Reginald's FamilyChapter 11 free porn video

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“Probably not, Carol? It IS Carol, isn’t it?” With identical twins, the question is vital, but sometimes accurate.

“Spot-on, cuz. So what delayed you today?”

“Research at the library, before we left the university. We have a bunch of printouts to go over, related to your problem today.”

“Good, but you need to get prepared for dinner. It will be ready for the table in about ten minutes. Holly had this idea for chicken casserole with dumplings, and the dumplings were ready fifteen minutes ago, so we fished them out and laid them in a smaller covered dish before putting them back in the oven, to keep them from going too soggy. We put the serving plates in to warm them slightly before we dish it all out.” The table was already laid for the meal, and the whole family were soon helping themselves to the casserole. Frances explained to Fiona and the twins how their glass research had delayed their departure for home, and apologised. Fiona quickly dismissed the apology. “You don’t need to apologise, Frances. Research should never be apologised for!” Holly was querulous.

“Why did you need to do research on glass? Was it anything to do with what happened here today?” Frances looked to Reg to reply.

“To some extent, Holly. I wondered whether we could add a clear protective layer to reinforce the glass of the windows, thus the hunting around for facts on glass. We have various copies of things we found, but we still have to read them over, to educate ourselves on the topic.”

“Oh? Can we do some of the reading? We would like to make ourselves useful, Frances.” Frances glanced at Reg and got an amused flicker of his eyes, and replied, “I don’t see why not, Holly. You girls are important in defending this house.”

“Goody! You guys can start, while Carol and I get the table cleared and the dishes washed and put away.” When they returned to the living room, the whole family were clustered round the large table, each with a photocopy in hand. Carol demanded to know what they had found so far. Erika told them, “I found that the first glass was as a result of a meteorite impact in the desert, fusing sand into glass. By glass, I mean stuff you might see through. The black stuff, obsidian, is volcanic glass, and it provided the sharpest edges for tools and spear points.”

“Yes, and that was tens of thousands of years ago,” added Freda. “In more recent times, pieces of that meteoritic glass were used for various objects. Glass beads were being used far back in time; 12,000 B.C. has been suggested. Even a pendant from Tutankhamun’s tomb had within it a scarab beetle made out of glass; glass was that special. Ancient Egyptians made glass containers by making a core of sand and coating it with molten glass. The core dried and could be poured out. Eventually the idea of blowing glass became prevalent, but the glass was various colours due to impurities.” Frances gestured for Prudence to speak.

“The next major improvement was when the Romans learned how to make glass that was purer and therefore clearer than naturally-occurring glass. They used it to make windows, and more and more glass bottles were manufactured by Roman glassmakers. They learned they could add chemicals to make specific colours in glass.” Holly asked, “How did they make window glass?” Reg contributed, “The first flat glass, for windows or anything else, was essentially blown bottle glass that is cut with large scissors while still flexible, and the two sides pushed down to become flat. It never worked very well, for the curvature was still inside the glass as it cooled, so the clarity you want is not there.”

“You couldn’t make large sheets of glass that way, either, I would think,” commented Carol.

“Correct, Carol,” declared Reg. “Well observed. That was why glass developers aimed for a float glass system, and someone eventually invented such a technique. According to my reading, to make it cost-effective it had to be a continuous casting process, which made it extremely difficult to keep the glass flat as it cooled while it moved along some kind of conveyor. The famous Henry Bessemer invented a means whereby the newly formed glass was sent through rollers to flatten it, but that proved not to be a good solution, so hand-blown processes continued to be most used. Larger panes were made by blowing molten glass inside an iron cylinder, then the ends were cut off, and a cut made down the long axis; then the sides teased down towards flat. It then was reheated until it was flat, then allowed to cool.” Fiona asked, “What about these old pub windows with thick circles in the middle?” Prudence had read about them. “These were from crown glass, Fiona. Glass was blown into a large bubble, then the top pierced to produce a bowl shape. This was then spun to make the glass turn into a large circle. The outer parts of the circle, being thinnest and clearest, were cut for windows, but the last and thickest bit, at the centre – known as the bullseye – was the worst so the cheapest to buy. It suited the pubs, for while allowing light in, they effectively obscured the goings-on inside.”

