I Remember BethanyChapter 5 free porn video

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Adele, my wife had somehow guessed something about Beth and I. There was a continuing tirade about some 'little white tramp' down at the bar where I worked weekend nights and I was on an increasingly short leash. Adele was waiting up for me every night and the only car I could drive was the MG. She also took to calling the bar and the rehab clinic at Fitzsimons Hospital where I worked during the week at random times in order to check if I was there. Jimmy was short on inventory and though he told me that he didn't suspect Beth or me, he still wasn't letting the key to the storeroom leave the chain around his neck.

Beth, for her part, seemed to take our enforced celibacy in stride but occasionally I found her staring at me with what might be described as longing or just pure lust. Of course, the lust and longing were very real to me and our quick gropes in the hallway and out back on breaks just made things worse.

I also had my own set of problems. My twenty year old nephew from Missouri, Billy arrived to take part in an experimental new paramedic AIT (Advanced Individual Training) at Fitzsimons. He was fresh out of Basic and Jump School. He had been on a football scholarship back home before he injured his ACL (Anterior cruciate ligament) and had to drop out of college in his freshman year and was facing the draft. He was as tall as I but bigger in the chest and shoulders. Smart and good looking but with no money, he decided to enlist. Against my advice, he decided to follow me into the airborne and medical fields.

Billy was a snowbird (early arrival) because he came on the Thursday before class started on Monday morning. Unfortunately, The Bachelor Enlisted Quarters were full due to renovation and Denver was in the throes of the annual state basketball tournament. There simply were no rooms to be had for love or money. I asked Adele if we could put him up.

"Not only no, but hell no! Don't you remember the way your skinny assed sister disrespected me at our wedding cause she thought you were too good for me? Besides that, I'm not having any good-looking young stud in the same house with my daughters especially if he's their cousin."

I responded with "You just remember the way you were when you were their age." And things just went downhill after that until she ended up screaming at me. "I don't care what you do with him or what happens to you either! Go stay with one of your good for nothing musician friends for all I care!" She shouted as I took off with the Mercedes.

Actually that wasn't bad advice since there was a jam session happening that night at a club downtown. I picked Billy up at the Military Air Terminal and called Beth to ask her if she wanted to join us. I figured in his dress greens with bloused trousers in jump boots, shaved head and polite manners, Billy would look trustworthy enough for one of my friends to take home for the weekend.

Unfortunately, I had forgotten the old joke that went "What do you call a musician without a girlfriend? Answer: homeless." All of my pals who had girlfriends couldn't or wouldn't bring a good looking unattached male with a steady job anywhere near their girlfriends. The two without girlfriends were rooming together at the "Y" and I really didn't want Billy in the middle of that.

I ended up setting in on a few sets while Billy and Beth danced to a few fast numbers and got to know each other. I could tell that he was starting to develop a crush on her by the way he couldn't take his eyes off her even though he kept calling her 'Aunt' Beth. For her part, Beth was both charmed and amused by his polite but fawning attentions.

Billy surprised me by asking if we could play a waltz. It turned out that he had been given some dance lessons in preparation for a formal military ball in High School R.O.T.C. I launched into the Missouri Waltz and since most of the guys were from St. Louie, we quickly had a R&B version of the old standard rocking. Beth hadn't waltzed since Vienna and Billy was rusty but they were soon twirling around the floor to the delight of the mostly black crowd in the club. Afterwards, I shifted into Dexter Gordon's "Round Midnight" and Beth rested her head on Billy's broad chest and smiled at me and he just closed his eyes in bliss as they swayed in the mist of the crowd.

After a few more slow numbers, we broke and I joined them in the booth. Billy had a couple of drinks and started to nod off. I remarked "Poor kid, he's had a long day; good thing I keep a couple of down sleeping bags in the trunk. He should be OK in the back seat."

"Oh no, I can't allow that." Beth replied. "Billy is a very polite young man; he had plenty of opportunity not to be one out on the dance floor. I feel perfectly safe in having him stay on my couch."

