SeleneChapter 4 free porn video

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At dinner, I sat at one end of the table, Katrina at the other. The two girls sat opposite each other, and if eating were a sexual sport, both girls would have won with screaming orgasms each. Katrina smiled tolerantly at her sister, watching the intense way both girls stared at the other. Katrina actually laughed at one point, choking for a moment when Kasey put a forkful of food into her mouth, and with a low moan of sexual ecstasy, slowly pulled the fork out, then equally slowly and sensually licked it clean.

Selene was eating one-handed, with a fork in her right hand. Her left hand dropped below the table, and she shifted in her seat. Then she narrowed her eyes, and leaning sideways as unobtrusively as I could, I saw her hand moving slowly between her legs, rubbing her jeans-clad pussy. Kasey had certainly made one hell of an impression on her!

After dinner, Katrina and I sat on the couch, at opposite ends, sipping our coffees, carefully watching each other, her eyes filled with a promise of more, if I wanted it. I did! Kasey and Selene hadn't said a word to each other all during dinner, leaving the conversation to Katrina and I. But I knew Selene had heard every word spoken. As we stood to leave the table, Selene flicked her eyes at her room. Kasey smiled a languid smile, and linking hands, they walked to her room, and shut the door behind them.

'If what I think is about to happen, ' Katrina observed, 'then we won't see those two for a while.'

She said it with humour, smiling. I started to clear the table. I don't have a dishwasher, human or machine, preferring to do that chore myself. There's something primitive about doing the dishes, and I felt proud to know that they were clean and ready to use again. Katrina watched me for a minute or two, and then taking a tea towel she began to dry the dishes.

I gave her directions as to where they all went.

We talked, in muted voices as we did that domestic chore, and I found having her there beside me rather fun, actually. The shared duty seemed to draw us closer. The beautiful woman by my side complimented me by saying, 'You know, it's rather a surprise to see a man doing the dishes. Most men would rather leave this to the women-folk!'

I laughed, and then said, 'I hated doing the dishes to begin with, when I first went out on my own. But not having my mother there to do them for me forced me to do something about it. I had a big pile of stinking plates and pots, and I think even the flies were getting grossed out by the fucking smell!'

'I love doing them now, ' I said, seriously. 'It helps me to be calm, and gives me time to think, to go over the events of the day, and I sometimes lose myself in the feel of them.'

Katrina cocked her eyebrow, a half-smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

I said, 'Grease. Your bare fingers can feel the grease or baked on food. So you do the dish again, until it 'feels' clean.'

'Just the right amount of hot water and suds helps, of course!' I chuckled.

As we sat on the couch in companionable silence, there was a muted cry from Selene's room. Katrina cocked her head, and said absently, 'Kasey. I can recognise her anywhere, even if we were in the middle of a loud orgy.'

She smiled, and said, her eyes dancing, 'And I have, too!'

There was a soft long drawn-out wail not long afterward. Katrina, listening, and said softly, 'She can orgasm like that all night, if you let her. She especially loves being licked. Kasey doesn't cum so much during penetration, but lick her pussy, pay attention to her clit, and she'll keep the neighbours awake all night!'

Another cry, louder now, punctuated her statement.

'See what I mean?' she grinned.

'What about you?' I asked her. 'What gets your blood pumping?'

She was about to answer, when we heard Kasey yell, 'Oh God, oh fucking God no, please God, no!'

Then she gave an almighty long yell, and we could hear Selene's bed thump against the wall. Then there was silence, and a few moments later, Kasey came out of the bedroom, looking dishevelled. Her blouse was severely creased, hanging loose from her miniskirt. The buttons of her blouse were all undone, and her strapless bra was gone. Her breasts swung free, pink finger marks on them, her nipples red. She could barely stand, her legs weak and wobbling, and seemed to limp into the bathroom. She came out a minute later, and grinning, she said, amazement in her voice, 'God all-fucking-mighty, Katrina! I've hit the fucking jackpot!'

Chuckling lecherously, she went back into Selene's room, but before the door closed we heard her say, 'Okay, girly, get on the fucking bed! Your turn!' Then the door closed, and there was silence.

Katrina sipped her coffee. 'I wonder who'll give in first?' she mused. 'Kasey's only just warming up!'

She looked into my eyes, and we both laughed.

We heard Selene give a high pitched squeal. I gave Katrina an enquiring look.

'One of Kasey's favourite things is to put a finger up the girl's butt, ' she explained.

