Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 56 Holy Week and Pascha Part I
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June 9, 1984, McKinley, Ohio
“I’ve figured out what’s wrong with this game,” Dona said after we’d played the first nine holes.
“What’s that?”
“Using as few strokes as possible to get it in the hole!”
I guffawed.
“I mean, seriously, who wants FEWER strokes than average?” she continued.
I laughed harder.
“And who thinks that the best possible way to score is one stroke, then you take it out and move on to the next hole, never to put it in the first one again? GUYS! That’s who!”
I doubled over at that point, one arm holding my side, the other using the putter for support. It took a couple of minutes before I could stand up, wipe the tears from my cheeks, and move towards the tenth hole. We talked as we played.
“Bad experience with men?” I asked with a grin.
Dona smiled wryly, “Yes and no. It’s complicated.”
“I’m a good listener, I mean, for a guy!”
“I think you’d have to be to have close friends like Clarissa and Jocelyn. Girls tend to glom on to guys who listen.”
“And usually just want to be friends,” I replied.
“I got the picture you don’t have trouble getting dates.”
“I did in High School,” I replied. “I had one steady girlfriend, for most of Senior year, but otherwise, it never lasted beyond the second or third date. They always wanted to be friends, but that was it.”
“My best friend from kindergarten through the middle of the Summer after Senior year. She was in an accident and we successfully wrecked a thirteen-year friendship. It took two years to get it back, but it’s not the same. I didn’t meet Clarissa until I started at Taft, and you know she’s lesbian.”
“I met Steve near the beginning of my Sophomore year. We dated for a short time, then I made a really stupid decision and basically wrecked things. I dated some after that, and during my Junior year went with a guy for a while, but he was,” she laughed, “like the golf game.”
“Too few strokes?” I smirked.
“I described it as the difference between, uhm, screwing like a man and screwing like a little boy. He screwed like a little boy. Anyway, I ran into Steve again during my Junior year and we reconnected, but we never really dated. At some point, he stopped coming back to Milford.”
“You guys were never a couple?”
“No, but that was because I was stupid. Well, immature, foolish, and misguided. If I’d handled things differently, who knows. There was a girl he was interested in, but she was the ‘Holy Roller’ type and let’s just say I suspect I could offer things she would never even think about!”
I chuckled, “Kelly Prager?”
“But not stuck up. She was WAY prettier than Kelly, and she was really sweet, not a bitch like Kelly. But even the school stud wasn’t going to get THAT without a diamond ring, a white dress, and a reverend!”
“School stud?”
“I didn’t know it when we met because Milford’s Junior High has eighth and ninth grades, and he was two years ahead. He had a reputation with the girls in his grade and one lower, but I didn’t have any friends in that same circle.”
“So a secret school stud?”
“From the rumors I eventually heard, all from girls, mind you, that was a perfect strategy. If he had less than two dozen girls from Milford, I’d be shocked. I only had a chance because the girl he’d been steady with moved to Seattle at the end of Junior year. He’d been in Sweden but they’d still planned to be together, but I guess her dad got a job in Seattle and they moved. He was a bit like you, too, in that he had lots of female friends, though the rumor was he slept with all of them, at least from time to time.”
Which was true of me as well, but I didn’t know how much Dona knew from Jocelyn and Clarissa. They’d both been careful talking around her, and Jocelyn had made sure she went back to her room the mornings following those few nights we slept together before her first date with Bill.
“I’ve heard some stuff that sounds pretty far-fetched from a couple of people who knew him, but the stories all seem to match.”
“I’d say he lived the dream life of an all-American High School guy.”
“I, on the other hand, was the consummate nerd.”
“I think that’s almost a pre-req for being a doctor. My friend Larry at UC was a total nerd in High School as well. He still is, really. You seem to have escaped from the nerds.”
“I met the right people at Taft,” I replied.
“I’m glad I met you, Jocelyn, and Clarissa. It’s made coming to Taft easier.”
We finished the 18th hole and returned our clubs. I tallied the score sheet.
“I won by thirteen strokes,” I said.
“A hundred and thirteen strokes would be a LOT better!”
“Have you counted?” I asked with a silly grin.
Dona laughed, “No. Somehow I think counting strokes and writing it on a scoresheet might be an issue!”
“You never know, maybe it would encourage the guy to go as far over par as possible!”
“Now THERE’S an idea!”
We both laughed, and she looped her arm through mine. We made our way back to campus with our arms linked, and during our walk we agreed to play mini golf again the following Saturday morning. When we arrived at the dorm, I took a few minutes to talk to Jocelyn in private.
“He asked for a second date and I said ‘yes’,” she replied in response to my question about how things had gone.
“Good. Clarissa is going on a second date as well.”
“And your mini golf game?”
“We had a lot of fun. I think I helped improve her mood and I think she’ll be a good friend.”
