Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 16E
- 2 years ago
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Since I was on camera all by myself, I dropped any pretense of restraint and just let myself go. I writhed around on the hay bale, luxuriating in my orgasm, cooing to myself and basking in the fixed gaze of the camera. I really let it all out and it seemed to prolong my climax quite nicely. I was still going pretty good when Roxy walked over to me.
From the way she stood on my upstage side, I knew she had something she wanted to do to me on camera. In my sexual haze I thought she wanted to feel me up, so I spread my knees and raised my hips invitingly. I was surprised when her hand came out from behind her back holding a dagger that looked like it should be on the wall of some museum. It had a thin, shiny, double-edged blade that was well over a foot long, with an ivory handle and a gold guard with snakes intertwined across it. I remember it clearly because Roxy held it right in front of my eyes, where I could see it and appreciate the details.
When she was sure my eyes were focused on the dagger, she lowered the long, thin blade to my lips.
"Kiss it," she commanded, and I did. The bright blade was cool on my lips.
She moved the dagger down my chest and touched the edge to the swell of my right breast. She pressed down and I felt the razor-sharp blade try to bite into my flesh.
I froze just as still as I could as she held the dagger against my skin. Terror welled up in me, merging with the afterglow and rekindling my arousal. My breathing intensified, making my breast rise up under the knife that was already perilously close to cutting me.
Then I felt something familiar in the pit of my stomach, followed by a strong sense of veja vu. Being tied up and abused had brought back some of what I had felt during my visit to The Torturer. Now that I was once again being threatened physically, feelings that I thought I had buried were again welling to the surface. Fear gripped me in its steely claw, not at what Roxy might do but at what I might let her do once my self-destructive streak was reawakened.
Roxy let the dagger ride for a few seconds, then she moved it up along my breast in a shaving motion, scraping it along rather than slicing. She hooked her finger into my nipple-ring and pulled firmly upward, stretching my nipple out and directly into the path of the knife.
I watched intently as the blade slid toward my nipple. I wanted to look up at Roxy to see if I could tell if she was just teasing me, of if she really intended to cut off my nipple, but I couldn't tear my eyes from the gleaming blade. I watched as it negotiated the last curve and bore down on the taut pillar of pink flesh.
From the firm pressure she held on the knife, I began to doubt that this was just a tease. If she didn't ease up quickly, I was going to watch her slice my nipple from my breast.
Just as it reached the edge of my areola, the blade slid into a gob of cum and the slick stuff made it lose its bite. It abruptly slipped and instead of biting into me, it skipped past my nipple and hit the edge of my ring with a clinking sound, nearly taking a bit of Roxy's finger as she lost control of it. Startled, she let go of my ring and tipped the knife down, letting the whitish goo slide along the blade toward the tip. She moved the dagger directly over my face and lowered it toward my mouth.
Reflexively, I opened my mouth. Roxy let the tip dangle between my lips as the cum slid off and dropped onto my waiting tongue. Without thinking, I stuck my tongue up and licked the blade. When I realized what I had done, I looked up at Roxy to see how she would react to this act of self-debasement.
Roxy smiled. Reassured, I licked the other side of the blade and then carefully closed my lips on it to suck it clean.
Still smiling, she pulled the dagger out of my mouth and let the point rest on my lower lip. Then she dragged it down, tracing a path to my throat and pressing just hard enough to leave a mark without actually cutting me. I raised my chin slightly, moving my head away from the knife, but exposing my throat.
Roxy declined the unintended offer. She continued to draw a faint pink line down my chest, between my breasts and over my tummy, bumping through my navel until she reached my mons. She slowed then and lightly traced a line directly to the long hump between, where she dragged the sharp point feather-lightly along my swollen clit.
I was beyond terror at the implied threat. My personal demon had again risen up to destroy my self-control, my judgement, and my will. My sanity was the next to go and I felt it dissolve in the compulsion that took over my body and my mind. I could only feel the intense heat of arousal at being turned into a sex-toy for a goddess. With my body still firmly bound, I was now twice helpless as she threatened my sex with her knife.