"No, Aunt Beth, I don't want to be no trouble to you." Billy interjected.

"Nonsense, your uncle George wouldn't let me sleep in the car and I wont permit you to either. You're sleeping on my couch and that's all there is to it."

"Thanks Beth, I owe you one." I responded as we gathered up our coats and got into the Mercedes as a heavy snow began to fall. Billy passed out in the back as we drove but woke up enough to stagger up the stairs to Beth's apartment with his large duffle bag.

I helped Beth lay out sheets, pillow and blanket on her couch and then I helped get Billy down to his Army—issue boxers. He sleepily tried to cover himself. "Don't worry Billy; it's nothing she hasn't seen before."

As soon as his head hit the pillow, Billy was out like a light. I pulled out a joint for the two of us. When Beth got up to cover Billy with a blanket, I took the opportunity to caress her breast. Beth just turned and smiled and led me by the hand through the glass bead curtain dividing the living room from the bedroom. "I know this snowstorm will mean a late opening for the schools so we can get up late." she promised.

We quickly stripped each other and were almost frantic in our haste and pent-up desire. I was quickly on top of her as she guided me into her wet channel. "Oh god, I've wanted this for so long." She whispered in my ear. Soon we were in the pattern of thrust and response with her long white limbs wrapped around my sweating black back and buttocks.

I half expected her to be distracted by Billy's presence in the front room and I occasionally caught her glancing at the glass-beaded doorway. "Don't worry, that boy is a heavy sleeper; he won't be up till morning." But she still kept looking at the doorway. I felt her stiffen suddenly and saw her clench her eyes shut while her passion only increased and I could feel her get even wetter. "Oh ho!" I thought. "Little girl, you have lots of hidden kink, don't you?" I knew Billy was watching us; I've survived enough ambushes to know when somebody's watching me and I also knew enough to keep doing what I was doing while I considered my next move.

Beth might be excited by the thrill of being caught or watched by a hidden observer but I knew young men. I knew that if Billy watched us he would have to talk to someone about it. I also knew that if he talked, as sure as judgment day, Adele would find out. The perceived insult of my infidelity in front of her sworn enemy's son would have her howling for my gonads to be nailed to the wall. My only hope was to make Billy complaisant in keeping the secret.

Abruptly, I stopped and got up on my knees. "Billy stop spying on us through the curtain and come in here." Beth just looked at me dumbfounded as I got up to sit on the edge of the bed. She quickly scrambled up to hide behind me and I reached around to pull her into a sheltering embrace. "There's nothing shameful gong on here, just two people loving each other. Sit down on that chair next to the wall. I want you to respect the fact that Beth has allowed you to stay with her and you need to respect her secrets. I love her and I don't want her to suffer from you being indiscreet. That also means you are to continue to be a perfect gentleman towards her. Do I make myself clear to you?" Billy gulped and nodded assent.

Beth had her arms covering her breasts with her knees drawn up and her ankles crossed in front of her sex, while her face was turned into my chest in embarrassment. "Beth here is a beautiful woman isn't she?" Billy just nodded, dumb struck. "I bet you haven't seen many nude white women, have you?"

"J ... Just in magazines, and a stripper in Columbus: B ... But none was as beautiful as you, Aunt Beth" Billy quickly added. I felt Beth softly chuckle under her breath at his boyish adoration.

"You're right Billy, look at this beautiful ass." And I grabbed Beth's haunch and stroked her thigh. I worked my fingers under her crossed arms and she relaxed enough to allow me to softly cradle her breast. "And just look at these fine titties." I noticed that Beth was shyly smiling despite her embarrassment as I continued to compliment and caress her. I bent my head to suck on her nipple and slipped my hand between her thighs.

