RunChapter 37: Tunnels free porn video

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“No one’s here.” Marisa’s voice was flat and matter-of-fact. “You sure no one left?”

Bendal shook his head. “As sure as I could be. They might have gotten out through the back, would have been hard to notice, but ... I didn’t see anything moving once they went inside.”

They had picked their way carefully through the side yard and moved slowly to the door, bolting inside with their guns ready to fire. Bright lights had greeted them, but a thorough search had turned up no one in the house, and no sign of where Anna and the men with her had gone.

“Goddamnit...” Holly grumbled.

“They wanted to be seen. They had to have. Why else would Anna let us follow her so long and then lead us to this place? She knew we’d come here after her.” Silver had joined them just moments before and sat on the edge of a chair, his eyes locked on his tablet as his fingers whirled across the virtual keyboard.

Gene filled his canteen from the faucet and sipped it slowly. He glanced around the large living area sleepily. It was the middle of the night and his body was beginning to tire after the exhausting pursuit of Holly’s sister, his nerves still on edge from the unknown plans the woman had for them. The furniture was old and rustic, well-crafted chairs and couches making the place look like any typical ranch house in Europe.

There were pictures of trains on the wall, photos of a man, woman, and two small children on a curio. “Any idea who those people are?” Gene asked idly.

“No clue,” replied Holly, no sign on her face of the weariness the others showed so clearly. “Never saw them before.”

“What does it mean that the trace back went to a system you built for Holly’s father?” Gene asked Silver.

“Hard to say. Very, very few knew of it. Me, Bridgewater, Jesus, maybe a couple of others. Anna. We knew there were moles in M1, and some messages we managed to keep off their comms by using it. I wish I could trace the first message. I’d bet my nuts it hit that same system.”

“No records that you can call up?”

“By design, no. No traces. I got lucky here to find where it went, but what it got out of the connection, I can’t tell.”

Gene stood and paced a moment, trying to work off his fatigue by staying in motion. “So they went out the back. No way anyone could have kept an eye on all sides. They crept out the back and disappeared. Maybe we should scout around and see if there is any sign of them through that field.”

Holly shook her head. “Marisa already tried. Nothing out that way to see.”

Gene shrugged. “Where else could they have gone?”

Holly stood straight a moment, then rushed down a hallway. Gene followed. She snatched at a cord which attached to a pull-down door into the attic. “We looked up there, Holly. Nothing up there.”

She didn’t reply and climbed the small ladder, disappearing through the opening in the ceiling. Gene stepped up and crawled in behind her. Holly was on her hands and knees ahead of him, the attic low and dusty. She called back. “It was disturbed. Someone was in here before we got here. I noticed it earlier, but dismissed it. But I wonder...”

Gene sat on his feet as he watched the nineteen-year old blonde feel around the planks carefully, the light in the attic provided by one spare bulb hanging near the middle. Holly tried edges of several only to find they were fastened hard and unmoving. After long minutes like that, she sat beside Gene and let out a long breath. “It was worth a shot,” she said, frustrated.

“Thought there might be a hidden room or something only accessible from here?”

“It was worth a shot.” She repeated, less forcefully this time.

Gene’s eyes adjusted to the dim attic and he thought he saw a sliver of golden light near the back, near the far wall. “Holly...” he started, but she had seen it too.

The blonde crawled quickly to the spot and ran her fingers along the edge. “It moves!” she exclaimed, heaving the wooden plank up and shifting it aside. Gene watched Holly as she stared down into whatever was below. “Grab our shit and get the others. I’ve found where they’ve gone.”

Tamara watched the countryside whirl past as the driver had them flying down narrow roads inside Austria. The traffic had slowed them, and Major Danielson had been insistent that they make time whenever they could. It reminded Tamara of weeks before, when she had still been with her family, racing through a different part of Europe in the hands of the M1 military.

She’d slept little in the night despite her exhaustion. Thoughts of Gene and her children kept her stomach upset, and twice she had risen to relieve herself. Danielson had not stirred, and the guards had simply acknowledged her and pointed her to the shallow ditch.

They neared Salzburg and Tamara started to grow anxious. She never seemed to stay anywhere long, and every place she’d gone had involved fear and doubt, and more than a few times, an intimate relationship, as well.

