Made my hubby crossdress and get fucked by bbc
- 3 years ago
- 41
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I woke up early, probably because we went to bed at a reasonable hour even after attending the wild time at the hot tub. This was a good morning to run, so I slid from bed and put workout clothes and running shoes on. I was tying my shoes when Janet got out of bed and went to the bathroom. It only took her a couple of minutes to put a sport bra, t-shirt, shorts, socks, and shoes on. I noticed that the clock said five-fifteen. She gave me a kiss, and then led me out of the house through the dark patio until we were in the yard next to the screened-in people play area. The platinum blonde told me, “Dance for me. Do your forms and I’ll follow. We need to stretch before we run anyway.”
It felt good to stretch into one form and then to the next. I was flowing through forms that I thought would loosen us up to run. I stopped after fifteen minutes and we began walking toward the paths through the wooded areas between the athletic fields. Our walk became a jog, which became a run until we were moving fairly fast. We went completely through the athletic paths all the way to the Holiday Inn, out the far side to completely run around the road past Chuck’s house, and then back toward the patio.
The patio light was already on, and Tiny and Ruth were mixing Bloody Marys. Janet and I went back to our suite to shower and then go have coffee and breakfast. Our girls were stirring, but that’s about all. With a smile, Donna said, “You have put me totally out of order with that monster you have. I’m not sure about the others, but I need something to make my coochie feel better. I think that I need to talk to Suki.”
The darkest face smiled and said, “You did me in too. Momma told me the better it feels when you do it the first time the more it’s gonna be sore the next day. Owee, am I sore, but I had one helluva good time yesterday.”
Gin slithered toward me, and said, “I’m sore as hell down there, but I’d put up with a lot of soreness for some good feelings like I had yesterday. Damn, that was good. No wonder Mom is always after Sal.”
Nikki had the biggest grin of all, as she said, “I knew that it was going to be tender today, so I put on some of that Australian stuff that makes everything feel better. I’m ready for more right now.” Nikki reached down to play with herself and flinched, “Well, maybe not right now, but soon.”
Janet told the four, “Get up and get moving. You’ll feel better. We’re stinky and need a shower. We’ll meet you out on the patio.”
We showered, dressed, and went to the patio for Sunday morning breakfast. The breakfast this morning was going to be courtesy of Chuck’s girls. Maria was directing in the kitchen as the girls were making mounds of tortillas. They made some with bacon, scrambled eggs, yellow rice, and various peppers. Others were like tacos that had sausage, cheese, and scrambled eggs in them. There was a bowl of scrambled eggs, platters of sausage patties, baskets of bacon, and some baked jalapeno peppers stuffed with some sausage, refried beans, cheese, and rolled in a spicy breading for the traditionalists. Those things were delicious.
Janet and I weren’t drinking the Bloody Marys because we possibly wanted to go flying this afternoon. I thought it would be cool to take all the girls up in the new bird. It became something that was going to be enjoyed by all that family when they were talking to their mothers. I didn’t know if there was enough room on board, but we would find out. They had three little guys who we could double up their car seats into one regular seat. The lounge seats were broad enough that we could probably get three toddler seats strapped in together.
I had to hunt for a tow motor out at the airpark to get the aircraft out of the hangar. It was behind a G550 and my CJ4, so there was some jockeying around to do. Janet wanted to know where we were going for our flight plan, so I said, “How about up to Atlanta and back. We might want to practice landing there at least once. We can do it again so that you can land as well.”
Janet said, “You do it. I’ll get plenty of practice out on the road. I’m still working on landing all the aircraft the way you do.”
We had the aircraft ready and all the passengers buckled up. I sent Sheena and Nikki to make sure everyone was properly buckled. This was some kind of awesome aircraft, so I wanted our flight to be as perfect as possible. This was the first time Sal has flown with me, so I wanted him to see that I did everything by the numbers.
