Blue Topaz Eyes (1)Chapter 2 free porn video

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She had the coldest blue eyes I’d ever seen.

Almost clear, the color of the frozen heart of a glacier.

They were flashing in quiet fury as she attacked. I could feel ice crystals on my heart as her voice cut and sliced with a surgeon’s certainty. There was no trace of love or human affection in that voice.

She couldn’t even see me as I stood back in the darkened hall. Not that she ever really did. I was practically invisible to her even at the best of times. And I was so rarely home from boarding school, or from ‘vacations’ – really forced networking visits with the other thoroughbred offspring – that I honestly wasn’t sure she would recognize me on sight if we ran into each other on the street. Not that she’d ever deign to be simply walking down the street.

Her victim stood stolidly, as if the words she spat were utterly meaninglessness, despite their gravity. He would never touch her again. There would be no other children. There would be no spare to the heir. No spare to me. I was doomed to be The Reinhardt.

Father blinked his expressionless eyes once, the only movement in his carved – stone face. “Fine. She’ll do.”

That was as close to emotion as I’d ever seen from Father. Practically an outburst of rage and fury for him.

And that was what was expected of me.

I’d been raised the scion of the greatest financial merger ever conducted. The Reinhardt had married the Shining Daughter of New York.

The Reinhardt. It sounded positively medieval. And it was. The head of the Reinhardt merchant family was never referred to by his first name. Just as Das Reinhardt. And that tradition had held even as the merchants became bankers who became venture capitalists. That merchant house had turned into a domain so large that nobody was certain where – or even if – it ended.

I’d been raised from birth to be at the helm of this vast enterprise. Private schools, tutors, the elite boarding schools of Europe. Mathematics, Economics, and Statistics were hammered into me as soon as I could read the words.

Tae Kwon Do had started at 5 years old. To teach me self-discipline, reflex thinking and prepare me the less obvious, but equally brutal fights of the financial world.

From the beginning, my life and my classroom instruction was designed to prepare me to become a corporate lawyer. In this world, financiers and economists could be bought by the handful.

Lawyers were problematic, like Machiavelli’s mercenaries: a bad one could ruin you and a good one could prove too ambitious. But they were necessary, so The Reinhardt Apparent would train in law. To watch over the lawyers.

So my future was mapped out practically from birth.

And I hated it.

I had no idea what I wanted, but it wasn’t this.

A life of nearly absolute privilege and power. A life with no meaning at all.

Raised by servants who changed out constantly. Ignored by Mother. Who became Evelyn to me when I inadvertently learned what a mother was supposed to be like. She’d never earned that title.

I almost never saw Father; The Reinhardt was far too busy to bother with his only offspring. I suspected that he really wanted a son, but when he gave Evelyn a disease contracted from one of his many ‘assistants’ that possibility ended. She hardly cared about the affairs; after all, she had her yoga instructor and masseuse. It was his carelessness that turned her indifference to active disgust.

And I’d seen the corrosive influence of money at that level. It ruined everything. Everyone. Trust was impossible. Love even less so.

So at thirteen, standing in the teak paneled hall outside the study, I learned that my dream of possibly escaping my fate was shattered.

Oh, I rebelled in small ways. I eventually managed to lose my virginity to a Norwegian ski instructor. And found a birth control pill pack on my bathroom sink the next day. I couldn’t find the instructor again.

Every small rebellion was neatly countered, or ignored. Prep school led to college, which led to the elite law school. My future loomed like an iceberg.

Every bit as scheduled by Them.

I did well – I was The Reinhardt-to-be. My early schooling and discipline paid off as expected.

I studied hard. Research, Logic, Law. Top of my class in all of it. Of course.

But I kept fighting it. Secretly looking for a way out.

I’d almost caved during Law school. I’d met a guy; he was funny, clever, smart, and managed to push all my buttons just so. I confided in him about my distaste for the life I was headed into. He listened to me and seemed to be completely understanding. He pondered whether I would be able to make that life into something I would love, despite everything. And he sounded so damn reasonable and clever. And he turned out to be working for The Reinhardt. I never did find out if they sent him or simply turned him after we became involved.

That was when I realized that I could never trust anyone. Anyone might be working for Them, and even if they started out with the best of intentions, eventually, the money would corrode their souls, just as it did everyone.

So I kept sharpening my skills and working to be the best.

I turned out to be best of all at acting. Pretending to give in. I played along, looking for an escape route somewhere to take shelter, somewhere their money wouldn’t have power.