'Especially when the girl isn't expecting it!' she giggled. 'She's caught me unawares many times by doing that!'

Katrina saw the look on my face, part shock, and part lechery.

'Oh, yes!' she laughed throatily. 'Dad was a firm believer that 'families who play together, stay together!''

The lovely woman who shared my space gave me a look, and putting down her cup onto the coffee table, she turned to face me, sliding her legs underneath herself, one arm along the backrest.

'In answer to your question, ' she said, 'oral sex is fine, but you always take your chances there. So many people claim to wear the tag of 'expert.' But when it comes right down to it, they really have no idea of what they're doing.'

She smiled, and placed her hand on my knee.

'I'm sorry, ' she said, 'but I meant no offence.'

'None taken, ' I replied. 'I've never claimed to be an 'expert, ' although I do try to do my best!'

She laughed, the sound of it tinkling in the air, like magickal bells.

'There are some, though, ' she said, 'that I've found that can do wonderful and amazing things with their mouths!'

She sighed. 'Unfortunately, the majority of those have been women, because... '

'A woman knows what a woman likes?' I finished for her.

'Exactly!' she nodded, smiling.

Every time she smiled, the light in the room seemed to get brighter, for some reason, or was that just me?

Katrina looked at her hands, and then looking up, she asked, 'Robert. Do you mind me calling you Robert? Sir or Mr Allison is always so formal, but at work, I will continue to address you as such, if you prefer.'

'Call me Robert, ' I told her. 'You are now in a position of great authority, and we should be informal with one another.'

'At work, however, you do have the choice of calling me Mr Allison, but only if you wish.'

Katrina smiled, looking secretly like she'd won something, and then she said, 'Thank you, Robert. Now, what gets me hot?'

She looked at her fingertips, and then asked, 'Have you ever had sex with your clothes on?'

I had to think. 'Only once, that I can remember, ' I told her. 'Back when I was a teenager. But the zipper rubbed the base of my cock raw. Having a shower for next few days afterwards really stung like a bastard!'

She narrowed her eyes, and then said, 'Okay, I guess we'll have to do it the other way, then!'

'Oh? Which way is that?' I asked, intrigued.

'Let me show you!'

Katrina stood up, and bending, she undid my belt buckle, and unzipping my trousers, she tugged on them. I raised my hips, and sliding my pants down to my knees, she said, 'Oh, good! Y fronts!'

She dipped her hand inside them and extracted my hardness. She stroked and pumped me for a few seconds, then standing erect, she hitched her skirt up to her hips, reached between her legs, doing something, and it was then I noticed two sets of tiny ribbons hanging down.

'Crotchless panties!' she said, her eyes feverish.

Then climbing onto my lap, facing me, she reached under herself, and levered my cock until it was nestled against her hot wet opening. Katrina rubbed the head against herself to lubricate it, one hand on my shoulder for balance, and then with a sigh, she slowly sat on me.

Her vaginal passage was wet and snug. Sliding into her channel was easy, but I felt faint contractions as she slid down my shaft. Then she was resting her butt on my thighs, her arms around my neck, her face pressed into my shoulder.

'Oh God that's so nice, she whispered.

My hands went to her breasts, kneading her firm mounds. Katrina began to gasp as she raised herself up, then sliding back down she began to speed the rhythm up. I held her breasts, gripping them, humping my hips up against her. In the background, the sound of Selene crying out in orgasm, mixed with the sound of the woman I was fucking, sounded like music to my ears.

I put my arm under Katrina's butt, going to pick her up and lay her on the floor, but she shook her head.

'No, Robert! Like this! Please, like this!'

I put my hands on her hips, and continued to fuck her like that, until with an 'ohgod, ohgod, ohgod!' from her, and a loud groan from me, we climaxed together, ramming our genitals against the other.

We sat there, Katrina heaving as she dragged air into her lungs. I was panting heavily myself, my shirt wet with perspiration. 'Gets me every time, ' Katrina managed, gasping.

She sat back, her hands still on my shoulders. My cock slipped from her channel. She looked disappointed, and then shrugged.

'Sex with clothes on really turns me on, ' she said. 'Probably stems from the time Dad and I had to be quick when I was a girl. We fucked just about everywhere, always in danger we'd be caught!'

There was a low keening cry from Selene's room.

We turned our heads toward the room where the girls were.

'Kasey wins, ' Katrina said.

