Money!Chapter 21 free porn video

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Mornings are always my favorite because the air smells so fresh and it seems the world is just waiting for you to run through the air to get your body ready for the day. I only ran for about forty minutes and came back to the patio as Steve turned on the lights. I had a mug of coffee with him and Glenda before going in to clean up and be ready for some flight duty.

I was having a breakfast sandwich when Diego called me. He gave me a telephone number in California to call for a flight from Hollywood to the resort. Diego told me to wait to call after eight o’clock their time, which would be eleven our time. It was going to take five hours plus a refueling stop to get out there, so if they said to come at eleven, I wouldn’t get there until five this evening and I wouldn’t want to fly all the way to Costa Rica without a good night’s sleep. They hopefully didn’t want to make a mad dash. I’d already looked it up and it would take about seven plus hours in the air to get to Limon from LA. This was going to be an expensive flight.

I was going to wait for eleven to call but Betty called from the airpark and asked if I could take a passenger to Phoenix, Arizona. Of course I could, and that would put me near LA if the customer for the resort wanted to hire me.

Betty said the customer was on the way to the airpark, so I should hustle so that the customer wouldn’t have to wait. I drove to the airpark and my CJ was already out of the hangar. I did the exterior preflight and had just finished when the customer went into the charter office. I was surprised when the man going to Phoenix was the same man I had given an introductory flight to yesterday. He told me, “My wife is going with me and should be here in a minute. She had to wait for a taxi.”

He asked if there was anything I could do to get the aircraft ready so that we could get out of there faster as he had an emergency meeting out there. I told him to watch for his wife and I would do the pre-start and spool the right engine up. I had just spooled it up when I saw the woman pulling a bag to the aircraft.

I think they were surprised at how luxurious it was when they entered the aircraft. I shut the door and made sure they were buckled up. I showed the man the communications desk and he said this made the cost of this flight worth it.

I finished starting the left engine and was asking for taxi instructions while watching the engines come up to power. I made sure everything was in the green as I entered the field information and the destination stuff into the Flight Control system. I called a flight plan in and opened it as I taxied to the end of the runway. We were given an immediate takeoff clearance and took off turning west northwest on the way to Phoenix.

I used the PA and told the customer that I could direct them on how to make coffee if they wanted some, and that bottles of water were in the refrigerator if they wanted one. I was watching the video monitor and neither acted like they wanted anything. Both were sitting back and were going to take a nap. I could see that I was going to have to consider a hostess. Most customers might feel the cost of a private jet for three thousand miles might not be that much, but we’re talking a lot of fuel and the maintenance per hour cost that had to be figured in. A flight crew is a cost factor, and the more people involved, the more it would cost. That was going to be expensive. A co-pilot could chase coffee or drinks if I had one, but that would be even more expensive. I was going to have to spend some time with DeDe to get a better handle on what I intended on doing.

This operation needed a business plan. My original intended customers were super affluent and shouldn’t hesitate to pay the cost of a private jet. Would they be willing to pay even more for a hostess? Would they be willing to pay for the security of a second pilot? They probably wouldn’t really care if it was properly proposed. Adding two people to the payroll would be a huge chunk of money, but I could see where it would add to the professionalism of the operation. An aircraft this nice should have a hostess and probably a second pilot. The CJ4 was easy to fly single pilot, and would be even simpler with a second set of eyes and hands. Having a hostess would give us the opportunity to have coffee or a soft drink on demand. A hostess could allow us to have a meal on board for a customer if they wanted to have something on a long flight. These weren’t a bunch of Jarheads who knew they had to wait. These were the pampered and the ‘I want it now’ crowd.

This project was taking on an entirely different look. I could do all the things I was thinking about, but I needed to figure out the costs and find the people. A second pilot could be someone trying to get hours and enjoy being paid. That would probably mean two second pilot type people. A hostess could be anyone looking to supplement their family income or to make some money to do something different, so there could be a fairly high turnover.

