TandraChapter 93 free porn video

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Henry was usually quite tired now. His wives kept him busy when not trying to run the Empire or find the secrets the Fassoot employed. This make him happy because this is what he wanted his life to be like. The only missing attribute was the remainder of his family, and to a lesser extent his friends.

Henry had sent off much of the Fassoot ships to other parts of the empire in an effort for others to find out more about the physics involved. Data collected here was very good but sometimes actually touching the article led to breakthroughs.

There were far more than enough remaining pieces of wreckage to continue his own investigations.

Ingrid and Taylar did what they could to help run the Alliance. The AIs that were now much more intelligent helped as well and the arrangement seemed to work well. Family gatherings were arranged and this way everybody could talk to everybody else. The mothers usually held Henry's children so he could see them himself. Their questing little minds though were not able to span the distance and Henry felt bad about this.

Mom joined the grouping and walked over to Henry and said, "We have another incursion Henry."


"A little less than 900 lights from here. A battleship was suddenly destroyed. One ship of a destroyer escort was able to give a warning, then it too ceased transmitting. There were four other destroyers in this group. I have no further information."

"I need Mom and Bennechi with some of the small intelligent probes. I have a feeling that the same problem is going to happen again."

I turned to the family and smiled, "We were attacked again. I'm going to have to see what the cause is this time and try to rectify it before it happens again."

They of course objected but they did know that nobody else could do what I did. Mom and Bennechi now clothed in a much smaller hull accepted me with six of the small probes. This time I had my two girls hold the six sentient probes and they too added their thrust. With enough bracing and tractors this would work fairly well. The problem was that we were not ready. We had to rely on just two giving a partial thrust until either a new hull or some alterations were made.

It still took eleven hours to get to the area. High energy particles showed where the ships had gone and I followed. After a half hour I returned the way we had come to check further up the trail. An hour later I found our ships or the dust that at one time had been them. Nothing was larger than a pea. There were no distress signals or any indications of life.

One probe was sent to look anyway and I chased after the attackers. With at least thirteen hours head start it would be difficult to catch them if they didn't slow down themselves. I put two more probes to assist us but at partial power. When that worked the last one joined in. We were now going probably faster than whoever attacked the small fleet. It could be the Fassoot but it could also be a half dozen other races trying to find a quieter place to live in this galaxy.

This way of travel was difficult because I had to constantly monitor all the forces pushing and affecting our small craft. I regretted immensely not getting the hull built right the first time. When we came to a system I just slowed enough to find out if it had been inhabited. I realized that if it had been it would not be now. A Tandra base was destroyed and since there were no ships or dust in orbit I had to assume it had been deserted or everybody including sleepers would be dead.

More worlds passed and eventually another ahead was found interesting because it was being destroyed. Like last time I knew that there was only one way to deal with this. The probes were dispatched to watch from a distance and I moved in. There were five battleships this time. I had pushed thousands of Tandra craft at one time but not with the energy I needed now. The ships looked to be Fassoot. As they accelerated out of the system a chance configuration presented itself. Three ships formed an equilateral triangle.

Three tubes were formed and quickly attached to all three craft. They were further apart than the last time but I worked very hard to drive them into a central point. In a split second they travelled the enormous distance picking up speed all the time. They hit much harder than last time and all three blew up when they met.

Again my mind was hit hard. A split second later another attack came and Mom repeated her last rescue. I was thrust into the maze and Mom and Bennechi tried to ram at their best speed. Tractors held us even at this distance.

I recovered much later because the attack on my mind had been so great. There happened to be twice as many survivors to inflict this on me. Mom said, "Our hull has been destroyed Henry."

This I knew was the probable outcome. I did concentrate on the five probes and saw the two surviving ships stop and then return to the scene of their dead cohorts. Smaller ships left the large hulls and searched for any further attackers. It took less than five minutes before the ships returned to the battleships. It looked like they would just continue their journey of destruction. I had done too well and there was no need for the Fassoot to stay.

Thinking about the two worlds that they had killed I moved very close to the small opening in the maze connecting the computer here with the ship on the other side. As soon as I saw the two ships leaving I again sent out the tubes and attempted to destroy them. This time they were more ready and their attack came much quicker. I had to pull back and soon was ashamed of myself for being so weak.

In a moment I looked through the linked intelligences instead and saw that the ships had indeed hit each other. I could feel a filtered amount of a mental attack continuing because of the damage I had done. Both ships were partially damaged but not incapacitated.

Energy weapons set to wide dispersal came from the two damaged craft. Two of the probes were hit within the next hour and destroyed. The remaining three worked around to the course the ships would travel. I hoped that the Fassoot would only think that the attackers would come from the rear.

I was able to see an hour later that one ship had a ruptured hull and the Fassoot and their machines were beginning to make repairs. All the smaller ships were out now and shooting at anything larger than a speck of dust. This told me that the probes would not last long.

The less damaged ship though did have its own breach and just over the largest set of accumulators. Back in the opening to a probe I quickly drove just one tube into this opening and released as much energy as I could. I was able to pull back just a bit and didn't get much of the mental attack. Suddenly half of the attack stopped but I continued to hold my position.

Mom gave me the information, "Henry, you destroyed your target. It exploded taking two of the escorts with it and one was driven into the surviving ship. It was destroyed rather than let it hit the hull."