Katrina laughed, and said, 'Kasey has the stamina of a horse! She wore Dad out more than once! A session with her, and he was no good to me for hours!'

She laughed again, getting off me. I was glad she did, as my legs were going to sleep. Katrina started to get herself pulled together, straightening herself up.

'I'll go and get Kasey, ' she said. 'It's time we went home. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow, shall I, Robert?'

I couldn't move for the moment. My pants were still around my knees, my cock, flaccid now, was still outside of my underwear, which were saturated with my semen that had slipped out of Katrina's pussy.

'Sure, Katrina, ' I told her. 'Thanks for coming around tonight. I mean that.'

She leaned in, gave me a kiss, and smiling, she went down to the bedroom to extract her amazing sister from my niece's clutches.

Kasey didn't bother dressing. She was just clad in her miniskirt and boots, otherwise nude. She just held her clothes in a bundle, and as she walked past me, humming, full of energy, she leant in, gave me a kiss on top of my head, then said, 'See ya tomorrow, Mr Allison!'

From the direction of Selene's room, a tired voice called out, 'Running away, Kasey? We're gonna have a rematch, and you won't get off so fucking lightly!'

Kasey stopped, and without turning around, threw back, 'In your dreams, little girl!' and walking away through the front door, she cackled evilly.

Katrina smiled in sympathy, and saying, 'Goodnight, Robert, see you tomorrow, ' she closed the front door behind her.

Selene's door was wide open, so getting up and doing my pants back up, I went to use the bathroom, and as I was shutting her door, I heard Selene mutter in the darkness, 'Fucking bitch! Leaving me here like that!' Then a few seconds later, she whined, half asleep, 'I can't move! I'm so fucking tired!'

The next morning, as I was showering, Selene stumbled into the bathroom, and sitting heavily down on the toilet, she groaned. She looked a fright. Her hair was a bird's nest, her eyes had dark smudges under them, and she looked like death warmed up. She did her tinkling, then standing up without wiping herself, she pulled open the glass door and shoved me aside, standing under the steaming water, her eyes closed, her mouth open. She bowed her head, and reaching for a washcloth, soaped it and began to clean herself.

She winced as she washed her breasts, and I noticed that there were a couple of hickeys on them. There were some faint scratches on her body, nothing serious. When she put her hand between her legs to wash her pussy and ass, she winced, and went, oooh! and hah! a few times, almost dancing as she washed her tender parts.

I didn't say anything during this. Selene groaned, and asked if it would be okay if she called in sick today, as she really didn't feel up to going to school.

I wonder why?

I told her that I'd call, and sort it out with them. Selene patted me on the cheek, and stepping out of the shower, she lethargically dried herself off. The girl dropped the towel on the floor and mumbling, she told me she was going back to bed. Before she left the bathroom, she bid me have a great day.

When I arrived at the office, Kasey was already there. She was dressed in 'sensible' clothes; her hair was tied back into a ponytail held with a red ribbon tied into a bow.

For a ridiculous moment, I wished my hair was long enough to be able to do that.

She looked serious, and she was all business. Listening to her, she had a great phone manner, speaking calmly and friendly to the callers.

Every time someone called, she immediately searched the computer files, looking for them. Once she'd found them, she was fine. If she couldn't find them, her fingers would fly over the keyboard, either creating a new file, or taking notes.

She took detailed notes, bringing them to me and advising me on who needed calling immediately, who wanted what, when they wanted it, and how they wanted it. She was born to be a secretary! The office ticked over without a hitch, and I found I rather enjoyed working in the office for a change!

Katrina turned up about mid-morning, dressed in jeans, work boots and a plaid woollen shirt, with a sleeveless wool-lined vest over that. The weather had begun to turn, and it was getting chilly outside.

She had taken a tour of the various building sites we were currently occupying, and she had made a detailed report. She informed me she had fired one supervisor for 'improper attitude' – the prick had foul-mouthed her and run her down because she was 'a woman taking a man's job' he said.

I ratified her decision. I did not need that kind of shit happening on my sites. We talked for a while longer, and then I dismissed her, telling her to go get some lunch.

'Take Kasey with you if you want, ' I told her. 'You made a good choice there, Katrina! Kasey is fantastic at her job, I'm proud to have her on board!'

