Bitter Coffee
- 4 years ago
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No sooner had Frank returned from the front lines that the Germans launched their expected attack. The heaviest fighting was located in the sector he was in just the day before. General French had all the confidence in the world that the line would hold. The men had all the equpiment a soldier would need including the newer gas masks that promised to protect the man from anything the Germans lobbed over.
All staff members were on call at all hours. This would commence from the beginning of the German surge to the end when they had to retreat after their attack fizzled out. So the Germans had casualties in the thousands as they didn't reach halfway acrosss 'No Man's Land' before conceding the British and a few French stopped their charge. Flares lit the night on both sides to give the attacker and defender enough to see who they were shooting at.
Although the Germans used six extra divisions in this attack, the Allies knew from aerial reconnaissance exactly when and where this would take place. All the intelligence was given to General French to beef up his lines. Although his staff, Frank included, thought that the famous general threw lives away on his attacks, all agreed that French was a defensive genius.
He had placed his troops exactly where the German assault would take place. The Germans didn't have a chance. All the news that they had received came to fruition. As the first rays of dawn the Germans came upon the battlefield, a barrage of artillary estimated to be one thousand pieces opened up over the entire sector. For hours all the British hunkered down to ride out the salvos of the German guns. Many were killed and wounded but not to the point where they needed to fall back to the second line of defense.
The Brits held up to the Germans. For almost twenty-four hours the bombardment continued. Some cracked under the pressure but most were able to bear this out. Near dawn the next day, the artillary had stopped. The silence was more frightening than the explosions around them. From that time until the first lights from the sun, the quiet was deafening. Men talked just to hear sound.
Then came the ground attack. The British scrambled to their defensive positions. Machine guns barked at the tens of thousands of Germans rushing toward their line. Artillary fell upon the attackers. The carnage was awful. Men by the hundreds were killed in just their first or second step out of their trench. Most were cut down in 'No Man's Land' long before any reached the barbed wire. It was then, the Germans turned and raced back to the safety of their trenches. Many were shot in the back before the whole attack ended. In all, hundreds of British were killed from the barrages, thousands of Germans lay dead or dying in the mud to be eaten by the rats.
Frank always liked Paris. Having money opened a lot of doors for him. The battle had been the month before and now that the front was stabilized, General French allowed him to spend a week in the City of Lights. The Eiffle Tower loomed above the capitol of France and made Frank feel good. He sat at an outdoor cafe enjoying a glass of cognac watching the people come and go. His eye was especially on the ladies who were unescorted. He planned to find a single woman, wine and dine her, perhaps take her dancing and escort her back to his hotel room wanting a night of passionate sex. He had refused to masturbate so he was extremely in need of release.
As he thought of this, a beautiful tall slim woman dressed all in black sat at the table next to his. She was exquisite in his eyes. Blue eyes, black hair done up under her wide brim hat exposing her long thin neck. She reached into her purse and pulled out a cigarette, lit it, puffed. She let the smoke escape her mouth blowing the smoke his way. Frank nodded at her presence and received a smile in return.
"May I buy you a drink?" he asked in perfect French.
"If you like," she replied.
He moved to her table bringing his cognac with him. After introducing himself, he found that her name was Yvette. She didn't bother with her last name and Frank was not interested. Both seemed to know what the other wanted. But protocol in the fall of 1916 was not to hurry this along. She smoked her cigarette and lit another.
"I only smoke two of these a day. Usually in the afternoon. I don't like that my mouth tastes like an ashtray," she giggled a little.
Frank was intrigued by this beautiful woman. She wore clothes for the fall weather. Being in all black brought out her bright blue eyes. He wondered if she were a high class prostitute, a mistress to some rich man, or just a lady out for the afternoon. She had a pleasant voice and when she smiled the area around her lit up.
"Are you on furlough?" Yvette asked, resting her chin on the hand that held the cigarette.
"Yes, I have a week. I just got into Paris a few hours ago. I don't know anyone but I would like to meet someone interesting."