When I graduated Law school, I told Them that I needed to pass the Bar in New York, where the world of finance was centered, and then I would need several months, maybe a year and a half, to prepare to step up to the position they were holding for me. As expected, I passed the bar on my first try. They were in no hurry and suspected nothing.

I moved into an apartment and practiced not having money. And promptly learned I didn’t know anything about living unsupported. I ruined half my clothes figuring out how to do laundry. And cooking? I lost 10 pounds in the first month.

And in that first month I decided I needed to do something to fill my days while I looked for my escape. A flyer in the lobby caught my eye. LPN Classes.

And like everything else, I was damn good at it. It was a great way to learn about normal people. And learn to be normal. More than anything, I found I enjoyed it. I was finishing up my last practicals – like mini internships in different hospitals - when I found my escape.

A shootout downtown had netted two killed and three wounded. Most were gang members, but one of the wounded was an FBI Special Agent. Brought to our hospital.

To badly paraphrase Hans Gruber; I was looking for a miracle and found the FBI.

The almost incorruptible FBI.

I submitted an application immediately. And waited patiently for it to process. I never seriously considered they might reject me. I’d never failed at anything. And I drove myself relentlessly to be ready for the fitness tests, took lessons at gun ranges with every conceivable type of firearm. One of the instructors I hired with The Reinhardt’s money was retired from the FBI, another was former Delta Force.

By the time my Academy class rolled around, I was as ready as humanly possible.

The other students were typical over achievers, full of attitude and drive. The top of their classes; the football stars and volleyball players, the cheerleaders and a few from the chess club. But they weren’t thoroughbreds and we didn’t mesh smoothly at first.

I tried, I honestly tried to fit in, be one of the pack. It went wrong on the third day. I don’t know if it was something I did or said wrong, but someone learned something. I heard whispers of “Rich Bitch” and found myself isolated. Maybe they thought I’d get lonely and drop out.

Fuck them. They had no idea what loneliness was. I’d grown up lonelier than they could dream. That isolation lasted for weeks.

Their attitude changed after our first sparring match in our fourth week. The instructor had watched us closely. He recognized my style. And my ability.

I stand 5’’3” if I stretch up a little. So when we matched up, he put me against the biggest, strongest guy in the class. And winked at me.

That match lasted 23 seconds. My second match was almost a full minute.

By the next day my nickname had changed from Rich Bitch to Danger Mouse.

And I got grudging respect. I was included, if not loved.

It was the warmest feeling I’d ever had. Six weeks of being part of a team.

At graduation, I discovered my deception had failed. A hand carved rose wood box was delivered to my room. With a bottle of 1928 Krug Champagne. That had to be Evelyn, for appearances sake, of course.

The Reinhardt had never given a gift in his life.

I went home to face the music before taking my place in California.

It was not a pleasant meeting. The Reinhardt was silently furious, Evelyn coldly so. And I had a $20,000 hangover and an empty bottle in my luggage.

Suffice to say, by the end of the 15 minute discussion, I was disowned.

I wordlessly left the study, rounded up my unpacked luggage, and walked out.

Whatever fantasies I had about being a Special Agent evaporated quickly. At first, it was endless rounds of paperwork and meetings. But it was somehow more real that way. I was good at paperwork, planning, putting the pieces together.

It was several months before I was included in any real operations beyond the usual low level cases entrusted to junior agents. And it was entirely because of blind luck and my own awful cooking.

I was passed a message that one of the principles in one of my cases was being picked up. I was passed a time and an address and I headed out.

Funny thing about case numbers. Get one digit wrong and everything cascades from there. Wrong agents get sent to the wrong places.

So when I showed up and found the Hostage Rescue Team command van sitting silently at the edge of a neighborhood I knew wasn’t right for the harmless embezzler I was building a case against, I put on my apologetic junior agent face and went to give them the bad news. The wrong agent had been sent.

The inside of the van was electric; cold faced agents in armor looking at floor schematics and heatedly discussing plans, back up plans and back up plans to those plans. The whole scene put me in mind of wolves preparing for the kill.

I spent a lot of my evenings watching Discovery Channel.

I looked around for anyone at all I recognized. Nobody. I waited quietly, expecting some to ask me what I was doing, then I’d give them the bad news.

Finally, the bald guy who seemed to be the hub of the activity zeroed in on me with no warning.

“Who the Holy Fuck are you?”

I tried to explain, but he cut me off with a furious exasperation.

