TandraChapter 78 free porn video

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"Thank you Henry but why are you doing this?"

"In answer to your question, I will only state that you have to wait a few weeks to find out." The man graciously accepted the gift and we left. There were many people around the establishment even this late in the night. The ship appeared overhead and the people around us ohhed and awwed as it settled. The same thing happened as the hatch opened. The ship veritably disappeared as it rapidly accelerated toward the moon.

Five hours later it was determined that the old Tandra system of Locat was ready for a good housecleaning. Serendipity had a hard contact with Mom and we both knew that the time was right for the next phase. The drones had gone out twenty hours earlier to spread the group of viruses that would guarantee a hundred percent kill ratio.

Temporal missiles had been shuttled through the computer and were placed in convenient launchers by Serendipity. Against Mom's wishes, I too went through in a combat suit. I only wore this to give me lift. The system was scanned and no new ships were expected in or on the scanners. One was about to leave and we waited as long as we could then Serendipity broadcast the message. As usual the Samutz didn't know what the string or characters were for till they were placed in stasis evicted from the ship or killed in various other ways we had devised in the last eight months.

All the ships were old and responded to the call. The techs had been told of the plan a few minutes before it was initiated and made it to a safe place for the most part before the various ship AIs started to kill the Samutz. The ships gave no warning but did receive some from the three main population centres about a plague going through the cities.

As the plague spread, drones broadcasting in the Samutz language told of a promised vaccine. Small groups that were out hunting but had heard the warnings clamoured for the help. The drones provided the virus instead and in three hours there was no Samutz left alive.

The small shuttles went to various sites around the planet and told the Tandra and other races that they had been freed. The people slated for food were on the average either weak or not beneficial to the Samutz, and these were told to stay where they were till help came.

In orbit were two cruisers, three troop transports that were used as bulk carriers and three frigates. Techs that were deemed the most stable were called to the main city of Stoosy. Three quarters of the ones called arrived and I met them outside the base. They were given orders to place virus launchers in the ships and to direct some of the now freed individuals in cleaning up the bodies. When asked my identity, I just gave the fleet admiral persona.

Mom uploaded much more data to Serendipity and she in turn transferred what was important to the ships in orbit. Within another hour the techs were taking some prefabricated units to the ships in orbit. Serendipity was busy making more toxin and supplying the ships so they could do the same thing. Raw materials began to leave at a very fast pace so that the ships would not have to stop to replenish their stocks. Again I used the Samutz bodies as the articles to be rid of.

The records from the ships were compared with what Harriet and Mom had. The only thing new was that we found out the Samutz extended much further than I considered before. Not too far from here was a major Tandra outpost of Koorsa, where the Tandra were now trained to do as their ancestors had once done, but at this time the Tandra were to service the Samutz war effort and not their own.

I did not want to leave these people defenceless but I knew that they could not protect themselves even if the ships stayed to assist in that job. I had been looking at the Tandra trying to find any with leadership qualities. Most had been under the Samutz thumb too long to make a good standing to any fight. When and if a Samutz craft would come into range I had Serendipity tell it that a plague had killed all the Samutz and to plead to be rescued. This I felt was the only way to get a Samutz to not land.

I went back through the computer to Earth and issued orders. I did not like the way the Humans had treated us and the way one of our recruits was killed. Mom organized a very large operation where the guilty parties would be apprehended. I promised to be back in a few weeks and left with Harriet to link up with Jamal on the New Hope.

My leaving was abrupt but I wanted to keep on schedule. With only a hundred of the new small missiles in my limited hold, I kissed my wives and children. In ten minutes I was a few light years past the Oort Cloud and intercepting where Jamal should be at this time. We were not off by much. With new orders given the fleet protecting the planet, we left with six other battleships that had been brought up to military standards.

I was greeted when I came onboard by Jamal and many of the sleepers that were from the first group. They still remembered the last time we engaged in some frolic and wanted to have more. This was definitely a pleasurable activity but there was no time to do this now.

The battleships linked up to Jamal with their tractors. We were loaded for bear this time. There was a full store of virus and the delivery systems on all ships. Many auxiliary ships in the holds also had this feature. With the girls to watch the way, it took only twelve hours to push the fleet to Locat. When we got there we found everything as I left it.

After we stopped, I was able to talk to Mom through Serendipity. Nothing on Earth had changed, except to get the teams ready that were to arrest the guilty parties. All this had to be done at one time or the rest would hide if they knew they were being pursued. Jamal was very interested in how this was done. "It seems," I said, "that the higher two dimensions can be altered to bring two points infinitely close to one another. This will also link computers like Mom and Serendipity."

As a test I went into Harriet's computer and opened the higher dimensions further. Standing in a featureless tunnel, I pictured Mom as I left her. She was easily the most striking computer in the galaxy, I thought. In a half hour I found her and provided a link to Harriet. Since I had worked hard on Jamal he was linked too. He took longer, but not much, to find. Each computer was very loyal to me and I made sure they did not let any information about this activity slip from them.

Our fleet broke into seven units and each took some nearby systems. Other proceed to the limits of our charts. Each ship had fourteen of the temporal missiles to take on any ships that would not respond. Again they were to conscript all the ships they found and turn them to bring the good word to more Samutz systems. Harriet and I went into independent action; with just some samples of the virus we left to find the extent of the Samutz Empire.