Her family hadn’t been the only thoughts keeping her awake. Ingrid’s eyes pierced hers in light dreams, and Tamara awoke a few times to find her pussy drooling to the images. She’d resisted getting off, but as they got closer to Salzburg, she wished she’d have gotten her arousal restrained before getting to their destination.

The SUV pulled down a narrow, hedgerow-lined dirt path and stopped at a gate. Three guards eyed them carefully before approaching. The driver rolled down the window and spoke to them in German before being ushered through. Tamara saw two rows of narrow buildings, and two bulky structures which looked like bunkers. There were trees filling the ground on the property, even between buildings, and they provided a great deal of shade to the area.

They parked next to one of the bunker-looking buildings and were escorted inside. Tamara waited in a small, grey room while Danielson and the others disappeared deeper inside.

She hated waiting. There never seemed to be any middle ground in her life anymore. If she wasn’t waiting, she was running somewhere, and she hated that, too. Or she thought she did. As Tamara turned over that thought in her mind, she couldn’t help a small smile. She’d been a professor of history, and realistic military fiction had been something she had become an expert on over the years. Here she was, living a tale fit for the genre. She chuckled at the thought, and did her best to sit quietly while other people made decisions about what came next.

“We were pretty lucky, Finch,” Lauren said quietly, her brother sitting on the edge of the bed. “We nearly got found out yesterday. I’m kinda creeped.” She regretted her feelings because she really had wanted to let Finch continue to finger her. The thought of Henderson finding out made her lose interest, her clit dwindling in response.

Her brother let out a breath, said, “I know ... just ... can’t help myself, you know.”

“Not complaining. I just don’t want to get caught.” She pursed her lips. “He scares me.”

“Why? Mr. Henderson is such a nice guy.”

“I dunno. Probably that night we met him. He made me piss myself...” It was not a pleasant memory at first, but she started to chuckle as she remembered the event. She’d been scared, but over time, thinking about it, brought arousal for some reason.

“Oh ... yeah, that ... I guess I can see it.”

“Anyway...” Lauren reached to the other side of the bed, “where’s Logan?”

“Dunno. I heard him get up earlier, but I think I fell asleep before he came back. If he came back.”

“He was acting kinda weird yesterday, right?”

Finch nodded. “Yeah. Kinda flighty.”

“Something happened on that walk ... ohmygod, Finch. Do you think... ?”

“Juliana and Georges? Damn ... I hope so...”

“That would explain why Georges stayed to himself all evening. Damn...” Lauren felt herself growing wet and did her best to push the thoughts away. “Can’t think about that now ... getting myself going...”

Before Finch could suggest they stay in bed a while longer, a suggestion she wasn’t too sure she would turn down, Lauren slid from under the covers and jumped into her pants. She’d had to wear a new pair after the light mess she’d made in them while watching her brother fuck Hannah’s menstruating pussy. They slid on fresh and clean over her panties and in moments, she was in the kitchen and watching as Henderson asked after Finch.

“He’s up, should be out in a minute.”

Her brother joined them and Henderson held their attention. “We’re leaving this afternoon. All good, everyone, just had to be patient. Should be there by nightfall.”

“Where are we going?” Logan asked between bites of a bagel.

“Genoa. In Italy.”

The attic had led them to a small hallway which ran down into steep stairs. It had run at least a dozen meters below the house and turned back on itself before running straight for another hundred meters. What they found at the end was not what Gene could have expected.

There was a small console with a few buttons and levers, a small monitor blinking as if it had been powered off and back on without rebooting. Next to the console, the passage opened onto a platform. Tracks led along the platform, disappearing in both direction into darkness.

“Of course! A Heathrow system. I should have thought of that!” Silver exclaimed.

“Heathrow system?” Gene asked as he peered into the darkened tunnel.

“Early on,” Silver explained, “M1 needed to move around places without being seen. There were old lines run all over the place to allow royals and other important people to get from the airports to places they didn’t want to be found. There’s a huge hub of such things at Heathrow.”

Gene stepped back from the platform, said, “handy, I’m sure. Where does it go?”