“Cool. What’s the plan for the rest of the day?”
“Karate, Vespers, then Chinese at Doctor Blahnik’s house. Bring Dona, please, I don’t want her to feel left out.”
“Will do.”
June 10, 1984, McKinley, Ohio
“How are things at home, Tasha?” I asked when we gathered in her apartment on Sunday afternoon.
“Mom said my dad sat in his study alone for a few hours after Father Nicholas called, but otherwise, he seems to be himself.”
“Which means he’s unhappy, but isn’t taking it out on anyone at your house.”
“That’s what I think, yes.”
“Are Sasha’s wedding plans set?”
“A week from Saturday, in the afternoon before Vespers, at Holy Transfiguration. The reception will be in the church hall right after the ceremony. That will end right before Vespers starts. Will you be able to be there?”
“When you gave me the tentative date, I made arrangements with Father Nicholas.”
“The objections from Family Services were rejected?” Clarissa asked.
“Yes. According to my mom, who I called after church today, the judge said the law permitted the marriage, both parents had signed off, Sasha was willingly marrying Yaroslav, and he could support her.”
“Could they appeal?” Jocelyn asked.
“I don’t think so,” Tasha said. “According to the attorney, the only time that can happen is if the two parents disagree. You only need one to sign in Ohio, so there could be a disagreement that the courts would have to settle. But Family Services can’t appeal the ruling unless Sasha or my parents change their minds.”
“Which is not going to happen,” I said. “I’m glad that worked out OK. Did you talk with Nikolas?”
“I will on Wednesday,” Tasha replied. “I decided to wait to make sure everything was fine at home and my dad wasn’t going to try to cause trouble.”
“Unlike Maggie’s dad,” I replied. “He showed up at the house yesterday and she simply refused to open the door. Nobody else was home, and she saw out the window who was ringing the bell, so she went to her room and closed the door and stayed there until he gave up.”
“He didn’t come to campus?” Jocelyn asked.
“Not that I’m aware of. He wouldn’t have been able to get into the dorm, even wearing his uniform, and I didn’t see him.”
“Can he cause you any real trouble?” Tasha asked.
“Not really.”
“And the complaint you made?” Jocelyn asked.
“Nothing has happened so far. I won’t even bother following up unless he persists in harassing Maggie.”
“Today is Pentecost,” Clarissa said, “so you start fasting again, right?”
“Yes,” I replied. “Wednesdays and Fridays. The next major fasting periods are the Apostles Fast and the Dormition Fast, and of course, Little Lent, or the Nativity Fast. And then Great Lent and we do it all over again! I think I told you that the cycle of services basically defines time for me. It’s not the days and months on the wall calendar, but where we are in the church year. And after twenty-one years, that is the rhythm and flow of my life.”
“Being Lutheran is SO much simpler,” Jocelyn declared with a smile.
“And you know I feel Luther threw the baby out with the bathwater. His complaints about Rome were very similar to ours, and there were even dialogues between the Lutherans and Orthodox, but the Lutherans chose to go their own way with their own solutions to problems which had already been solved.”
“Hey, I once told you ‘Paris is worth a mass’!” Jocelyn protested.
“True,” I agreed. “Let’s change the topic! What’s for dinner?”
“Beef Stroganoff. I should probably get started. Would you help?”
June 12, 1984, McKinley, Ohio
“Do you always get a single scoop of chocolate?” Grace asked on Tuesday evening when we were at Verner’s.
“I know, boring in the extreme, but it’s pretty much what I’ve done consistently since I was about ten, though I’ve been known to be wild and crazy and get a turtle sundae on occasion!”
Grace laughed softly, “Creature of habit?”
“Mostly, I guess. My church is very traditional and it takes hundreds of years to change anything, and very few changes ever happen! New music for us means it’s over a hundred years old! That’s the thing that provides the foundation for my life. I think the easiest way to say it is that if it works, why change it?”
“An interesting point. Are you super-religious?”
“I’m faithfully Orthodox. But that’s very different from what most people think is super-religious.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m faithful, conservative, and traditional, but not a fundamentalist.”
“I’m not sure what that means.”
“Do you know anything about the Orthodox church?”
“Then I think we should probably talk about something else because what you probably think a ‘super-religious’ person is actually has zero to do with what a faithful Orthodox Christian believes or does. There might be a few external similarities, but what I’d call our ‘interior life’ is very different because Orthodoxy is very different. And I strongly suspect you didn’t come here for a theology discussion!”
Grace laughed, “Not even close. But where does that leave us?”
“Right now? We’re two college kids having ice cream.”
“And ‘strip chess’?” she asked.
“Before I answer, when you asked all those relationship questions, you said it was for you. Why?”
“Just what I told you - I’m not interested in anything serious, just someone to hang out with and have some fun. No complications, just two college kids hanging out and having a good time, with the added advantage that no matter what happens, my dad isn’t going to send federal agents after you!”