I could detect Thonas craft with a feeling that grated on my ears. Though I found no colonies, I did remove eleven ships. Once, two ships were convoying twenty Samutz ships. One was new and when I left I had nineteen more ships to carry on. The one ship was towed to a Samutz planet and the techs removed before they arrived. There was enough raw material for virus then to seed the planet before carrying on.

After two days of travel where I stopped to check out individual systems, I came to a dead area. This must have been another war zone once. There was no life within and the width was over three hundred light years. The only feeling I could get was 'empty' when I was in the centre of it. The far side seemed to have life but there was none that was intelligent. Many good planets looked great for colonizing but many others did too.

It took a week to map the dead zone. I saw that it would make a good buffer for the Samutz, but the Thonas could travel as fast as the old Tandra could. I headed back into the Samutz controlled area and mapped more. I had no facilities for spreading the virus so contented myself with gaining only intelligence.

During a pause I talked to Mom and found that she and her crews had done a good job. They had got all the culprits she was after.

I eventually found a lone dreadnought with only three escorts. The looks of this one suggested that it was more modern. This would also mean that it was not going to respond to my call. The two cruisers and the destroyer looked to be the same. It was a shame to just destroy them but I did have a partial solution. The cruisers were on point and the destroyer was watching for any attack from the rear.

Harriet flashed beside the large ship with the temporal shield working and then slid sideways into the area occupied by the bridge. Once there we simply remained stationary while Mom, Harriet and I worked on taking over the computer. It took almost a half hour but we did it. The people that made this ship were very precise about their programming to stop exactly what we were doing. Once the codes were found, they were transmitted to the other ships and they were all ours.

Immediately the Samutz began to die and this lasted for twelve hours. The Samutz had been warned and were ready. We did not wait for this to happen but resumed our journey after plotting the course. We began to run into more worlds with dying Samutz.

Jamal told me that he had taken thirty seven systems and used all of his missiles on newer ships that he was not able to take with his own weapons. He did manage to co-opt four times that many ships, but many were just cruiser size or smaller. He had been informed of the dead zone and had directed the ships he took not to go into it. I directed him toward the dreadnaught knowing that the Mordis infantry might be needed. Apparently they were chaffing at the bit and wanted a little bit of action themselves.

The dreadnaught should have been quiet for a few hours with the techs given enough time to repair the damage we had done. Harriet plotted the course and in a few minutes we found the group. Harriet's summons was replied to but the computer reported a determined effort to take the computer room by the techs. "What race are your techs?" I asked.

I got the name Moldeg in Samutz and the data coming about them showed that they were a young dynamic race that could take over the Tandra worlds, but they were not about to be ruled by any other race. This was admirable but they tended to kill all others that stood in their way, which was not. I had seen them before when I went back to the Bintuu home world and saw who had displaced their race.

Harriet gave orders and with our help the ship changed course. This time the gravity around the computer room was quadrupled. I put the tube on the three ships and accelerated them in the direction of Jamal. In an hour I slowed down enough to have the two major ships meet. He was apprised of our problem and sent over some of the Mordis infantry to take the ship.

My feeling was that the Moldeg would have to surrender. They would be allowed to join in the commonwealth if they were capable of that type of thinking. If they wanted to continuously fight then I would capture as many as I could and put them where they would not bother anybody.

The battle lasted eight gruelling hours before all four ships were ours. The Moldeg were similar to ants but had an extra set of very dexterous hands close to the large head. Like the ant they had an exoskeleton and some very sharp mandibles. They used those weapons but also the Samutz hand weapons as well. They didn't seem to take no for an answer and I wondered how the Samutz controlled them. More and more infantry had to be used and at the end fully a hundred thousand Mordis had to be used to take thirty thousand Moldeg.

Jamal noticed a thin necklace around each of the creatures necks. After a sample was recovered it took a few minutes to find that it produced a very high pitched noise that the Moldeg seamed to hate. Jamal transmitted the required energy and soon the Moldeg were writhing on the deck instead of killing and dying. We suffered over a thousand casualties but only twelve percent would be fatal. The living Moldeg were put into stasis where we found that there were thousands more ready to fight us if the computer had allowed it. There were at least six thousand Moldeg casualties but I just had all of them put into another hold under stasis.

Mom was quite interested in this race and so were the rest of us. Jamal made up four prize crews and they followed him as he continued his mission. All the information in the new ships was gathered and sent to whoever wanted it. My feelings on the matter were that the race was no better than the Samutz on their records of conquest. It showed that the insect race was doing the same thing as the Samutz and plundering Tandra planets taking the technology and eating the inhabitants.

The worrisome part was that the race had become very numerous since it came into contact with the Samutz, then a stalemate had developed. If the Samutz were to be removed then we would have to begin to deal with the Moldeg in their place. This brought up the prospect of other aggressors holding the Moldeg on different fronts. They may be just as bad. I could only see an unending war for millennia into our future.

While contemplating the ants, I worked on restocking Jamal's supply of missiles. He had enough small crystals that I could offer a few to his prize crews as well.

I got information from Mom about my time allotment being up. This forced me to go back to Earth. I felt needed here though. The problem seemed to be in the amount of travel time I used. Jamal left with his new escorts while I went into Harriet's computer. She would be operating on her own now, to see what she could do to defeat all our enemies. My job was much simpler and I had to take only thirty steps. They brought me to Marcus' computer on the moon.

