MeltingChapter 3 free porn video

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Cassandra slipped the thong up and positioned it. Alexandra was on her way.

I have to be ready.

She sipped her raspberry martini and plucked the raspberry out. She turned several times in the mirror as she sucked the fruit down.

I look delicious. I look like such a slut in this outfit. She'll love it.

She ran her hands over the lace on her body and posed.

"Hi slut," Alexandra said as she walked into the room. "I see you are ready for me."

She walked up to Cassandra and slid her arms around her.

"I hope you like it," Cassandra said demurely.

"I love it," Alexandra replied. "But I think something's missing. Something that will show you're doing it for me."

Oh no, what is she going to make me do?

"Put this on. For me," Alexandra said. She pulled something out from between her breasts.

Oh god no! Not that!

Cassandra pulled away. She felt fear and shame mix with the cold horror running down her spine.

I can't put one of those on.

Alexandra dangled the lacy collar in front of Cassandra.


Cassandra ran out of the room.

Cassandra woke up in a cold sweat again. She kept her hands going at her pussy, trying to finish.

She couldn't.

Please please please please please please...

She collapsed in defeat.


She slipped out of bed.

At least I didn't give in.

She walked into the bathroom.

So much to do today, with the Thanksgiving feast tonight.

Cassandra flowed into Tatiana's dining room with her long, extravagant silk dress billowing out behind her. All eyes in the room turned to her.

They all want me. I'm in control of them all.

She strutted down the steps and around the table to her seat. Her slave slid the chair out and she moved into position to sit.

Claire moved in next to her. "I finally tried out alex last night."

Cassandra gasped.

Oh my. alex. Being tried out, used. Just like she does to me.

Wait, no...

"She was amazing. It was such a turn on abusing someone that had once been so strong and controlling."

I was strong and controlling, Cassandra thought. Would Claire have as much fun with me?

Oh god no. Not here. Cassandra tried desperately to keep her desire and longing from showing.

"Oh, I see that you liked it too," Claire said. "How did it go on Halloween? Did you feel that sense of power when you commanded her around?"

I certainly wasn't commanding anyone then, Cassandra giggled inside.

"I loved it."

Claire smiled conspiratorially.

She has no idea, thought Cassandra as she smiled back.

Thank god.

Tatiana rose to give the toast, and everyone turned to her.

Cassandra saw alex waiting on her Owner.

Oh no.

After dinner, Cassandra moved herself around the hall trying to avoid Tatiana.

Why did she have to bring alex up from her pen? And in that dominatrix outfit...

She shuddered and felt her pussy drip. Her face flushed with shame and desire.

Nobody can find out.

She moved towards the bar. "Scotch."

I have to stop thinking about alex. I need to let it go. I can't find myself in a private room with her again. Weak. Hot. Ooohhh, submitting...

She leaned on the bar and tossed back her scotch. "Another."

Tatiana slid up next to her. "Hi Cassandra. Would you like to sample alex again? I put her in pvc to complete the effect of dominating a formerly strong, willful woman."

Cassandra let out a muffled moan. She cut it off quickly.

Tatiana noticed that Cassandra looked out of sorts. "Is something wrong, Cassandra?" alex leered over her Owner's shoulder at the cowering woman.

"I, um, no, Tatiana. I just, I just ... need to go now," she said apologetically. "There's a problem at home." She tossed back the second drink.

"Anything I can help with?" Tatiana looked concerned.

Cassandra looked over Tatiana's shoulder to alex, who was smiling devilishly from behind her Owner. Oh, god, I need to go. They'll find out. "No, just a trifle, nothing to be concerned with." I'm dripping. "You know how I'd love to stay..."

"No, no, don't think a thing of it. Go home and take care of your problem," said Tatiana. "Let me know if there's anything I can do."

alex sensuously fondled her collar.

Cassandra ran out into the cold air as quickly as propriety would allow.

Cassandra stood fingering her lace as she ran a raspberry over her lips. She sucked the fruit into her mouth and felt the familiar burning desire flow down her throat.

"Hi Cassandra." Alexandra entered the room. She was still in the dominatrix costume. She towered over Cassandra with the long spiked heels of her thigh high boots. "I saw how much you needed it tonight. You wanted to follow me into a private room." Alexandra walked towards the shaking woman.