“Neat trick; the cheapest glass producing the results you wanted!”

“And why not?” Reg challenged her. That is always the target: get the best solution at the cheapest price.” Frances came in here. “What about what you wanted, Reg? A means of protecting window glass from missiles, either thrown stones or airgun pellets, wasn’t it? Surely standard double-glazing does the job pretty well?” Reg nodded to indicate partial agreement, but explained, “Double-glazing is indeed much tougher than single-glazing, Frances, but it is singularly susceptible to damage from high-powered impact. An airgun pellet fired from a couple of metres away would probably break through both layers, either leaving a hole and some crazing, or causing the glass to shatter. Fired from further back, say, ten metres, there would probably be nothing more than an impact crater in the outer layer. However, if fired from a rifle, the pellet velocity would be higher, so you would get the pellet coming through the glass from much further back than a couple of metres; how far back would depend on the gun. I don’t intend to take risks with my family, Frances, so I want better.”

“So what did you research, Reg?” He blushed a little, and admitted, “Actually, I was looking at solar panels and how they work. I had the idea of using a solar panel to front the window and act as an extra layer of protection.” Frances frowned. “But I thought solar panels were black, so don’t let light through?” Reg admitted, “You are correct, my darling; I got it wrong. I had the thought that there was some way the panel could be made to allow light through. I was thinking of stained glass windows at the time. I wondered, if the panel was perforated, we could get enough light through; but to achieve that, the light getting through the window would be much reduced, and the efficiency of the panel to produce electricity would be reduced as well. So there is no benefit to be had from either viewpoint. I am afraid I blew it, girls!” Fiona commented, “Wow! The great Reginald Robertson is not perfect after all!” Freda snapped, “Enough of the snide remarks, Fiona. Our Reg doesn’t need that!” Fiona’s face fell, and she explained, “It was not meant to be nasty, Freda. It just made me realise that Reg is human, and can make mistakes just like the rest of us. I like it that he is not perfect, as he is easier to love that way.” Freda’s glare softened as she took this in. “Very well, Fiona. I take the point. I apologise for assuming the worst of you; but be careful with your words, in case you hurt someone unintentionally.” Fiona went to say more, but refrained. Frances came back into the discussion.

“I had a look at glass in medieval times. That was when stained glass started being used for windows, though it seems that excavations in Italy have found coloured glass from as far back as the 7th century, suggesting it was in regular use by then. Glass in cathedral windows show that a wide variety of colours could be introduced into glass. Apparently some colour changes were dues to temperatures in the furnaces, while others were from metallic additives – iron, manganese, and copper were the main inclusions, primarily as oxides. While most medieval glass was made using forest glass (which employed beech wood ash), earlier glass used soda as the alkali. This was the base for a strong blue glass. Some evidence exists for early medieval blue window glass produced by melting old Roman tesserae, but I don’t think we need to look into that avenue for glassmaking. Incidentally, a glassmaker was originally a glasenwright or glasswright.” Reg interrupted, “This description of coloured glass development doesn’t help with getting a strong glass to resist attackers. What about toughened glass? Don’t they use that for car windscreens?” Prudence was quick to jump in. “Reg, toughened glass for cars is designed to craze: to break into small pieces, held together by thin outside layers. It is then easy to punch through for visibility, so not much help for security purposes.”

“I see,” Reg saw the argument, and dropped it. “So what kind of glass is used for security barriers?” Prudence replied, “As far as I can see, laminated security glass is the best option, if you can afford it. It has two sheets of float glass with a middle layer of a flexible polyvinyl butyral that any broken glass will adhere to. It stops most burglary attempts, for even after cracking, the window stays intact in its frame. The police recommend a 6.4mm size for most security needs.” Reg asked, “So toughened glass is out entirely?”

“Not entirely. It seems that for security glass, with the toughened glass sandwiched between security films, the glass breaks internally but will stay intact as a unit and will resist most attacks for a considerable time.”

“How do the prices compare?”

“I have not investigate that fully. To be up to date, I’d have to do an online search of the suppliers, but it seems that laminated is more expensive but does the better job.”

