Reginald's FamilyChapter 14 free porn video

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Their day at lectures went well. The girls had developed a reputation for working on their studies to the satisfaction of their lecturers, and this made life so much simpler in the classes. It also gained them a grudging acceptance by the other students, where earlier they were ignored as uninteresting and unimportant under-achievers.

Being wives of Reginald Robertson gave them an enviable reputation as well, despite their lack of good looks. The other students saw the rationale: if Reg was happy with them as wives, and they in turn were happy with him, they must be doing something right for him, and with him. The other girls in the classes concluded that happiness was a good sign in any marriage, no matter how unusual the ceremony they went through.

The males also treated Reg with a new respect, for much the same reasons. To want to marry such ugly women, and be happy to do so, left them flummoxed. What amazed them even more, was the way Reg had blossomed socially over the last few months, becoming a competent conversationalist with practically everyone. The men also wondered how Reg coped with sex with all his women. His obvious happiness spoke well for that prowess, but none of them ventured to ask personal questions about that accomplishment, fearing a fierce reaction.

Lunchtime featured the usual Robertson get-together, when they chatted easily around the table; including Reg at times, at other times sticking to girl chat and letting Reg get on with his eating and drinking. It was noticeable that when lunch was concluded, Reg willingly gathered all the trays and emptied them into the trash receptacle before laying the empty trays on the trolley for the refectory staff to deal with. He acted the dutiful husband without any signs that he objected to such menial tasks.

More students were left wondering at the presence at the table of an older girl, one from a graduate year; a girl who seemed to be familiar with all of the Robertsons. Questions to other students soon revealed that she was a lodger with them, and clearly appreciated her lodgings. She looked happy to be with these younger people.

One day a short dumpy girl walked over to their table, and said hello to Prudence.

Prudence started, “Beth? What brings you over here?”

Beth was the one who had got Prudence to introduce them both to Frances, expecting to get an ‘in’ with the then Study Group. It had backfired. Prudence later came back to them on her own, appalled at the scheming of Beth. She was slowly assimilated into the Study Group, and more, after ensuring that Beth would never again be part of her social life.

Beth spoke, “Pru, you were right. I was a real shrew, and a bit of a twat as well, with all my scheming. I wanted to say I was sorry.”

“That is a nice change, Beth. How did that come about?”

“I was sulking for a while, after you broke with me and soured Reg and his girls against me. This guy came up to me and tried to commiserate with me. I thought he was just another guy wanting into my pants, and I am afraid I was a bit brusque with him, but he brushed that off and said he genuinely wanted to help, because he liked me.”

“Wow. That is quite something, Beth. Did anything come of it?”

“We gradually got to know each other better, and I ignored all the other men that normally I would pursue. I just could not get my thoughts off Tom – that is his name. I didn’t even try to get him to fuck me, and I got myself tested for STDs in case of problems ahead. I was clean, which made me relieved, for I found I actually wanted this man, no matter who he was.”

“Hey, great, girl. That is a much healthier approach to life, instead of looking for a guy with money or a title or both.”

“That is the conclusion I came to, and he must have noticed, for last week he gave me this.” She lifted her left hand for Prudence to see the engagement ring on her finger. It had a large-looking diamond in it, so Prudence hoped it was genuine.

“Oh!” Prudence broke out in a smile. “Congratulations, Beth, to you and Tom whatsisname.”

“Fanshaw, Tom Fanshaw, though weirdly, he spells it Fetherstonhaugh.”

“Sounds like one of these families that say their name differently from the way it is spelled, like Cholmondley is said as Chumley. Anyway, does he fit your target of well-to-do or titled?”

Beth looked shocked at herself. “I never asked him, never thought of it! Can you believe it, Pru? I don’t know about his family’s situation; I just know I want him.”

Prudence grinned at her. “Sounds like he is the man for you, Beth; just like Reg is the man for me. Follow your heart, Beth, not your avarice, and you will be happy, as I am.”

Beth peered at Prudence out of the side of her eyes. “Are you truly happy, Pru?; being just one of several wives in a group marriage?”

“I am exceedingly happy, Beth, and so are my co-wives. Reg has developed well, and we have trained him in what gives us pleasure, so all is well. We now have a couple of staff at our home, so we may very well start thinking about children soon.”

“Children? While you are studying?”