Roxy played with my clit like she was fencing with a rapier, tapping and poking it with the point of the knife. In response it grew even larger, swelling and standing stiffly to attention. This seemed to please her and she continued to punish it, while threatening at any second to split it or spear it.
My clit became so engorged that I thought it would burst with no encouragement from Roxy. Each time she slapped it with the flat of the blade, I experienced an orgasmic rush that made me shudder and gasp. Each time she touched it with the point, a burst of electric fire jolted through me, the pain pushing me into an incredibly intense climax as well as making me flinch and putting my poor clit in even greater danger.
Any thought I might have had of resisting, of escape, or anything else, had been driven right out of my mind. My world had shrunk to the hotly-throbbing bundle of nerve-endings between my legs for as long as it was still attached to my body.
With her free hand, Roxy stroked the inside of my thighs and I became aware that I was holding my legs open so far that my hips were almost disjointed. Her touch was a reward for this act of capitulation.
I stared down through the valley of my breasts and tilted my hips even further back, redoubling my effort to present my clit to her for whatever she chose to do to it. I felt like I was lying on a sacrificial altar, making my clit an offering to the goddess standing above me. I tensed my abdomen to try to make it stand even taller for her — to make it bigger than ever. Roxy had complimented it before, both its size and its unhooded nakedness, so I wanted to impress her again by showing her how magnificent it could become.
She watched curiously as I struggled to enlarge my clit and make it a more worthy sacrifice to the beautiful woman who had me so completely at her mercy. I must have been successful, because she stayed her hand while I fought to give her a bigger target. I remembered how I had been able to extend it to such a huge size that I had been able to penetrate Jolene with it and I tried desperately to duplicate that feat.
When at last it stood as big and tall and hard and proud as I could make it for her, Roxy's expression changed from her thin, ethereal smile to one of wonderment as she stared at the stunningly large organ rising up from my groin. I saw the tip of her tongue slip out to lick her lips, then she swung a leg over the hay bale, straddling me. Still holding the dagger with one hand, she pulled the crotch of her panties aside with the other and lowered her pussy down to let my clit slide between her labia and into her vaginal opening.
She let her weight drive my enormous clit as deeply into her as it would go, then she shuddered and her proud head bent forward and her lovely eyes closed. She sighed deeply and reached out to rest her hand on my stomach, sliding it up to cup my breast.
Her hips jerked once and I felt her legs clench against my hips. Her lips parted and she took a long, deep breath before rising up off my hips, slowly letting my clit slide out of her as she stood.
She backed away a bit and then the goddess smiled a thin, cruel smile and placed the very point of the dagger directly on the tip of my clit with her arm extended. She paused and looked into my eyes. Her expression was different from before, now unreadable.
I looked up into her face. I opened my mouth to plead with her, but I couldn't think what to plead for. Don't do it? Do it? Spare my clit? Cut me? I was pleading with every fiber of my being, but I didn't know for what. Was Roxy expecting me to beg her not to hurt me? If I did, would she do as I asked or would she do the opposite? I no longer knew what I wanted. Figuring out what she wanted was impossible.
She tilted her head a bit, and her eyes narrowed. She had made her decision without any input from me.
I accepted my fate. I welcomed it. I yearned for it. I clenched my teeth and arched my back, holding my big, stiff clit as still and high as I could and waited for her to accept my offering.
Without moving her arm, Roxy flicked her fingers and the sharp point of the dagger sliced through the thin, taut skin, cutting open the very tip of my clit.
The awesome, overwhelming sensation was exactly what I had expected it would feel like to have my clit explode. Every nerve in my body fired at once, throwing me into an uncontrolled fit of convulsions. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. The muscles in my back spasmed so hard that I thought my spine would snap. It threw me up off the hay bales and I bent backwards almost double before the intense sensation faded almost as quickly as it came, leaving me feeling as if my clit had been turned completely inside out and all the nerves were exposed to the air. It was a lot like being hooked to the Electrocutor device and I loved it.