I heard a sharp intake of breath as my fingers found her swollen lips and I guided her trembling fingers to my rock hard 'nine-iron'. From old habit her hand began to slowly stroke my manhood. Looking up into Billy's gaping face, I continued. "And what's even better, Beth loves to suck on my cock, don't you? Why don't you show Billy how good you are?" Then I whispered "Just do it, if Billy watches with our permission, it becomes his secret too." Beth glanced at Billy with trepidation but then lowered her face into my lap.

I was right about Beth liking an audience because even though she was nervous and embarrassed, her fellatio was up to her usual world class standard of sucking, licking and deep-throating which seemed to be both slow and languid alternating with rapid bobbing and polishing of just the knob. I confirmed her arousal by pushing my fingers into her flowing passage. When we were both groaning and arching our backs, I stopped Beth and told her to climb on my dick. With barely a glance at Billy, she got up to straddle me. I positioned Beth facing Billy so that he could get the whole benefit. She sank down on my up-thrust mast as if she were lowering herself into a hot bath with a beautiful sigh ending in a moan. I noticed that she was still embarrassed enough to keep her face averted from Billy's gaze.

Billy sat transfixed, afraid to blink for fear of missing anything. This was obviously a first for him. His hand however, was quite busy stroking the growing dome in his shorts.

Beth appeared as if she was off in her own world but I could tell that she was also quite excited by having such an adoring audience of both Billy and myself. I could feel her trembling and shuddering with each self-impalement as she used her beautiful thighs to raise and lower her sex onto mine. Her head was down and her silken black tresses were swaying and bouncing in conjunction with her breasts. I was assisting with my dark hands on the beautiful white twin globes of her perfect ass. As she neared her climax, I moistened my forefinger and positioned it so that she sank her rosebud the full length of my digit on the down stroke. I heard her gasp and then she spasmed around my manhood and dove into a screaming, squirting orgasm that left her weak and trembling. I sat up and embrace her to kiss her neck. She finally lifted her head brush back her hair and to look at Billy with a bashful guilty smile that I found adorable.

I sank back on the bed pulling back on and spreading her thighs to display the workings of or lovemaking as Beth resumed grinding her pelvis back and forth on mine. I noticed that Beth was grinning at Billy's self manipulation. In an obvious taunt she leaned back to put her hands on my biceps and arched her back to display her chest. Billy responded by increasing the rapidity of his strokes and fully exposing the tent pole that was making a dome out of his shorts. Beth froze, and turning to me in astonishment, gasped "It's huge!" I laughed, and teasing Beth, I called. "Billy, Beth thinks you've got a big dick; why don't you bring it over here and show it to her?" When he hesitated, I played the sergeant. "Trooper, drop 'trou' and present arms." Billy stood and stumbling out of his boxers came to stand in front of both of us clutching his manhood.

Beth could tell I was teasing her and she gave me a playful scowl before she turned around to face the biggest, fattest cock I have ever seen. It was about 11 inches and the head wasn't any bigger than mine. While I have seen longer, the girth was truly amazing. Tapering outwards from the uncircumcised tip it reached a midpoint of at least three inches in width and two in depth and resembled nothing as much as a large blunt spearhead.

Beth gasped again and her hand rose almost by itself to touch the phenomenon before us. Billy responded by asking "Aunt Beth, can I touch your titty?" Beth just nodded dumbly and began to work the foreskin on and off in apparent fascination; I believe that she had never seen an uncircumcised male before this. Billy reached forward to caress her other breast. Beth smiled up at him and pulled his member to her chest with her fingers laced together and her breasts forming a soft cage around Billy's monster cock while she rose and fell the length of him in our lovemaking. The sweat on her chest provided some lubrication and she reached down between her legs to get more.

As Beth rose and fell on my lap, at first she glanced back at me to see if I was bothered by her attention to Billy. I grinned my approval and she turned back to her fascination with the large male organ in front of her. I could tell that she was excited and entranced in the moment by the mounting enthusiasm of her self impalement. For his part, Billy was completely entranced by the beautiful white woman rubbing herself up and down on his dick. At first he didn't know what to do with his hands but he settled on gently placing them on her shoulder blades after brushing her long brunette hair in to the middle of Beth's back.

