Good Medicine - Senior YearChapter 39: I Can’t Lose You free porn video

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December 28, 1984, McKinley, Ohio

“That’s how you left it?” Clarissa asked, later that evening, as we sat by the fireplace.

“Given I didn’t have an answer to her question, there wasn’t really anything more I could say. She didn’t make me leave or anything, and we had a nice dinner with her parents and maternal grandparents. And she kissed me properly when I left.”

“That’s good, I think.”

“I think it’s neutral, which is, I suppose, ‘good’ from one perspective.”

“I think you were right about needing to resolve this now, rather than later. I also think you were right to say you were going to speak to Doctor Mercer.”

“Actually, I didn’t say that to Elizaveta,” I replied. “I said that Doctor Mercer had advised me to be completely honest. The ‘talk to Doctor Mercer’ was an internal conversation with myself. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.”

“It wasn’t, but that does make sense. Does she know I’m here?”

I nodded, “I told her you were coming back tonight, and that you planned to stay the rest of break as we discussed. You were going to come back on Monday anyway so you could be at the New Year’s Eve party here.”

“And you haven’t spilled the beans about us?”

I shook my head, “That’s private between you and me, with the exception that Jocelyn obviously knows, as does Doctor Mercer. And we told Sandy in Cincinnati. In everyone else’s mind, all we do is cuddle. Heck, nobody has seen us kiss beyond the kiss on the cheek when you left to go home, and I’m not sure anyone even saw that. I was very careful to tell Elizaveta that revealing confidences was «некультурный», and she didn’t object to that. She obviously knows about Tasha, because they’ve talked, and she guessed I was with Jocelyn and from my comment about what I said to my dad, that I was with other girls. She hasn’t asked the number, and I haven’t volunteered.”

“If you did, you think that would be the end of it?”

“I think if she’s struggling with four, the actual number would absolutely be the end of it. But it’s a bit deeper than that, as I said.”

“Her concerns about her own adequacy as a lover and you comparing her to other girls.”

“Exactly. I don’t compare, except in sort of a general way, in that I’m much more interested in gentleness than being wild.”

“Duh!” Clarissa replied with a laugh. “I think some days you’d rather cuddle than have sex!”

“Some days I would,” I replied. “As Sandy and I discussed, it was sleeping, and I mean the actual sleeping part, that was the best part of our relationship. It wasn’t that the sex was bad or boring or anything, it was the physical closeness that really made it work for both of us.”

“After she worked out her stress by having you fuck her brains out!”

“Perhaps,” I grinned.

“I’m not sure what you can do about the adequacy question if you’re going to stick to your commitment to be chaste until your wedding.”

“I have no choice in the matter because I ran right to the end of the rope on that topic with regard to ordination. I went way beyond pushing the edge of the envelope, stopping just before it was ripped to shreds. Basically Father Nicholas gave me enough rope with which to hang myself, and I nearly did so.”

“So you regret being sexually active?”

“I regret letting it get out of control,” I replied. “Jocelyn, Emmy, Milena, Kimiko, and you are the ones I can truly come to terms with in my mind. The rest? Probably not, though in varying degrees of ‘not’. Individually, I can justify, at least in my mind, nearly all of them, but taken as a whole, I can’t. I basically did exactly what I was worried I would do - the slippery slope of letting my weakness control me. What I wanted was closeness, and sex was a way to get that. And while I’m not blaming them, what happened with Jocelyn and Angie created the perfect situation for me to fail.”

“What’s your next step?”

“Well, unless I call her emergency number, I won’t be able to see Doctor Mercer until after New Year’s. I probably need to talk to Father Nicholas, though I’m not quite sure what to say to him.”

“Because the confession rules make it such that you could tell him you were having sex, but not with whom, and just as you did with Elizaveta, you effectively misled him.”

“You’re not helping, Lissa,” I sighed. “Unless your goal is to get me to beat myself up even more.”

