Money!Chapter 35 free porn video

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Janet and I were up moving around at five o’clock. Janet shook Sheena and Nikki so they could hostess for us. Donna woke up and said that she didn’t have anything happening today and asked if she could come too.

Janet said, “Okay, but you’ll have to act like you’re a hostess in training so that the customers don’t think they’re being taken advantage of.”

Sheena said, “The customer is three couples with two teens, so it won’t be that full. I’ve ordered the food to be picked up at the park before we leave. They’ll have a snack after we’re airborne and a good meal for lunch. That part of the flight will be about four hours, so there will be plenty of time to serve everything.”

Janet and I were dressed business casual today, with me wearing my sport coat to hide my shoulder harness. Janet had taken some advice from Lisa and had a holster that fit on her thigh. She wore a knee-length flared skirt that made access easy if she ever needed it, but we had to be careful as she wasn’t licensed to carry in states that didn’t have reciprocal agreements with Florida. I planned on asking the folks out west what I could do about that.

The three girls all wore cute fairly short skirts with shirts that had the Island Paradise logo on them. Diego gave us two dozen shirts for all the hostesses who would be flying customers to the resort.

We bought some breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds, along with some milk and juice. The food made the early morning flight to Chicago that much shorter. We had picked up enough food for five couples and not just three with two kids. It was a good thing that we did as we found the original three couple with two additional couples and two additional children when we arrived in Chicago. I asked them if they all had reservations and they assured me they did. The Gulfstream is a big plane, so it wasn’t a big deal but I wanted some extra for the additional weight. The primary customer happily agreed to the extra we asked for. They were lucky we were using a G650 that was configured for more passengers. We refueled in Chicago in preparation for a nonstop flight to Costa Rica.

We had to wait an hour because one couple had forgotten their passports, but their apartment was nearby. We left Chicago at nine-fifteen, and landed on the home island at one forty.

It took all three girls to keep up with the requests from the fourteen people on board. They did keep Janet and me in coffee. I took the time to take the girls up to the big house, but this was Saturday and almost everyone on the island was at the markets in Limon.

We left Costa Rica and were back at home and on the patio by six. It was Janet who said, “That ride took care of all our expenses for the week. We’d be rolling in money if we could get a couple like that every Friday and Saturday. This next week is going to be good, because we have a flight to Hawaii and two from out west to the resort. We’ll have the new 650 in the air if Jimmy passes it Monday.”

Kissa was in her new office all day, trying to get settled in and learn everything she has to do. She said, “The phone constantly rang with people wanting to know about the courier jobs and the type ratings,” when she rode home with us. “I told all of them to fill out the online applications for a background check and we would call them. I did get a couple of people, one male, one female, who are type rated on both the King Air and Gulfstream. They are both looking for regular work and not just a couple of hours a week. They both said they would fill out the online apps.”

“Sounds like you had a decent day, Kissa. Do you feel more comfortable doing the job we need you to do?”

The girl said, “I can do this. I doubted myself because no one has ever asked me to be responsible for anything in my whole life. My folks didn’t help me much by giving me everything and not making me do house chores. I felt good today learning the software for our service and linking to the charter server. Betty, DeDe, and Star really did spend a lot of time teaching me. The way they have the phones set up is for me to pick up when they are on the phone. I’ll have all the schedules available and can answer questions about requests. The charter office will confirm everything I do, and they will watch my input to see how I’m doing. We might need a second person if we get that many pilots and more airplanes.”

Saturday evening was very relaxing. I took my family, including Fran and Kissa, to Park Place for an Italian meal that was second to none. I had called for reservations only to find out they were booked, but they promised to try to get us in if we came and stayed in the lounge while we waited for a table. We had a good time having some drinks in the lounge and joking together. The hostess came to get us at eight-thirty, and was able to seat all eight of us at one big table. She said for us to enjoy our meal and not to hurry since we were going to be the last diners seated at this large table.

We all had a great meal. Gin even said that it was worth missing some sleep for a meal like this. The evening’s discussion was whether or not we might want to come out and spend a couple of nights in one of the cabins so that we could find out how we felt about having fun at a naturist park. It became Nikki’s job to get the details. Donna was given the job of finding out about us spending a weekend at the Island Resort. I think there were more details for Costa Rica than the Paradise Naturist Park.