Marcus used his fabricators and made a small simple hull, like Harriet, and I just stepped out of it fresh from a matter transmitter. Everybody would think that I had arrived as I did last time.

The Earth now was in a furor. Our troops had captured all of the people that were responsible for Akira Mizuno's death and the theft of Tandra property.

The list of detainees was impressive in not only numbers but notoriety. The heads of many large corporations and some of their employees were just under the teams that had been given the mission. The top of the list though was Montgomery Moore. I was sorry to see that General Givens was also on the list.

Tandra trials were fairly simple. Unlike Human trials that were made for enriching the lawyers as well as following the twisting rules to come to what was purported to be the truth. Here a person is judged by what is in their own mind. The images are shown to a jury along with the person's thoughts at the time. This could be an aberration so the events leading up to the infraction as well as the thoughts after the act were judged.

Mom went one better this time. Unused television channels were employed to broadcast a view of each prisoner. They lived separately in very large apartments on the Earth. They were dressed as good as the Tandra and had access to many of the things that the Tandra themselves had. Of course, they had to use their voice to ask for what they wanted. Holographic viewers were provided so that they could talk to the other co-accused. The damning evidence was the thoughts that were displayed in words that ran across the bottom of the screen. A man could talk about the quality of the food and be thinking of how the person he was talking to had caused all the problems.

Moore was a different case and many secrets that had kept him in power and of use to his superiors came out. It showed in many small excerpts, how he had visualized the abduction of Alliance personnel and the removal of Alliance property. He had even hedged his bet and given officers specific orders as to how the various operations were to be handled. He felt that General Givens was much too soft and ethical to be completely trusted with this mission.

Moore had a very fertile imagination, many of his other plans came out and the various ways of gaining their ends. Some were even developed as he paced within his luxurious cell.

The General was far from pristine. He, like me, had been in black ops and had killed many people that he had been ordered to terminate. Sometimes innocents had to be killed too but this was kept to a minimum. The deadly nerve gassing of the Filipinos was beyond the information that Givens was given. The death of Akira Mizuno was termed murder though. The man doing the cutting was the one in charge of this squad. He had soon seen the problem with gaining the clothing and had simply decided to cut the living body from the suit.

The many business people were much worse. There were a lot of murders performed at their orders as they rose to power. Sometimes they did the murdering first hand. They had been dragged in because their consortium had not only okayed the operation but had instigated it. The suit and shields were found at their testing facilities.

None of the men knew that they were being televised to the world. To get out the facts Mom, in one disguise or another, quietly asked questions of them. The words coming out said one thing, their thoughts said something much different. The plans to put the Humans at risk so that they could gain Tandra technology were revealed in many ways. They knew that we needed troops and it was shown what they did to thwart us. Food procurement was shown to be a luxury that was to be given to the Alliance forces. It was seen how we had fed many others with our own supplies of Tandra foodstuffs. Here, the various governments had been implicated as they were ordered to put roadblocks to the simple luxury.

While all of this was coming out, Mom clamped down on all counter-propaganda. Television, newspapers and radio had found many minor problems that kept their lies from reaching gullible ears and eyes. All of us knew we would get screwed by politicians and with a bit of electioneering, vote the same people back in.

Phone calls were directed to Mom and she answered most of them with different faces. She explained time and time again what the people were seeing on their screens. After a while people started to ask questions that would be directed to individuals on trial. Since the asking persons name and address was displayed on the screen for the world to see many people now became our crown attorneys.

The business people were asked many pointed questions about their checkered past. Their involvement, as well as their companies, in many illegal schemes came to the forefront. The big sharks came into this scheme as they smelt blood. The revenue departments of various countries wanted to know more about the illegal plans the businessmen had used to evade their fair share of the tax burden.

Mom asked how the group influenced the general population. Names and dates came out, where dialogue was placed in newspapers, to give a particular slant on things. They gave away their methodology now. Long term plans were devised and the populous was gradually informed of the way they were expected to think. One thing that made me smile was when the plans for the religious thinkers were laid out and how it was easily accepted along with large donations of cash. Mom now went after the religious right. One opponent after another was discussed and what the feelings of the accused had for the ethics of each.

History was brought up about the rise in power of the television preachers. Personal information about their moral turpitude and of the businessmen that condoned and abetted these acts came out. After this became evident, Mom broadcast older film clips of what the preachers had said about her, the Tandra and the alliance in general. Especially the clips of the times when they had been continuously spouting about the Tandra immorality were aired.

When all the important people were exposed, the common faceless person was now attacked for their inability to think on their own. It was not said but it was implied that most people had to have somebody else think for them. With no way to retort it, soon it became evident to the viewers that all the people we had arrested were guilty of a multitude of sins.

To further hammer home the facts, Mom had allowed the men to read the minds of the other guilty parties. The section where they were confined was opened and they freely travelled within this area. Moore gave orders to protect him and this worked for a while, till the rest saw how bad of a person he was. The businessmen fought amongst themselves as they found out how each had conspired against the other in various ways. Their own egos were what drove many to physical violence.

Their present dilemma was discussed and still unknowing of the television, planned new ways to sway the gullible population.

