Working Overtime
- 3 years ago
- 17
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Life settled back to normal, that is if anything could be considered normal for a family of three humanoids and 16 slugs. Though that was about to change.
It was a nice sunny day and Gillyanna and the babies, as well as Vee, who never left her side, and a few others were outside enjoying the day. That was until armed men burst into the clearing. Gillyanna knew immediately who these people were but that didn't stop her from grabbing up her daughter and the two boys that were currently not needed for diaper duty. The boys were now big enough that it only needed two of them to cover those areas that were needed.
Vee moved quickly to cover Gillyanna and the babies as she knelt on the ground and called to his brothers for help. The others that were in the area moved to take up positions around the intruders. Gillyanna chose to speak first. "Please don't hurt us. What do you want?"
A man stepped closer and raised his faceplate. Then he pulled a data pad from the side of his suit but never dropped his weapon. "Your one of the prisoners. Stand up for shackling."
"No please. You don't understand. I can't go back. We can't leave the planet. Please we have no weapons. Please don't hurt us."
The man then looked and realized that the woman in front of him was covered in some black thing.
"What the hell is all over you and the babe?"
"Indigenous and intelligent life forms of this planet. And the reason my child and I can't leave," Gillyanna answered absently.
"Who else survived the crash?" Gillyanna thought for a moment when she saw some of the others move up behind. However Gillyanna's response was not fast enough for the man and he yelled, "Who else is with you?!"
From the top of the ship where Dorel had gone to when he was told that intruders were coming to the ship. He had heard the man ask Gillyanna who else had survived but chose to wait a moment to see how she reacted. But when he yelled at her, the man also advanced. Dorel jumped up with his laser riffle in hand and aimed at his target. "Me!! Now move away from the woman and my child!! Don't think of do anything, the others won't like it!"
The man stepped back but looked at his DP (Data Pad). Then he looked back up to Dorel. "Identify yourself."
"I'm Lieutenant Dorel of the transport ship Turgar. Who's asking?"
"I'm Lieutenant Colonel Pello, Commander of the Vanchu. We received your distress call. We're here to take you home and take any prisoners back into custody."
"That might have worked last year. But like she said we can't leave. Give me a moment to get down and I'll explain but I think you should stow the weapons. The others are none to happy that you're aiming at their children."
Dorel waited to see if they did before he dropped his. The man slowly looked around and saw that the clearing had filled with more of the creatures. Slowly he lowered his weapon, this was the signal and the others lowered theirs. Dorel walked to the edge of the ship and jumped. It was an easy drop for him and then he walked up to stand next to Gillyanna. Dorel knew she was on the verge of being completely hysterical but hoped that Vee would keep her calm.
The man in front of them said, "Alright, now explain."
"About a year and a half ago we were attacked by raiders and that was when we crashed. The captain thought it was to free some of the prisoners that we had. Gillyanna's the only prisoner that survived. She woke first. When she found me I was still unconscious with a bad concussion and a broken arm. I woke to find myself restrained and Gillyanna working to get the systems back online. I talked her into letting me help her so that both of us could survive. You see she was in worse condition than I was. She freed me just before she passed out. She had massive internal injuries and I was surprised she was even alive."
"Why didn't you take her back into custody?" the Colonel demanded.
"There was only the two of us. We needed to help each other if we wanted to survive, the fact that she's innocent and her trial was a sham also played a apart."
"We have her listed as human but we have her listed as having no children. We're sterile with humans." The Colonel was clearly asking a question.
"Some of us might not be. My daughter was born nine months ago." Dorel said with pride.
"So what's this about not being able to leave the planet?" the colonel asked.
"The other little ones are hers too. Gillyanna and Glissa are connected to these creatures some how, telepathically linked. Even great distances between them causes some pain and discomfort to them. The farther away or the longer they were gone the worse it got for Gillyanna. These beings are sentient life forms but they can't leave the planet that they're connected to either."
"And are you linked with them?" the Colonel was clearly disgusted.
"No. All the creatures are male. But it really doesn't matter if I was or not. I'm not leaving my daughter."