“Sweet Jesus save me. Does your momma know you’re here? And does she know you had to cross the street to get here?”

Amusement raced through the room. But I noticed one older agent with a steel grey crew cut sitting laconically on a map table looking at me expectantly. Probably waiting for me to cry.

The Reinhardt in me surged. “Yes Asshole, she sent me to drag you back to the nursing home for your Geritol and your nightly enema.”

The bald man turned into a red beacon of anger. But before he could say anything, the grey crew cut spoke.

“Dave, wait.”

“Dave” turned and looked at him.


Crewcut looked at me “Turn around”

Something in his voice convinced me to do it without asking why.

“What do you weigh?”


“Maybe on a good day. Your clothes are loose, I bet you’re around a buck five right now.”

That was probably true. My cooking hadn’t improved much. I was eating a lot of salads. Mostly because I either undercooked or carbonized everything else.

I nodded.

He eyed me critically. “She’d fit through the window with that skinny ass. We could go for the dream option.”

Whatever the dream option was, Dave was hesitant.

“She’s not HRT, if this goes wrong we’ll be grabbing our ankles for the Director.”

Mike smiled, a grim smile. “Nothing will go wrong. This is Danger Mouse. Jorge at the Academy told me about her, economy size kick ass in a fun size package.”

To me “Aren’t you?”

I straightened up. Whatever this was I wasn’t going to miss it. “That’s me.”

Nobody was willing to argue with Mike.

The target was a known pedophile who was believed to have kidnapped a two year old from a park in in a nearby town. He’d been communicating across the internet with another man – in Britain somewhere - and telling him how he had her in his basement. And he’d said outright that before anyone could have her back, he’d kill her.

The only possible outside access to the basement was a tiny window that used to be a coal shoot.

The dream option was to have an agent in the basement to protect the little girl when the HRT came in the front door. But the window was far too small for any of the door kickers. Too small for most adults.

Except maybe an underfed Danger Mouse.

I soon found myself squeezing through the tiny opening. And dropping into the pitch black of the basement with a tiny flashlight and a compact .45 that Mike insisted I swap out for the Bureau standard .40 caliber.

Mike was certain the Bureau standard wasn’t powerful enough to absolutely ensure a first shot kill.

So armed, I searched the darkness.

It smelled of mildew, damp rock and dust. Even with the flashlight, the dark pushed in like a black velvet blindfold.

I found her huddled under a blanket in the corner across from the stairs. I reached for her, to tell her I was here, to whisper that she was safe. I gently rolled her to face me, holding the flashlight just so.

She had the coldest blue eyes I’d ever seen.

Clouded over, pale, almost white. Unblinking, unseeing. Like ceramic. Fine blue porcelain.

Her head lolled unnaturally as I shifted her, exposing the cord - a black bootlace maybe - cutting into her neck.

I don’t know how long I crouched over her, motionless.

I know what the official report says, but time had stopped as I stared at her broken doll form with her broken doll face. And those blind, porcelain eyes.

A sound called me back to the basement tomb. And a dim yellow light kicked on overhead, near the creaking wooden stairs. I turned toward the stairs, straightening up.

At first, he didn’t see me in the gloom. He stood on the bottom step, a wood handled hammer loosely held in one hand. His pale blonde hair back lit in a halo by the brighter light from above. Then he saw me, silently standing, gun leveled at him. His eyes lingered on the badge at my belt for a moment and he let the hammer slip from his grip, then stepped carefully away from it, hands raised.

I knew there was something I was supposed to say, the prelude to his arrest, his trial, his incarceration.

It just wouldn’t come.

Then his gaze drifted to the crumpled form in the corner. And he smiled, perfect white teeth just visible to me.

I can’t remember pulling the trigger, but I saw the shock in his eyes as he realized he was going to die.

I try so hard to remember that look when my nightmares come. I treasure it.

The HRT hit the door upstairs a fraction of a second later. They came on relentlessly as the sound of my shots echoed and died. Moving down the stairs like a machine, a single coherent beast with blinding arc- light eyes and gun oil tainted breath. A black Kevlar-scaled dragon.

A killing machine with nothing to kill.

Curt calls of “clear!” snapped back and forth through the house.

The HRT leader’s helmet came off as he scanned the basement. It was Mike. He took the whole scene in with one careful scan. He could see the whole story as if he’d been standing there when it happened. I stood, convicted by my own actions, waiting for him to demand an explanation. An explanation I didn’t have. It was obvious he knew everything.

