Threesome With Mother And Mausi 8211 Part 1
- 2 years ago
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Janice was daydreaming as her summer students filed into the room, reliving the visit to Dan's office. The meeting with him had satisfied her need for sexual adventures for several days. However, now she felt that sexual longing returning with a vengeance. The bouts of heightened sexual awareness seemed to be coming even more often lately. Maybe it was the pregnancy, she thought. She had read that some women get more amorous when pregnant. Whatever the reason, she knew that she would need to scratch the itch or go mad.
"All right class, let's get started on the test," Janice said, pulling her test material out of her briefcase to a chorus of moans. Then she walked around the room and handed out the test. "You have until the end of the class," Janice announced. "Good luck!"
There were about fifteen people in Janice's remedial law class. Most of them were students that had goofed up during the year and flunked the course. Some were trying to get some extra courses during the summer. A few of them had been in Janice's class before. However, there were several new students. She had noticed three of them the first day.
Sean and Robert were football players that couldn't take the class during the year because of their schedule. However, because they were pre-law, they needed to take this course before they could go on to their junior year. Neither were the typical "dumb jocks". They both carried high grade point averages, unlike many of their teammates.
Janice liked the two young men right away. They were tall and handsome with wide shoulders and narrow hips. Unlike many of the football players on scholarships, neither of them seemed to have that cockiness that often came with being stars. They were always polite and never disrupted the class. However, they were jokesters and would often stop at her desk after class to chat.
Then there was Amy. Yes, shy Amy. She seemed so young. Her dress was always very appropriate, if not expensive. Whereas, many of the students came to the night class dressed like they were going to work in the yard, Amy always wore a dress. She had pretty red hair, sparkling green eyes, and freckles on her face. She always sat in the front row. Occasionally, she would ask a question but mostly she would remain quiet unless called on. When she was asked a question, she always had the answer.
Janice thought she seemed like a very intelligent girl. That's why she was surprised when Amy seemed to be struggling with the test tonight. Everyone else had finished and was turning in their papers, but Amy was still working.
Sean and Robert walked up to Janice's desk and placed their tests in front of her.
"All done Professor Harwick," Sean said. He seemed to be the spokesperson for the two.
"I'm sure you two aced it," Janice said smiling at them.
"Oh yea," Sean said sarcastically. "By the way, if we both got the same questions wrong, it's because we study together." Both boys smiled conspiratorially.
"I'm sure," Janice said sarcastically but then laughed. She knew that they didn't need to cheat to get good grades. Suddenly, Janice felt like the old teacher as she saw the smiling young faces. However, when she caught the eyes of the boys on her legs, it wasn't a student/teacher feeling that she felt running through her. Her short skirt had worked up until a good portion of her thighs was exposed. She felt a naughty little shiver run through her as she let her legs slide a little further apart.
"It's true, we do everything together," Sean said glancing at her legs. "We even date the same girl."
This time Robert laughed with Sean at his fabrication. "But she likes me better," Robert said jokingly.
"Hey teach, why don't you go out with us sometime?" Sean said to Janice, continuing his joking. "We make a great double date. Or is it triple, date?"
"My, my, what would my husband think?" Janice joked back. Again, a little thrill ran through her as she looked at the smiling faces of the two handsome boys. She knew that this type of conversation was inappropriate with students but the class was mostly empty now.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Sean answered. "We are always gentlemen."
"Well, then I'll ask him," Janice answered.
"Great! I'm sure he'll let you," Sean said with a big smile. "Well, we gotta run. Hot date!" The two boys walked out of the room, pushing each other and joking.
Suddenly, Janice felt wetness between her thighs as she watched the two fit young men leave. Nice butts, she thought. When she looked back at the classroom, only Amy was left, still working on her test. "Is everything okay Amy?"
"Yes, I... I uh... just need a few more minutes."
"All right, I'll give you ten more minutes," Janice said, getting up, stacking her papers, and putting them in her briefcase. Then she walked around and leaned back on the corner of the desk, waiting for Amy to finish. Janice noticed that Amy kept glancing up at her and she didn't seem to be writing. She chewed on the end of her pencil nervously. She's such a cute girl, Janice thought. Tonight, her red hair was done in curls. The curls would sometimes fall to her face in a cute fashion, almost like Shirley Temple. That's who she looks like, Janice thought, an older Shirley Temple. Amy was wearing a bright yellow sundress with spaghetti straps tied in bows at the shoulders. Janice could see that she didn't have a bra on. She didn't need one. Her pert orange sized breasts stood up without any need of support.