"Now for the other."

"The group is leaving. It cannot travel as fast now. The surviving escorts are using their tractors and assisting."

I peaked again but the mental attack was still going on and I could not concentrate well enough to continue the way I had before. When the probes started to give chase they were detected and all but one destroyed.

The energy weapons now started in earnest. The last probe failed but I was happy to see that the ships were not accelerating very fast. The probe I had previously left to find Tandra survivors had not found any. It now rushed to our position. It was the only device I had to work with.

The probe came up many hours later. I was a ble to detect wild but very strong fire continuing even though the ships were leaving. I sent the probe on a parallel course hoping to find out more about this enemy's movements. Mom had continued to send data to the rest of the Alliance about what was happening but did not show that the ship I was riding in was destroyed. They saw what the probe saw and what Mom allowed them to see of me.

Another idea struck me. I moved a half metre away and thought hard trying to find a nearby world with a Tandra computer on it. There were three and all were within centimetres of each other. One though looked different and I pushed cautiously in.

The area was pitch black and my altered eye could only see the fields around the crystals. There was no power to the computer. I entered fully and still nothing happened. It appeared that even the reserve energy had been consumed. I twisted my body to fit the five dimensions even though I thought that there were now more. All I could feel around me was rock with no passage ways. The base had been damaged or destroyed but I was not about to search for a reason now.

I went through the computer wall and then through three dimensional rock and debris. My direction was upwards now and soon found myself above a large rocky outcrop.

My mind searched for a Fassoot threat. The feeling was there but came from off on the other side of the local star. The feeling also told me they were coming this way and would be here in less than a week. The planet about me was populated by sentient beings.

I paused just long enough to sample their collective thinking. They were not Tandra but tasted something along the lines of what a Softay was like. They were all over but only a few individuals were close enough to distinguish or to read any thoughts.

The urge to find these thoughts was strong and in a moment I looked over a rocky ledge to see a group of Softay playing in the water under a small waterfalls. Concentrating on their thoughts I found them to be just children. Off in the distance more thoughts were felt from the more structured mind of an adult. The mind was not structured the way I knew the Softay were normally but not too different either.

This particular one I worked on but the distance was detrimental to my efforts. In a matter of ten minutes I found the adult. From the mind I found an old female to be almost completely blind from cataracts. From fifty metres I read her thoughts. The Dooka, which is what the race called themselves, were primitive. They knew nothing of mindspeech or other manifestations of the mind. Their technology was even less than what Earth's was at the start of the 1900s.

Before I pulled out I heard her say verbally, "Who is there? I can feel somebody in my mind." This was said both verbally and mentally.

I felt it important to answer and cursed myself a bit for not being more careful. "Hello old woman. There is a menace coming this way from space. I came to see what I can do to stop it from destroying your world. My job will be much more difficult because I cannot use any of your primitive machines to assist me."

The woman was very shocked now. Not so much about my ideas but that I had spoken to her this way. She thought a moment and instead of using her voice said with her thoughts, "Who are you?"

"Henry Buchanan, I am a different race than you are. I stand half again as tall as you with very little hair. We have been fighting this new enemy for only a few months but they are very strong."

"Are you from our Maker?"

"I hope I am but I do not think so. I have to go and see what I can find to fight with." I wanted to go because I could hear and sense a young Dooka approaching.

"You are not going to hurt us?" She asked.

"Mother, I call your people Softay, even though you appear to be a bit larger than the ones I am familiar with. Normally the Softay are able to communicate the way you and I are now. Your people are good-natured and much more timid than my kind. The people like you have the ability to work well with machines that fly in space. You assist our fighting races in making the Alliance a safer place to live for all of us."

The woman said, "We could have a space ship. Or I believe this may be possible. It has been such a long time since I have even thought of it. Most people think it is a myth."

This did stop me from leaving and I listened avidly. "Tell me more Mother. It may mean the difference with your world dying or not." This could provide a way for them to evacuate.

"There is a city not far from here called 'Landing'. It was always thought that the ship settled there but it may have moved. It was searched for but never found."

"Thank you Mother. I will look for it. You may have helped your entire race, goodbye."

"May the Maker go with you," I heard as I left. Seconds later I heard in my mind the Dooka morosely talk to her grandmother then get the shock of her young life.

I left slowly so that I could start the search for an elusive goal that may not even exist. At a few hundred metres I stopped and looked around using the strange power in my mind to find what was needed. The picture in the old woman's mind said the city was south east but I could not feel that this was the direction to go. Turning a slow circle I thought I found a better direction in the North East. If my senses were right then it would be close to the Tandra base I had emerged from.

I ran uphill the way I had come then more to the North for a half hour. Something my senses said was close. In half an hour I had found nothing but then looking at my steps I saw that they formed a curved path. The centre of this arc was somewhere inside a cliff that rose a hundred metres beside me.

A spy was close by and I looked up to the crest of the cliff. In a few seconds a small head peered over. It took a moment for the Softay girl to see me almost below her. I would smile but she would not understand. My arm did wave in the way the Dooka did in greeting.

The young one was shocked at my appearance. Her mind was strong and it was fairly well organized for her age. She got up and I knew she was going to flee. I had a small chuckle at her reaction and now looked to make my way through the wall of rock before me.

