Bitter Coffee
- 4 years ago
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Six months later Frank paid ten thousand dollars for a seat to get onto the New York Stock Exchange. In an instant Frank Maloue became a well known person. It was 1911 and he became interested in a small firm named Computing Tabulating Recording which would eventually turn into IBM. He bought into this enterprise believing that this company in Endicott, NY and Dayton, Ohio had a great future.
His affair with Greta was going well. He had a great fondness for the young woman but didn't believe he loved her. Greta relished in the fact that she was a lady of leisure. After cleaning the apartment every day, she dressed in one of her nicest dresses or the lingerie Frank purchased for her on their shopping sprees. She had so many garments that she couldn't possibly wear them all. She would sit playing solitaire or put a picture puzzle together or go to the corner for the newspaper. Every afternoon if the weather was nice, she'd take a walk about the area. Have a cup of tea and pastry for a treat.
Frank walked into his mansion to find Mrs. Carlson sitting at her rolltop desk. She made sure that it was locked so no one could rummage through it. She stood as he entered and bowed her head to greet him.
"Good day, sir," Mrs. Carlson said.
"Good day to you, Mrs. Carlson," he hung up his hat.
"Your mail, sir," she handed it to him.
"Anything interesting?" Frank allowed Mrs. Carlson to open his posts and throw away anything he felt was unnecessary. The only ones she did not open was one that said 'PERSONAL' on it. All of them so far were from Greta asking him to see her if he hadn't visited her in over a week. He always complied to her requests. A beautiful woman like her was hard to find. Besides, he loved her sucking his erection. He had bought her a book of ways for men and women to please each other.
"You've been invited to the Astors for dinner. They are going overseas to visit friends. They wish your company."
Frank read the invitation with interest. "Write them that I will be happy to attend their affair." he handed it back to her.
"Very good, sir," she took it and walked to her desk to complete her task. Mrs. Carlson was quite efficient in her work.
He went through the rest of his mail finding business proposals and charities asking for a donation. He would send one hundred dollars to each he felt was a worthy work. He gave some to Mrs. Carlson for her to answer and burn the rest. His favorite charity was the Salvation Army. They were always ready to help if disaster struck.
Frank presented his invitation at the entrance of the Astor Mansion. He was greeted by John Jacob Astor himself. They took a liking to each other right away. They chatted until the line backed up to the door. John promised that they'd talk later.
He walked into the vast ballroom, impressed. The women were in opulent gowns that only the very wealthy could afford. The men were wearing black tails with white ties. Frank was glad he listened to his tailor's advice and had him make the tuxedo he was in. Something in his mind told him he was being watched. He took a glass of champagne offered him and looked about as he sipped the bubbly. Frank saw a young woman staring at him.
As soon as he noticed her, her eyes fell to the floor. She had dark pinned up hair, ebony eyes, her complexion was milky white. She wore a lavish white gown that shined like silk or satin. It had lace in the right places. When she looked up again, he grinned. Her eyes fell to the floor again. She was indeed a most beautiful young woman.
He asked a man if he knew her. He did. He asked him if he could introduce her to him. Frank followed the gentleman after they exchange names and shook hands.
Grace Wheaters became prettier the closer the men came. She saw them coming. She had a fan in her gloved hand. She opened it and hid her nose and mouth as they reached her. Her eyes were smiling as the introductions were made.
"My pleasure," Frank grinned, kissing the back of her hand.
"A pleasure for me also," she folded the fan. He noticed how white her teeth were when she smile. Her eyes sparkled. Frank had never seen such clear beautiful skin on any person before. Her brows and lashes were so dark it just enhanced her stunning good looks. Her hair was so black as it shined lustfully in the electric lights. The creamy skin in contrast to the ebony hair and eyes, made her a very desirable young woman.
"When the music starts, may I have a dance?" Frank was mesmerized by her beauty. Her smile showed the redness of her lips.