Beth was probably lost in the moment and didn't notice Billy's mounting arousal. He was trying to control himself but the whole situation was too much for him. Flat on my back, I saw Billy's eyes cross and roll back in his head as he started to orgasm against Beth's chest.

Then something happened which surprised all three of us. Apparently trying to contain the mess or out of habit with my orgasm, Beth dropped her head down and tried to cram as much of that monster as she could into her mouth and throat. Simultaneously, she went into her own climax again. I quickly followed, bucking up into her gushing, clenching vagina. I believe that Billy had not masturbated at all during the long months of Basic and Jump School because he just continued to jerk and thrust while he poured huge amounts of his cum down Beth's throat. She tied to swallow as much as she could but the amount plus Billy's and my jerking caused streams of sperm to escape her lips and fall on her chest, belly, thighs and pubic hair and mingle with my spend and drip from my clenching balls.

Beth turned to look at me with what I could only describe as dazed embarrassment. I guess she was feeling that somehow she had betrayed me or that now she was a slut in my eyes. She looked so erotic with a trail of sperm trailing from her beautiful ruby lips to Billy's cock. I responded by beaming a great big grin and two thumbs up.

To Billy, I said "Nephew, you are dammed lucky. Beth here, is the Queen of Colorado cock-sucking and I for one feel honored to experience her talents and so should you." Billy just nodded so I added "Well, go ahead and tell her!"

Billy stammered "T-That's right, Aunt Beth. You are a real wonderful cocksucker and I thank you very much for sucking my cock!"

Beth laughed at the absurdity and blushed "Thank you Billy, but I've had some pretty good equipment to practice on. Here, sit down on the bed and I'll go get something to clean us all up." She returned with warm washcloths and proceeded to wash all of us. I noticed that she was very attentive to Billy's genitals. Both Billy and I then got to appreciate Beth's toilette before she crawled back onto the bed between us. "I feel special with all this attention, most girls wold be lucky to have one good-looking hunk in their bed but here I have two!"

As we were lying there, I was idly running my hand along Beth's inner thigh and she responded by cupping and playing with my balls with her right hand. Not wanting Billy to feel left out, she reached out to lightly stroke his johnson with her left hand. As I watched the sparkle of her engagement ring and the paleness of her long tapering fingers contrast with the purple-black of the monster beneath, I thought to my self, If only her ex-fiancee could see her now. I know that I felt a little jealous but turned on at the same time.

Billy was lightly playing with Beth's left nipple and suddenly his dick twitched and Beth startled and jerked away before giggling and replacing her hand on his growing member as she remarked "Billy, I bet you're real popular with the ladies back home, aren't ya?"

Billy responded in embarrassment "I've never been with any ladies, ... before this I mean."

Beth's eyes widened "You mean that you're a ... virgin, Billy?"

"Yes'm Aunt Beth."

Her hand continued to stroke him and I whispered to Beth. "That isn't right. He shouldn't have to go off to war as a virgin or have his first experience with some hooker who could care less. Why don't you take his cherry? He really likes you and to have somebody care about your first time is really important."

Beth protested and she removed her hand to Billy's disappointment. "How can I do that? I mean how can I have sex with your nephew when you are my lover; isn't that disloyal or something?"

"Don't you remember what we just did? How could you get any more intimate with Billy? Don't worry about me being jealous. I'm married and I don't have that right. Besides, I'm kind of turned on by all this; I think I like being a voyeur. You have to go with how you feel about having sex with Billy." I reached down between her thighs to find her moist and flowing. "Your chatte seems to like the idea." I joked.

"Are you kidding? My pussy is terrified of the size of that grande cock noir and so am I ... Well, terrified and excited I guess." Beth added.

"Don't worry, he can take it slow and I'll make sure to stop everything if it starts to hurt too much." I assured her.

"Well how does Billy feel about loosing his virginity?" Beth turned to look at the young man she had been caressing.