“There is that,” I chuckled. “One other important question. The game risks going beyond the prizes, so I have to ask about birth control, even if it doesn’t get to that point.”
“I use a diaphragm. I prefer to not take pills, don’t like rubbers, and the diaphragm is really reliable.”
I knew about diaphragms, but had never been with a girl who used one. I remembered from health class that it had to be inserted before sex, and that spermicide was used to provide additional protection, but that was the extent of my knowledge.
“I suppose the only question then is whether you’re OK with the prizes. Your Monopoly game didn’t have anything like that, did it?”
“It didn’t. The whole point was the guys wanting to see us naked and needing some kind of gimmick! The first time, the game ended and we put our clothes back on and that was it. After Prom, well, the couples did what couples always do after Prom!”
Or tried to do, in my case, but I didn’t think that was particularly relevant.
“And the prizes?”
“I don’t see a problem with them. Neither of us are virgins and it’s just for fun, right?”
“Your place or mine?” she asked.
“You live at home, right?”
“Yes, but my parents are out for the evening. They won’t be home before 11:00pm, and I’m eighteen, so it’s not like there’s really much they can say or do if they came home early.”
“Where do you live?”
“Just outside town to the north. I have my car, so probably the easiest is if we both drive. It’s straight out Main to Searle’s Crossing. You make a left, then the first left, which is Ames, and it’s the third house on the left. It’s white, with red shutters. 412 Ames. You can park in the driveway behind my Challenger.”
“One of the new ones which are rebranded Japanese cars or a classic one?”
“It’s my dad’s old car - a 1973 Challenger hardtop with a V8. You drive a Mustang, right?”
“Yes, a Black 1976 Cobra II with a V8 and a four-speed manual.”
“Mine’s a four-speed manual as well. Wanna trade cars for the drive?”
“Why not?”
We finished our ice cream then walked back to campus so Grace could get my car, and then I walked back to Verner’s to get into hers which she had parked in the street in front of the shop. I started the engine and was treated to a full-throated roar from the V8. I laughed at the thought of what Jocelyn would do with this car if she had the chance, but she had trouble driving stick due to how she’d healed after her accident.
Less than ten minutes later I turned onto Ames and saw my Mustang idling by the curb. I pulled into the driveway of Grace’s house and she pulled in behind me. We both shut off the engines, got out, locked the cars, and exchanged keys.
“Nice car,” I grinned.
“Same! Did you open her up?”
I shook my head, “My friend Jocelyn has the lead foot; I drive pretty conservatively. But I did test the power away from the line at the traffic light at Route 50. You?”
“I like to drive fast! Let’s go in.”
We went into the house which was very similar to my parents’ house, though it was a true two-story where my parents was a split-level. After we took off our shoes, Grace led me upstairs and to her room which looked more like a guy’s room - posters of muscle cars, Pete Rose, Anthony Muñoz, and hilariously in contrast, at least to me, David Cassidy.
“‘One of these things doesn’t belong here... ‘,” I sang.
“What? I can’t have ONE thing that’s girly? I had a crush on him to die for from ages ten to fourteen. I left it up because it contrasts with the other stuff.”
I chuckled, “When we did the ‘bachelorette’ thing, and you said ‘walks in the rain’, I got a ‘romantic’ vibe.”
“And that means I can’t like Corvettes, baseball, and football?”
“No, it’s just the contrast. I’m much more used to frilly rooms with at least some pink!”
“No pink decorations in here! I work on my own car, too; Dad taught me. You?”
I shook my head, “My friend Nate back home maintains my car for me. My dad always used a mechanic, so that’s what I do.”
“Working on cars is fun, and a great way to meet guys. Let me get my chess set.”
She went to the closet and got a rolled-up plastic mat and a box of chess pieces, similar to what we used in tournaments. She waved and I followed her back downstairs, then to the basement where she unrolled the mat on a low table with beanbag chairs on each side. She opened the box, took out two pawns, put her hands behind her back, then held them out. I tapped her right hand and was rewarded with the white pawn.
We set up the pieces and I decided on a fairly straight forward queen’s pawn opening, with my choice of continuation influenced by Grace’s response. She met my d4 with Nf6, and I elected to NOT play the Queen’s Gambit, choosing instead Nf3. She met that with d5 and I responded with Bf4. This was the ‘London System’ and generally resulted in a closed, methodical game. It had the benefit of having fewer theoretical lines and was called ‘boring’ by our chess coach. But I was rusty, so it made sense to me to play it. It had the added benefit of giving me solid attacking chances while limiting Grace’s chances at counter-attack. Grace responded with Bf5.
“London System?” she observed. “Very conservative.”
“I figured a good choice given I haven’t played much in the last few years.”