“But it’s true, right?”

“Yes. And even if I talk to him about it, he won’t ask the number - I’d have to volunteer it. But he does know there were multiple girls.”

“You can refuse to answer, obviously, but does HE know about Tasha?”

“That’s an interesting question. She was attending Holy Transfiguration at that point, so Father Herman was her confessor. She told Nik, and he put two and two together and came up with Mike and Tasha, but I have no idea if he or Tasha said anything to Father Nicholas about her not being a virgin. Nik was upset, as I told you, but she said she talked him off the ledge, so to speak, and he’s been nothing but friendly. Yes, I got the evil eye once, but he and Elizaveta are basically in the same boat with the ex-lover situation.”

“Nik is a virgin?”

“I prefer to assume that’s the case, rather than think he’s a hypocrite.”

“He wouldn’t be the first guy to be sexually active but demand a virgin bride.”

“No, but it would be highly hypocritical. You know my take on that issue.”

“That you can’t hold anyone to a higher standard than the one to which you hold yourself.”

“Or, in Bible terms - Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Fundamentally, that’s about hypocrisy. Too many people read it as a command not to judge, but that’s not what it says. It says you’re going to be judged according to your OWN standards. And I quoted the rest because it’s one of the key verses I try to practice, though I usually use log and splinter, but I quoted the New King James, which is what we use in church.”

“Which is why your friends have no trouble with your being religious - you don’t rub their noses in it.”

“What good would that do? Honestly, it doesn’t even make sense, in addition to being the exact opposite of what Jesus did! Remember when we were talking to Glenda and I quoted Mahatma Gandhi? ‘I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.‘ Truer words have never been spoken.”

“But not you.”

“Except I fail to live up to the perfection, and as such, I’m in no position to truly criticize. It’s one thing to call out theological error or point out that a practice isn’t helpful; it’s a very different thing to condemn a ‘sinner’ when you have plenty of your own sins to worry about.”

“I don’t recall you ever saying Reverend Saddler was a sinner.”

I chuckled, “If I had, it would have been a true statement. I never called out specific sins, at least not in the sense of calling them sins. I pointed out erroneous theology and what I felt were ineffective methods, which is far different from criticizing him as a person.”

“Not who he is, but what he does?”

“Who he is, is a child of God, just as you are and just as I am. And I make my own mistakes, but, generally, I mind my own business. It was only when he tried to use the Bible to attack my friends and was harassing them that I stepped in, which, by the way, was Jesus’ model - go after the hypocrites who felt they were better than others. Otherwise, my approach has always been to do my best to model Christ’s love for his fellow man, and to live my life as best I could with a mortal body which gives me a proclivity to sin.

“Go back one chapter in Matthew, and he writes ‘ But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.‘ Good advice, obviously, and in a chapter which absolutely and unequivocally condemns hypocrisy. My disdain for hypocrites is well-grounded in Scripture and theology. And I fully expect to be called out for my own hypocrisy when it rears its ugly head.”

“What hypocrisy?”

“I wasn’t thinking about anything specific, but I’m sure, in some way, I’ve acted hypocritically.”

“That would be news to me and everyone else.”

“And yet, it’s likely true. In any event, I still have to figure out what to do about Elizaveta.”

“Do you think she’s going to call it off?”

“I think, more likely, she’d expect ME to call it off if I knew she was uncomfortable. And she’d be right, at least in the sense that I would take full responsibility for ending it.”


I shrugged, “I don’t rightly know. Which is the same thing Elizaveta said. But I am convinced that if we don’t find a way past this now, such that it never arises again, I’m compelled to call it off rather than risk complete disaster down the road.”


“Or a completely unhappy marriage maintained simply for appearance’ sake or for kids we might have together.”

“That’s a hell of a thing, Petrovich.”

“TELL me about it,” I sighed. “And worse, the one thing I need right now, more than anything, I can’t do because it would be too risky.”