Billy stammered in reply "Unh ... I really, really want to make... 'it' with you Aunt Beth; but I'm scarred of doing something wrong. Besides, she's your girl uncle George."

I spoke "Beth is her own woman, Billy. I love and respect her but I do not own her and I expect you to respect her in the same manner. If she is willing, I can coach you in how to properly make love to her."

I could tell that beth was somewhat taken aback by my use of the "L" word but I felt she needed to know how I really felt. I didn't want her to feel as if I was just passing her around or that I didn't care about her.

Beth said "Thank you George for telling me that. Billy, I guess I feel honored to take your virginity but let's just take it slow, OK?"

"Yes m', Aunt Beth."

Beth and I laughed and then I supervised their lubrication of each other and gave Billy a crash course on female genitalia in general and Beth's in particular. When she was twitching and squeezing his fingers with her thighs, I helped him part them and then he got on his knees between hers. I noticed Beth was staring in open eyed fascination at the gleaming blunt black spearhead swinging and pointing at her center. I had him put her caves up on his biceps so that she looked as if she was ready for a gyno-exam.

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Remember The Magic

Let me introduce myself, my name is Amanda, I’m eighteen years old, and still live at home with my mother and younger brother Bryan who is seven. This is a story of how Christmas took on a whole new meaning for me. Our Christmas tree was lopsided, with a few bald spots, and even looked more pathetic with the few presents under it. However, it was all my mother could afford. Ever since the divorced she barely enough money to pay bills, let alone buy presents. You see, my dad is a penny...

3 years ago
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Remember That Night

Introduction: This is a story, with a little bit of sex in it, so if youre after a bonk-fest look elsewhere. I hope that you enjoy it though, should you bother to read it. Remember That Night&hellip,&hellip,. I remember that night, the first time I met him. The older lady said. The younger woman sitting alongside cocked her head to one side, and listened intently. I had taken a sabbatical from my university studies, and gone travelling. She continued Unheard of at the time, but the idea of a...

3 years ago
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Remember Our First Valentines Day

This material is meant for readers of 18 yrs old or older. If you are not 18 please leave now. This story is fictional. Please send me any feed back you may have. To the love of my life, I still remember the first Valentine’s Day we were together. We had met the previous May and been married in November so this was the first time we had been together on Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s fell on a Friday and I told you I had to work when in reality I took the day off to watch you. I had spent...

2 years ago
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Remember When Ch 01

The holidays are always chaotic and sometimes even a disaster. Lots of cooking, family gatherings and always a new child screaming about playing tag with all the other rug rats. Red wine stains on the white carpet, and uncles who couldn’t maintain their liqueur intake. Usually passing out in the most inconvenient places, like the only bathroom or a nosedive onto the dining room table. Not this year. This year was a time for a relaxing vacation on the southern East Coast. As the plane lifted...

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A Weekend to remember. Part 1 My first attempt at writing anything so be kind. All constructive thoughts welcome. It is a true story, however I have changed the names. Rusty was glad it was Friday because he had the weekend off. He headed out the main gate of the Naval Air Station, turned left and walked 200 yards to the small covered city bus stop. Rusty would make the city bus to San Francisco. This had been his routine for the past fourteen months when he had the weekend off. This weekend...

4 years ago
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Remember when we used AOL to hook up

I have been dating or married to the same woman for over 12 years now. So my single days were quite a ways away at this point. Therefore, much of my sex and hook-up stories resulted from the use of AOL chat rooms. For nostalgia sake, I'd like to take you back to 1998 and recount a pretty interesting and amusing story.As some of you may remember, on AOL you could scan member's profiles for people near you. As would most, I would customarily have three or four chat boxes going with three or four...

2 years ago
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Remembering Charlie with Nelson and Caroline Chap

Remembering Charlie with Nelson and Caroline (3rd chapter Charlie series).Nelson and I had a long rest, a unique and so satisfying experience it was, I think for both of us! In the morning, I ordered breakfast and had a quick shower. Refreshed, I wore the white robe the hotel provided. It wasn’t long a knock on the door announced breakfast and I opened the door. What a surprise! No one other than Caroline wheeled in our breakfast, she looked super hot in her smart black and tight uniform. I...