Sunday was relaxed with a lot of the families out on one of the big sailboats. I thought that I should get prepared for the trip out west. Fran said she had her clothes ready so that we could leave in the morning. My cell phone rang about three in the afternoon. It was my contact. “Two things, Miller; one, can you come out today so that you’ll be ready to roll in the morning, and the second is if you can bring Janet Peterson with you? We want to begin some training with her, and this would be a good time. We know you have a charter service and do courier work for the DOD, but we want her to have some knowledge about what you do. Tell me if I’m wrong, but she has become someone important to you, and you two may be flying with each other a great deal.”

I didn’t know how to respond, and told the man, “Janet doesn’t understand military lingo or have much strength. What happens if she’s involved in a firefight that she’s not prepared for? I can’t have that. Janet is the wild pet in the pen who doesn’t have a clue as to what’s happening in real life.”

The voice on the phone said, “That’s why we want her to come to us for the time you’re here. We think she’s tougher than you give her credit for. We think we can teach her to react the way it would be necessary when and if the time comes. We think she can be that last line of defense should it become a factor.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to her and see if she’ll come with me. This is a major change in our business plan.”

The voice said, “We will not let your business take a hit because we want to teach your partner something. One of our people will step in and take care of business if that’s what it takes.”

“Let me talk to her and I’ll call you back. The staff will have to do some rearranging because we do have charters tomorrow.”

I went out to the patio to find Janet. She was talking to Sal’s women. I went up behind her and snuggled her with a kiss in her hair over her ear. My love groaned and said, “There is only one man on earth who will give me that kind of kiss. What’s up?”

I softly said, “I need to talk to you for a minute. Come inside in case you decide to get loud.”

That made Janet laugh, as she wasn’t a yeller or screamer when things didn’t go her way. She would buckle down and try harder to make it work the way she wanted.

I sat Janet on the couch in the suite’s living room area. “You know that I’m going out west for training tomorrow, Janet?”

She nodded and continued to wait for a reason to react.

“I just talked to my contact and they would like you to come out with me for some initial training. Fran is going to learn one area, and I’m going to be assigned to the helicopter group to learn how to fly a lot of different kinds of helicopters. The senior staff feels that you would be an asset if you were to have training in some different areas. I can’t influence you in this, because you have to make this decision on your own. I’m not sure I want you to be involved in what I might have to do.”

Janet smiled and said, “This is strange, because I just spent a couple of hours playing with the quads and talking to Lisa about what she did with Chuck. She wouldn’t tell me everything, but she did tell me that she probably is the reason he’s still alive. She said that I might be called upon to receive some training. I just didn’t think it would be this soon. Will I go out there with you? I’ll go without question, but Kissa is going to go nuts trying to keep us current with me not here.”

“I guess I’ll have to tell them to send at least one pilot for us to use. I’m undecided as to whether or not this is good for you, but it probably is. I can get you an Emergency Deputy commission, but you’d have to go to the Deputy Academy to be a regular Deputy. I can’t see you going away for six months.”

Janet laughed, “Not likely. Let me be a help to you when you need it and see how it goes. I’m good for this; call them if you have to let someone know. What do I need to wear?”

“Regular clothes. Fran and I will wear BDUs and you will be issued what’s necessary when we get there. I’m not sure how the housing will work out, but it should be okay. We don’t get to be with each other but a couple of nights a week anyway. They want us to come out this evening so that we’re ready in the morning.”

I called my contact and told him that Janet is willing to try to learn what’s necessary. I also told him that we would be leaving within an hour, and to look for us in three to four hours.

Kissa was the next person I needed to talk to. She was out at the Airpark but Betty and Star were sitting at a table on the patio playing cards. “Betty, Star; Janet and I have to go out west for some training. We’re going to be gone for most of the week, so Kissa may need to stay in your office for the week. Let her give it a try in her new office if you can watch her. Her big problem is being short Janet. See what you can do to give her the pilots she needs.”

The two women said they would make her feel comfortable and help her stay organized.

I went in and changed into BDUs and boots, and packed my extra BDUs and boots into a duffle bag. Fran made sure that I had my equipment case and my laptop before we begged a driver to take us to the Airpark. All our women were gone, so we would talk to Kissa at the Airpark.