NO. No I didn't. I'm strong. I dominate others. I don't follow.

"You wanted to struggle to crawl out and find yourself so weak and powerless you slump in defeat again."

Oh no, not that ... Cassandra trembled.

"You wanted to feel the shame and humiliation as a soft, submissive slave slid a collar up your back to your lowered head."

I ... I don't ... I can't ... I ... I need to leave...

Cassandra glanced back and forth from the door to Alexandra, who was stepping closer.

"You wanted the burning hot shame and desire to melt your mind and heat up your cunt as you felt the soft click of the collar around your throat, sealing your fate as a willing slut for good."

Cassandra started to panic, feeling her heart race and her breathing quicken. She stumbled past Alexandra, but fell to the floor as Alexandra tripped her. She caught herself on her hands and knees.

"Now now, no leaving just yet, slut," said Alexandra. "We're not done here." She pulled something from between her breasts. Cassandra looked up in horror.

Not again. No no no no no no ... I might not get it off this time...

Alexandra dangled it in front of her. "I know you remember what it felt like. I know you want to feel that way again. I could see the longing in your eyes tonight."

Cassandra backed away on her hands as Alexandra leaned towards her.

I ... I can't do that. I won't.

She backed up against the wall. Alexandra closed in.

"You want to succumb to me again, give in to the addictive thrill of submission."

Cassandra's head darted around, looking for a way to escape.

I've got nowhere to go. I can't get out.

Cassandra slowly reached up to block the collar as cold fear and horror battled with melting desire inside her. The fiery butterflies lit up inside her belly as she brushed the lacy collar with her hand. She kept her head turned away.

"You want me to collar you, control you, make you part of my pen."

She's going to make me put it on.

Cassandra trembled uncontrollably.

"You're too weak and willing to do anything about it."

I'm going to let her do it. There's nothing I can do ... I'm so weak and soft. So slutty.

"Do you want to be on your hands and knees again? Or can you face your shame?"

Cassandra quivered in apprehension. She kept her hand up in front of her.

Oh god no ... no no no no no ... I can't do this again. I need to get out.

"Well, I'll take that as the front then, since you're not moving." Alexandra slid the collar between Cassanrda's breasts and up to her throat.

Cassandra sobbed with fear and horror at her impending submission. She felt panic take over.

I don't want this ... Why am I letting her do this again?

Her pussy cried with need and desire.

Alexandra reached behind Cassandra's neck.


Oh god, not again...

Cassandra woke with her cunt in the air, spasming in release as she moaned loudly. She crashed to the bed as the searing orgasm washed over her and left her mind melting in the afterglow.

Oh god, that was the best I've ever had.

She curled up in bed, shivering uncontrollably.

I can't believe I did that. I had a collar on. It felt so ... hot, shameful ... slutty ... Sooo gooood...

The shivers passed. She felt weak, used.

Oh god.

I got off dreaming I let Alexandra collar me again.

She felt cold despair run up her spine. Her gut fell into a bottomless chasm of dread. She reached up to her throat and felt a little relief.

No collar. sigh What am I doing? What's happening to me? This isn't like me at all...

She slid out of bed. Something dropped over the end. She looked down towards the foot of the bed.

What's that?

She saw a lacy outfit lying out, ready for her to put on.

It's from my dream. Oh god no...

She slowly moved around the end of the bed to see what had fallen off the top. Her mind shrank back in horror as she saw the little piece of lace lying on the floor.

A collar. The collar from my dreams.


She backed away into her TV, sliding down the front till she was sitting on the edge of the table. She felt the panic taking over. Her chest heaved and her heart pounded in her chest. She froze for a moment before lunging at the clothes and throwing them forcefully into the trashcan. She turned quickly and grabbed the collar. She pulled it up, ready to throw it away too.

I can't believe I dreamed I put this on.

She stopped and looked at the collar. She caught her breath and felt the fiery butterflies start up. Her pussy sang in glorious need as it dripped molten lava.

I felt this slide up to my throat. I felt her put this on me ... ooohhh...

Her eyes fluttered closed as the scene played in her mind.

I backed up against a wall. Alexandra explained it to me. I was so weak and willing, unable to resist. I wanted it. I needed it. To be a slut, in her pen...