Employees were expensive as I had to contribute to their Social Security, Medicare, and maybe their health insurance. Well, maybe they could qualify as “independent contractors”, though the feds are supposed to be cracking down on that. I would be responsible if they had to wear uniforms. They would have to stay in a decent hotel if we had to stay overnight, and I would have to pay for that instead of sleeping on the plane. DeDe and Tiny must discuss and cuss this stuff by the hour every day. I’d already been on flights when I had to stay overnight with other flight crew members. There was no bunkroom or doubling in a single room. We’re talking single rooms for each of the crew.

I knew that I had a lot to learn before I could and would be comfortable with our pricing structure and how to propose that a customer really pay their way as I lined up on final in Phoenix.

I think my soft landings earned me a lot of mention when the customers got off the plane. I thanked each one as they departed. The woman said, “You made us feel very good today. My husband is terrified of airplane travel. Knowing how thorough you were yesterday told us that we were going to be safe today. Thank you.”

I smiled at the lady and thanked her for the compliment. I watched them become a part of the heavy people traffic at the airport.

I had to ask to remain at the General Aviation terminal so that I could call the California customer. The customer said that they could be picked up at Bob Hope Burbank Airport any time, but I needed to notify them at least a half hour before we were ready to depart.

I told the customer that I should probably take my required rest period before we departed. I explained we would be traveling by way of Mexico City. They didn’t like the idea of flying through Mexico. The female half of the customer became nearly inflamed until I suggested that they travel commercial. She then settled down but insisted that we meet at a different remote airfield before they got on board. She promised a smooth field with JP4, so I accepted her coordinates.

I tried to find the airfield she gave me on the Jeppesen charts before going through my startup checklist. Nothing. I keyed the coordinates in and still nothing. I called the customer again and told them the field wasn’t listed on the charts, so I wanted to meet at the Burbank Airport. The guy was acting nervous and then the wife got on the phone and was being extremely abusive that I couldn’t follow simple directions to come to the location she gave me. I told the lady, “I think you should fly commercial. I have rules to live by, and you’re wanting me to break a security rule. Consider our agreement canceled and I will have your credit card reimbursed. Enjoy ‘Island Paradise’ when you get there.”

I called the charter desk and advised the person there that I was canceling the fare from Hollywood to the island because of a disagreement. I was going to take a two hour nap, and then fly home. They could call me if another fare came up as I would be within cell range while at the airport in Phoenix.

The customer’s wife called back and was trying to apologize for her rudeness, but still insisted that I go to this unknown airfield. It should be listed if there was a decent runway and they had fuel, as Jeppesen shows every public and private field in the country. I told the lady not to call back as I was going to take a nap before continuing. She wanted to know where I was, but I just told her that I was secure where I was. She hung up. That was really strange.

I woke after a two hour nap and stretched. I did something I don’t usually do. I took my keys and locked the aircraft before going to the operations building to use the restroom. I vowed to myself that I would do this from now on as I didn’t want to take the chance that someone could attempt to steal my plane. It only took a minute to secure the aircraft, so it wasn’t a waste of time.

The General Aviation Terminal has a small snack shop with some premade sandwiches. I bought a tuna salad and a bottle of V-8, and ate at one of the tables that had a view of the tarmac in front of operations. I was really having a problem with the way that woman was acting. I would think they were going to try to steal the aircraft and resell it somewhere if I didn’t know that it would be a crazy thing to do. I wonder if planes and pilots turn up missing sometimes. I would ask Jan and Chuck, because I was more than curious now. A single pilot aircraft could be valuable for smuggling and it would be fairly easy to overpower or kill the pilot to get an eight million dollar aircraft. There’s another reason to have a second pilot. What I needed was a gun, but I couldn’t carry one on the airplane because I wouldn’t always be in compliance with a state’s laws. I wonder how the airlines are handling that with their flight officers carrying or possessing a weapon. More questions for Jan and Chuck.

