Remember Me? free porn video

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I got the call late one Sunday evening, and the last thing I ever expected was her bouncing voice to come flying over the line at my ears. “Remember me?” She didn’t wait for my answer. “It’s Cora. I used to live three houses down the street from you.”

Remember her? It wasn’t like I could forget. How could I ever forget one of those pivotal people in my childhood? And, as far as sexual awakening goes, Cora was the overriding figure of my teenage years.

The years washed away faster than my mind could keep up with as images of her invaded my consciousness and matched with her voice. She was the first girl I ever had a crush on. We hung out a lot back in those days, on the same block of our suburban home town. Cora had shoulder-length jet black hair, the clearest, dusky, skin known to mankind, and a body well-enough developed to have me tongue-tied every time we found ourselves alone. For almost fifteen years now, every time I came across a childhood photograph with both of us in it, I am thrown again by her beauty and the vivacious smile she seemed to display constantly.

We never actually dated, probably more because I never summoned up the courage to ask her, but there was always the feeling that we had a little “special” bond. Well, at least that was how I felt about her.

“O... of course I remember,” I almost stammered back down the phone. Some people just have that effect on you. “I can barely believe... after all this time.”

“Yeah, I know.” Cora giggled; a familiar and comforting sound. “I get dragged off to Montana by my parents, and then I turn up again out of the blue. Who’d ever have figured that?”

I remembered the day that she left. Her father had been transferred and the darkness of my losing Cora far outweighed the brightness of the smile she gave me from the rear window of their departing car. Despite the previous closeness of our families before that, it was the last time I ever saw Cora or heard from her until that night.

She had tracked down my sister, who’d given her my number. Cora was catching up with some friends from her childhood, something that kind of jabbed at me when she told me, as I guess I’d secretly hoped she had specifically tracked me down.

As usual, whenever I was reminded of Cora, my mind went back to the night of “our dance.” It was at her family’s New Year’s Eve party, and we were dancing happily together. When a slow song started playing, I was about to sit down when Cora grabbed my arms and pulled me close to her. Snuggling into her shoulder, smelling her hair and feeling her body, the curve of her breasts, against mine was unforgettable. Of course, the inevitable happened and I became very aroused. At first I tried to hide the bulge and keep it from touching her, but as I brushed against her a couple of times my confidence grew and I nestled back against her, my erection pressing against the side of her body as we danced to a long forgotten ballad. It was not a moment that was about the song!

When the music stopped, we slowly broke from our embrace and I sheepishly looked up at her. “That was nice,” she smiled and held my hand until we flopped down next to each other on a sofa.

Nothing else happened that night, or for the remainder of the time Cora lived close to us. Never a word was exchanged between us about the slow dance, or the erection, or whether she noticed anything (although it was hard to imagine she hadn’t). That never stopped me thinking about what might have been, or wondering where she was now, or if she remembered anything about that night.

“I moved back to town,” she told me excitedly. “A couple of months ago actually, but I’ve not had chance to catch up with anyone yet.”

While we chatted I learned that she was divorced, consumed by work mostly and living in an apartment not far from where we grew up. I laughed at the similarity of our situations after all this time, we talked about my sister and other kids we hung out with, exchanged numbers and emails, and then she was gone again.

We swapped infrequent emails over the next few months, mainly because Cora always seemed to be busy, but at least we managed to stay in touch. There was nothing in those emails that ever gave me cause to think that she might have any romantic leanings towards me or that she even remembered our dance together. On the flip side of that, she never mentioned any man in her life, so I continued to see a glimmer of hope that she just might want to pick up where we never started.

She’d mentioned in one message that she was looking for a bigger apartment but the invitation to her housewarming party was the first I knew she’d moved. It wasn’t a personal invitation, the list was huge, but there was no way I was going to pass on meeting up with Cora after all this time.


Cora hadn’t changed much, at least not in my eyes. Sure, her hair was shorter and there were maybe a couple of lines around her eyes that she didn’t want, but it was the same smiling face and body full of promise that opened the door. She greeted me with a warm hug and ushered me in to join the crowd that was already there.

I knew several of the people crowded into the apartment, mostly old friends that I’d managed to stay in touch with, but there were a few I hadn’t seen in a while. The evening was fun, but I was really there to see Cora, who was constantly busy mingling with her guests and showing them around her new abode. Just like I had done all those years before, I watched her every move and quietly wanted her.

As the clock moved on and people started to leave I caught her in the kitchen and mentioned that I was also thinking of leaving. “Don’t you dare leave yet,” she scolded playfully, “I want to catch up with you. We haven’t talked all night.”

So, I sat and chatted some more, watched her flit around the apartment and was glad to eventually see a steady stream of leavers. There were only four or five guests left when Cora finally walked over and sat beside me. She was wearing a low-cut, tight, black dress that showed every gorgeous curve of her body. She sat close enough that our thighs rubbed against each other and before she spoke, she leaned forward, undid the fasteners on her shoes and kicked them off.