We were ‘Up, Up, and Away’ as we lifted off. I could hear the passengers laughing at my exclamation. We climbed to FL335, and coasted along at close to six hundred miles per hour. There were all forms of chatter that were going to impede us from landing and taking off again as we approached Atlanta. I had Janet refile for us to head to Jacksonville to see if that was in better shape. The problem with Jacksonville is the large number of light aircraft being used for lessons. The tower said there weren’t big delays to get back up if we were to get down and back up right now. I opted for a touch and go so that I wouldn’t get caught in their gridlock.
We swung back around and I thought it best to go home and put this bird to bed. I brought the aircraft in the second time as if it was a piece of crystal. I could feel the wheels touchdown, but that’s the only sensation there was. I doubt if the passengers felt a thing.
I apologized we didn’t have a more exciting flight after landing and helping people off the aircraft. Sal told me, “As much as I fly since I’ve come to work for S&S, it’s great to fly with people who love to fly and who love to do it as smoothly as you do. I can fly myself now, but not like you do. The girls are learning, so they recognize how smooth you are.”
“Thanks, Sal. Your R&D group is amazing at the way you’ve come out with so many innovations. Keep doing what you do and the company will be successful forever.”
I knew this was going to be one of the last weekends that I would have free for a while, so I wanted to cram everything I could in. Big Charlie came to me just after noon, and asked, “How about going on a short run to St. Pete, and then up around to another clubhouse. You haven’t met Bear yet, and he’s one of your Marine brothers.”
I answered that with, “If it’s the same “Bear” that I met in Hawaii, I’ve met him and Crystal, his wife, over there. The man was very likable over there and I’m sure he will be the same here.”
I smiled at Charlie as Hap was closing in behind him. Hap told me, “I’ll stand you for a helping of onion rings and I’m sure that you would be willing to pop for a good grouper sandwich.”
How do you refuse?
The group formed faster than could be expected, with Janet on the back of my bike. I found seats for two of the girls who wanted to go with us. Nikki and Donna were anxious to be with us and wanted to see what had been offered to me for trading when I went there before.
We stopped at the local bar where it should have been fun to be at, but it was filled with a bunch of wrestling buddies of a guy who had disappeared out at sea. The men thought the men from the park were responsible, but all they could to do is to speculate about it. It wasn’t possible for a group to do what was suggested.
The group took off and rode down to the St. Pete clubhouse that really was a public bar. We enjoyed some onion rings with a really good grouper sandwich. It was required that we enjoy a beer with the meal. My girls were able to meet some of the girls who had been offered to us.
About a hundred motorcycles, with most of them riding a decent looking female, showed up while we were there. These were all folks from Miami and were absorbed within the group already in the bar. Hap came out looking for me and dragged me back to the bar. I shouldn’t have worried as Chuck and Steve were right behind me the whole time. One of the men from the Miami group came up and looked at me, “You remember me, right?”
I nodded and smiled.
“Well, I remember you too. You’ve helped us a couple of different ways, but you’re important to us right now because you’re Butch’s friend. I need him to do something for us that isn’t illegal, but most of the asshole car stores are unwilling to do. I know that I could go to Butch and appeal to him to help us but I thought that it would be an easy win if you were to ask.”
The man said to me, “Just say you know ‘Snake’ any time you want to refer to me, and just say you’re protected by ‘Snake’ if anyone gives you shit. Butch knows us well, but doesn’t know we’re your compadre too. That will help.”
“I’ll talk to Butch right away. Who should I say will call?”
Snake said, “I’ll call, but tell him this is all legal and we’ll pay.”
I laughed as I said, “You know Butch would work with you on this without my endorsement. You meet all his requirements. You know that what you’re doing is legal and that the folks involved are legal. I’ll call him, but he’ll work with you.”
Snake said, “Oh, but it’s so much nicer to have the wheels greased to get it done.”
I pulled Hap, Snake, and the Miami president aside and told them, “You guys should know that you can talk to Butch anytime. Show up in a regular car and have a talk with him if you’re on the fence about something. You guys know how to have a powwow without powder burns. Talk to the man in advance if you have something you need to set up. Butch will always help you if it’s possible.”