Okay, I was rested, fed, fueled up, and the only place to go was home. I thought I should call Diego so that he would know I had a verbal altercation with a customer. It took some effort to get him to the phone, but I advised him of what happened. He asked me for the telephone number I had, and said that it didn’t match what he had. He also said the reservation was from a family with a little bit different spelling, as the man was a well-known movie director. Then he said, “Their request for a private flight is for tomorrow morning, not today.” The mystery deepens. I wrote the information from Diego down, and then called the charter desk back. Betty answered this time and I gave her the entire story as she looked up the credit card payment. She came back to the phone and said, “We have two payments. One from the name you have now, and another from a slightly different name. That person used an American Express debit card that won’t take refunds. I’m going to give all this information to the FBI, because this is all interstate stuff and should be followed up on. Do you feel comfortable to fly the real customer?”

I will know when I meet them. I’m going to call to confirm when and where I will meet them. I can fly into Burbank and park there overnight. I’ll use my electric razor and be fairly fresh looking in the morning. I have an extra shirt with me if this one begins to look or smell bad.

The customer sounded excited to be going to the resort and was happy to know that I wasn’t going to try to fly beyond my aircraft’s range. He had asked for the Bob Hope Airport and I told him I would have the airplane ready for him at eight AM as requested. It was just up and down from Phoenix to Burbank. I topped the fuel off, paid the airport fees, grabbed my overnight bag, locked the Citation up, and took a shuttle to a nearby Holiday Inn. I ate a decent meal at a small steak house next door that seemed pricey, but this was California. I even had a drink. I was in bed before ten with a wakeup call set for five.

I was refreshed and ready for the day. This would be about six to seven hours flying, but that shouldn’t be a problem considering that we would be stopping in Mexico City. I had some of the courtesy breakfast and took an extra banana with me along with a foam cup of coffee. I had left the aircraft plugged in to ground power so that the icemaker would still be working and the fridge would still be cool without draining the batteries.

I took the shuttle back to the operations building and was going to go out to the aircraft. There was a Suburban out by the plane with three men standing around the car. After the strange situation yesterday, I was concerned. There was a local policeman talking to a uniformed airport security guard. I walked up to them and introduced myself and gave the two the whole story. The security guard said, “I’ll bet it’s that same group. Can you get some back up out here quick?”

The policeman used his lapel microphone and called in. He was instructed to use his cell phone to talk to the detective unit. He made the call and asked for backup at Bob Hope Airport and was told units would be on their way. It was now six thirty, and my customer was going to be here in an hour and a half. I sure didn’t want them to be involved in something nasty.

The security guard told me there had been aircraft stolen or hijacked with a couple of pilots still missing. I was glad that I didn’t try to be a big shot and not be able to defend myself.

A guy with his badge on a lanyard around his neck came up to us ten minutes later, and we were able to point out where the men were next to my Citation. The man used a walkie-talkie to direct some others I couldn’t see, and then had another man that was about my size take my overnight sport bag and begin walking out to the aircraft. I watched as the man casually walked out toward the plane. There suddenly were three men now waiting on the other side of the Suburban, and one walking out to meet the man going to the plane. You could see the tension as the detective stopped and was waving his arms arguing and then the three came from behind the car and began walking to the two men.

Ta da! Here come the cops. I think it was six cars and a van that came roaring out to the airplane surrounding everything. The men from the Suburban acted like they might put up a fight, and then just stood perfectly still as men with rifles came from the van and ran up on them. Another man was pulled from the Suburban’s driver’s seat and five men were now lying face down on the concrete being handcuffed and searched. A small prisoner bus had five new occupants, and a flatbed truck was loading the Suburban by seven o’clock. The first detective that had come inside walked back to the terminal carrying my overnight case. The guy said, “We think this group is responsible for two other small jets that have been hijacked and two pilots that are missing.” I gave the man the number of the people who had talked to me yesterday so they could possibly track them down. I also gave them the coordinates of the location they wanted me to land at.

I asked if I could get the aircraft ready for a trip, and he shook my hand and waved me on to my bird. I was thorough this morning and very carefully went over the plane, but figured they wouldn’t sabotage an aircraft they wanted to fly out of there quickly. I’d bet that they set up an observer to watch for a single pilot plane that matched the description they had.