“Well, this has been fun, but I’m tired now.” She leaned back in the sofa, her head inclined towards me as our shoulders brushed.

“Yes, it was fun. It’s good to see you again.” I looked over and saw her smile. “I thought you were nothing but a childhood memory.”

“At least I wasn’t a childhood nightmare,” she laughed. “Sorry we didn’t get to chat much tonight. I’m out of practice with all this socializing. I’d forgotten parties were so much hard work.”

“No problem,” I gallantly dismissed. “I figured I’d hang around now and help you tidy up a little.”

Cora protested, citing that she didn’t intend tidying anything up until the following day, but I insisted, telling her it wouldn’t take long and she wouldn’t wake up to a bomb-site in the morning. She reluctantly agreed, and then asked me about the stuff we needed to catch up about: exes, work, memories, families, etc. While we talked it was hard not to let my mind drift back to that night, so long ago, and even to think of what it would be like to hold Cora as a lover. I imagined running my hands over her sensual hips, and across the curve of her gorgeous ass. Then, when she stood up to see out her final guests, I realized that I couldn’t stand with her; not without an unwanted display of a prominent bulge anyway.

Cora went into the kitchen before coming back to the sofa, handing me one of two full wine glasses as she sat down.

“I can’t,” I declined, “I have to drive home.”

“Your choice,” she giggled, “but the sofa’s comfortable if you want to sleep here. Hey, we could even go out for breakfast if you like. I’ve been meaning to set up dinner with you for months, but it’s just been stupid crazy around here. How’s that sound?”

It sounded good enough for me to take a mouthful from the glass she’d given me. Just knowing that I could spend more time with Cora the next day was more than good enough!

“Come on then,” I reached for her hand and pulled her upright, “we need to get my bedroom a bit tidier before I turn in for the night.” I started picking up a few plates and glasses from the table and the floor.

Before Cora joined me she walked over to her CD player and swapped out a party mix for a gentle jazz compilation that eased away the edges from the night. I snuck a look over at her smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress as she stood. “Something’s been bugging me for years,” she announced as she joined me carrying another load of washing up to the kitchen.

I gave her a friendly shrug, inviting her to unburden herself.

“How come, all those years ago, we never dated?” Cora was loading the dishwasher and not looking at me as she asked the question.

I laughed a little, but definitely felt the tension rise a notch or two. “I figure I was never brave enough to ask you.” I continued to feed crockery to her. “It sure wasn’t anything to do with me not wanting to ask you, or never wanting to find out of you didn’t want to date.”

Now she stood up and giggled. “Okay, let me count the double negatives in that sentence and figure out if that’s a good thing or not. I’ll get back to you.”

I thought about it as I watched her cram a final few items into the dishwasher. The dilemma was whether to go there or not. How much did I want to find out... both about then, and now? In the end my instinct took over and the words came out, almost without consciousness, “There’s something been bugging me for years, too.”

“Yes?” She placed a cleaning tablet in the dispenser and closed the door. “What’s that?” She switched the appliance on, reached for the wine bottle, and started to refill our glasses.

I followed her back to the sofa and tried to find the right words. “Well, do you remember... at a New Year’s party your folks had, one time, probably the last one before you left... we danced?”

 “Not sure,” she sipped at her glass and slipped backwards into a more horizontal position. “I’m sure we did, but I’m not sure I remember the exact occasion. Was there something about it I should remember?” Only the tiniest hint of a playful grin crossed her face.

“I don’t know,” I was heartened as I carefully sat next to her, but still not sure whether we were on the same page, “it was just a nice time I guess.”

We settled into a comfortable late-night discussion of how things had been back in the day, taxing our memories as we recalled schooldays and playful moments. I constantly caught myself admiring Cora’s lips as she spoke and smiled, how they still looked the way they did the night we danced so long ago. She looked incredible after all this time, and my desire started to take over my body again.

“Tell you what,” she put down her drink as we finished laughing about an old teacher, “why don’t we dance? See if anything jogs my memory?”

Cora stood and held out her hand for me. I accepted it and she didn’t let go while we positioned ourselves in the center of the room. The music was soft, almost haunting, as my body slipped towards hers and we started to gently move.

Her fingers were warm to my touch and underneath her dress her body was soft against mine as the rhythm casually pushed us around the room. Almost immediately she let go of my hand and allowed me to wrap my arms around her, resting my hands on her lower back. I felt her arms cross under mine and come up to rest against my shoulder blades. After a few more steps I leaned forward a little more and could smell her hair, fresh and sensual. At first I bumped against her, but after it happened a few times and I felt no reaction, I became confident enough to rest my covered erection against her. Cora’s cheek came to rest on my shoulder.

I knew this was real, tonight, but it felt like so many years ago.

“You know,” she spoke softly into my ear, “I think I do remember something about that night now.”

I fought my instincts to ask what it was had reminded her, but felt another rush of blood to my tumescence. “You know, that night has lived with me forever.” We kept moving gently as I spoke, my erection now almost glued to her body. “I’ve always wondered if you felt... me. I always wondered if there was something I should’ve done, or if I should’ve ever let that happen, or what would’ve happened if we’d just sat together a little longer that night. If I should have done something else...”