“So that’s our choice?” concluded Reg.

“Not quite, Reg. We have the option of a protective polycarbonate film on the outside of the glass. That adds to the security of the window, but the film is susceptible to abrasion and scratching. That might make it a high-maintenance option, possibly needing replacement if it gets damaged.”

“Okay. If we wanted good window security, it looks like downstairs should be laminated glass, and the upstairs windows should have a protective film. Upstairs windows should not be open to vandalism so much, right?” Frances had been listening closely, and now gave her opinion.

“Reg, what you have just proposed is fine in theory, but damned expensive for an entire building.”

“Sorry, Frances. I was looking at it as a practical exercise, in the hope that the best solution would not be too costly. I think I badly underestimated the outcome.”

“Don’t worry about it, darling. I can have a word with Daddy about upgrading the lower floor windows sometime soon.”

“But Frances, that will cost thousands for all these windows. I saw enough about window costs to know that, at least. I am sorry I mentioned the idea now. I just wanted to help protect my family.”

“I know, dear. We understand your thinking, and desire to help and protect us. We simply need to keep some perspective over that.” Erika inserted, “We love you, Reg, and love that you want to do your best for us; but we will love you whether you do that or not. You don’t have to continually strive to do your best all the time. Being yourself – our loving husband – is quite enough, you darling man.” Reg blushed at the praise, and muttered, “I still want to protect you all, no matter what.” He got up and excused himself to go to his study, claiming he needed to get some work done, but the girls all knew he was hiding his embarrassment from them. They let him go. The next day at university, unsurprisingly, there was no mention of contacting lecturers about a security project. Reg had retreated from his enthusiasm, slightly put off by the result of his misplaced keenness to pursue an idea. He was still moping in class during the afternoon, and his lecturer noticed, commenting, “I see that Mr Robertson must be worn out by his wives, for he is not really with us today!” Reg jerked into action, “Sorry, sir. No, sir, I am not worn out, just downbeat by letting myself run away with a non-viable idea yesterday.” The lecturer replied, “I am sorry to hear that, Mr. Robertson. Perhaps place your concentration on the subject before us, okay?”

“Yes, sir. I will pay attention now, sir.”

“Thank you, Mr. Robertson. I hope all the rest of your colleagues will also give me their full attention, for physics and mathematics are closely interwoven when we look at radio propagation, and so strict attention is essential for understanding the practical implications. We can’t all borrow from other people’s work, such as Marconi did. He was more of a businessman than a true scientist. He deserves his reputation, though, for his activities advanced radio considerably.” Reg argued, “But didn’t he take out the first radio patents, sir?”

“Thank you for your attention, finally, Mr Robertson. Marconi did indeed, but as with many other examples, the first person to take out a patent isn’t necessarily the true inventor of what is patented. Some scientists are more economics-savvy than others, and rush to get a patent and thereby make some money, while others concentrate on the science, on making the idea more completely rounded out, and thereby miss out on a patent.”

“I find that puzzling, sir. Tesla had already demonstrated radio transmission by then, hadn’t he, thus demonstrating prior art, as they call it?”

“True. This is where complications set in. Marconi had his US patent application rejected several times, with Tesla’s prior art and other related patents being cited. Then in 1904 the US Patent Office reversed their decision and granted the patent to Marconi, who by this time had a thriving business in the United States. There was no clear reason ever given for this decision, and it has been suggested that powerful financial interests may have come into play, influencing certain people in the Patent Office. As if that was not enough, politics played a hand in the next turnaround. In 1943, not long after Tesla had died, the US Patent Office switched again, and granted the patent to Tesla. Normally such a change would almost never happen, as the patentee would not benefit. However, this happened at a time when the Marconi Company was trying to sue the US Government for use of its patents in World War One. Because of the change in attribution, from Marconi back to Tesla, the suit naturally fell, as the patents were now under US control. It is amazing what a government Patent Office will decide, when finance is involved. That decision saved the US government a fortune!” The whole class laughed, and the lecturer emphasised, “This is a perfect example of the value of patents, and making sure any patent you apply for is securely based. If and when any of you are thinking of applying for a patent, remember this example. Tesla died in poverty, as he did not hold the radio and power patents that would probably have made him rich. Alexander Fleming never patented penicillin in1928, as he had no idea of its potential application. He had not envisioned it as a human drug to fight diseases. He had also not fully characterised the drug enough to be granted a patent. It took war, and other researchers, Florey and Chain, to get to that point, and then it took a US government laboratory to find a process to scale up production to a usable level for clinical use. Much of our science history is more complicated than at first sight. Take note.”