Mom had kept track of everything they had thought, sorted it as to context and with a thought to brevity published it on the internet. If a remark was questioned its text was clicked on and the appropriate video clip came up to substantiate the point.

My part in this production soon came. I had only been back on Earth a day and had gone over a sampling of what the viewers had seen. When I looked into each of their minds I just saw basic Human drives but carried a bit more into the bizarre.

I walked into the area that housed the prisoners with the television cameras still functioning. They came at me waving fists and threatening me with lawsuits and jail. I simply took an elevated chair and looked at each. When they had quieted I began with Montgomery Moore and listed his major crimes directed towards the Alliance. It started off like "Montgomery Moore you are guilty of..." There was no doubt in my voice as to whether I had any doubt about his guilt. This took ten minutes as he argued and tried to cut me off.

The rest of the men got similar treatment. The soldiery took much less time. This reminded me of books I had read about the Nuremberg War Trials. When I had completed all the lists of crimes, Moore asked, "What right do you have to judge us? We are not even from the same countries."

"Mr. Moore, I was given the privilege and honour of helping the Tandra population. As you know we ourselves are half Tandra. They are presently being eaten by more than one race of creatures in this galaxy. At some time we would have joined them in some intestinal tract. I have fought very hard with others to hold back this flood of carnivores. I have saved thousands of millions of people so far and been the cause of even more than that number in Samutz deaths. New predators have been found as well as very old enemies. To fight them all I have taken many responsibilities. From husband and father I went to a captain of a Tandra ship. To organize Earth, the local Tandra made me a regional governor. At Epsilon Eridani I had to take on the additional obligations of an admiral to destroy Samutz war craft before they could arrive here. Along the way and after meeting many different races I found I had to take the supreme position to direct our race to fight our enemies. The Bintuu, Kadork, and Tandra see me as Emperor."

"You are not our Emperor."

"Whether I am Emperor of the Human race has not been decided. In a way, it would be good to just abandon most of you to the Samutz, Thonas and now the Moldeg. Some Humans are ethical and well meaning while others have not risen far from the swamp we came from. The present case involves what you have done to the Alliance forces. They are here to protect all of you in this room and the rest of the Human population."

"You don't have any jurisdiction."

"The Tandra presence on this planet dates back two and half million years. I don't have to tell you what the definition of right is. Everyone in this room knows that it is the power to enforce your own views. The Romans had it, then the Spanish, Portugese, English and now Americans. This right is now the sole responsibility of the Alliance. You and any other person can either shelter under our obligation or fight your own battles. What do you wish Mr. Moore?"

"I certainly do not want to be judged by a man that once fought for freedom and now renounces that oath so easily."

I asked the rest one at a time what they wanted. Two businessmen and all the soldiers, except the one that had so happily cut up our recruit, accepted my protection. "So be it." The men to renounce my protection disappeared one by one. The rest cringed thinking they would be next.

General Givens asked when the disappearances ceased "What happened to them?"

"They chose to fight their own battles." I caused a picture of a cruiser leaving the system to appear for them. "That ship is taking those men that decided to fight the Samutz. They will be set down on a world sparsely populated by our enemy. They will be given maps and weapons and told of the Samutz locations. Does anybody else want to join them on a Human only crusade to rid the galaxy of Samutz?" I got no replies.

Phone calls had been coming in and so far they thought I was being too good to the evil men. The people of Earth now wanted to see real justice. This would probably mean ripping the perpetrators of the crime to pieces with their bare hands.

I told the men, "The population of every country is able to read your thoughts. Each of you has been under public television surveillance. Your thoughts were converted to text and placed under your image. There is no doubt in their mind that they find you all guilty." The men could not understand the full significance of that but did understand enough to know their careers, at least, had ended. "You here have another choice to make. You are guilty of crimes that I mentioned. Some of you are also guilty of many other crimes that come under Earth jurisdiction. I can find a place for each of you in the alliance even though some of you are not suited for the task. I will put you under parole here but you will have to deal with your fellow man when and if you go back. What say you?"

There was a lot of thought and since I did not push them they decided to talk amongst themselves. The general became their de facto spokesman.

"Will we be able to see our family after joining the Alliance?"

"You will be trained then stationed in a garrison, not overseas but in another star system. No earlier than three years or later than four, will you be allowed to return to Earth. You will be getting pay which can go to your families. Your government will also support them because of their acceptance of your crimes. You will be able to talk to your families though, but not touch them."

The trial was now officially over. Mom started to talk about freedom of the press and free speech. Her talk was short but said how she had kept the opposition from voicing their concerns. "Those same people were trying to get you to believe what they chose, not what was right and proper. I will now allow those people to talk but I warn all of you; listen carefully if they are explaining how they see things, or are they trying a further way of controlling you."

When Mom was talking I had her phone George Henderson, the President of the United States. She went through a few layers of authority till she got the man himself. Mom's alter ego asked if he had time to talk to me.

"Of course I have time to talk to Henry Buchanan."

I came on the line and said "Hello, Mr. Henderson. It has taken a while to find time for a chat but I have been busy."

"Hello to you too. We have all been busy the last few months. What can I do for you?"

"Well, since business will be keeping their heads tucked in for a while, you will be able to do your job without as much interference."

"What jobs are you referring to?"

"I would think straightening out your military would be a first step. People under your command and under Prime Minister Chablis entered my home, took various articles and damaged my property. I can easily find each of these people and trace their orders up to who should also be prosecuted. I would like to avoid such unpleasantness, especially since the chance of the men surviving against the Samutz is small."