The female above had not completely gone though. She had tripped and fell over root then the precipice itself. I was barely twenty metres to one side and I could only use my PK after she had fallen a considerable distance. She hit a few outcrops of rocks as she came down. I felt bad because I was only able to help a bit.

I climbed up the pile of rock and found the girl bleeding from her temple. Her arm looked to be broken somehow and she was now unconscious. My PK was used again to pinch some of the blood vessels. The arm though needed a splint. If only I had a ship nearby, then her injuries would be easily repaired. One possibility was the ship I hoped that was nearby.

The small child was gathered up and I was careful of her arm. My environmental suit was de-energized and then energized with the child now on the inside. With her in my arms I just closed my eyes and went into sync with the additional two dimensions. It was a long walk and twice we came to hollow sections. My direction did not waver though and soon I found a much larger volume. The ship I felt must be close. The floor under my feet was regular and even flat. It did slope a bit but that must have been done by the movements of the planet's crust.

The open area altered and I went to the left and stopped. My normal eye could see nothing. My other one though could see the energy given off by a computer crystal and the odd field around an accumulator. In six more metres I put out my shoulder and felt a smooth hull.

While concentrating on the ship I gave orders for it to awaken. After a moment I could not find any response from either this area or the ship itself. The girl though was waking up.

When her eyes opened wide and saw nothing she started to remember the fall. "Relax Honey. I am trying to find a way of helping you. If you fight me now you will get hurt more."

The girl stiffened up and stayed as if she were dead. Her bladder did relax and I felt myself getting wet. I didn't mention this happening. "We are in a cave. I have to try to find something to help you. That means you have to be put on the floor but I can see that you are so frightened that you will run away. You cannot see and will just get hurt."

I de-energized the suit and laid the small form onto the floor. She wanted to run and I repeated myself, "You are reading my mind. I can read yours. Please don't run. You will only get hurt." It didn't sink in well. I reached into her mind and closed off the control to her voluntary muscles.

I stood now and used both hands to trace out the ship. Underneath was a small hatch used to power it up if needed. I had powered the compensator on a ship so it was easy to put power from the higher universe and through a very limiting choke. It took five minutes before there was enough power in the accumulators to begin some of the basic duties other than the computer booting up.

The computer was very simple with no AI at all. It was not a Tandra design but followed the same rules. In another eight minutes and the hatch opened and a ramp started down. Part way it got stuck. I directed the computer to go back and forth with the mechanism and it eventually lowered to the floor.

Lights now came on. They were sickly and only a few worked. Their equipment was nowhere as good as the Tandra. I walked up the ramp but had to stoop to walk within. I had to stay low or hit the ceiling. The ship was not very large but still large enough for a few thousand Softay to immigrate. It was about nine hundred metres long at a guess because I had to go by the scale on the simple layout.

There was what I guessed to be a medical section but I was only going to use my own power to get there. There was no way I was going to trust this antique technology. Meshing again with five dimensions I moved through the hull with no regard to the deck overhead. In five minutes I found the medical section but no tank, bone knitter or even a diagnostic unit. Their technology was no where near what the Tandra variety was.

They did have some simple stasis units. All of them were empty, and there wasn't even some cloth that I could use to hold a splint to the girl's arm. The ship was next to useless for this purpose. Going straight down I left the bottom of the ship and landed on the floor. The computer was commanded to put on all exterior lighting and this helped a bit. The machine was not even designed to take advantage of this way of communicating.

When I walked back to the girl I said, "This is a ship your people came to this world with. It is too old even when it was new to be of much help." The Tandra script on the floor under the child did give me other avenues.

After a bit of orienting myself I found the area devoted to emergency power. It was buried under rock from a cave in. Because of the noise I was going to make I said, "I have to dig a bit and I will be making some noise."

Rock was thrown with my PK but soon it was becoming tiring. My muscles now assisted and the job went quicker. It took close to an hour to get to the accumulator and took some rock away from critical areas. I fed power into this unit in small measured amounts. There could be many short circuits and this would destroy equipment with enough power going where it was not wanted.

I could sense the Tandra computer coming back to life. When it finished its diagnostics, I gave the Imperial override. The AI said, "Nefron Base at your command, your Majesty."

Do not energize the main shield. Putting it on now may damage the structure. Put some lighting to the main hangar."

"Yes your Majesty.

The lights did come on and it got very bright but I toned it down to where I wanted it to be. "Is your matter transmitter functional?"

"Only partially your Majesty."

"Bring me a manual bone knitter and med unit if possible."

In a moment the two units did come and I caught them. I walked over to the little Dooka girl and knelt beside her. "Sorry for being so long. I had to get some help." I showed the girl the two devices and said, "I am going to pull on your arm and then get the bone fixed. The pain will get smaller but will not go away just yet. Girls like you are too energetic and will damage your arm again without a reminder."

I used my foot and pulled on the arm as the bone knitter went to work. In a moment the med unit went and did its own job. When the task was completed I slowly released the arm and then the controls on her body. I helped her to stand, and called for some extra equipment.

The girl was amazed when some small things dropped into my hands. For the first time she said, "Are you a magician?"

I helped her to stand. "Not really Sweetie. I am just a person using tools that you know nothing about. Now come here a bit." I put on a small shield unit and handed her the Tandra equivalent of a flashlight. "You can go and investigate a bit but stay out of this ship. It's dangerous," I pointed to the only ship around. She would not even know it for a space craft because of its odd shape.