3 years ago
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Remember Me Part 2

This story continues directly on from my previous story, “Remember Me? - Part 1”In the morning, I woke up from a deep sleep, where I had been dreaming, with crystal clarity and amazing detail, about my high school days. I was lying on my right side, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself looking at an unfamiliar window. For a moment, I didn’t know where I was, but then I remembered. I was in my hotel room, and I had gone to the reunion. I turned to lie on my back, and then the other memories...

Straight Sex
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Remember Me

I wish to thank my evil twin vella for taking the time to edit for me. This is my first try at Romance, be gentle with me. * It was another rainy day, the third one in a row to be exact. I decided to brave the downpour and go to the little coffee shop next door for my daily dose of courage. On my way back to the gallery a young man who decided to do an impromptu dance sidetracked me. He was singing while he swayed from side to side and then hopped over a fire hydrant. His female companion...

4 years ago
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Am I remembering? Or is it something from a lifetime ago? Before we were we, when you were you and I was me. It was a crazy time. The streets were burning, and I was there. Did I know you then? No, I don't think so. I would remember. I knew you were near, though. I could feel you. I know that now. All I knew then was that there was ... something ... incomplete ... about the way I was living. And behaving. My parents would never have understood. Or even recognized me. During that...

4 years ago
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Remembering Eighteen

Look, man, everybody whines about turning thirty in private, you know that. I’m just honest about it with my friends is all. And it isn’t just being thirty. Maybe it’s the city and the tiny apartment and the bouncing from one job to another for ten years. I like it most of the time but it ain’t where I thought I’d be when I was a kid. I never wanted to live in the suburbs like Missy probably is now, but it’d be nice to have the option, you know? And I don’t. I can’t afford that bedroom...

4 years ago
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Remembering Johnny

I haven’t seen Johnny Marquart in at least 30 years and probably closer to 35. I was six when I first moved into the housing project. Johnny and Bobby lived across the street on the circle with their mother Pearl, there little brother Bunker, and their sisters Cathy and Flossie and little sister Maryanne. I don’t remember the first time I met them. I believe Johnny was a little older than me, he was kinda the leader in the little group of friends I hung around then. I remember he had blond...

3 years ago
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Remember That Night

“I remember that night, the first time I met him.” The older lady said. The younger woman sitting alongside cocked her head to one side, and listened intently. “I had taken a sabbatical from my university studies, and gone travelling.” She continued “Unheard of at the time, but the idea of a ‘gap year’ is quite common, now, of course.” The young woman nodded in encouragement, but did not speak, she simply continued to listen. “I’d wound up on Skiathos, in the Mediterranean Sea” the old...

1 year ago
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Remember Me Part 2

This story continues directly on from my previous story, “Remember Me? – Part 1” In the morning, I woke up from a deep sleep, where I had been dreaming, with crystal clarity and amazing detail, about my high school days. I was lying on my right side, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself looking at an unfamiliar window. For a moment, I didn’t know where I was, but then I remembered. I was in my hotel room, and I had gone to the reunion. I turned to lie on my back, and then the other...

3 years ago
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Remembering the First a Second Time

It was a hot, lonely summer evening. My wife was away on a girlfriend's trip. I was out of town myself, spending the weekend at my parent's house. They were away on vacation and I was 'house-sitting' for them. With nothing better to do, I headed out to the local bar. It had been twenty years since I'd been to the place. I used to hang out there with my friends during our college years, as usual, trying to pick up women. I was enjoying a beer, laughing to myself realizing the pictures on the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Remembering My Senior Prom

— My senior prom is memorable in lots of ways, most memorable to me is the blowjob. I'd rented a limo and got a room at the Hilton for our after party. I had some money for this as I'd been doing a little work for local businesses. Installing accounting and office systems, things like that. Though the thing which paid best was the tech support once I'd installed the system. So I could afford to turn up to Jasmine's in a stretch limo. Her dad opened the door, "Good evening Mr...

