BlackmailedChapter 7 free porn video

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To Joan Pearson, the telephone call was innocent enough, but to Carla Reynolds, who made it, it was a matter of life or death... her own.

"Joan... ? This is Carla... Carla Reynolds... I just had to talk to you..."

"Well, I don't want to talk to you!"

"Please... don't hang up on me... I want to explain..." she pleaded desperately.

"What's to explain... ?"

"I thought that man... Jay would be gone... before you arrived... and we'd just have a lovely... woman-woman thing, again..."

"So... ?" Joan was cynical, now.

"Your husband... isn't around there is he... ?"

"No... he's gone!"

"Just for the day... or will he be gone for a few days?"

"Well..." Joan hesitated. "He'll be gone for several days... I think..."

"Oh, where did he go... ?"

"What's this all got to with anything... ?"

"Well... if you'd feel better about things... I thought maybe you'd want to invite me... to your house... especially if your husband's going to be gone..." Then she added, as an after thought, "Where'd you say he was... ?"

"I didn't... but he said something about going to the mountains... Idyllwild... I think... for some training workouts," Joan told her, revealing only what Arnie had told her.

"Oh, good... then he's not likely to pop in... and spoil things for us..." Carla was suggestive.

Joan had made up her mind, even before Carla's call, and she had rehearsed what she would say to the woman who had seduced her.

"Carla! You're wasting your time! I've thought it all over... and I-I've decided that... I don't really want the kind of thing you... you forced on me. I love my husband... and I'll do everything I can to keep him loving me!"

"Then... you won't... ?"

"That's right!" Joan cut in. "I don't want... that kind of life... so please don't try to call me... or see me... again!"

"J-Joan... please... ?"

"My mind's made up! I meant what I said!" Joan snapped and slammed down the receiver.

"That was a good performance, Carla!" Warren Ramsey said. "And, I'll keep my part of the bargain! I'll send you to my friend Wong Ho... in Hong Kong... instead of to the bottom of the Catalina Channel. Wong told me he could use a beautiful white woman... in one of his more... exclusive houses..."

Carla tried to smile through cracked lips, and tears welled from blackened, swollen eyes. He's not going to kill me! "Oh, Warren... thank you! Thank you!" she blubbered.

Betty Ballard had wanted to get into her car and leave the cabin to Arnie, but he had refused to let her leave, pointing out that she was in no condition to drive safely.

In the end, she had agreed to stay. "But, you'll have to promise... to stay your distance... unless I change my mind..." she had told him.

There was very little to eat in the cabin, and as dinner time neared, Arnie volunteered to go down to the village to buy whatever was necessary. He had decided to walk, knowing that it would help him to stay in condition.

Betty was fussing around in the kitchen getting ready to prepare their evening meal. She had had one more drink with Arnie, as they had talked afterward... and she was still feeling lightheaded.

Hearing a step in the living room, she glanced through the door, expecting to see Arnie loaded down with grocery sacks... but it was not Arnie!

"Who... ?" she started to say, when she heard the kitchen door open. Glancing behind her, she froze in terror, as she saw another man coming through that door toward her.

Her scream was muffled by a rough hand clamped over her mouth, as she was pinioned by the second man.

"Take her into the bedroom! Tie her up!" someone ordered.

She felt herself lifted, carried, then she was on the big, double bed, a gag stuffed in her mouth, while hard-handed men tied her to the bed. God! Who are they? Wh-What do they... w-want... ?

"Say! She's quite a woman!" One of the men grinned, ogling her, then reached out to feel appreciatively of her breasts, free and unfettered under her dressing robe. She looked up, pleadingly, into hard eyes, seeing a blonde man, with a scar on his forehead. Behind the hardness of those merciless eyes, she saw lust... and she knew. H-He wants me!

"Pearson's not here!" the leader snapped.

She swiveled her eyes around to see that he was a short, square man, with very white hair. N-No... I'm wrong! They're looking for Arnie! Then, she remembered. He had told her some people were trying to find him... And, they have!

"How about having a little fun with his wife... while we're waiting for him to show?" the third man in the bedroom suggested.

They think I-I'm Arnie's wife... !