“Sleep together? I mean actually sleep.”

“And that’s the rub, if you will - being in bed with you, in even a slightly unstable emotional state, could lead to something disastrous.”

“And you think I’d just drop my panties for you?”

“If you thought it would help me emotionally, I am reasonably sure you would. And I don’t mean that in a negative way, if that even makes sense.”

“As with just about everything in our relationship, it’s crazy enough that it makes sense! It’s why you identified the risk. And having had time to think about it, I’m absolutely sure you’re right about it. And not just for you, but for me, too.”

“Which is why we’ve drawn a bright red line, and why we have to be ever-vigilant not to cross it, or really, even come close to it. That was settled once you turned down my proposal.”

Clarissa laughed softly, “It wasn’t real, even if it was sincere, if that makes sense.”

“Not real, as in not in this reality, then yes, I agree. But I was certainly sincere about it, as you say.”

“Speaking of lines, did you talk to Angie?”

“Yes. She’s going to come to the wedding, and she’ll come to the bridal shower they’re throwing, though her mom will need to come to that. Angie isn’t allowed to attend those kinds of things without supervision. Well, ‘allowed’ is the wrong term - Doctor Mercer strongly advises that she have someone who knows her really well along when she’s anyplace she might get overstimulated. She only goes to the mall with a close friend or her mom, and so on.”

“That’s just ... I don’t know a word besides ‘crazy’, but that seems wrong.”

“Because it is crazy,” I replied. “Elizaveta knows how I feel about Angie, too.”

“That has to be tough, because you were deeply in love with Angie and from what you’ve said, neither you nor Elizaveta have said ‘I love you’ to each other.”

“No, we haven’t, and yes, I suspect that’s tough on Elizaveta. But this was never a love match, and the kind of love we’ll have is «agape».”

“With a bit of «eros» thrown in?” Clarissa smirked.

“A bit,” I chuckled.

“Can I ask you a very direct, very intimate question?”

“Asks my soul mate, with whom I’ve swapped spit and other fluids?” I grinned.

Clarissa laughed, “Nice one. ‘Other fluids’?!”

“I was being polite. Go on.”

“Have you thought about how you’re going to approach your wedding night?”

“Not really,” I replied. “Which angle concerns you?”

“The angle of the dangle...” Clarissa smirked.

“Jocelyn nearly killed her boyfriend our Junior year for repeating that!” I replied, laughing. “Dale and I found it hilarious!”

“I bet!” Clarissa replied mirthfully. “On both points! But seriously, it’s probably related to her feelings of inadequacy - do you have a sweet, simple consummation, or do you, knowing her concern, give her an erotic night to remember? Or something in between?”

“I haven’t given it any thought. But wouldn’t that really be up to her?”

“Think about what she told you, Petrovich - she doesn’t know anything more than she learned in sex ed and maybe the girls’ locker room. Does she even know the possibilities? Is she in any position to ask? And with her concern about her skills, for lack of a better word, will she even be able to ask?”

“I hadn’t even considered that,” I replied.

“And it’s more complicated than that - how is she going to react to you asking her to do things or having you do things?”

“You sure know how to cause trouble, Lissa,” I replied.

“NOT thinking about it is going to cause trouble.”

“You’re right, of course,” I replied. “I think I have a second, obviously related, topic to discuss with Doctor Mercer.”

“Is talking to her, without telling Elizaveta, deceitful? And even if it’s not, is it a good strategy?”

“You know Doctor Mercer is interested in a professional relationship in the future, and I’m helping, as best I can as a layman, with Angie, so I’m not sure how to answer that. Do I need to tell Elizaveta about every professional interaction I have?”

“But this isn’t professional, it’s personal - you’re going for counseling. Would you tell her if you went for counseling for stress or whatever, during training?”

“I think I’d have to, and I think I’d want to.”

“Then I think you have to tell her you’re going to go see Doctor Mercer.”