When the surge faded, I refocused my eyes and looked down my body, expecting to see a gory mess between my legs. Instead, I saw my hugely distended clit, intact but with a small stream of blood undulating down the plump shaft from where the quivering tip had been slit open. As I watched, the blood stopped flowing. I honestly don't know if I did that not.
I felt like I had burst into flame and consumed by my own fire, leaving only a brittle ash shell behind. I was so numbly stupefied that I didn't even flinch when Roxy raised the dagger over her head and plunged it all the way through my chest and out my back, pinning me to the bale of hay like a bug in a Biology class project. Then she turned and walked off camera, leaving me to die alone.
I stared at the hilt of the dagger sticking up between my breasts. She had missed my heart, but it was a very near miss. I could see the hilt vibrate to each beat. It looked like it would be a slow death.
I was numb and on fire at the same time. Conflicting feelings roared through me and I froze as I tried to decide what was happening to me. Once I was able to sort out the real sensations from the climax-driven phantasms, I found that I could still feel everything below my waist, so it hadn't severed my spine, even though I had felt the point grate across my backbone in passing. The blade transfixed me front to back almost perfectly. A steady stream of blood flowed from the wound and ran both ways, making a bright red track across my stomach and curving past my collarbone to run off my right shoulder. The surprising thing was that the pain wasn't too bad. At first it was just a dull ache; but it was building.
With a look of terror and shock that may have been my finest film moment, I rolled my eyes back, dropped my head back onto the hay, closed my eyes and went totally limp. To the camera, it would look like I had died. In reality, I was going into a trance, a state which would slow my perception of time and let me deal with the damage that had been done to my body. In seconds I had the bleeding stopped and the repairs underway. All that remained now was to wait until the healing had progressed to the point where it was safe to remove the blade.
While I waited, motionless, with the camera lingering ghoulishly on my bloody corpse, I thought about the ingratitude Roxy had shown in killing me so quickly.
"The bitch screwed up any chance of a sequel!" I thought. "This was fun! I could have done a lot more. I might even have got better at acting. Was this their idea of criticism — killing the star? More likely that Winslow got a 'special request' from a customer that he thought justified wasting my career like this. I hope they promised him a shit-load of money for it, because he's not going to get a chance to spend a single penny!"
To say I was pissed would be a vast understatement. I was so mad at having been written out of the film and the business after my very first scene that it was a few moments before I realized that this also meant that Roxy had — to all real intent — committed the cold-blooded murder of an innocent girl. Winslow told her to do it and Smith and Jones watched it happen without lifting a finger to stop it. They were all guilty of conspiracy to murder, and accessories before and after the fact. The drug business, the extortion, the kidnappings — these were all very bad stuff. Murder was a whole new ballgame. And fucking up a promising career in porn — something I thought I had a natural talent for — that was really going too damn far!
"How many other careers have they cut short with their damn snuff-films?" I wondered. "How many other young lives... ?" I stopped. My train of thought had just run off the end of the track. They obviously had done this to other girls. More than a few? More than a dozen? I had no idea.
My anger became resolve. The resolve became steel. The steel flared into incandescent heat as more adrenalin than I had ever felt before poured into my veins. Healed or not, it was time to act.
I opened the eye away from the camera. The dagger still stuck straight up out of me. Now there was an inch or so of blade showing. My healing must be slowly forcing the blade up and out.
"Good," I thought. "It's not hung on anything. I just have to speed things up a bit."
I focused on ejecting the blade. Once my body knew what I wanted, it happened quickly. The blade rose steadily, tilting to one side as it did and then fell to the ground with a soft thud. The hole it had made closed behind it and in seconds the flesh was healed. No trace of the puncture remained, except for the blood coating my torso. Even my sliced clit felt whole again, although it would probably be a while before it stopped throbbing along with my heartbeat.
I turned my head and looked over at the group standing behind the camera. They seemed to be discussing how to best dispose of my corpse.
"I know we buried the others out by the woods," Jones said. "But, have you any idea how hard it is to dig a hole deep enough so something won't dig her up? Shit, boss, you want her buried, you dig the damn hole! I say we take her to the Everglades and give her to the gators."