“The staff have accepted their duties which will eventually include baby-sitting, so we’ll have time for studying at home, as well as attending the lectures.”

Beth’s eyes widened at the talk of staff. “I though Reg came from a lower-class background, with no money to speak of?”

“True, but things are changing. He has a legal application for compensation for the loss of his father in an accident, so we expect he will have soon have some finances to help him. The staff are part of a deal we made with our parents, so things are looking up.”

“Glad to hear it, Pru. Wish me well with my man?”

“I do, Beth. I never had anything against you, just against the mercenary way you were treating everyone. I wish the new Beth all the best for the future.”

Beth walked off again, but with a spring in her step.

Frances came round to Prudence and asked, “Was that who I thought it was? Beth Templeton?”

“It was, Frances. It was a bit of a shock, too. She has changed; found herself a man that really likes her, and she doesn’t even know if he is well-to-do or not! Changed days indeed.”

Frances was pleased. “Glad to hear it. She was a bit of a shrew, before. Nice to know that leopards can change their spots after all.”

Frances walked round to apprise Freda and Erika of Beth’s changed attitude; and told Fiona the story of Beth and Prudence when they were first encountered some months back. This cheered them all up. Reg had heard nothing, as he was on his new phone for most of the lunch break.

When he closed his phone, and went to speak, Frances insisted on bringing him up to date on Beth Templeton, and he smiled happily.

“Great news of that girl. She was a real predator back then, as I recall. I have some news as well. I have been ringing a few of my contacts to tell them my new phone number, and Mr Gulland was quite informative.”

“Gulland? Who’s that?” Freda wanted to know.

“The local Finds man we are dealing with. He says the report has finally gone to the committee, and we should get a result tomorrow, hopefully.”

“Does this report cover all your finds, or just the first, Reg?” asked Erika.

“With the delay, both lots have been able to be listed under the one report; I think under pressure from the Greek bronzes expert. At least, that is what William Gulland says he believes.”

Erika laughed. “One of these ‘perhaps, if’ answers?”

Reg smiled back at her. “You could be right, my love.”

Frances told him, “Eat up, Reg. You are way behind the rest of us, and you are on clear-up duty, remember.”

Reg nodded, his mouth already full of the tasty chicken salad prepared by the twins. He had spent too much time on the phone, and was already trying to catch up. He raised his first with his thumb sticking up, to show his agreement with her instructions.

He was clearing the last of his meal when in the distance there was a loud but indistinct “Whump!”

Everyone sat there, looking around, as if this would tell them what had happened, and where, but some quick-thinking member of staff hit the fire alarm button, and all the fire alarms in the university buildings sounded the shrill demand for evacuation.

Reg quickly double-checked to make sure all his girls were with him, then cast his eye around for the nearest fire exit. Spotting it, he told his wives, “Right, girls. Hand in hand, so we stay together: that door over there, but walk steadily, no running. We don’t want a panic.”

Despite the alarm, all the students were walking quickly, in an orderly fashion, towards the exits. Fortunately the refectory dining area was not full at this point. The refectory staff had opened their own emergency door behind the kitchen and were ushering students near the counter to exit through their kitchen area. It was all surprisingly calm until they got outside, where students were starting to mill around. University staff were waving their hands and directing people to the mustering areas, where the person in charge would count heads to discover how many were there, and report that number back to his or her superior. That superior would be getting the data on how many were officially on the university grounds, which would be compared to the composite muster he received, to check for discrepancies that might mean people trapped indoors.

Inside, the admin staff were checking with the emergency services that the alarm had automatically rung through to them. They were assured that the fire brigade were about to leave, and the first ambulance, as were the police first responders, who were on their way for control duties. The university staff were asked about further need for ambulances, but had no information as yet, so simply said “It was an explosion; we know nothing more.”

The Robertson clan had found the muster point for the refectory, and stood there to be counted. Fiona was peering about in every direction, and was first to spot smoke in the sky.

She exclaimed, “Shit. It is the Chemistry building. I can see smoke there, just above it.”

Reg took charge of his group. “Girls, leave it to the professionals, but if you know someone who would have been in that building, give them a ring to make sure they got out safely.”

To his surprise, every one of his wives had their phones out immediately and were texting fellow students, and Fiona was doing so as well. He then remembered Cedric Wells, who was doing chemistry among other subjects, and tried to recall his number. Failing, he got out his trusty paper notebook from his inside pocket, and looked him up. The number was indeed there, and he tried it, getting an immediate ring.