“I think you’re right. This is WAY more difficult than I expected; not that I expected it to be easy.”

December 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio

On Saturday morning, after Clarissa and I ate breakfast with Doctor Blahnik and Derek, I decided to call Doctor Mercer’s office to see if, by chance, she was in, and if she was available. She answered, and after a bit of back and forth, she suggested we simply speak by phone later in the morning when she’d finished her appointment. I decided that was the best option and that I could tell Elizaveta after the fact. Doctor Mercer called back about ninety minutes later, as we’d agreed.

“There was actually a good reason I suggested you come completely clean,” Doctor Mercer said after I’d explained the situation.

“Yes, I know, and I hope you’ll spare me more ‘I told you so’ answers.”

“One per patient,” Doctor Mercer said lightly. “It does have to be said to make a point, but beating a dead horse isn’t very effective.”

“No, it isn’t. So, what’s your advice?”

“In all honesty? Patience. She has to work through her concerns and there really isn’t much you can do except wait.”

“I was afraid you might say that,” I said, suppressing a sigh. “There is another issue, and that assumes we get through this crisis - how to approach our wedding night given her feelings of inadequacy.”

“And you feel you can’t talk to her about it because she’s going to compare herself to other girls and what they did.”

“Exactly. Clarissa raised that potential problem last night when we were talking through my concerns.”

“You need to be careful there.”

“Trust me, I know,” I replied.

“Yes, that, too. But you’re already going to intimately share your school and work with Clarissa. Think how Elizaveta will feel if you also confide in Clarissa about marriage issues.”

“«Говно»!” I growled. “And to think last night I said this was harder than I expected it to be.”

“You didn’t think this was going to be easy, did you?”

“No, of course not; but it is going to be WAY harder than I imagined.”

“Marriage is hard to start with, and you’re throwing in medical school, ordination, and distinctly different sexual histories. If you didn’t think it was going to be extremely difficult, you weren’t thinking clearly. I do recall you talking to me about how difficult it was going to be.”

“I think I talked to you about how difficult it was going to be to find a young woman who could handle it more than the difficulty in actually starting the relationship. And that’s what I was getting at - the difficulties I’m having now, which I didn’t expect.”

“You thought that once you found a young woman who would accept the conditions, everything would be rosy? You aren’t that naïve, Mike!”

“I didn’t think rosy, but I also agree I probably didn’t think through the intimacy issue. And I don’t mean sex by that.”

“An ‘emotional affair’ can actually be far more devastating to a relationship, if you think about it.”

“I suppose I can see that.”

“Are you having second thoughts?”

“No,” I replied. “I’m worried Elizaveta is having second thoughts.”

“I’d say she is, and you need to be patient and let her work through this. I do need to ask what you’ll do if she can’t work through it, or she hasn’t worked through it by May.”

“I don’t know,” I replied.

“If it isn’t resolved, you can’t go through with the marriage.”

“I know,” I replied. “I said that to Clarissa last night.”

“Then you DO know what you’ll do.”

“I guess so,” I sighed.

“Mike, just be patient right now. She’s intelligent and mature, and she didn’t rashly break things off with you. Give her time to work through this, and when she’s ready to talk to you about it, make sure you listen to what she has to say, take it to heart, and then decide what to do.”

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Chapter Two: Dr. Rita's Futa Medicine By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I rolled off my sleeping beauty, both of us breathing so heavily. Already, Nurse Pita was dressing, a big smile on the Hispanic nurse's face. Carly Wright, my sleeping princess, had an equally large smile on her face, though hers was adorned with Pita's tart pussy juices. The hospital room reeked of sex. It was the second time the three of us had sex tonight. The first time was right after I healed my delicious,...