"That's too far!" Winslow argued. "You idiots will get stopped for something and they'll find the body. No, we need to... Holy shit! Look!"
Winslow was pointing at me. It was time. I had only seconds while they were still too stunned to try to reverse my resurrection.
I levered myself to my feet. My ankles were still bound to bolts in the floor with the leather straps, but the tape on my arms had stretched quite a bit from my jerking around. I had leverage now that I hadn't had before. I gave a great shrug and flexed like a bodybuilder. The strapping tape parted with a loud snap and I brought my arms out from behind my back.
The pain was blinding. Being stabbed was much more pleasant than moving my arms again after having them bound for so long. I had to do something to gain a few more seconds to recover, so I did the only trick I could think of. I became The Dragon and I roared out my anger and my pain at the top of my lungs in a howl that would have shattered the windows in anyplace but a big barn.
It served. The group of murdering scum froze into a surprised tableau. I kicked out with my right foot and the leather strap parted. I spun around to my left so I wouldn't be trying to balance with my feet on either side of the hay bale. I had just jerked my left foot free when Jones came to his senses and reached into the waistband of his slacks for his pistol.
Jones going for his gun seemed to set everyone else into motion. Smith was first. He lunged for the door, knocking into Winslow and Roxy, who were slower to react. All three of them went down in a tangle of limbs.
I saw that there was no way to get to Jones before he could bring the muzzle of his big gun to bear on me, so I did the only thing I could think of, I kicked the hay bale in front of me as hard as I could, sending it flying toward Jones.
I expected the bale to fly apart, making a hay-storm behind which I could move without Jones being able to see me and blow large holes in my favorite body. The bale was either better-packed than I expected, or had been compressed by the use it had seen. It stayed together as it sailed across the room, striking Jones just above the knees, hitting him so hard that I could hear his bones break the instant before it slammed him into the far wall.
Jones jerked the trigger as he was hit and the booming noise of the gun followed closely on the sound of his bones snapping. His shot was way off target. It went high and wide, hitting one of the metal lights hanging from the high ceiling. There was a great shower of sparks and the whole fixture came crashing down, nearly landing on the three stoners who were lethargically reacting to the situation.
Roxy and Winslow were scrambling to their feet, with no help from Smith, whose panicked attempts to get up seemed more laughable than purposeful.
"Fuck me!" Winslow cried, in a voice high enough to have been mistaken for Roxy. He was staring at me with recognition in his eyes. I thought at first he had figured out my disguise from my visit to his store, but then I remembered that everyone with a TV must have seen the footage of the fight with the tank and that was where he had seen me before.
Roxy didn't appear surprised or alarmed, just annoyed that her act of murder had been so ineffective. She looked around on the floor for the dagger so she could try it again.
"God, what a cold bitch!" I thought. Any sympathy I had for her evaporated at that moment. That one expression explained to me how someone that gorgeous could bring herself to cook up addictive poison and retail it to a whole city.
With the only gun out of commission, along with its master, I advanced on Roxy to keep her from finding her knife and using it to make another hole in me.
Smith grabbed her from behind, comically yanking her panties to her knees in an attempt to get to his feet. "Fire!" He screamed, pointing toward the pile of hay in the corner.
I looked around to see the three punks fighting a small blaze by giggling and throwing handfuls of hay mixed with dirt onto it. The effect was to make a small fire into a larger one in a matter of seconds and they found this riotously funny.
Smith finally struggled to his feet and dashed up the hall toward the door that Roxy had come out of.
"I'll get the extinguisher!" he shouted.
"Good man," I thought, bending down to jab at a button on the video recorder. "First, he prevents everyone from escaping; now he's going to put out the fire. Maybe I'll put in a good word for the idiot, later."