She stopped suddenly as she felt her hands behind her neck. The soft lace gently surrounded her throat.

Oh god, I almost closed it.

She threw it away and ran into the bathroom, sobbing.

Cassandra walked through her mansion to her pen, looking in on all of her house slaves. She made sure that each was properly performing their duties.

I'm in command here. I give the orders.

She unconsciously rubbed her neck.

Look at them. So soft, so willing. They're weak and submissive.

A little flutter inside her pussy made her stop for a moment.

God, I love weak, submissive women.

She continued into the pen.

"sondra, follow me."

Cassandra walked down to the hall to the private room alex had taken her in. She pushed open the door to what was now her favorite room, the only one she'd used since Halloween. She walked in, followed by sondra. She turned and forcefully frenched the slave while she reached out and closed the door.

I need to assert myself. Show I'm in control still.

"I'm so hot, sondra. So horny." She backed away a step. "I'm going to use every inch of that luscious body of yours." She looked the naked slave up and down. "I love the effect that collar has on you. You look so submissive and ready to be eaten."

Just like alex did. But I'm going to be in control this time. Dominant.

Cassandra slipped her dress off her shoulders and let it fall. She eyed the slave hungrily. sondra looked a little surprised at what she saw. "Like my new outfit, slave?" Cassandra ran her hands over the lacy lingerie. sondra slowly nodded.

Oh, so hot. She knows I need it. I'm dripping.

Something in her look made Cassandra stop for a moment.

Wait, why am I wearing this? I'm supposed to be wearing something a little more ... dominating ... This is soft and submissive. It puts me on display...

sondra looked her Owner up and down.

And she knows it. Ooohhh...

"Get the strap-on, sondra."

sondra hesitated a moment. Usually the Owners were the only ones allowed in the toy chest. She walked over a little unsure of herself, but her Mistress had told her to. She opened the container and removed the large strap-on dildo.

"Put it on."

This is so hot. I feel so horny. I'm all wet and sticky. Cassandra giggled inside. I'm such a slut.

sondra finished buckling the straps.

I bet that's just how Alexandra would look if she used me like this.

Cassandra moved over to the horse and leaned over.

"Buckle me in."

Cassandra felt her stomach drop in anticipation. Molten lava flowed through her veins.

I hope nobody comes in.

She felt embarrassment burn her cheeks.

Oh my. Maybe that could be fun, too.

sondra finished latching Cassandra down. Her hands and feet were securely strapped with her ass high in the air.

"Fuck me. Hard," ordered Cassandra.

Cassandra felt a hand on her ass move her lacy thong aside. She felt the cold dildo play at the lips of her pussy. She felt her need slowly dripping down her thighs. Her lip quivered in anticipation.

Oh god, this is so hot.

She felt the hard phallus slide inside her. "Uuuuggghhhh." She felt her pussy stretch as the invader forced its way down. Her legs and arms trembled as the large instrument started thrusting.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm being used ... Oh god it's gooooooood...

She felt the orgasm crash over her mind and sweep it away in molten pleasure. Her whole body spasmed as she cried out her relief.

"sondra, t ... turn on the ... the vibrator..."


The clit stimulator hit its sensitive mark with each thrust.

"oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh uuuuggggghhhh"

Cassandra lit up with the fiery passion and pleasure thrusting up from her crotch to her mind. Everything else burned away in the heat.

Jessica kneeled down and worked the double-headed dildo into her hot cunt as she watched her "Owner" spasm on the horse again. Alyssa was lying down with the other end already deep inside her wet vagina.

"God, that is so hot," Alyssa said, looking back over her head at the monitor. "She's so sexy in that little lacy outfit."

"Uuuunnnnnnggghhh," Jessica let out as she finished getting it in. "She is. Now come here."

Alyssa sat up to embrace and kiss her lover as they both rode the dildo.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh uuuugggghhhh..." "Ah ah ah ah ah ah aaauuugghhh"

They both cried out as their release rushed up on them in seconds.

"Oh god, I've never come that quickly before," said Alyssa, her voice shaking with her body. "Or that hard ... That was sooo goooood." She slumped against her lover.

"Fuck yeah it was," said Jessica, out of breath. "I kept seeing myself in that room over the horse next to Cassandra and you, all of us getting reamed by slaves." She stopped as she realized what she'd said.