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Becoming A Slut Wife Bettina

Did you ever do something on the spur of the moment and have it change your whole life? I did. I have no idea why I did it or what even put the thought into my head. Just one or two seconds is all it took to change my life forever. My wife is what some might call pleasingly plump. At five feet, one hundred and twenty-five pounds (a good bit of it stuffed into her 34C bra) she is a voluptuous bombshell. Add long black hair that hangs down to her ass and legs that just cry out "fuck me" when...

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OBMIB Corporation

OMIB, a massive corporation within the Research, science and medical sectors. There work on genetics alone had caused a major shift in not only how hospitals and doctors deal with Genetic based diseases but also how Transmen and women transition and how people who worry about their appearance go about dealing with it all. No longer do they have to pay for boxes of anti-ageing creams or having hair grafts done to stop balding, instead all that is needed is the correct OMIB serum that will...

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I have been staying up late trying to catch more of my neighbour's walking around their house's naked and to post them on my profile,one is on one side of my house and the other on the other side of my house,as i was checking one side i saw a small light go on then off in an attic window,durning the day i got my cam and zoomed to the attic window,you could just see he had set up a telescope and had a video cam set on a tripod,he had it pointed at the neighbour's house,so he has been filming her...

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How to Give the Perfect Hand Job

Sex means more than intercourse; exploring all the different variations enhances your sex life and keeps it from getting stale. Masturbating your partner can be very exciting for both of you. So read on and learn how to let your fingers do the walking.Mutual masturbation can be a thrilling experience, but first, we need to study the basics of manual technique. Most men feel women aren't skilled at handling penises. Their grips are too limp, lacking conviction and exuberance. They seem afraid to...

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The Art Science of LoveChapter 2

Rita showed up at my door on Friday evening as I was watching television. I was surprised as I figured that on the first night of the weekend she would be out with her intended or at least with her friends. Personally, I disliked the bar scene and if I hadn't actually arranged a date to go out somewhere fun on Friday night, I stayed home. "Hi Doc," she greeted me at the door. "Are you busy tonight? Can we talk some more?" "I said anytime, Rita," I answered letting her into the house....

3 years ago
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This story goes out to a new friend of mine in the Navy… ‘Erica,’ my love, come home soon, OK? We miss you, here!!! xoxo, -BB ,) * * * * * The air inside was cooler than the hot August street outside. As I closed the door behind me, I wondered if I was at the right address. The sound coming from the bathroom down the hall would explain why there was no answer. The shower would have obscured my ringing entirely. But, if I were at the wrong house, I could easily wind up spending the night in...

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Caroles Start

We made love intensely, turned on by the earlier conversations with our dinner guests. They were in one of our other bedrooms and doing pretty much the same thing, by the sound of it.Afterwards we snuggled for a bit, but it seemed we both wanted some more fun. I got up and got her blindfold, gag and black leather cuffs from the draw, along with some red rope.She’d been wearing her metal collar all evening, which had been the topic of one of our conversations. She readily accepted the blindfold...

2 years ago
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The Trap Part 4

THE TRAP part 4 Chapter 1, Mavis Of course I woke up before Miss Cummings. She deserves the extra sleep and I loved waking up half an hour before the alarm went of. I could listen to her breathing and feel her warmth and softness. Her D cup breasts moved gently underneath her satin nightgown and I tried to get a little closer, to feel and caress her body. I know, she is 15 years older and already in her forties, but her figure, her body, it has everything I now know I always was...