Same as Selene
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 I opened the door of my hotel room. He stood there in the hall in casual business wear, a light blue shirt, and navy slacks. I realized that he was a big man. Not husky, but tall and broad. Broad across the shoulders and hips. He would make big babies.I felt self-conscious in my denim jeans and black blouse.“Alice.” He stated my name as if he knew me already.“Desmond?” I asked.He smiled warmly and I felt my heart flip. I finally remembered that I was staring at him standing in the hallway. I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Date night with a twist

the wife Jane and i decided to do date night with a twist, i told her to go out with her blonde wig on instead of her long black hair and for her to go out 1st and wait for me in the bar so i could pick her up and do it like as if we had 1st met. when she puts the wig on she looks totally different and i told her to wear her glasses which she only wears at home for reading. Jane left the house 1st and walked to the pub which is just round the corner and i would call in 5 minutes i...

1 year ago
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My Futanari Penpal

[For best results this story is intended that you use the 'score' feature as you play so as to activate the variables kept track of as your play, based on your choices some chapters will appear, some will disappear, some will have different text as well. The story is intended to feature: Netorare OR Netorase, Playful or Brutal Humiliation, Pregnancy, obvious or subtle voyeur as people have sex, futa on female, futa on male, futa/male/female threesomes and more as you make your choices in the...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

After a little while of sitting and me fingering your tight pussy, I kissed you. My hand held the right side of your face, and pulled you at first reluctantly into the kiss. Soon you were kissing me with as much passion as I felt for you.I nibbled your bottom lip, drawing it into my mouth, and kissed your chin, down to your neck. I kiss up to your ear, and nibbled your ear lobe.Reaching down, I pulled apart the top of your blouse, your bra already loosened, both breasts beautifully exposed. I...

2 years ago
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Naughty Slutty shopping

By Dina PetroI was walking through a shopping center when a sign of 50% discount clearance sale attracted my eye sight which was posted on the glass show case of a very high class store, I knew the place had very expensive materials, women clothing, and underwear, but the sign was clear saying only part of our merchandise are on sale.I walked in, being a woman of late twenties, very good looking with a nice curvy body, wearing a mid-thigh floral fluffy skirt, a low cut tank top, showing my...

2 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 14 ITR87693 Year 1576

It wasn't much more than a matter of curiosity at first when the wardrobe-sized artefact first appeared on Earth's surface. Its materialisation in the Arizona Desert was too sudden and unexpected for its arrival to be intercepted. Although no one knew this at the time, it had just travelled across Interstellar space from the direction of the Luyten 726-8B binary star system. It had made its journey at a velocity dramatically greater than any comet or meteor. And when the shell of the ovoid...

2 years ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 3 Renegotiation and Consummation

I ran in the morning, took a dip in the pool to cleanup and cool off, and then started working on the proposal for the Atlanta prospect. I thought the deal was all but done, but we needed the paperwork completed. Shortly before lunch, Ginger came into my home office. “Can we go out to lunch? We have a couple of things to talk about.” I agreed, and so I quickly jotted some noted into the Word document I’d been typing, and we headed out. We ended up almost to Anna Maria Island at a place...

1 year ago
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Sissy Toes

Little Sissy Tippytoes "Queen Mary, she's my friend; Yes, I believe I'll go see her again." Bob Dylan "Just Like A Woman" As is true of young soldiers everywhere, I hung out with a bunch ofguys from my platoon, since those were the people I spent most of my time with, and felt closest to, aside from my folks back home. It seemedthat the goal in life of all the guys in my barracks - again, likemost...

1 year ago
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2428 Andromeda B (The Milky Way) The United Colonies Federation (UCF) fleet was in an entirely different galaxy, and they found remains of 400 year old designs for human vessels, produced by the Axis Nations Federation (ANF). 402 years prior... 2016, Andromeda B (The Milky Way) An ANF fleet was fleeing from United Nations Federation vessels (UNF/UCF 400 years in the past) and the ANF fleet activated their FTL drives but instead of ending up on another side of the Milky Way, they were...

3 years ago
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Hello I am Naren I am a regular reader of XHAMSTER stories so I decided to share my experience with an aunty in the please girls and married women who like these kind of foreplay and sex can mail me on [email protected] and feel free to mail me. i will maintain 100% secrecy. I am good looking guy and have a good sex drive. I stay at Hyderabad and in our apartment there was a newly Married Couple and their name was Srinivas & Lakshmi(name changed) within a few days they...