The ring was answered, “Yeah?”

“Cedric? Reg here. Are you O.K.? The smoke is coming from Chemistry.”

“Yes. Fine, Reg. A few of us were there early, to check how our experiments were doing, so the bang was a bit of a shock. Sounded like a gas explosion to me. We were rushed out, but we were on a lower floor, and it was easy to escape; for there was no smoke at the time. The whole building shook with that blast, though. I was surprised we were able to walk out without any obvious damage at our level. The building must be well-designed to survive such events.”

“Cedric? You should find one of the fire brigade people and tell them of your experience. It may help them work out what happened. If it was gas, there might be another explosion if it is still leaking.”

“God, yes. I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll do that right away. Bye, Reg.”

He looked up, to find that he was being observed by his girls. He asked, “What?”

Frances took charge. “Reg, did I hear you say gas?”

“Yes. Cedric was in the building early, but got out o.k. He thought it sounded like a gas explosion.”

“Gas explosion? But that couldn’t happen without a lot of gas being released first. Don’t they have gas detectors in the labs?”

“I think they do, but it is mainly for noxious gases, like carbon monoxide. You’d need a pretty fancy detector for all the possible chemical releases, for each is dangerous at different saturation levels.”

“I get that, but this is probably natural gas – methane – isn’t it?”

Reg mused, and then nodded. “Makes sense, Frances. A methane gas detector is pretty simple, so why didn’t the alarms go off before the explosion? And what triggered the blast?”

Fiona contributed, “I think all these detectors are mains-powered, so if the power was shut off, the alarm would sound in response to lack of power. The alarm would have to have been sabotaged.”

Frances scorned, “And how could the power be off in the first place, in your scenario? We didn’t have a power cut here – the lights were on in the refectory at the serving area.”

Freda came in with, “But if it wasn’t an accident, perhaps someone switched off the power to the lab before the explosion, or sabotaged the alarm system in advance?”

Prudence tried to be practical. “Why would anyone want to blow up a chemistry lab, for Pete’s sake? I don’t see any point to it.”

Reg said, slowly, “Unless it was to destroy something in the lab, such as records?” he continued, pensively, “But what records, or whose records, of what experiments?”

Fiona said, “It would have to be someone who knew how to cause an explosion that would do what he wanted of it, and know about alarms as well. An ordinary gas explosion by itself might be all blast, and no fire afterwards, so not enough to destroy records. These might be in a cupboard, for example.”

Reg felt a light go off in his head. “James Fitzgerald!”

Frances exclaimed, “What are you talking about? How can Fitzgerald be involved? He’s not even in the country!”

“Apparently. That is all we know. That proposition may or may not be true. I was told something about his studies here, as I mentioned before. He was fascinated by explosions and explosives, so there is a possible link to this one. I wonder if Dawson has mentioned this to the police that have arrived?”

He looked around. Anyone got the number for Student Services?”

Freda had it in her phone, so passed the phone to Reg. “Here. It is STU in the directory.”

Reg found it and keyed for that number. It rang immediately.

“Frank Dawson, please.” he asked. He was put through to the manager.


“Reg Robertson here. That explosion that just happened? I think it would be useful for the police to know that James Fitzgerald was an explosives nut, don’t you?”

He listened and said, “Glad to hear we are on the same wavelength, sir. Goodbye.”

He turned to the girls. “He thought the same way, and has mentioned it to the police, as a possible avenue for exploring the cause of the explosion. We have done what we can, so let’s see if we can get back to our normal lecture schedule today.”

He looked around, and noted that he was not the only one thinking about getting back to normal. Others were trying to find who was in charge of their muster, in order to ask about scheduled lectures. He left them to find out. Word would soon spread as to the answer, as he had earlier noticed one lecturer with a small electric loudspeaker.

Sure enough, at last the lecturer announced, “Attention please. Thank you, everyone, for an excellent evacuation today. It went well. All students can now go to their lectures, EXCEPT any in the Chemistry building, which has been closed off by the investigation team. Anyone scheduled for the Chemistry building should check with Student Services for advice.”

As Reg and his girls started to move back to the refectory to pick up abandoned bags and books, Reg said to Frances, “There was no mention of all staff and students being accounted for. I wonder why? Perhaps some casualties?”