"I can do a little looking myself, get your property back and have your home repaired."

"I imagine you could. The thought that my home was violated makes me angry at the people that would do such a thing. My old company was quite good at making repairs. Perhaps you could find where they were put and send them to my home with suitable payment for their time in confinement. I can get them to do the repairs. I don't think it is right to have locked them up for no reason."

"You are right. They did nothing and they were only a way for big business to find a handle on the Tandra situation."

"That is very forthcoming of you. It has been nice to talk to you. It is also nice to see that you are now taking direct action in setting things right."

With this conversation over I felt a little relief. It was not my business to handle how a country handled its internal affairs. How they impinged on me and the empire was a different matter though. Pat Toff was a member of that group and had been recruited. He had not left Earth. Perhaps he would make a good liaison for the men that would be coming.

Same as Tandra
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Jim Speaking My wife, Jackie, runs an amateur site on the web. For several months after we got married, we had shared photographs with other couples we met on the net. So many people complimented her on her looks and on her body that I thought perhaps we should broaden our contact base. The thought of people looking at our pictures was very stimulating to us and immensely improved our sex life. We had a hard time, however, getting the site up and running. It cost a lot of money for clothes,...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 29 Harem

I woke up to one of my favorite sensations. I was being sucked almost to the point of no return. It was being helped along by the tongue flicking my nipples. I opened my eyes to see Mary working her magic on my nips and Cassie bending over my cock. "Are we okay for one more?" Cassie asked. "Oh yeah," I sighed. Cassie moved to position her sweet pussy over my mouth as Mary shifted to using her hands and fingers, including finding her way into Cassie's pussy. With the oral, digital, and...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Sara Jay 22345

What does it mean to be free? The way the newly-divorced Sara Jay explains it, she can do whatever she wants with whomever she wants! That’s fresh and somewhat awkward to the ears of Lucas, her son’s friend who’s helping her with some things by delivering groceries to her house. But what MILF Ms. Jay wants is for Lucas to deliver his meat — right into her wet pussy! The young man obliges and heats up the kitchen with his friend’s busty hot mom before they transition to the bedroom for a romp!...

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Nan Mom and Me Pt6

Please bear with the start of this chapter as it describes events over the intervening years………….. After a couple of years, Mom and I decided to have another baby before she was too old.  We had a boy this time and named him Joseph Daniel; he was nicknamed JD by the kids at school. When Mom brought him home, our lives continued on the same track.  Whenever Mom would feed JD I was always there to help drain the excess milk from her beautiful teats..  We also kept up the routine of Mom lying on...

3 years ago
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Commanders Pet Part III

I still stand between the two pillars, hands in the depressions. I’m hunched slightly forward trying to catch my breath. Each exhale borders on a scream, but I've been ordered to be silent. Tears stream from my eyes, and for the first time since Tahlana has taken control of me, I manage to release a clear thought and emotion through her hold. Anger. I’ve never been hit in the head with a baseball bat, but I imagine it is similar to the feeling of Tahlana clamping down on my mind in...

2 years ago
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Girls Cant play football

"Girls can't football!" Dylan laughed as Misty came running onto the practice field. Dylan and his friends laughed and pointed as a clearly uncomfortable Misty looked around at the group of high school boys. "Funny guys," Misty said trying to act as though they were just give her a hard time because she was "one of the boys." Dylan and his friends looked around at the mostly empty field and decided that Misty clearly hadn't received the message. Misty stood awkwardly in her...

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Shopping Spree1

A simply built sales lady asked, "How can I help you?" I told her about the wife, her birthday, and my shopping dilemma. She took the time to ask questions about my wife's likes and dislikes. My likes and dislikes were discussed. Her manner and soft voice allowed me to drop my down and we talked about past experiences. My wife and I had a few threesomes in our twenties and thirties but when our children arrived we stopped hosting. Both I and my wife are bisexual so our threesomes were...

1 year ago
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Rochelles Turn at the Club Club Wives 7

I was excited to spend another weekend with Jennifer. However on Thursday she texted me to let me know that her roommate had just broken up with her boyfriend and needed some support. I understood and wished her a happy girls’ weekend and decided to put Rochelle to the test. Rochelle seemed pretty excited to hear from me after being out of pocket for a while. I’m sure by now Jill had told her all about our swinger’s club adventure and I suspected that she was anxious to get back in on the...

3 years ago
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The Necklace of Janus

The Necklace Of Janus ? by: Baron Tone OK, here is the story of how I became the best ladies man around. It all started on day after school. --- "OK, you've gotta be really quiet. We're not supposed to be here," I whispered to Taysha. As we walked along the concrete hallway, I thought of what would happen if Mr. Lawrence found out that I was sneaking into History of the Worlds classroom. "We're here," I said, "Where's the artifact?" "Over here. Got it." The artifact was a...

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Bathtime with Daughter

"Fun in the Bathroom with my Daughter", a short story by Mrs Walker.I want to spend more time looking at my naked body in the mirror, but I leave my bedroom and walk naked down the hallway to get my eighteen year old daughter Krissy so we can take a shower together.When I enter her room, she is sitting naked on the edge of the bed and is getting ready to stand up. I walk over in front of her and ask her if she thinks it is necessary for me to shave this morning.She begins running her hand up...