3 years ago
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Remembering Becky Ch 05

Thank you for hanging in there so far and especially for the wonderful support and encouragement shown me by so many, both public and private. * A picnic? Well, I wasn’t planning on anything like that yesterday when this grand adventure started. Then again, there wasn’t a whole lot that had occurred that WAS expected. Dreams and expectations are two totally different things. So as Becky turned on the shower, I briefly thought about what we could bring on this picnic. Seconds later, when I...

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Remembering Becky Ch 08

Thanks for following along so far. This chapter deals with a part of Becky and David’s relationship which has struck a definite chord with a great number of readers, judging by the incredible number of anonymous comments I have gotten. Thanks for them all, and there’s no real need to be shy about what you like either. We’re all friends here. As the story nears its conclusion, Becky and David keep rolling merrily along… * The months flew past, and summer soon turned to fall, which became...

2 years ago
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Remembering Becky Ch 06

Thank you so much for continuing with me and for your support and encouragement. * That was how we began, and we became a couple after that weekend… sort of. As Becky had warned me, there was only so much of her to go around. Although her oldest was off at college, Kelly was graduating high school and shopping around for a college of her own. Then there was this Jerry, whoever the hell he was. How did he feel about this arrangement? Who knows? Probably not over-enthused, I would imagine,...

4 years ago
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Remember To Scream

Roland Bell concluded that Las Vegas had advantages as a place for 850 neurologists to discuss pain, advantages beyond having more hotel rooms than any other city in America. For those devoting their careers to investigating pain and confronting its harrowing extremes, chronic urgency was an occupational hazard. By its nature, however, urgency could not be permanent, it was by definition an acceleration of life’s norm. Still, raked by the cries, moans, screams—and the shattering pleas for...

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Remember When Ch 08

Edited by luvtaread * ‘Not long after the snowy weekend Katy got the good news that she was pregnant, but it was a few more months before Ashley was ready. So as the school year was wrapping up I arrived home to a strange sight…’ Brandon had no sooner entered his home than Katy rushed up to him and said, ‘Hurry doctor it’s the patient upstairs she’s critical.’ Katy was wearing her sexy nurse outfit that told him some sort of game was going on and if he was right it was one of his...

2 years ago
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Remember These

It was our anniversary, and my parents had offered to take our kids to get some quality couple time. As much as we love our offspring, the chance for the two of us to take a long earned time out to enjoy some us time was not hard to accept. We bid our children farewell, and headed to the bright lights of the city. My wife still made my pulse race after ten years of wedded bliss as she turned and smiled at me in that way that told me I had better prepare for long hours of pleasure. Her hand...

1 year ago
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Remember Remember The Fifth Of November

The fifth of November? OK, so we learnt about that in infant school. That Guy Fawkes dude plotting to blow up King Charles II. Or was it Charles I? Anyway, the gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament and then getting caught and killed and having heads stuck up as warnings around London. So we civilised 21 st century folks like to celebrate that by setting off fireworks. Fun! I do like a bit of history. It’s pretty tragic how the idiots got caught though isn’t it? One of the gang decided to...

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©2012 Mendon Fishers It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn’t have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to...

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Remembering Christmas

In the morning I awoke to noises coming from the living room. There beside me is nothing but my wife’s nightgown. It is Christmas morning and our 3 year old daughter is anxious to tear into her presents. As I stumble from the bedroom, I give my wife a nice passionate morning kiss as she prepares to start breakfast. It is a shame she is already dressed because I like nothing better than to run my hands over that fabulous figure as we cook together. I see the flash of her wedding ring that she...