Janice scooted up onto the desk, sitting directly in front of the young girl. Her skirt rose up, showing her thighs.
This time when Amy glanced up, her eyes lingered.
Janice felt a little thrill rush through her when she realized that Amy's eyes were on her thighs where the underside was clearly visible. She was certain that she could see the flesh above her thigh high nylons. Janice's heart started to beat rapidly and she could feel a sexual tension building in the room. Slowly, she uncrossed her legs. She watched Amy. Her eyes never left her legs. With excitement coursing through her veins, Janice gradually opened her legs. She knew that this was crazy but she couldn't stop herself.
The young girl's eyes grew bigger but they never left her legs as they stared into the opening between her thighs.
Feeling like such a slut, Janice sat on the desk with her legs spread apart for quite some time. She could almost feel Amy's eyes on her exposed crotch. She knew that her vagina was wet and swollen now. There was a palpable sexual tension in the room.
The young girl's face had turned slightly red and her chest was moving up and down with her rapid breathing.
"Time's up sweetie," Janice said regretfully. Her voice sounded strained in the quiet room.
Amy jumped, her eyes moving away from Janice's legs for the first time. She looked up startled, her face turning even redder. "I... uh... I... I'm done," she said. She handed Janice her paper and started to pack up her books.
"You seem flustered Amy. Was the test too hard?"
"No, it was okay. I... I just needed a little more time, that's all."
Suddenly, Janice wanted to get to know this young girl. "Listen, I was going to head home," Janice said, "but would you like to get something to eat? There's a nice pub about two miles from here."
Amy seemed stunned. "Uh... yea... sure," she answered quickly, her voice unable to hide her surprise.
"Let me pack my stuff up and I'll be ready in a minute." Janice hurried and packed her briefcase with the remaining papers and joined Amy who was waiting at the door. When they got to the parking lot, Janice was going to tell Amy to follow her, but then she saw her dilapidated car and said, "Why don't you come with me?"
"Sure," Amy quickly agreed.
Janice clicked the locks on her BMW and the two got inside.
"Nice car," Amy said impressed. "I want one of these when I get some money."
The two made small talk as Janice drove them to the pub. They found a booth and ordered hamburgers along with a beer for Janice and a coke for Amy. When the food was served, Janice watched Amy dig in like she hadn't eaten in a week. It was obvious to Janice, from Amy's comments, that she was not financially situated. "So are you in school on a scholarship?"
"Yes I am Professor Harwick. Unfortunately, I could never afford a school like this on my own," Amy said, taking another bite of her hamburger.
"You don't have to call me Professor here Amy... Janice will do fine."
"All right Janice," Amy said with a smile, her green eyes flashing.
Janice could see a fire in those eyes. What was burning? she wondered. Was it the desire to make something of herself, or just desire? She had to find out. "Tell me about yourself Amy," Janice said as she began to eat.
"Well, I grew up in Oklahoma. My Mom died when I was twelve and my Dad... my Dad never really recovered. We lived on a small farm and Dad worked the land. When mom died, Dad couldn't keep the farm up so we eventually had to sell. I went to live with my aunt and uncle in Kansas." Suddenly, Amy stopped, her face flushing.
"What's wrong?" Janice asked.
"You don't want to hear about that stuff," she said.
"Yes I do, please continue."
"All right but you asked. My aunt and uncle did the best they could but they had four kids of their own and not a lot of extra money to go around. So I worked hard and won a president's scholarship for four years here. I want to go to law school but I'm not sure I can afford it." Amy stopped again and stared at the table, then looked back up with determination. "I want to make enough money to buy a farm with horses," she continued as her face lit up. "And a BMW," she added with a smile. Then I'll get my Dad and he can help me on the farm. That is... that is if he is still around. He's not doing too well right now. I think he drinks too much."
Janice saw a tear form in the corner of Amy's eye and then trickle down her cheek. She felt her heart go out to the young girl. "I'm sure you'll get what you want. Don't get discouraged. There are opportunities to get scholarships to law school as well, you know," Janice said.
"Yea, I need to look into that but I haven't had a lot of time. I work over at Wal-Mart five days a week and that takes a lot of my time. I spend the rest studying. I've had to work pretty hard to keep my grades up."
Janice found she liked the young girl more and more as they talked. She was obviously a hard worker and had taken a difficult situation and made the best of it. Janice listened as she told her more of her life story, smiling occasionally at the young woman's zest for life.
"And that's about it," Amy said.
"So what about boys?" Janice asked.
"I don't really have time for boys. Besides, I don't know how much I like them anyway," she answered, looking Janice in the eyes.
