A New Artwhore
- 2 years ago
- 24
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Holly awoke the next morning.
Holly stretched and moaned. Her entire body was suffused with a deep sense of satiation and also surprisingly sore.
John walked into the bedroom, carrying a tray with a coffee carafe and cups.
"You wounded me last night," Holly said.
John smiled.
"I did no such thing," he said, setting down the tray on the dresser.
"Do you take cream and sugar?" John asked.
"Yes, two teaspoons and lots of milk," Holly said. God, he was serving her coffee in bed.
Holly began to sit up and moaned again.
"I really think you did hurt me," she said. "Every muscle is tight."
John smiled at her as he brought Holly her cup of coffee. He took a lap tray from beside the bed and set it up for her, putting the coffee down without spilling a drop.
"That's what happens when you play on a rack," John told her with a wink. "How's everything else feel?"
Holly moaned sensually.
"Everything else feels wonderful," Holly said.
John leaned over her and kissed her, gently, sensually and thoroughly.
Then he sat up and smiled at Holly.
"I knew you would be sore this morning," John told her. "That's why you're getting a massage before work."
Holly looked at him, not quite believing his words.
"A massage?"
John nodded.
"David will be here at ten," John said. "He's great. You'll feel fine for work today."
John smiled, bending over Holly and kissing her, gently yet firmly. She opened her mouth and they kissed for a while, just a lovely, pleasurable kiss.
"Last night was wonderful," John told her. "Thank you."
Holly smiled at John. It seemed to her she should be the one thanking him.
"So, what is all this about a club?" Holly asked.
"Later, over breakfast," John told her with a wink.
Holly and John sat together in the hospital cafeteria. Holly was just so relaxed. Her massage had been wonderful. Though the thought had occurred to her, the session had nothing to do with sex.
It was, however, one of the most sensual experiences she'd ever had. And her muscles had felt wonderful afterwards.
Holly looked around the crowded cafeteria. She often ate here, but never with John.
Holly swallowed a mouthful of hash browns, and looked over at John.
"Well? What about this club?"
John leaned over to her. They were sitting side by side at a booth, so he was able to nuzzle her neck.
"John, don't. People will talk."
"Holly, I'm dating you. It can't be kept a secret long."
"Is that ethical?"
John smiled and shook his head.
"Technically, no. Does it happen? All the time. You just can't expect special treatment just because you're my girlfriend."
Holly nodded. She couldn't imagine John giving her a break, or making allowances for sloppy work.
In fact, she liked working under him because he expected excellence, and would accept nothing less.
"What about this club?" Holly asked. They were seated in a corner, so no one could overhear their conversation.
"It's a group of like-minded people," John told her. "Small, kind of elite."
"Does it cost?"
John nodded.
"Ten thousand dollars a year," he told her.
"Ouch!" she said. "Do you at least get a magazine or something?"
John laughed delightedly.
"No, no magazine," he told her, "but I'll have to mention that to my brother."
"Is he a member?" Holly asked curiously.
"He's the founder. It's called the Society."
"The Society?" Holly repeated. "Sounds kind of innocuous."
"It's supposed to. It's a sex club, but with very strict rules."
"What happens if you break them?" Holly asked. This was getting interesting.
John looked at her, his grey eyes cold.
"I don't think you want to know, Holly," he said.
She could feel her body responding. Damn it! These scary, dark things, and she couldn't get enough of it.
"So, how do you join this club?"
"It's by invitation only," John told her. "I'm inviting you."
"What's involved?" Holly asked, fascinated.
"Holly, where are you going to get ten thousand dollars?" The Voice suddenly woke up and broke into Holly's growing fascination. "And for what? To be used and abused, like this man is doing? Yeah, you got a massage, but only after he got what he wanted. You debased yourself, you urinated your pants, for God's sake, just because you wanted to! Now you are thinking of spending the money you've been trying to save for a car to join what? A Fuck Club?"
She shook her head, wishing The Voice would just shut up and let her think.
"It's kind of complex," John said. "I can tell this bothers you a bit. Would you like to wait?"
Holly shook her head again.
"No, I'm interested. It's just I have these doubts..."