I played e3 and after a moment’s thought, Grace played c6. I remembered playing this position in a tournament during my Junior year, and how I’d messed up, slightly. After the game, coach had analyzed it for me and I now made the move he’d suggested - c4. Grace had to ensure her pawns were properly aligned, so she responded with e6. After Nc3 and Nbd7, I played Qb3, which meant I could force a series of profitable exchanges unless she moved her queen to a poor location, which she did by playing Qb6. The problem with that was, I could chase her away with c5, which I did.
“I’d say nicely done,” Grace said, “but I don’t like how this is developing!”
She considered for a moment, then played Qxb3, taking my queen.
“Socks count as one item,” I said, pulling off my gray tube socks.
“OK. I don’t have a belt!” she protested.
“And I don’t have a bra!” I countered, playing axb3, removing her queen from the board with my queen’s rook’s pawn.
Grace pulled off her white footies and wiggled her toes in the air.
“Sexy,” I chuckled. “Your move!”
I liked my position, and with Grace’s possible attacks defanged by the exchange of queens, and my pieces more active, I felt confident. I just had to play accurately, and I’d be in good shape. The only question was, how many pieces we’d exchange and whether or not we’d clear the pawns.
December 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday, after church, Clarissa, Elizaveta and I went to Tasha’s apartment to spend the afternoon with her and Nik. Tasha and Elizaveta prepared dinner together, and had a quiet conversation in Russian, while Nik, Clarissa, and I talked. From their body language, I got the impression that «бабушка» Natalya was giving Matushka Elizaveta advice. My first thought was that I should be very afraid, but that thought was fleeting, and I realized that if there was...
March 28, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday, after my lesson with Doctor Blahnik, I met with Mark and Alyssa for our final catechism class. We finished reviewing the Nicene Creed, and then went over the baptismal rite to ensure they knew exactly what would happen on Holy Saturday morning. “Seriously?” Mark asked. “A horse trough?” “It’s painted gold with three-bar crosses on each side,” I offered. “The only other options are a river or a lake. We could probably arrange that, if you felt it...
August 21, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “When’s your last day?” Grace asked on Tuesday morning. “Tomorrow. I need to participate in checking in Freshmen starting Thursday. Are you working Thursday and Friday?” “Thursday, because it’s check-in. Friday I’ll be at orientation. Do you think we could keep our chess dates?” “Evenings are out because of studying, but Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are completely free, except for my guitar lesson on Thursday right after lunch.” “What about Tuesday...
June 5, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Do you want me to sleep at Doctor Blahnik’s house tonight?” Clarissa asked when she arrived at the dorm early on Tuesday evening so we could go to dinner. “No,” I replied. “Ice cream with Grace isn’t a date. And besides, you know the score.” “So this doesn’t end with her licking your cone?” she teased. I laughed, “No. I won’t be more than an hour or so.” “I’ll hang out with Jocelyn and Dona. I don’t want Kelly to complain I was in your room without you...
June 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Saturday morning, Clarissa left for her volunteer job at the local free clinic and I headed to the dorm to move my things from eight to two. It took about an hour to move everything and get it set up again. I’d just finished when I heard a very familiar voice call my name. “Hi, Jos!” I replied happily, holding out my arms. We hugged and exchanged a gentle kiss and then I pushed her cart down the hallway to her room. “You could have come up to get me to help...
April 28, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday, after the Divine Liturgy, Father Nicholas asked me to come to his office. “I spoke with Vladyka last evening. He gave his blessing for you to play in your band with a couple of conditions, which I don’t think will be a problem. The venues are important - no bars or clubs. He’d prefer you play things like High School dances, or venues where no alcohol is served. The key is decorum.” “Thank you. I’ll make sure I discuss any concerts with you in...
June 17, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I’m going to break things off with Maggie tomorrow,” I said after Clarissa, Jocelyn, and I arrived at Tasha’s apartment for our usual Sunday dinner. “What?!” Jocelyn exclaimed. “I thought you were going to take the Summer.” “I’ve thought a lot about it, talked with Tasha, talked with Clarissa, and had a short talk with Doctor Blahnik. Basically, I let my promise to Maggie cause me to ignore the reality of the situation.” “Lara?” Jocelyn asked. “It’s...
January 2, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “Well?” Clarissa asked after I returned to the great room. “Wait and see. Angie’s next appointment is a week from tomorrow. I’m hoping Doctor Mercer waits until then to talk to Angie, but I’m afraid she’ll call Angie’s mom and THAT will cause Angie all sorts of heartache and might even set off her condition.” “Wouldn’t Doctor Mercer know that?” “Yes, but the problem is that Angie did something Doctor Mercer thinks is inherently dangerous. She’s almost...
