Six Times A DayPart 56 Bad to the Bone
- 3 years ago
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So that's how I got to be an honorary Belevere – of the Fox Avenue Beleveres. I was still Chris Harcourt. And I was still hated or ignored or looked down on or whatever at school, 'cause I had gotten Morrisette pregnant. Only Lu didn't think so – I guess she was the only one – and I maybe didn't think so.
The next day, Mr. B. and Mrs. B. had a long talk with me. Lu just sat and listened.
"Chris," Mr. B. said, "it concerns me that you don't seem very upset about your parents." He paused, but I didn't say anything. It didn't seem to me that he asked a question or anything. "Maybe you're keeping your feelings bottled up inside. It's not real good to keep things inside. You have to let them out. You can always talk to me or Marilee or Lucy. Or we can arrange for you to talk with a doctor who knows about these things." Then he stopped and looked at me.
He waited a long time, so I thought it was my turn. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. Mom and dad are dead. Nothing I say or do will change that. I don't feel bad about it, 'cause they always told me that someday they were going to die. They were getting me ready to live on my own. I guess that day is now.
"I am just trying to figure out what to do next. I'm not real smart, I know that. I can't read worth a lick, and math is confusing. But I'm not a dummy either. I understand all kinds of stuff. And I'm way good at the CAD program dad was showing me on the computer. I was learning from the college courses he got for me on CD. On top of all that, I don't speak many goodlies." I used the word completely wrong, and I had a little smile on my face. They all listened, and then Lu started to laugh, then Mrs. B. got it, and her husband did, too.
Lu reached across the kitchen table, where this was taking place, and put her hand on my left arm. "You do just fine, kiddo." The fact that she was willing to even touch my left arm – which didn't work real good, and was much smaller and shorter than my right arm, cause I didn't exercise the muscles there – meant a lot to me.
I looked down at where she touched me. My voice was thick, like I was almost crying, but I wasn't, and I said, "Thanks, Lu. You're my best friend – even if you're a mighty, mighty Junior in High School now." And then I smiled at her.
She smiled back.
There was a funeral at the East Side Memorial Home where a whole bunch of people I didn't really know came to see my parents. There were two caskets and a picture of my parents on a stand. There were lots of flowers from a bunch of people. Mostly they were people from the local neighborhood, who came and patted me on the shoulder and said stuff like 'Don't worry.' and 'It will pass.' And 'You'll feel better soon.' And like that. Oh, the best one was 'At least they didn't suffer.'
I wasn't worried. What was supposed to pass? And I didn't really feel sick or anything, so I didn't expect to be feeling better anytime soon. As for the suffering ... how would they know? And even if my mom and dad didn't suffer, I was doing that now.
I did feel sad though, because after all, it was mom and dad in those coffins. I wasn't going to see them anytime soon. Maybe never. Probably never. We never were very religious, but a pastor came by – he was going to speak later – and told me stuff like 'They're in a better place.' And 'We can't understand God's will.'
I asked him what was the better place they were in? How could it be better than here with me, and them not dead? They weren't sick or anything, and I'm sure they didn't want to die. That's when he said the 'God's will' thing. I could see that he thought he knew the answers and that I was just too dumb to get it. Thanks a lot. If religion was telling me that God wanted my parents to die, then I wasn't much interested in religion. I'd rather think it was just a stupid accident, than think that somebody – even God – actually wanted them to die. Especially God. I mean, He could have made the truck miss their car, right? But He didn't do that, so if God worked things so they'd come out like that, then I didn't want to have anything to do with Him.
Lu sat beside me the whole time I was in the funeral place, holding my hand. She was like my bigger sister.
Morrisette and her family came by, and she asked me "What are you going to do now?" She was starting to look pregnant, with a little baby bump and all. "Are you going to sue?"
Lu jumped into the conversation and said, "He's not going to do anything yet. And this isn't the time to talk about it." She said it with a kind of cold voice. I could tell that she was mad at Morrisette.
Some of the other girls I had spent time with over the summer came also. I thought that was kind of nice, but weird too, especially since they hadn't spoken two words to me since word got around about Morrisette's being pregnant. One of the girls, Marcy Albright, put out a hand to steady herself, and then bent over to whisper in my ear. She said, "I'm so sorry for everything. Call me sometime."
The hand she reached out to steady herself fell onto my thigh, kind of high up, and she grabbed my penis, which was trailing down the left side of my pants. It could have been an accident, I suppose. I mean, I wasn't hard or anything. Then her hand tightened on me but then released real quick, and I started to get hard. I looked down and saw Lu's hand around her wrist, pulling Marcy's hand away from my thigh. Actually, by now, it could have been my crotch, she grabbed me that high. Lu hissed at her, "This is a funeral, for God's sake."