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Remembering San Francisco Fleet Week 1973

[ For Michael, an xhamster member, who asked me to write something in remembrance of that time (in 1973) during Fleet Week when coming into the San Francisco bay he was so eager to get off the ship and find some serious sexual indulgence after tossing about on the South China Sea! This is for you, Michael! Hope it does justice to what you've told me about it! ]I'd been stuck on the South China Sea for months. During that time everything around me seemed one, uniform, drab grey. The ship was...

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It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn't have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to have them hang around...

1 year ago
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Remembering a Dream

I still remember the first time I saw Emily. I was in grad school, walking from my almost non-existent office to my car. It was a typical early Spring day in North Carolina — still a touch chilly, but sunny enough to remind you that Winter had breathed its last. Cutting across the quad, I saw the inevitable Ultimate Frisbee game: guys with their shirts off, chasing the frisbee here and there, girls watching the guys and sunning themselves. I was single, 26, and healthy enough, so of course I...

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Remembering Becky Ch 02

In Chapter One, we got to know each other and then proceeded to have a very unusual and intimate encounter. The story continues….. After I spent the weekend worrying about Becky’s abrupt departure Friday evening, I arrived at work Monday morning to find a package about the size of a shoe box on my desk, wrapped in foil. I opened it up to find a smaller box inside, also wrapped. Unwrapping that box I found a bag inside. Inside the bag, another wrapped box. I looked around to see if anyone was...

4 years ago
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remembering my first

Do you remember your first?I remember very vividly the first spanking I received in my life it has led me to the enjoyment I still get out of being spanked to this day. It also left such an erotic impression on my mind that even all these years later I must have many of the elements of my first included in my punishment to this day. Otherwise it just does not feel like a complete spanking and punishment and comes up short of the complete and utter enjoyment I derive from having my bottom bared...

2 years ago
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Remembering Becky Ch 01

The story begins in the year 1995, late spring. This is the story of my relationship with a very special lady. A relationship that ended far too soon, but left wonderful memories… * It was just around the time when I thought I had hit rock bottom. I was just past forty, divorced going on four years. A divorce that left me crippled emotionally as well as finacially. I was so broke I couldn’t even afford to own a car, despite my having a good job. If you’re divorced and paying child support, I...

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Remembering old times part II Chapter 22

When I heard Gaby walking down with another girl my brain went on a spin at the speed of light. Gaby says ‘Hey hun, we have an idea that I know you will like’. Remember, I was on the pummel horse, impaled to the dildo on the wall. And since I was also still gagged, I really could not answer or ask – ‘What you talking about Gaby?.’ So I waited patiently for Gaby to disconnect me from the dildo and maybe take my gag off so that I could at least talk. Gaby said to the other girl ‘Mandy, this is my...

3 years ago
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Remembering Helen

I dedicate this story to Helen, I just found out she died today. I was just heading out the door for work when my phone rang. I considered ignoring it, but something told me I needed to answer. “Hello.” I grumbled. “I’m so glad I caught you, it’s Helen.” The exasperated voice said. “My car’s dead again, can you swing by and pick me up?” Helen and I worked together, I was 23, she was 43. She’d been divorced for about 10 years. The only luck she ever had was bad. She was a great person and...

2 years ago
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Remembering Charlie with Joanna 4th Ch

My overseas trip back was uneventful: we flew through the night, I had an opportunity to work and blow my cock under the blanket; the seat beside me was empty. Returning home meant a heavy workload; however I managed to spent time on my hobby, photography. I have been taking landscape and portrait photos for a while now and, although not top professional quality, still quite good (from what people tell me…). The photo business has the tagline: “Professional – Friendly – Privat” and has worked...

1 year ago
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Remembering the Baker twins and my buddy Glen

I fondly remember the Baker twins. They were a pair of fantastic looking girls. Nice and tall and well built with tits that just screamed out for attention. Their long legs appeared to end with a meaty, juicy pussy and nice round figure skater asses. Not that we thought much about their asses beyond looking at them of course. HaHa. The “we” here are me, Bob, and my buddy Glen. Unfortunately the Bakers girls were also the consummate cock teasers. While they would always seem to want to move...

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