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Saras Surrender Part 3 On the Trail

It was glorious hiking in Banff again, and the weather was in agreement with me. It was warm even now in early morning, with the promise of heat later on; bright, but enough high cloud to avoid dazzling the eye. Yet, despite that, and the Godly scenery all around us, I found my eyes continually straying to the shorts-clad ass of my new submissive, Sara, hiking ahead of me.This was our third day together – well, second full day – and we were finally out on the trail. My original plan had been to...

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The Wonderful Mrs Wilberforce Part One

ONE The bungalow stood at the end of a neglected street in the bad part of town. The tatty wooden porch poked out like a nose from the pebble- dashed walls and onto a small front garden, with neatly arranged flower- beds flanking a broken concrete path. It was here that Neil Taylor lived with his widowed mother. His school uniform was old and worn and a little too small for him, but his shirt and trousers were freshly ironed and his tie was neat and straight. He was a slight boy,...

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she owns him

Ellis crouched on one knee, hands behind his back. He felt as if all the eyes in the restaurant were on him and he wasn't that far off. Beth looked beautiful but from his view she looked even more stunning. Her legs were freshly shaved and lazily hung her stiletto on one blood red painted toe. Despite her expression of surprise, she looked radiant. She had a superior look that made him feel weightless. "Elizabeth," he said, pausing to collect his thoughts. He had practiced for this moment for...

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My Asian Girlfriend Gangbanged by Rednecks1

As we drove farther and farther out, we saw less and less buildings until it was purely the woods. Eventually a few small houses popped up, along with some small local businesses surrounded by trees and hills. Finally, we made it the “Bubbas BBQ” in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. As we got out of the car, I kind of started to feel nervous because everyone in the parking lot that I saw was white and looked like the stereotypical "redneck". I was certain they were not used to seeing...

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Heidi the Zombie Bad GirlChapter 2

Never being one with much inclination to plan anything other than turning on the baseball game or going to the bathroom, Juan decided to take Heidi the Zombie Bad Girl home to his mother. You must understand that Juan’s mother Maria didn’t speak much English and she was not enthusiastic about her children picking up the habits of their northern neighbors because they were not according to the good book or traditional cultural feelings about marriage and family. She knew her son worked at...

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Young Cute and shameless

Following is a True story...names have been changed...mostly due to me not remembering order to help you understand this story. Let me start off with the following.I'm a Hispanic from southern California...story takes place when I was twenty something. I was renting a 3 bedroom house under my name and had 2 roommates to help pay the rent. Since it's under my name, I had the master bedroom with my own bathroom. Involved in this story are a few females.Female from SM (Santa Maria,...

2 years ago
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Cole Gets a Surprise

Cole Givens heaved himself up and down with great, ragged, moist, sweaty breaths as the young girl's body below him made appropriately cushioned wet noises but the feeling had left him. A minute or two ago he was okay. A moment ago he was…he was there, right there, but now something had intervened. The movement was good but something was just not right. Eighteen she said back at the Shell Key Bar. Cole thought as he squeezed her breasts and teased her nipples. That had turned into...

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Deputy PorterChapter 212

It was five am on Monday when I rode the bike out into the cold morning air. The TV weatherman said it was getting warmer, but you couldn't prove it by me. I still had a problem pedaling the bike because I was wearing so many layers of thermal clothing. I stopped to have some animal fat before I made the final push back to my compound. I checked the tapes as I always did as I ate. I never saw anything until the morning. The thing I saw was a couple of deer crossing my drive. I was pretty...

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In Case Life Gets In The Way

Sadie was a little too eager and had already started cooking dinner even though Mickey wasn´t going to be home for a couple of hours. She felt like she couldn´t sit upstairs in her apartment anymore, she was too anxious to have some time alone with Mickey. She´d been waiting two weeks for her to leave. It was unbearable to see him with her, to see him touch her. She had been able to appreciate the small moments they had had together; the touches in the kitchen where she couldn´t see them. Every...

Love Stories
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what the hell made me jack off

The story below is about diry panties and is true, it happened to me about 6 months ago, the names and location have not been changed. Hi may name is Annette Taylor I’m a 36 year old brunette, divorced and live in the Northern suburbs of Sydney Australia. I’m a sales consultant for an international cosmetic company which takes me all over the state. As you can guess I don’t have a lot of time to do housework so I employ a young girl to come in once a week to do the cleaning, washing &...