Silver shook his head. “No idea. This one’s not on the maps I’ve seen. Something built for privacy, I’m sure. Something your dad would have done, Holly.”

The blonde didn’t comment as she watched Marisa flick the console switches and hit a button. “I’ve called for a car,” the mousy woman said, “we’ll see if one answers.”

“Just like that?”

Marisa shrugged, “works the same everywhere. If a car is available and isn’t blocked by other cars, it should come around at some point.”

“How long?” Gene asked.

“Depends. If there’s only one car and it is a long distance away, could be hours or days. No way to tell.”

They didn’t wait long. Ten minutes later, a metallic whizz echoed through the tunnel, and Gene tensed in anticipation. The car slowed and stopped at the platform. It wasn’t much to look at, could have been a much smaller version of a caboose from any train anywhere. It was boxy, small, weak lights on the front and along the top edges.

They climbed inside and Marisa seated herself at the console. “Which way?”

Before anyone could answer, the car’s doors closed and it started moving away from the platform in the direction Gene thought might be west. Or east. He wasn’t terribly certain underground.

Gene settled back into an under-stuffed seat, the car not built for comfort. There was nothing to see in the dark tunnel as the car picked up speed, just the lightest of reflections off the metal beams supporting the tunnel as they whirled by.

The car rocked hard and then Gene heard a concussive explosion from behind them. He turned automatically, saw nothing in the darkness. He eyed Holly, saw her watching the same featureless tracks.

Thirty seconds later, another concussion, closer this time, then a bit later, another.

“They’re blowing the tracks,” Holly muttered, sounding unsurprised by the idea. “Don’t want anyone else following, I expect.”

Gene wondered exactly how they were blowing the tracks, and worried that one mistimed explosion could easily trap them under the earth. His claustrophobia began to fester as the car moved on its own, rocking from time to time as another section of the tunnel collapsed somewhere behind them.

“Mrs. Polanski.” A man’s voice roused her from the nap which had come on out of nowhere. Tamara sat up straighter. “Please follow me.”

She stood mechanically, dreams of light green eyes and a rugged jawline still fresh in her mind. What is going on with me? It’s like I have a crush or something ... What’s that about?

She was taken to a large conference room down a hallway. Inside, Danielson was seated quietly, watching Tamara enter the room. Two men and a woman were also in chairs around a circular table. None of them looked familiar.

“Please, sit,” the other woman suggested, waving her hand towards a chair across from Major Danielson. Tamara did as instructed.

“Right now, we’re in a holding pattern, Mrs. Polanski.” Tamara wondered if the less formal relationship they had had on the road was left behind when they entered the gates of the compound. “This site is secure and we have reason to believe the best place for you to be is here. Expect to be here at least three days. There are other events playing out which may take some time to analyze and which may force us to move south. For now though, you are completely free of movement within the complex.”

“Meaning I can’t leave.”

Danielson replied evenly, “none of us can, not without orders.” She leaned forward, her green eyes slicing through Tamara’s resolve. “Please, we’re trying to help you, Mrs. Polanski. That is our only goal.”

Tamara relaxed slightly and said, “fine. I know. I wouldn’t know where to go even if I could.” She leaned forward and looked at Danielson. “Has there been any more news of my husband? My kids?”

“No, not since we last spoke of the matter. I’ll let you know when we hear anything substantial.”

Tamara nodded, expecting that response. “What am I to do here?”

Danielson paused a moment, replied, “rest. Recharge. I think you need it.”

Logan grinned broadly as the three boys and two girls sat huddled in the bedroom while the adults worried over details of their drive to Italy. He had just listened as Georges told them what had happened the day before. Hannah already knew and Logan watched her mouth widen in a toothsome smile as her twin brother described how good it had felt to be inside his mother’s body. “Cumming in her, wow ... I couldn’t believe I was doing it...”

Logan’s penis was hard in his pants and without thinking, he pulled it out and started to stroke it.

“Logan! I told you, we can’t chance it.”

He scowled, wanted badly to cum to the memories of his own role in the events the day before. Lauren grabbed his hand and laughed, “please, brother. Just let it go this time, ok? We’re leaving in a few minutes, and Hannah and I don’t want to be cleaning it out of our hair or off our clothes.” She laughed again and tucked his hard cock back into his pants.