4 years ago
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Losing Control

Adam has been married for years now. Adam's wife, Angela, was a stunning woman with long black hair and beautiful eyes. She was average height, 5'6'', but there was nothing else average about her. With a bubble butt to die for, Angela was an 'Angel'. When Angela agreed to date Adam, he thought of himself as the luckiest guy in the world. he wasn't overly attractive, or even too physically fit... But he was smart. Much smarter than most. It's what landed Adam such a high paying job in an...

2 years ago
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Young Stud Boy

"Young Stud Boy". Martin anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring, as he checked his watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was that man," he thought to himself, "I wish for once he'd be on time!!!" Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Martin quickly buzzed his friend in. Opening the door he listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, he swore there was more than just Ernie's steps he was hearing! ...

2 years ago
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Swallowing the Prize Ch 02

Anthony stood hesitantly and fidgeted with his hands. Rochelle rose from her chair and dropped to her knees in front of him. She looked at her husband, as if giving him one last chance to back down. He simply nodded and smiled. Then she looked up at Anthony."You have to take it out for me," she said.Anthony looked at Aaron, who instinctively looked away. Although they had seen each other naked before, this was different than the locker room way back in the day. He reached down, unzipped his...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 10

Aap sab ne kahani ka 9th part padh hoga. I hope aap sab ko pasand aaya hoga.  Ab kahani ke next part likh raha hun. Is part mein bataunga kaise Azaz ne mummy ko choda. Sabse pehle aap sab ko sorry ki kahani ke liye aap sab ko wait karna pada. Sab ke khub mail aaye. Sab ne mujhe aunty, girls, boys aur uncle ne mail mujhe mail kiya aur kahani ka next part likhne ko bola. Sab mujhse se Azaz ki entry chahte the. Girls aur aunty ko Muslim part jyada acha laga. Mujhe khud ko apni mummy Azaz se...

2 years ago
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The Irish Curse 3

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Three As Walter exited the shower, he could see the girls fussing and getting ready as he walked over in nothing but his towel. As Holly saw him, she took a pair of pink lacy panties from the bed stretching them before his eyes. "Step in Kell!" Holly bent in front of him, holding them open. "These are really cute right?" "Pink? Seriously?" Walter exclaimed as he stepped into them. "Don't be silly! Pink is your...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 346

The Prison Planet During the last couple of days, Morales had continued to open one of the smaller cases each morning. The one yesterday had contained a number of miscellaneous items, including fishing gear: a screw-together rod and what seemed to his novice eyes to be a good fishing reel with a number of jigs, and something that was labeled as a trotline. It consisted of a hundred feet of long and thick fishing line with short lines attached every couple of feet, the shorter lines ended...

2 years ago
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AdriftChapter 10

The wings were along side of the fuselage and the empennage (French for tail) and other parts were in the fuselage (French for body.) Thank god the wings are wings. The L-4's came in several flavors: trainer, spotter, single seat, general's taxi, stretcher carrier (ambulance ... not a stock flavor), rocket shooter (bazookas mounted on the struts.), fighter (it is to laugh), and prisoner capturer. Assembly was straight forward. Two men and a Jeep could do it. A pair of healthy seventeen...

4 years ago
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Andys new life ch1

Andy was out running in the country lanes near his home. At 32 he had not yet married, but he’d had a number of girlfriends. He enjoyed running, besides it kept him in shape. He was pretty attractive and had an athletic body. As he rounded a corner he saw a young lady struggling with a puncture on her horsebox. “Can you help me please?” she asked. Andy went over to have a look at the situation, helping was the least that he could do. “The spare is in the horsebox, but it’s a bit heavy for me”...

4 years ago
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Samanthas Late Night Surprise Part 2

“I see you had the same idea I did,” Jason growled, his voice just as deep as Troy’s own. The other man came forward so that he was standing between Samantha’s legs. He slid two long fingers into her pussy and fingered her until he found her wet enough for him. Troy watched his father, fascinated. The man slid his shorts off and grasped his hard cock. He slid his hands under each of Samantha’s legs and pushed them up to her chest and then he angled his cock and plunged into her soaked pussy,...

1 year ago
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Kawaii Where to start? I'll apologise right away if this account is disorganised; there're so many strands I hardly know how to weave them together. Why don't I start with myself? I'm retired; six foot one and slim, though spreading a little round the middle despite thrice-weekly visits to the gym. A widower, with one son who is married to a Japanese girl; they have two little girls, who are gorgeous. The Japanese word is 'kawaii' which means, more or less, 'cute'. I'm not stupid,...