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That Hermit and Strange Medicine 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 41 A Good Sense of Humor

October 17, 1981, McKinley, Ohio There was a knock at the door just before 6:00pm and I was sure it was the girls so I called out for them to come in. As expected, it was Jeannette and Marie. “Ready for hot meat between buns and slurping creamy white liquid?” Jeannette teased. “My bedroom is right there!” I grinned. “Should we leave you two the room?” Marie smirked. “Dinner first, then dessert!” Jeannette laughed. I took Angie’s hand and the four of us left the dorm and headed for the...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 36 End of the Semester

December 16, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “That was an interesting speech by your bishop,” Clarissa said as we relaxed in my room after studying for Monday’s Analytical Chemistry exam. “You mean because it sounded like he was speaking directly to me? Or to you?” “It almost seemed as if he were excusing sin.” “I understand how you could hear it that way, but what he was doing was acknowledging the power it has over us. Paul wrote about it in Romans 7. Believe it or not, I don’t have that entire...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 48 The Orthodox Way

February 9, 1985, Milford, Ohio “Do you mind sitting in the waiting room for five minutes while I talk to Doctor Mercer about Angie?” “That’s fine,” Elizaveta replied as we walked through the door of the building where Doctor Mercer had her office. We went upstairs and into the waiting room and Doctor Mercer greeted us. Elizaveta sat on the couch and Doctor Mercer and I went into her office. “Elizaveta will join us after we talk about Angie,” I said. “You don’t need any private...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 18 Deacutenouement

August 31, 1984, Duquesne, Pennsylvania “Anything I need to know?” I said as we neared Lara’s house. “Not really. I told you about both sets of parents.” “Names? I mean other than I know your biological dad is Sergei Viktorovich Federov.” “My step-mom is Alisa, my step-dad is Albert, and my biological mom is Elena. My step-siblings are Karolina and Pavel. Oh, and my cat is named Lilia Felicksovna Koshkaa,” she added with a laugh. “Cute! I take it that your step-dad’s house is typically...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 23 A Pair of Rings

September 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Yes!” Elizaveta squealed. Everyone clapped and the grandmothers put the choker and bracelet on Elizaveta, who was impatiently waiting to come to me. Just before she did, Gennady hurried over, winked, and we exchanged a Russian greeting, causing everyone but Elizaveta, who simply rolled her eyes, to laugh. Once Gennady moved away, Elizaveta quickly came to me and we hugged tightly, then Elizaveta turned to her maternal grandmother. “Grandmother, may I...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 27 Acceptance

October 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I’d like you each to fill out this worksheet,” Father Nicholas said. “Please do not collaborate on the answers. It’s important for me to understand our starting point. Please don’t overthink this, or write down what you think I want to hear or what you think the other person wants to hear.” I scanned the worksheet before I began, something I did for every exam, quiz, or worksheet, then began with the first questions which mostly had to do with how well I...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 33 Teaching and Learning

November 17, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio “What did you say to get your dad to come upstairs?” Elizaveta asked as we climbed into my Mustang for the drive back to McKinley. “I just insisted he keep his word to you.” “To me? I’ve never spoken to him until today!” “The promise he made, three years ago, to love any girl I married and treat her like a daughter, was made to you. Well, assuming I’m not in enough trouble with you that you’re going to call off the wedding.” “You said you wanted to be...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 46 Love Your Neighbor

January 17, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “My parents were kicked out of the church because they wouldn’t make me stop coming to Saint Michael the Archangel,” Mark said when I greeted him and Alyssa on Thursday afternoon. “Are they going to the Lutheran Church?” “Starting on Sunday, yes.” “What about yours, Alyssa?” “They’re supposed to have a meeting with the elders on Saturday morning. I invited them to Saint Michael, and Mark’s parents suggested they go to the Lutheran church.” “But it’s not...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 50 An Offer

February 16, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “Good morning, Subdeacon,” Father Stephen said when Elizaveta and I walked into the main lobby of The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. The hospital was on Mt. Auburn, one of the highest points in the city, and offered a nice view of the city below. Father Stephen was clad in his ryasa. “Father, bless!” I said, holding my cupped hands for his blessing. “Bless you, Subdeacon,” he said, making the sign of the cross over my upturned palms. I kissed...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 67 The Dance of Isaiah