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Picture ThisChapter 3 A Lesson She Wont Forget

Janice turned and moved over to Amanda's side of the bed. She then pulled Amanda close and kissed her lips softly. Then glanced over at Todd and told him to find a good spot to sit and watch. She wanted to see him stroking his dick as he watched the two women get it on. Janice then said, "The pussy eating lesson is about to begin. Are you ready Amanda?" Amanda replied, "Oh yes, I cannot wait to begin. My clit is throbbing already!" Janice then returned her attention to Amanda. She...

2 years ago
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Midsummer Night

“But Audrianna, you just don’t get it! I’ve been dry since New Year’s Eve!” Terri lamented -- again -- her non-existent sex life and wondered just how bad it would be to ring up her ex for a little booty call. Her reasons weren’t all that bad, thought her best friend Audrianna, recalling how Terri bragged about his skill and passion as a lover. And Terri should know. She couldn’t be called promiscuous but she certainly enjoyed sex. And with her shoulder-length wavy brown hair, brown eyes, trim...

Group Sex
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EvilAngel Anna De Ville Lydia Black Goth Lesbian Gaping

Pale Goth girls Anna de Ville and Lydia Black look sexy in retro dresses, teasing and stripping. After a hot intro, the dark-haired women team up for a nasty anal show. Dirty-talking Anna rims Lydia’s asshole, lewdly prying open her sphincter. They smack and spit on each other through a decadent lesbian fuck, fingering and toying buttholes to extreme gaping! Hard girl-girl action includes wet cunt munching, kinky backdoor props and crude, ass-to-mouth flavor. The vulgar, spit-swapping...

1 year ago
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The defilement of Gayle

The defilement of Gayle."BEEEEP BEEEP BEEEP" The abrupt tone of the alarm stirs you from your dream.You want to hit snooze and snuggle back under the warm comforting duvet, but today you can't.For today is the meeting with Helen from Sandhurst International, a harsh bitch with no sense of humour. You have been trying to set this deal up for two years and today is when Helen is going to sign the contracts. It is exciting but nerve wracking all the same; if she doesn't sign your career could be...

2 years ago
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The New Lifeguard Part I

I just turned 16 and my parents strongly encouraged me to find a job.  I say “strongly encouraged” because they were cutting off my allowance now that I was old enough to work.  Fair enough.I checked the want ads in the local paper and didn’t see anything that sounded remotely interesting.  This was going to be harder than I thought.  But then on Monday, I went to PE class and saw a help wanted ad on the locker room bulletin board.  A new local health club was opening and needed a lifeguard for...

3 years ago
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What Would You do For Your Dream

Josette couldn’t stop fidgeting as she waited to meet Claude. If he accepted her, her chances to compete with the world’s elite in gymnastics would drastically increase. She thought about the hours and effort she had put into her craft, and it had all come down to this moment if she wanted to take the next step. The door opened and a man’s voice with a French accent told her to enter. She could feel her heart thudding in her chest as she entered the room. Claude was sitting at his desk, head...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 3

Before going into battle against the cruel and devious hordes of the warriors of Islam, I was shriven of my sins, which were many indeed, by a traveling monk of the Franciscan persuasion. He was a jovial fellow with a well-rounded beer inspired gut of some magnitude. My penance was to wear a hair shirt of evil construction that irritated my skin like some rash of unknown origin. I abstained from carnal relationships in the pre-battle period gathering my strength for the struggle to gain an...

3 years ago
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15 August 2008Chapter 1

Brad sat on the front passenger seat in the cool air-conditioned comfort of Karen’s Nissan Maxima. He looked at the rectangular shaped plastic card embossed with the Ontario Coat of Arms and his picture on it. Next, to losing his virginity, the most coveted prize to a teenaged boy was the issue of his first driver’s license. Karen looked at her seventeen-year-old son, wearing his Belleville Falcons hockey ball cap on backwards, a white T-shirt that couldn’t hide the lean body preparing for...

1 year ago
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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 25

On a Sunday afternoon, I was playing with a spell that said it provided an invisible wall. I had learnt that slight changes in the spell would make the light go through or it could block it from one direction or both. Adding a glamour, I could make a doorway or hallway appear to have disappeared. If the area were touched, the person would feel a solid wall, and they couldn’t pass through it. “Danny,” Justin called out as if he was calling me from a different room. “Yes,” I answered with a...

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Nursing David The Morning After

This is a follow up to the story "Nursing David" unlike that story this one is a complete work of fiction.NURSING DAVID(THE MORNING AFTER) After the previous evenings exertions we all slept in the next morning. When Hazel had to make her daily visit to her see her mother, David said he wanted us go into town, he said he wanted to buy Hazel a present as a thank you for last night. When we got back, Hazel was relaxing, watching TV. We both gave her a peck on the cheek then said we had a present...

1 year ago
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Exploring Adam 5

I woke the next morning with a start, feeling like there was something I was forgetting, or something urgent that I needed to do. Then I looked to my left on the bed and saw Adam, and I remembered.I lay there having a few minutes of panicked holy-shit-what-did-I-do, feeling a lot like I did one morning years before after cheating on a girlfriend. The feeling was the same, but I couldn't locate the source of my guilt this time. Was I ashamed of having had sex with a man? Perhaps. I might be a...