I opened the cabin door and started the APU so that I could disconnect ground power and cool the aircraft down. It was already climbing toward seventy-five. I used my phone to file an international flight plan and put the required checkpoints in to fly over Mexican, Guatemalan, El Salvadoran, and Nicaraguan airspace above twenty-thousand feet. It took forever for the flight plan to be accepted and I was assigned to twenty-eight thousand feet from Mexico City to Costa Rica. I wrote the flight plan number down so that I would have it and had just put my sport coat on and stepped out of the aircraft when a limo pulled up.

A nice looking man, a very nice looking lady in shorts and a tank top, a young guy in his teens, and a girl who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen came from the limo. I was concerned about luggage, but the limo driver pulled two large suitcases and two small ones from the trunk and slid them into the cargo hold. I placed the net over the bags to keep them from shifting, and then helped everyone onto the plane. I explained that I didn’t travel with a hostess, so I needed to show them how to use the single serve coffeemaker. I showed them all where the ice was, along with the soft drinks. I showed the adults where the small bottles of beverages were, how to use the communications desks, and where the small private restroom was. The kids were excited that they could access the internet, and more so when I said the aircraft had Wi-Fi that would come up when we were at altitude. There was also a selection of movies and video games to enjoy the ride.

The man couldn’t get over how luxurious the aircraft was. I did lean down to the young lady and said, “I would be eternally grateful if you were to make me a cup of coffee after a while.”

I announced that there was no significant weather all the way, so they should be comfortable but they should keep their seatbelts loosely buckled when they were sitting. With the door shut and the locking bar in place, I sat in the cockpit and began going through the checklist. I felt a presence behind me and turned to see the young man. I said, “You must be seated during takeoff and climb to our assigned altitude. You can sit in this right seat and be my co-pilot if you want.”

After getting him buckled up with a headset on, I went back to the checklist and went right through spool up and the request for taxi instructions. Business aircraft were queued up to takeoff at eight in the morning, so we were following a line of small jets and other light aircraft. I advised my passengers they would feel the G-force of our acceleration as we took off when we were granted takeoff clearance. I poured the power on to climb out and up to our assigned altitude. I confirmed our international flight plan was opened and we were at altitude deep in Mexico by that time.

The young man figured out to use the intercom button, and asked, “How come you have to use a list of things to do if you fly this airplane a lot?”

I explained that it was a way for a pilot to make sure he’s checked each item to keep the aircraft safe. The plane could get into trouble if I were to forget and didn’t check something important. I use a checklist for all aircraft whenever I fly them. I even told him the story that I had heard from one of my instructors that pilot checklists came into use in response to the destruction of the prototype for what became the World War II B-17 bomber, which was incredibly advanced and complex for the mid-1930s when it was first introduced, because the test pilot, not having a checklist to remind him, failed to remove some control locks before taking off. He’d seen video of the B-17 on the History Channel and was properly impressed.

The kid asked questions all the way to Mexico City. His sister had brought me a mug of coffee in one of the resort mugs I had swiped from Steve. The boy was surprised the controllers all spoke English, broken but understandable English, when we landed. I told him that it was the international aviation language standard. The family went to the private operations building to use their restrooms while I refueled. A Customs man came to the aircraft and looked at the luggage in the hold and checked my flight plan. I had my passport in my flight bag, but he waved it off. He told me in Spanish, ‘You don’t look like smugglers with a family like that’.

The four came back with some kind of food wrapped in a tortilla for me. I was told that I would like it because it had a little kick. We stood outside the aircraft eating the food and drinking a soft drink. The boy told his dad, “I can begin learning to fly at fifteen next year, but I can’t get a license until I’m seventeen. You could even hire our pilot to teach me. He’s an instructor.”

The dad was clever and just said, “We’ll see how your grades are. Keep them up the way you have and you can fly.”

The girl asked, “Can I ride up front now? It would be neat to see how all those buttons and switches work.”

The boy said he would watch a movie and went to a seat at the rear.

I did the exterior check while everyone was getting on the aircraft, and then got on board and locked up. I was going through the checklist again and the girl was chattering away. I told her, “Let me finish prepping the aircraft and getting it spooled up, and then we’ll talk. I need to pay attention until we get off the ground and to 10,000 feet.”