The girl wandered around but there was no need here for a flashlight but the darker areas needed it. I fed more power into the accumulators while quizzing the base computer of what assets it had available. It knew nothing of the ship now nestled in the base. The lithium had given out long ago. There were no Tandra about to assist and not direction to preserve the base. When the power gave out completely the shield collapsed. Soon the computer went onto internal power and then there was none left.

I went back into the computer and linked this unit to the others in my AI family. I found that my lone probe was monitoring the Fassoot and the system far ahead appeared to be the one I was now in. The mental attack had stopped and when the AIs said it was a good opportunity. I worked through the probe to fling two destroyers together. The mental attack started as did the weapons. The probe was far enough away to probably be missed. The battleship was left alone because I did not want this convoy to move quickly. The smaller Fassoot ships would be able to quickly come to this planet and continue their destruction if not hampered.

Coming back from the maze I found the little girl waiting for me. "What were you doing in there? My head hurts to look into that place."

"That is a machine that was made very smart like you or me a very long time ago. Her name is..."

The AI added for me, "I have none your majesty."

How about Dookie to work with the now primary civilization of this planet?"

Turning back to the girl I said, "This is Dookie. I know you will like her. You two chat for a while and she will get you some new types of food and something nice to drink."

"I need to... to go."

Finding the route to the nearest unit I helped the girl out of her clothes and said, "Do it here. When you are done Dookie will clean you too. You might even get cleaned in a cleanser. It makes you tingle, but you come out very clean." The girl was not very embarrassed and when she was done Dookie did what I asked then I took her to a cleanser. I picked her up and went inside myself. The smell of urine was still on me.

When we came out we both got a new uniform and hers was now Tandra. I read the symbols on her coveralls and said, "It looks like Dookie knows your name. She put Saldak on your coveralls. My name is Henry."

I spoke to Dookie myself but said it so Saldak could hear, "You have three functional mining units that could begin extracting lithium. I am going to power them up manually and you can begin to clean up the loose rock inside the base. When we get the Softay ship's shield up we can erect our own if there is no danger. I need to find something with a large enough compensator to get into space and take on the Fassoot before they get here."

"Yes your majesty. There are two spare units but they are not very strong. A fabricator is still functional though. A large compensator unit can be made in a day." This was a Tandra day and meant a bit over 16 hours.

While Saldak watched the world inside the base and with Dookie's assistance the world outside with her devices. She did get upset when I told her that her grandmother was seen frantically calling for her. When I detected this I used my own mind and sent a message, "Mother, do not be afraid. Saldak is safe. She fell and was hurt. She is now fully recovered and having the time of her life. Would you like to join her or have her come to you right now? It is your choice."

I could hear the reply but it was faint, "Her mother will be anxious. Her father has been taken by the Maker years ago."

"I will meet you with Saldak in half an hour."

"Thank the Maker."

Saldak came when called and she was only a bit hesitant to get into my arms. I moved us through the five dimensions of the rock around the base. I had some medical tools and said to Saldak, "Race you to your Grandmother?" I pointed the way and found her agreeing. "Let's go."

She ran fast for her but was soon tired. I stopped and with my arms open she ran to me. She squeaked when she found herself on my shoulders and I ran quickly to her grandmother. Before we got there I warned the woman so she would not be upset.

In a clearing I put Saldak down and she ran to her guardian and began to jabber about all the things she had seen and heard with her mind.

The old woman this time initiated contact, "What happened to Saldak?"

"She fell from a cliff when she was startled. I didn't catch her till she had already hit some rocks on the way down. She had a broken arm and a small concussion along with some scrapes and cuts. I have used a device to repair her body. She is even better now than she was before. In a few weeks the bone will have healed enough so it will not even be found by your doctors."

"Thank you for being so kind to her."

When I was closer I asked, "You are very welcome Mother. I may be able to help you as well. Do you want me to try to have you regain your vision? It will not hurt and only take a short time."

"... you may try."

The med unit worked for three minutes with her unconscious and then another two with the woman awake. When she looked up to me she was shocked at my size but she also was happy to see that Saldak was not only very happy but was happy at what had happened to her.

"Praise the Maker. I can see now."

"Your eyesight will improve in the next week. The device just told your body to heal itself and told it the best way of doing so."

The grandmother looked to Saldak and asked, "What happened to her clothes?"

"They were ripped, and a bit bloody." I added to just the old woman that they had urine on them but let her know that I was not offended. I continued, "The uniform she now wears is of the Tandra Empire. The Tandra have fallen in the last few million years and the Alliance has stepped in to take their place. The Tandra are the most prevalent and strongest partner in this union. The race you came from is another of the contributors along with many more. You may keep the uniform but it may cause problems. It will not wear out for a long time and eventually it will be seen as made by a different race than yours."

Saldak added, "I like these clothes. The machine in the mountain told me that she makes them new all the time. She said I can keep it."

The old woman asked, "Who is that?"

"You have just started to use electricity. A machine can be built that makes simple decisions very quickly. If you were given enough time these machines will let your people learn even more. Eventually the machine will be able to learn from its mistakes and become alive as we are. Some of my best friends live in one of these machines."