"Holly, it's your choice," John said quietly. "That's the one rule of the Club, above all others: It's always your choice."
Holly smiled and nodded.
"That's the part I seem to like."
Then she thought of what she told John yesterday, that sometimes she didn't want Mercy, not with him, and Holly shrugged.
"At least," she added, "most of the time."
This time John smiled.
"That's understandable. And there's ways to do that."
John looked at Holly and a rush of arousal whirled in her groin.
Holly was fascinated at the thought of no Mercy, of being this man's servant, his slave, at his disposal.
It was too sexy to imagine.
"But as far as the Society is concerned," John went on, breaking into Holly's erotic imaginings, "if you decide you are really interested I can give my brother a call. He has to interview you before we go any further."
Holly felt a wave of discomfort.
"Interview?" she asked.
John chuckled.
"Just a conversation, nothing more. He likes to get to know everyone who wants to join. It's very exclusive, and he has the final authority."
Holly frowned. This sounded a bit scary. She wasn't comfortable meeting with some stranger to see if she "fit in" to some strange club's standards.
"I don't know," Holly told John uncertainly.
"I can be there, if you'd like. That's allowed by the rules."
"I'm not under any obligation?" Holly asked.
"Of course not. It's just a simple interview. You can ask Marnie about it if you like."
Damn him! Bringing up the woman he knew had become a major fantasy for her, the only woman she had ever made love to like that, like some kind of incentive to join, to get her to go along.
"Marnie's a member of the club?"
John looked at her, his face unreadable.
"I'm not supposed to tell you who is or is not a member," he said evenly. He moved closer to Holly.
"But yes," John told her, "Marnie is a member."
Holly nodded. This was all so interesting. Yet, in a very fundamental way, it unnerved her. She shook her head.
"Well, I'll talk to your brother and then I'll think about it."
John nodded and smiled.
The next few days Holly had no time to think about anything. She pulled a twenty-four hour shift and two eighteens at the Hospital and was really dragging.
Holly walked into the Nurse's lounge, looking for coffee, and Marnie smiled up at her.
"Hello, Doctor Jackson," she said.
"Hi, Marnie," Holly said. "Is there any coffee in here?"
"Yeah," Marnie said, "but it's old. Sit down a minute and I'll brew a fresh pot."
Holly sat down, glad to get off her feet for a few minutes.
"I have something I need to ask you when you have the time," Holly said to Marnie.
Marnie nodded, putting the coffee on to brew. Then Marnie walked over and closed the lounge door. She sat down across from Holly and looked at her.
"I've got a few minutes," Marnie told her quietly.
"John said something about a club. He said I could ask you about it."
Marnie smiled and relaxed. Marnie was so professional, she realized. In fact, Marnie had never given Holly a hint that the other night had even happened.
But now she smiled at Holly and Holly felt memories from that night wash over her, kissing Marnie, Marnie's mouth on her pussy and Holly doing the same for Marnie.
Marnie grinned.
"The other night was wonderful," Marnie said. "Thank you."
Holly shrugged.
"I feel I should thank you. That was a fantasy come true."
Marnie nodded.
"I had fun too. That's the thing about the Society. It's for everyone's pleasure."
"How long have you been a member?" Holly asked.
"Almost ten years," Marnie told her. "I joined when I was eighteen."
"How did you find out about it?" Holly asked her. Holly felt like she was in some kind of strange movie, since conversations like this just don't happen in real life.
"My boyfriend at the time," Marnie told her. "He was wonderful. He paid for me to join."
"I'm sorry," Holly said, "I don't mean to pry, but would you mind telling me why you joined?"
Marnie smiled softly.
"No, I don't mind telling you at all. I'm very masochistic. I found my boyfriend because he understood me: he would hurt me in all the ways I wanted him to. I'd gone through a series of terrible relationships with abusive men, looking for what I wanted without really knowing just what it was. Then I found Robert."
She shook her head, her eyes distant as she remembered.
"Robert saw what I was, and was attracted. He took me and helped me learn about myself, before I ended up in a hospital, or dead. He introduced me to the Society, and I loved it."
Holly nodded.
"So you were comfortable there?"