I called Butch before we left the bar in St. Pete, and was lucky that he answered. “What the fuck do you want with me on a nice, balmy, Sunday afternoon?”
I explained my conversation with Snake, the local Miami chapter President, and with Hap.
Butch said, “There aren’t any bad feelings around right now, so their guys should be good passing through. Anyone who needs work is welcome as always. Let’s get them up and out of here real quick before the bike week craziness begins.”
Oh yes, there is ‘Bike Week’ which makes bikers throughout the United States have some kind of disease that says they have to ride through snow, rain, and occasionally sunshine, to get to Daytona, Florida, for Bike Week which is after Race Week, and just before the beginning of Spring Break. Daytona is a disaster from January to about the first of May. Vacationers are filling the beaches and hotels as Memorial Day gets closer, of course. That craziness will last all the way through the middle of September. I think Daytona takes a breather from anyone who goes to the big fun weeks while the Daytona City Council makes up new rules to have less fun the next year.
The fearsome foursome went to Daytona Bike Week two years in a row. I was nearly carrying my buddies back to our hotel that first year because there were bars that had service counters on the street. Nobody checked IDs during Bike Week. There was a no open container law the next year, so there was no drinking on the streets. There were all kinds of titty flashers the first year, and then a girl could get fined for flashing a nipple the next year. You had to go to some of the bars with wet T-shirt contests that usually ended with nude babes dancing on a high platform if you wanted to see tits. We noticed that the clubbers had women with ‘property of’ vests who were flashing a lot. They wore micro miniskirts with no undies and were flashing the rest of the goodies, but cops would look the other way. Who wants to mess with a hundred bikers from known bad news one percenter clubs that came from all over the nation?
Our foursome decided we had better places to put our money. What we did was to put all our ready cash together so that Butch could put a down payment on the twenty acres of property that eventually became his operation. Our senior year in high school was a lot of fun as Butch’s dad showed us how to build a couple of concrete block buildings that were the beginning of one of the best known auto repair shops in the area. Now those two buildings are joined by a fancy showroom where Butch shows off one of the race cars he’s built for someone. The buildings have also been extended almost one hundred fifty feet to accommodate his many shops that do specialized work. In addition to that, Butch has his race car building group and his yard of cars that have never been reclaimed he’s towed with one of his four wreckers and tow trucks. A lot of questionable cars come to Florida and are left in tow-away zones. Many of the cars have replaced VIN numbers which means the cars were previously stolen and sold as clean for pennies on the dollar. Butch says most of the cars that he impounds for longer than twenty-four hours are from New Jersey and New York. He says he almost always back dates the pickup so he can apply for a title if it has one of those tags. He also says that most of them are left with keys in the ignition.
Our Butch is a smart businessman and an even better friend. All three of us guys have been a big help to Butch, including me when I was a Marine and in another country. Benny or Harold would e-mail me and tell me that Butch was short and needed help. I would put what I could together and get it to one of the two. Butch would get out of trouble, and then pay us back with a little on top. We never asked for anything back, but it was always there.
The other three made sure the couple had one hell of a honeymoon down in the islands when one of us married. I think we all were applauding that guy for making it happen. I was still the loose end and not married yet.
Benny had told me on Skype how he and his wife were having a rough time because he had been found to be sterile, but the four of us agreed that Benny and his wife would have as many babies as they wanted because his three buddies would sperm her a couple of times a day during her fertile period and make sure she was fixed up. The wives of the sperm donors had dibs on Benny’s bigger package, of course. I received an e-mail from Butch’s wife that the group was now known as the ‘Fearsome Fucksome’. How bad is that?
All this ran through my head as we rode back to the trailer park in a leisurely manner. Behind me was Janet who might be my one and only, but there was also the terrible threesome and Sheena, the person who came from left field. All the girls loved her and she loved them. It was fun to watch the five women love each other with so much intensity. I was always invited to taste all the holes I could find and to be sure to cover the girls with my donation. Sheena laughed at the girls because you couldn’t see the dried sperm on them as easily as you could on her. Janet was happy to let the younger girls be just a little crazy.
