- 4 years ago
- 34
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He was close. The telltale sign gripped his body mercilessly. The dream grabbed hold of him and held him hostage, forced to relive the day that changed his life so long ago. The sun was particularly strong, its heat beat down upon him while he was walking to the nearby store, casually strolling down the sidewalk. As he finished crossing a small street, a strange feeling began to spread through him. He paused his stride and he looked down at himself in confusion when it suddenly happened. An alien sensation rushed through his body, as if pure electricity channeled itself through him. He was in awe of the sheer power that ran through him without warning, but began to panic when his body became heavier and heavier. Another moment passed and he felt himself collapse on the ground, but he was still standing. The young man looked down and saw himself lying on the sidewalk. *What’s happening? How is this possible?* His panic seemed muted for what he was experiencing, but all he could muster was a slight feeling of concern for his predicament, whatever it was.
As if calling to him, he turned his head away from himself and looked to the sky. What was once a clear and deep blue was now a toneless, colorless expanse. He started to drift towards it, his feet separated from the ground and he made his way towards the clouds. As he traveled further into the void that was once the atmosphere, the power became stronger and his speed became faster and faster. All to soon the speed and power were overwhelming, his vision faded away, and the last thing he saw before darkness took him was clear, endless sky.
Daniel awoke quietly, the wooden cart beneath him swaying gently on the beaten path. The straw he laid upon stuck under the fabric of his simple clothing, finding the perfect position to irritate his skin. Daniel frowned slightly and shifted himself into a more comfortable position. ‘Oi, you act’ly awake back ther,’ a gruff voice called behind him.
Daniel smirked slightly as he slowly replied, ‘What makes you think I was sleeping?’
The farmer, the owner of the voice, glanced back from his aged horse to the young man lying in his cart. ‘I’cn tell when yer sleepin, lad.’
Daniel stretched his 6’4 frame languidly, then, without opening his eyes, stated ‘would you like for me to tell you how long we’ve traveled to the minute, how far we’ve gone to the foot, which roads we crossed and when, because I can.’
The old farmer harrumphed loudly before replying ‘Yer types r’ all the same. Ye think ye can do anythin’, but they all go the same. They always burn out, bite mor’ than they can chew.’ The aged farmer waited for the typical bluster of a clueless rich boy who was too big for his britches trying to prove himself.
He was surprised when silence met him. After a few moments, the youth in his cart replied quietly, ‘Arrogance is reserved for the foolish. Despite my young age, I do not make any claims lightly.’
Daniel spoke with quiet determination, his soothing voice emanated a breadth of knowledge and experience that belied his appearance of twenty three years. The farmer gazed absently ahead of him, taking the boy’s words carefully.
‘Son, I’ve seen an’ heard a lot through the years. Of all them kids I’ve come across, not one ever came to be what they wanted. There’s wisdom in yer words, but they don’t mean nuthin’ if ya can’t follow through.’ He paused to let his words sink in. ‘Listen, ye seem a good kid. Just be careful, an’ don’t forget yer at the bottom of the barrel of life. Don’t let yer head get ahead of itself.’ The two continued on their quiet journey for a few more moments of silence.
‘Thank you for your advice,’ Daniel spoke calmly. He quickly opened his eyes and smiled, ‘I’m not sure if I should apologize or be grateful for the absence of bandit attacks. Seems like you got cheated.’
The gruff farmer laughed heartily. ‘I don’t mind the company, even if ye aren’t pullin yer weight.’ Daniel laughed with him as he looked over the orange sky as the sun made its way beneath the horizon. The farmer looked back to the front of his carriage, but he couldn’t forget the most startling aspect of his traveling companion: his electric green eyes. They spoke of so many things, so many mysteries, so much…loneliness.
That was what struck him the most when he picked him up on the outskirts of the capital. His tall, lanky stature and dark brown hair didn’t seem out of his place, and his skin seemed perfected to a golden tan hue. What really caught his attention were those eyes, and although he didn’t like taking kids to the fancy school on his way home, this one was a different story. He was one of the few that could be believed when he said he would handle potential bandits. They traveled for a while with more silence. The farmer’s horse pulled the cart dutifully, having made the trip to the capital market many times before to sell the farmer’s produce.
‘I appreciate you taking me as far as you are. Made my journey a little more painless,’ Daniel offered. He knew they were close to separating and each off to their own way, and the farmer was thinking that the boy’s ridiculous claims concerning their proximity to his destination were perhaps not so ridiculous. The farmer only offered a grunt in agreement as a response, but nothing else needed to be said.