The white-haired man looked down at her, then reached down to pull her dressing robe open, revealing her nakedness to all three pair of lewdly staring eyes. "Hell... why not?" he grunted. "Arnie's not going to be any use to her... or anybody else... when we're through with him!"

Through fear-widened eyes she looked up at them and wig- wagged her head a violent NO. She tried to scream it, but the gag in her mouth muffled the sound. Rape! Rape! RAPE! The word ricocheted screamingly around inside her skull. A-All three of them... ? Are all three of them... going into RAPE m-me... ? Oh, My G-God... Then, another equally startlingly ironic thought:... And, they think I-I'm Arnie's wife! They're going t-to rape me... and I'm the wrong woman!

The white-haired man leaned over her, and she saw that he was not really old. "You can object all you want to... Mrs. Pearson... but you're going to get fucked... by all three of us... understand?"

Again, she flailed her head negatively.

Going on, he told her, "You can make it as easy... or as hard as you want! If you cooperate... you won't get hurt... but if you fight us... I can't guarantee anything!" Turning to the scar-faced man he said, "Untie her legs, Jack... for starters!"

"Okay... Warren... but what if Pearson comes back while we're throwing a fuck into his wife... ?" Jack queried.

"Just keep your guns handy... after all, they're three of us, with guns! He wouldn't stand a chance!" Warren answered.

The third man added, "... But, he's pretty tough! I know!"

"A. 45 slug'll stop him, though!" Jack sneered, reaching out to untie the knotted ropes at her ankles.

The third man, whose name she hadn't heard yet, went around to the other side of the bed, sat down on it and reached out with his left hand, pulling her robe aside to expose her naked loins.

"Damn! She's really a hot looking little piece!" he leered. "It's going to be fun fucking you, Doll... and I'd like to see Arnie's face when he finds out I did!"

"Is that all you want... revenge?" Warren asked.

"Yeah... and I'll get it, too!"

His hand was on her inner thigh now, caressing her and moving upward. Looking down, Betty saw then that his right hand was encased in a cast. The man's face was scarred, his nose had been broken, giving him an evil look. She was revulsed by his appearance, and tried to clench her thighs tightly together. He snickered at her. "You can't keep them together like that for long!"

Then, as she looked beyond the seated man, she saw Jack standing at the foot of the bed. He had taken off all of his clothes, and: as she watched, his shorts came off. Standing out rigidly from his body, his massively hard erection jerked throbbingly in his hand that gripped the shaft of it lightly.

"Warren..." he was saying. "It'll be a hell of a lot more fun... if we untie her completely... and take the gag off... what do you say... ?"

"Okay!" he agreed, coming to the bed to sit down beside her.

Shoving his pistol into her face, he growled, "You see this... ? Well... if I untie you... and take that gag out of your mouth... you'll do exactly what we want you to do... and no talking or screeching... understand?"

Betty stared at the gun and knew that he meant business. She moved her head up and down in understanding.

To cinch it down for her, he went on, "... Because... otherwise, Baby... I'll shove this cannon up your sweet, little cunt... and blow your insides out!"

The threat was delivered with a deadliness she couldn't believe. My God... I-I'm sure he's capable of doing it too! The horrible vision of a death like that passed in gory detail before her eyes... and she knew there was nothing she could do but accept whatever they did to her... if she expected to live!

Jack released her hands, while Warren removed the gag from her mouth.

"You understand... don't you?"

With a wary look at the pistol in his hand, she murmured, "Y- Yes... But I-I'm..."

"That's all! No more talking!" he snapped, silencing her, as she wanted to tell them that they had made a horrible mistake... that she wasn't Arnie's wife!

Now, Warren was standing beside the bed taking off his clothing, while Jack stretched out, naked, on the bed beside her, his warm body snuggling into close contact, the hardened shaft of his throbbing cock pressing up tight against the smooth flesh of her thigh. Then his hands swarmed over the luscious contours of her body, kneading and massaging, cupping and tweaking, and his mouth captured hers, his tongue sliding deep into her mouth, sinuously, to taste and savor.

Betty was sure it wouldn't happen! She was being forced... raped... threatened with death... if she didn't cooperate, but as the naked man beside her mauled the sensitive mounds of her smoothly pliant breasts, teasing the nipples into coning erection, while at the same time, his tongue flicked in and out of her mouth, she found herself responding to him. God! She didn't want that! They could force her... but she didn't have to like it!