We had to use a tow motor to get my CJ4 out of the hangar and then shut the doors on one of Wes’ twins, two G650ERs, and a CJ4 that might not be anyone’s because of its condition. Kissa wasn’t that upset and said that she might have to rely on Betty and the other two women more than she should.

I did the exterior inspection and made sure Fran was buckled in. She liked the communications desk, so she was sitting there with the monitor already up.

Janet was good with the right seat and read the checklist to me right up through setting the altimeter. The flight out was peaceful and we had dropped down to under ten thousand feet, cancelled our flight plan, and shut the transponder off. I called in on the appropriate frequency to have them turn their ILS on, but was given a curt reply of changing to another frequency. I changed to that one and called again. A voice said that I was to use non-monitored airport procedures.

Thank goodness that I had saved the settings for this location in memory, and flew past it before coming around to line up to land. I made the announcement on both channels of my intention to land and was lined up descending to touchdown. Janet said, “Give it some gas and check out what’s on the runway. There’s a couple of trucks out there and what looks like a fighter that’s wrecked. You can’t use the main, but the crosswind runway is clear.”

I retransmitted my intention to land on a different runway and lined up for that one. Janet hollered at the last minute, “Pull up, pull up, there’s something across the end of the runway. We’ll have to fly over that obstruction and come in on a shortened runway If we’re going to use that one.”

I went around again, and checked the entire length of the runway. I was a little hot and came down hard as soon as I cleared whatever was stretched across the runway. I knew which taxiways to use and cut across to those in back. We were looking in every direction and saw the big doors open. They didn’t completely open as usual, but opened just enough for me to pull in between the doors. I was being waved to immediately shutdown.

Fran was freaked and already had her MP5 out, loaded, and ready. Over the regular channel the voice said, “No Gas, Mother.”

“Go ahead, Mother, this is No Gas.”

“All personnel are out on the perimeter to repel a problem. You may deplane if you want, but stay with your aircraft. You may be called upon to reinforce our men outside the building.”

I put my field vest on and loaded what magazines I had. I put the fifty together and made sure that I had sufficient magazines for it as well.

We looked around and found a tow motor and used it to position the CJ4 over one of the ground connections so that we could have power inside the aircraft. I radioed, “Mother, No Gas.”

“Go ahead, No Gas.”

“There are two of us that can do some sniping if that would help. Where is the enemy, and where are our people?”

“No Gas, this is Mother. Use the ports on the walls and look out toward the runway. Our men all have a bright green stripe. The enemy is on the other side of the main runway. We have no idea of how many there are.”

I asked, “Where are the helicopters? I could use one to attack over there.”

“Most of our equipment is all on a bivouac down on the border. We don’t want to recall them unless necessary.”

I went back inside the airplane and put my .308 together. I wasn’t going to outrun anyone with that and all my other weapons. Fran did what I had done and left her fifty in the plane. We found the ports in the big door that faces the runway and pushed the flap open. I had to tuck the flap into the back of the top in order to use the scope. Janet stayed with the airplane to monitor and relay communications.

I scanned this side of the runway and saw several men inching their way toward the main runway. I checked on the F-18 that was crumpled on the runway and saw four men trying to take equipment from the aircraft. I could plainly see that they didn’t have a green stripe, so I lined up and it was like plinking squirrels as a kid. I had three of them down before the fourth was running away from the wreck. Fran nailed him before he had run twenty feet.

Fran hollered, “There is a large concentration of them just to right of where that guy was running. Get your fifty and unload on them while they’re together.”

I ran to the aircraft and grabbed the fifty and ten explosive rounds.

Sighting in on them wasn’t a problem, as they were crowded around another of the same kind of truck that was on the runway by the airplane.

The first round was into a group who were surrounding someone who was talking to them. Two men made a run for the two trucks on the runway, but Fran immediately finished both of them off. Those men who were still together seemed to be trying to get some equipment from the back of the truck that was right there. I wanted to mess up whatever it was that they wanted before they could get at it.

The fifty put a round into the middle of the big truck which caused a bigger explosion than I thought possible. Whatever they had in there was hot.

Fran said, “Someone has made it to one of the trucks on the runway and is trying to get something out of the open bed. Oh shit, they have an RPG.”