She blushed, but sat there watching my every move. I called for taxi instructions and was second after a big Airbus. Takeoff was smooth and our climb out was perfect. I had made sure to reopen the flight plan and was given clearance to fly through all the southern countries’ airspace.

I showed the girl how to wear the headset and the intercom button. She asked most of the same questions the boy had asked when she had the head set on. I think they didn’t understand the importance of the checklist and how important it can be in identifying a potential problem, although the bomber story seemed to impress them a little.

Same as Money!
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Stella Lawson sat before the Headmistress nervously playing with her fingers. Even after all these years there was something unsettling about being before the head of a school. ‘You know why you’re here I take it?’ Said the woman opposite. She was considerably older than Stella and fashionably dressed in a black trouser suit matched with a deep red lipstick. ‘I’ve been sent here by my boss Mr Bannister for retraining. He wants me to broaden my horizons and improve my skill set in certain...

2 years ago
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testing the waters vol 1

One cold winter night my girlfriend, her mom, and I were sitting in the living room watching some TV. We were all dressed casualty. I had basketball shorts on,my gf had some PJ pants with a sports bra and her mom, who at the time was living with us, was wearing a white tank top thin enough that I would call it see-through. And hugging her waist was a tiny pair of black boy shorts.leaving very little to the imagination.Her mom was a cute petite woman with with perky little tits, and a tight...

3 years ago
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drunk White Slut

Jerry grumbled when he got home, some stupid bitch was passed out on his front lawn. The big black man got out of his car, angrily stalking to the drunken slut and turning her over. Even before he saw her face he could tell that she'd been out clubbing or something... her skirt was barely covering her ass and she was wearing a g-string... and no bra that he could see. Still, she did have a fine body to be showing off, not that he wanted it on his front lawn though. Brushing her short hair out...

1 year ago
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A powerful experience of sex 2

Hello all, this is manisha back again with the second part of my story. I am 28 year old 5 ft 7”, 34D, 28, 36 and fair married lady. You can read the fast part of my story on the above link provided (Powerful experience of sex). So two days after that wonderful day long experience with Sudesh and Ramesh, I once again went to the shop to collect my blouse because of which I had had a wonderful experience of sex. I had reached the shop by 11 am. Again it was hot sweaty day. I had been in my...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Guests Chapter 2

Lisa and I went inside to check on our guests who lay on our king size bed. Helen and Charles were obviously accustomed to going to bed and getting up early, as they were oblivious to Lisa and me as we crawled into bed. We lay on the bed in each other's arms, stroking each other's back, tenderly kissing. This gradually escalated as my insatiable girlfriend moved her right hand to the front of the gym shorts I wore. As she pushed the shorts from my hips, I gladly helped her. Lisa moved to take...

Group Sex
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Fucked Ex Girlfriend8217s Aunty Mona

Hi lovely peoples this is manu again height 6’1 fair colour average build with my second story, my email id is (Punjabi Munda) those who didn’t read my first story can go thru it which was posted on 6th of May 2016 & I am getting positive responses. So I thought to share my another experience with you all. This happened 2 years after my breakup with my girl friend. I came in contact with my ex-girlfriends...

1 year ago
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PornHub Black

Have you ever heard about PornHub? Of course, you fucking did, but do you know just how many categories PornHub actually has to offer? Well, there is a lot for you to check out, and I think that one of the naughtiest includes the ebony category, which is why I am here today to talk about that shit mostly. What you take out of this all depends on how much you like to jerk off to black babes.For those who do not really know how PornHub functions, I think that you should check out my review on the...

Black Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Once in the LifetimeChapter 3

Chris had not been happy when I had sent our children's DNA tests to a private laboratory. To my great relief I was the father of both of them. A Saturday evening Chris invited me for dinner to talk about some matters regarding our children. During the small talk I asked her if she dated someone and she told me that she had no intentions of doing that as long as she was married. When she asked me about the same thing I told her that I feared it would be impossible to find someone who could...