October 20, 1984, McKinley, Ohio After Vespers on Saturday night, I headed back to campus and found a note saying the gang had gone to see Thief of Hearts and would be back around 10:00pm. I was dying to know if Clarissa and Sandy had received their letters from McKinley, but it looked as if I’d have to wait a few hours to find out. Given that my close friends were out, I really didn’t have much to do, so I picked up my guitar and played, though I didn’t sing. I started messing around with...
July 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Your mom hasn’t called you yet?” Tasha asked when our small group gathered at her apartment on Sunday afternoon. “No,” I replied. “But I figured it would take a couple of weeks of not hearing from me or Liz before she decides she needs to talk to me.” “You’re doing OK?” “Yes. It’s not all that different from you and Sasha, except that your dad figured it out quickly.” “If by that you mean you shamed him into behaving as a Christian should, then yes.” “How...
May 13, 1985, McKinley, Ohio The phone rang very early on Monday morning, startling me awake. A quick glance at the clock told me that it had to be Angie calling, and I dreaded answering the phone. Reluctantly, I got out of bed and moved across the room to answer it. “Mike,” I said after I picked up the handset. “Mike? It’s Mom.” “Mom?” I gasped in surprise. “What’s wrong?” “Grandpa Loucks had a heart attack,” she said. “Dad is on his way to Chicago.” “How bad?” I asked. “His prognosis...
June 16, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “So that’s it?” Clarissa asked when I hung up the phone on Saturday morning. “Yes. After I talked to the investigators on Thursday morning, they closed the investigation and late yesterday the base commander told Maggie’s dad he wasn’t going to take any action. According to what Karl said, the base commander gave Maggie’s dad an unofficial reprimand about what he said to me, but that won’t have any negative effect on his career.” “And Maggie is going to see...
July 14, 1984, Milford, Ohio “Good morning, Mike! Good morning, Clarissa!” Doctor Mercer said when we walked into her office early on Saturday morning. “Hi, Doctor Mercer!” we both replied. “Clarissa, did you want to talk this morning?” Doctor Mercer asked. She shook her head, “No, I’m fine. Mike can tell you everything.” “OK. Mike, come on in. Clarissa, there’s a deli that serves great coffee on Route 50, just past the Frisch’s and before the Wendy’s, if you want.” “You know what, I...
September 3, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I understand,” Lara soothed. “I really do. You can’t risk your ordination nor your relationship with Elizaveta. Father Nicholas would know, and neither of us could answer the questions he would have to ask in a way that would satisfy him.” “I’m sorry.” Lara smiled, “Probably not quite as sorry as I am! I should have played the cards somewhat differently; that said, everything we did made perfect sense at the time. May I give you your first wedding...
September 3, 1984, McKinley, Ohio When Lara and I returned to campus just before lunchtime, two McKinley police officers were in the lobby, blocking access to the elevators. “What’s going on?” I asked Nicky, a Senior, who was manning the desk. “An OD on 5,” she said. “Bad?” “The paramedics went up about ten minutes ago. The cops will let you up, but you can’t go to 5.” “Thanks. Any idea who it was or what they took?” “No.” Lara and I headed to the mailboxes where I retrieved letters...
January 24, 1985, McKinley, Ohio The phone rang on Thursday evening while we were studying and I went to my room to answer it. “Hi, Mike; It’s Fran Mercer.” “Hi, Doctor Mercer.” “I had a session with Angie today and explained to her about why the state wouldn’t let her marry. It didn’t go well.” “What happened?” I asked apprehensively. “She became very angry and agitated. Her psychiatrist ordered a mild sedative, but she’s refusing to take it.” “Lord have mercy,” I replied softly. “So...
February 20, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “Are there any guidelines?” I asked Chancellor Evans. “You have quite a bit of leeway, but your speech does need to be approved. If you could have it to me by the first week in May, that’ll give you plenty of time to write it and still leave time for review and any changes that might be appropriate.” “How long should it be?” “According to tradition?” he asked with a slight smile. “Or according to the students?” “Tradition, I suppose,” I replied with a...
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"Well, here we are again," I said, coming next to her. "Back at your house, as you're cooking dinner for us, our sons, and our husbands.""I noticed, but I guess this time you have a different young man to eye-fuck," London added, flipping the chicken breasts. "Then to actually fuck when no one else is looking.""Well, you have the same game to play here. At least this time, you already know you want to play, you don't have to be pushed into it this time.""I pushed myself, Sandra,"...
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November 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Tuesday, Elizaveta’s dad invited both of her grandfathers to join us for dinner at the country club. I enjoyed talking with them the way I’d always enjoyed talking with my grandfather’s friends, much to my mom’s displeasure, though that was mostly because of the ‘coarse’ language I’d picked up from them. All of my conversations with my future in-laws had been in English, after they’d asked that first time, and it was quite clear that to them it was much...
