DannyChapter 4 free porn video

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I was eating my lunch in the Student Union cafeteria and reviewing class notes when Claudia joined me.

"We still on for tonight?" she asked

"We are" I said and we set a time.

We had a very nice date and I behaved myself. I was going to let Claudia set the pace since she was, in spite of what had been said at the Friday night meeting with Pauline, uncharted territory. As we left Harry's she said:

"Bad news baby. Aunt Flo came to visit this afternoon and it will be Thursday before she leaves. It will be Friday before I can do what I want to do with you."

I knew what "Aunt Flo" meant because I'd heard my mom and sister use the term a time or two. Pauline just referred to it as 'her time' and with her it never slowed us down. "That's what anal is for sugar; so we don't have to go without."

It didn't really upset me because after the workout Pauline put me through over the weekend I wasn't sure that I could have done Claudia much good if she had wanted to play at the end of our date. She did give me several hot kisses when I took her back to the dorm.

We dated on Tuesday and Wednesday and had some very hot make out sessions and on Wednesday she told me she would give me a hand job or head to hold me until Aunt Flo was gone but I told her no.

"Not until I can give as good as I get."

She gave me a long look and then said, "I'm beginning to see some of what Pauline sees in you."

I could have mentioned anal, but as I said earlier Claudia was uncharted territory and just might find the thought of anal sex as repulsive or dirty and depraved and might have her telling me to take a hike. I wasn't ready for that. At least not just yet.

Friday night Claudia invited me in to her room at the dorm and I found out that she was every bit as accomplished as Pauline and Mrs. French when it came to tings sexual.

Claudine and I got together two and sometimes three times a week and every other weekend Pauline came home. Surprisingly the routine helped my grades go up. I didn't have to waste time trying to get a girl a girl to go out with me and then working on the relationship and because of that I had more time to study.

Then the holidays came and Claudia went home to St. Louis and Pauline came home from Walton. Then Pauline went back to Walton and Claudia came back to school. The routine continued until summer vacation and then Claudia went home and Pauline came home.

During the time Pauline was home she constantly talked about where we would live when we got married, how many children we were going to have and things like that. I began to believe that she was serious about us getting married when we graduated.

One thing we never talked about was what she did when she was at school or what I did when she was away. She knew what I was doing and I of course assumed that she was doing the same thing. I didn't know for sure and I damned sure wasn't going to ask.

There were a couple of sticky spots during the vacation. Two times Pauline invited me to her parents' house for an afternoon barbecue and both times I felt awkward around Mrs. French. We never did find ourselves alone so we didn't have a chance to talk and I never found out what had happened the last time I had been with her. But I did wonder what kind of relationship I was going to have with her if Pauline's plans did come to fruition.

In the fall we went back to the routine. Things went along that way for the next couple of years and then in my senior year things went to shit on me. I never knew the story about what happened because neither mom nor dad would talk about it, but something bad must have happened because they split up and divorced.

We lived in a no-fault state and so everything had to be split fifty/fifty. Apparently neither one wanted the house so it was sold. I did know that mom got half of the business and that mom didn't want to buy out dad's half and she wouldn't sell her half to him. Dad apparently didn't want any ties to mom and when she wouldn't sell to him he sold his half to somebody else. Mom wasn't interested in the business with dad gone so she sold off her half.

Of course all of it had an impact on me and in more ways than one. It hit me both emotionally and financially. When dad moved out Nancy and I ended up staying with mom until it was sold. It was awkward as hell living with her and being afraid to say anything that might be the wrong thing to say and since neither parent would clue us in as to what was wrong anything we said could have been the wrong thing.

On the other side I was still working part time at the business so I saw him almost every day and I couldn't talk to him either except about things pertaining to work. Then the house was sold and I was put in the position of who did I want to live with? I guess it didn't bother Nancy the way it did me and she chose to stay with mom. To me it didn't matter which one I went with; it would make the other parent think I was choosing sides. Just try to imagine it. If I chose to stay with mom dad would think I loved her more than I loved him or maybe even thing I was siding with mom against him. And it would be the same with mom if I went with dad.

I was pretty much an emotional mess and I guess the two of them must have figured it out because they did get together enough to solve my problem. The house was almost paid for and they had a lot of equity to split. Each of them gave me some money to start out on my own – twelve thousand from mom and fourteen thousand from dad. With the money I was able to move into an off-campus apartment. I was able to breathe a little freer and since I wanted both of them to no I wasn't taking sides I made it a point to have dinner with each of them at least once a week.