This weekend was at a close, and I knew that I had to begin working with Chuck and the Marshal’s Service tomorrow. Chuck, Steve, and I were at the bar with our drinks when Chuck said, “Tomorrow will begin a new life for you, Chuck. You’ll learn from those who are the best Deputy Marshals around. I’ve told them that you’re to be on every tough case that comes up. I want you immediately on the front lines so that you’ll get the feel of bullets whizzing by, as well as feeling what’s in front of you. You and I both know you have abilities others don’t, so use them to keep yourself and the men around you safe. I don’t have anything that’s critical, so I’ll talk to Tom Crowfoot and find out if there are any problems. I’ll go with you in the beginning, and I’m sure Tom will come out to watch and help, but we’ll want to see how you handle people and situations. You’re about the same age as I was when I began all this. What I can tell you is to be on the lookout for the man who will replace you.”
We finished our drinks and saluted each other with a ‘Semper Fi’ and an ‘Oorah’.
The four younger women were sleeping, but the platinum blonde was smiling at me with her arms outstretched. Janet was a beautiful woman, but I knew that her desire to be more than a blonde bimbo was stronger than most women anywhere. We slowly and quietly made love so that it was all ours. Lips kissed my back as we fell asleep, but I didn’t remember who was back there.
Monday ... Monday morning and I’m ready. I was quickly in the shower and also joined by Janet who demanded a kiss and some loving before washing. I finished my shave and dressed in a suit, with a white shirt and dressy tie. Janet stood in front of me to check my appearance, and reached up to pat my shoulder holster complete with Glock.
“Do you have your badge in its wallet with your ID?”
I smiled as I pulled it from my breast pocket. Janet softly said, “Oh, my very own Deputy U.S. Marshal to send off to work.” That gave me an exceptionally warm feeling.
We went to have coffee with Steve and Glenda. Glenda said, “My, oh my, but don’t you clean up nice. You’re dressed as well as Chuck. He’s the GQ guy around here.”
I was smiling as the sandwiches and pastries arrived. I was thinking that I should probably go down to the Federal Building so that I would be there when the local office held their briefing. There’s no reason to be nervous when you’re waiting for Chuck. He came through the door, leading his women and toddlers, while carrying two of his little guys. Lisa was following him with the other two little quads. I focused on the couple and could hear them telling each other to put the kids in the open pen area so that they could roll around. Lisa was telling Chuck that she had a flight this morning, but would be back by two this afternoon. I blanked out with them and focused on Brandy who was always the person who directed everyone else. She was a little scatterbrained this morning, since she didn’t sleep well because Chuck was going out on a mission this week. I wondered if I was going to be with him.
Chuck’s women had the toddlers sitting at the table with what looked like cream of wheat, a half piece of toast, and regular kids’ cups to drink from. There was an extra cup that held juice to go with their milk. I loved the way the kids didn’t bicker or complain, but sat and ate their breakfast. Ellen with the six toes was in the middle of them as she had her designated seat for breakfast. I learned later that all the kids had assigned seats for breakfast, but different ones for both lunch and supper. I already knew that they were aware of where they should be sitting in a cart.
Chuck was eating a sandwich and had a cup of coffee. He said, “Do it now if you haven’t eaten yet, because we’re out of here in a few minutes.”
I ate a sandwich and watched Chuck as he made his way through all his women for a hug, kiss, and a few words with whatever baby was with them at the time. I had immense respect for Chuck. The man looked at me and waved. I said goodbye to Janet and my special four.
Chuck said, “Let’s take your car so we can get a sticker on it for the parking garage,” when we went out the door. “Your ride is about as pristine as a car is going to get around here, so you’re going to take a lot of ribbing for driving such luxury. I told Chuck, “I should have driven the Impala. That has some miles but still is a nice ride.”
“No way, Chuck. I like this thing. Everyone is going to want to partner with you if your sister keeps you in these things. This is a nice ride.”’
We pulled into the parking garage and parked in the office ‘ready’ slot. Chuck said, “I’ll write a note for Hank so that he knows your car from a recovered car. He’ll be trading all over the district to make a deal on something he wants if he has this car. Cars aren’t safe around Hank.”