3 years ago
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3 Girls In A Cafe Part 2

Please read Part 1 before this part. It's called 3 Girls In A Cafe :)It'd been a week since Kaito started working in the Cafe with the beautiful three girls. Hiraki had still remained silent and quiet ever since her and Kaito's little interuption on his first day. Yume had grown very fond of him, always talking and clinging to him like she was his little sister and Diasuke remained fierce yet kind to Kaito. It was now a Thursday afternoon and Diasuke had given him the spare room in the Cafe so...

2 years ago
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Feeding the Devil

[That's my second story and the first that's is totally mine, so not base on a translation of a french sexual story. Even if i'm quite good in English, i'm not a native speaker so please be indulgent (if you want to make some corrections, just send me a message). For maximum immersion and optimal fun, i recommend to personalize all names. That's a quite ambitious story i want to create, it already have some different paths you can go in that would go to different content (if you use force, you...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 375

Another one from dorsetmike: Have decided that as from next week I am going to dress as a different type of bread each day... Roll on Monday! Two men working in a factory were talking. “I know how to get some time off,” said the first one. “Oh yeah, how are you going to do that?” asked the second. “Just watch,” he said, and climbed up onto a rafter. After a short while, the foreman spotted him. He shouted “What the hell are you doing up there?” The first man replied. “I’m a light...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Keilani Kita The Long Dong Goodbye

Keilani Kitas mom and her stepdad are going through a nasty split up, and unfortunately, Keilani has to witness it all. According to her mom, Keilanis stepdad just needs to sign some papers and it will all be over. But when they show up at his place, Keilani and her stepdad have some things to sort out. Her mom gives them some privacy, and Keilanis stepdad tries to explain why he and her mom are breaking up. But one thing leads to another, and soon Keilani is cross examining her stepdads long,...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 85

It was good to be home, our trip to Kwa Zulu had stirred up a hornet’s nest of enquiry and counter-enquiry with some on the Council accusing me of being a loose cannon over to what was for them a very frightening escalation of our dealings with Minor Powers. A few enquiries by Mage Julia’s Intelligence Office had painted a very different picture with several hosts of Minor Powers now keeping a low profile and attempting to negotiate better or more friendly terms with the Council. The main...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Vickie Starxxx Bouncing This Big Ass on His Long Cock

Insurance agency sends Vickie Starxxx to check out a claim. She gets totally shocked after Prince opened the door with a hard-on. She goes in to see the damages and Prince checks out her big ass through her skirt. He tricks her to go check out some damages on the bedroom where he leads to licking her ass. After noticing his long cock she was down and enjoys him down there. She returns the favor with a great blowjob before putting her big ass on his cock. She got fucked from multiple positions...

3 years ago
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My personal Assistant Part 2

           After my interview with Deena, I stayed disciplined. I spent the next 6 business days interviewing the rest of the applicants, all 61 of them and I kept it all business.  I have to say, I got a full menu of women to digest in those interviews. They ranged from older women to very young, single women, married women and even a couple of widows. Some were so hot I'd be hard all day if they worked right next to me and some were so disturbingly ugly I'd forget about sex all together if...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 8

From the parking lot of Shae's apartment building on Staten Island, it was possible to see the cloud of smoke still emanating from the ruins of the World Trade Center as Dave and Shae said good-bye to Emily the next morning. He could hardly stand to look that direction, much less at the smoke cloud, and worried about how he was going to feel about getting closer later in the day. It had been very good to see Emily again; she, Dave, and Shae stayed up until late, talking about the old days...

1 year ago
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Npte : This story is completely fictional! My brothers and I have an incredibly hot mom; she is definitely an M.I.L.F.! She is in her mid 40's, long blonde hair, a beautiful face and hot body and she is almost a nympho! Her body is that of a 20 year old, she works out, she is 5'11" maybe a 110 pounds a fantastic ass and she has big tits! Her and the guy she is seeing fuck as often as they can. All of us had incredibly lustful, incestuous thoughts about our mom. We didn't just want to see her...