Fran shot her .308 at the same time I put another explosive round into the other truck. There was a big ‘kaboom’. The blast was strong enough that whatever was in the second truck detonated and there was nothing but junk left. That’s when we saw two groups of men with green stripes on their back closing in from each side of where the enemy had been gathered. There couldn’t be that many more of the enemy, but we would have to search the entire area to make sure. We needed a helicopter with infrared detection to browse the area to make sure we have cleaned them all out.

We heard a cart coming from the far end of the huge hangar and let it get up close to us. We were a little worried as the headlights could blind you if you stared at them.

The driver had come straight toward us and stopped inches from me. Fran had the guy on the ground searching him for weapons before he could say anything. The man said, “We’re going to lift a reserve helicopter from below that has infrared equipment on board so that we can search. The crew chief of the bird is also the door gunner. You should be able to fly this. Let him tell you how high you need to be to still spot warm bodies. I have four troops who will go with you should you have to chase anyone.”

Fran was looking at the CJ4 and back at me. I told her, “You stay here and let me go take a look. Bring Janet up to date on what’s happening. Hopefully, this bird they’re sending up has armament. I don’t know how to use it but I’ll learn.”

A newer model Huey, or at least an upgraded one with the rotor system from the Twin Huey and, I suspected, a more powerful engine, rose from the floor and was pushed off the platform. Two men who were on the aircraft were immediately all over it checking things similar to a preflight. I pulled one aside to find out who the crew chief was. I had him. I told him to take a minute to show me how to operate the infrared. He handed me a helmet and showed me how a loupe sight could be pulled down over one eye to give me a heads up display of both visual and infra-red, IR, imagery. He said he would power it up and that the door gunners had similar displays.

There were sponsons on each side with Vulcan Gatling guns mounted and connected to large metal ammo boxes for forward fire in addition to the door guns on flex mounts. I had the man show me how to fire the weapons and then I made sure the belts were free and that there was electrical continuity to the mechanisms.

The crew chief told me to go ahead and spool the helicopter up and the doors would open just enough for us to get out. I would hopefully go through the center of the opening.

Same as Money!
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Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathiyill naan velai seiyum idathil irukum hrai matter seitha anubavathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalm, en peyar selvam vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan puthithaaga oru IT niruvanathil velaiku sernthen, angu ennai HR thaan velaiku serthaar. En kudumbathirku pothum alavirku kai niriaya sambalam koduthaargal, enaku HR theivam pola therinthaargal. Avargal 5 natkal velai meetham ulla iru natkal jollyaaga irupaargal. Athu pola thaan oru naal...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorsChapter 3

We expected the torture chamber to be hidden in the basement if it were in this building. We looked around for stairs leading down. We finally found them when we located the fire stairs. There were two levels below the ground floor, and we decided to start at the bottom and work our way up. There was an "emergency" light already turned on, so we did not have to use our own lights or night-vision glasses to see where we were going. The lights were surprising if the building really were...

3 years ago
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Exwifes vacation gangbang by cumslut j

Our Florida vacation was down to it's last day.2 weeks before our long anticipated trip, I received a package at work. It contained a short video and a demand. The video was of my hot attractive wife doing a large group of black guys. They wanted money. I sent a request for longer video, as it was not possible to identify her. It was quite easy to see and hear her, but WTF. I asked her if she had been messing around.. Quickly said... No. Didn't mention the tape.Dani is about 5'4, size 6, 36 c, ...

1 year ago
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CousinChapter 5

Dan awoke the next morning with sunlight streaming through the window. The air was already hot and he guessed it must be nine o'clock or later, judging from the angle the sunlight made coming across the window sill. He looked over at Lisa who was still sleeping. His eyes slid slowly over her naked form. With her wrists and ankles tied to the bed she was completely exposed, especially since her pubes were shaved bare. "She's lovely," he thought. "But even better I couldn't begin to dream...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 56

On Thursday after school we all left school and went straight to Jack's house. Once there we loaded his luggage into the back of the Blue Whale, then drove to get Linda's stuff. We were listening to a new tape that Jack had got from his dad. “This movie will be out next month, and my dad got me an advance copy to see what I thought of it.”|We were all blown away, the songs were all really great. We recognized Irene Cara's voice right away, as well as Kim Carnes. But even though we did not...