Cora lifted her head a little and nodded. Her breasts started to push a little harder into me as she straightened up. “I know what you mean.” She angled her head back to look at me. “And, yes, it felt good that you did what you did, that you were the way you were while we danced.”

“I think...” she looked at me with her youthful eyes and a widening smile, “I know now what I should’ve done that night.”

“You do?” My hard on was almost pulsing with the growing tension of the moment now.

“Yes,” she whispered, and brought her lips to mine.

They were the softest lips I ever tasted. She kissed me gently, over and over, pulling our bodies harder together but keeping our lips’ touch to little more than a brush against each other. At her first firmer push, I instinctively opened my mouth and allowed her tongue to come play with mine. The moment was sublime. Cora twisted her tongue around mine and began pulling our hips together with a new firm grip on my ass cheek.

The smile on her face as we broke the kiss was the sexiest thing I ever saw. I moved my hands over her lower back and up her sides as we continued to dance and silently smile at each other.

“That was good,” I whispered to her, “late, but very good.”

Cora giggled. “I guess I remembered that night all along,” she confessed, “and... there was one other regret I’ve always had from that dance.”

“Tell me,” I urged.

“I can’t.” Her voice deepened and her eyes narrowed as the tension continued to rise between us. “I need to show you.”

Cora’s hand made its way along the outside of my hip and squeezed between our bodies until it rested length-wise against my erection. My eyes closed involuntarily and I caught my breath as she gripped me. In the sensual atmosphere of her post-party room and with Cora’s wonderful body virtually wrapped around me, the moment was worth waiting for.

I kissed her again, deeply and urgently this time. While I pinned her to me with one hand on her buttock, my other hand ran up her side, all the way over the top of her breast to her shoulder, then down to her soft curve again. Her body pulled away from me, inviting me to cup her fully while she rubbed me and I kissed her breathlessly.

She wasn’t wearing a bra, so her excited nipple was easy to find through her dress. I pressed hard against the breasts I had dreamed of for so long and Cora moaned a little through our kiss as I ran my fingers over her.

“I see you do remember me, then,” she smiled, pulling away from our kiss, but increasing her hand action on me. This time we stopped moving to the music and simply stood I front of each other.

Without another word Cora slipped down to her knees, her hands never leaving my body as they slipped downwards along my legs and then back up again to start unbuckling my belt. My dreams unfolded before me as Cora unlocked the buckle, then looked up and smiled as she pulled down my zipper.

My pants were still hanging around my thighs when she reached in and pulled me free, springing into the open, hard and throbbing. Rather than hold me, Cora brought her mouth up to lick along my shaft, first one side and then the other, before flicking at the tip of my cock a few times. She looked up at me and her eyes never left mine as she closed her lips around me. While her lips locked and she applied some suction, her tongue sensually ran around the head of my cock, causing it to throb even more. I heard someone moan, and belatedly realized it was me. “Cora,” I managed to whisper.

Cora’s fingers wrapped around my balls gently while her thumbs pressed into the base of my shaft. Her mouth started to slip up and down on me a little, tightly over the rim of my head and making those balls start to tingle already. She knew what she was doing, though, and eased her mouth off me as gently as she’d taken me inside. Now holding me lightly with one hand, she licked up and down the shaft a few times again.

I knew what to do when she stood up and kissed me again. Her hand was gently rubbing me as I reached around, pulled her zipper down and eased her dress off her shoulders. I immediately pulled it away from her chest, revealing her wonderful mounds and their crowning nipples. My eyes feasted on her dark nipples as my fingers reached up to test their excitement. Her now not-so-little buds stood proud and felt hard between my fingertips.

It was my turn to slip to my knees, and pull her dress over her hips as I did so. The limp garment fell down her legs and revealed the smallest black g-string I’d ever seen. I reached around to take hold of her buttocks and pull my face closer. Cora smelled luxurious as I inched towards her and nuzzled the silky material. The musk of sex and perfume was heady as I licked at the top of her thigh, across the bottom of her belly and onto the other thigh. Next I came back to lick above her pubic area while I hooked the strings in my fingers and started to ease her panties down.

By now all thoughts of past dreams of Cora were gone, replaced by the most wonderful present—perfectly represented by the dark and swollen lips and neatly trimmed triangle of bush that was a vision of heaven. I couldn’t resist finding out if she tasted like heaven also, so I leaned forward far enough to touch her lips with the tip of my tongue.

Cora was already excited to the point that I could taste her from the very tips of her lips. She was citric sweet, and amazingly warm to the end of my tongue. I felt her thighs open and usher me to probe deeper, so I started to lap slowly up and down her sexy folds and immediately felt her juices start to flow freely onto my tongue.

My hand slid slowly up her thigh, hardly pausing as my fingers split apart and the middle one headed straight for her slit. It slid in effortlessly, Cora gasped in pleasure and I licked at the exposed pink.