Losing the family dynamic was only half of the hit I took. The other half came when mom and dad couldn't work out the split of the business and sold it. From the time I was fourteen my job future was assured. I would go to work full time in the family business when I graduated and eventually take it over when he retired. Suddenly that was gone and I had to figure out what I was going to do when I graduated.

I didn't even have a part time job anymore. The new owner reorganized and let twenty percent of the work force go and that twenty percent included all of the part time help. A good part of my classmates had a leg up on me because during their summer vacations that had interned some place and thus had links to possible future employment. The same could have been said of me, but my link had just been severed.

With only a month to go until graduation I started on a job search sending out resumes and checking out Internet job sites.

There was one benefit from my parent's separation – though I would have gladly forgone it if mom and dad would have stayed together – and that was I had a place where Claudia and I (and Pauline when she came to town) could spend full nights together and wake up warm and cuddly in the morning.

The time we spent together did have its awkward moments like when her fiancée called and we were in the middle of making love and of course it also happened when Pauline called and I was in the saddle and going for glory.

We each handled it differently. When Gary called I pulled away and moved out of the room to give Pauline some privacy, but when I was Pauline calling Claudia would stay there and fondle my cock or go down on me while I talked. I did try to push her away, but I do have to admit that it was probably a half-hearted and feeble effort. Face it! How many guys are going to push away a girl who is giving you a blow job especially since only moments before you were trying to fuck each other's socks off.

I never called Pauline so I never interrupted her, but Claudia would call Gary and when she did I would tease her ad say things like:

"You think he's doing what we were doing when he called you?"

She would give me a dirty look and usually the finger and I would just smile and leave the room. I never did understand how she could react that way when she acted the way she did when Pauline called me. But when she hung up the phone she would come looking for me and go right for my dick.

I started getting replies to the resumes I sent out and I set up several interviews and most of them were out of state. I thought I did well in the four interviews I'd had, but none of them offered me anything; just said they would review things and let me know.

Three days before graduation I received a phone call from Appsolar Industries and they offered me a position. I accepted the offer even though it meant the death of Pauline's plans. Appsolar was located in St. Louis which was twelve hundred miles away. Pauline would be going to work for her father and she fully expected to take over the business when he retired. I couldn't see sustaining any kind of relationship with that much distance between us.

Then things got weird.

Even though Claudia spent a good many nights with me (3 0r 4 a week) she still had a room in the dorms. She would stop in there everyday to check for mail or messages and then would come over to my place and we would have dinner together even if she didn't spend the night.

I was sitting at the kitchen table going over a list of what I would need to do to move to St. Louis when she came in. "Guess what" she said as she came in the door. "I've got a job." It surprised me because as far as I knew she hadn't even been looking. Her plans, at least as far as I knew, were to graduate, get married to Gary, spend a couple of months doing nothing but relaxing from the four year college grind and playing at being a newlywed. After that she would go looking for a job.

She was all smiles when she came up to me, kissed me and said, "Take your clothes off. I want to celebrate."

"It will be a celebration for both of us. I got one today too. I do have a question for you though. Does Gary know my name or anything about me?"

"No. Why?"

"Because if he knew who I was it might be awkward if I were to run into the two of you in St. Louis."

"Why would you bring up something like that?"

"Because that is where my new job is. I'll be moving to St. Louis to go to work for Appsolar Industries."

Her eyes got big and she asked, "Where?"

"Appsolar Industries."

"Oh shit! This could get sticky. Really really sticky."


"Because that is where Gary works and that's where I'll be working too. Gary is the Manager of Human Resources and he got me a job in the Accounting department. Where are you going?"

"Quality Control and Vendor Support. It should be okay. As long as Gary doesn't know my name we shouldn't have a problem. All he will know is that we were classmates in some shared classes. I'll admit it will be hard to keep my hands off of you, but I can do it."

"God I hope so."

"You said something about celebrating" I said as I stood up and headed for the bedroom. Claudia followed me and it turned into a long and exhausting evening.

Pauline and I graduated on the same day so neither of us were able to attend the other's ceremony. Claudia had packed the night before and left for St. Louis right after receiving her sheepskin. I spent the evening boxing up things for the move to Missouri and about nine the phone rang. It was Pauline.

"Is Claudia there or is it clear for me to come over?"

"Claudia left for St. Louis this afternoon."

"Good. Be there in ten."

I hadn't talked to Pauine since getting my job so I figured it was going to be a bad night when she showed up and saw me packing.

I was right. She saw the boxes when she came in and asked:

"What's all of this?"

"Packing up to move."

"Move where?"