"I have many requests," she looked at her dance card. "I will put you down for the first one." While she was looking down at her card, he stared at the cleavage of her breasts. They were not large like Greta's, nor where they small like many other women. 'Perfect', Frank thought.
Bitter Lemons - Part 2Part 1 can be found here - 2 will make more sense if you read Part 1 first.This is all my own work and copyright remains with me.---"You think they'll definitely be here?", asked Ben as we climbed out of the taxi into the warm late evening sun."No idea", I replied. "I just had that one letter and don't have contact details for her. It just said she'd be in the piano bar with her friend at eight o'clock...
Two events happened in the year 1913. First Grace had a complete metamorphoses. She became bitter and a recluse. Her parents were dead and she was an only child. Only a cousin came to see her. He tried to get her out of her shell but she just resisted and dug herself deeper into despair. Her outer personality showed no change. She could smile, but not laugh. She could do kind things, though her heart wasn't in it. She only left the house on Sundays to attend church. Her strong voice...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestHi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestIt was early summer when my father remarried and her and her son moved in with us. Being a former only child I was reluctant to welcome a brother into my life, but hoped to make the best of it. All I knew about this new sibling was that he was staying with his father in Washington until the 20 th of the month and then he would be moving in with us. I was curious about thus soon to be brother of mine. As quickly as my new mom had moved in the 20th of the month came. Kim(my step mother) and my...
IncestAs I sit here and write this I think to myself...this is still one of the most...well, when you read it you'll see what I'm talking about.Around the same week I met a sexy BBW & a Atlethic yet thin guy: She had chocolate skin, huge tits, a huge clit that stood straight up (she showed me via pics) & a thick ass that made you want to just bite it! She was very pretty in the face as well.He was toned everywhere! His stomach was filled with muscle, his skin was carmel & smooth, HIS DICK...
For the next year, Frank Maloue spent building his fortune and attending social events. Tragedy struck Astors when on the way back from France the Titantic hit an iceberg and sank. His new wife Madelein made it off safely but John Jacob went down with the ship. It was this incident that he started calling on Grace Wheaters. She was a cousin, or a niece, or some kind of a relation to John. He was curious but never asked. Over those twelve months he spent time with her frequently and even got...
The next morning Grace and Madelein met in the park. Madelein left her baby home in the charge of a nanny. They chatted for a while then got up to walk a block to a tea shop. Frank hadn't given up but he had some important business in London that needed his personal attention. He wrote a love note to Grace and told he would be away for a while. He caught an ocean liner to get him back to London in a hurry so he could do whatever had to be done and return to New York City as soon as...
Frank awoke to commotion outside on the streets. He threw back the sheets to see mobs of people shouting. He opened window. "WE WANT WAR! WE WANT WAR! WE WANT WAR!" This mantra was cried over and over again. He hurried to the bathroom. Relieved himself in the crapper, shaved, dressed and raced out to find that the crowd wasn't dispersing, instead it was growing. "What is happening?" he asked a man with a walrus moustache. "We're at war," the man answered. "War! We declared war on...
The war raged on. The saying "Be home for Christmas" was now an echo from the past. The Allies stopped the German war machine at the Battle at the Marne. Then both sides tried flanking each other but it end up that from the Alps to the English Channel trenches were in place. Two weapons now dominated the war zone. The machine gun and heavy artillary. Casualties were in the hundreds of thousands on both sides, destined to be in the tens of millions. By mid October the war was stalemated as...
Just as Frank was to leave for New York City, two men from the British Embassy approached him. They wore dark woolen suits, sported derbys, and had handle bar moustaches. Both had badges on their lapels as if they slueths. "Mr, Maloue?" one of them asked. "Who are you?" Frank replied. "This is Mr. Jeffery Lyons and I'm Nigel Woodhouse. We represent the British Embassy," Woodhouse introduced themselves. "Would you kindly accompany us to the Embassy?" "What is this all...