Gay Male
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Silkie and Denis in Paris 1991Silkie spins a tale

Denis went to his hotel.Silkie had to run a few errands. She went to his room two hours later. Denis had already finished most of a bottle of wine."You know I'm the kind of man who has a hard time getting hard after I've been drinking, Silkie...""Denis, I love you hard or soft, lover. I 'm going to take off my clothes for you. No, I don't have a body like I did when I was eighteen.....................do you like to see it? Do you?""The sight of you nude haunts me, Silkie. Your neck, your back...

1 year ago
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Keeping Company Ch 05 Revisited

My thanks to sexnovella for the editing of this chapter. Even after all this time many of you have mailed me and told me that this series felt unfinished. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to do just that with these last two chapters. ***** It was with some reluctance that Laurel got off my lap, we hadn’t planned to do much more than slum it around the cabin until I reminded her that we needed supplies. A quick look in the kitchen got an agreement from her so she dressed and asked me to put...

4 years ago
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She said Well young man are you going to give mommy some good sex tonight. You must be because you have me tied very good. I started to lick her pussy and she let out a moan, I starting fingering her and ask her if my 7 inch cock was enough for her. She said it was just fine, I said just fine is it. and got up and went to the back door and let max in. I walked around in front of her and max smelling pussy in the air went straight to her ass, and began to sniff, I looked at her said Well 7...

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TriptychChapter 5

KATE, MELODY, AND I sat together most of Wednesday evening going through our portfolios. Kate had some impressive work. She loved charcoal, but she had an incredible talent with pastels and acrylics. She painted awesome detail. As a result, she tended to paint small things very large. I mean, she’d look at a landscape, and instead of painting the whole thing, she would paint every detail of a single flower in the foreground with the rest looking blurred in the background. I’d never seen...

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NubileFilms Alina Lopez Jasmine Grey Vina Sky In With The New

Jasmine Grey, Vina Sky, and Alina Lopez are ready for a private New Year’s Eve party. Vina and Jasmine are the first to let their hands roam each other’s bodies as Alina parks herself on the couch. Alina can’t take her eyes off the show before her, nor can she tear her hands from her tits and twat. Meanwhile, Vina takes her time feeling up Jasmine’s snatch beneath her miniskirt and samples the sweetness of Jasmine’s pierced nipples. Jasmine is quick to repeat the favor until both girls have...

3 years ago
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Cottage Living Part 2

Sam had woken up at four in the morning, noticed the flicker of approaching lightning through the curtains of the tiny cottage bedroom, and thought it wise to use the outhouse before the coming storm struck. Linda, roused when Sam got out of bed, was feeling particularly horny. Being at the cottage made sex so much easier, better and more frequent, and she was always ready for more. She planned to ambush Sam on his return from the outhouse. The thought of making love in front of the cottage...

Group Sex
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Tandem Extra

The next day was the let-down of being the last day. I'd envisioned waking up with my morning package, slowly yet insistently nudging against Lily's bottom. My strategy would've worked, if Lily hadn't been already up and about. Even so, I wanted it so bad, I coyly called out, "Oh, Lily!" I didn't even get a hum from the refrigerator in response. I spoke her name loudly, to no further effect. I could smell fresh coffee, but nevertheless. I started getting much more interested in the...

2 years ago
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Gloria Goes to Work for BBC Inc Ch 0106

There were already half through one of the worst years since they had been married. It was like one set back after another for George and Gloria, first after trying to get pregnant since their honeymoon, this year she had two miscarriages. The Doctor claimed her husband had not only a low sperm count, what few he had been too weak to keep her with child. This was not only devastating news it was very humiliating to her husband as her female gynecologist not only prodded his privates she...

1 year ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 25

I was jealous that Jill got to sleep with my Mistress. I wanted to be next to her and holding her, but now Jill is taking my place. I was hoping when her daddy came the next time and he fucked her, she would go away. But, that probably won't happen since he had said he wanted to fuck her when he fucked me. I finally drifted off to sleep, and slept fairly well for being on the couch. I woke the next morning having to pee, so I kicked the blanket off and flipped my legs up, bringing my hot...

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I've been reading a lot of stories here – a LOT - and I began to think I could write one just as well. This is as true as I can remember it, so it wasn't hard to write. I put this down in my Advanced Lit class this week, but it isn't the assignment I turned in. I had that one written already. ; ) I hope you like it.Jericho saw the car rocking as he stepped out of the brush, and he knew what was going on. "God DAMMIT, Kacey!" he roared. I could hear him, even with Bunyan's knees up against the...

1 year ago
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Basketball Camp

My best friend, Brook, and I were at basketball camp with our new coach. Our coach was named Lori and she was 5'10, long blonde hair, great tan, beautiful smile, and the sexiest green eyes. Brook approached me and told me that she thought the coach was very attractive, but I really didn't pay that much attention. Practice was running smooth and perfect, at the end she let us go 20 minutes early. All the girls were out of the gym in five minutes and all that was left was Brook, Lori, and me....

1 year ago
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My name is Cheri, I live my life in lace and satin. I have always loved the way those materials feel against my soft skin. I have shoulder length red hair and bright green eyes. My friends used to call me Charles but about 18 years ago i had this epiphany that i felt out of place as a man and one night while I was out at a club with some friends, I realized that being a woman felt... I don't know, right, to me I guess. It's been a long road but I'm so much happier now. The first time anyone...