“I need to sit,” she groaned at me with a half-laugh, “I might collapse.”

As much as I sympathized with her state, I did not want her to sit yet, so I withdrew my finger, stood semi-upright and took a nipple into my mouth. I sucked hard, rolling her hard bud with my tongue and sucking on her. My hand took hold of her other nipple, squeezing it and being rewarded with another pleasure moan. It was about then that Cora’s hand managed to find my hardness and started to stroke beautifully.

“Dance with me a little more?” I slipped off my shirt, wrapped my arms around her, kissed her deeply and led our resumption of our erotic slow dance.

While we kissed and stepped around the room naked, my hands roamed over her buttocks, pulling her into me, repeatedly seeking to fondle her breasts and caressing her cheek as she kissed me with a wonderful, deep, passion. Cora’s body was soft and warm, and her own hands were doing everything in their power to please me. After only a few minutes of dancing I felt her try to climb onto my erection, so I started to ease her upwards.

With her hands on my shoulders, her legs tight around me and my hands under her arms, we raised her up. All the time we continued silent eye contact and simply let our instincts take us where they wanted. When Cora was raised high enough, my cock found its way underneath her and was poised beneath her desperate pussy. Feeling me touch her lips, Cora made a small adjustment to her position and we slowly allowed her to slide down onto me.

Her soft folds covered me in slick velvet skin and when she was fully impaled Cora smiled at me. “You’ll never, ever, have to ask if I remember you after this,” I said and kissed her again.

With one hand on her bottom and another supporting her back, I helped her ease herself up and down on me a few times. I loved the way she was possessed by the passion of the moment now and ground herself tight onto me.

“God you feel so good,” she almost hissed at me as our small movements started to deliver a huge physical impact.

I made the couple of steps that it took to position us close to her sofa and then eased our bodies downward so that I was on my knees. Now, without ever slipping out of Cora’s glorious pussy, I leaned forward and rested her on the edge of the sofa. Her arms let go of my neck and deliciously ran down the length of my chest as she leant away from me. Cora looked amazing, her impassioned face, her incredible breasts and her wonderful pussy that had my cock disappearing into it.

Simultaneously I started to thrust slowly in and out of her and reached over to take a nipple between my fingers. Cora shuffled to better position herself for my thrusting. I watched as she closed her eyes and sighed, obviously enjoying what my cock felt like as it plunged in and out of her with a slow but relentless pace.

Within minutes I could feel my own body start to near the summit of our lovemaking; my skin tightening and my blood feeling like it had an electric current running though it. Watching Cora start to moan, I started to massage the top of her very wet pussy, immediately finding her clit, now noticeably swollen. She moaned a little more as I stroked her and continued to pull gently on her nipple. Just for a second I took in the scene, Cora’s eyes closed as she moaned, my hands working her body, and my cock moving in and out of her. It was the most incredible scene I’d ever witnessed, and I knew I was going to come soon.

My dream with Cora was always that we would come together, and I was starting to work at that goal when she took away all need. Using her elbows to prop herself a little more upright, Cora opened her eyes, locked onto mine, and said, “Come for me, baby. I’m ready when you are, let’s come together.”

I didn’t need any further encouragement, but got it anyway, in the form of her reaching over and holding my hip so she could assist my rhythm. I slowed my strokes on her clit, synchronizing with my thrusts into her and started to feel the orgasm build slowly and tighten my balls to the root of my cock. “Now, baby, now,” she breathed at me as I felt her hips buck upwards and press her pussy onto my fingers.

The climax was so intense that I almost stopped thrusting. Rushing like a freight train through every nerve in my body, the sparks started to tingle and the depth-charge of pleasure was released. It went off somewhere at the base of my belly, radiating waves of ecstasy through every inch of me, burning my skin like a flash wildfire and squeezing my balls harder than I’d ever known. My cock spasmed several times before I started to shoot come. Just before the first shot I realized that some of the contractions were directly from Cora, who was now deep in the throes of her own climax.

Her eyes were closed, she was pulling me into her and her pussy was bucking onto my cock and into my hand. I felt her squeeze my shaft time and again as her moment seemed to go on forever. Just as I started to ejaculate I felt a sudden rush of wetness all around her pussy and knew that she had done the same. With each of the next five or six thrusts, I felt my balls unload into her, my burning white come swimming all around her soaked pussy when I’d done.

Breathlessly, I looked down and saw her open her eyes and smile at me. “Oh my,” she half-giggled and half-whispered, “what have we found here?”

I pulled her up from the sofa and kissed her. The salty taste of her sex sweat newly awoke my senses as I tasted her again. My cock was still inside her as we hugged, tight, warm, and satisfied.

“Well,” I cleared my throat and looked at her beautiful, flushed, face, “that’s one of my life’s ambitions taken care of.”

Cora kissed me again and smiled playfully now. “You’ll have to fill me in on the rest of your ambitions, see if I can’t help you with more of them. If they’re anything like as good as that one...” I felt her hand brush my cheek and her pussy squirm on my cock. “And...” she smiled impishly, “I know another good thing that comes out of this.”