I had to show my ID and then give them a handprint ID and a retina scan when we entered the Federal Building. I was told that the handprint would probably always allow me in, but I would have to do the retina scan if it didn’t match the required number of points.
We went up to the eleventh floor in the elevator. I was surprised at how relaxed the men were as we went into the local Marshals’ Service’s offices. Chuck turned on me and said, “What would you have done if you were commissioned to take this office?”
I looked at Chuck, and told him, “My first question is to ask ‘why’?”
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Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards’ armor as they marched beside her. They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn’t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor. Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame them – they were about to walk into an enemy camp, enter the...
Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...
Michelle's Story - Part 19 Emma looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Her long brown hair now had more volume thanks to some layered curls. She looked over at her mom and smiled. Liz, who had gone for the same style, smiled back. "Sis is going to love my new look," said Emma. "I love it too!" "Michelle might be jealous of you too," said Liz, as she got out of the chair and followed Claire to the till. "You certainly look like mother and daughter now," smiled Claire....
It all started one afternoon, Me and my cousin Rachael decided to wag school. we went back to my house because my parents was at work all day and i had a free house. Rachael was a little chubby girl with big tits reddish hair, and a amazing arse. I always wanted to fuck her but i didn't know if she felt the same about me. I used always stay over her all the time and sniff here used knickers thongs wait for her to go to bed sneak in her room and hide in the corner of the room in dark....
Introduction: I warn you now, this is long and there isnt much sex. I really took time to develop the plot and characters. Hope someone enjoys it, because I loved writing it. Ive already completed Ch.2 and am working on Ch.3. It takes a lot of time putting them up as I tend to write free hand then copy to the computer. Feedback is always appreciated. [b] Hell Hath No Fury&hellip, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say. Perhaps this isnt true for all women, but for some it proves...
HiThis is a true story and my first post so please be gentle.My girlfriend, Sarah, and I had been seeing each other for about 2 years and our sex life was still very good but had slowed down to that comfortable level.To spice things up we started telling each other fantasies that we had, mine was to see her with another woman and she said she wanted to see me fuck another girl as well. We talked about how we'd take turns fucking this imaginary woman and Sarah said she'd love to eat my hot cum...
My wife Terla and I became swingers last year and since that time a whole new world has opened up for us. We have joined clubs around the world and spend our nights trolling friend sites for potential lovers and three ways. I am not an active participant in the love making but I enjoy watching Terla with different lovers. Not long ago I convinced her to try having sex with a very well hung black man who we refer to as "Big Gun" because his cock is all of 11 inches fully erect. He comes to meet...
Interracial(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); When she got back to the living room, she immediately looked for Mark and found him deep into a discussion with the redhead. Janet looked the woman over, trying to decide what it was that attracted Mark to her. The woman, about 24, was only about five feet tall and couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds soaking wet. She was wearing a green satin mini skirt and a white, nearly-sheer blouse that plainly...
Wanda Jean was a good ole hillbilly farm wife. At age forty, after birthing seven young uns, the health clinic doctor tied her tubes and sewed her pussy tighter. That’s when her sex life REALLY took off. Ever since an older cousin showed her what her pussy was made to do, she’d loved gittin nekkid with boys. It was so interesting and fun to play with those parts and have yours played with too. For a while she was usin the pussy God gave her for the pleasure of friends and neighbors, sometimes...
(Kelly) I hopped off of Mikes lap and said," I getting a glass of water, because I'm thirsty with all this talking. Would you like one too?" "Sure." I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses down from the cupboard. I filled them with ice and water, and turned back to Mike. I paused, on my way back to the sofa, because for a second, I thought he'd fallen asleep. His eyes were open, though, and, staring at his past. I also noticed that he was hard. "He's thinking about...
Chapter twofollows....