"So did I," Alyssa whispered.

Cassandra crawled up the stairs, bunching up her dress with one hand while the other reached out to help her move. Her body protested every movement. She struggled each step up to the door to her room.

I'm so sore. That was unbelievable!

She reached up and grabbed the handle. The door didn't want to move. She tried a little harder. It slammed into her.

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My Family Sexual Relationships

Hii ISS friends. This is Ravi of age 21. I am from Madras. I am studying btech 4th year. I have well built body. Please excuse me for any mistakes. I have seen lot of stories here so its my time to write mine. Those who are looking for short story please leave. Its a slow and long story. So maintain patience. My family consist of 4members my dad mom sister and me. My dad is a businessman. He lives in Bangalore. He visits us on weekends or Holidays. My mom name is Radha of age 35. She is damn...

1 year ago
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The Chaperone Ch 1

Miss Jane Highley, a young woman from a good family has fallen upon hard times. Jane has obtained the position of companion and chaperone for the Hon. Miss Eliza, elder daughter of Lord and Lady Forthampton of Strood. Jane has accompanied Miss Eliza on a visit to her betrothed John, Lord Danescombe, the heir apparent to His Grace the Viscount Vickers of Bromley by Bow, in his father’s townhouse in London. It was the third private meeting betwixt Miss Eliza and Lord Danescombe, or Lord D...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Two

Emma woke up laying on her back an the couch, still nude. Her face was dry, so she got in the bathroom and washed off all the dried cum. “Shit that was a horny couple of hours! Judge Jeff had the longest cock I’ve ever had in my ass!” she thought to herself. Maybe she should leave now!Just then, Ray walked in the room. “Wow Emma! I’ve never seen you so excited! I thought you were going to explode with Judge Jeff’s cock in your ass! Was it because he’s black or because he fucked you so good?”“A...

1 year ago
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First Time With a Lesbian Biker

If you have been following my experiences you know that three months ago I was a regular very bored housewife in a far suburb of Chicago. My husband is a salesman who always traveled for work. Since then, I’ve learned he was the worst fuck I’ve ever had. I had plenty of “free time” on my hands and that’s when I stumbled into a local biker bar one day and met Butch. My life would never be the same. I will do anything for him, fuck him, suck his cock, swallow his cum; he can even fuck me in the...

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First Experience After Divorce

Hi, i have been quite an avid reader of stories published in db for last 2-3 years. Hence i decided to tell my own experience, but after changing the names for obvious reasons. I am Sweta, 42 years old divorced lady staying with my parents now in Mumbai. I have been divorced since 2008 at the age of 36 because of husband’s attitude and brutal nature. I had married him on the words of my parents. He was a douche bag from the start. He always used to enjoy himself and never bother about my...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 18

It took about two weeks to find a schedule that the boys were happy with and I could maintain. Most mornings, Ivan woke me with breakfast and a breakfast fuck. The other three rotated who got me for lunch and dinner depending on my schedule on any given day. We established house rules on hygiene, cum-sharing and other essential things. One rule was on clothes in the house. The boys wanted to be nude most of the time, but I nixed that. We set 'clothing optional' areas of the house -...

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Author's note: This piece is the most disturbing thing I have ever written. It might be the most disturbing piece on this site that doesn't have any hard language or violence. Please take care reading. Breakdown There was only darkness. Then with a burst of light and sound, I am. **** I know a word. Breakdown. I can't remember where I heard the word, but I think it is not a good word. I wish I could remember why. **** I remember where I heard my word. There were two...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Zazie Skymm My friend wants to lick my dirty feet

I gave up my rental apartment because my parents moved out of town and they let me stay in their house for free. I asked my friend Nikky to help me move. He is a shy guy but I know he secretly has a crush on me so he’s always eager to grab any opportunity to hang out together. But today something unusual happened. He broke out of his shell and said he wants more from me than just being my friend who drives me around and does my chores. He said he has to confess that he loves my feet. To be more...

3 years ago
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What happens in Denver

I'd gone to their house one afternoon during the summer break and everyone else was out. He answered the door in just a towel. I'd guessed I'd gotten him out of the shower. I had always admired this guy.He had always been nice to me even though he was much older. He asked me in to wait, and I followed him up to his room. He told me he'd been jerking off when the doorbell rang and really wanted to finish what he'd been doing when I interrupted him. I said I would go downstairs and wait...