There was definitely something stirring there. Suddenly, Janice felt a charge of electricity go through her. "You don't like boys?"
"Well, I haven't really had any experience with them," she answered vaguely. "I'm too busy for one thing. But also, I... I'm diff..." Amy stopped, suddenly flustered at what she was about to say.
Janice stared into Amy's eyes as she felt their knees touch under the table. She started to move it away but decided to let it stay. As she felt the warmth of the girl's knee, Janice felt that familiar pulsing between her legs. Suddenly, even though she knew that it was wrong, she wanted this girl. She decided to be bold. "Amy, were you looking up my dress back in the classroom?" she asked, and then held her breath.
Amy's eyes grew as wide as saucers. Her mouth opened but nothing came out.
Janice waited for an answer, her heart pounding in her chest.
Amy finally looked down at the table and whispered "Ye... yes."
The next question would tell Janice what she wanted to know. "Did you like what you saw?"
Again, there was a whispered answer, but Janice couldn't hear it. It might have been because of the noise in the restaurant, or it could have been the roaring in Janice's ears from the blood pulsing through her veins.
"What?" Janice asked.
"Yes!" Amy answered, louder this time, her face turning bright red.
"Amy... I'm going to ask you to do something. If you say no, that's okay, we will never mention it again. If you do it, then we will talk a little more."
"What is it?" Amy asked with a look of surprise and confusion.
Janice stared into the young woman's eyes and said, "Amy, I want you to take off your panties and give them to me." Janice held her breath again, as she waited for an answer.
Amy's eyes opened wide and she sucked in her breath, her blush moving down her neck to her chest. She looked into Janice's eyes but didn't say anything or move other than to swallow several times nervously. Then, she picked up her napkin and wiped her mouth, her hands trembling. Still unsure, she looked around the pub, now squirming in her chair.
Janice waited. Her rational mine was screaming at her, telling her how dangerous it was to be doing something like this with a student. If Amy reported her... well, there would be hell to pay. However, she was running on sexual adrenaline now.
After a long pause, Amy reached down slowly and placed her trembling hands under her dress, lifted up, and slipped her panties off. Her eyes avoided Janice's as she shyly held the balled up panties out to the older woman.
Janice reached over and took them from her hand. Then she boldly unfolded the silky material, brought it to her nose and took a deep breath. She smiled as she felt the wet crotch touch her nose and realized how excited Amy was. "You smell good," Janice whispered.
Amy's eyes couldn't have gotten any wider. She was breathing though her mouth, as if she had run a marathon. She was visibly trembling.
"Amy, my husband is out of town. I want you to come home with me," Janice said and paused, looking into her eyes again. "Do you want to do that?"
"Yes," she answered quietly.
"Wait here a minute. I need to make one quick telephone call."
"Hello," Tim said into the telephone.
"Tim," Janice whispered, "I only have a minute. I'm bringing someone home with me. Move your car from the driveway. I'll be home in ten minutes."
"Why are you whispering?" Tim asked.
"I can't talk now sweetie," she whispered. Then she added, "Tim, you might be in the closet for a while tonight. I love you. Bye."
Tim stared into the silent telephone for a few seconds. Suddenly, he realized that he needed to hurry. He hung up the telephone and rushed out to the car.
Amy and Janice walked to the parking lot quietly. They both seemed calm. However, inside their hearts pounded wildly. For Janice it was the thrill of seduction; to Amy, it was a secret dream come true.
Janice let Amy into the car and got into the driver's seat. She started the engine but didn't pull away. Turning in her seat, she looked at the shy young girl sitting nervously next to her. She reached over and gently pushed a curl of hair from her face. Then she slid a bright red fingernail down the girl's cheek, scraping gently along the soft skin. She felt Amy shiver, as the nail moved across her cheek, and down her neck to her shoulder. The gentle and sensuous touch brought goose bumps to the young girl's soft skin.
Amy began to squirm in her seat as the older woman ran her fingernail gently across her shoulder. Then, she felt it stop and there was a gentle tug at the bow holding up one strap of her dress. She turned her head to see that the finger was inside one loop of the bow. She looked back at Janice with fear and excitement.
Janice pulled the bow toward her very slowly, giving Amy time to protest. When she didn't say a word, she pulled a little harder, her finger shaking. The tie slowly unraveled, almost in slow motion. Then, suddenly, the thin cotton string came undone, letting the side of her sundress fall.
There was a sharp intake of breath from Amy, as she felt her dress tumbled down. It was held precariously by one pert breast.