She Males
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Annas Innocence

Memories, Anna thought as she pulled down the lane that would bring her to the family farm, could be as heady as an illegal narcotic. Every sight, every sound and every smell brought back moments long past. The gravel path crunch under her tires as bits of rock bounced off her undercarriage. A very recent rain had settled the dust and washed the summer colors to gleaming brilliance. It had been too long since she had been home and for some reason, today it was more welcoming then ever. She...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 54 The Nagarsquos Lusts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – The Treasure Box, Grahata Harbor “I serve Lord Kurtis,” the demon said as she glared in defiance at me, her shadowy whip in hand. “He tells me what to...

3 years ago
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NMCF Club Of Manhattan

Aaron was only in New York but a week when he first saw her. She was elderly, but she had aged well. Her late husband's wealth had given her a power over aging available to only a few women. She was elegant but could display her disapproval quickly with only a glance or a raised eyebrow. Aaron's gaze had settled on her at a noon-time luncheon with the personnel manager of the New York Symphony.  He had watched her, gently, but forcefully, reprimand the Le Cirque waiter when he failed to bring...

2 years ago
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Welcome to the introduction!! This will be one of my main projects so I hope I have supporters and writers joining me in this little adventure :3 This is total creative freedom, and if you want a example of what type of experience I’m looking to make https://chyoa.com/chapter/Introduction.74317 Then you should possibly try and read (and add to) this little story :3 it follows the story of the main character house sitting for his sister but the A.I. running her home, identified him as his sister...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Ride Home

Kevin picked me up that night. I climbed in to see he had no pants on. No boxers on much less. He smiled, as he jerked himself off. ‘Going home,’ he asked, smiling. ‘Yeah,’ I said, watching his thick white cock. I saw the veins going up and down his shaft. ‘You want to taste,’ he asked. Obviously he had caught me watching. I bent down and as he drove, I sucked on his cock. He sighed as ran my tongue along his piss slit. He pushed my head farther down. ‘Yeah baby, work on me,’ he groaned.

4 years ago
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Sexual Service To Second Wife Of Boss

This incident happened in 1988/1989. Then I was employed as a clerk by a Chettiar who was owning provision stores and godowns. I was looking after his grain godowns and I was to take care of all activities there including receiving cash for the items sold and depositing the cash in bank. For petty expenses like paying cart charges et cetera I will keep a small amount with me. When major payments are to be made he himself will pay the cash or issue cheques from his bank account. Daily in the...

2 years ago
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I Love A Grey Mouse

A good three years ago I joined one of these fitness clubs in order to shape up a little and get rid of the start of a slight paunch and put a little muscle on my legs. I was in for a surprise as quite contrary to my expectations I liked the training sessions right from the start. That´s why I have been doing this very regularly and today I can feel it in my bones and muscles and I can see it in the mirror that it has done me a world of good. What´s even more, it has changed my outlook on life...

Straight Sex
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Introduction: A quick and kinky supernatural bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...

1 year ago
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Shopping Spree

I was looking for a special gift for the wife. She is hard enough to shop for usually, but her birthday makes shopping even worse. I went to her usual shopping spots and found nothing. I went to the craft shops where she gets her multitude of craft items. In a final attempt, I went into an adult shop. A simply built sales lady asked, “How can I help you?” I told her about the wife, her birthday, and my shopping dilemma. She took the time to ask questions about my wife’s likes...

3 years ago
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my first married older lady

Like most young lads I got crushes on my best mates mum, teachers.... you know, we all had them! Still, as a spotty teenager it was never going to happen, and definitely wouldn't have been right. Good fantasies to have though, and left a lasting impact that meant I had a thing for older ladies right through my twenties.... oh hang on, still do have a thing for older ladies thirty years on! Just getting a bit difficult to find them nowadays!I still remember my first proper time with an older...

2 years ago
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Return of Magic The Rogue Teuton Section 1 The Tome of Severius the Roman Part 3

Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1: The Tome of Severius the Roman Part III By SsiRuuk25 Laura took a long hard breath as Sir Wilson stepped into the room. It was quite a large room, so they were still quite far apart. Four other knights stepped into the room. Larisa, with the large book still held under her arm, stepped back. One of the other knights spoke first. "See, Sir Wilson, I told you that Faulkner was not a good candidate. And ever since the ceremony, we've...

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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 6b

Miraculously, I didn’t let my doubts and fears over my cravings consume me. I simply surrendered to them and to her. For once, I accepted that I was wired differently than the people I surrounded myself with every day. If my friends, my family, my peers even suspected, they would be shocked and outraged, or so I imagined. None of that mattered. All that mattered was that Mrs. Vandermeer understood. Not only did she understand, but she encouraged and celebrated what and who I was. Bizarre as it...

1 year ago
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Texas Hold Them Part 1 of 2

Texas Hold Them - Part 1 of 2 - An Adult StoryI fumbled with my keys to my apartment as it had been a long day at the office. I had just started about 3 weeks ago and with the end of month falling on Tuesday we all had to work late. I had just started to make some friends with the guys hanging around the water cooler. Before I left for the day I ran into Tim from accounting and he invited me to a poker game at his house after work. He said "it's just some of the guys from the office and my next...

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