2 years ago
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Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their second day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights.She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way and sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet.Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...

Oral Sex
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A Wish Unwanted Part 16

A Wish Unwanted - Part 16 by Limbo's Mistress. I sat upright on the bed, my heart leaping into my throat as I cursed myself for not screening the call. While I harbored no delusions that I could avoid the Ice Queen forever, I was at least hoping to get another whole day of freedom before her return. "Jen," I said, trying to shake off the heavy thoughts that had been occupying my mind and get my head back into the game. "Uh, how's Michigan?" "Spare me the small talk, Davenport,"...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 92 Like a Virgin

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the long-awaited Boy Scout van finally dropped Alan off in front of the house. Alan's anticipation and frustration had been building all weekend, but his tensions rose to unbearable levels on the ride back home from Los Angeles. He had a non-stop erection that seemed to get harder and harder as time went on, and he had to keep his hands over his lap to keep the other scouts from noticing. Naturally, the van had gotten stuck in a big traffic jam. And...

3 years ago
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Victorias Vice

Victoria Jenkins stood nervously in the hallway outside the door of the study, unconsciously tracing arabesques on the carpet with the tip of her right shoe. Above her head a large, white-faced clock relentlessly ticked away the few minutes remaining before her latest uncomfortable appointment. It was not an unfamiliar situation for her. Pacing up and down the hallway as silently as she could, painful memories flashed through her mind, of her previous encounters in the same room, of all that...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 220

They were high up and soon over the ocean, having left the continent behind. They passed the terminator and continued into night, still headed west, the myriad lights of the cities twinkling as the Earth seemed to slowly spin below. But before the view could become boring – if it ever could -- the horizon seemed to shift downward on the big screen as the Ship gradually pointed her nose away from the planet, the full moon drifting down toward the center of the viewscreen. There was a...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Glamorous Delights

Dedric had requested Sabina and I in his office which could only mean one thing, a client was willing to pay extra for an immediate session. The question is, who’s the client. You see Sabina, my best friend, and I work at Glamorous Delights. It’s a highly exclusive brothel with extremely high standards. With the high-class clientele, discretion and health are of the utmost importance. Knocking on the door we waited for permission to enter. One of Dedric’s big muscular bodyguards opens the door...

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The Hijabi And The sleepover

I've always been shy and had never even thought about boys as my parents were from a strict background and they bought me up with a fear of god which made sure that from a very early age I started to wear the scarf and hijab, so it's with some bit of shame and forbidden belly trembling excitement I'm going to talk about that day where I had my first almost sexual encounterSo a bit about me, I'm 18, 5'2 petite with a slim body, light wheatish skin and what my friends keep calling a plump ass...

3 years ago
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After the Hurricane

It was not until days after the storm, when things started to get back to a slight normalcy that he returned. I collapsed into a heap of sobs the second he came through the door and I cried and shook in his arms for a very long time until I was too weak to even hiccup. We fell asleep for a while. I woke up to him booting up his laptop. My eyes heavy but my voice was back. I told him to check for the email I sent him while I was waiting for his return. Hi sweetheart: I know you do not have...

Straight Sex
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My Aunt Made Me Man 8211 Part I

Hello everyone. I had reading ISS since 1year and very fond of Incest section as I find a connection to aunt stories. I was brought to sex by my aunt, she gave me every insight of sex when I was very young and made me man. Let me tell u my first incident, ((characters are same but name changed.)) which happened long time back when I was 18 years old. My name in Raju and I belong to a small village of Samastipur, Bihar. I had a friend who used to tell me about sex. And he even told me about...

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Without Remorse Ch 08

This is a crime thriller some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Definition of a Sociopath — someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * The girl walked past the blue boarded up area next to the quiet street where she walked along at two o’clock in the morning. She had been working on the late shift at the call...

1 year ago
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My First Affair With Colleague 8211 The Hot Foreplay

Hi friends! This is Rajesh again. The next few days Aparna and I dry fucked each other in various positions. She would always be fully dressed in her salwar kameez and I only in my shorts or underwear or lungi. In the later stage, Aparna stopped wearing underwears which made our sessions more sensuous. Sometimes, I would be on top of her rubbing my dick on her pussy with just two layers of clothing in between us. And sometimes, she would be on top of me gyrating herself on my dick. Aparna...