“Who knows, darling? Leave it to those whose job it is; not ours.”

“Yes, but...”

“No buts, dear. Leave it for now, please.”

“Yes, dear.” Reg turned her to face him, and soundly kissed her. He then said, “I am glad we are all fine, at least.”

“We were in the right place, at the right time,” Frances told him “Well away from the explosion.”

This set Reg off on a new tack.

“An explosion at lunchtime, when everyone should be out of the building. I wonder if that is significant?”

Erika was puzzled. “Significant in what way, Reg?”

Reg turned to face her. “I was thinking that the explosion was not intended to harm anyone; just cause damage and destroy certain unknown items.”

Frances intruded, “That still assumes a deliberate explosion, Reg. It COULD have been an accident.”

Reg shrugged. “Perhaps, but if it was deliberate, it was planned – timed – with care.”

Reg’s phone rang. He started, not expecting any call, with so few people knowing his number.

“Hello?” he answered his phone.

“Mr Robertson? Sergeant Phillips here. Can you speak confidentially?”

“Of course. Only my girls are near me.”

“Of course ... can you answer a couple of questions?”

“Depends on what they are, Sergeant.”

“First, have you seen any sign of James Fitzgerald today?”

“No.” Reg was very definite.

“Then has any other person of your acquaintance seen him?”


“Anyone mentioned having seen him recently?”

“No. These replies are getting monotonous, Sergeant Phillips.”

“Sorry about that. It has been suggested that the explosion was set off by James Fitzgerald, but no sighting has been made of him. There appears to have been no sighting of anyone acting suspicious in the Chemistry building.”

Reg suggested, “Pre-planted device, set off at a distance?”

“Possible. What makes you say that?”

“The way the whole family is trying to stay out of sight. He may have planted the device during the night, if he had a means of effecting an entry.”

“If he could get in, he could surely pick up anything he was looking for, and get away without bothering with an explosion, sir.”

“I get your point. What if what he sought was in a securely locked metal cupboard, not accessible to him?”

“The explosion to destroy the cupboard and its contents? Could be; it was a very large explosion, wasn’t it? Would the blast have destroyed a locked cupboard, though?”

“Ask around, sergeant. Apart from anyone possibly hearing more than one explosion, what was securely locked in cupboards, and why?”

He paused, then continued, “And while you are about it, if I was ensuring destruction, I would have planted some explosive and incendiary device at the particular cupboard, to make certain; probably set off by the first blast.”

The Sergeant responded, “Mr Robertson, you have a most peculiar mind!”

Reg told him, “I do not know much about my mind, sir, but I have read a lot, and logic suggests things to me, that is all.”

“Thank you for your assistance, Mr Robertson. I will see you later.”

The call concluded, Frances raised an eyebrow towards Reg. “Police?”

“Yes. Why do they keep assuming I know something that I don’t?”

“It is not that, darling. They know that you will steer them in the right direction, because of your clear thinking.”

“The only clear thinking I do is listening to my wives!”

“Good boy! Keep it up, Reg.” They laughed at each other, knowing all was said lovingly.

Reg scowled at her again, and asked, “How the hell did he know my phone number? I didn’t give it to him.”

Frances looked coy as she answered, “I did, darling. I thought he might need to speak to you again; preferably without having to bother me first.”

Reg said, grudgingly, taking her point, “I suppose,” and left it at that.

Despite the explosion, most of the university’s life went along as normal for the rest of the day, apart from all the gawking by students at the taped-off Chemistry building, where police, some of them in white forensic garb, were coming and going. A few carried out plastic bags with samples of some kind inside. None of them would say anything to any enquirer, other than, “Our enquiries are continuing, so we can say nothing at this time.”

The media also showed up after a couple of hours; the local press first, then TV crews looking for the best shots of the damage. They were disappointed to find that most of the damage was internal, with only the lab windows blown out, and a little smoke damage showing above these windows. What fire there had been was soon extinguished by the sprinkler system.

The fire brigade spokeswoman told the media people, “The fire caused by the gas explosion was soon put out by the well-designed sprinkler system. The sprinkler pipework in the ceiling was bent in places by the blast pressure but did not get punctured, so everything functioned as planned. All university laboratories have such safety measures for good reasons, and this example shows how effective they are in preventing the spread of fire.”