A few more moments and, as the duo crested the hill, a split in the road made itself known. They quietly pulled up to the crossroad and the old farmer pulled the reigns on his horse, allowing the youth to collect his single bag of belongings and disembark from his cart. Daniel, with his bag on his shoulder, walked up to the farmer and extended his hand, saying ‘thanks again, and good luck on the next harvest.’
The farmer grasped and shook his hand in return. ‘Be careful out ther, son.’
Daniel gave a small grin. ‘I’ll keep my youthful antics to a minimum.’
The farmer laughed loudly in response as he flicked the reigns gently, coaxing his horse to resume his pace. ‘I’ll keep ya to that,’ he called out heartily. Daniel held his smile as he gave a quick wave to his traveling companion.
The sky was quickly turning dark when he saw the academy. The building, even from this distance, gleamed in opulence that its students expected from the institution. While it was allegedly a school for the extremely gifted in magic, more often than not the sons and daughters of nobles and rulers were the recipients of its attention. Daniel hadn’t bothered to investigate the academy other than gaining entry. He certainly didn’t need any magical training, he chuckled to himself, just that he needed to be there. Something was going to happen and it was imperative that he be there when it happened.
Daniel’s pace was unhurried, he would make it before the gates closed with plenty of time to spare. The person he would have to see when he got there would most likely be displeased but that seemed like a problem they would have to deal with, thought Daniel with an amused hum. He kept his eyes closed as he moved, immersing himself in his surroundings. At first he kept to his passive scan, as he referred to it, everything within a hundred meter vicinity was magically analyzed and interpreted without him even putting thought to it. It took a while to refine it to what it was now but was a constant aspect of his very person. There was never a time when it wasn’t active, even when he slept.
He then began to widen his scan to encompass the entire region with his magic. The trail to the academy was surrounded on both sides by a massive forest, with the academy sitting at the base of a tall mountain. With his perfect memory and recollection, he mapped out the entire area in his head: where the positions of the trees were, what the consistency of the soil was, what sort of wildlife lived there and where. His pace never faltered and he never missed a step as he kept to his task. As he moved, Daniel suddenly realized while he was scanning that he was l
ooking for something. Nothing seemed out of place, but he recognized the magical dissonance. Something was off and Daniel needed to know what it was. Soon enough, he found it. A young woman was being chased by a magical wolf, not too far off to his left. Daniel seamlessly diverted his path to intercept the two beings and slightly picked up his pace. It seems that whoever she was, she was going to get a lesson before school even started.
Her breaths were ragged, gasping for air as she fled the beast that pursued her. Not long ago she was admiring the forest during the sunset when it attacked. What frightened her then, and escalated her fear now, was that she couldn’t sense the animal. The dire wolf was definitely magical, that much was obvious due to its massive size and unearthly purple fur, but every magical animal gave off a magical signature. The only creatures capable of masking their magical presence were the higher functioning beings, dire wolves were definitely not a part of that list. She ran blindly, trying to get some sort of distance and maybe get away from the animal. She knew the forest cleared on the road to the academy and if she could get to the clearing the animal couldn’t ambush her. As long as there is still light, she reminded herself. Her heart pumped more and more erratically, her fear consumed her mind and drove her actions. She just had to get away.
She suddenly ducked and rolled to her left. Not a split second afterword the purple dire wolf lunged where she just was. She got back up on shaky legs, paralyzed by the sight before her. The huge purple wolf, as big as an Imperial war-horse, snarled viciously at her and crouched. Its black claws dug into the ground as it prepared to attack, and a soul-shattering howl pierced through the air. She remained motionless, too afraid to even react. She was staring her death in the face and she couldn’t even think, her fear clouded her mind so completely. The wolf howled again and launched itself to finish her off and she closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable. A moment passed. And another. She cracked her eyes open and the beast was inches away from her face. She let out a startled cry and fell backwards, moving away until she hit the trunk of a tree with her back. The wolf hadn’t moved from its position in the air, and her gaze was mixed with terror and confusion.
‘Lesson one.’ The voice behind her snapped her out of her daze and she swung her head to where the voice came from. A young man around her age stood next to the tree she was against, holding out two fingers at the wolf. ‘Never let fear control you. Even if you are surprised or are in a hopeless situation, stay in control of yourself. The instant you give in to fear, you die.’ His voice was calm and his posture was relaxed. She just barely registered his words when he continued, ‘lesson two. Be resourceful. Just because you’re on the defensive doesn’t mean you’re out of the game. If you refuse to improvise, you die.’