"Machines that think like us?"

"Yes they do. They are usually right and always very fast. They are not our masters but are our teachers and friends. I want them to be a leading force in the Alliance."

Saldak asked, "Dookie said you are the Emperor. What is that?"

I looked at her innocent question from all possible ways and simply said, "I am the leader of the Alliance. I came out here to kill our enemies and protect the Alliance."

"Are you like our Chancellor?"

"Yes Honey, something like that."

The woman asked, "Will you eat with us?"

"Oh yes, eat with us," Saldak said verbally as well.

"I would love to but there is too much work to do. If I am able to destroy the Fassoot then your people will never even know of the danger. If I fail then there is a great danger to all of you. In five days Saldak will show you where I took her into the rock. Come there and I will let you in. It is poor protection but maybe the Fassoot will miss you."

Same as Tandra
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Hi to all readers. This is Kumar, and I am from Bangalore. I have been working in an MNC for many years. Today I am going to share an interesting story about enjoying sex with my cousin. Let’s say her name is Alisha (name changed for obvious reasons). She is in her late 20’s and a little younger than me. Talking about her stats 34 – 28 – 30. We both stay not much far from each other’s place. She is almost my height at 5 ft. 6 inches. Her body structure can make anyone go mad over her. I had a...

3 years ago
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Lisa ndash Jack Meets a New Friend

Lisa woke up in Jack’s bed and as she moved, she could feel her asshole still stretched from the pounding of three cocks the previous night. She could also feel the wet spot under her ass as the semen oozed from her pussy and butt. She needed a shower and to brush her teeth as what cum had not been put into her body had been shot in her mouth or showered on her face and body.As she sat up, she noticed that Jack’s cock was erect as he slept beside her. Despite the soreness of her pussy the...

5 years ago
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Sissy Gets Used

Based on a true story!It was about 2 in the morning when I pulled into his apartment complex. As I drove to the back I could see the spot he was talking about, a big dumpster in an almost completely unlit part of the parking lot, so I did as he said and pulled into one of the parking spots right beside it. As soon as I parked I got a text from him: "Now do what I said."I responded, "You mean get in the back seat?""Yeah bitch, I'm on my way."So I did what he said. I hopped out of my truck and...

4 years ago
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Wild Adventure With Chat Friend

Hi, myself Ram from Bangalore and I am married. Being my first story spare the mistakes and enjoy the story. I am a decent and humble guy with love and respect. If u feel good or bad about my story you can mail me at I am not going to disclose the id and name of the girl for an obvious reason. Let’s come to the story….. I love surfing on the web and to kill my stress I will spend most of my time chatting online. I have been chatting with many since I started surfing online and have a very good...

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Devotee A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My son JJ had always had a spiritual side. I came from a religiously family and reacted against it. I would not call myself an atheist. I guess that I have always felt that I had a personal god - somebody to talk to in moments of crisis, to ask the question 'why?', or to shout at in moments of frustration. My wife too, came from a devout home. They were Catholics and when she married me and moved away from her family she chose not to...

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In my story WHILE MY MAN IS AWAY I detailed how I made up a threesome for much younger Maria and her man Karl. “Magic sex session, when can we do it again,” they both asked as I departed satiated. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience. “When was the last time...

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Punished for Pissing

The cock widened his asshole with every thrust. He gripped the park bench and lent into the 8-inch monster destroying his hole. The pink walls of his gape clung to the rod that pounded tears from his eyes. He gasped and bent down further, worshiping the rod that was striking him down."Get over here now!" He heard the voice behind the rod say into the phone, "I've got an extra hole for you!"He salivated. He knew what to expect. Strong hands gripped his waist as his pants slid down to his...

Gay Male
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Passion in ShangriLa Part 1

A big hug to MexicanGoddess, who inspired this story. Special thanks to ShyVixen and Wirelessbrain, who helped me editing this story. “Are we there yet?” Adriana asked cheerfully as she sat down on a piece of rock by the trail. “Not yet, sweetie, not yet.” Brian smiled and joked back, “But we’re pretty close to the trail end now, only about half a mile left. Are you tired?” “I’m a little sweaty, but it’s totally worth it. I love all the mountains, forests and fresh air here,” She took a sip...

Love Stories
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The Grim ReaperChapter 70 60 Minutes

Captain Crowley simply congratulated me on making it through SWAT and then told me that I needed to call CBS in New York. He gave me a phone number and told me to let him know what was going on. For my mind, I was basically done with publicity. The Army had mustered me out a second time, so they couldn’t order me back to New York, and if 60 Minutes wanted to do something on the MPD, they had to come to us in any case. The call went smoothly. Now that I was home from the Academy, CBS felt...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 5 Mother and Daughters Teasing Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mother and Daughter's Teasing Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My brother's plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as...

5 years ago
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Rowing Channel of Plovdiv has long is a paradise for athletes but also for people looking for a place to be I pressed boyfriend, but I do and I had no idea that it can "knock" something right there. Every week I go to run at least twice comb base, but instead of the runway, I prefer the alley near the river - more relaxed in principle, except in cases when a high school student with ganja, or a pair of misguided pensioners ringing around. Once ran a greater distance than usual - in the work I...