The colonel looked around for a moment thinking, "Are you saying that all of these creatures are male and in some way mated to her and that she not only had your child but had theirs?"
"No, just one. The one that is covering her now. They're so closely connected it's more like their married. He is also the leader of this group or clan or what ever you want to call it."
Dorel had never really thought about what the group called themselves.
At the moment several others came forward, three went to Gillyanna, who was slowly rocking back and forth, and one came to stand near Dorel. It was Lu; he had a DP and communicator.
"Dorel, the others are going to take Gillyanna inside to lay down. Gillyanna is too scared to move so the others and Vee will just carry her in. It is also time for the babies to have their naps," Lu said through the communicator.
"It can use our tech! How the hell is that possible?" said someone from behind.
"As I said, they're very intelligent, near geniuses in fact," Dorel turned to Lu, "Thanks Lu, I was about to ask if you guys could do that. If you need to, the hypo should be ready at the med unit."
"Vee is going to use it as soon as Gillyanna is in bed. Gillyanna is frightened beyond bearing," With that Lu turned the DP to the Colonel. "Vee wishes me to tell you that if you ever raise a weapon to threaten his mate and offspring again or try anything against the rest of his family, he will see that you never leave this planet."
Then Lu turned and moved over to the others and helped move Gillyanna to the ship and inside.
Dorel was taken aback by both the surprise of the officer in front of him and by the strength of the threat. He knew Vee and Gillyanna were more than companions. Though it disturbed him, it was not something he wanted with her. She was just too human for his liking. Dorel waited to see what the Colonel was going to do. The Colonel looked around again to see that none of the others had moved. "Call off the others. At the moment I can't see anything else to do. I'll have to call this in."
"Alright," Dorel looked to the others, "Okay guys, back off." then turned back to the Colonel, "when we crashed we thought we got the raiders but the sensors went out and so did everything else. I wasn't sure but I thought a second ship was coming in."
"You did or at least the debris seems to say that. Your captain was way off course I hope you know. We found nav-scramblers all over the sector. Which is how we found you, by the way. We think the raiders are still in the area but haven't detected you down here. We just barely detected you. Why the low sensors? And why didn't you respond to our hails?"
"The comms are trashed. I tried to place a portable unit on that mountain south of us but was attacked by several creatures. As for the sensors we think the sensors and shields cause a disturbance in the atmosphere and develops into a nasty storm. I would recommend that you tell you shuttle to shut yours down or we'll have a storm here soon that will be very bad."
"Like hell I'm telling them that!" the Colonel yelled.
"Look, if a storm comes the air can literally freeze. The only way to survive is to leave the area or be wrapped up by the ... well I guess I'll call them the sluggers. It's how Gillyanna survived the first storm. Sensors are only at five percent right now and that seems to be fine. But your going to be running full power we'll have a storm here in two days or less."
"I don't think we will be here for that long," the colonel growled.
"Suit yourself but you might think that if the women in the group need to be protected from the storm. They could end up having to stay."
"Is that a threat?!" The Colonel stepped right up to Dorel. Several being moved closer to back up Dorel. This was not unnoticed by the others or the Colonel.
"Colonel think. Vee did something to Gillyanna when the first storm came then impregnated her. The four small ones were born just before my daughter was. I had to use Gillyanna before I attempted to set the portable communit. Do you want to risk that for the females in your command?"
This made the Colonel think. He had five females in his group two with him now. He knew none would care to stay. He ordered all of his people to have no physical contact with any of the slug creatures.
He then called his shuttle and ordered them to cut power to half and sensors to 35%. Dorel would have liked it to be less but it would buy them more time.
The Colonel started questioning Dorel about the ship and what power he had and what things needed major help. Dorel told him that the ship would never fly again because the engineering section was completely gone. He would like to get more power but only had one solar and one wind generator. Life support wasn't needed but some environmental controls would be nice to help with cold nights since he slept alone.