She stared at him for a moment in amazement, then turning to fury. *Did he just lecture me right now, when I thought I was going to die?!*
He smirked in her direction, as if knowing what she thought, saying, ‘if you’re angry about my help, then you can prove me wrong right now. I’m releasing him from my hold, hopefully you can handle it.’ She turned abruptly to the beast and saw it was starting to move of its own volition. The paws began to flex and its muscles started to clench, preparing to move on the offensive again.
She began to feel the same fear she had before his timely intervention, but his words broke through. ‘Never let fear control you.’ She grudgingly accepted them and reevaluated the creature in front of her. The purple fur meant it was a creature of darkness, which was a good and bad thing. She could easily combat darkness with her native powers but that meant revealing her true form and she wanted to avoid that at all possible. Her other magical skills were potent but probably ineffective against its fur. How to defeat it?
‘Improvise.’ She ground her teeth together in anger, but reluctantly followed the advice. She shifted her attention away from the increasingly mobile beast and examined where she was. She thought how she could use her alternative powers when the answer hit her. She wanted to smack herself it was so obvious. If her magic can’t beat the wolf, the nature around her could. ‘It will be free in moments,’ the young man warned. She scoffed at him in annoyance and prepared herself for the trap. She channeled her magic into the ground and fashioned a weapon that could end the wolf in one shot.
The wolf finally fell to the ground and shook itself loose from its temporary paralysis. It fixed its eyes on the target and prepared to finish its mission. The dire wolf howled loudly, but she was ready for it this time. She remained where she was, and the wolf seemed to hesitate, sensing a change in its prey. It had its orders, however, and the wolf launched itself to finish her off. Suddenly, just as it was about to reach her, roots in the ground punched through its thick hide and punctured its vital organs. The now immobilized wolf let a dying roar before sagging lifelessly in the roots of the tree, mere feet from where she sat.
She let a sigh of relief as the animal was definitely dead. She could sense through her magic that its essence no longer resided in its body, she was safe. She was safe. The young woman sat there, emotions raging through her as she recounted the entire ordeal, from initial attack to gruesome end.
‘Nice work. You might even live for a while.’
Whatever she was feeling at that moment, it quickly turned to blinding rage as she turned to the young man. ‘I almost just died!’ she screamed at him. ‘I was almost killed today and all you have to say is I might live for a while?! Are you fucking insane?!’ His face remained passive with a hint of amusement on his face, which made her even angrier. ‘WHAT’S SO GODDAMN FUNNY?!’ A moment of silence passed as she heaved breaths of raw emotion and he simply waited.
‘Well,’ he said slowly, ‘I wouldn’t use just after almost. A bit redundant. Anyway,’ he continued quickly, sensing her anger rise even higher, ‘you survived the encounter and if you keep those two lessons in mind, you will go very far. Now that it’s over, I’m going to head to the academy. Hopefully their doors aren’t closed by the time we get there.’ With that, he turned away and started walking off, presumably towards the end of the forest.
The woman seriously contemplated on continuing her rant on that… that… She couldn’t even describe what he was. *Perhaps I should just kick his ass right now, he definitely deserves it.* Her internal struggles were either unnoticed or ignored by the departing stranger, and she made to angrily follow him to safety.
The Choker Club Chronicles: Skyler…. {Authors note: This is part two in the series and is probably as dark as I will get. There are strong elements of BSDM, submission, humiliation, toying, exhibitionism and anal penetration. Sensitive readers are cautioned to avert their eyes. If you haven’t read the first chapter it is recommended you do so now, but this can be read as a stand alone story.} The reality of this afternoon was sinking in slowly as I contemplated the decisions I had made while...
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Thunderstorms always gave Edward Adams the frights. Even now, at the ripe old age of twelve, he became frightened at the claps of thunder and the sudden bright flashes of light from the lightning. In the dark of his bedroom they seemed to take on a more frightening quality. He was ashamed to admit it, but he wanted the closeness of his mother. She would comfort him with soothing words and hold him until he went to sleep or the storms would pass as they always did.Tonight was no different...
I was in Kuwait in the early 1990's and had to liaise with some local hospitals and the NGO I was working for. I had to borrow a US military 3 ton ambulance to get into the city as we had no vehicles of our own. It was a German UNIMOG as this was the early days of the humvee and the Americans weren't giving those out freely.I went into a small local hospital in Kuwait one day for work and there at the reception desk was this young, tiny Palestinian girl wearing these nicely snug-fitting scrubs...