... Now, warm hands worked their way up her thighs, toward the nakedness of her loins, and unconsciously she clamped her thighs together.

"Open your legs!" Warren ordered.

Reluctantly, fear clutching at her insides, she slowly allowed her thighs to relax. She heard him gasp, as he forced her legs to splay wide, and then he was crawling in between the white, tapering columns. Try as she might she could not control the trembling of her legs.

"God damn! That's the sweetest little cunt I've seen... in a long time!"

Then, she felt his blunt finger tracing the length of her now tinglingly vibrant cuntal furrow, rubbing against the short length of her sensitively hardened clitoral bud, causing her to grind her hips, gyratingly, in an effort to escape the tantalizing sensations it generated in her.

She felt it clearly, as his finger drifted on down to worm its way into the moist warmth of her vaginal opening, where he thrust it in and out of her then swirled it around and around just inside the opening. No matter how she tried to suppress it, her desire was being rekindled by these lewd rapists... and she couldn't help it. Arcing, electric sensations grounded themselves in her loins and flashed along her nerve endings, ecstatically, until she found that her hips were undulating up involuntarily to meet his obscenely stimulating finger.

Lying down beside her, the third man, whose name had still not been mentioned, and who was hampered in undressing, no doubt, by the cast on his right hand, pressed his hard-muscled body in close to her. She could feel the enormously hard shaft of his erectile penis against the satin-smooth skin of her thigh, matching Jack's on the opposite side.

Down between her legs, she felt Warren pull his moistened finger from her rapidly heating vaginal tunnel; then, using both hands, he raised her knees, flexing them, his warm palms sliding caressingly down the inner velvet-smooth flesh of her thighs, forcing them wider apart, until his hands framed the golden-downed lips of her cringingly expectant slit. His thumbs, on either side, slowly spread her coral-tinged petals, flowering her open to him, and she could feel the cooling air as it washed over the moist warmth of her most secret flesh. She knew what was coming next, and she had a feverish impulse to cry out... stop him; at the same time, a grisly image of what he threatened bounced around inside her skull. Life was too dear! Her thighs relaxed, and she allowed her hips to rise up to meet his long, moistly taunting tongue. It teased at her coral-lined opening for a long moment, before he plunged the wetly flicking tip deep up into her searing, liquid depths. Involuntarily she moaned, as slashing erotic sensations surged uncontrollably through her whole body.

Now, the third man, stretched out on the opposite side from Jack, was nibbling and sucking at a distended nipple, while his hand kneaded the softly resilient flesh of the opposite breast.

Sensation after sensation crowded in on her, and she found herself sucking hungrily at Jack's tongue, writhing her torso up to the third man's nibbling, sucking mouth, jiggling her breasts prettily for his benefit. Below, her loins gyrated, grindingly up into Warren's face, as his tongue flicked in and out of her now lust-filled cunt.

Shifting upward, then, Warren's lips grazed their way through her sensation-seared vaginal furrow to find the sensitively erect bud of her clitoris, hidden in its fold of flesh, the sparse golden curls of her pubic hair parting as his tongue pressured tantalizingly into it.

Both men, lying on either side of her, pressing their naked bodies against her, felt the deep shock of it in her. She gasped as the heat lightning his tongue generated was grounded deep in her quivering belly, the arcing flash of it causing her to writhe her buttocks down and away from his lashing tongue, but in the very next instant, uncontrollably, her loins undulated up to him, wanting more of his lewdly licking tongue.

"Oh... OOoohh... !" she moaned up into Jack's mouth.

Unwanted, exquisite sensations seemed to multiply themselves in her body, and she could do nothing to stop them. She liked Jack's kiss, his darting tongue alive in her mouth, the warmth of his caressing hand that roamed over her body, and on her other side, the man with the injured hand, sucked at her breasts, as his good hand, cupped and kneaded, fondling the firm roundness of its satiny smooth flesh. She liked that, too... liked the feeling of her hardened nipples being nibbled on and spiking out into his warm palm.