In August 1916, the second anniversary of the beginning of the war to end of all wars, Major Frank Maloue found General John French was a pompous ass. The man was so arrogant his whole staff had a strong dislike for him. The man was fighting a nineteenth century war in the twentieth century. The artillary was accurate than before. Rifles were easier to load and fire. Machine guns were plentiful with the ability that only one could cut down hundreds within minutes. Then there were poison...
No sooner had Frank returned from the front lines that the Germans launched their expected attack. The heaviest fighting was located in the sector he was in just the day before. General French had all the confidence in the world that the line would hold. The men had all the equpiment a soldier would need including the newer gas masks that promised to protect the man from anything the Germans lobbed over. All staff members were on call at all hours. This would commence from the beginning of...
The next morning, Major Frank Maloue checked out of his hotel room to move in with Yvette. Despite it being midOctober, the sun was out and it was a warm day. Frank was a bit fatigued with his all night sesson with this wonderful young woman. She wore a light white cotton dress down to midcalfs. She wore no panties. If one looked closely, he could see a dark patch showing through at her sex. She also had a white band on her head to hold her long hair in place, white heels and white leather...
Back at the Front, Frank became depressed. The war was going badly and there were rumors of revolution in Russia. It was cold. He felt fortunate to have a bed to sleep in. However without Yvette, he was lonely. Although there were good companions at dinner with his fellow staff members, he still felt out of place. Strange how one woman could change his view on life. He sent two important letters. The first was to Grace releasing her from all obligations toward him. He said he didn't think...
Gwen was a lovely bride the following June. Her long flaming red hair stood out in the white white wedding dress. Her trimmed corseted waist was as alluring to the people that attended as they exchanged vows. John's aging parents insisted upon a long ceremoney and as they paid for the wedding, Gwen & John agreed to follow his parents' requests. The thoughts of Frank and his business was far from her mind as she stood before Espicopalian priest presiding over the marriage. The Madisons...
Frank, to his surprise, liked Yvette's parents. He was a descendant of a Count who had been beheaded during the French Revolution. Napoleon III restored his grandfather to his old lands. His father inherited his family's title and privileges back. His name was Jacque Sousmaire. His wife, Flora, was exactly like her daughter plus twenty years. Yvette and Flora treated each other as sisters rather mother/daughter. They got along famously. Jacque didn't seem like the type who woud marry a...
It was October and it was a warm in the day and cool at night. Back in American they would call it Indian Summer. Gwen was a happy woman. She received a gift of ten thousand dollars from Frank as a wedding present. She was two weeks late and felt sure that she was pregnant. John was a happy man. He feared that the same might happen when his first wife died at childbirth. Both the mother and child, a son, died. His love for Gwen had exceeded that he held for his late wife. Gwen, being a...
With the Americans in the trenches, the war took a decided turn for the Allies after the German ferocious summer attack failed. The French and British were still low on moral despite of repelling the last gasp of German strike. It was the early fall of 1918. Unknown to London and Paris, Ludendorff and Hindenburg were telling the Kaiser that the war was surely lost. Wilhelm II refused to believe it at first but as the fall approached, it looked bad to him also. Shortages of food, munitions,...
Yvette was dead! She was taken away by the early outbreak in Paris of the Spanish Flu. When Frank told the doctor about her dizzy spell a few weeks before but the doctor replied that he didn't think that her brief seizure had anything to do with this. He said that the flu killed in hours, days at the most, and didn't linger in the body for weeks. Yvette lay on a gurney looking as if she were only sleeping. She had a peaceful countenance about her. General Maloue could not believe that his...
Standing at the bottom of the ramp was Grace Wheathers looking as lovely as ever. The dress was red silk that fell to the ankles, a matching wide brim hat crowned her long raven hair. The sensuous garment hugged her beautiful body as she waved to him. The shock was that he never told her he was coming home. Beside her was a was a uniformed man standing in front of a shiny limo. She embraced him once he reached the ground. For a few moments he felt as if his leg were still on the boat. The...