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 3

Catherine knew if her bosses found out she had been arrested for prostitution, even on a trumped-up charge, she would definitely lose her job at the very conservative firm where she worked. Her husband, son, and teenage daughter would never understand. She knew her husband, he was always jealous of men hitting on her and he would always wonder if she were telling him the truth. He had tried to talk her out of going by herself. Fortunately for Catherine, her husband could not be bothered with...

3 years ago
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Slick and Slide

Slick and Slide ©2011 C.J. McNally. All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright. Any attempt to steal it WILL result in prosecution. Plagiarism is a crime. ‘No! I can’t – I won’t!’ Darren begged. The burly body builder squirmed beneath his tightly clad leather bound mistress. ‘Yes, you will.’ Her voice was cold and distant as she straddled his chest. She teased him with her feather whip before commanding obedience from him with a sharp stinging swat across his heaving,...

3 years ago
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Mr Miller Lets me go

Introduction: End of the Miller Rape Saga … ?? Part 3 Prequels are Cornfield Rape and Mr. Miller Begins to use me. Im not sure how long Mr. Miller left me alone in that room. It was afternoon when he had finished fucking me, and I could see the sun starting to go down. In the time Id been alone Id gone from panting at the door wanting him to come back to crying on the bed ashamed of being used like I had been. I was so confused. Could Mr. Miller be right? Was I really just a nasty little slut...

1 year ago
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Is Porn MD the google of porn? As I’m sure you are already well aware, there is an infinite amount of porn sites like out there on the web today. Even if you spent all day, every day, browsing every porn site that exists, you would never run out (kids, please do not attempt this at home). The reason is that there are new sites created every single day.With that said, so many of the free tube sites out there are very similar. They have small differences here and there, different...

Porn Search Engines
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Private Eveline Dellai Anal Addicted Model

Eveline Dellai is one our top models in Private Blockbuster, The Sexy Side of Fashion, and today, she’s about to prove why! You see, this sexy babe doesn’t just like to pose for her photoshoots, she likes to get down and dirty too, and after a hot set with her director, Bruce Venture, she’s ready for a live show! So enjoy the gorgeous Eveline in action on as she treats her lucky director to a spectacular blowjob in his pool before taking things inside for a hard anal pounding...

3 years ago
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The Voyeur and the Unexpected Exhibitionist

The story begins in Italy, where my wife Danielle and I were on a one week holiday at a small coastal village. We had both been very busy with our work lives, and we'd decided that we needed some time together for some fun. Danielle is around five foot eight inches tall, with a slim but curvy figure that some people would call 'hour-glass'. She has a good round ass, and amazing breasts that look awesome in gym or regular vests, which she knows is a particular liking of mine. Like so many...

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Fucked Part 1

"Get on your knees" it was more of a demand than a request, my boyfriend had had a hard day at work and wanted to relax and the best way to do that was to lose himself in my body.I smiled up at his naked body, "make me"His hand lashed out and caught me across my large rounded breast, making it lift and bounce against my body, the red mark instant across my nipple making it harden, rosy and swollen like a freshly picked cranberry.The moan escaped my lips , joined by an intake of breath as his...

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An Allegory Moki and Susan

She'd been lazy today, tired of looking at flowers, so barehanded up the sheer breccia tower she'd climbed, just for the fun of it. Its face was a 5.10 non-trad pump, if you can imagine, but up the lithe little botanist had ascended like a leaf in an updraft, not the full seventeen hundred feet, of course, nobody can do that; this skilled young woman had gone up only as far she could, where, luckily, she had happened upon a sunny small rock strewn cwm at about 66 feet, garnished with a lone...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 28 Katiersquos Proposition

Heavy snow was falling over the Kansas City metro with four inches already on the ground with more on the way. Warnings had been issued that the city should expect power outages and road closures. With the impeding blizzard Mrs. Jackson wanted to grab some groceries and other necessities for the weekend. The sexy mother felt the stare from many men, even those shopping with their wives, at the stores she visited. She was dressed in a black sweater, a tight pair of blue jean jeggings with...