"Oh, yes," Marnie told her. "The members understood me and accepted me, in every way. It's funny, but the Club is kind of like a family, probably more understanding than any real family could be."
"Is your boyfriend still a member?"
Marnie's eyes darkened as she shook her head sadly.
"No, he's not," she said quietly.
"Did he quit?" Holly asked, interested.
Marnie shook her head.
"No, he broke the rules. He was punished and kicked out."
The Voice jumped right in at that:
"See? It's a Cult, and if you break any tiny rule, they throw you out and keep your money. They probably use threats and coercion to keep you in line. God, they could murder people! And for what? To have perverted, sick sex. God knows what their "rules" are? Have you thought of that, Holly?
Who do you have to have sex with? Anyone who wants you? Either you play their disgusting games or you're kicked out. Or worse!"
Holly closed her eyes for a moment. She willed the Voice to be quiet, then opened her eyes when her brain was still.
"What did Robert do?" Holly asked.
Marnie sighed.
"He ignored Mercy," she said sadly. "A woman asked him to stop and he didn't. It wasn't even during a Club function, but the Society doesn't tolerate ignoring Mercy, ever."
"And he was kicked out?" Holly asked. This sounded more reassuring than threatening.
Marnie nodded.
"Yes," she told Holly. "After he was punished."
Holly felt a chill run through her body. Marnie had mentioned punishment once before. She had to ask.
"What happened?"
Marnie sighed.
"Well, Robert was tried. There's a procedure for addressing a complaint. There was no question he'd ignored a plea of Mercy. So he was punished by being made the Guest of Honor at one of the Parties they have."
"That's a punishment?" Holly asked.
Marnie looked at her gravely and nodded.
"Since he didn't give me Mercy, he couldn't expect it either. People simply did whatever they wanted to him, regardless of his protests. He learned what it's like not to have Mercy."
Holly felt a shiver of fear. Much as he may have deserved it, it seemed terribly extreme.
"You said 'me'?" Holly asked.
Marnie nodded.
"Yes," she said. "I was the victim. Robert and I were playing bondage games.
Marnie sighed. This was obviously a difficult memory for her.
"Robert was trying to impress two co-workers," she went on. He let them come in and look at me, then invited them to have sex with me. I said Mercy and he ignored me."
"So you were raped," Holly said.
Marnie nodded.
"Yes, they both had sex with me, without condoms, which is also against Club rules. I complained and Robert was punished and banned from the club."
"It sounds like he deserved it," Holly said.
Marnie nodded.
"I really cared for him," Marnie said softly. "And Robert apologized later and said it wouldn't happen again. He begged me not to tell."
"But you did," Holly said, understanding Marnie's ambivalence. Holly could imagine how difficult it was for her.
"Yes, that's the rules. If anyone ever ignores Mercy, for whatever reason, or tries to talk you out of it before releasing you, it's an infraction of the Rule. It has to be reported or you are guilty of an infraction as well.
Not all of them are handled so harshly, but this was clearly a complete violation."
Marnie smiled, wanly. This was still a difficult memory for her.
Holly realized Marnie's eyes were wet as she looked up into Holly's eyes and spoke, very softly.
"So Robert got completely violated."
"What about the men who raped you?" Holly asked. She hated to dredge this up, but if she was to become a member, she wanted to know the worst.
"One was a prospective member," Marnie told her. "He was blacklisted permanently and also punished like Robert was. The other was injured in a mugging a few weeks later."
Holly listened, both shocked and strangely comforted. At least the Club took care of it's own. That seldom happened, not in the real world.
"Did the Club have him beat up?" Holly inquired.
Marnie shook her head and shrugged.
"I wouldn't be surprised, but you simply don't ask. It's Society business, not your business. I know it's strange, but that occurrence made me feel safer in the Club. The rules are strict but very fair. And breaking them is always punished."
Holly nodded. It was really odd, but this made her feel more comfortable too. It reflected the very real fears she had felt with John. What was to stop him from ignoring her pleas, and doing whatever he wished?
Apparently, the Club had their own way of handling this problem.
"What are the rules?" Holly asked. As long as she had gone this far, she might as well find out.
