her young son cowered while he said, "They get all the attention. Everyone tells them that they're pretty. They get to wear dresses and go to work with their...
Allie relived her recent adventure with Sam every moment of each and every day. It didn’t seem to matter where she was or what she was doing. He was there. Right behind her eyelids. Taking her again and again with his talented tongue. She squirmed in her seat. The heat of his memory was intoxicating all of the tiny spaces within her being. “Are you even listening?” Allie’s head snapped back to her lunch partner. Bambi sat across the linoleum topped table in the closest dinner to their campus....