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Kate Part 4

Kate, Part 4 By Ricky (My apologies for the long wait since part 3, but I have had to resume working for a living instead of being a student with lots of spare time. You may want to go back and read the earlier parts of the story since I'm going to dispense with a long and boring recap and just jump right in where I left off. By the way, the saga will be completed some day ? if you have patience.) Sunday dawned bright and clear, but I had to take that on faith since Steph...

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TouchMyWife Karen Fisher Mother8217s Day Chocolate

My very own MILF & curvy hotwife Karen Fisher isn’t the easiest girl to please, but I know what will do the trick this Mother’s Day! She gets home and I surprise her with some chocolates to start. When she calls me to thank me I let her know that there is lingerie waiting for her in the bathroom and MORE chocolate. Her huge boobs look amazing in the set I got her. She is shocked to see Jovan Jordan, this massive black stud when she comes back into our bedroom. Jovan lets her...

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Earning Some Extra Money An Adult Story

Introduction: My New Teacher – liked my idea to make extra money after school I had to stay after school. I was beating the erasers on the chalk board in detention. I looked up to see the male teacher was falling asleep. It was close to 4pm. I only had a few more minutes before the last bell to go home. I had just moved in my Grand Mothers basement about a week ago. She was always out playing Bingo or at church. It was a good thing. My parents were no longer in the picture. I was going to drive...

4 years ago
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Vo Friendship Thi Pyar Tha Ya Lust

Hello all ISS Readers, I am Saahil from Delhi, I have been regular to ISS for a long time & found many stories here fantasy & very few real. I frankly feel fantasy stories are generally more entertaining but still real stories give me more thrill. So i decided to finally share my experiences for all readers to enjoy. So let us not waste too much time & start with the story. I was my first year of job ( about 7 yrs back when i was 24 yrs age ), i went to kochi for on-job training for 2 months,...

4 years ago
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Fornication With My Sexy Curvy Girl

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I was riding inside her wet clean shaven pussy. My manhood was fully inside hers. She moaned and shouted in pain.“ hmmm. Fuck da. Fuck fast man. Fill my holes you fucker. ” I squeezed her milky big boobs and licked her erected nipple. She moaned in the mood. The liquid was flowing heavily from her pussy. I moaned, “ you bitch. Get my strokes di. I wanna fuck you daily bitch. My lovable bitchy teacher. ” Yes ! She is my teacher....

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An evening out at a club

We have been swinging for over 7 years now and really enjoy visits to clubs, the thing we love about clubs is that nothing is planned, you really don't know who you will end up with and you just go with the flow. Sometimes little happens – but sometimes lots does and we've had amazing nights, here is what happened on one last year.We'd chatted to another couple on a swinging site and arranged to go with them to a swing club, near Heathrow airport in London one Saturday evening. We'd arranged...

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Crossroads A Young Hero

I walked through the headstones towards Dad's car. It was my car now after that accident. I was walking away from the double funeral for Mark and Carol Arrowstone. It was less than a week ago that I had come home to the cops sitting in my driveway to tell me that Mom and Dad had been in a car accident. The drunk driver that hit them was dead too. Standing next to the car was Mike Larter, Dad's lawyer. He was handling the reading of the will and the distribution of my parent's assets. I knew...

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Stepmother Woes

"Dad you have to believe me!" 18 year Dylan begged. "Vicky isn't what she seems; she's only after your money." "Enough Jack!" Bill roared as he turned to face his son, "I have listened to this nonsense for far too long, you are a grown man now and soon you will be off to one of the best colleges in the states." Dylan was about to plead his case again when his father brought his hand up to silence him. "No," Jack said sternly as he reached down to grab his suitcase, "you only have...

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Hormoneheated Holly

He sat by her in the college class. They exchanged a few words before and after the meeting and finally he asked her to have lunch with him in the Student Union. That led to attending an evening lecture and a drink afterwards. The next step was an out and out dinner date. When he returned her to her apartment, she invited him in. Oh boy! He hadn’t been laid in ages. Maybe he’d get lucky tonight. It was a two-room place and sparsely furnished, student style. She offered him a small glass of...

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Baby Sitting Bobby 2

Well I guess your right Rick, having sex with a kid whose penis has fully grown isn’t really losing my virginity. Well then the next time I had sex was 2 years later. . . It was my senior year in high school, there was about a month left of school and I was the queen of the school. I was the captain of cheerleading squad. I was adored by the boys, and every girl wanted to be me. I was living the high life, I was invited to every party and with out me at a party the party was dull. I...

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Nanny Ne Ki Shaadi 8211 Part 1

Kaise hai aap log? Chaliye mujhe app log Sapna keh lijiye. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. Main ek bahut chubby ladki hu. Meri breast bhi 36C hai, and meri bahut sari fantasies hai. Ye unhi mein se ek hai. Umeed karti hu, ki isko padhne ke baad aapko apna lund hilana aur apni chut sehlani pad jaye. Ye kahani hai Rashmi ki, jo ki ek college student thi, and meri hi tarah kaafi hari-bhari thi. 20 saal ki naazuk umar mein uska jism kisi bhi shadi-shuda aurat se kam nahi tha. Waise to wo dikhne mein...

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Take The Pledge

He had fallen in love with her soft blond hair done up in pig tails and her bright blue eyes in the second grade. She had been taller than he had been back then. He was smaller than most of his classmates and not remotely athletic. Another girl had actually beaten the crap out him early the following school year. He was often teased and picked on in elementary school but never by her. She’d always been kind to him. She’d endured his clumsiness during dancing class, even asking him to dance when...