"Right," said Marcy, shaking her hand lose from Lu's grip. "Call me when you feel better, Chris."
Again with the 'feel better' stuff. It was like everybody thought I was sick.
Lu whispered to me, "If you call her, I'll kill you."
"Why?" I answered.
"She only wants you for one reason. And it's not because she likes you."
Well, I didn't understand what Lu meant. What reason? Why would she want me to call if she didn't like me? Anyway, if Lu thought it would be a bad idea, I wouldn't call Marcy.
There were two men who spoke at the funeral. One knew my dad real well, I guess, Hamilton Reed. He was a senior partner at my dad's firm. He said nice things about my dad and mom. How he was a rising star, with a good future. And he wished me well in whatever path I chose to follow. When he was done speaking, he came down and shook my hand. The other man was the pastor from the Belevere's church, who'd spoken to me before. He said he was Episcopalian and didn't know dad or mom real well, but that they were pillars of the neighborhood and they would be missed. Then he called for Christ's blessing on them, that he believed they were in a better place now, and that he would pray for me in the days to come.
I didn't know what good praying for me would do, honestly, since he believed God had wanted to kill my parents. That kind of left me in a bad spot, you know? Me, I just thought a cement truck had crashed into their car.
Then it broke up and I guess everybody was going to the cemetery. Or at least, I was and the Beleveres were. Mr. and Mrs. B. were real nice to me all the time and I was glad to have them as my foster parents. Lu was super nice. My big sister.
On the way out of the funeral place, I was shaking everybody's hand and somebody stopped to talk to me. "I'm Jay Fellsmore," said an older man in a dark gray suit. He had on a pale blue shit and black tie. "I was one of you dad's partners, and I did all his estate planning. Call me whenever you feel up to it, but make it within a week or so." He put several of his business cards in the breast pocked of my suit coat.
Lu was holding my left hand and said, "Maybe Friday? I think he'll be ready to deal with things by then. Maybe about 1 p.m.?" It was now Tuesday.
He said, "That will be fine. You'll want to talk to Mr. Merriweather, also."
I guess Lu knew what he was talking about, 'cause I sure didn't.
Then the four of us and the B.'s pastor went to the cemetery. They put mom and dad into one wide hole in the ground, they called it a grave, but it was just a hole in the ground. The two caskets went in side by side. There was a granite marker at the head of the grave with some writing on it. I had to ask Lu what it said.
"It has the names of your parents, and the dates they were born and when they died. Then it says 'Loving parents of Chris.'" For some reason Lu was all choked up about that. "Me and mom and dad thought that was the most important thing."
"Thanks, Lu," I said. "That's the right thing to say, forever."
Well, Friday at 1 p.m. rolled around and Mr. B. and Lu and I went to see Mr. Fellsmore. He said my mom and dad had set things up so that there would be a trust for me. That everything they owned would be in the trust, except of course, my personal things. He also said that they had individual life insurance policies, and another policy in case they both died in the same event. That one, he said, had double indemnity in case of an accident, which would be indicated in this case.
I didn't like the way he spoke, all formal like. What would be indicated in this case? I wondered. What did double indemnity mean?
He spoke to Mr. B. "That's one million in each individual policy, and five million doubled for the joint policy. That's in trust, but we're going to have to decide what to do for Chris. The trust will come under Chris's direct control when he's eighteen. He can then draw out $100,000 per year, but that's contingent on him getting a job or going to college. He won't be going to college, will he." He said that quietly, with that 'Poor stupid kid' attitude that I got so often. "Until his eighteenth birthday, he can draw out enough to pay all his bills, with the approval of the trustee. When he's 21, he'll get the whole thing and the trust is dissolved ... Then there's this letter. It's to be given to Chris when he turns fourteen."
"Which is now," I said. "I was fourteen last October."
He looked at Mr. B. like I couldn't be trusted or something. Mr. B. nodded. "That's correct," he said. "When are the insurance companies going to send all this money?"
"Well, since there's no question about it being an accident, I suspect that will be within thirty days or so," said Mr. Fellsmore. "But then there's the question of the cause of action against the driver and the construction company he works for. He was returning to the company lot from a construction site, and he was on drugs. I suspect the settlement will be substantial. Mr. Merriweather will be handling that."
"Who's the trustee?" asked Mr. B.
"I am," said Mr. Fellsmore. "Or someone nominated by the firm, if I die. We'll have to set up an investment program for Chris. Got to have the capital growing, don't we?"
He handed over the letter and I just held it in my hands. I turned it over and saw that there were some scribbles on the front and back of the envelope.
"What's it say, Lu?" I said, showing the envelope to her.