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as told to BrettJ © 2007 November 22 2007 Man, it was freezing out this morning — and I hate, hate, HATE the cold, so I didn’t wanna go to school — but the ‘rents insisted, dammit! So, smarty-pants me decided to make the best of it. Put on the tightest pair of black jeans I own — and a tiny, tiny, itsy-bitsy little thong — and my new white sweater that hugs my very-nice boobs — did myself up and went to school looking majorly H-O-fuckin’-T! I also got to wear the new boots, just for...
After a month of not being bothered by Jack, that was the persons name that had molested me, I forgot about him and went about my merry way. I was constantly jacking off and trying to expose my self but there did not seem to be anyone that would take me serious. I had a paper route and it was an early morning delivery. I had 40 customers and that took me about a couple of hours to get them all delivered. There was this one place that I delivered last and it was at the edge of town. I...
Beginning in their snug dorm room in busy NY. Ending in places they'd think not step into. ;) [SCENE 1] "Judy!How many times do I have to tell you to not leave your things on this disgusting dorm floor!?",Sally yells."SHAP!You do it too!", replies Judy.Sally goes into great detail about a party that's happening later-on tonight."Alcohol!" -pass- {says Judy} "Dancing" -can't- "Guys" -ooohh la laa- "BINGO!", blurts Sally."Hurry up and get ready, Can't be going out a mess...
I nearly forgot a few great flashes while I was on my work trip. One in particular was a pretty decent looking woman that I said hi to as she approached. Then I asked her if she had ever watched a guy jerk off before. She calmly said no and got in her car. There were a few other good ones during the trip. I was pretty much jacking off in public when I was not at work. The last one was where I made another huge mistake. It was the last chance to get a good one. I was going to fly home the next...
Hi this is Raj. I became the fan of ISS and would like to narrate a sorry which is a fiction and not a true story. But I assure for your enjoyment. I am 29 years old and look handsome. Some days back I got introduced to a girl Raji who works in a private company. She fell love with me and she was bit hesitant to propose her love to me. Finally she sent me an SMS stating that she is in love with me. But I do not want to respond to it immediately and maintained mum for few days. The third day...
The next two days were quiet and lonely. I only saw Sean at breakfast and for a few minutes before we went to bed. I sat around my quiet house all day and wondered if and when my rapist would reappear. Each day I would sit and watch the time pass and each day when he didn't come for me, come to use me, I realized that I was always more disappointed than relieved. I was actually starting to get impatient to be raped again! Well, at least I knew how sick that was. To make things worse, Sean...
We meet at a restaurant and sit across from each other. I notice that you’re not wearing a bra underneath your top. The waitress brings two drinks and I watch you place your fingers on each side of the glass and stroke it with your fingers and make erotic patterns on the glass. I also notice how you play with your hair and lick your lips. You look up to me with your alluring eyes and smile. A smile that is both sexy and sweet. When we met, your eyes opened wide and sparkled for a bit,...
Adrienne “Adrienne, my fierce one, it’s time to awaken,” Hannah said to me. I opened my eyes and looked around. Meredith and I had switched during the night. She was cuddled up to me now and was sleeping. Her skin felt so soft to the touch. I smiled a big smile this morning. I hadn’t woken up next to anyone in a very long time and I was relishing the feeling. “I’m glad you’re content Adrienne. You’ve been alone for so long, it’s my hope that you’ll fill the void in each other’s hearts in...
****WARNING: This chapter and the next have some forced sexual situations between cousins that some may find disturbing. If this sort of action is offensive to you, please skip ahead to Chapter 50.-- Chrissy was a bundle of eleven year old energy at dinner and bouncing off the walls afterwards. Dad was assigned to take her over to check on her house, water plants, and then let her burn off some energy mom said was built up because we stayed cooped up in the house all day long. "You know I...
I was desperately seeking a new roommate when I found Ami online. She was thirty-two, from Japan, and splitting up with her American husband of six months. She seemed very nice and had the rent in cash and moved in that day. Her English wasn’t very good so we didn’t talk very much, but she was a good roommate. When she wasn’t at work she stayed in her room and was very quiet. Sometimes at night I could hear her crying, which was sad. The first time I showed her my tail I made it seem like an...