Bitter Lemons - Part 2Part 1 can be found here - 2 will make more sense if you read Part 1 first.This is all my own work and copyright remains with me.---"You think they'll definitely be here?", asked Ben as we climbed out of the taxi into the warm late evening sun."No idea", I replied. "I just had that one letter and don't have contact details for her. It just said she'd be in the piano bar with her friend at eight o'clock...
Two events happened in the year 1913. First Grace had a complete metamorphoses. She became bitter and a recluse. Her parents were dead and she was an only child. Only a cousin came to see her. He tried to get her out of her shell but she just resisted and dug herself deeper into despair. Her outer personality showed no change. She could smile, but not laugh. She could do kind things, though her heart wasn't in it. She only left the house on Sundays to attend church. Her strong voice...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestHi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestIt was early summer when my father remarried and her and her son moved in with us. Being a former only child I was reluctant to welcome a brother into my life, but hoped to make the best of it. All I knew about this new sibling was that he was staying with his father in Washington until the 20 th of the month and then he would be moving in with us. I was curious about thus soon to be brother of mine. As quickly as my new mom had moved in the 20th of the month came. Kim(my step mother) and my...
IncestAs I sit here and write this I think to myself...this is still one of the most...well, when you read it you'll see what I'm talking about.Around the same week I met a sexy BBW & a Atlethic yet thin guy: She had chocolate skin, huge tits, a huge clit that stood straight up (she showed me via pics) & a thick ass that made you want to just bite it! She was very pretty in the face as well.He was toned everywhere! His stomach was filled with muscle, his skin was carmel & smooth, HIS DICK...
Six months later Frank paid ten thousand dollars for a seat to get onto the New York Stock Exchange. In an instant Frank Maloue became a well known person. It was 1911 and he became interested in a small firm named Computing Tabulating Recording which would eventually turn into IBM. He bought into this enterprise believing that this company in Endicott, NY and Dayton, Ohio had a great future. His affair with Greta was going well. He had a great fondness for the young woman but didn't...
For the next year, Frank Maloue spent building his fortune and attending social events. Tragedy struck Astors when on the way back from France the Titantic hit an iceberg and sank. His new wife Madelein made it off safely but John Jacob went down with the ship. It was this incident that he started calling on Grace Wheaters. She was a cousin, or a niece, or some kind of a relation to John. He was curious but never asked. Over those twelve months he spent time with her frequently and even got...
The next morning Grace and Madelein met in the park. Madelein left her baby home in the charge of a nanny. They chatted for a while then got up to walk a block to a tea shop. Frank hadn't given up but he had some important business in London that needed his personal attention. He wrote a love note to Grace and told he would be away for a while. He caught an ocean liner to get him back to London in a hurry so he could do whatever had to be done and return to New York City as soon as...
Frank awoke to commotion outside on the streets. He threw back the sheets to see mobs of people shouting. He opened window. "WE WANT WAR! WE WANT WAR! WE WANT WAR!" This mantra was cried over and over again. He hurried to the bathroom. Relieved himself in the crapper, shaved, dressed and raced out to find that the crowd wasn't dispersing, instead it was growing. "What is happening?" he asked a man with a walrus moustache. "We're at war," the man answered. "War! We declared war on...
The war raged on. The saying "Be home for Christmas" was now an echo from the past. The Allies stopped the German war machine at the Battle at the Marne. Then both sides tried flanking each other but it end up that from the Alps to the English Channel trenches were in place. Two weapons now dominated the war zone. The machine gun and heavy artillary. Casualties were in the hundreds of thousands on both sides, destined to be in the tens of millions. By mid October the war was stalemated as...
Just as Frank was to leave for New York City, two men from the British Embassy approached him. They wore dark woolen suits, sported derbys, and had handle bar moustaches. Both had badges on their lapels as if they slueths. "Mr, Maloue?" one of them asked. "Who are you?" Frank replied. "This is Mr. Jeffery Lyons and I'm Nigel Woodhouse. We represent the British Embassy," Woodhouse introduced themselves. "Would you kindly accompany us to the Embassy?" "What is this all...