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Great Everyday Sex

Suddenly kisses get more intense and much deeper, and I feel your hand over my hip slowly sliding up my side and onto my breast. This is making me so horny. I already feel that my pussy is moist and ready for you. I feel your fingers teasing my hard nipples, your hand fondling with my breasts. I do the same with my hand, touching your body, hips first and then moving to your perfect bottom, sliding my hand up your back and down again, feeling the warmth of your body, softness of your...

1 year ago
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Cross dressed fucked and loving it

I opened the door to see two really attractive women, a blonde and a brunette, definitely C cups, and dressed to show them off. They must have been wearing four inch plus leather heels that went up to the knee, tight short skirts, and tops that didn’t leave much to the imagination. I was rock hard and they hadn’t even said anything yet. Both of them were carrying two huge suitcases, and when the blonde saw me look down at them she said, “Oh, were going to have so much fun tonight!” The brunette...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 5

Although dad had said that apart from costs, he had given me basically all the money we had made. I found out he had also kept a small portion as an emergency fund. After a couple of years, we never needed the fund, so Mom persuaded Dad to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams. Dad wanted a Harley Davidson, but he didn’t want to buy a new one. He wanted to rebuild one, so he had more of a connection with it. He searched for several months before finding the one he wanted. It was a 1990...

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Mom Son Honey Camping 4

I woke up in the tent next morning replaying some of the events that had occurred previously. My mother and I had gotten honey on her shirt and my pants so she asked me to “clean” her chest and she “cleaned” my penis. That evening, in order for us to get any sleep without me having a raging hard on, mom let me cum inside her. Finally, all this sexual tension and teasing boiled over at the beach when my mother and I finally broke through and christened our new relationship, at least I hope...

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Interviewinghellip Taylor

Interviewing… TaylorAuthor: Bonercreator69My luxurious position as a presenter certainly has its perks, guesting on popular television shows, accepting invitations to top-class awards show but my favourite had to be interviewing smoking hot women from across the globe. The first show of Musician’s Mysteries: The Girls was a show I was looking forward to just as I had the previous two interviews I’d filmed on different shows. This one would be different to the others, however, because my guest...

2 years ago
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Turning Towards Ohio

Hey Folks. Here's another tale of broken hearts and broken dreams. But also of getting up and getting on with it. Once again my gibberish is cleaned, polished and bejeweled by the GREAT (he claims he isn't legendary) Barney-R. This one isn't as long as the one from two weeks ago but I think it's still a good story. For any of you who speak with a Southern accent, please don't take offense to my tongue in cheek versions of it. I used it not to insult or pick fun but because women with...

3 years ago
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Point of No Return Part 21

Stepping into the back room he glanced out the window of the door. Melissa was still curled up where he had left her, and all three dogs lay around her. He quietly opened the door and stepped out side. All three dogs took notice and got up and trotted over to him. Mike knelt down and patted all three while quietly speaking to each one. Still not moving Melissa slept soundly. Her dreams filled with a room full of horny dogs. She was laying on a floor, a dog over her and she was...

3 years ago
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Die Chat Bekanntschaft

Vorwort : Es ist alles erfunden, weder Namen noch die Geschehnisse sind jemals passiert =) Sie hieß Jana, sie war 16 Jahre alt, kam aus einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von Koblenz. Sie war sehr hübsch, hatte braune Haare , weiche Wangen, kleine dennoch volle Lippen und grüne Augen. Sie war ca. 1,65m groß, hatte 75B Brüste und einen Teenager knackigen Apfelpo. Sie war die schönste in ihrer Klasse, ja sogar die schönste im Dorf. Alle Jungs standen auf sie. Doch sie wollte sich aufbewahren für...

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Sophia sucht Befriedigung

Sophia Neuberg war wieder einmal gefrustet. Außenstehende würden es nicht verstehen können, denn auf den ersten Blick hatte sie alles was sich eine Frau nur wünschen konnte. So war sie seit bald 5 Jahren mit dem reichsten Grundbesitzer der ganzen Region verheiratet, lebte mit diesem auf einem riesigen Anwesen, mit einem Pool, einem Tennisplatz und eigenen Stallungen. Seit ihrer Heirat brauchte sie auch ihren Beruf, sie hatte als Tierärztin gearbeitet, sondern konnte sich allein darauf...