November 23, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Can we spend some time kissing?” Elizaveta asked when I picked her up on Friday afternoon. “So long as you behave, yes!” I replied. “Which is what the girls usually say to the boys!” “Do your friends have trouble with that?” “Sometimes. They say the guys try to push things further than the girls want to go.” “And Marcie?” I grinned. “How is she doing!” “It’s not TOO cold yet!” Elizaveta replied with a soft laugh. “During Christmas break, my school...
I walked out of the kitchen and saw them. "Hey, boys, do you two have anything going on tonight?" I pondered, walking back to my chair and sitting down."No, Mom, I think we might just hang out in Joe's room tonight," Pete replied."Are you going to talk about girls, Joe?" I pondered, stopping my eyes on him. 'Your mom doesn't want it, but I want your dick inside me. I surely hope she allows me to get my hands on you because I want you. I'll get you one way or another, but maybe, just...
MILFMay 7, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Tuesday morning I went to Chancellor Evans’ office for a 9:00am appointment which had been scheduled by his secretary when she called me on Monday afternoon. “Overall, I like it,” he said. “I half expected to find a note that said you were going to play your guitar! I very much enjoyed the concert and I was surprised that you’re forming a band.” “José is the driving force, and Elizaveta encouraged me to do it as a way to relax and take my mind off my studies...
POV London We all walked into Keisha's room, and she sat down with Joe first. I couldn't turn down the chance to look at Keisha again. I couldn't be sure just how this was going to go, but I still had high hopes. I sat down in between them and glanced at Keisha. "Do you love my son, Keisha?" "I don't know, maybe. I certainly know you love Joe, only an extra loving mother would blow their son and ride them too. I'm sorry if you're mad that I watched you with him. I never wanted you to...
IncestChapter Two: Dr. Rita's Futa Medicine By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I rolled off my sleeping beauty, both of us breathing so heavily. Already, Nurse Pita was dressing, a big smile on the Hispanic nurse's face. Carly Wright, my sleeping princess, had an equally large smile on her face, though hers was adorned with Pita's tart pussy juices. The hospital room reeked of sex. It was the second time the three of us had sex tonight. The first time was right after I healed my delicious,...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
Alexa Chapter 28: London Baby, Part 3 Marty stood as we entered the lounge area. The look on his face was priceless. His eyes were wide, his mouth was open. Jenny and I looked at each other and let the smiles on our faces grow. Marty began to say something. "You two, ah um." You could see the frustration at the inability to speak come over his face. We both walked over to the man who has become like a father to me and each kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks" Jenny and I said in...
"Holy shit, we're dating our hot moms," I said, sitting down on the couch."Where have you been, Joe?" he laughed."I mean, we both actually went on dates with our moms a few weeks ago. Having sex is one thing, but we had dinner, and sat across from our moms, in an intimate setting. You have to admit; things are getting serious, Pete. I've already kissed my mom more in the past two months than in the previous five years before then. I mean, they seem crazy about us. Do you know what I...
IncestPeter winced as he touched his nose. He looked just as bruised as he thought he would be. He didn’t understand it, they didn’t steal anything from him and if it weren’t for the group of people who turned down Barlow Road at 3am on a Wednesday morning, the men would have continued beating him and most likely he would not be standing in front of his mirror Wednesday afternoon. The whole event was weird. They didn’t ask him for any money, and the two men wore clothes from the nineteenth or...
IncestAlexa Chapter 26: London, Baby! Part 1 Marty started to get impatient with us as we sat in the Delta Sky Club waiting for our flight to be announced. For the six weeks since our birthday dinner, we have talked about nothing but this trip. The moment we got home we knew that we needed to start making plans. The first thing that needed to be taken care of we had done, I had applied for my passport immediately after my name change so we were set there. Clothing would be worked out,...
Die Ankunft der Brigantine Sacrum Maya VI Es ist der 28. Mai 1830 als Edward-Maximilian Williams wie jeden Tag zur Arbeit ging. Er ist 23. Jahre alt und am 31.12.1806 geboren in London. Edward-Maximilian ist 1,81 m groß, zu dem hat er blonde Haare, einen Schnauzbart, grau grüne Augen, ein muskulösen Körper und sein Kantiges Gesicht hat meist ein Lächeln auf den Lippen. Edward ist Einzelkind und seine Eltern sind. Skye 45. Jahre alt und Edgar Williams ist 55. Jahre alt. Beide Leben in...
FantasyEugenie 2099 It had been a long and arduous trek to London from her distant home in a plague-ridden village in rural East Midlands, but Eugenie was determined to get as far as she could from all that she'd used to know and all the memories associated with it. Although Eugenie had lived all her young life in one of the English Republic's most deprived regions her memories weren't all bad. Nevertheless, it wasn't surprising that so many villages in the East Midlands had succumbed to and...