A small portable generator was called for from the shuttle and others were told to get to work on some of the other systems. The team medic came forward when others went to work and asked permission to examine Dorel, his daughter and Gillyanna. It did not go unnoticed that one of the smaller creatures Dorel remembered as Zee followed when the woman went into the ship once she had permission but chose to start with the others while Gillyanna was out.
Gillyanna woke to the sound of someone humming. As she looked around she saw a woman holding Glissa. But before she could start yelling Vee spoke; "Gillyanna, it's all right. She just ... I know there is a word for it but she is just holding Glissa and cooing to her. She is a medic and asked to check you and Glissa out; Dorel told her that was fine but not to try anything. Glissa was somewhat upset and the boys were having little effect at calming her. She is very sensitive and knew you were very stressed. The woman has helped."
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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. HAIL TO THE CHIEF Chapter 1 - The Awaking Chapter 2 - The Invite Chapter 3 - The First Month Chapter 4 - Almost Healed Chapter 5 - Presidential Erections Chapter 6 - Honest Abe Chapter 7 - One Year later Hail to the Chief by Waldo Chapter 1 - The Awaking The six police motorcycles roared down the busy...
“You know what to do pet.” Mo took a deep breath and looked up and down the corridor to make sure no one was there. Then she reached into her purse, took out the blindfold Jessica had sent her in the mail, and put it over her eyes. Mo heard the door open, and a soft strong hand took her by the wrist and led her into the hotel room. The door closed behind them, and Mo was spun around and pressed against it. Jessica pressed herself against Mo’s back, and leaned down to whisper into Mo’s ear....
Donna Bellows checked her face in the mirror by the front door. She decided she would have to get by as she was. Her husband's best friend, Gil Gentry, had called to ask her to meet him in town at a little out of the way restaurant. She knew what he wanted, and she was uncertain how he would react to what she had to tell him. She picked up the big shoulder bag she usually carried. It wasn't that stylish perhaps, but it held all the things a mother of three needed to have with her. Picking up...
Kylie Rocket may look young and innocent, but she’s an absolute freak…and we love it. The 18 year old beauty loves watching porn and loves starring in it even more. She’s here today to fix her craving of dick. She shows off her body before getting down and begging for a dick in her mouth like the cute little slut she loves to be. Max Cartel comes to her rescue, giving her the amazing dick she needs. They fuck in multiple positions before he lets out a huge load all over her...
xmoviesforyouIndru tamil kama kathaiyil en teen age kama kathaiyin thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, en pundiyil vinthu vanthum periya poolal oothukonde irunthathil naan ennai meeri haaaaaaaaaa endru kathinen. Naan kathiyathai paarthu selva oopathai niruthi ena di achu endru ketan? Pinbu naan en pundaiyil vinthu vanthu vitathu da endru solinen, aanal enaku inum vinthu varavilaiye endru sonan. Udane naan avanai paduka vaithu poolai urinthukonde adithu oombinen, inbamaaga...
After having had a few experiences, I became slightly more comfortable with my sexuality. I decided to branch out a bit, and see what life had to offer. I wondered whether there were any bars or clubs that I could go to to meet people who were looking for someone like me, so I went online and discovered, that yes, there were quite a few such places. It is so wonderful having the internet at times like these, I have no idea how I would have learned about these things without being able to go...
Chapter 4 (Incest, Voyeur) By Greg Readers of my story always seem interested in the first time I got to do my sister. In some ways it is easy to write about because the memory is so vividly etched in my mind. It is also difficult because of the personal nature of it. I had never planned on sharing this, but due to the constant requests here it is It had been was almost a year since I had started spying on Shelly. My own sex life was centered vicariously on enjoying...
I will start out by telling you I am a mid 30's married male who has a pretty good sex life but one day I got the urge to call my ex and see if she was interested in seeing me again since I would be on a business trip in her area. She said she was and could I come over Friday night but I would need to come up to the back door and to make sure I took off all my clothes on the porch before I walked in. Wow, I was going to get some of her hot ass and I was excited. I finished my business Friday...