All questions about the cause of the explosion was met with, “All we know at this time is it was a gas explosion. Most chemistry labs have many gas outlets for class use, so we don’t know if this was a gas tap left on by accident, or a gas leak somewhere. We are checking out the possibilities.”

She refused all attempts to extract details, saying, “I cannot tell you what I don’t know. Our forensics team are too busy to be disturbed in that way. There may have been subsidiary explosions, if there was flammable material in the laboratory, so that would complicate their work. They will report on their findings as soon as they can, and we will let you know.”

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We had chatted and messaged each other so much yet never met. The day finally arrived after weeks of waiting. The train had pulled into the station and the sexual tension made me shiver and my heart raced with excitement. All I had to do was find the rendezvous and see if she would turn up. I felt her presence close by, but it could easily just have been my over-active imagination. As Emily’s text pinged on my phone my heart skipped a beat. “I’m in ViaFossa like we said,” she said, as cool as...

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The Experience Machine

Mariel Desjardins adjusted the strap of her book bag once again as she walked across campus, her books and lecture notes heavier than usual, the thin leather strap digging in to her shoulder enough to hurt. The late autumn air was unusually heavy with moisture, and she noted with pursed lips and a wrinkled brow that fat snowflakes were already drifting down in the blue evening light. It would be, she said to herself, a long night after all, and now she regretted putting the navy kidskin pumps...

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The Story 8211 Episode 4 8211 Aunt8217s Balcony Revelation

Hi readers, Aman here! Hope you guys are healthy in this unforeseen pandemic. I wish for the well-being of you and your family. We will overcome this! Though delayed, this story is the 4th installment in the series, “The Story”. Please read the previous installments before continuing further for a better experience. In this part, I will detail my encounter with my Aunt Sneha, who is my mother’s younger brother’s (uncle’s) spouse. They got married in 2009 and currently have two kids and are...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Ameena Green Married Ameena Has Been Waiting All Night

Old time friends Ameena and Ramon have had a fun night catching up but once Ramon walked her back to her hotel room she invited him in to finish out the night with a surprise. When Asian wife Ameena walked out in her panties and bra Ramon quickly reminded her he was married, but Ameena being married too, she responds with “aren’t we all” and at that moment helps pull his cock out as she has been waiting all night so suck it. Ramon now throbbing licks up her sweet Asian pussy...

2 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysChanges

Mark could hear voices around him, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. He tried to open his eyes, but everything was still black. He tried to speak to no avail, nor could he seem to move anything. “Don’t panic, “ he thought, “this is just me recovering from the anesthetic or whatever the chamber used to knock me out.” The voices were starting to get a little clearer. Still muffled, but clearer. He could now see light and shadows, but still no ability to speak or move. “Mark can...

4 years ago
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IPL Betting

Hi all and this is Manu from Bangalore and the story is about me and my online friend, it happened on 2nd season of IPL and I met her on one of the social network site around 2008, we used to fight on the community forums, that leads to friend request, den to chat daily, finally call and her Mobile no, daily we used to chat, talk, SMS a lot. She was 18 by that time and our daily talk started with casual talking, slowly moved on romance den finally on sex. She was not much aware of the sex,...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 4 ResolveChapter 9

Reaching the edge of the city, just past the market square that she often visited, Suzan and Anita noticed that hardly anyone was around the homes there. Looking around as they reached the edge Suzan could see that something had gone horribly wrong. There were doors that were broken in, overturned stands, and destruction everywhere. Trash and broken items littered the road. Still in shock Suzan asked "What happened here, what is all of this?" "This is what happens when Trolls raid our...

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Mum Caught Me

Mark laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 14 yr olds mother would have a fit if she knew about the x rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o'clock, Mum's usual time home from work and He knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he'd been so horny when he got home from school. He'd had an afternoon date with Sandra and she'd played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn't jerk off he'd burst. Mark was so wrapped up in his fantasy and...

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Site Par Flat Owner Bhabhi Ka Maja

Hi guys, I am suraj. Mai aj apko mere jeevan ki ek sachi ghatna batane ja raha hu, kyonki ye meri pahli kahani hai so kuch galti agar hoti hai to maf kar dena aur ho sake to mujhe reply kar dena. Mail id- Bat kuch 6 mahine purani hai jab maine recently ek company join ki thi as an civil engineer. Job ke chalte mujhe pune se raipur shift hona pada, jaha mere company ka construction site chal raha tha. Mera site raipur se 35km tha to mujhe vahi pe apna accommodation plan karna tga kyon ki mai...