Grace Wheathers was the most beautiful bride anyone had seen as she became Grace Maloue. The Presbyterian Church was filled to overflowimg as Frank slipped the simple golden band on her finger. Her gown was her mother's. Pure silk and lace with a long train attended by two young girls dressed as brides maids in a light pink chiffon full length dress. Their job was to trail the bride to make sure the train would always be straighten or curled about Grace's ankles for photographs. New...
Frank died in 1952 from complications stemming from a serious bout of pneumonia. It was his third time in five months that he fell victim of it. Grace was at his side when he slipped away. Penicillin wasn't a decade old so it had no effect on curing him. They were childless from having their own issues who was to blame, they had adopted a boy and a girl. Both were in their late twenties and early thirties when he was taken. Jennifer was twenty-nine and thirty-two year old Francis were in...
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Day 1 12:16 P.M Cameron pushed deeper into Kristen’s taut asshole. He loved bringing her to his home for a quick romp every time the opportunity arose. Fucking his personal assistants was something that he had done for most of his career as a lawyer. He changed them every year because he loved the variety. Some have been known to stick around for two years, and that’s only because they were actually good at their job. This time he got a red head, and damn she was fucking hot. He knew she was...
Day 2 – 6:30 A.M Josie’s cheeks flushed as she thought about the scene that she witnessed last night. Watching Cameron fuck her mom like a wild animal pissed her off and aroused her at the same time. She woke up wet, and it annoyed the hell out of her because she had Cameron on the brain. She sighed as her hand absentmindedly dipped inside of her cotton panties. She shouldn’t think about him that way because he was a pig, and he was married to her mother. Her hand slowly began to massage her...
Day 4- 2:30PM Cameron had been tied to the chair by Josie for almost an hour, and his body felt like it was on fire. He wasn’t sure what hurt the most, his clamped nipples, his wrists that were tied together behind the chair, his ankles tied to the wooden legs, the rubber bands around his exposed cock, or his pride. He thought Josie was kidding when she told him to strip naked, but she clearly wasn’t. He figured that he would play her game to see if she would fold, but he soon found out that...
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Shanna let herself slip further into the cool river, eyelids half closed as the sun touched the trees across the river. She had never, ever, enjoyed a cold bath as much as now. Even with no soap, let alone bubbles, she could feel a week's worth of road and ash lift free, float away. It was also nice to be nude. She had never appreciated how much that freedom mattered to her, until forced to spend a week clothed. The water touched her chin. Heaven. The column had stopped two hours before...
Betrayed Chapter 2 By Carolyn Collins Sunday: I awoke to the pleasurable sensations of having my already swollen and very sensitive nipples being suckled, a long male finger stroking my moist vagina and a thumb massaged my clitoris. My female body was responding even before my mind had awoken. As Jill swung her male body up over my petite form, my legs opened of their own accord. She had no trouble settling between them and alining her stiff erection with my already lubricated...
When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn. My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty...
Pushing them to the limits.You might think what a strange heading for a story, but this will become clear during this story. When I started to put this story on paper, I didn't think it would become a long story. But it turned out to be a quit long story. I will split it up into chapters, but I can't wait to tell you how I pushed these young women to their limits...Let me tell you about myself. I'm an ordinary guy, in my 50's and married. We have no k**s, and still enjoying each other in every...
Kelly had received an invitation to speak at a meeting of the War College Officers’ Wives Club. When she checked with Rita, she was told it was a standard invitation. The President traditionally spoke at the Club’s major spring meeting. Rita was sitting across from her in her office. She had been teasing the girl about the dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. The girl spread her legs wide and rubbed her groin gently. By this time Rita had become accustomed to Kelly’s teasing. She...
I have been a financial advisor for a number of years. After college, I worked for a financial planning firm, in more of a support role than dealing directly with the firm's clients and moved to a different and smaller advisory group when they gave me the opportunity to build a client base of my own. Well, the income potential was much greater compared with the former salary job and I jumped at the chance. That was eleven years ago, now I have a very nice clientèle which I add to quite...
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