His right foot reached out and slid the hammer next to the dead man’s hand.

He looked me dead in the eye. Quietly. “We heard you identify yourself and order him to drop the weapon. He advanced with weapon in hand and you fired twice for effect.”

He glanced down at the dead monster at the bottom of the stairs. Then looked back up at me. “Stick to the script.”

Nobody ever questioned the reports. I could see Mike’s hand in it.

I never felt a hint of guilt.

The mandatory psychiatric counseling sessions dug deep into my feelings over the shooting but they never asked the real question.

My dreams were haunted, over and over, by the cold blue porcelain eyes of a child.

But I was the favored daughter now. A month after the mandatory post-shooting cooling off period was over, I was selected for special training for covert assignments.

I’d never seen training like it. Terribly realistic. Viciously effective. The pressure was unrelenting, exhaustion so complete I didn’t dream at all. We were given psychological exams every week.

I’d been raised to be the Reinhardt Apparent, and nobody was mentally tougher than I. But even for me it was a seemingly endless series of challenges. Sleepless nights in all kinds of weather and terrain, constant interrogations, round after round of close combat training. None of it even remotely like the normal step by step, safety first standard training.

I reveled in it with teeth barèd. Even if they were bloody occasionally.

The last test was devastating. They’d pulled the biggest fear from my evaluation and loaded it into the rape scenario.

When I was twelve I was caught in a riptide. My weakness against that overwhelming power was addressed again and again in my evals. As was my helplessness in the face of my parents choices. A synchronicity of fears the psych evals picked up on. And those fears were weaponized against me.

When the rape scenario began, I was taken down by overwhelming strength. My opponent had been chosen for his sheer power and briefed thoroughly on how to take me feel helpless. How to be the riptide.

It was terrifying. But I had an ace in the hole. The riptide was an old, fading, fear. My nightmares were dominated by cold blue eyes. I could at least fight the riptide.

And I did.

My opponent had a boxer’s chest, a wrestler’s abs and the pain threshold of a battle tank. He’d taken my best kicks, and still knocked me on my ass. He was injured; he had several broken ribs and his groin had to hurt like hell. But he was on his feet, hands in the classic hammer – and – knife of a Shotokan expert. Standard, bullet-headed, old school Japanese karate. Solid, powerful, and heavy on the sweeps. As my hip reminded me.

I was done. I couldn’t really fight on this hip injury. And he knew it. I could see the dearly bought respect in his eyes, but he began to move implacably to my weak side.

But that wasn’t my biggest concern. I’d seen something earlier in those eyes when he had me pinned. Against all logic we’d connected over the realization that we were players in an insane scenario. That it was all a game. And for a fraction of a second, I’d felt more real human warmth than I’d felt my whole life.

That precious moment cost him the injured groin and snapped ribs. But it had cost me more. We’d connected in a way that scared me more than the fear that this scenario might actually allow real rape. I could still fight that. I might lose, would probably lose, but I could, and would, struggle to the end.

But that connection felt too ... something ... to fight. I’d kept men and women at arm’s reach all my adult life. Who knew who my relentless parents might send? Professionals – convincing, perfect, people who could make anyone’s heart skip a beat. Or they would simply buy anyone I connected with. Their kind of money could buy so much. Despite everything, I wasn’t convinced Father and Evelyn had given up on making me The Reinhardt. At the end of the scenario, when he carried me to the infirmary, the magnetism was overwhelming. I caught myself starting to nestle into him, and just managed to turn it into a neck stretch. He’d given me his shirt in a gesture of chivalry, so my arm rested on the bare skin and muscle of those shoulders.

We bantered a bit while waiting for the doctor.

The connection just got stronger. Some kind of indisputable chemistry, way more than just lust. If there’d have been a door on the room, I’d have broken the Rules in a big way. A few more minutes and I’d have stopped caring about the door.

The doctor arrived just in time.

After I got my crutches and started off, I looked back and saw him watching me. Part of me wanted to go back give him my real name. Part of me wanted to flee as fast and as far as possible.

I kept his shirt and slept in it. I didn’t even wash it for a month. That should have been disgusting.

But it wasn’t.

He was far away, far enough for me to allow myself a tiny fantasy or two of a normal life. The dots of our blood mixed on the shirt were a symbol of something that could have been.

Maybe. In a different world.

I ended up washing the shirt in Hot to set the blood. I’d learned the hard way about that.

It’d be two more years before I saw him again.