"It's got a date. Three years ago on March 1. And then there are signatures of your mom and dad," she said. "Your name is on the front."
"Can't he read?" Mr. Fellsmore asked. He could have asked me, but then he probably figured I was too stupid to answer.
"Chris's a poor reader," said Mr. B. At least he was talking about me using my name. "But he's a bright boy; he'll understand it."
I just stayed there, holding the envelope.
"Do we have to talk to Mr. Merriweather, now?" I asked. Mr. Fellsmore said that Mr. Merriweather was handling something.
"You could do that," the lawyer said to Mr. B. He picked up a phone and said he wanted James Harcourt's family to meet with Alex Merriweather, a-sap. Then he waited a few moments and hung up. "He'll meet with you as soon as you get there," he told Mr. B.
"Chris, ... are ... you ... going ... to ... read ... your ... daddy's ... letter ... now?" Mr. Fellsmore asked me. I can't explain how humiliated I felt with the way he talked. I hate it when people speak to me like I don't understand what they're saying: all slow like. I understand fine. What I can't do is read. For that, everybody talks to me like I'm a puppy. With that 'happy voice', you know? Grrrrrrr.
I was really mad. The whole time we were in his office, he didn't talk to me at all. It was him talking to Mr. B. about 'him', meaning me. Like I was a lamp or a plant or something.
"No ... Mr ... Fells ... more," I said, trying to talk to him in exactly the same way. "I'm ... going ... to ... save ... it ... to ... read ... at ... home."
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Susanne Müller ist 42 Jahre alt. Sie ist 175 groß, hat rote gelockte schulterlange Haare und trägt eine Brille. Sie ist mittlerweile im achten Monat schwanger daher ist ihre ohnehin schon recht große Oberweite nochmals auf 90DD gewachsen. Sie lebt zusammen mit Ihrer 18 jährigen Tochter Petra. Petra ist 170 groß, hat brünette Haare und eine Oberweite von 70C. Ihr Mann hat sie vor ca. 1 ½ Jahre wegen einer jüngeren Frau verlassen. Im Moment liegt Susanne auf der Coach und onaniert. Genussvoll...
The next morning Janey bounced into the kitchen, full of energy and noise. She was greeted by the sullen expressions of two horny adults who knew they weren't going to be getting satisfaction for another 5 long nights. It didn't deter her or dampen her obvious energy in the slightest. She was wearing, if you could call it that, one of the wispiest, sheerest short nightgowns I had ever seen her wear, and nothing else. A blind man could have seen her she was so exposed. It didn't do...
So a couple weeks ago I started a POF account looking for women DTF or interested in being with me and my girlfriend. After some searching I realized that there is an untold amount of pussy waiting to be fucked. All types of women wanting all types of things. This story is the first of several involving ladies from POF. I hope that I never run out of stories... To begin with, some advise to people using the site. Never stop being yourself..but try and broaden the definition of what you are....
The next morning my dad and I removed the solenoid and took it into the living room where he pulled out his testing equipment and checked it out. Sure enough, it was dead. He called a few places around town and soon we were in his car, driving to the local junkyard. “We will order you a new one tomorrow, and you can keep it in the back with the tool kit as a replacement. But at least this way we can get you back on the road today.” Once we got there we paid the admission and headed to the...
She tried to look into the window of the restaurant to see if he was already there, but it was so sunny out she could only see the reflection of the tight white button-down blouse she had finally settled on -- they had discussed her breasts so much online, she had to let him get at least a sense of what he’d been missing all these years, even though it was only going to be a quick friendly coffee and dessert together while he played temporary hooky from work. ‘Damn that New York lawyer job...
We were running behind on the case and as the relevant senior associate it falls upon me to rectify that. I decide that what is needed is a flat-out push to get on top of things. Book an out-of-the-way room on the 12th, bring all of the files and all of the paperwork together up there, knock out a detailed status and a coherent action plan. A morning should do the trick. One ‘do not disturb’ session, starting early, finish by lunchtime. No problem. Done it before several times. I tell the...
"Fuck. Me." I'd already asked this of him and yet still he withheld. "There are demons that I..." He started. I interrupted him, a frustrated growl gurgling my throat, "I don't care. I need you." Plaintive and pleading. All he would give me was the slow motions, the penetration and feel of engorged flesh lodged deep within me. That wasn't enough though. He must know that it wasn't enough. From the first time I'd wanted him. I'd— A little scream tore up my throat, his fingers...