2 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 35

Jack: Gonzalo wasn't the only surprise package -- although perhaps he should have been. Late in the day, I got a call from Frieda out on the front walk -- we'd fitted her with a headset, "Master, there's a pickup wandering up and down the street out here ... Hang on ... Yeah, it's Tony." I had my hands full. "AI, pass to Maureen." "Oh, shit..." came across the link -- Maureen's voice. Well, I wasn't THAT busy -- he was just her problem. Deciding it might be fun...

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i get to your house a little earlier than i figured i could get there. you meet me happily at the door, wrapping your arms around me, squeezing me tight against you. you smell so nice, strawberries. your hair d****s over myhands as you kiss me deeply, your tongue searching my mouth for mine. My place my hands on your ass, caressing your beautiful curves. you lead me int your bedroom, explaining that you have a surprise for me and that i must co-operate. being the submissive servant to you that...

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È da un po' di tempo che cerco lavoro quando su un sito specializzato leggo che una ditta di import/export ha bisogno di un autista che sappia fluentemente parlare inglese e che sia disposto a viaggiare. Essendo mia madre Scozzese sono bilingue e così per l'inglese non ci sono problemi, d'altronde adoro girare per il mondo quando posso... quindi mi sono chiesto: i requisiti ce li ho... e allora, perche' non tentare? Invio il mio curriculum via e-mail all'indirizzo di posta elettronica...

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Enjoy the Party

Cherry looked across the breakfast table to her husband of seven years and sighed. He was very distinguished with his salt and pepper hair and athletic build. How she wished that he would put his iPad and raisin bagel aside and take her right there on the kitchen table, like he had in the past. She looked around the kitchen and could not see one surface that they had not had sex on or against. That seemed like ages ago. Now they had appointment sex. Every Saturday like clock work. This being a...

Wife Lovers
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Bound For My Daddybylovecraft68©So Keri, did you and Mark ever hook up?"I looked over at Laurie, and tried to focus on her words. I was pretty sure I understood what she was saying, but couldn't quite get answer out. Instead, I shrugged and giggled at her. I'd been doing a lot of giggling tonight as had Laurie and Krissy. Giggling would be a normal occurrence anytime eighteen and nineteen year old girls had a sleep over, but tonight there was a lot more than usual. The fact that the bottle of...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Nineteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 19 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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My First Uncut Cock

I can remember the first time I had experienced my first uncircumcised cock. I was 33 and at a girlfriends new house for a swim party. I had the urge to pee while swimming so I ran around the house looking for the rest room. When I opened the door to what I thought was the bathroom, it was my girlfriends bedroom instead. To my surprise, I found my girlfriend Lori, showing her husbands large cock to another girlfriend. He stood in front of them as they knelt beside the bed staring at what Lori...

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Daddy and Jenna

As I was raising my daughter, Jenna, I wondered how she became the free spirit that she was. My then-wife was quite conservative. Diana stopped short of wearing dresses constantly, but her shorts and skirts were always at least knee-length. She always wore a bra, even in bed, despite having only 32B boobs. Never wearing a sleeveless shirt, she always wore blouses and shirts that had sleeves at least halfway down her arms. In bed, her nightgowns were always ankle-length. She didn't enjoy being...

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Found The Missing Essence With My Colleague

Hello all,  I am Pallavi, 43 years old, settled in Mumbai. I am married with a kid. I wanted to post my story in this portal as I can’t share my story with near and dear ones. It’s about the missing essence of my sex life. I faced a lot of problems with my life. But now I forgot those problems, and I am living for my kid and mother. I am a working woman drawing a good salary to survive life in Mumbai city. Without wasting any time, I will start my story, which has multiple parts. I belong to a...

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Joys of AccountingChapter 13

One day I had Pamela drive me to Desiree's place. It was just one of those anonymous apartment complexes. As we were riding the elevator, I slipped a hand under Pammy's dress and put a hand on her ass. It was two in the afternoon and I wasn't worried about anyone else getting on with us, but if they did, well that's her problem. Little Pammy still didn't like getting pawed in public. She'd suck and fuck with the best of them, but in public, she still thought she had a reputation she had...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 6

Melody A. was now officially pissed off. As a woman of breeding and class, she would never have used such language. A situation would rarely get past the level of 'annoyed' – occasionally it would rise to 'very annoyed.' She pushed a buzzer that sounded on El L.'s desk and his room. It was 3:30 a.m. and El was in bed. He staggered into his uniform – no summons to Melody's presence could be without uniform for the 'little people' – and walked in to her office seven minutes...

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"Do not tell a friend anything you would conceal from an enemy."-Arab Proverb*"There is, of course, the tale of the man who built a horse of ebony that flew through the air with its rider—" "We've heard that one already. What about the tale of the three Sufi Qalandars who were each the sons of kings and also each blind in one eye?" "That one was as old as a dried date when my father was a boy. If you want to hear a truly wondrous story, listen to me recount the tale of the rich man who bought...