Same as Run
Chapter 37: Tunnels Videos

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Hello everyone, my name is shanaya and I am from Delhi. My age is 23 years and I am thin with my mass concentrated in the right places. Today I am sharing one of my lesbian encounters with my own sister. Please read the entire story because I know you will love it. You can send your feedback and comments at my email id :[email protected] . I will surely reply to all your emails. Thanks to your response for my earlier stories. So the story begins :My best friend’s name is riya. We both go to...

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Stephanie Pt 02

CHAPTER ONE We slept until after 7:00 a.m., I woke up with Vincent behind me poking me in the back with his hard cock. ‘Are you awake sexy lady?’ He purred in my ear. ‘I am now!’ I stretched and rolled onto my back. He looked so handsome, his hair was messy from sleeping and his eyes looked tired but he was still the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. I covered my mouth with the sheet, ‘I’d like to brush my teeth before we do anything.’ ‘Good idea!’ We climbed out of bed, I forgot we slept...

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"I miss him so much" she thought as she gathered a single candle, lotions and other bath assorted materials. She set them down on the dresser as she noticed herself in the long mirror. With just a white cotton towel wrapped around her and her hair laid out, she looked beautiful. She walked closer to the mirror and examined herself, pushing her hair away from her face to get a good look. She slowly unwrapped the towel that caressed her body, and it dropped to the floor. She took her hands,...

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In from college my first

I was back home for summer break when I ran into Ray at the grocery store, Ray and I graduated high school in the same class we had always been friendly but not really friends, Ray hugged me and told me how great it was to see me, he was much more feminine than he had been in school, he ask if I would like to come over to his apartment and get high later, I said sure, and thought little more about it.After I got home and considered why Ray was asking me over I got nervous, and to be honest a...

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In Ecstasy

The club was already full to bursting when the four boys made their way down the stairs into the sweaty buzz and thumping music. A night of drinking and fun had lead them exactly where they wanted to be. The promise of more alcohol, girls and dancing was magnetic and the atmosphere between the four of them was typically electric. Only this night there was the promise of something else. Somthing none of the boys had ever tried before. As the four scanned the room for any avilable girls...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 6 Advance to Contact

The next week passed with me going over in my mind moves to inflict the most damage on Martin Hodge in the shortest possible time. I also needed to make arrangements to obviate serving a long spell as a guest of Her Majesty. My defence stratagem was planned, but I required a top notch defence lawyer to bring the plan to fruition. As ever when I was in a bind I called on Harry Ledbetter. He was now a Lieutenant Colonel at the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall. In fact his spell in...

4 years ago
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Countermove Ch 10

Summary so far: Day 1: Onyx vs. Tyger- Onyx loses for the first time ever and pays the price. Day 2: Onyx vs. Jewel- Onyx defeats Jewel to stay alive in the tournament but realizes she is slowly changing into a bimbo. Day 3: Onyx vs. Chaos- Onyx defeats Chaos to make it to the final 4 but discovers she has been set up. Interlude: Onyx travels to Darkview to investigate Tyger. Interlude- part 2: Onyx learns more about Tyger while coming to terms with being pierced and tattooed. Interlude-...

2 years ago
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The Maestro The Bawd And The Bale 1

The Doctor connected the leads from the youth's head to that of the still writhing woman who lay on the silver gurney. "You can't do this me; you can't treat me like this, the woman protested. The man called "The Maestro" grinned his handsome face beaming as he said, "Well milady, you won't have to worry about anything like this much longer. You will be a fine strapping youth. The Maestro with a curious smile on his face nodded to the young boy on an adjacent gurney and an unspoken...

3 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 15 I Dreamt A Dream Tonight

Victor I re-read Tyler's text message from earlier. "Hey Nikki. I made reservations at a fancy restaurant. Meet me at my place at 5." I was annoyed at the fancy part. I didn't need or want fancy food. I didn't want to dress fancy either. I looked at the time. 3:30. Now I was annoyed at the 5 o'clock part too. Typically as a guy I could get ready and out the door in twenty minutes. He wants me to dress fancy. This is going to take time to look pretty. Especially since I had no idea...