2 years ago
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Warren My Prison Fantasy

After a hard day’s work in the prison … I leave work, I’m so tired. I stand all day at work, since I am the supervisor of an industrial line in an all men’s prison, an easy job for the incarcerated. Oh and you did not read wrong I do work in a men’s prison. Working in a male prison is hard work, I will not deny that. But harder and more difficult is to locked in a place brimming with testosterone for more than eight hours. Maybe it’s my diet of sex, but since my husband left me uhm … it is...

1 year ago
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A Bit Late This Month

"Oh, no! Not again!" Venetia hastily slumped her shoulders, glanced around the office, edged around her desk and headed for the door with a folder across her chest. "Back in five minutes," she said brightly to anyone who might be listening, although they all seemed fast asleep, or hard at work. The ladies' room was empty, which was a blessing. She closed the cubicle door behind her, and took a deep breath. Yes, no doubt about it. There was an feeling of something unpleasantly loose inside...

4 years ago
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Chrissys New Life Part 3

Chrissy's New Life Part 3 "I'm afraid we have a slight problem, dear," spoke Aunt Mary. Somehow your suitcase didn't make it into the car when we left the Academy. I've called the school, but there's no answer" "Oh, that's right, I don't remember putting it in the trunk; it must be still there in the driveway, I said as I tried to slide deeper beneath the bubbles. "I guess I will just have to wear what I came in; it's no problem"; "I'm afraid I already sent your clothes to the...

2 years ago
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My Manageress

Hi readers,i am Rahul ,29 yrs old from Mumbai.I am 6feet tall with a good physique and proud of my 8 inch long and 3 inch thick Dick.well the experience which i would like to share with you persons is of my manageress.her name is Renu. She is 38 yrs old,fair with a beautiful figure of 36-28-42. I work in a Bpo and she was my manager.She was impressed by my work and i knew where she stayed and she had been in my home drop few times.She was open to all employees and always helped them for any...

3 years ago
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Seduction At The Cove

The searing midday sun cast a golden gaze over proceedings, as Adam ambled down the sandy path. In the distance the horizon shimmered, wilting in the intense heat. An odd wispy cloud stretched out like a slight blemish on the pristine azure sky. He gazed out upon the majestic Mediterranean waters.The cove covered less than two hundred metres, enclosed on either end by steep cliff-side. Pebbles of varying sizes covered most of the area, save for a small band of unspoiled sandy beach in the...

1 year ago
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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 3135 of 62

CHAPTER THIRTY ONE Things got a little hectic after the trip out to the Winthrop Group compound. I had Dupree shipped out to a prison in one of the Northern provinces, this world's version of Siberia. I had wanted to kill him but couldn't do it without setting a bad example. How could I expect Beckwith to back off her threat to take vengeance against the entire Queen's Guard if I didn't do the same with the killer of my family? I did promise her if she ever found the proof of which...

2 years ago
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Dreams Can Come True Part 3

After weeks of torrid emails and texts, Pam invites me over for dinner and to watch Sunday night football.Anticipating an evening of sex, I have chosen a white crop top blouse which I tie under my smaller breasts, pairing the top with a short skirt and no bra or panties. I try on a pair of shoes with six-inch heels and check my look in the mirror. The shoes make me look a little slutty, so I choose a pair that are a little more conservative.As soon as I enter the house, there is this wonderful...

4 years ago
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Suit Shopping

Wandering around the men’s department you’re checking out all of the suits we have to offer here at Macy’s. You reach your arm up and stroke each jacket testing the feel of the wool on your fingertips. I saunter up in a tight black pencil skirt hugging every curve that you can’t take your eyes off of, and a pair of bright red paten leather skysc****r heels. These shoes say fuck me all over them… I ask you, ‘is there something I can help you with, sir?” You tell me you’re in the market for a...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Boss8217s Homely Wife

First, I have to tell about me. My name is Suresh. I am a dark skinned Indian guy. I am 35 years old but unmarried. I have a muscular body, and I look like a cinema villain with broad shoulders, bulky arms, and beard all over my face. I look more like a beast. Because of that, most women don’t talk to me. However, some married sluts open their legs now and then. This is my real sex story. But those are my only sexual experiences. I am from a low caste and I do somewhat well to live in a small...