"St. Louis."

"Why in the hell would you mo ... shit! That cunt Claudia! The bitch lied to me about a fiancée back home and I fell for it."

"No! Claudia did not get her hooks in me. The only job offer I got was in St. Louis. Claudia has nothing to do with my moving there."

"Maybe not, but she will be there and I won't. What about our plans? I planned on being married by the middle of August."

"Get serious Pauline. You have never talked to me about weddings."

"Bullshit Danny. You know damned well I planned on marrying you as soon as we graduated."

"That was your plan Pauline, but I never bought into it one hundred percent. I've always said that a lot could happen over four years of college that might change things. And a lot has happened in the four years. The biggest of them is my parent's marriage cratering. My assured job disappeared when the business was sold. I had to start looking for a job and I couldn't find one here. I sent out over sixty resumes and only got five interviews out of the bunch. Out of the five interviews I got one job offer and it is in St. Louis. I'm not against marrying you Pauline, but for it to happen you are going to have to live in St. Louis."

"You know I can't do that. I promised my dad that I would go to work for him if he would help pay for college. Scholarships alone wouldn't get it done and I didn't want to spend the next ten to twenty years trying to pay back student loans. I had to take his help. I have to go to work for him."

"That's why I've always said that things could change in four years and they have. There is nothing here in the way of work for me unless I want to flip burgers or work in a gas station convenience store and I didn't spend four years in college just to do that. I'm going to St. Louis."

She gave me a hard and pretty nasty look and then said, "Fuck you Danny!" and then she turned and left.

Two days later I was in St. Louis and apartment hunting. I found one I liked and three days later I was moved in and the day after that I started work at my new job.

My first day there was weird. For the first thing you want to guess who gave me my new employee orientation? Yep! None other than Gary. Naturally he commented on the fact that his fiancée had gone to the same school and I said, "Oh? What was her name?" He told me and I said that I knew her and that we had taken some classes together and then he told me that she also worked there.

"Great! It will be nice to have someone here that I know. It will make settling in easier."

"Just don't forget that she is already spoken for."

The very next day when I went into the breakroom to get some coffee I saw Claudia sitting at a table and I walked over and joined her. Loud enough for those sitting close enough to hear I said:

"Claudia! I didn't know you worked here. I never expected to see a classmate here. I remember you once saying you lived in St. Louis. Maybe you can show me around."

"I'm afraid my fiancée wouldn't much care for that."

"He won't mind a friend sitting with you here will he?"

"Probably not."

The rest of the conversation was general in nature and served to establish to those overhearing that we were just classmates who found each other working in the same place.

Remember I said 'first' when I said that things got weird? There was a second. My third day on the job I walked into the breakroom and saw Mandy Light sitting at a table and she wasn't alone. She was sitting with a guy and that guy was none other than Donny Haight. I was just getting ready to turn and get the hell out of there when she turned her head, saw me and cried out:

"Danny? Is that you?" and she was up and rushing toward me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me and over her shoulder I saw Haight shooting daggers at me. I also saw, off to the left, Claudia sitting at a table and taking in the whole thing. Mandy tried to get me to join her at her table, but I begged off and told her I was meeting Claudia. Mandy asked me where I was working and I told her and she told me she would catch up with me latter and she went back to her table and I headed for Claudia.

"Smile and pretend you are glad to see me" I said as I sat down. "I need some cover here."

"Not that I'm not glad to see you, but what was all that?"

"A past I'd just as soon forget."

"Oh no you don't Dan; fill me in."

I told her of my history with Mandy and my history with Haight and she laughed and said;

The Gods must love fucking with you sweetie. How else can you explain it?"

"All I need now is for Pauline to walk in the door" and damned if we both didn't look toward the door to see if it would happen.

I was pretty busy for the rest of the day learning the ins and outs of a new job so I didn't give any thought to the situation I was in. It was brought home at quitting time when I got out to the parking lot and found Mandy waiting for me by my car. She knew it was mine because I was still driving the Torino.

She ran up to me, threw her arms around me and kissed me.

"Oh God but I have missed you."

While she was saying that I noticed that we were pretty much the center of attention. Several cars away I saw Haight sitting in a car and scowling at me and I saw Claudia standing by her car, looking at us and laughing. Me, being the asshole I can sometimes be, I couldn't resist taking a shot at Mandy.

"Yeah" I said, "I noticed. Not one phone call, not one letter, no communication at all in four years. Yep. You sure missed me."

"Well you never made any effort to contact me either."

"How the hell could I? You never let me know where you were. You, on the other hand, knew exactly where I was."