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Private Mia Leone Curvaceous Beauty Enjoys DP Threesome

Today on Private, we recover more action from Private Specials, Euro Chicks Love 2 Dicks and this time it’s with the spectacular Mia Leona who decided to close a business deal with George Uhl and J.J. in true Private style. Enjoy this curvaceous beauty in action once again as she gets her big natural tits out to play and devours both cocks just to warm up. Then watch this sexy blonde get pounding of a lifetime as she takes turns on both studs before going on to enjoy some hard DP that has her...

2 years ago
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My sister and me the following morning

We'd had an incredible night of sex and love making what more could i want.We'd drunk far to much wine and through the night i new about it. I drank plenty of water to combat the hangover...well i hoped i did. I could here the birds starting their morning chorus, my sisters bedroom was quite compact but we had spent the night naked, completely fulfilled and had enjoyed each others bodies as far as we could possibly go. I woke with a hard on to be proud of Annie woke up and immediately grabbed...

1 year ago
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The village part 2

After the breeder fucked the young girl he then explored her body. He had been chosen for a great woman because he had the biggest cock of the young men. He was to be a great breeder producing many c***dren and she had a body that he would enjoy fucking several times a day. When they were left alone to fuck and breed, the village took care of them providing all their needs. Meals were cooked and delivered to them. He felt her tits. They were large and full and he sucked a nipple to see how a...

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Mother knows best

Catherine was finished doing the dishes. Her daughter Sandy had just come home from the mall with her new friend Linda and doing things in the bedroom. She didn't really approve of Linda much. She seem to be part of a gang and had a bad attitude; always bossing Sandy around. Sometimes she just wanted to slap that k**. As she hung up the towels, she decided to go up and see if the girls wanted some cookies. She walked up the stairs and saw the door slightly ajar so she peeked inside to make sure...

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Jenny and I4

Janice was a bit tentative at first, but I let her set the pace since she was paying for it. I wish I could say that it was my great technique that moved us along fairly rapidly, but, in all honesty, I must admit that Janice proved to be very horny when she warmed up a bit.Janice took her own blouse off simply because I was trying not to push her too hard, but it took less than 10 minutes for us both to be naked from the waist up and locked in a lovers' embrace. Neither one of us needed...

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SweetheartVideo Cassidy Banks Lena Paul Chapter 1 The Departure

When Sister Mona (Mona Wales) finds out that she will be transferred to Mother Joan’s (Magdalene St-Michaels) abbey, Mother Superior (Nina Hartley) warns her about Mother Joan’s way of doing things. This won’t be Sister Mona’s first time meeting Mother Joan, though, as she knew her in her younger years. Despite the resentment she still bears for her, she pushes her feelings aside and kisses Mother Superior, smiling gently at her before leaving. Unlike Mother Joan, Mother...

3 years ago
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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 12

Ricky looked apprehensively at the two women that were in his cell with him. Cara laughed mockingly, “Jeez, men can be such dumb-arses. Did you think we were that gullible? We knew you were not taking the drugs. Why did you think we preferred you to fuck us? The fact you’re a damn good lay without them wasn’t lost on us either. Your wife is one lucky woman in that regard.” “I’m sorry,” Ricky said and meant it. Using them had been a way to meet his objectives. Away from the rest of the...

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My 4th experience with men at spa excessgay bath

Last year I had my first three gay experiences at spa excess/gay bathhouse. Last night Friday april 1st was my 4th visit/ended up having a wonderful truly awesome gay/experiences/sex/fun My story begins, my last gay experience was sept 2015. That experience opened a door that I jumped through wanting more and hopefully have gay/bi sex often. But still shy exploring male sex. I decided to go back last night and live a little. Still very shy, scared of getting caught by people I know. Nonetheless...

3 years ago
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John and JoChapter 12

Shortly after they had returned from Wales, Jo's provisional driving licence arrived. John and Jo went into Cambridge on the train, as there were more car dealers. Jo knew even less about buying cars than she did about buying clothes! John said that he'd always liked Ford's and he thought the Focus would be a nice car for Jo. Jo had never really been a car person: her father drove in his job, but he'd never needed to own a car; although he had sometimes borrowed one. But Eddie and Brian...