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Ever since my dad and mum divorced, I had grown closer to my mum. We spent a lot of time together, shopping, cooking, vacationing we were use to seeing eachother naked or walking around in our underwear. I guess I became the friend my dad never was to her. Mum taught me about the birds and the bees, and I found myself better prepared when I started puberty. But preparation could only do so much for me, at 13 I found myself becoming a man. I masturbated for the first time in my bedroom,...
Aina time: 7:54 AM, day 0 of 1442 (Festival of the High Sun) Earth time: 3:40 PM EST, Friday, April 24, 2037 "Hi brother! How's it going?" Leon looked up and smiled at his sister Lois. They were standing in a large crowd in the center of a huge level and graded field. It was the site for the future city of Athens. The vastness of the city could be seen by the network of roads already in place, but the beauty was still a natural one, square kilometers of wild flower meadows and wild...
Carmen glanced around the busy train station, her gaze lingering on a woman’s ass for a moment before moving on. Anxiously, she looked down at her phone. Frustrated, she continued to look around the station. It wasn’t like Lindsey to be late.Lindsey was one of Carmen’s best friends. They had roomed together in college, and they had clicked immediately. Unlike most other women in college, Lindsey was one of the cool ones, the kind who was always there for you, but knew when to leave you alone...
Once basic training was over, I was posted to a camp further south in Suffolk. I was given a job in the mail room of the camp, delivering mail to the different sections of the camp. Life was a little more civilized now. We could go out when we wanted and go to bed when we wanted. We would go to the dances or the pictures in the local town, usually on Friday and Saturday nights. I missed Julia at first and we agreed to keep in contact with each other. That first few days was spent getting...
By : Beast Of The Fall Hi all, This is my first story here and I’d really appreciate some feedback. First up, some introductions – I’m Rahul X and I’m from, well, India (let’s not stereotype ourselves, shall we?). The following story is a true account, but the names of the characters have been fictionalized to protect their identities. This was narrated to me by a very special friend and I’m going to tell it in her own words. Now, let’s get on with the story. My name is Rashmi. I am from a...
In a different part of our universe, there's a binary star system in the civilized heart of the Andromeda Galaxy. In that galaxy, there's a planet that lay in the habitable zone. It's twice the size of our planet, it requires two suns to provide energy to the planet, and four moons to stabilize the planet, and give a regular set of seasons, as well as 24-hour days. Magic and technology fuel the multiple different civilizations, of multiple different races that live here. Like any civilized...
FantasyIt took me about twenty minutes to find Room 101. I knew I was looking for a door with numbers on it, and after wandering around for about fourteen minutes I found Room 101. Finding the room was a matter of following the doors as their numbers increased. Room 101 seemed like any other room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of rock. A single fluorescent tube at the top lit up the whole room. The room was about the size of my parents' bedroom, which was about double the size of the...
Dressed in her best black lace lingerie, Kim Turner, a beautiful thirty one year old mother of two gripped the edge of the tab ??????????????????????????? ?Willie?s New Bitch? ???????????????????? A work of fiction for Adults by Taskmaster11????????????????????????????????????????? [email protected]?? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????A Prologue As always during the week, the husband was consumed by his usual deep sleep, but for his beautiful...
Since the beginning of fiction, people have had an idea. The idea of mixing one or more characters together into one being. Gestalt, fusion, amalgam, or any number of other words for the same mean. For when someone mixes things so they come together. There are many ways to do this. One is merging characters within the same universe. Another is merging characters from different universes. Still another is merging characters from multiple universes. To see the merging of powers, the choice of...
Alison gazed at Sarah from across the classroom and pondered the best tactic to take. To Alison, Sarah was the most beautiful creature she had ever laid eyes on, but she couldn’t think of how to get her. But that didn’t bother her. Alison is the kind of girl that is always able to get her way. She was confident and concrete, but could always put on the charm when necessary, as she knew how to use her looks to her full advantage. She was very fit and slender, but with curves in all the right...
This site I have been reading since long and made me interested to write something of my own past experience.From my young age I am very much curious about sex and from my age fifteen I started reading porn stories and pictures. First I introduce myself: I am from Bangladesh born in rich family and only son of my parents. I am always well build and a bit taller than of my age. Fair look We always having 3-4 servant at home as my parents both work hard and those maids take care of our house. The...
Hello, friends well as most of the stories over here this is not fiction it is true story. Contact at for seducing tips and getting fucked specially women So get your dicks and pussy ready to cum all over your pants without using your hands. Let me introduce you to my family from Bangalore. Myself Vikrant 22 m graduate b.E from Bangalore Mom- Vishaka 41f house wife stats 36d 34 38 she had the sexiest ass in our colony. Dad – army officer mostly he will be borders. Bro- now 7th class Well...