I am Angel. My parents had named as Angel as I really looked like an angel to them. By birth I had very fair complexion like any other Anglo Indian. I had light blue eyes but dark black hair. So I was an angel for all my relatives too. My mother was too happy to have given birth to a beautiful girl like me. I was liked by all my neighbors and everyone used to carry me at lease once in their lap when I was a kid. I was a darling of my entire locality. Thus I grew up as an angel in real sense. In...
I was in my early thirties when I had my first prostate exam. A visit to a new doctor and she (yes, she) told me that it was something men should do regularly once they reached my age. My friends and I had joked about prostate exams, as you do, and I was expecting the worst. But here's the thing. I didn't hate it.The doctor pulled on a rubber glove, covered it in lubricant and had me bend over the examination table. There was pressure and she told me to relax. I managed to do so and felt her...
It had been a long two months. I was retraining factory workers in a small industrial town in Missouri who resented the fact I was trying to help them increase productivity. The guys who had been on the line for 20 to 30 years plus were so resistant that for the first time in my professional career, I had missed my goals (and lost out on several thousand dollars in bonuses from my job).I needed a break.I drove into St. Louis on a Saturday morning and got a hotel room at the airport Holiday...
We met at the same hotel for our second encounter a month later, having had numerous chats and cams in between. After a couple of drinks in the bar Dave announced he and Sarah were going up to their room to get ready. Dave slipped me his room key and told me to let myself into their room an hour later. I went to my room,showered then decided what lingerie to wear. I chose a tiny pair of pink panties with black stockings and suspender belt,topped by a cream chemise...hidden by jeans and a...
If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life By meganprincess Know how I know that I am a sissy? I like to wear panties. And makeup. And skirts and dresses and cute tops and anything that pretty girls wear. Know how I know that I am a submissive slut? Because I like to help people cum. Dominant men, pretty women, and other sissies. I just don't care. I love to help people cum and I don't even care if I cum myself. It makes me feel pretty to coax cum. Maybe that is how I...
Chapter One - “A Night At The Museum” It was about 2:30 in the morning on a Friday of the second week of September and it was unseasonably warm outside. The fact that it was 78 degrees outside made me glad that my job did not require me to work outdoors. The company I worked for had received the contract to upgrade the computerized network system of the Museum of Arts and Sciences. Since the museum was to open for a new exhibit of rare Egyptian artifacts on the following morning,...
I put my arms around her and pulled her up toward my head so I could kiss her; she welcomed it, opening her mouth so our tongues could take turns dancing in each other's mouths. When they did, I could feel the hard nubbins of her nipples pressing into my chest; as the kiss continued, Diane started hunching her pelvis against me. As our kisses continued, I let my hands start roaming across her body. Shoulders to sides to waist, neck to hips, the swells of her breasts, her thighs - all were...
"You know Beth would be right in here between us if you had acted the least bit interested, Carl," Colleen was right. We were sweaty, winded, sated, and sleepy. Our wedding night was a non-stop love in, full of moans, groans, whines, and screams. Regina and Colleen seemed to throw all modesty, inhibitions, and personal filters out the window with I-Do, and went at it like wild women. We stayed at the reception until nearly midnight. The Oak Ridge Boys were incredible. Our guests had the...
It was evening, one of those evenings that hold a kind of promise, a sense of expectation...dresses become tighter, suits more elegant. Everyone struggles to convey a sense of allure, even if fear and loneliness have taken a strong grip on the soul… People had gathered at the vernissage, the usual talk, the wine, the hors d´oeuvres. The same predictable couples, married for the predictable number of years, running a marathon without prizes. Everyone had become a connoisseur all of a sudden,...
SeductionSRU: The Wizard?s Great Battle By Heather St. Claire It was a little before 10 o?clock on a damp, dreary Saturday morning. The weather outside didn?t matter to those inside the Lone Pine Mall; here it was always a bright, climate-controlled 68 degrees. It was a day like just about any other Saturday at the mall, with one glaring exception: some sudden, magical changes in the mall?s lineup of stores. In the space that had been occupied by a failed sports memorabilia store was one of...
This story happened in the summer of 2011. I would occasionally hang out at a buddy and coworker's house, playing pool and watching movies. We were both single; I was 28. Often his younger brother, Ryan, would be there. He was twenty-three at the time, slim with light brown hair. Up to that point I had considered myself straight and had always dated girls, but I had found myself looking at gay and bisexual porn a lot and really enjoying it, so I was curious.I was attracted to Ryan physically as...
Gay MaleWhen my wife Arlene and I decided that living in an apartment was getting to be a drag, we began checking various real estate brokers and the ads in local newspapers. One Saturday as we were driving through an old sub-division, I spotted a home that was for sale by owner and quickly stopped to check things out. After a thorough inspection of the property and its surroundings, we decided to call the number and set up an appointment to view the house itself. The house was built entirely by the...