“You do?” It was hard to imagine the night getting any better.

“Yes.” She paused for a long, deep, kiss. “Now you don’t have to sleep on the sofa. But I have to warn you, I charge for sleeping in my bed, and the only currency I accept is lovemaking.”

That was one price I was more than happy to pay.

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The Beach Bus by Lothario Cassanova I was a bit dingy from the sun as I climbed up the steps of the bus and worked my way to the back. The bus that would return me to the city was crowded with beach goers and there were no seats left so I stood in the aisle in the swaying mass of bodies, smelling the scent of seawater and coconut oil as the bus lurched off down the rough dirt track that was the beach road. After several more stops, the already crowded bus was becoming more like a college...

Group Sex
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Seduced by Sin Ch 02

First of all, thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback! I am happy to find out everyone likes my story! I very much appreciated the suggestions a few of you gave on developing it and as such, this next chapter should help bring more players into the story and develop the character of Sin and Kate. Sorry it took so long to get out, my computer of 3 ½ years crashed and I lost a few important parts. Hope you enjoy the next chapter! Renee * North of London, England, 11 years earlier ...

1 year ago
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Domestication Making a Wife Ch 02

The beleaguered student let out another groan, louder than the first, mentally kicking herself for the binge she must have gone on the night before. She couldn't remember the last time she had suffered through such a brutal hangover... though... that fact honestly didn't say all that much considering in the moment she could scarcely even remember the night which had caused her current ordeal. There had been... a restaurant? A date? But... why was her body so sore? And why did it feel like...

1 year ago
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The Discovery

It was friday night in the east wing of their college dorm. Becca and Lindsey were sprawled out on the huge plush rug that dominated most of their tiny room, books scattered around them, neglected. Everyone else was out to the frat party that had been the main source of conversation for most of the week, but with the excuse of catching up with some much ignored homework, Becca and her inseparable friend Lindsey had decided to stay in, watch a couple of chick flicks and catch up on some general...

2 years ago
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My First Tinder Date

Hello friends, this is AK. I am 21 years old and I am from Mumbai. I am doing my MBA as of now. I am also a a fitness enthusiast and exercise and gym regularly. The girls name is pooja name changed) and I am writing this after taking permission from her. She is a really pretty girl and I must say I was really lucky to meet a pretty and open minded girl like her. So coming back to the story, tinder is a dating app whose popularity has grown leaps and bounds in the past one year. Unsurprisingly...

2 years ago
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Harry and DanteChapter 3

Happy Harry stood outside the section of sewer pipe and looked at the pair of feet hanging out the end. Using his shepherd’s staff, he nudged the man on his side. The man rolled over and sat up with the result that he hit his head. Dante swore, “Damn! That hurts.” “Got to be careful in there,” Harry said with a grin. Dante rubbed his head where he had hit it. He groaned and asked, “What time is it?” “Sunrise. Breakfast will be in ten minutes. We’ll leave after breakfast.” “How do I get...

1 year ago
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FantasyOr Reality

Fantasy or reality, what happens when they cross? My girl has had plenty of them and it is one of the most wonderfully endearing qualities about her! She has had some really cute ones as a young girl and some really kinky and sinful ones as she has gotten older! My goal has always been to get her off! and to see her really enjoy herself, gives me the most pleasure along with the biggest hard on! The following, is one fantasy that I have made come true on several occasions, she has...

4 years ago
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A Life in the ServiceChapter 12 Generals Adjutant

I walked into the large room and ignored the hiss from several officers. I was in civilian clothes and civilians were not allowed in this room. I crossed to the small group of senior officers and general Peters. He turned and came to attention with the other admirals before saluting me. I sighed as I returned their salutes, “Reporting as ordered Sir.” He grinned, “Sorry to pull you away from your first real vacation captain but my adjutant had an emergency.” I shrugged, “It happens...

1 year ago
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Lady Cecelia Ch 02 Pt 03

Lydia took up her robe, hooded cloak and candle to make her way from Cecelia’s chamber door. Satisfied she was asleep she opened it to find both their handmaidens waiting. ‘Is my Lady asleep?’ she was asked. ‘She is well comforted and sleeping, girl,’ Lydia instructed, closing the door,’ Now go find your bed and rest.’ The girl turned toward the steps and disappeared into the darkness. ‘Come then, Annalette.’ Lydia spoke quietly to the girl who remained and she began leading Annalette to the...

1 year ago
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The HummingbirdChapter 7 A Death Before Sun Set

A Death Before Sun Set For two days Sara, Angie's friend from Lubbock, had called the number that Angie had left her. The problem was that number belonged to Stan Willus. Until Silvia came along Stan had neither an answering machine or a cell phone nor a reason to have either one. It didn't take Silvia long to get frustrated trying to hunt him down when she needed him and insisted that he catch up with the times. Stan still wasn't used to the - as he called them - electronic leashes. He...