May 26, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday morning, I decided to walk my usual route through Doctor Blahnik’s neighborhood, rather than run. I had nervous energy I needed to burn off, but I didn’t want to burn off ALL my energy. I put on my shorts, t-shirt, and running shoes, and went out the front door. I was surprised to find Clarissa sitting on the steps waiting for me. She hopped up and we exchanged a hug. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Waiting for you! Ready?” “For?” She laughed,...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 22 A Pair of Questions

September 20, 1984, Milford, Ohio “Thanks for coming here, Mike,” Doctor Mercer said when I walked into her office. “I felt I had to. Clarissa and Sandy are at Frisch’s, and I’ll join them when we’re done. They know it could be a while.” “Have a seat,” she invited. Instead of sitting down, I went to the couch, took off my shoes, lay down, and stretched out. Doctor Mercer got up and moved to the chair which was positioned just behind my head. “This is different,” she said. “I know,” I...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 37 Nativity 1984

December 24, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Monday, which was Christmas Eve, I slept in, ate a light breakfast, then made some tea and went to sit in the music room to start reading Foundation. I read for about fifteen minutes before Doctor Blahnik came into the room. “What time are you leaving?” she asked “About 11:00am.” “And you’ll be back tonight?” “Around 9:30pm, most likely. We’ll go to Vespers, then have a light meal.” “Will you join Milena, Joel, Derek, and me to decorate the tree? I...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 43 A Strong Prescription

Theophany, January 6, 1985, McKinley, Ohio After I dropped Elizaveta at home, I took a chance and drove to Father Nicholas’ house. Matushka Natalya greeted me at the door and let me in. Father Nicholas invited me to his study. “Sorry to bother you at home, but the bishop suggested I speak to you.” “Am I going to be happy at the end of this conversation?” “Angie drove from Cincinnati on New Year’s Day to talk to me.” “I thought she wasn’t supposed to drive!” “She’s not. She did it...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 54 Halfway there Livinrsquo on a Prayer

March 15, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “What did I hear you playing?” Clarissa asked when I came downstairs on Friday afternoon. “Just practicing,” I replied. “Yes, but that was no guitar!” she protested. I frowned, “I really should have skipped practicing this week. It’s a surprise for my wedding.” “Wait! That’s one of those Russian guitars like the girl had in Doctor Zhivago!” “A balalaika,” I confirmed. “It was Doctor Blahnik’s suggestion.” “What songs can you play?” “The only one I play...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 59 Sweet Sixteen

April 19, 1985, McKinley, Ohio Elizaveta drove my car to Pizza Inn, where her friends had reserved the small banquet room for the party. She’d be taking her driving test Thursday, and wanted a bit more practice. I was sure she’d pass, but with BMV employees, one never knew what might happen. When we arrived, Elizaveta backed into the parking spot just as I’d taught her, and after locking up the car, we went inside to where ten of her friends and their boyfriends or girlfriends were waiting,...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 24 Betrothal

September 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio At the close of Vespers, Father Nicholas, I, and two acolytes left the altar. He completed the prayers which served as the Dismissal, then turned to the congregation. “One announcement,” he said. “Tomorrow, immediately following the Divine Liturgy, we’ll have a betrothal ceremony for Subdeacon Michael and Elizaveta Kozlova.” There were a few gasps, but otherwise, no real reaction because we were in the nave, where applause or chatter was completely...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 41 Let Me Say My Piece

December 31, 1984, McKinley, Ohio Elizaveta greeted me at the door with a soft kiss, then took me to her father’s study. She left me with him and Gennady, then went to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on the meal. I accepted a splash of brandy from Viktor and we toasted. “When do you head back to Harvard?” I asked Gennady. “Wednesday afternoon,” he replied. “You know, I never asked if you had a girlfriend.” “I do. A girl who lives in Boston, but who’ll move here if I ask her to...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 49 Theology Psychology and Friendship