2 years ago
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Scottish Sean Reposted

I walked into work and put my coffee on my desk and my bag on floor. Morning Sean I said looking around the office. Sean was from Scotland, hed transfered down here about 6 months ago and I knew hed wanted to fuck me from the minute hed laid his eyes on me. I liked him instantly, he was funny and charming although he didnt have the sean connery accent I assumed all Scots had, he had a proper Scottish accent as he put it. Wow said Sean Youre either off out to see some customers or you have a...

1 year ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 4

Gangbang at Ricks part 4 I got my C/D Sissy, BB bubblebutt tag teamed at my daddy's place. yes there was 9 big cocks, nothing under 7", Daddy Rick was needed a slut, party with his horny poker pals, was going to pay a hot cutie, it was a close friends daughter, found out later. 200 bucks + tips, Rick called me to help him out ASAP, get Dressed be ready to play the whole weekend. Well here is how fun we had...

2 years ago
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UniversityChapter 47

Though classes weren't officially in session, I had reading to be done. I was involved in an excessively arid tome concerning Evidence when my dad called on Sunday. They were arriving on Wednesday and would be staying at the Intercontinental for a week. I told him I was duly impressed and that we hoped to see them during their search for a suitable residence. He told me that sarcasm wasn't becoming. I said we'd see them and that I was going back to reading a text on evidence. He told me to...

2 years ago
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by Gail Holmes Gypsy was a girl that most men would give their eyetooth to date but she was a loner. She carried her name well, with her trim figure and lusty long dark hair and her dress sense was admirable, trouble was she didn’t appreciate the effect it had on the male population, off the shoulder blouses, flared skirts. Her mother had died when she was but eight years old, as an only child she’d been brought up by...

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Her 50th

What if… I felt like a stalker as I sat in the car, parked across the street from her house, waiting for her visitor to leave. I’d arrived in town late in the morning and took the extra time to scope out my surroundings. It’d taken many hours to get to where I was, and it was rather unlike me to undertake such a journey on the spur of the moment. However, there’d been a sense of determination the closer I got that what I was doing was the right thing, and that she’d appreciate it in the end. I...

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Whores in My Bedroom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Connie was not very pleased when she heard about my elder sister Nikki’s visit the coming week. Like all other women in the world, Connie, my dear wife of last three years, too did not seem to like the company of my relatives, certainly not when they plan to stay with us for a couple of days. Nevertheless, I consider this as natural trait to a woman, and therefore I did not blame her for her feelings. The call from Nikki came last night while Connie...

1 year ago
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Finally Anal With My Girl

So, it was my holidays after my 4th semester. My friends and I were all playing cricket in one of the empty sites with some houses around. You know the streets in India. Haha! So, one of my friends hit the ball to one of the houses, which also happened to the house of a girl I liked very much.We never talked to each other though. I really manned-up and went to her house to get the ball back. The ball was on the terrace. We went to get it. She wore tight black leggings. She told me to follow her...

1 year ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 6 Oathbinding

“Either swear a magically binding oath to become my loyal ... pet, or become my afternoon snack.” My foxkin’s shoulders slumped, and she raised a hand to her neck, and said, “Like a slave collar?” I shrugged. I didn’t know how they worked, so I couldn’t answer her question. Oaths sworn on my name are naturally binding, and I explained that to her. Instead of confusing her, I let her think I had the [Oathbinding] ability. There is power in names. As an eternal, like the greater fey and true...

3 years ago
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My cousin was in town

My cousin and her husband came to town. My cousin Stephany and her hubby Alex came over to our house to visit us. Stephany is a skinny girl, she’s been like that when we grew up together. She has B cup breast, I know this because I’ve seen them before. I walked in on her while she was getting dressed a few years back. Don’t get me wrong, Stephany is pretty hot, I know she’s my cousin but who said I can’t think about her while I masturbate or fuck Linda.I talked Stephany and Alex to stay at our...

2 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 56

The day of our departure was bright and sunny. We tested all of the electronics one last time before we disconnected shore power. We started the engines turning on the power converter and the generator. The desalination machine was going to be left off until we had depleted at least a quarter of our water. We had one last hug and handshake from all our friends on the dock before we began untying the lines and coiling them where they would remain for two or three weeks. As we pulled out,...

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