3 years ago
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First Threesome

When this took place I was only a few days over twenty years old. I did not own a car so I was on the city bus I used it to get to work . I always seemed to get a ride home from work so I used the bus to get there.I was on the bus and this black girl she kept looking at me. Well she finally asked me if I was living or was with a girl named Lisa. And I said yes I was. She was a very sexy looking black girl and her tits were big like 38c I would say. Well when I said yes that I was living with...

1 year ago
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Impregnate the Streamer

May Li - I had literally tried everything. I had lost my stupid reception job for "looking too slutty". I'm not even sure what that means. I wore the same uniform everyone else did. I just have big breasts and wide hips and not enough money to buy a decent bra, i.e. basically all the things I inherited from my mom. The other thing I inherited was her lack of intellect. I failed out of high school, moved in with my brother, and I've been taking shitty jobs for the past year. Honestly, I would be...

3 years ago
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best friends wife

My Best Friends Hot Wife My best friend thru my college years was a guy named Steve and he was a great guy. We had lots of great times together and shared a number of stories about the girls we had had sex with during our college years. Steve was the first to get married to a girl named Joy. And boy was she a joy for the eyes. This girl was the perfect 10 if there ever was one. Her slider body was firm and fit and her tits were every plastic surgeons night mare. I was happy for him, he had a...

1 year ago
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Millies Complete Make Overexteme story

Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Millie's Complete Makeover This story contains the following adult content: F/F, Anal, toys,consensual/nonconsensual sex. You mus be over the age of 18 to read this.If you are not, or do not enjoy this kind of material, do not read further. THIS STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION. Any resemblance to any person, livingor dead, is entirely a coincidence. Prologue "Watcha listnin' to, Millie?" Rikki's shrill voice...

3 years ago
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My Younger SisterChapter 2

I was sitting at my desk trying to study for my latest test, when there was a knock on the door. "Can I come in," called out Eve my younger sister. "Sure," I said, and she came in and walked to me and put her hand on my neck. "What's wrong john?" she said, "you seem upset about something." "Yeah, a bit," I sighed, "just trying to get this test over with." I reached down and placed my hand on her tight little fifteen year old ass. "I was lonely and thought I'd come in and...

1 year ago
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Looking for a simple way to enjoy some Indian porn? Well, one of the best answers is Antarvasna Clips - it's a simplistic tube site that allows you to watch hot Desi girls in action from the get go with minimal fuss and effort. The videos here are 100% free to watch and are mostly amateur in nature - a pretty good reflection of what adult entertainment is like when you head on over to curry central.The Indian porn video tube loads quick and has thousands of videos in its archive. When you see a...

Indian Porn Sites
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The corpse was still cooling on the bathroom floor where it had fallen Vincent had left it there after his cock had slid out of the victims mouth he had already cum and made his cock sucker swallow the load which he happily did people liked to please Vincent he is a gorgeous Italian male late twenties I think he has so many passports with so many different names and birth dates its hard to keep tract but I'm his lover and the teller of his tale so I have a better idea than most though even I am...

2 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 123

Present – Thom, Mira, Ben, Jens and Ira – At the hospital parking lot I’m not sure why Ben and Jennifer don’t want me knowing about their next mission but my guess is that it’s something that my superiors might not look favorably upon. Mira instructs Jennifer, “Ms. Blaine, with the Farsi lesson terminated for the day, we can commence your Russian lessons. Please acquire this vehicle’s additional seat.” Jennifer takes the passenger seat and then the fun begins... Ms. Blaine relieves Mr....

1 year ago
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Double trouble at lunch true story

I was recently doing some work for a client who just brought a large state house in the Somerset countryside. I had never met him in person, all business had been done over the phone and via email. After a couple of months of work he invited me to lunch to personally thank me for everything I had done. I gratefully accepted and we arranged to meet in a restaurant the following week. The restaurant he chose was exclusive and owned by a famous chef near where he lived. I decided to go and buy a...

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SIL and I

My name is Dan Davidson, most people at work and other people, like the k**s friends, call me Mr. D. At only 5'8" and 200lb I am not in the best of shape but I am no slouch even for a 48 year old guy. I work out on a regular basis, well as much as I can so I am still pretty toned. Up until now I thought I had a great life, wife who adored me, or so I thought as you will see, two great k**s a good job that pays me quite well and good friends who I can call on if needed. Who needs more than...

1 year ago
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Mature couple enjoy shared delights

Her lovely arse was the first thing I saw as those swollen buttocks swivelled from side to side as she passed me to park herself at the adjacent table. Now I have a thing about mature ladies who wear girdles and just the thought that she could be wearing one sent tingles to my groin and my imagination into overdriveShe was smart and quite nice and so I smiled and she obligingly returned it. Nothing unusual there – she was just being polite, wasn’t she? As she swivelled round to speak to the...

3 years ago
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sister ordered me to sleep with Daddy

I am 5 years younger than my older step sister, Emma, from daddy's first marriage.Last year he split from my mother and she, like Emma's mother, left both us girls with daddy, and Emma started to be sexually involved, when I came home and saw her on her knees sucking his cock.We were not so close as step sisters, as normal sisters would be, Emma never really got on with my mother and was always in conflict with her, and at 16, started being sexually provocative, parading herself in front of...