"You always have Mercy," Marnie said. Holly smiled. This was what John had told her the other night.
"That's it?" Holly asked.
"No, there are others, like never revealing the names of other members and what occurs in this room stays in this room. You don't talk about what you do with other members, unless they have given their permission."
Holly felt a shiver of familiarity. The wonderful things John had said, that made her feel so safe and even cherished, were the rules of the Club.
Holly wondered if she felt good about that, or more than a little used.
"Is there a list?" Holly asked.
"Yes," Marnie said. "Donatien will give you a copy of them if you are accepted."
"Donatien?" Holly asked.
Marnie smiled.
"John's older brother," she said. She looked around and whispered, "His real name is Donald, but everyone calls him Donatien. It was the Marquis de Sade's first name."
Holly nodded. Somehow that made perfect sense.
"How do you afford the Club on your salary?" she asked.
Marnie smiled coolly.
"That is between me and the Club. It always is. Donatien will explain that as well."
Holly nodded. She realized that she wanted to meet Donatien or Donald or whoever he was.
And she had a few hard questions for John as well.
"I thought you were sharing something special with me," Holly hissed. "But you were just using the same line you used with all the other women."
John shook his head, shocked by this sudden change in her. But Holly wasn't going to give this man time to come up with a slick excuse.
He'd probably learned the excuses in the club as well.
"So you just fed me the crap you learned in the Club and that was it?" Holly asked, incensed at his gall.
John looked at her, his grey eyes soft, almost pained.
"Holly, Donnie and I made up those rules, years ago. He came up with Mercy, and I was the one who created "what occurs in this room stays in this room." We worked on them together."
"I feel used, John. I trusted you because you said these safe, wonderful, reassuring things. Now I find out you got them off a PIECE OF PAPER!"
"Holly, they weren't just things I said," John told her. "I meant everything I told you. Yes, some of it is the rules of the club. They're excellent rules. They're designed to make you feel safe and in control."
"Right," Holly said coldly. "I feel safe and in control and you get your rocks off! My god, I pissed my pants last night and you liked it! You get your perverted kicks, and I feel "safe and in control" while you use me as your personal whore! You make me feel protected and safe while you strip away every shred of dignity and self-respect I have."
Holly realized she was yelling but, damn it, she had every right to yell at this bastard.
"You offer me to your friends," she went on, "so they can have their fun too. You're just a manipulative bastard, feeding me the club line and assuming I'm too stupid to know what's going on!"
John's eyes went cold and Holly felt a rush of fear. He was angry now. She was going to be punished.
John turned his back on her and took a deep breath. As he did so, Holly felt her body, her newly awake and much more aware body, and realized suddenly what was happening. Her fear of punishment contained a very definite erotic thrill. She had made him angry and almost eagerly awaited her chastisement.
John turned around and looked at her coldly.
"If you think that what we have is simply the result of a scripted performance, that's your choice," he told her quietly.
"If you think I told you these reassuring things just because I had learned them by rote and that I didn't really care about your feelings or your fears, that is also your choice."
Holly looked at John, her feelings a jumble. She didn't think that, yet that was basically what she had accused him of.
"John, I..."
John put up his hand. He was obviously fighting for control, something Holly had never seen him do. Holly got the feeling he was about to hit her or kiss her, and he didn't want to do either.
"I thought we had something valuable, something beautiful," John said tersely. "A relationship based in mutual respect and trust."
He sighed and looked down. Holly wanted to go to him, to apologize to him, but she didn't want to just crumble and give in.
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Jason is just getting down with some hot stepsister porn when his own stepsister, Madison Summers, walks in on him. Jason tries to hide his meat, but Madison wants to watch, too. She insists it’s not weird as she unzips her shorts and slides her hand down to diddle herself. When Jason asks if Madison will pop her titties out, she happily shows them off. Then she takes her shorts off because they’re just too tight. Down to just her socks and shirt, Madison eventually agrees to make...
xmoviesforyouMain apni jindgi me chudai ke maze me poora vishwas rakhti hun aur ek achchi chudai ke liye tayyar rahti hun. Bahut se padhne wale sochten hai ki main bahut chudakkad hun aur koi bhi mujhe chod sakta hai. Mostly readers mujhko chodna chahte hai, ye unki mail se pata chalta hai. Haan………. main bahut sexy hun, par sab ko pata hona chahiye ki main apne chacha aur apne premi se chudwa kar poori tarah santust hun. Jab bhi mera chudai ka man hota hai, chacha aur premi tayyar hai, aur jab unke lund...