2 years ago
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Songs of the Heart

Grant was sitting whenever Betty brought him in a special delivery. He set aside he was making notes on his business lunch. Then he realized he was smelling a beautiful scent. He knew that fragrance but it slipped his mind. Following his nose he saw the special delivery. Picking it up he noticed the high quality vellum paper. Running his fingers over the embossed seal he slid his finger under the lip. He shivered he flashed back to Mariah and her lingerie, at the park. As the envelope opened...

3 years ago
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After two years

Humari family main girls ki shadi family saa bahir nahi kartay is liya family ka sab saa bara male main hi tha jis saa sab saa bari female ki shadi hohi means mahmoona baji ki , baji is kaha kiun kay hmari shadi saa phalay hum dono aik dosara kay buhat acha dost tha aur bahin bahi honay kay natay appas main pay b buhat ziyada tha , jab muja pat chala ka mano baji ka abu mano ki shadi mara saath karwa raha hian tum muja buhat gusa ahya aur apni ami ko kaha main ahsa nai karon ga tu ami na kaha...

2 years ago
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Cyrus New Zealand Adventure Ch 07

After an incredible time with Jenny, and an interesting phone call with Priya, Cyrus spends the most hedonistic few days in Rotorua. He befriends a group of locals in a bar, and especially hits it off with Danielle and Katie, two stunning women in the group. After spending some time with the group, and several flirtatious hours with the girls, he indulges in a couple of extremely carnal and passionate nights with the two women. And at the end of these two nights, he bids farewell and moves on...

3 years ago
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Skinny Dipping

This is what happened last night at the beach on the Island not far from where I live! I have friends visiting from out of town and we decided to have a little fun on the beach!! This is a true story however I will be changing some names… 1st time writing a story, so be nice with the comments please, thanks :)So I have my best friend Janie, my good friend Kristen and her adorable baby girl, and their friend Kevin visiting down here from Colorado and we have been staying at my camp in Grand...

2 years ago
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Juvenile Sexuality by Jim Stanley Chs 1011

Juvenile SexualityByJim StanleyChapter 10Bernie and MeI excused myself at the end of the pinochle game. "Goodnight everybody,"was my exit cue, to which everyone responded, almost in unison, "Goodnight,sleep well." I went up the stairs and immediately undressed, lying nakedbeneath the covers, awaiting Bernie's warm body and his 10 inch hard cock.I had no idea how much longer the game would continue and lay theredry-mouthed anticipating all that would transpire between Bernie and methat night. My...

3 years ago
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The Adventures Keep Cumming

When Carrie, Anndie and Owens daughter, turned 18 she made an appointment to see her gynecologist. See Carrie had a problem, and she was at her whit’s end over what to do. As she sat on the Dr.’s table with her legs in the stirrups she her the familiar knock on the door and in walked Dr Stevens. Dr Stevens was a 6ft tall redhead with the perfect hourglass figure that even a lab coat could not hide. “So, Ms. Symthe what is it that is bringing you in to see me today?” Carrie, put her head in her...

3 years ago
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Fam Camping Trip

After a 5 hour drive we reach our destination. We rented out a cabin with the family for a week. No internet no civilization just the middle of nowhere. I was ready for this challenge as being born and raised in the city. We're pulling up running over the mud and twigs and stop in front of this 3 story cabin. It was nice indeed. We greet the family members and unpack. The rooms were located on the 3rd floor so I had to carry a bunch of luggage there since my room was damn near the furthest one....

3 years ago
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Lost Weekend Sex Addicts

Vinay... Iove this guy . He has all the bells and whistles a woman is looking for..Love his cock and balls.. His face is Adonis... Love his muscle tone and deltoids...I love the way he wraps my long legs around his waist as he is fucking me.. I love the way he holds me up when we are doing sixty-nine..Sucking his balls and shaft while he eats and blows my clit..The dawn brings an exciting new day filled with orgasmic pleasures..We are watched by the Venusian light and the fading moon......

1 year ago
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Charlie I

Personally I found her gorgeous. Her hair was a hybrid of blonde and brunette and she had incredibly thin legs which were accompanied by knee socks or the standard type of tights and a miniskirt which generally left very little to the, or in this case my imagination. Her breasts were just the right size, not too big and not too small either. I had talked with her on several occasions and it seemed to me that she, in personality terms was just as nice as her body. Her personality...

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