Sunday Of The Prodigal Son - February 10, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday morning, when I left the altar during the canon of Matins to retrieve Father Nicholas’ homily which he’d left in his office, I was pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Greenwald standing near Mark and Alyssa. When I returned to the altar with Father Nicholas’ notecards, I quietly let him know that they were in attendance. As the Matins moved to the Divine Liturgy, the hymns foretold the destination of our Lenten journey, which...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 66 Vale Dicere

May 25, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “In Psalm 8, we read - When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers; The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You are mindful of him; And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels; And You have crowned him with glory and honor; You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet. “‘Crowned him with glory and honor’ - that is us,...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 38 Stumbling Down the Path

December 27, 1984, Rutherford and McKinley, Ohio “Marie, this is my friend Dale Melrose. Dale, this is my friend Marie De Santis.” I could tell by the look on Dale’s face he was VERY attracted to Marie, and knowing Marie, she’d be more than happy to entertain him, if that’s what he wanted. “Dale,” Jocelyn said, “this is my boyfriend, Bill Ebersole. Bill, Dale.” They shook hands and I suppressed a chuckle at the thought that Dale didn’t look at Bill the same way he had at Marie. We walked...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 53 Therersquos nobody else here

March 9, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Saturday morning, Clarissa and I had breakfast together at Doctor Blahnik’s house where we were both staying during break. I’d slept at the dorm the previous night because it didn’t officially close until Saturday at noon. I had walked over from the dorm, made my toast with jam and sliced a grapefruit, then poured a glass of grapefruit juice and joined Clarissa at the kitchen table where she was eating bacon and pancakes with maple syrup. “How are things at...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 58 Bright Week

April 15, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “How are you feeling, Petrovich?” Clarissa asked when she came to my door on Monday morning after I’d run and prayed. “Fine. I slept like a log last night! What did Abby think?” “She was pretty awestruck by the service and had a good time at the party. Everyone else seemed to have a great time, too.” “I think Clark made some new friends,” I chuckled. “He spent like three hours with the old men smoking and drinking!” “So did Gene. Did Jocelyn have to pour...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 2 Well THAT was fun

May 25, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio After our second round, Violet and I went to her bathroom to shower. We needed to get back to the party, so we didn’t take too long, and once we were clean and dry, we dressed and I helped her change the sheets on her bed. She put them in the washing machine, and checked the time so she could return to put them in the dryer. Once she was satisfied there was no remaining evidence, we left the house to walk back to the party. “Thank you for fucking my brains...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 10 Love And Other Things

Chapter 10: Love And Other Things June 23, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio I’d had to skip my Saturday morning mini-golfing with Dona because Clarissa and I needed to be in McKinley for Sasha’s 11:00am wedding. Saturday weddings were not the norm, but Vladyka ARKADY had granted «ekonomia» because of the circumstances. While we were in the Apostle’s Fast, there were no strict canons against marriage during the Apostles Fast like there were for the Dormition Fast which would begin in a week. Given...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 11 One Condition

June 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I was right!” I said when I arrived at Doctor Blahnik’s house after lunch with Mr. Kozlov. “No way!” “He asked me to take responsibility for the distribution of charity to individuals and families in need. He’s been doing it, temporarily, because of Deacon Grigory’s heart attack. As he said, it does belong with clergy, and typically falls to the deacon.” “Good call, Petrovich.” “He did have a second matter to discuss,” I grinned. “So, actually, we were both...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 16 Family Values

August 4, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “Hi!” Liz exclaimed when Lara and I walked into the restaurant in Rutherford on Saturday morning. “Hi!” I replied, hugging her. Paul and I shook hands with a nod, I hugged Emmy, and then the five of us sat in a round corner booth. “Liz said you did really well on your test,” Paul said. I nodded, “I’ll get into the school I want, which is all that really mattered to me. Well, I have to have an interview, but I don’t foresee any problems there. Clarissa did...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 25 Confrontation