I guess most of you readers might Think that the stories I write are fake and not true at all but all of them are actually true. I do have a thing for middle Eastern med and they certainly have a thing for me even if I look very masculine but I´m slim and slender and maybe that´s why. There is a man who Always seems to be on the bus to the shopping center at the same time as I´m going there so after a few years we sort of become friendly with eachother even though he looks a bit rough and...
Hello friends. I am Pritam Sarkar. I am from West Bengal. Well, I am not married yet and I am 23 years old. I just finished my course and started to work in a private bank as a marketing executive. I have very good charming words and due to this, I have always achieved my target. Not in just the banking sector. I would reach heights in the fields like sports, education etc. But I am a bit weak when it comes to girls. I would feel a bit shy at first. But now, as I have to talk to female clients,...
Hi, I don’t want to reveal my personal details. I’m a woman from Hyderabad from a decent upper cast family. I used to read these stories while I was studying my B.Tech. About me, I am 5’4” tall and weighs 58 kg. I will continue the story in my native language – Telugu. First of all, this is not a fake story and I am not a girl cooking this story. Na measurements ki vaste 32c 28 36. Na breasts konchem chinnavi and na ayana always antu untaru chinna boobs ani. But my ass is very big and...
Hai friends..Me sumalatha age 30. Me kosam malli new experience share chesukuntunanu. Na old experience “ kobbari thota lo ma paleru tho padukunna”. Andaru na experience kosam wait chestunaru ani telusu. First of all thanks to iss and readers. Na story chala mandi chadivaru. Responses chala bagunai. Nenu asala ohinchaledu na story ki antha response vuntundi ani. Kani responses chusi nenu chala happy feel iyanu. Andariki nachindi na sex story. Once again thanks andi me suggestions and comments...
Hai friends, na name sumalatha age 30. Na body sizes 34-30-36. Madi amalapuram dagara vunna ambajipeta. Naku pelli iya 3 years iyandi. Ma ayana nenu bangalore lo vuntamu.Ma ayana software engineer. Apudapudu festivals ki fuctions ki ambajipeta vastamu. Ma parleu name ramesh age 33 vuntundi. Strong body tho manly ga chala balamga vuntadu. Tanu ma thota lo 5 years nunchi pani chestunadu. So ma family tho baga close ga vuntadu. Tanu ante naku chala istam. Nenu close gane vuntanu kani epudu tana...
Na peru sandhya idhe na 2nd story . .Na vayasu 23 idhe jarigi rendu ellu ayindhe nenu ma vuri daggara college lo degree chaduthunapudu jarigndhe eh sangatana idhe jarigaka na jevithame maripoyindhe . Madhe konchem unna kutumbam . Roju ma nanna garu college lo digapettadam tesukelladam chesevaru . Ma amma intlone untadhi .Ma college vuru nunchi 20 km lu untade kane daggarlo verey college lekha ma nanna garu akdae cherpincharu .Nenu chudatanike chala andam ga untanu.Apatike na sallu 34 undevi. Ma...
1477, Transylvania. Mark's mission has gone seriously off course as he has been abducted by unknown men from the future. Where in the future he doesn't yet know. What their plans are is also a mystery. Lying in a wagon, being jostled by the rough road rising into the hills, Mark's guess is they don't plan to kill him. They could have done that at any time since his capture. The man who identified himself as Alexandru, seemingly the leader of this group, has said nothing since informing...
"Well, you remember that whole Paleozoic-diet from a while ago?" I asked, trying my best to stifle my rampant nerves. At the therapists nod I pressed on "do you know much about it?" "Assume I don't " she replied. "Ok, well I didn't either, not at first, wasn't even in high school yet. I saw an article online about it. They went into detail about the research behind it, the competing theories about what the data meant, the different issues with making generalities from small data...
Simon: The people become scientists that they are reading interesting things about the sciences outside the school over the age of twelve. The school gives only a mandatory minimum and not other. I learned well in the school, but this was not enough. My father liked reading about the World, sciences, etc despite being a simple Ford dealer. My mom was mathematics teacher. We had big home library. I read a lot of about the sciences and mainly I got interest in biology. My brother liked to read...
Satyra Underworld of the Chevaan Chapter 1 Devil's Bargain Raising her head Satyra shook her head to clear it and flexed her fingersbehind the wooden stocks. For the past two days she had tried to use her magicto free herself, without success. Now she tired again, focusing all her strength,her knowledge, her will, channeling them as she pinpointed her desire to sunderthe metal bands holding her. Nothing happened. Satyra slumped back against the frame in defeat, but almost immediately shesensed...