Original: December 16, 2020 (Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: September 19, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery, taboo ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 18: Accident - At the realization of who was involved in the accident, Avery’s distinct...
Rebecca Volpetti is an aerial hoop dancer who loves giving her man, Larry Steel, a private show. Complete with her latex overalls, Rebecca is ready to give the lucky stud one hell of a show. After showing off her quick hoop routine, the lustful babe drops to her knees and gives Larry a sloppy blowjob. She then bends over and holds the aerial hoop while her man fucks her doggystyle. The beautiful blonde can’t help but moan as she slides up and down Larry’s big cock in cowgirl while...
xmoviesforyouLucile est une jeune femme de 19 ans, étudiante dans une prépa d’ingénieur. Assez grande et fine, un joli 90B bien ferme et un joli petit cul, elle a de longs cheveux bruns bouclés, des yeux bleu-vert magnifiques et un visage ravissant. Elle est d’ailleurs bien consciente de son succès auprès des hommes mais elle ne peut s’empêcher de jalouser les autres jolies filles. Malheureusement pour celles-ci, Lucile possède également un secret qui lui permet de faire en sorte de diminuer la concurrence…...
FantasyThat evening I went to market and brought a box of condoms for me, and a complete course of contraceptive pills for Mansi. I didn't like using rubbers but I knew that I would have to use it with Mansi until the pills start working. I didn't face this problem with Sheila or my landlady at Mumbai because they were married. Late in the night, I sneaked into Mansi's room after my mother retired to her room. After feigning reluctance for some time, Mansi surrendered to her lust, and we fucked...
The door suddenly opened and Master came in. His presence is always prevalent in a room and tonight was no exception. He forcefully grabbed my hair…pulling my head back to him and asked me who I belonged to. I answered, “I belong to YOU” and meant it with all my being. Just being in his presence made me want to be with him forever! He just smiled and told me I was his “Raven”. That’s all I needed to hear to know that I would follow his every command tonight. He blindfolded me with my leather...
I remember the first time I saw Tara. I was the cameraman for Gangbang - Women In Heat and she was a relative newcomer to the world of porn. She was only 21 years old but from the moment I saw her I was hooked. She had a beautiful face and long straight blond hair. Her 38DD tits and her firm round ass were an irresistible combo. She was one fuckable babe. I had left my apartment that morning and headed for the studio; I was an average looking 35-year-old man, alone after an early night of...
EroticFriday 24th June 1983 There was no last minute crisis at work, so I was able to arrive at Helen’s door punctually, expecting her to keep me waiting in true female fashion while she finished perfecting her look. Personally I thought she could not improve much in my eyes: I was beginning to appreciate more the quiet, restrained beauty she possessed, which in my view was as much in her character and demeanour as in her looks. I rang the bell and after only a moment or two, the door opened and...
Josh pumped his legs, lifting the weights on the machine, and stole glances off to the side. It was all he could do not to stare at the handsome man doing easy reps on the bench, not far away.He had a bulky, well-sculpted frame. He was broad-shouldered and square jawed. That jawline sported an immaculately trimmed beard that put Josh in mind of an idealized lumberjack. If it wasn’t his first time at the gym, Josh knew it was the first time they were there at the same time, because he...
Gay MaleAre you a male or female trainer?
Still standing in the center of the mat, Jackie heard another car coming up the ramp and was scared, jumped up and started to run as she saw a police car pulling to a stop. The man stopped her. “It’s OK Whore. Don’t worry about it.” As the police officers approached the crowd, “Sorry we are late; we had an accident that we had to deal with. Hey, that’s a sexy fat ass whore you have there,” pointing to Jackie. “I think she will do nicely. I’ve had enough of Melissa’s nasty cunt.” “Fuck you,...