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Morning Chores

Jim's room had no windows. It was a small room with naked walls, and a cold, hard floor. Jim had been awake for a while now, though he could never be certain how long it had really been. The only light emanated from the small gap under the only door, and to Jim's eyes, it was unusually bright, which made him very nearly certain that it was daytime already. He shifted his weight a little, trying to alleviate the stiffness in his muscles, and his chain rattled. It was heavy and made of steel, and...

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The Band On Tour

There are times when I am sure there is a god and he has one really fucked up sense of humor. The rest of the time I’m pretty damn sure the really fucked up sense of humor is from Martin. Not that I argued on this idea, or tree otherwise known as Francis did either. Our third bassist, otherwise known as number three, his idea, rather liked the idea. I mean granted there are three bands doing this concert so there really isn’t a need for an opening band. None of us wanted to be the opening band...

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The Cure For A Successful Marriage 01

The Cure For A Successful Marriage - 01 - Holidays in Italy with Sam & CarlyOrlando, Florida (FL)Benson's villa, years 2025It's almost seven years since Fredward "Freddie" Benson married Melanie Benson, their story was quite complicated from their first meeting. He confused her for her twin s!ster, Samantha "Sam" Puckett, because he thought she was joking with him. He didn't yet believe in her existence.It was during their first date (the one he thought she was Sam) that Freddie had doubts,...

2 years ago
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The Creek Part One

Logan readjusted his shoulder strap and ran his fingers though his hair. He had been walking for about six hours and the pack he was carrying was beginning to feel heavy. Behind him there were three of Logan’s closest friends: his best friend Jeremy, Maggie who he had met at the beginning of high school and Sophie, who he had grown up with since childhood. ‘Do you think we should set up over there?’ said Maggie, indicating to a small clearing near a gurgling creek. She stood there with a...

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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2

Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2When Sara finishes giving me an earth-shattering orgasm, I cannot move. Once I stop trembling, I am totally spent but invigorated too and cannot relax. A thought comes to me and I sit up. Looking over at Sara, I see she has passed out from her exertions. Poor dear Sara, she is exhausted from the trip and her exertions just now.Her dark brown hair frames her adorable 18-year-old face. Her pouty lips open a bit remind be of the pleasure she has given...

3 years ago
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Kelle Returns To Mayhem

Kelle wasn't fucked. Not this time. There was no lost bet. No agreement to complete. Yet. Mayhem was on her mind. It had been a few weeks since her near debauch at Mayhem Crossing, the local biker bar. She had lost a bet and ended up doing things she never imagined doing. She had paid the bet and her career with the police was solid. She was no longer a rookie cop. She was off probation. Her career path was good. It was all good. Yet. Mayhem was on her mind. She had spent sixty long minutes in...

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Oh Baby Baby Its Fuck Time

Introduction: Ok So, im a massive Green Day fan, so i wrote a fic about their singer, Billie Joe Armstrong. The title come from a foxboro hot tubs song who are one of green days alter ego bands I need to pee, Ill be right back. I clapped Billie on the arm as I past him, my body running along his back as I slid my way between him and a couple of guys trying to get to the bar, the feel of his shoulders against my arms, I loved it, it had turned me on for years, but he was a married man, no chance...

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Peters Advanced TrainingChapter 2

Debbie was working in her studio while Meagan was at school when she noticed that her anti-spyware software had identified several threats. She started a full scan, and was quite disturbed to find tracking cookies from several porn sites that all seemed to have the word, cum, jizz, or facial in the URL. "What in the world? I don't go to sites like these!" Debbie said aloud. Then she noticed that the trashcan icon on the computer indicated that there were files in it. She always deleted...

4 years ago
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Joyce Dickinson part 4

Robbie awoke to the same noise that disturbed his close neighbour. A whirring and whooping sound that seemed to be coming from right over the house signalled to people who knew, that a helicopter was in the proximity. There was the choice of two explanations for this. One, the police were looking for someone or something, and two, Air Sea Rescue. Probably the formed, thought Robbie,,at this time on a Saturday night Sunday morning. Joice heard the same noise and needed a pee. She also had a...