Our eyes met over his girlfriend’s head and I gave him a look that said he could have me as soon he could slip away from her. We’d been flirting with our eyes all night, slowly looking each other up and down and I knew he wanted me as badly as I wanted him. His eyes darted towards the corridor, telling me where to meet him when he slipped away from her. As I left the bar I stopped and looked back over my shoulder, making sure he was watching as I strutted out, I knew my ass looked great in my...
Straight SexSeveral days before, during one of my husband’s absences from home, our black neighbor Samuel had enjoyed fucking me in my tight asshole.I was still horny; since I was hoping next time he would fuck my horny cunt.I had been logging every night; even when my beloved Victor was at home.But I liked to chat with this old bastard black man; he had sodomized so good and I still wanted more and more…One of those nights, he wrote in the chat:“Long time I do not see you, bitch…” My cunt got wet as I...
Wednesday afternoon, Erin's off day, they played basketball in the park and had a picnic lunch. She had played basketball in college, as had he, and they were equally matched. One of the games ended up being so physical Jack ended up with a nice erection. Noticing the bulge at the front of his denim shorts, she proceeded to tease him mercilessly by deliberately bumping her butt into him. He ended up losing the game by ten points. Reading to him on Sunday night had seemed to help her. She...
The Newlyweds Chapter 2: Heart Shaped Betrayal The alarm sounded. I remembered Jasmin had made a promise to a new friend that we'd have brunch with them down the street at a small bistro. How could she make friends so quick? I asked myself while still lying in bed. We've been in town for about five days. Already she made a dozen friends and was on the phone or texting people like they were war buddies or childhood friends. Jasmin must have just gotten up, her pillow was still warm....
Me and Jane were very close friends, we had a great connection and we were comfortable talking about anything together, she is one of my closest friends. She’s tiny (5foot 6) and had long red hair, a round face and a big smile, and the most stunning brown eyes you could just get lost in; she was absolutely beautiful I’d been caught staring at her many a time, thankfully I wasn’t the only one with these feelings she obviously shared my feelings but we had never hooked up before. We were 15...
Fortunately, Bonnie was a light sleeper, because early the next morning, she heard their parents come in upstairs. She woke up her siblings and they scrambled out of bed, all of them still naked. They hustled the bed away and into their clothes. Bonnie went upstairs and bought them time. They got away with it. Who would expect their children to be fucking each other all night? Soon after, Bonnie left. The entire drive home she felt guilty, vowing to never do that again. With either of them....
Oh, god, what the hell had she just agreed to? Her nipples were so tight and so hard they actually stung, and her pussy was practically flooding, he was getting her so fucking hot. As Damien took his sweet time sliding her buttons free on her white silk blouse, trailing a warm damp path with his tongue over every inch of skin he exposed, the hotter he was getting her the more convinced Deana was that she’d actually lose her mind before he even got her naked. Her poor pussy nearly convulsing...
ReluctanceGreek Island, hidden harbor on Mediterranean Sea, "We just got a report from Bai," reported Aleia. "The C2 is on the way to where Max Reynolds dropped off the Cuban girl. They should be there in an hour. We think she is still alive, but there is a chance they've already killed her." "Let's pray that they're not too late," replied Sam. "Do we have any word from Bill or Ada?" "They're still in meetings at the Jordanian Embassy. As you always tell us, no news is good...
"Well Chris, I'm sure you have a really good story to explain where the hell you have been since last night, and how you ended up looking like a punching bag. Lets get you set up to have that head of yours looked at, and anyplace else that needs it, then we can all find some place quiet and talk." Bill led Chris up to the check in and his best friend at the check in desk. "Veronica, how did you end up bringing Chris here? I thought that you didn't care about him at all." Jamie asked...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007. The clanging sound of the dumpster being lowered to the ground woke me. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Ms. Kindle sitting at the kitchen table. She had my laptop open, and was reading something. I kept my eyes on her while I put on my pants. She didn't look up as I raced past her on my way to the bathroom. "Good morning, what does 'MIN' mean?" she asked when I returned to the kitchen. Her question told me that she was reading the automobile...