The next day a very green around the gills, Bitsy, sat watching Rav sleep. She looked at Katrina, "Didn't your father have a house in London? Kat" Smiling, Kat nodded, she hadn't thought of that house in a very long time, she remembered the times they had taken trips to town and her father taking her to a puppet show and buying her a sweetmeat because she had been so good. "Would you mind very much if I used the house, for awhile? I'm going to go to London shortly." Kat who had been...
I recently met a few college-aged gents at a bar who didn't understand having a milf fetish. These dumbasses didn't even know who I was. We just happened upon the topic as gents are want to do. Obviously, I disagreed with them in the least and felt compelled to guide them towards the milf light and introduce them to one of my favorite milfs, London River.Teaching Youth About the Magic of MilfsFirst off, I explained that all the twenty-something dumb college cunts they're fucking have no idea...
Twitter Porn AccountsOctober 17, 1981, McKinley, Ohio There was a knock at the door just before 6:00pm and I was sure it was the girls so I called out for them to come in. As expected, it was Jeannette and Marie. “Ready for hot meat between buns and slurping creamy white liquid?” Jeannette teased. “My bedroom is right there!” I grinned. “Should we leave you two the room?” Marie smirked. “Dinner first, then dessert!” Jeannette laughed. I took Angie’s hand and the four of us left the dorm and headed for the...
This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...
VOLUME-2 Chapter XI Out shooting. • A female carter. • A feel in the train. • Molly in London. • Giles in town.-Fred on the scene. • Molly at the Hall. • Copulation in uniform. • A sham illness. • An afternoon with Molly. • She turns harlot. • Gets clapped.-Her baby. I was in wonderful condition. Early to bed, out-of-door exercise, good plain living, everything to make me so. I felt as if I could fuck all day. If one day I had neither of the women, the next day my prick stood from morning...
The arrival of the Brigantine Sacrum Maya VI It is May 28, 1830, when Edward-Maximilian Williams went to work like every day. He is 23 years old and was born on December 31st, 1806 in London. Edward-Maximilian is 1.81 m tall, he has blonde hair, a mustache, gray-green eyes, a muscular body and his angular face usually has a smile on his face. Edward is an only child and his parents are. Skye is 45 years old and Edgar Williams is 55 years old. Edward's personality was characterized by friendly,...
FantasyDecember 16, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “That was an interesting speech by your bishop,” Clarissa said as we relaxed in my room after studying for Monday’s Analytical Chemistry exam. “You mean because it sounded like he was speaking directly to me? Or to you?” “It almost seemed as if he were excusing sin.” “I understand how you could hear it that way, but what he was doing was acknowledging the power it has over us. Paul wrote about it in Romans 7. Believe it or not, I don’t have that entire...
February 9, 1985, Milford, Ohio “Do you mind sitting in the waiting room for five minutes while I talk to Doctor Mercer about Angie?” “That’s fine,” Elizaveta replied as we walked through the door of the building where Doctor Mercer had her office. We went upstairs and into the waiting room and Doctor Mercer greeted us. Elizaveta sat on the couch and Doctor Mercer and I went into her office. “Elizaveta will join us after we talk about Angie,” I said. “You don’t need any private...
August 31, 1984, Duquesne, Pennsylvania “Anything I need to know?” I said as we neared Lara’s house. “Not really. I told you about both sets of parents.” “Names? I mean other than I know your biological dad is Sergei Viktorovich Federov.” “My step-mom is Alisa, my step-dad is Albert, and my biological mom is Elena. My step-siblings are Karolina and Pavel. Oh, and my cat is named Lilia Felicksovna Koshkaa,” she added with a laugh. “Cute! I take it that your step-dad’s house is typically...
September 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Yes!” Elizaveta squealed. Everyone clapped and the grandmothers put the choker and bracelet on Elizaveta, who was impatiently waiting to come to me. Just before she did, Gennady hurried over, winked, and we exchanged a Russian greeting, causing everyone but Elizaveta, who simply rolled her eyes, to laugh. Once Gennady moved away, Elizaveta quickly came to me and we hugged tightly, then Elizaveta turned to her maternal grandmother. “Grandmother, may I...
October 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I’d like you each to fill out this worksheet,” Father Nicholas said. “Please do not collaborate on the answers. It’s important for me to understand our starting point. Please don’t overthink this, or write down what you think I want to hear or what you think the other person wants to hear.” I scanned the worksheet before I began, something I did for every exam, quiz, or worksheet, then began with the first questions which mostly had to do with how well I...
November 17, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio “What did you say to get your dad to come upstairs?” Elizaveta asked as we climbed into my Mustang for the drive back to McKinley. “I just insisted he keep his word to you.” “To me? I’ve never spoken to him until today!” “The promise he made, three years ago, to love any girl I married and treat her like a daughter, was made to you. Well, assuming I’m not in enough trouble with you that you’re going to call off the wedding.” “You said you wanted to be...