2 years ago
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The Belmonts

        I am going to fuck him, I thought, standing in the doorway of my big brother's dark bedroom. I watched him lie there, sleeping, basking in the cool, pale moonlight that spilled through the large square window above his queen-sized bed. I bit into my bottom lip. My tongue ached to explore every inch of his chocolate skin, taut over chiseled muscle. His years of football playing had blessed him with a magnificent body.        I watched his bare sculpted chest steadily rise and fall. His...

3 years ago
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Mujhe moch aagayi thi aur aunty ne malish ki

Hi friends mai hu rashid ya mare real sex storie hai jo may aap ko lik kay bata raha hu. I am 28 year guy.aap sabhi ko mara salam.or sabhi mumbai ki aunty or bhbhiyo ko mara payar.. Aap mujhe email kar sakti hai : . Chalo aab may aap ko mare or mumbai ki aunty kay sath sex ki kahani sunath hu .main mumbai me ek mnc company me kaam karta hoon aur marine lines ke pass ek apartment me 4th floor me rehta hoon, aaj say karib 3 mahina pahle ke bhat hai tab rim zim baris ka mahina chal raha tha ,mare...

1 year ago
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Sweet Revenge Part II

They arrived just a few minutes after 8 pm. As Logan introduced Cara he watched the reactions of his brother and sister-in-law. He had imagined they would be disconcerted by the youth and beauty of Cara and was not disappointed. They were clearly shocked. “Game on, “Logan thought. Marcie gave them both a hug, the smell of her perfume a sensual reminder of last week. Then she suggested the guys get the pool table set up while she gave Cara the grand tour. Logan agreed reluctantly, not wanting...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 20

‘I remember!’ Murielle sat up, staring wildly around as if waking from a terrible nightmare. She wildly felt around herself, touching her arms and legs as though she couldn’t really believe she was human. ‘I’m back!’ Then she remembered. Her twin had been devoured by a giant croc and had died. She remembered setting fire to both the croc and her sister, immediately dreading the thought that she might have murdered... “Hey, you’re awake!” a cheerful voice called out from behind her. “I...

1 year ago
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A Sex Stories

ASexStories has such a weird fucking name. Capitalize the words differently, and it sounds like it’s a collection of stories for people who have zero interest in sex. Well, it’s actually the very opposite of that, so apologies to all the asexuals out there who were hoping for a decidedly non-sexy time. (Then again, why should I apologize to asexuals? It’s not like they’re even visiting ThePornDude!) The domain was registered back in 2001, though, so I bet they just grabbed one of the available...

Sex Stories Sites
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TeensLoveAnal Nikki Knightly Horny Hijab Girl Unveils Her Asshole

When she answers a knock at the door, Nikki Knightly finds her brother-in-law-to-be standing in the doorway. He is there to deliver the paperwork she needs to sign for her upcoming wedding to his brother next week. Wearing her hijab, she answers the door and invites him to come in. They get to talking and Nikki reveals that she is feeling a little unsure about the impending nuptials. Is she making the right choice? We come to learn that she and the brother have some history together. The...

1 year ago
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AntagonistsChapter 11

Molly rang Dan the following day and told him that a visit to Gina that day would be a waste of time. She was drugged to the eyeballs with painkillers and was hardly aware that Molly was there. She suggested that Dan left it until six the following day which Dan could and did do. He was appalled at what he saw. Gina's head was bandaged. What could be seen of the right side of her face was badly bruised with many butterfly stitches and a mass of smaller scabs in between. She had a black...

2 years ago
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Sara Cristinas first Time

In another place a girl was brushing a stallion. She rode him in the morning and now, as reward for the ride, she was brushing and washing him in his stall. Her mom was been clear for that point: if she wanted ride the horse with her friends, after that she must wash and brush him. She found an agreement with the farm owner and instead the money she was going to pay him with her work. Was not a bad work.. she always liked horses and brush his favorite was good. Seemed the horse...

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