4 years ago
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You Should Try This

Chapter 1 My grandfather on my mother's side died when I was thirteen. I didn't really know him much but he did leave Mom some money and some stocks. The stocks she kept invested for our college, my sister and I, Lucy, she was fifteen, and I'm Luke, thirteen. The money, she spent some of it on having a really nice in-ground pool put in our backyard complete with a large, covered deck and patio with a built-in gas grill and lawn and pool furniture, the whole works; it was just the...

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How Polygamy Begins 42

[Jay's Narration]I came out of my room the next morning around 8:00 a.m. to be greeted by Melly. We exchanged pleasantries and headed for the kitchen.“So Mom and Rachel are on the veranda having breakfast. Mom told me to tell you to stay away,” said Melly.“Oh crap,” I exclaimed.“Yeah, mom caught her heading for your room this morning and pulled her downstairs.”*[Rachel Narration]I slept well and woke up early. I thought I might go wake up Jay and get some alone time. I had just made the right...

College Sex
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FlintkoteChapter 78

Tyche said, “I don’t know where Murray was hiding ... but as soon as ‘banana split’ was spoken, he was by the door.” And sure enough ... there sat Murray the Bengal ... and Silver, his ... whatever they call a cat’s wife. Very unusual cat, is Murray. “Where’s the kids?” I asked. “They went with JW,” Tyche said. “How did they ... umh ... Junior,” I said. Figured that one out by my self. “Middle of the night,” the tyke said, “If I had known we were going, I’d have had them leave me...

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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 8

Writing this glimpse into my sexual past has allowed me to better understand the sexual dynamics at the heart of my home life. It's also helped me come to terms with my love of exposure. The more I look back, the more I truly understand that my love of being unclothed as well as my overactive libido were manifested themselves very early, certainly from the onset of puberty, onward. As I sit here reminiscing about my erotic odyssey, a flood of memories is charging to the forefront of...

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I was at home only on Christmas day with my roommate Pooja. We went out in the evening for sometime to do some purchasing as Pooja had arranged a small gathering at home. She had invited five of her friends two girls and three boys. We were chatting while round of drinks were going on with food items. We had included almost all the subjects in our chat including sex topics also. I could feel the heat in the atmosphere when I found one of the couple fondling each other. I also started feeling...

4 years ago
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The Date Revenge

Well life is great now but getting to this point was a hell of a time. It all started about four years ago in my freshman year of college. I was attending the local state college for four years to get a Computer Science degree. This was my school of choice as it is well known as a leading Computer educator. A little about me, my name is Jake, and I'm about six feet tall with a slim build. I usually dress in jeans and a T-shirt or Sweatshirt if it is cold. Wire rimmed glasses frame my brown...

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cuckold lifestyle 20

When I turned fourty my wife planed a huge party. It wasn't a surprise party because I had to help invite the friends I wanted there. Well in the back of my mind I was thinking I know what she's up to. Ah to Hell with it I invited every one I know...let there be FUN!! My brother came over and helped fix up the joint, we hung lights around the pool and built a Tiki bar in the corner of the yard next to the pool. While I was in the shower getting ready my wife was doing her face and hair at the...

1 year ago
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Soccer Moms

Soccer MumsA Story by Ninja5.?Come on Jillian, kick it.  KICK IT.?  Joyce Smith a local real estate agent and team coach paced up and down the sideline.  She screamed orders at the girl’s soccer team.  Despite her desperation the team had fallen behind and wasn’t making good on any chance to equalize.A small group of scattered mothers sat on the side lines and watched.  As Grace sat watching her daughter run to intercept the other teams star striker she let out a cheer for her daughter.  She...

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Hook ups in Destin in the 90s part 1

I had the pleasure of taking up in Destin, FL. I actually ended up working in the bar and restaurant. So I will be sharing some of my great times in the 90's . One evening I was closing the bar at a restaurant I worked at and it was the beginning of a the summer. In came a couple regulars that would come in when in town, this time they had 3 collage age girls with them, I soon foun said they wanted to thank med out that one was there daughter and the other two were college friends. They asked...

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