2 years ago
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You Can Call Me Tara

You Can Call Me Tara by Maria Ski I thought I had been careful. I took all of my usual precautions, well I thought I had. Mum had told me she was going out and that she would be gone for most of the day, so I thought I could spend some time as Tara. And be the girl I knew I was inside for a few hours and have plenty of time to become Michael again with Mum being none the wiser. How wrong I was, but I knew that one day, one day I would get caught. I would get caught in an unguarded...

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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 04

Béla disappeared to go haunt Jake. That’s what Beth began calling it when she realized that humans had a strange way of not accepting data acquired in their dream state. The single exception she knew of, of course, was her busty blond friend, Tanya. ‘I ought to return her gun,’ Beth thought as she dream-walked into the arborium carrying her bag of arrows. She saw that her sister had already dropped off the elaborate-looking bows and left again. Mentally searching around for the little...

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Slutty Sophie the College Student

It’s the first day of class of my first semester in college. My first class was computer science, ugh. I wish that I didn’t have to take classes I’m not interested in. There is a cute girl in the class though, her name is Megan and she has short black hair. I don’t know if this class will be fun or not. My second class is Spanish! Thank you past Alex for taking Spanish in high school, this class should be easy. Nothing too much to report, the teacher seems okay. Oh but there is this one...

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Kerrie ch 02 Strip Show at the Biker Bar

“Permanent?” Kevin asked. Mark nodded. “So, no kids?” Mark shook his head. “No kids.” Kerrie perked up at that. A lot of things had changed since he came back four weeks ago, but this was the first time the subject of kids had ever come up. He couldn’t make a decision like that unilaterally. “For now,” she said softly. Mark turned and looked at her. “Did you say something?” “Mark, I’m loving what you’re doing, but...” “You do understand that you don’t have a...

2 years ago
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Bridesmaid BethanyChapter 5

The next morning Lisa was at work and I was home alone when the phone rang. I tentatively picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. "Bethany?" I heard a woman ask. I cleared my throat and tried to sound more female, which took some effort, as I certainly didn't look female right then. My eyebrows and nine of my nails notwithstanding, I had been drinking my morning coffee in my preferred sleepwear, a t-shirt and boxers. "Yes?" I said in my Bethany voice. "This is Ruth, Carrie's...

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United my mother with me

United my mother with meThis is the story of how my mother and I became lovers when I was 18 years old and how our relationship became more intimate later. My mother’s name is Malathi and my name is Prabhakhar. We are a middle class Malayali family. My mother was married at the age of 18 to her uncle – my grandmother’s brother – when he was 40 years old, after his first wife died. I was born the same year she got married and after me, she had two girls and a boy was born just a few months...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 18 Family and Friends

Aaron and Shelby reappeared shortly before dinner, so Dave or Alice didn’t get a chance to talk to either of them to test whether things were all right. They seemed less intense and more relaxed than they’d been right after their arrival, but that could have been due to a nap or a little nookie or both. Appropriate to the Circle’s dress code, Shelby had dressed really sexy with some Daisy Duke shorts that revealed through the intentionally torn material that she wore no underwear, and a...

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A Long Time Waiting

This has taken me longer to write than I thought, mainly because it kept getting longer. Hope you like. All participants over eighteen (well over in one case!) — I was stood in front of the little dustcart, watching some of the participants of the ‘walk for life’ as they walked around. The ‘walk for life’ was a twenty-four hour charity thing and the council had donated the use of the little dustcart to keep the site tidy without charge to provide support. Several of us had volunteered to crew...

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Dinner And A Night Out Part 2

We are in the Camelot room. It is a beautiful room. The whole room is a Victorian décor. I let you go in first. When you walk in, there is a small sitting room with a table and two chairs. The table is set with a flower centerpiece, a bowl of fresh strawberries, grapes,and blueberries, and a chilled bottle of merlot. Directly across the room is the bath. You walk in. There is a large beige tiled bath with a gold faucet. It sets between three walls. The sidewall has three large windows...

1 year ago
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The New Woman Part 1

She stood about 5'7" and had long sexy legs. Her feet were wrapped in the most beautiful leather stilettos and all Wanted to do was to suck her toes, tits and cunt. She approached me while I was pruning the bush just outside my bedroom window. She had asked me if a Mr Walsh lived nearby. I was not sure, as I had just moved in the area a few weeks ago. I did not have any real time to meet my new neighbors. So, I replied, " I'm not sure I just moved here from L.A." She stayed a few seconds and...