Waking the next morning, I was feeling lazy. I didn’t really feel like getting out of bed, but my ladies were having none of that! They were telling me to get up, that I had a lot to do before we left for town, and get up now breakfast was ready. After breakfast, I went to find Grandpa. He had just finished his own breakfast, so we went out to the wagons, making sure everything was ready. We were hitching the mules to both new wagons, and saddling up the horses. We were taking Grandpa, hitched...
Please read Chapters 1 - 18 first. This is a continuing story. The afternoon lesbian sex experience kept me high and horny in the following days. Although I had shared many sex experiences with my girlfriend, being with my second ever girl gave me an extra buzz that had me rubbing myself more often and with a special vigour. Vivid images of her great body would flash into my head and thoughts of her meaty pussy in my mouth would push me over the edge in record time. My needs were high and the...
Group Sex3 Months Earlier “We can’t keep doing this,” Stacie said unconvincingly as she tugged her panties off her waist. “Why not? We both love it.” I responded. “Cause it’s incest, and Mom is right over there,” Stacie whispered. Mom was in the bed across from us. The hotel room in Mandalay Bay only had two beds, and Mom booked the flight so late that all the other rooms were full. Stacie and Mom were supposed to double up, but by the time Mom took her sleeping pills and passed out, Stacie found...
When I hit 30 I had realized it was now or never. I felt like I had wasted so much time and didn't want to waste any more. I was getting older and was sick of being miserable so I left. It was a difficult decision but I knew if I stayed in my kids lives, I could live a more fulfilling and happy life. I knew I had to finally allow myself to be happy as well. The break up was full of anger and hate. She stole a lot of my things but I soon met a girl that made me shrug my shoulders to...
I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I?d be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness By Kim West Chapter 3: The Making Of Plans And Schemes. They had all gathered at their favorite hangout which was Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley. The four young...
HumorI'm 28 years old and pretty open about sex and relationships. I believe a man should worship his lady in every way. Can't say that I had ever literally worshiped a woman physically until i met Mz. Chloe. I still am not sure what attracted me to Her but it was strong. She has complete control over me and i'm her slave completely. I would do anything Mz.Chloe asked of me. Mz.Chloe introduced me to a friend of hers Mr.Sean, He has a girl slave named precious. Precious is a beautiful shy little...
Argus finished telling about Sloan and Kyla and sat down again, The hall remained quiet, as the guests understood now why Braedon came to see Arabella again. ‘Argus, noo that was a nice telling ye ga’e.’ Peter MacLeod spoke out finally. ‘Aye, I was’ne expecting ye tae telling such a nice tale of love.’ Mary MacLeod agreed. Argus stood and smiled and took a short bow and passed the floor to Stuart again, before sitting down. ‘Noo that ye’s know why Braedon was coming tae Tioram, I think we...
It was a beautiful day and Jenny thought it would be nice to head out for a drive. She set out not really knowing where she was heading, all she knew that she would keep off the main roads and the rest she left to chance. After an hour into her drive she was in the middle of nowhere, she had the radio blasting her favourite rock music and so didn’t hear the siren. Eventually she checked her rear view mirror to see the police car behind, lights flashing. Jenny felt a bit nervous as she sat...
Made into a Public Fountain.The Rogues Public PunishmentI'd been caught with the other three rogues and led helplessly arms bound behind my back and half naked through the city streets to the public square before you, a growing, jeering crowd of all ages, many male but mostly female, and boys and girls; all enjoying our humiliation and helplessness before you. We’d been caught almost in the act. We had a half a dozen girls we’d overpowered helpless bound, gagged and spread in a variety of...
She Developed Early My niece Debra developed early…and I do mean early. She wore a training bra in the first grade because her mother made her wear one. It was so embarrassing for her. When I saw her she ran into my arm with tears in her eyes and told me the whole story. I had a talk with my brother but he was afraid to say anything to his wife about it. He did agree to me taking Debra on Saturday and showing her a good time. Well that Saturday I picked Debra up and we were off. I...
I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in about ten years. Shelby and I dated for a little over a year before she broke up with me due to my inability to commit. Shelby is pretty family oriented so I saw her little sister Stacey a lot. Stacey was only two years younger than Shelby but that was just one of the many ways...