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Frankies Man Johnny

Copyright© There were no two ways about it: Frankie and Johnny were sweethearts. They had been neighbors: Johnny was the handsome, devil-may-care teenager, always getting into trouble. Frankie was the cute girl next door and looked adorable in her first-in-town wearing of her pageboy hairstyle. Frankie was sweet, all right, but she had steel in her. Johnny did have the roving eye and whenever he looked too long he paid the price: kissing Frankie became like kissing a frozen...

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Tales of a HustlerHangin wit da Bois

Tales of a Hustler Hangin Wit da BoisToday had been really intense, and busy. 9:00 AM had to be on set for this weeks set. “Cops that Fuck” or some stupid shit. Basic story was I, as a cop, pull over this tite lil twinkie boy for speeding, but he can't let his dad find out, or get a ticket. Eith way would send him back to military school. So there, lots of the bois fall prey to the bigger and stronger boys, and therfore become their punks. Usually dishing out some sort of service everyday. So...

1 year ago
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The Problematic Package

AN–Small mistakes are likely possibly poorly developed plot too apologies all feedback welcomed enjoy I hope–AN Prologue: I sighed heavily as I walked up the road, I hated this job. I hated this life. There was nothing real about it. It was all a lie from my website to my name from my smile to my Rolex. As I knocked on the door I prepared my smile I had practiced this a million times I held the package in my hand. Once I sold this I could finally take a break from this shady business, the...

1 year ago
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Private Marsianna Amon Takes it All in DP Threesome

Blonde and horny, Marsianna Amon makes her debut today in Private Specials, Cheating with Black Cocks 4, and just like all new girls here at Private, she’s keen to impress and puts on one hell of a show! After saying goodbye to her boyfriend, Marsianna takes full advantage of her alone time as she invites the BBCs of Joachim and Pandemonium back home for a wild afternoon of interracial fun that includes everything from deepthroat blowjobs, to rimming, to anal, to DP, and a...

4 years ago
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The Housewives Of Coxville County part 6

From the medical journals of Ivana Swallows; - Foreword; First and foremost, I would like to personally thank the faculty andstaff of Coxville County High School for their boundless support in -finally - getting this project sanctioned by the Coxville County WestsideAdmissions Board of Health & Research. Without Miss Dianna Murdock -senior secretary and keeper of school records - Principal William Long, andtheir combined efforts, this study simply would never have happened. Iwould...

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the party little cock sucker

He made sure I coudnt understand what was going on, pretending it was going to be ok and no one would know he feed me cum in secret at nightSince that night at the park where he gently let me suck my first cock evermaking me into his secret cock loverI never felt so trap in my life, getting inside the restaurant and meeting his buddiesthey all shook my hands and smile at me in a weird wayI was drinking talking with them starting to think it was just my imagination, his friends arent...

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JulesJordan Jill Kassidy One Cock Isn8217t Enough For This Lucky Slut

AVN’s Best New Starlet Jill Kassidy returns to JJV to get double teamed by Jules & Jessy. Fresh off her win, Jill is here to show us why she beat out all the other new whores to wear the crown as Best New Starlet. She’s teasing us in her baby blue lingerie with matching stockings and high heels as she waits on the bed for her horny cocksmen. Jules & Jessy show up and start to fondle and rub her all over as they show off her assets to the camera. Jill pulls out both of their...

2 years ago
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We Found Our Thrills

Remember those high-school Friday nights? Sitting in the car in the driveway, the radio playing on low—the conversation faltering as you tried to prolong the pleasure of your date’s company.   Remember wondering when the kiss would happen?   How did those days disappear so quickly?   If you’re like me, and high-school was more than half your life ago, then you might enjoy a little tale about the last time my guy and I made out after a date:   The air was chilly, and the stars were bright in...

4 years ago
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Bad Idea How I Became my Familys Human Pet

Bad Idea? - How I Became the Family's Human Pet ? by: Katie Dale. My name is Steve. I'm 11-years-old. I have an older sister named Stephanie, who we call Stephie. Stephie and Steve - my parents thought it was some kind of joke. Whatever. Oh, Stephie's a year older than me. Well, I've got a horrible story to tell you. I guess it's kind of a warning - don't start up with your sister. When Stephie was younger, my parents were really into making her a sweet, cute, pretty girl....