In those two years, I proved myself over and over.

I wanted to be the best agent ever born – I had the upbringing, the ability and the ambition to pull it off.

And chasing those cases helped keep my own demons down. Those dreams of porcelain blue eyes became fewer and fewer, but never went away, and always woke me with a hard cold hand gripping my heart.

I worked hard. And I had support.

I knew Mike had given me the nod – which carried tremendous weight. I ended up assigned to Headquarters.

I mostly worked organized crime; it’s not as sexy as Counter Terrorism, but because of narcotics, the work is endless.

But it wasn’t all drugs. I spent six weeks working as a waitress in a San Angelo bar when I helped take down one of the largest cattle rustling rings in history. We cooperated with the Texas Rangers to do it.

They’re a great organization. But Cattle Rustling? Texas? Rangers?

Um, well. Yeah, Howdy.

Some smart ass stuck a dime store cowboy hat on my cubicle wall. But I have the real thing, along with a pair of sparkly boots, jeans, a western shirt and a bandana at my apartment. I kept my waitress uniform.

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It was strange to have the entire office empty. But she also enjoyed the silence. She could get work done quicker without anyone to distract her. Sitting on her desk, next to her computer, was a book. Beautiful Bastard. She’d been reading it on the train, and sometimes at work when she wanted a break from looking at her computer. People would stare, when they knew the content of the book. She could see them looking. But it didn’t matter. She wanted to read the book more than worry about...

4 years ago
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Lost In Her Eyes0

Chapter 1 Hello. My name is slave. Sometimes slut. My false name was Jackie. Jackie Dallas. I am a cunt munching whore. It's my purpose in life. To eat pussy on demand, or suck cock. Mistress taught me that. I think back to my vanilla life and I can't believe I didn't realise it sooner. That I was born to kneel at My Mistress's feet. Thankyou Mistress I love you and I will do anything for you. My life is yours to shape however you want. Thankyou for showing me what I am. Thankyou for...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Chapter 7 Fireeyes

Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Seven: Fireeyes By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fireeyes – Northeastern Shore, Lake Esh – The Magery of Thosi The crew of the Mermaid's Lover rowed the riverboat to a sandy shore. I stood on the prow, gazing at the peaceful countryside of Esh. The sun set behind us, painting the fields with crimson. When Angela's business in Esh-Esh was concluded, she would head north. Beyond the horizon lay the highway...

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MMF with my friends bakeyesmokems on Xhamster

My great friends on Xhamster Gob and Samantha have been doing threesomes with Me and making videos for many years now and all 3 of us are still great friends and still meet up to hang out and play around. We have experimented in - double oral, double vaginal, cum covered pussy, blowjobs, end to end sex, creampies, forward and reverse cowgirl, bondage, sex toys, sloppy seconds, deepthroats, blindfolds, her cum eating, doggystyle, double creampies, and much more!Our first time meeting and fucking...

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Another pretty good sex story from brighteyes lon

Alright, so I had been out all day and night with my girlfriend and her mom. We just went in city for shopping, food, ect. At Walmart, after I walked off from my girl to go piss, I came back and she hadn't seen me. I wanted to see how she would react to this. I walked up behind her and grabbed a big handful of ass and rubbed my hand down her thigh. She was wearing some extremely short shorts, yes jean daisydukes pretty much. She freaked at first and then realized it was me and then she was ok....

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EYESORE EYESOREMonday When Katherine came in the house, the Eyesore was kneeling on the floor, naked with her face pressed to the floor, Katherine?s martini in front of her. It was something to see the Eyesore?s hands clasped behind her back, balancing herself with her face and her knees, awaiting me, Katherine thought.? Katherine? leaned down and picked up the martini and downed half of it, and then violently kicked the Eyesore in the ribs, and the slave fell over without a...

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We were designed forty years ago, engineered. They called us catseyes because of our cat slit eyes. Besides the eyes that let us see in almost total darkness our muscles were more than twice as dense and our reactions twice as fast. There were also retractable claws but other than that we looked like normal humans ... Except we tended to regenerate and maintained the look of youth. Ten thousand of us were created and trained. We were the front line soldiers, the shock troops. They had many...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 157 Short Eyes the Beginning

The day started with me still undecided about Cheryl. I almost wanted her on board for the new gig, but I also feared the effect it might have on her. It might be best to keep her out of the loop, I thought. What I decided, was not to decide that morning. I smiled at Cheryl and asked, "How are things hon?" while she found me a Crispy Waffle, Egg, and bacon sandwich bag. "Things are just fine, we found something to do with the upstairs," she informed me. "Oh what is that?" I...