Group Sex
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Good morning beautiful

I’m hot and bothered under our covers when my phone goes off at about half past nine. The window had been closed all night, and the temperature was beyond bearable. God knows how I managed to sleep through it. I ignore my phone, instead moving backwards slightly to nestle myself in your arms. You wrap them tightly around me and hum a low, quiet ‘Good morning, beautiful.’ I squeeze your elbow gently and kiss your forearm where it crosses along my collar bone. You kiss me in return, on the...

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Sweet Sixteen with the Best Present You Can Get

She was a complete catch, but she was too shy and nice. She was perfect for steady relationship type material, not a one night stand type of girl. I knew there was no way to get her to have sex before marriage. She was a big church goer. Her Birthday was coming up too, and not just any birthday, but it was her SWEET SIXTEEN. I couldn't wait to go, maybe I could get some action in as well. Who knows? Her Birthday, was one that I would never forget either. It was a red carpet event. That...

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Doggy love

16 year old Billy Johnston comes home from school. He is so pissed at how lousy his day went. "Damn this sucks." Horny as hell, he throws his book bag on his bedroom floor and slams his bedroom door. "Is it me or does everyone have someone they can fuck but me." Bouncing on his bed, he kicks off his shoes. "I go to school and everyone has a partner they can fuck. I mean it's bad enough that all the jocks have babes to screw, but come on. Many of the Cheerleaders are doing each...

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EvilAngel Jane Wilde Epic Anal Immense Gaping

Petite porn stunner Jane Wilde strips off her skimpy lingerie, spreading her sweet holes and teasing the camera. Top stud Mick Blue and fan-favored star Jane make out, and she gives him a raunchy blowjob. They share hard, throat-fucking fellatio. Next, Mick readies Jane’s rectum with a large dildo. Jane grabs Mick by the balls as he sodomizes her, taking breaks to show off her immensely gaping sphincter! This epic anal spectacle serves up ass-to-mouth cocksucking and climaxes with a wet...

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 CHAPTER 2: WHO DID THIS?        JAMIE VENN LOTT      Jake walked me over to my room. He dug in my pocket for my key and open the door. He laid me on my bed, "do you have any idea who did this?" Jake asked. I look at him. "no" I said while crying. Olive slammed the door open. She ran towards me, "what the hell happen? Jake texted me and told me you were raped!" she yelled.      "He raped my ass and vagina... I always thought that I would lose my virginity to someone I...

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Being Coerced

I was sitting on my bed on Sunday afternoon reading the Book of Mormon while the rest of my family was off visiting a family friend. I didn’t hear anyone enter the house but there you were, knocking on my open bedroom door. I recognized you from church. “Hey Lucy! Is your father home? He told me to stop by and drop this off for him.” You held up an envelope you were holding. “No, sorry he isn’t here.” I said as I looked up from my reading. You seemed disappointed but you just continued to...

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The Most Intimate PartEpilogue

I've been troubled by quite a number of strange dreams in the ensuing years and decades. I think a certain amount of "data osmosis" -- memory leakage or maybe something analogous, takes place in a Znosko-Borowski Somatic Transfer. Yes, there actually is such a thing, and it even has a scientific-sounding label. Apparently it was an accidental byproduct of a super-secret Soviet psychic research project in the late '60s. (I had hired an ex-NSA employee to dig the relevant information out...

4 years ago
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Night of the Living Latex

"Young women, do not go outside after sunset, there is a creature who means you harm on the prowl." That was the general rule for one small village. Such advice was ignored one night, by a 23 year old Maria, who recently returned home to visit the village she grew up in.The creature in question was a symbiote, made of living latex. The symbiote noticed Maria passing it on her way back to her house. She stopped at a tree, looking at her phone for directions, when she noticed her mistake, it was...

2 years ago
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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 9

Zach's relationship with Debbie, Dan and the others they had "recruited" continued happily and lustily. A few vignettes: First, Debbie (pushed by Zach, but not very hard) suggests to Li (who Zach compels to agree, though it takes very little compelling) that they hire out as strippers for a local fraternity party. Surrounded by a room full of young, healthy college boys the two take on all comers (pun intended). They start with a sultry strip that includes spreading each others legs and...

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I Am Your Meat

I Am Your Meat Since Sarah was a little girl she had always enjoyed being in the kitchen, watching food being prepared, helping set the table, sometimes washing the dishes afterwards. She found the whole process very enjoyable, creating something for herself and others to eat - she liked to serve and found this a great way to put these feelings into practice. Her family were very appreciative of this attitude to what some would call menial chores, and were happy to let her carry on.  Sarah...

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Even Single Women Need Attention 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing fine? Sorry for the long delay in writing. Finished my studies and now seeking a job. So yeah, that was the reason that I was away from ISS. About me, I’m Banner, 25 years old, from Hyderabad. I’ve published a few stories already on ISS, erotic with uncontrollable lust. I write fantasy stories to make all my readers feel good. They can enjoy the day with a free and fresh mind as we know in some way stories here actually reduce the stress. I’m a huge fan of...

3 years ago
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What I Crave

There are times in life when things don't work out as planned and there are times in life when they do, with that in mind I find myself, during the day thinking about the "what if....", or the "I simply wish...." or even the "wouldn't it be great...." it's easy to sit back and day dream, dream about what you would like to happen.For me, that changes from time to time, depending on what I have seen on any given day, but it never stops me from dreaming.My current desire is a simple one in...

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