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My husband set me up for a rape

This past weekend, he went out of town with a couple friends of his on a guys' getaway, leaving me at home alone. He left on a Friday afternoon and told me he would be back Sunday night. I went about my day on Saturday pretty much like usual, shopping and running errands, and returned home around 10PM after having dinner with a girlfriend of mine. I was in bed by 11. I had been asleep for an hour or so, when I was jarred awake by a man yanking my head up by my hair and clamping his hand over...

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Playtime Stories 22ndash Mistress Grsquos Slave

Playtime Stories 22– Mistress G’s Slave I crashed at the motel and was surprisingly well-rested when I went to work. Once at work I began counting down the minutes till I would submit to Mistress Genella. I’d decided to tell my boss I’d away from the office following up on business. I left at lunch.At half-past one in the afternoon I arrived at the doorbell I was told to ring twice. I was greeted by the driver from the other night and guided upstairs to a changing room. I remitted the...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 7

“Dinner’s ready!” Claudia yelled. “You can finish your fuck if you like!” “My pussy is a little irritated from the pool water.” “I’ll get you properly wet later on,” he smiled. She eased up off his hard cock and couldn’t resist sucking on it. “I don’t mean it in a bad way but you look so sexy and sensual sucking on my cock.” “I’m not taking it in a bad way. It makes me want to please you even more.” They stood and walked hand in hand towards the poolside picnic table. She gazed at his...

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Just Two Girls

{I am a 51 year old lady Doctor. Over the last few months I have written several stories. Some are poor attempts at erotica, most are just day to day events. I am widowed, and a recovering manic-depressive. I would like to say ‘recovered’ but things still set me off, rarely now though. I am 5’5′, 119# and an admitted exhibitionist. Men either fall all over themselves around me, or they ignore me. Sometimes that depends on me. But if you are reading this story for kicks, sorry. Not this time....

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 221 Yahikos Fight 3

(Yahiko leaps in front of Kujiranami's gun to snatch the boy.) Shin'ichi: Kid! (Kujiranami fires; Yahiko and the boy go flying.) Shin'ichi: Kid--! (Kujiranami lashes out with his huge hands, knocking policemen down all around him, then fires several shots at Yahiko while he's still in mid-air.) (Tsubame looks up at the explosion.) Bystander (near her): That one was incredible! Bystander 2: If you got caught in that nothing'd save you. Tsubame (thinking): Yahiko... Yahiko's going...

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School Teachers Pt2

That had been the very first time, ever, for either of them. Both women had never had sex in their lives. One was around thirty but the other one was near or possibly over forty. Age didn’t matter to Angus because what occurred the night before for him had to be the most glorious evening of his life. That isn’t to say it wasn’t for Ada or Libby either. Neither of them had ever been with a man, in that way, ever before. Ada was the one who put the idea into their thoughts. Ada was the one who...

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If you haven’t read the previous chapters I suggest you do, as this will explain how my journey into depravity started. If you want to read this chapter now and then go back if you like it, then a brief update goes something like this. My name is Rick and I’m a normal, constantly horny 15 year old male who lives with his hot Mom Tanya, and sweet 13 year old sister Rebecca. Dad is not around since Mom caught him fucking a neighbor and gave him his marching orders. Mom told me she wanted to...

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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 20

Saturday July 11, 2015 Cindy frowned at the clock on the dash of her truck. She had looked at it for the hundredth time in the last half hour wishing she could slow it down. She was stuck in traffic, on a Saturday no less, and late for Jenny’s swim meet. Her morning had started with a meeting at the office of a self-important recording producer who had made it very clear that he was doing her an enormous favor by meeting her on a Saturday. He also couldn’t get it through his head that she...

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My cousin and I and her boyfriend

My name is Jack, and I've been a virgin since I was 21. The reason is, I'm a very shy man. It seems the cause is the death of my parents when I was young, which made me afraid of others. Since then, I've been living with my aunt and uncle, and their daughter who's two years older than me, Jennifer. I've barely talk to any other women than my cousin and her mom, and never had what you'd call real friends.One day that I was alone at home (or so I thought) and about to do some homework for...

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