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DarkeyesChapter 2

Jonathan I'm following Alex in her little sports car, and envying her for the wind in her hair. Amongst this old Escort's many problems, it doesn't have air conditioning, so the east Texas heat is pretty sweltering inside the car, even with all the windows down. Within a few minutes, we're back in the residential area I'd passed through an hour ago. Alex is going much slower, which I'm thankful for. I know my controlling tendencies would have me twitching and frustrated if she were...

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DarkeyesChapter 3

Alexis I'm above him, my hips are moving against his body, the light glistening on his stomach. But my eyes are staring into his—his dark sad eyes. They don't look sad now though. They're burning into my soul. What's that look? Hunger? Desire? My body aches so good, and I throw my head back groaning. It's early, but I need to be back at Ray's by eight. I groan and rub the sleep out of my eyes and allow Death Cab to serenade me awake. "Yeah," I grumble. "I'd follow him into the...

3 years ago
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DarkeyesChapter 4

Jonathan I'm trying not to get frustrated, but it's hard when you're used to people being on time. I can't remember the last time someone was late to meet me. Generally, people who are late to meet me get fired—unless they have a really good excuse, even then, I check up on their excuse. I guess it's part of my controlling nature. I'm trying to change though. So when I see my beat up Ford driving up, I force a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly through my nose. It works, calming me...

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DarkeyesChapter 5

Jonathan Three weeks with Miss Alexis Rutherford and I'm not sure what's going on anymore. I thought it might just be a shameless fling. But after that first night, Alexis hasn't let me get further than heavy kissing and a few mild over-the-clothes gropes. And the weird thing is, I don't really mind. I don't want to rush into this. But I'm not sure why that is. I keep telling myself, "You can't fall in love with your rebound." Right? My wife' barely been dead seven months. It's...

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DarkeyesChapter 6

Jonathan When I wake up, she's gone. Her scent still lingers on my lips, and her taste still invades my mouth. I haven't been this happy in ... well, since Alice was born. After Alice was born, things between Michelle and I were never the same. She loved Alice, even as much as I loved Alice. But she told me long ago she didn't want children. Michelle didn't take out her resentment on Alice though. She really was an amazing mother. No, she resented me for ever getting her pregnant. She...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Magics ClashChapter 7 Fireeyes

Fireeyes – Northeastern Shore, Lake Esh – The Magery of Thosi The crew of the Mermaid's Lover rowed the riverboat to a sandy shore. I stood on the prow, gazing at the peaceful countryside of Esh. The sun set behind us, painting the fields with crimson. When Angela's business in Esh-Esh was concluded, she would head north. Beyond the horizon lay the highway that ran between Esh-Esh and Allenoth. I planned on being on that highway waiting for her. The sailors on the Mermaid's Lover made...

1 year ago
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Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain

“When we kissed goodbye and parted I knew we’d never meet again. Love is like a dying ember and only memories remain. And through the ages I’ll remember blue eyes crying in the rain. Someday when we meet up yonder we’ll stroll hand and hand again. In the land that knows no parting, blue eyes crying in the rain.” * * * I worked at a factory for part of the summer. But then I got another job offer. Related to my chosen field, journalism. The pay was not as good but I just had to take it. For the...

First Time
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Blue Eyes

On a hot summer day, my friend Kate and I decided to go on a trip through the open road to nowhere.   There were many things that I loved about driving through the desert like the sense of freedom that it gives you and the occasional hot breeze of air. After half an hour of driving, I had to stop on a red light, a car that came from behind us stopped as well, parking next to us. It was a silver convertible Audi TT, pretty close to the one I was driving…. Well the convertible part at least… In...

Straight Sex
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Blue Eyes

Her, what made her so special to me. Could it possibly be the hips that adorned her god like waist or the only hair that one could tuck behind her ear. Perhaps it was the voluptuous chest and or the perfect smile that grazed those soft lips that made her all the more an object of desire. She was already an object to some but she didn't want that to be the way that she was seen. She wanted people to see her for who she was. The person behind the pretty face and those bright blue eyes that are...

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My favorite color is blue. It always has been, for as long as I can remember. My eyes are blue. Girls I’ve been attracted to have blue eyes. My car is blue. I wear blue jeans a lot. Blue was always the one color that jumped out at me, more vivid than all the others. I was a teenager before I had an eye test and learned that I was the proud owner of a severe case of red-green colorblindness. When I learned that, everything started to make more sense. Blue always stood out to me because it’s...