Hi all its been a while since my last post and alot of it is down to my inconsiderate wife wanting to diet a little bit and tone up,so she has had no heavy drinking sessions, both my neighbour and myself are devastated as he has not had the chance of a follow up fuck. I know he has had wanks whilst listening to me and my wife fucking at night as he has told me numerous times.John my elderly neighbour has been learning how to skype and we have had a few lessons during the day so he is fairly...
WARNING: This story contains insulting humor to the Republican party, the current United States President (George W. Bush), the Catholic Church, and the current Pope (Benedict XVI). If you cannot take a joke then please leave, and please let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Otherwise, you Bad Humor Fans, ENJOY!! A not so long time ago, in a political blunder far far away... BLUNDER WARS Episode H: Attack of the Government Ineptness Chapter 1- The evil Repulican Empire for years has...
Non-EroticLovingSkye: Hearing his snap, she is jolted into action, and stands, walking silently behind him as they make their way to the playroom. MatrimKnotai: stops in front of a set of leg stocks and points at the ground under the stocks. "Lay down on your back slave, head towards the wall." LovingSkye: She walks up behind him, seeing a pair of leg stocks strapped to the wall, cold metal chains that would soon be holding her captive. "Yes sir." She lays down, the cold floor bringing...
“Hi Daddy,” from Marti. “Hello Hank,” from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody called me Hank. “Hey have you started anything for dinner yet,” I asked. “Oh gosh, sorry Daddy, no, I’ll start now,” Marti said. “How about we just do pizza’s instead?” I offered. In unison I got a, “Way cool.” “Just let me relax for a few, have a beer and sort the mail and I’ll call it in; decide what you girls want, pepperoni, sausage, what?” I popped the top...
Introduction: The title is a joke…so is the man Good evening young ladies, I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night, her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade, she was a good kid. Hi Daddy, from Marti. Hello Hank, from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody...
You wake up and sit up, the room's still pitch black. You glance across at your alarm clock, the fluorescent green is almost blinding as you read, "4:27am". You sigh and roll back over, pulling the blanket onto your shoulder as you settle back into bed. Just as you drifting back off to sleep a piercing beeping sound resonates around the room, causing you to sit straight back up. That's the sound you've been waiting for. You jump eagerly out of bed and quickly sit in your computer chair,...
Mind ControlI was chatting and looking for dom men to have fun as always, when this Master came up. He was very, very abusive and arrogant. He told me to give him my Skype and close all my onlene profiles. He told me that he has watched all my videos and he knows that I am pathetic fag and today he will make me scream and cry in pain. He told me that he needs my ass and clit and dont care of anything else. He told me to switch on my cam and expose to him fully naked. I told him, that I am not prepared to...
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer.Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking lot. There were several men beating up a beautiful woman, when I tried to break it up I ended up getting very banged up myself.Her name was misty, she thanked me for helping her and asked if I need a ride...
'What was I thinking, fucking stupid cow'. Yes I am talking about me, I walked into it, eyes wide closed, as the saying goes, but what fuck, sit back and let me tell you and see what you think, I promise I will be open, honest, and get right down into the knitty gritty, I wont miss anything out, then you will see just how much of a slut I am.I was home while my husband was away on a job on an oil rig in India, we had been separated for five weeks and he was due home the following week, but had...
After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a "date," even though he'd been living as a woman for the last year, even though this was no date. Outside he heard his ex-wife Olena and her new husband Vlad talking about a vacation they were taking in a couple of weeks. How could they talk so casually? He felt a pang of...
After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a "date," even though he'd been living as a woman for the last year, even though this was no date. Outside he heard his ex-wife Olena and her new husband Vladimir talking about a vacation they were taking in a couple of weeks. How could they talk so casually? He felt a pang...
The phones were ringing hot. Duke Henry Lindsey had posted the charter for claiming a piece of the action on Harmony, straight after the meeting with Lee and Vanesa had added the definition. He had personally sent one to each government, each ambassador and then posted it on the internet for everyone to read. The stock market was going up and down like a bloody yo-yo. Most of the governments were really pissed with him about posting it on the net. But they couldn’t do much about it as it...
Jessie Harper watched with delight as Bjorn Erikson displayed his wonderful naked body to the crowd and the judges. The guy had obviously been practising his cat-walk style and moved about with a very fluid motion that seemed to really impress the judges. Bjorn’s still semi-erect penis also seemed to have a grace and a charm all its own as it swung along in all its gallant style with the foreskin pulled back nicely from the penis knob. When Bjorn was facing the judges and the audience he...