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Bigger Is Not Always the Best Way to Go

The story of how a shy fourteen year old boy loses his virginity. Growing up in a small city in northeastern New Jersey may not sound idyllic to you, but to me it was like heaven on earth. In the summer of 1964, life was simpler, especially for a fourteen year old boy. My name is Jack. My days were filled with sports. We would play baseball all morning, go home for lunch, then, come back and continue into the early afternoon until it got too hot. Afterward, we would sit at one of the picnic...

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Double Booked

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

Group Sex
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Daughters DelightsChapter 11 Difficulties

Because of the cost of living in college, Nicola was forced to move out. However all she could afford was a cheap one roomed bed sitter in Cowley, a poorer part of Oxford. At Sharifa’s invitation, Nicola began to spend the weekends at Sharifa’s flat and even sleep over. This was to have consequences for Nicola that she was never to either to foresee or understand. The first sign of trouble for Nicola came one Monday morning when she had returned to her digs from Sharifa’s to be confronted...

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LauraleeChapter 2 A step into the dark

Lauralee looked out into the darkness beyond the gate. Her parents had gone out for the evening to a restaurant. She had cried off going with them telling them that she had a good book to read and they should enjoy themselves on their own for a change. Now has peeked out into the darkness and her heart beat faster than normal. Would the African N'Gama be out there waiting for her? She found her breath being caught in her throat as she imagined what might happen to her soon in the hands of...

2 years ago
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Me My Toy

My heart was still racing as I shut the door behind me,his smile still in my head. I stretched out my bed with a huge grin on my face.I let my hands begin to wander,first teasing my thin blouse,making them stand out like little bullets,then moving down to my flat tummy, As his laugh echoed in my mind,I let my fingers find the bottom hem of my blouse and pulled it up slowly,imagining it was him doing this,I squeezed my littles slowly for a while then let a hand wander lower,I felt a moan escape...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 6

Benjamin and I went for a pit stop before heading up the stairs to my suite. He seemed to accept his new home and family. Seeing him relax in his new surroundings got me thinking about how radically my world had changed in just a few days. Benjamin was abandoned along a freeway, picked up by a stranger, treated by a vet, and cared for with a great deal of love and attention. My life in Iowa ended with an explosion, and I was picked up by a stranger family, embraced into their home, and cared...

1 year ago
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Lightning ch 1

Being me is pretty hard seeing as I can electrocute any living being upon contact and as an added bonus (which is good) I can control electricity at my will and absorb or distribute it. Ok I know that sounds really cool I mean who wouldn’t want to control lightning at their very will but imagine it going out of control and blacking out an entire city because you where hungry and couldn’t see in the dark so you decide to turn on the lights but accidentally eat and entire city’s worth of...

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Gail and John a Mother and Sons Very Special Romance

It hasn't bothered me for some time now. It used too. Perhaps many or even most of you will think that it SHOULD. But the fact is, at this stage in my life, my relationship with my son John is to us, the most natural, the most beautiful, the most pure coupling imaginable. We are both secure in the strength of our love both filial and physical. We first consummated our love when he was seventeen. Perhaps at that tender age, there was an unfairness in the division of authority between us. What...

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HussiePass Kyler Quinn Brickzilla Goes Balls Deep Into A Coed

Skinny Phoenix native Kyler Quinn makes her Hussie Pass debut with us today and we paired her up with Brickzilla and his 13 inch monster cock just to see if the tanlined coed could take it. The answer is: YES! After we got the young starlet slathered up in lube, she did her best to fit as much of Brickzilla’s dick into her mouth before eating his ass and giving him a footjob. Then it was time for Kyler to take that baker’s dozen prick into her smoothly shaven pussy and take it she...

2 years ago
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PART 1 Went for Daviss Class with Just Pant

The Chronicles of Abby: Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath - PART 1(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This is the part where Abby’s teacher saw her panties for the first time and she went home and told her father about it.Davis asked the class to play a quiz game where everyone had to close their eyes and answer him without peeping. Abby did as she was told just like her classmates. She closed her eyes and tried to answer Davis as hard as she could. But she felt weird soon after....

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