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Blue Balls 11 Tiffanys Revenge

Summary - Theo has a painful problem, so it's Mom and Theo’s turn to have a little talk. Previous Story Summary - Tiffany had a very fun filled day at school. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is...

4 years ago
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Blue Boy

Blue boy thinks of entertaining a woman at home. He wants to have sex in the kitchen, living room, on the table every where. But to get a woman there is taking too long and he is a very lonely man. He has been single now for quite some time. His old girlfriend left him, because he was boring. So she said, and he did not know how to fix it. Maybe if he had a new girlfriend he could do things differently. Blue boy knows this one lady at the office, Trish. She is very nice and is always working...

Oral Sex
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Blue Familiars

Hannah was pissed. The hot water heater at the apartment had failed yesterday, forcing her to take a cold shower in the morning. In her first lecture of the day the professor had denied her request for an extension on her differential equation homework. Shortly after she had returned to the apartment in a huff, she had learned that the landlord wouldn’t be able to dispatch a workman to replace the hot water heater until late in the evening. To top everything off, her roommate Anna had reminded...

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Blue Milk

Blue Milk by [email protected] {Standard disclaimer- you must be 18 to read this story. It deals with sex, more sex, and dairy products!} Blue Milk, everybody had to have it. The first true aphrodisiac. One sip or mixed in another drink and the recipient was taken over by uncontrollable lust. Yea, right. But it was the latest craze sweeping the nation and my paper wanted a story. Kind of the latest fad of the month fluff piece. Before getting too far into the story I decided I...

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Blue Movie

Blue Movie by Tim Willows "What do you think he's whipped up for us this time?" Beth asked me. "I have no idea, but he sounded very excited over the phone." "But what could it be? A game? Another one of those robots?" "Just calm down, okay? How should I know? It could be anything." My wife Beth and I were driving to our friend Jacob's house. House-hell, it was more of a mansion. Jacob had been our friend since our college days fifteen years ago; we had all shared the...

2 years ago
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Blue HandChapter 14

Porter’s day to day life boiled down to one word: blue. He practiced under Fane’s tutelage in the early morning, dueled with his sword before lunch, and hunted with Kanji in the afternoon. He was still hesitant with his newfound magic, but his skills were growing. His sword master was not near as pleased as his Blue Hand tutor, badgering Porter about his lack of coordination. Still, He forgot, albeit bit by bit, the twisted fear of his near death and escape from Timisoara. His insecurities...

3 years ago
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Blue Wicked

A warning first: This is not a sweet or sentimental story; it's a sex story. It also involves some crass stereotypes and naughty language. If you're looking for a story where the main character becomes a beautiful woman with the body of a stripper then this isn't it. This is something else. Enjoy! Blue Wicked By Miriam Grey The Ship squatted in the middle of the estate like a concrete toad. A single storey pub with a flat roof and no redeeming features whatsoever it looked...

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Blue HandChapter 20

The ancient forests to the west of the Waste were more beautiful that Porter remembered from over half a year ago. The tall trunks with their clinging vines gave him a touch of homesickness when he considered his first journey through these trees. Even the sounds of animals hunting, eating, and enjoying themselves were pleasing to his ears, much more so than the strange calls of the twisted forests to the north. Reconciling completely with Gilly took more than a few days, which was not an...

4 years ago
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Blue Eyes

First story guys… be nice ,)  As Andrew surveyed the history class that he’s been lecturing for the past semester, his eyes inevitably fell upon the one student who’d caught his eye every Monday and Thursday for the past three months. Today she wore her red skirt in celebration of the warm weather that they’d been having lately, and he couldn’t help but notice how nicely it complemented her beautiful tanned legs. He had no idea what her name was, he was only painfully aware of how incredible...

2 years ago
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Blue Taboo Part 2 of 2

Blue was my niece.----I hadn’t seen Rachel for years. From what I’d been told, several years back she’d left home right out of high school, did her own thing and had made herself scarce ever since. But I was now sure it was her, something about her eyes and her almost-smile had triggered a years-old subtle recollection.I got Rocket’s phone number from Mel and called him. I asked him about the girls from the bachelor party.“They used to be strippers down at the Hoochie Coochie Club,” he said....