IncestI was taking an inventory of the few remaining items from the Perryman estate when Berry tracked me down. He apologized for the sudden way he'd told me that there was no job for me, explaining that he'd only recently decided to stay in town. I took that to mean 'recently' was after Phyllis left for college, and when Claire became available. "That was callous of me. I know you'd been planning to take over as soon as the reenactments season came to an end. I should have come to you the...
“Chris, can you get down here and help me please,” I yelled from the living room. “Be right down Liz,” He yelled back. For the last hour I had been decorating my twin brother Chris and Uncle Jimmy’s house for New Years 2012; my uncle Jimmy has been the king of New Years in our family since I can remember. “Finally,” I said to Chris. “Here hang these lanterns around the deck please.” “Sure,” he said. “Do you need anything else?” “Yeah,” I said, poking my lips out. Chris came over to me and...
IncestI ran and owned a small little convenience store/gas station at the mouth of Mystery canyon. In addition to that, I also ran a tow truck service, which had proved to be even more lucrative than the store. I don't know how many times I pulled four-wheel drive vehicles out of places their owners had no business even being in. Once again, expensive for them, lucrative for me. One of the nice perks of living and working where I did was in having a small, but nice looking cabin about two and a...
Your name is John Hamilton. You were born in a family with six children including you: The eldest sister Diana, who was three year older than you. Twin sister Alicia and Beth, who were one year older than you. Twin sister Olivia and Helen, who were two years younger than you. Being a single mom with 6 children didn't give your mother, Mrs. Minerva Hamilton, any financial problem since she had a high position in Abrellum Corporation, the largest medical company in the world, the producer of...
FantasyChapter 1“Are you completely blind!?” yelled Erik behind the counter. “Don't you see the guests that have practically sat down? They might want to eat. We are a restaurant and you are being paid to at least pretend to be a waiter. God forbid you actually serve the guests,” he snarled angrily. This woke me up from my daydream. I looked at him with a surprised look that I assume, somehow made him think that I questioned the tone in his voice. That seemed to anger him even more. This realization...
CuckoldBITCH STORIES - KATY Katy had been kicked out of her home when Alistair made her confess to her very Christian parents that she was both pregnant and a lesbian. Since then she had moved into his place, under his degrading conditions - at his house, she was not allowed to wear clothes, stand upright, or make any sound other than a cow-like "mooo". At nights, she worked as a prostitute at the Pretty Titty alongside Alistair's other fuckpets. She may have been kicked out of home, but...
Hi friends, this is Shweta with the second part of my story. I’ve got huge responses from readers for my first story and I am very happy about that. First of all I would like to apologize because I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I am writing the second part of my story for all of you. Keep reading my stories and post your suggestions, that would help me narrating you my life. For new readers, I would suggest you to please read first part of this story .. Continues…… I looked at the clock it...
IncestThe 82nd is unique in its structure, which is organized around its equally unique readiness system. Alone among all the divisions in the Army, the 82nd is tasked with being able to send troops anywhere on the planet within twenty-four hours. The average division can take weeks to get ready to move. We do it in hours. The heart of the division consists of three brigade combat teams; each brigade basically consists of three battalions of parachute infantry plus an Airborne field artillery...
Mother is jealous of her daughters large breasts. The Globes of Power All characters in this story are over 18 years old. Chapter One Sandra Thompson, the middle-aged woman with petite frame and short, light brown hair, stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner. She glanced down at her small breasts, feeling insecure as she always did when her youngest daughter was nearby. Emily, her older daughter, had a slim figure and long dark hair. Sophia, her youngest daughter, slim with long dark hair like...
IncestLife has been good this year with such a long hot summer here.I had gotten around most of the houses I look after and was all but done.The one remaining was on a south facing hill overlooking the valley about a mile out of town.I had left it hoping the weather would let up a little as I really didn't want to be working in 30+ degrees Celsius if I could help it. I had done the letter drop to let the tenants know when I would be there so expected no problems upon arrival.I pulled up as usual into...
My wife and I have a very rich sex life she we were into threesomes but had not been with more than 2 guys since she was gang banged by 4 biker the second year we got married. This changed when we were on holidays a few years ago. We were traveling through an area where there was a lot of oil and gas exploration. This story is true and has fueled my wife’s lust of gang bangs.I was getting tired so we decided to stop and get a room at the small motel in town. We pulled into the parking lot...