In August 1916, the second anniversary of the beginning of the war to end of all wars, Major Frank Maloue found General John French was a pompous ass. The man was so arrogant his whole staff had a strong dislike for him. The man was fighting a nineteenth century war in the twentieth century. The artillary was accurate than before. Rifles were easier to load and fire. Machine guns were plentiful with the ability that only one could cut down hundreds within minutes. Then there were poison...
The next morning, Major Frank Maloue checked out of his hotel room to move in with Yvette. Despite it being midOctober, the sun was out and it was a warm day. Frank was a bit fatigued with his all night sesson with this wonderful young woman. She wore a light white cotton dress down to midcalfs. She wore no panties. If one looked closely, he could see a dark patch showing through at her sex. She also had a white band on her head to hold her long hair in place, white heels and white leather...
Back at the Front, Frank became depressed. The war was going badly and there were rumors of revolution in Russia. It was cold. He felt fortunate to have a bed to sleep in. However without Yvette, he was lonely. Although there were good companions at dinner with his fellow staff members, he still felt out of place. Strange how one woman could change his view on life. He sent two important letters. The first was to Grace releasing her from all obligations toward him. He said he didn't think...
Gwen was a lovely bride the following June. Her long flaming red hair stood out in the white white wedding dress. Her trimmed corseted waist was as alluring to the people that attended as they exchanged vows. John's aging parents insisted upon a long ceremoney and as they paid for the wedding, Gwen & John agreed to follow his parents' requests. The thoughts of Frank and his business was far from her mind as she stood before Espicopalian priest presiding over the marriage. The Madisons...
Frank, to his surprise, liked Yvette's parents. He was a descendant of a Count who had been beheaded during the French Revolution. Napoleon III restored his grandfather to his old lands. His father inherited his family's title and privileges back. His name was Jacque Sousmaire. His wife, Flora, was exactly like her daughter plus twenty years. Yvette and Flora treated each other as sisters rather mother/daughter. They got along famously. Jacque didn't seem like the type who woud marry a...
It was October and it was a warm in the day and cool at night. Back in American they would call it Indian Summer. Gwen was a happy woman. She received a gift of ten thousand dollars from Frank as a wedding present. She was two weeks late and felt sure that she was pregnant. John was a happy man. He feared that the same might happen when his first wife died at childbirth. Both the mother and child, a son, died. His love for Gwen had exceeded that he held for his late wife. Gwen, being a...
With the Americans in the trenches, the war took a decided turn for the Allies after the German ferocious summer attack failed. The French and British were still low on moral despite of repelling the last gasp of German strike. It was the early fall of 1918. Unknown to London and Paris, Ludendorff and Hindenburg were telling the Kaiser that the war was surely lost. Wilhelm II refused to believe it at first but as the fall approached, it looked bad to him also. Shortages of food, munitions,...
Yvette was dead! She was taken away by the early outbreak in Paris of the Spanish Flu. When Frank told the doctor about her dizzy spell a few weeks before but the doctor replied that he didn't think that her brief seizure had anything to do with this. He said that the flu killed in hours, days at the most, and didn't linger in the body for weeks. Yvette lay on a gurney looking as if she were only sleeping. She had a peaceful countenance about her. General Maloue could not believe that his...
Standing at the bottom of the ramp was Grace Wheathers looking as lovely as ever. The dress was red silk that fell to the ankles, a matching wide brim hat crowned her long raven hair. The sensuous garment hugged her beautiful body as she waved to him. The shock was that he never told her he was coming home. Beside her was a was a uniformed man standing in front of a shiny limo. She embraced him once he reached the ground. For a few moments he felt as if his leg were still on the boat. The...
Grace Wheathers was the most beautiful bride anyone had seen as she became Grace Maloue. The Presbyterian Church was filled to overflowimg as Frank slipped the simple golden band on her finger. Her gown was her mother's. Pure silk and lace with a long train attended by two young girls dressed as brides maids in a light pink chiffon full length dress. Their job was to trail the bride to make sure the train would always be straighten or curled about Grace's ankles for photographs. New...
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