January 17, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “My parents were kicked out of the church because they wouldn’t make me stop coming to Saint Michael the Archangel,” Mark said when I greeted him and Alyssa on Thursday afternoon. “Are they going to the Lutheran Church?” “Starting on Sunday, yes.” “What about yours, Alyssa?” “They’re supposed to have a meeting with the elders on Saturday morning. I invited them to Saint Michael, and Mark’s parents suggested they go to the Lutheran church.” “But it’s not...
February 16, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “Good morning, Subdeacon,” Father Stephen said when Elizaveta and I walked into the main lobby of The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. The hospital was on Mt. Auburn, one of the highest points in the city, and offered a nice view of the city below. Father Stephen was clad in his ryasa. “Father, bless!” I said, holding my cupped hands for his blessing. “Bless you, Subdeacon,” he said, making the sign of the cross over my upturned palms. I kissed...
May 26, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday morning, I decided to walk my usual route through Doctor Blahnik’s neighborhood, rather than run. I had nervous energy I needed to burn off, but I didn’t want to burn off ALL my energy. I put on my shorts, t-shirt, and running shoes, and went out the front door. I was surprised to find Clarissa sitting on the steps waiting for me. She hopped up and we exchanged a hug. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Waiting for you! Ready?” “For?” She laughed,...
POV: London“Fuck me, that was intense, but I think it had to be done," I said, pulling Joe and Keisha to me. "You got that right, London," Sandra agreed, holding Gia and Pete. "I guess we don't need to hide anything now though, and its gonna get crowded here." "Yes," Joe sobbed, before kissing me. "Let's go, Mom, let's make our relationship completely official and have sex." "I like that, son, I love you, I swear, nothing will ever change that. I stood firm against your father, and...
IncestSeptember 20, 1984, Milford, Ohio “Thanks for coming here, Mike,” Doctor Mercer said when I walked into her office. “I felt I had to. Clarissa and Sandy are at Frisch’s, and I’ll join them when we’re done. They know it could be a while.” “Have a seat,” she invited. Instead of sitting down, I went to the couch, took off my shoes, lay down, and stretched out. Doctor Mercer got up and moved to the chair which was positioned just behind my head. “This is different,” she said. “I know,” I...
December 24, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Monday, which was Christmas Eve, I slept in, ate a light breakfast, then made some tea and went to sit in the music room to start reading Foundation. I read for about fifteen minutes before Doctor Blahnik came into the room. “What time are you leaving?” she asked “About 11:00am.” “And you’ll be back tonight?” “Around 9:30pm, most likely. We’ll go to Vespers, then have a light meal.” “Will you join Milena, Joel, Derek, and me to decorate the tree? I...
Theophany, January 6, 1985, McKinley, Ohio After I dropped Elizaveta at home, I took a chance and drove to Father Nicholas’ house. Matushka Natalya greeted me at the door and let me in. Father Nicholas invited me to his study. “Sorry to bother you at home, but the bishop suggested I speak to you.” “Am I going to be happy at the end of this conversation?” “Angie drove from Cincinnati on New Year’s Day to talk to me.” “I thought she wasn’t supposed to drive!” “She’s not. She did it...
March 15, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “What did I hear you playing?” Clarissa asked when I came downstairs on Friday afternoon. “Just practicing,” I replied. “Yes, but that was no guitar!” she protested. I frowned, “I really should have skipped practicing this week. It’s a surprise for my wedding.” “Wait! That’s one of those Russian guitars like the girl had in Doctor Zhivago!” “A balalaika,” I confirmed. “It was Doctor Blahnik’s suggestion.” “What songs can you play?” “The only one I play...
April 19, 1985, McKinley, Ohio Elizaveta drove my car to Pizza Inn, where her friends had reserved the small banquet room for the party. She’d be taking her driving test Thursday, and wanted a bit more practice. I was sure she’d pass, but with BMV employees, one never knew what might happen. When we arrived, Elizaveta backed into the parking spot just as I’d taught her, and after locking up the car, we went inside to where ten of her friends and their boyfriends or girlfriends were waiting,...
September 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio At the close of Vespers, Father Nicholas, I, and two acolytes left the altar. He completed the prayers which served as the Dismissal, then turned to the congregation. “One announcement,” he said. “Tomorrow, immediately following the Divine Liturgy, we’ll have a betrothal ceremony for Subdeacon Michael and Elizaveta Kozlova.” There were a few gasps, but otherwise, no real reaction because we were in the nave, where applause or chatter was completely...
December 31, 1984, McKinley, Ohio Elizaveta greeted me at the door with a soft kiss, then took me to her father’s study. She left me with him and Gennady, then went to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on the meal. I accepted a splash of brandy from Viktor and we toasted. “When do you head back to Harvard?” I asked Gennady. “Wednesday afternoon,” he replied. “You know, I never asked if you had a girlfriend.” “I do. A girl who lives in Boston, but who’ll move here if I ask her to...