October 1, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Hi, Ang,” I said when she came to the phone. “Hi, Mike!” she answered. “How are you?” “Fine. How are you?” “OK. Have you thought about what I asked?” “Yes. Has Doctor Mercer talked to you about it?” “Yes,” Angie sighed. “And you agree with her?” “It’s more complicated than that,” I replied gently. “At this point, with my upcoming ordination, that kind of sin would be a serious problem. Father Nicholas warned me, without us talking about you, that he’d...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 28 Together

October 18, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday Clarissa, Sandy, and I had our fifth and final interviews in Pittsburgh. It followed the same basic pattern as the other four. Each of the schools - McKinley, OSU, UC, Indiana, and Pittsburgh had something to recommend itself. The girls and I discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each of the four schools besides McKinley, and decided, if we all didn’t get into McKinley, our order of choices would be UC, Indiana, Pittsburgh, and then OSU. Any...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 29 The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

October 20, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio “Please do not let my parents bait you into an emotional response,” I said to Elizaveta as I turned off Route 50 in West Monroe. “You think they will?” “I have no idea; I just wanted to warn you.” “Paul seems really nice,” Elizaveta said. “And yes, it was bad that he broke the law, but he and Liz are getting married. So in the end, they’re doing the right thing. You’re five years older than I am, and right now, I’m only about a year older than Liz...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 31 Sinners and Saints

November 3, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “That was fantastic, Mike!” Melody gushed when the debate ended about two hours after it had begun. “He served me up a series of fastballs right over the plate,” I replied. “His mistake was attacking externals at first, because that put him on the wrong foot from the get-go. If he had focused purely on theology, I wouldn’t have been able to score so many points with what amounted to ‘zingers’.” “You had him too tied up in knots trying to explain how he knew...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 35 Dad

December 11, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “What do you want us to do?” Clarissa asked. “If you and Jocelyn will just wait here, Elizaveta and I will go get my dad.” “You’re that confident?” “No, but I have to seem confident to successfully make the case to my dad. And I have less than ten minutes in which to do that.” Jocelyn and I got out of the car, then Clarissa and Elizaveta got out of the back seats. I took Elizaveta’s hand and led her into the County Administration Building. We took the...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 44 Irsquod Worry About Your Soul

January 12, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “You came alone?” Doctor Mercer asked when I walked into her office in Milford. “I did. I’m going to see Angie’s pastor after you and I finish our session.” “Did you tell Elizaveta you were going to be here?” “Yes.” “Did you tell her WHY you were going to be here?” “No. That seemed to me to introduce unnecessary turmoil. I did tell my bishop and priest about the situation.” “That’s unexpected. Why tell them and not her?” “I saw my bishop on...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 45 Irsquod Much Rather Have a Cure

January 12, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “How are you, Mik?” Jocelyn asked when I arrived back at the dorm. “I feel like I’ve gone fifteen rounds with Ali.” “Would you even last one round?” “No, of course not, but I STILL feel like I was in the ring for the full fifteen.” “I know you usually talk to Clarissa, but she’s with Abby. I have an ear if you want.” “I love you, Jos; that’s never changed. And I can use an ear.” “Then come on,” she said. “Your room?” “We’ll leave the door open if you...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 57 Holy Week and Pascha Part II

Great and Holy Thursday, April 11, 1985, McKinley, Ohio I slept in Thursday morning, then ran, showered, dressed, and then, because Elizaveta was in school, drove directly to the church. Elizaveta would be there, but her mom would pick her up just in time to get to the service, then take her back to school immediately afterwards. Attendance at the service, which commemorated the Last Supper, was usually sparse as people had to work or be in school. The same would be true for the Friday...

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