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I don't know why it attracted me so much; I mean I had never even thought about it before. But now, it was the only thing on my mind. Maybe it was because I was single now. The divorce from my wife had been hard, but we both knew our marriage was over and we no longer loved each other. So now I was single and available to go after as many women as I wanted. Sex would not be something that was rationed to only when she felt like it. After the divorce was final, I had vowed to try new...

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Blue X Ch 4

Christina awoke. She was lying naked on some sort of low table. It had a metal frame but instead of a tabletop it had a strange plastic grill. She tried to sit up. She couldn’t. Looking around she saw her arms and legs fixed to the corners of the table. Looking around, she saw that she was in a large padded room painted surgical white. On one wall was a large mirror (Christina suspected it was one of those two way ones), and there were air vents in the ceiling. She was not alone, nerdy looking...

3 years ago
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Blue Balls 6 Tiffanys Troubles

Summary – Tiffany, her father and brother continue their adventures. She decides to speak to her teacher, to see if he has blue-balls too. Previous Story Summary – Tiffany learns other ways to help out her brother. OMG! Does her dad have blue-balls too? Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real...

2 years ago
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Blue Lights Pulsing

Blue Lights, Pulsing I don't need to hear the siren. It's the blue lights, pulsing against a darkening sky, that start the trembling. It's always been that way. I wasn't going all that fast. I never do, not down here. I like to linger on the long, low bridge over the river, to see how the wide water catches the light today, to sniff the faintest tang of salt, to watch the black cormorants wheel and dive. It was when I went away from that I got lost. Sometimes I...

5 years ago
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Bluegrey prison

Consciousness slowly creeps forward into my mind. I blink and open my eyes to stare at the white ceiling and blue-grey walls. I can also see my navy-blue shirt sleeve that ends abruptly at the fold of my elbow where my white arm emerges to dissect the rumpled navy-blue wave my comforter creates across my chest. I push myself off my mattress with my elbows to look at my alarm clock, but something is wrong. I guess that’s an understatement, everything is wrong. I don’t get up. I’m still staring...

2 years ago
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Blue Taboo Part 1 of 2

My favorite color is blue. It always has been, for as long as I can remember. My eyes are blue. Girls I’ve been attracted to have blue eyes. My car is blue. I wear blue jeans a lot. Blue was always the one color that jumped out at me, more vivid than all the others.I was a teenager before I had an eye test and learned that I was the proud owner of a severe case of red-green colorblindness. When I learned that, everything started to make more sense. Blue always stood out to me because it’s one...

2 years ago
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Blue HandChapter 16

Their conversation that night in the cave broke down the barriers that Porter felt separated them. The next morning was fresh and alive with the scents of autumn in the air. Entire trees, their branches, and piles of debris lay everywhere but the game trail was still discernable. They rode with the same deliberation yet finding companionship much easier to share. Porter felt more at ease with his choice to flee for the first time in many days. Gilly still treated Porter like a lover in...

4 years ago
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Blue Room

“I thought we’d shake things up a little.”Megan watched her boyfriend produce the unassuming white letter-length envelope and lay it on the black laminate bar, nudging it her way. She watched his face for a telltale sign but his only response was to grin back at her and wink.“What is this?” she asked coyly, a slow smile spreading across her face.It had been five years to the date since they’d first met and while she’d been hoping for a small blue box from Tiffany’s with the clear-cut solitaire...

5 years ago
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Blue Futanari Supplicant

I woke up early and was standing at the front window, staring out at the street, when Kim wandered out of the bedroom."You're up early," she cooed from behind me."Yeah, the driver said he was going to be here at seven." The sky was just beginning to show the colors of dawn. The horizon was an almost majestic purple. "It's six fifteen," Kim slipped her arms around my midsection and nuzzled her face into my neck. I closed my eyes. She was still warm from our bed. She smelled like she had just...

2 years ago
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Blue Balls 4 Poor Theo

Summary - Theo has a problem. Can Tiffany help? Previous Story Summary – Tiffany became more and more daring, flashing her brother, father and teacher. Then, her brother discovered her naughty prank! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships,...

3 years ago
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Blue Moon on Halloween

Lucinda was standing at the porch of her little house. It was almost midnight on October 30th. Halloween was just minutes away and staring at the moon she sighed. This year October 31st will have a Blue Moon. Blue Moons usually appeared every three or four years, and in those occasions many unexplained phenomena happened. It was not so much that the Blue Moon usually caused a stirring in the gifted communities of witches, wizards and warlocks, but it also brought out monsters, demons and ghouls...

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