“I think the King’s going mad.” I looked around surreptitiously, hoping no one heard what Blake had said, wondering if it was possible to get the kid alone in a room and find out what he meant without being overheard. “Where is he?” “On his way. You’ll see.” With that unsettling prediction, I turned back to the main foyer to see Cailan coming down the stairs to greet us. He looked, frankly, like hell. His golden hair was greasy and lank, he wore a wrinkled doublet with the sleeves rolled...
**All characters are over 18 **This is a SERIAL so it is a running story so please look for the following installments! This one lays a lot of groundwork so if it’s a little slow I apologize! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Justin lay back on his bed as she unzipped his pants. He was going to make sure she finished this time. Her hand reached in and pulled him out. It felt more than real to Justin this time. Her mouth closed over him and her head began to bob. Part of...
This is my first post my aunt is a very sexy lady she is 32 years now am 23 now for the past 5 years i mastrubate thinking of her. She stays next to my house with her son her husband is at abroad i used to see her boobs standing near her and talking to her when she is washig or cleaning the floor as time passed by i began to loose my control she was very free with me. I started to touch her boobs and other parts of the body without her knowledge but after some days she was not minding me...
Jill had turned onto her hands and knees to lick up every drop of spunk that had leaked out of her. Big Daddy tasted especially good for some reason.When she turned back, he handed her a cool, damp towel in order to refresh herself. She gratefully used it to wipe away all the sweat and various pussy juices that covered her body.“Oh Big Daddy, I am really exhausted.”As she was saying these words, she could not keep her eyes off his cock as it swung between his legs. Even his ball sack was long...
Taboo"Anya," Dar's voice came over the ship comm. "Yes Dar?" Anya answered pensively. "We have decided. You may bring the nav data we left in the galley to the bridge." "Yes!!!" Anya said as she jumped up and danced a little circle. "Thank you all, you won't regret this!" Without waiting for a reply, Anya made a dash for the galley. Everything was still sitting where they left it. She grabbed the box with the data stick in it and headed for the galley. The lock cycled...
I’m Tom. I am a hard working senior in college with a minimum wage job and a loving f****y. I have a younger s****r that means the world to me, a mother and a father that have helped me get through all kind of tough times and help me out every step of the way. I also have four of the best friends in the world, or so I thought until I rooted through my s****r’s diary. I wasn’t just snooping around, I was worried. It went like this: I noticed that my s****r was dressing in skimpier and skimpier...
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Those two weeks went very quickly. Tina planned our move like a military operation, even as far as going up to my flat and packing my clothes. At the other end it was Bella who unpacked all my effects and put them away, apart from a few items which she left in a cardboard box. When I asked about them she told me determinedly. ‘I will not be seen with you, wearing that stuff! We will go to Colchester soon and we will get you proper country clothes.’ Four days before the...
A light breeze carrying a hefty load of spring pollen wafted through the open window and across my sleeping face. The following sneeze pulled from my sleep. A general mental fog usually accompanied my first moments of the day but this was different, not just my mind booting up, but more like my mind was booting up the wrong operating system. I surveyed my environment to try to piece together my disjointed thoughts. Next to me in bed was Kaitlyn. She was still soundly asleep, unaffected...
The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Seven - Post-Op Linda slept fitfully with occasional intense dreams of her body being mutilated by faceless PVC clad zombies. Her fitful slumber was no doubt influenced by the medical procedures completed on her by the mysterious doctor and Mistress Beth. Linda was uncertain how she would be able to return to her male form with these new breasts. In addition to the breast augmentation there was the unknown work done to her groin. ...
We had been chatting online for a while when it was clear that we needed to meet each other. The attraction was mutual and the comfort level was high. So we made arrangements to meet, each of us had the day free. That morning I got ready and took off, it was about a 90-minute drive and I thought about how I would react when I saw her in person and what she would do. I arrived at the designated place to meet her, a food store parking lot, and drove around looking for her. I spotted what I...