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Airport Fun

My holiday plans this year take me to Illinois, which means a flight for me, and I definitely wasn't looking forward to dealing with the all the hassles that go along with air travel during the holidays. My flight was on Tuesday afternoon, and while laying in bed Monday night with a butterfly vibrator strapped on, trying to relax, I decided that I might as well try to have some fun with it. After all, I was probably going to be spending a lot of time surrounded by lots of people and I know...

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Things Happen For A Reason Ch 03

It was hot, damn hot, and as Luke wiped the sweat off his brow, he glanced at his wife and realized it was getting even hotter. Damn. Sarah was driving him crazy, wearing those skimpy shorts and that itty-bitty shirt that barely fit her as she bent over what was shaping up to be a really pretty flower garden. Every inch of her exposed newly tanned skin was tempting him to go over there and get dirty with her, in more ways than one. He returned his attention to the brand new coat of paint he’d...

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Babymoon Pregnant Fuck

When I was about 35 weeks pregnant, I went on what was supposed to be a "Babymoon" with my husband. We went down to Florida and were staying at the beach. I know there are some pregnant women that hate their bodies when they are pregnant, but I loved mine. My belly was huge and distended without any stretch marks, and my tits were swollen to twice their normal size. I kept on buying larger bras, but my tits kept on over-flowing them. I was thin to start out with, with b-cups before I was...

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Unforgettable Sex With Sanjana And Deepa

Hi guys, I am MGR here, I am very happy from your feedbacks about my previous encounter. So I came here with my new encounter. Friends this one little lengthy so please forgive me and if any mistake in my narration please don’t scold me. As I said in my last encounter “Memorable sex with beautiful sanjana”, deepa found us (I and sanjana) in the hugging position with naked body. At that time she didn’t speak any words and went silent to hall. After some time we both get dressed and went to hall,...

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Getting aroused at the beauty parlor

My loving hubby would not come back home in two days; so I spent that Friday afternoon in the beauty parlor. I got my mound smooth, not a single hair remaining around there.The girl who had shaved me liked the little tattoo above my clit.She ran a finger over it, making me shiver with pleasure. My thighs parted slightly for her and she smiled at me.She kept running her long fingers over my outer labia, causing it to part and get wet. So I begged her if she would like to lick me; but she...

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A young guy An older woman Not true story

We all of us enjoy sexual thoughts at one time or another and what follows is a fictional tale involving some of my own.I think I surprised even myself at how lengthy the story is becoming. It still has some way yet to go. Therefore, in order to maintain an interest I felt it best to post this part now. Should anyone feel the need for a part 2, feel free to let me know.I hope, given they are little more than a reflection of the thoughts of the slightly, older, more mature woman, this will not...

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Classic Mile High Club Story

I am sitting on the plane and thinking about you and I on the whale-watching trip and how your hands are almost as good for me as your cock. I’m thinking about how you drove me completely wild and it took everything I had to maintain some semblance of dignity and self-control with all those people around us. I love how when you touch me my skin feels like its on fire (tingling heat) and how it sends surges of heat through my body to my pussy, making it dribble onto my inner thigh. I want that...

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High School Jared

**This story is completely fictional and doesn't depict any real life figure.There's a small town in eastern Colorado by the name of Holyoke. It's a quaint little town with a friendly community. This is where Jared Robinson had lived for all of his 17 years. He had been brought up in a middle-class household where hard work and honesty were regarded highly. He was in his 2nd semester as a Junior in high school when this story begins.It was the middle of May, the hurdles were out and Jared was...

First Time
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Oil of RosesChapter 52

First up on the stage was House Risotti, and people could say what they wanted about Veronika, but she wasn't in the least afraid to put her subs' genitalia in danger for the sake of a show. It was obvious, watching One, Two, Three and Four up in the air, suspended by elastic straps, that it wasn't their first time. While they weren't as brilliant, gifted and well-trained as Cirque du Soleil, they had skills in the air that most of their audience wouldn't have even dreamed of. The four...

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Better Than New Ch 04

Val gets an unexpected visitor and Doreen finally reveals her secret. Act 4 Monday, February 22nd, 3:45pm ‘Hi Val. Just thought I’d give you a heads-up. The Bugatti is about ready to roll. I phoned Warren this afternoon and he’ll be over here tomorrow morning. We’re going to take it for a test drive first, then come over to BTN before lunch if everything works out.’ ‘Good, Dad, glad to hear it. So what are you going to do with your time now that the fun is over?’ I kidded. ‘Funny you...