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Hotel Rouge Part Five

The young woman at the desk looked up and smiled as I made my way to the bar to wait for Rayanne. I had been coming to the Rouge on Saturday mornings for six weeks and had a surprise in my shoulder bag along with my swim gear. But then she held up a hand. 'One moment, please, madame.' She crossed the reception area to meet me.'Miss Rayanne asked me to show you to the private elevator, madame.' Surprised, I followed her to the last in a bank of three elevator doors, almost hidden in the...

3 years ago
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The Tome

[Editor's note: There are at least three other stories like this on CHYOO, but all of them are from the female point of view. I decided I wanted to write in the genre with a male protagonist, so here it is.] { FIRST_NAME } = main character's first name { LAST_NAME } = main character's last name This story is about a book of magic spells related to sex found in a library. Beyond that restriction, you can take the story any direction you want. High school, college or later are all possible. The...

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Cute seductions

A few months ago I was involved in this big project at work. This was the make or break opportunity I had been searching for since I started 2 years ago. With almost no sleep and definitely no life I worked nearly 13 hours everyday, I presented our project to the board. The project yielded a savings of 800k and got me the promotion I was hoping for. Unfortunately this promotion sent me on the the other coast away from all my friends and family. One great perk however was the compensation I...

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Down by the Lake

Have you ever been with someone you wanted to eat up? Imean totally consume. Have you ever wanted to just completely melt into someone and have your bodies merge in total bliss? Karen was like that. She was tanned, muscled, and completely beautiful. When I was with her I wanted to eat her and when she left I found myself masturbating until she returned. Karen was my first real lover, my first real relationship. I remember the first time just being in bed with her. Just me and my new lover,...

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Wolf Creek Ch 17

‘I never want to move from here,’ Ada whispered dreamily, as she gazed at the paddle fan slowly revolving in the painted rafters over her head and listened to the songs of the jungle birds and clicking of the geckos out in the lush green vegetation beyond the pavilion. She moved her hips, seeking the assurance that Sun Li was still deep inside her. ‘Hmmmm,’ Sun Li murmured. He enclosed one hand over one of Ada’s breasts and held the other on her belly, pulling her ever closer into his lap as...

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Linda and Me

She was lost in a universe of her own making. Gasping and crying out with each shuddering orgasm. I was getting close, but I didn’t want to give it up yet, so I slowed even more. Linda gasped and shuddered as I rolled my hips, gently fucking my stiff prick into her, sinking deep between her softly yielding pussy lips. She was so slick and wet that I could almost have slipped into her, hips and all. Her hot, buttery insides gripped my shafting cock as she came. I leaned forward to kiss her silky...

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The Surrogate Wife

It was uncanny. We both started talking at exactly the same time, saying exactly the same words. "I think we need to talk." We had finished the cereal and coffee. I had started on my toast and marmalade. We looked at each other and out it came. We both found the synchronicity amusing and I began choking on my toast as I laughed. After I regained my composure I looked at her and almost did it again. I put out my open hand to her in a gesture for her to start. "I've something to say to...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 12 Changes in Foursomes

After the great Election Day results, Lisa and I had a fun day sailing; it was a Quartet Bowl race, our favourite. Lisa steered us to another win across the line; we were looking good for a first place in the series. On the way home, Lisa asked me what my thoughts were about Georgina. “You know she wants to sleep with us,” she said. “And both Fiona and I would like to sleep with her, too.” “I guess that’s two votes out of three in favour for it already,” I said. “No, that’s not how it...

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The Mechanic reds revenge

I approach the burger van where Lynn works at lunchtime “I have something to show you if you’re interested Lynn” I ask her. “What is it” she asks looking puzzled. “Be at the same place as last time at 2.30pm and you will find out won’t you “I say with a grin. I meet her 2.30 pm outside the back workshop, over her shoulder was a brown bag, she looked around to make sure no one see’s then asked if we can go inside. I let her in then lock the big doors behind us and turn on the lights, in the...


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