Hi friends, myself rohit from raipur chhatissgarh. Age 27 good looking guy with 9″ size. I have been iss fan for last 5 years so finally decided to write my own experience. Any girls aur bhabhis in c. G can contact me at Privacy guaranteed. Coming to the story my gf name is riya a bomb white as milk height 5.4″ figure 34 26 30. Long black hairs till waist always in tight jeans. It have been 3 months to our relationship we have done kiss and fun in movies and in drive but till now I haven’t...
I live in a modest city called Middleton “not really the name but wouldn’t you like to know you naughty stalker you (;’ its in America is all i’ll say and in the northern part of the country. It’s really nice here all year round really and I love it here. On to the salacious parts! “ its totally worth the wait by the way!” So I have been lonely for around a year now since my husband Jerry divorced me. I have had a few encounters but no really satisfying sex. My friend Jennifer has been...
by Vanessa Evans Part 2 Alice woke me by using my morning woody for what it was designed for and I accused her of being a nymphomaniac which she didn’t deny. It was late morning when we finally finished in the bathroom, Alice still having some of my cum seeping out of her. It was a quick breakfast then a rushed setting the stage for a repeat performance. Alice had just laid out on the lounger when I told her that I was a little concerned about the weather because it wasn’t as good as the...
Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee at a time, and shuffled toward me, having already left her shoes behind. I,...
George Fuller had been feeling a little stressed at his Accounts Receivable Division, with summer just around the corner, it meant that the company's fiscal year would be ending and with that meant end of year reports. "Laura," he said over the intercom, "can you bring me some coffee please?" Laura came in quickly and saw how pale he looked, "George, what's wrong?" she said. "I'm just getting aggravated a little with some of these numbers." He gave a furious look at his keyboard....
I want you to feel this, to enjoy it and play as much as you want. Lay on your back. Be ready, almost naked. Have a small hard toy and a good vibrator. I’ve pushed up your top to reveal your breasts. Standing beside your bed, I run my hands over your tummy and up to the bottom of your breasts where I cup one and squeeze if firmly in my hand. The other hand slides down and pushes along your thigh, moving back and forth till it touches your soft fur. Finding the mound, I push on it with the palm...
I had no plans for the day. My mum was at work and my brother had gone out so I thought I would just have a lazy day in front of the TV in my pyjamas (well, t-shirt and knickers). I had just gotten comfy on the sofa when to doorbell rang. Oh, it will probably just be someone trying to sell me something, I thought, so I ignored it. It then rang again, so I reluctantly opened the door to find my boyfriend standing there, looking chuffed. “Y’alright babe?” he said, and gave me a peck on the lips....
First TimeHi this is my first submission. It’s part true life and part fiction. All feedback will be appreciated. Now on to the story. ***** John, a 42 years old father of three, a husband of an ambitious woman, lying in bed waiting for his wife to come home. The clock showing that it was 1130 pm. The loneliness he felt was becoming almost too much to bear. This has been going on for almost half a year, all he wanted was for some quality time with his wife Jennie. He already spoken to her about it....
Nelson Enterprises - Action Packed. Here is an action filled episode that includes 4 new fun swaps and some updates on previous swaps. Since the Ball is being held at Nelson Enterprises, the opportunity is too good to pass on. Some unsuspecting important people will be coming to the ball as powerful men and leaving as beautiful ladies. Each of the stories has its own unique conflict and its unique outcome. Previously on Nelson Enterprises: In the last episode, Bill - as Barb -...
Ye us samay ki baat hai jab mai hostel me rehta tha and mera 10th class ka board exam tha…Mera saara exams khatm ho chuka tha bus ek science baaki tha but beech me holi festival tha so sabhiko ghar jaana para but mera ghar dur hone ke karan mai nai jaa saka..Pure hostel me mai akela hi tha apne hostel warden ke saath…Wo bahut hi sexy body wale aadmi hai..Thode fat hai..Wo gaysex k lie ekdum perfect hai,.Mai jab v unhe dekhta mann karta unke muh pe muth maar dun and hamesha unse sex karne ko dil...