I flirt with the ladies. It is just something that I did. I did it without even thinking about it; it just came natural. None of them were ever going to take me up on anything I said and I knew it. Christ, I was fifty-two years old and the girls I flirted with were all in their twenties and were married or had boyfriends. Besides, they all knew my wife and thought that we were happily married. We weren't. Weren't happily married I mean, and hadn't been since the day two years ago when I...
STAR WARS A long time ago there was a galaxy far far away which is constantly in turmoil. No matter what era, there is always some conflict going on. While this is a perfect recipe for many a legend to arise, especially with a mystical power like ‘the force’ touching so many, most people forget there are plenty more non-force-sensitives who are just trying to live their lives. These are an anthology of stories of the previously ignored people who make up the backbone of the star wars galaxy.
DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....
. I do not consider myself to be a true cuckold, or a wimpy husband, I am quite the opposite very much a Alpa male. But the fact is, I love watching my wife have sex with other men. For some reason watching my woman being pleasured by another man is a massive turn on for me, Dont ask me why, I have asked myself that question many times over the years and I cant answer it.All I know is that, it is what it is, and has become a very big part of our sex lives. Over the last 15 years my wife...
“You left this note for me?” She finally spoke slowly and carefully, running her fingers over the words. “The morning when you were gone... this was there for me, but I missed it?” With an excruciating amount of concentration, he kept his words organized and did not allow them to spill out at once. “I figured you must have been starving, I knew I was, so I only got up to grab some food from the lobby for us to eat. When I told you that I didn't bring you there to sleep with you, I meant...
It’s either walk or fuck! So goes the situation for JMac, who’s essentially willing to get fired for the love of his wife. It’s their anniversary and they’ve got dinner reservations to head to, but his boss Kayla Kayden throws an extra 10 pounds of work on his desk at quittin’ time and tells him she needs it done by midnight. His hot blonde boss threatens to fire him when he tells her he’s not staying late, but JMac balks, forcing her and her big tits to come up with another brilliant idea....
xmoviesforyouLast summer i was working on one of those camps for fat k**s in the Australian outback but lets get this said right now this story isnt about the campers, its about the weekend off i spent with the Robbins twins. Whilst im not the prettiest boy working at the camp i certainly wasnt the ugliest either i stand a little over 6 feet tall, stocky to slightly chubby build, dark hair and eyes. I was in awe of these two tanned, tall and slightly curvy 22 year old goddesses, they could have passed for...
I am narrating my first story. I am regular reader of ISS. This happened 12 years back when I was 20 years of age. Now I am 32 years old. This is the true incident which happened in my life a memorable and sweet experience. My name is Abhi from Bangalore. (Name changed). I am here submitted story about the encounter with my aunty who is far relative of mine. First I like to tell you about my aunty her name is Megha (Name Changed). She also from Bangalore only. When this encounter has happened...
Matt went inside the room and saw Trevor, lying on the bed, naked and motionless, with his eyes shut. Matt walked toward the bed and sat on the right side of Trevor. He watched Trevor's nude body, which was then very pale but very muscular. He marveled at Trevor's well-toned body, just looking at it made him very hard. Matt placed his hands on Trevor's breasts, feeling his taut muscle beneath his palms. He moved his palms over Trevor's shoulders and caressed his way back to his breasts. He...
Gay#17, Way of the People January 16 The explosion in #1422 of the Lanhua Teacher's Apartment complex destroyed that apartment, and seriously damaged the one on either side of it and the ones above and below. Thus it was that the watchers of Dr. Fa were out on the street and could not check their listening devices until early in the morning of the next day. Being state of the art, and thus, completely electronic, some of the disks used to record everything were damaged. The equipment that...
Every Sunday Neel would drop by my apartment for hours of sex with his rock hard and ready cock. Mind you, I loved the way he would eat me out while I was giving him a blow job, but he always wants to have me on my knees so he can penetrate both holes.. I love when he annals me I squirt crazy plumes and he loves every minute of it. Neel is a handsome Indian with a light whitish complexion, ten inch solid fat cock' jet black long hair, a tattoo with my name on his forearm, sexy cleft chin...