2 years ago
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Its a Terrible Life

A man who wants a wonderful life lives a terrible life. Tyrone couldn’t sleep. The Christmas lights from the store next door lit up his small room with the glow of the holiday. It was Christmas Eve and with children everywhere going to bed with dreams of Santa Claus and presents under the tree, for him, Christmas was a nightmare. Tyrone turned off the television. He wanted to shoot it and if the police hadn’t confiscated his gun, he would have. He couldn’t believe he got suckered into...

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The Leading Lady

Veena, a 38 years old management consultant had been the centre of attraction in her new society and office ever since she has shifted to her flat in the new city (could be any). Her age had not taken toll over her body, it had rather contributed in making her ripen and excellent piece of nature’s creative to add to this her dressing had made her an even more desired commodity. She was married to Sumit (44), who was equally handsome and rightly deserved her. They had a son 4 years old. She and...

4 years ago
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Me and my cousin

One day i was changing in my room after working out in our weight room. I had my shirt and pants off. I took my boxers off and turned to walk to the bathroom for a shower. There standing in my door was my cousin (she was living with us). She stands at about 5 ft 8 in. She has a very slim figure. Great tan lines. With her standing in a one piece swimsuit lookin as sexy as she does. I started getting hard. Her jaw dropped. I started to grab a towel on the nearby chair. "Um i can't help but say...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Blake Blossom Kay Lovely See Him Fuck Them

18-year-old big-dick phenom Damion Dayski makes his long-awaited debut today and, in his honor, we thought we’d pair HIM up with both Blake Blossom and Kay Lovely for See H?️M Fuck’s 1st ever BGG scene ? After Johnny ?? Robins helps us to get to know a little about Damion ???‍♀️????‍♀️ like that this is also HIS first ever BBG, amateur or professional ? he begins to remove his sharp maroon suit in front of the ladies and when that uncut 12-inch gift ?✂️?? of his pops out of his See...

4 years ago
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OSL Morris CampChapter 5 Conversations

-- NOVEMBER 6 -- "Balcony?" I suggested as Nick and I met up outside the staff cabin. "We'd better hurry, though. The sun is dropping fast." Indeed, Daylight Savings had ended on October 30, and the sun had been setting around 5pm ever since. We had just enough time to hike out there, enjoy the view, and then get back by 5:30pm chow time. Nick checked his watch and nodded to me. He then stepped off the porch and took two steps before turning around and looking back for me. "You gonna...

3 years ago
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Damsels in Need Erica

“Good bye virginity” I announced loudly and proudly then added “It’s been good knowing you for the last eighteen years ... but it’s time for you to go”. She laughed as she slowly lowered her wet hot pussy onto my upright hard shaft. Her pussy lips had been kissing my cockhead just a moment previously. Now they were sliding down my shaft. The pussy belonged to Erica who was the 35 year old manager of my mum’s workplace. She was carefully impaling herself on my eight inch cock. I could feel...

1 year ago
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Stellas sudden surrender 1

Stella starts to tell Saskia the story of her humiliating sudden surrender early Summer as soon as she submits to us.Saskia still kneels between the long legs of Stella who orders her to play with her pussy while listening very carefully.Stella closes her eyes, as if she replays the video of that day in Spain with me, which completely changed her life.Saskia sees how Stella first fondles her firm tits, soon slides down to her slit, still wet from all orgasms by Saskia.Stella demands Saskia to...

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TaniaChapter 2

I didn't avoid Tania, but neither did I seek her out; she was just there. I went about my usual activities, walking, visiting the University and the public libraries; reading, listening to music and so on. When Tania expressed interest in what I'd been doing, I told her. She, rather diffidently, asked if she could go along with me sometimes. As a result, I had a companion when I drove out into Derbyshire to walk and look for wildlife. She'd make up a picnic, which I would not normally have...

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iBimbo "So, Cassie, "Jack Straw said, "your resume looks good and I'll get back in touch in the next few days. We would like a quick decision and start." Jack Straw rose from his corner seat in Starbucks and shook my hand. "Sorry, I have to rush to another meeting. Talk soon." Jack Straw was a young CEO of a startup and looking for junior software engineers. I had just graduated and was interviewing for the position. It was exciting to have the opportunity and it seemed the company was...

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In the forest

I am walking nude in the early spring forest. The weather is warm, I can sens the light of the sun rays on my skin. They caress me softly from up to down, back and forth. Playing on my all body how its moving during my walk. I just go and go more deeper inside. The leaves are touching me. They are playing together and they try to catch eacother with the lights. One moment I hear a noise, not so far from me. I look around but nobody there. I continoue my way and the noice still there. People are...