Yvonne, over a couple of years, had found many sex sites where she could lust over the wonderful photos and videos that turned her on so much. Being careful in the utmost not to risk being found out by her husband, she rarely made any input in the way of messages to these sites, and although she initially displayed her photo as an avatar, she soon saw the hazards associated, and removed it in a matter of weeks. She had very intentionally sought out these pornographic sites, but then, quite by...
My cousin, Nicole and I have always had a special relationship. I mean when we were between the ages of 6 and 10, we used to go into her bedroom and have what we thought was sex, my touching each other all over. We stopped this when we were about 10 through fear of being caught. I really do wish we knew what we were doing back then because we would have without doubt at least masturbated each other on many occasions I am now 16 and she is now 15, but we first slept with each other when I was 14...
IncestIt was several minutes before she let him come up for air, and he gasped for breath as she wrapped her hunter's legs around his waist, so that even if he'd wanted to, there was no separating them. With her hands she tore at his chest wildly, making him cry out, drawing blood with her wicked nails. He pulled her hands away and braced himself above her, holding her arms out like he was crucifying her. Then he gazed down into her face, her eyes aflame with what he assumed must be...
He was making a cross-country drive and had stopped in for a nights rest before continuing on the next morning. At least that was his plan. “Do you know it’s been 6 years since I last saw you? Heck, you were just a scrawny little thing back then. You have really grown up,” he said, trying not to stare at her breasts. “Yeah, well I’m 13 now. Pretty soon I’ll be driving,” Renee replied, trying not to blush. “That is a truly scary thought,” he joked. “Well it really is good to see...
I call him Daddy.I have this weird fantasy in my head lately about how Daddy meets me in the parking lot before a certain class. I get there early, get out of my vehicle and get in Daddy's. The people in the parking lot don't know he's my Daddy but they notice I get to school early Tuesday and Thursday nights, get out of my vehicle and get in his. I am always wearing something Daddy would approve of - always skirts or dresses, very proper, except sometimes I wear stockings that are a little...
Before Naomi put my T-shirt on, I took my pocket knife and cut the top just like Josalyn had hers cut this morning. I cut it plenty low too. I wanted to see my woman’s titties and I wanted to show her off to the store clerks and customers. When she put it on, her big bronze titties were almost shining to the world, the shirt was stretched so tight across them. Damn, I love a woman with big titties no matter what color they are, but if her titties are brown like my skin or close to it, I...
invasion had come and she was terrified. The Angels from the sky had come to liberate her small Dutch town, but she was frightened. After so many years of German occupation, the gleaming hope of liberation was fast fading in the waning light. It was the fourth day when it happened. The door crashed down and in fell a young American paratrooper, wounded in the battle and looking for a place of refuge. He crawled into the other room, blood trailing from his wounded leg. She cowered...
"Undo my belt." She held her arms as far out as she could and turned her head as she fumbled with the belt, not only was this the first time she was doing this but his belly was in the way making it harder. Finally she worked it free and sat back with a childish humph. "Now open my trousers" She shuddered and wrinkled her face at those words. Slowly she reached out again and searched for the button of his pants, feeling the warmth emanating from his crotch, she could feel it moving...
Just a few miles north of Cairns, on the eastern fringes of the Daintree rainforest, there are some mangrove swamps. Almost primeval in their simplicity and yet ecologically amazing in their eco-systems, they remain a memorial to the eons past where their origins first saw the light of day. They are a complex realm; brackish water for a few hours and then the turn of the tide and the salt water rushes in and all life that would survive there must evolve to cope with these varied conditions or...
I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...
Scene opens on George, a typical blue-collar guy, as he lazes around at home one afternoon watching TV and eating a bowl of chips. His wife is out of town and it’s his first day off in weeks so the man is very eager to relax when, suddenly, he hears screaming coming from the other end of the house. It’s his 18-year-old step-daughter, Kelly, crying out for him. She sounds very frightened. George puts the chips down and darts back to her bedroom. When he opens the door, he is shocked...