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A Tale of Two NanniesChapter 7

Alex sensed the door opening and closing again, through the plastic shower curtain. She assumed Ronnie needed something. “Is Bob back yet?” she called out. “Bob is,” said Bob, pushing his face through the gap between the curtain and wall. She squeaked and, instinctively, covered her breasts. “You scared the pee out of me!” she accused. “All the drains go to the same place,” he said, grinning. “What?” “Never mind. Ronnie says you two came up with a solution to me going out of my mind...

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Young Athletes Club of Northern Florida II

As mentioned in Chapter One, there were only nine of us as we made our way to the kitchen area. Nobody seemed to want food, but juice and water were always welcome thirst-quenchers when loving times of passion had been found. Andy and his daughter Candy sat on one of the love seats and were joined by Cattie, my granddaughter that had sucked him dry as Candy; his 17 year old daughter watched, masturbated and then let him drink her cream as she erupted in climax into his ever willing mouth while...

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The Borrowed GirlChapter 5

Rebecca was wide awake now even though there was still no sign of daylight filtering through the boarded windows in the almost empty darkened room. There was no way she could escape because her one arm was still handcuffed to the radiator that was anchored to the pipes that ran down into the floor below and thence on to the basement where the furnace was located. She had already tried to pick the lock using the same technique she had used successfully on her locker at school and on Samantha...

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Romancing the Librarian Pt 03

A Decision at Chaco After the scare with Julie’s uncle and the other bikers at the edge of the Glen Canyon reservoir, we made our way carefully to the RV hidden in the wash. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the rig headed back to the road in the pitch black, but Marian did a great job with a hooded flashlight. She took the other seat and said the women were going to spell each other staying up with me. I didn’t say anything but wondered when I would get Julie in my lap again. On the low...

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Fucking Reader8217s Friend In Her Flat Part2

This is continuous of the last story which I had published in iss.I am Vignesh working in Bangalore, after having our first session in the sofa. Sowmiya and I both were waiting for the pizza to be delivered, which was ordered by sowmiya. The delivery boy rang the bell, I told sowmiya to get inside her bedroom. I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door got pizza and I paid for it.After the deliver boy left I called sowmiya to come back. She came nude, both sat on sofa nude and ate...

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Miss Kitty

My name is Kimberly Parker. I was a registered nurse in the pediatric ward of a local Austin hospital before all this happened. My typical uniform consisted of a pair of pink scrub pants and a top decorated with teddy bears, brightly colored balloons, cute zoo animals, etc. You get the idea. At 5’3′ I’m not an intimidating figure even without the uniform. With it on I look positively ridiculous. I had just come off my late night shift and was on my way home. I’d missed dinner because we had...

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Heather gets that anal taste in her mouth

It was Friday night and again I was thinking about Heather. I couldn't stop daydreaming about last week with her. That cute little blonde's tight ass was so incredible. Tonight Heather was going to take her next step into the world becoming a slut, only she didn't know it yet. She was in for quite a surprise. Christine and I had it all planned.We wanted Heather to realize that we were now in total control of her sex life. We wanted her to know that from now on she was our sex slave and was...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 18 Freeway

“Why do you want a tracker?” asked Mia. “We can’t find my mum by looking, can we?” “But we can’t plant a tracker on the agents,” Paul pointed out, “they’d notice even if we could get close enough somehow.” “I don’t like the look of that,” Mia was looking at a big off-roader that had come up on their left side. Grace made herself not look. “What is it?” “Big SUV,” said Paul, “Ford Explorer. Gray. Two guys in it, same type as in the lift - big, open shirts, and looking a bit serious....

2 years ago
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My b/f is French. His name is Jacques Longue. But everyone calls him Zak. I call him Zak Long. And that is no accident. He has a thick, blunt cock with beautiful, angry veins and loose foreskin that pulls easily back revealing a thick, purple helmet with a big eye and a pronounced curvature. Best of all, it is long. Over 8-inches when fully erect. And I like nothing better than riding him. Don’t get me wrong; when he grabs me roughly from behind, folds me in half and hammers 7 bells out me, it...

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