Monica frowned and hit her forehead with her palm. “You did it, didn’t you daddy? You just couldn’t resist fucking her fourteen-year-old virgin pussy.” “Hey Monica, I know my virgin pussy isn’t too different from the virgin pussy you gave him, but mine was just a tiny bit tighter and my pussy juice was just a tiny bit sweeter. Daddy shot six thick ropes of cum in my pussy, so you know he loved how I fucked him. I’m gonna take care of our daddy every bit as good as you do, so don’t go trying...
The next morning started out just like yesterday. Just before I left for work Kat left for Evan's house to wake him with her mouth on his cock. I watched her cross our yards and enter his home. It wasn't until his door closed that I was able to get in my car and leave for work. But at least today I was somewhat better able to concentrate at work. Kat and the things she was doing with Evan were constantly in the back of my mind. But now I suppose the extreme novelty was starting to fade and...
Over the next several days, Danica, Celes, and Darius carefully detailed the path their work would take. All the while, Celes thoroughly searched the lab, confirming that the wand was not in the room. At night, they explored the house. Each covered the ground the other had the night before, just to ensure they didn't miss anything. They found nothing of any magical interest within the house. It appeared that anything related to the Art was relegated to the workshop and Darius' private...
MODEL FOR HIRE Prelude Young, better then good looking, much better, tired of being made to abide by the rules that applies with any normal family, wanting to be on her own, she decides just weeks before her eighteenth birthday to leave home again, with no serious concerns of the consequences. Streetwise to a degree, finding her way to Florida, hooked up with some friends of friends, she’s been shacking up at one of their apartments for awhile. Lying back after spending a day at the...
“We had a fight.”“And it only took seven months.”I brushed past a sparkly vampire and plopped onto the barstool between Stella and Pan. My gray koala tail poked my bottom. “I guess the honeymoon is over.”Stella snorted. “Honey, what could you two love birds possibly squabble over?”“We don't agree on everything,” I insisted, trying to make my voice heard over the din of the holiday party inside the drinking establishment.“Your noses are usually so far up each other's butts sniffing for roses....
Love StoriesProaspat ras, s-a privit in oglinda. Implinise 38 de ani fara ca anii sa lase urme: ochii verzi, parul negru, cu tunsoare moderna, se simtea la fel de tanar ca in adolescenta. Divortul de Corina ramasese in urma, de ce sa pastrezi amintirile urate? Prezentul era atat de placut. Cosmina crescuse. In primul an de facultate, se casatorise, o partida buna, si si-a manifestat dorinta sa locuiasca impreuna cu el. – Am stat o gramada de ani cu mama, ti-a venit randul sa ma suporti si tu, i-a zis fata,...
I have this buddy Chad is his name. He and I have been having sex for the last 5 years. We have done and tried everything we could think of. One of our favorite things we did, was when I would drive somewhere, he would give me head all the way there, then he would drive home and I would suck his cock all the way home. Two years ago he went and got married. I kind of thought that would be the end of us. Boy was I surprised, one night when they showed up at my door. They came in and as I was...
BisexualThis real life experience happened to me three years ago. At that time I had just started working in a shoe-making factory in Tamilnadu, as an accountant. I was twenty-four and had no experience in matters of sex, whatsoever. I mean, I used to think about having sex and I used to masturbate. But I had never had any real experience with a woman. For one thing, I was shy. Another, I abhorred the very thought of having sex with a prostitute. But sexual desire in me was there in plenty. I was...
Hi guys this is Ravi and Priya, we both are 30yrs old working in software and work in Singapore. Originally from Bangalore but working with Infosys on-site. We are not married but have been together for a long long time now. We are an exhibitionist couple and love to share our fantasies, our stories, our adventures with like minded couple online. We have shared a couple of pics on various sites and forums and we love to read peoples comments, their fantasies and their wild ideas. We have been...
Mera naam vedant hai . Main pashchim vihar ka rehne wala hu . Meri age 29 years h . Meri email id h please comment if you like my story. Now come to story. Baat 3 month purani h Main apne phone ke play store me chatting aap. Search kr rha tha to muje badoo name se ek aap mili. Usme login kiya or kafi sari ladies or girls ko msg kiye but koi response nhi aaya. Aise hi 3-4 din nikal gye . Fir ek din raat ko 10 bje muje msg notification aaya chk kiya to ami (name changed ) name se hi ka msg tha...