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Mother Child ReunionChapter II The Weekend

Right after dinner on Friday Dad, all dressed up in his fishing clothes and hat, was ready to leave. He had to pick up my uncle. They love trout fishing on Lake Patchequaw where our families share a really cool lakeside log cabin. It’s a two-hour drive. This was a hastily planned weekend that Dad had encouraged uncle Ted to enjoy with him. Little did my uncle know the real reason behind Dad’s sudden need for a weekend away. After having personally witnessed the emotional joining of his wife...

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The Godmother Part 1

Diana couldn't believe it. That thing she was looking at was semen. Her godchild's semen. She remembered Lauren, her best friend from college. One of the best looking women she'd ever seen. She remembered the four years they had spent together, the wild parties, the good times and the bad ones. She thought about the day she had introduced Lauren to Tim. She remembered their marriage, being asked to be the godmother of their child and, tragically, the day of their accident. Then she, a single...

1 year ago
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Best friend ne mujhse apni behan chudwayi 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, Ye meri kahani ka dusra part hai, aapko kahani achi lage toh kripya mujhe feedback de par. Main ek 5.5-foot, dark complexion, 6-inch ke lund wala ek sadharan insan hun jo Noida mein rahta hai. Agar koi aurat ya dampatti saath sambhog mein interersted hai toh kripya sampark kare. Continued from last part. Hamari baat ke baad baki ka din ek samanya din ki tarah gujar jata hai. Raat mein jab sab so jate hai toh Suraj ko Anjali ko kaise chode ye soch soch kar neend nahi aati hai....

2 years ago
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Seduced Mom with the Help of Stranger

This is Kumaresh from Chennai and I would like to share my true experience with you all. I lost my father when I am studying 10th standard and we were suffered very much financially but somehow managed with the help of my grandparents and my mom unable go for any job since she is very innocent and not have much exposure to outside world. This makes life very difficult and I managed to join college after my 12th standard where my lust for my mom started.My mom name is Padma and her age was 39 at...

3 years ago
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Trying Something New

Ive always wonder what it would be be like to have my cock sucked by a guy so I decided to try it. He was an interesting man that I had worked with some years ago and we had always been good friend so when he invited me to take in a Chinese down town I was happy to accept. Gill is quite tall and I guess handsome in a rugged fashion, a few years younger than me and has kept himself in shape.We were drinking in a bar after the meal and I raised the subject about women... did he have a girl or...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 8

Amber snuggled up against Roland as she slowly woke up. Almost automatically, she ran her fingers down his muscular, if no longer young, stomach searching for his morning hard-on. As she gently awakened her darling husband's cock, she thought back on the years since they had crash landed in the Colorado Mountains. Roland had driven that under-powered sports flitter while she and her twin sister, Ember, huddled together in the trailer, clinging to each other in terror for their very lives....

2 years ago
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The Salesman Chapter 2 The Auditions

Please leave feedback. All characters named and any actions taken are fictional. Mark looked at the four girls he had before him. All of them had previously shared his bed over the past few years and he had enjoyed being with them. Two of the girls, Ingrid and Jasmine were currently unemployed and in need of money. The other two girls, Veronica and Debbie were rather better well off and did not exactly need any extra money. Previously Mark had visited one of the largest sex shop chains in the...

2 years ago
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Pizza Wives

A cock hungry wife gets a hot tip and a King sized Pizza delivery.....Pizza Wives Although she was warmly received into her new upscale neighborhood that she and her husband Rowland had worked so hard for, it soon became clear to her neighbors and new found friends that Leticia Griffith was no ordinary housewife.Her sex drive was way above average; she was a very hot freaky woman with an increasingly insatiable appetite for raw hard sex. Husband, Rowland was constantly on the road working damn...

3 years ago
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Meri baji amber aur main

Yeh un dino ki baat hai jab main apni baji amber key sath rehta tha , pehley main apna aur baji ka introduction kara doon , baji ki age 30 saal aur meri age 27 saal hai , baji ka jism bohat hi sexy hai , us key mammay kafi barery barey hain aur woh dehney main kafi sexy lagti hai , dekney main lagta nahee key woh do bachoon ki maa hai , mere behnoi business ke silsiley main kafi busy rehtey hain , sath sath woh job bhi kartey hain .issi wajha sey woh ghar ko aur family ko time nahee de patey ,...

1 year ago
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Encounter with cousin sister

Hello Friends, My name is Sunny, i am from Jammu & i am a fan of iss some of them are of real good quality so even i thought of publishing my story, Let me tell you a exciting encounter that happend few days back with my cousin sisiter Sarika (name changed). Let me first describe how she looks, She is around 37, (don’t let this no. Amaze you my friends she looks stunningly great & awesome, right curves at the right place ahem… You know what i mean to say) she is married with 2 kids & she still...

4 years ago
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Life With sis Pt 6

Well, it was almost the end of summer and we were pretty serious of our next move. We changed from going for a 4 year degree and figured we could get the vocational training we wanted and a AS degree in about 18 months. School goes year round. We made arrangements at work to meet with the manager of one of the chain restaurants in Eagan, MN when we got there, so we could have jobs while going to school. That looked pretty good so we planned on taking two weeks off to find a place to live,...

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