"That's all behind us now. You are here and I don't see a ring on your finger so I'm applying for the position I had before I had to move."

"I'm not sure that is a good idea. I'm brand new here and I've got a lot to learn and I doubt that I'll have much in the way of free time for a while. Now if you will excuse me I need to be getting home to my apartment. I still have a lot of unpacking to do."

I got in my car and headed for home. I figured that since I hadn't given mandy any encouragement that would be the end of it. Silly me! I pulled up and parked at the apartment and as I was getting out of the car Mandy pulled up and parked next to me. She got out of her car and said:

"I can fix us some dinner while you unpack and after we eat I'll give you some special dessert."

I wasn't dense so I knew what she meant by "special dessert" so I said to myself, "Why fight it Dan" and I headed for my apartment.

Mandy was pretty much the same insatiable piece that I remembered and I didn't get any unpacking done. Didn't get dinner either.

We woke up together at six and had another go round before dressing for work. I followed her to a Village Inn where over breakfast I asked her how she was going to square our night together with her boyfriend.

"What boyfriend?"

"Donny Haight was looking at you rather possessively in the breakroom and later in the parking lot."

"He isn't my boyfriend. We did date a lot because we knew each other before we came to work here and it was easier to connect with an old friend while making new ones. He wants more and to be honest I would probably have settled for him if you hadn't come along. Now that you are here he is history."

I owed Haight nothing and I didn't like the asshole anyway and I wasn't dumb enough to pass up sure pussy even if I didn't think it would be going anywhere. I just said I wasn't dumb so yes, I did pick up on Mandy's "I don't see a ring so I'm applying for the position." I'm not saying for sure that it couldn't happen because people can change, but I remembered how Mandy used to bounce from guy to guy way back when. Time would tell.

I was a realist and I was in a new place and knew very few people and normally it would have taken months to meet people, start dating and eventually find a bed buddy, but with Mandy I had an immediate bed buddy so I went with the flow.

I was busy as hell at work that morning so I didn't spend any time thinking on the Mandy situation, but it was brought home to me when I headed for lunch. Appsolar had an employee cafeteria. I didn't notice anything until I got to the cashier and looked around for a table. That's when I noticed Mandy and Haight sitting at a table on one side of the room and Gary and Claudia sitting on the other side. I picked an empty table in the center and moved to it and sat down. Mandy got up from the table she shared with Haight, picked up her tray and walked over and sat down with me.

"I didn't know you would be here or I would have waited for you" she said and looking over her shoulder I saw Haight looking at me with murder in his eyes. I could have been a total asshole and smiled at him but I didn't. I did see Claudia looking our way and laughing as she leaned toward Gary and said something.

Back at work I was again too busy to give much thought to things, but even so I wasn't surprised to find Mandy sitting in her car next to mine when I got off work. She rolled down her window and said:

"Lead the way lover and I'll be right behind you."

That night we did take the time to eat dinner and Mandy brought me up to date. She had graduated three weeks earlier than I had and had come right to work at Appsolar. She had interned there the previous two summers and already had a job locked in before she graduated. Haight had started a week later and since they knew each other they gravitated toward each other. Haight was in Sales and Mandy was in Purchasing so they interacted with each other both on and off the job and had dated until I came on the scene.

Once again I must mention that I'm not dumb. I knew when she said the had dated until I got there she had more than likely ended those dates with a cock buried in her. Did I car? Not one bit. In fact I got a bit of a chuckle out of it. Back in high school when I had dumped Mandy and she had started going with Haight he used to smirk at me and I had no doubt that in his mind he was thinking that he had taken her away from me. I wondered if he was remembering that now.

Same as Danny
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Dorothy and Maude spend the week with Donald and Emma. Twice more, the four women do play together. Once in the afternoon when Donald and Emma are both out, and one night when the two older women slip out in the night, as arranged, to spend the night with Karen and Julie. The morning after that night together, all are a bit groggy at breakfast.Donald and Emma want Dorothy and Maude to stay through New Year’s, but the women say no, they want to enjoy being on the train heading home on New Year’s...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Former student with a crush about to be deployed

Where to begin... I'm not a very good writer. I taught history for 6 years but I've recently taken a sabbatical. I'm told that some of my sexual encounters are story worthy so I'm going to post a few here, starting with the most recent.One of my former students (lets call him Travis) posted that he was soon to be deployed with the army, on his social media. I messaged him to tell him that I was proud of him, which lead to a long conversation. He admitted that he had a crush on me when I taught...

3 years ago
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A Brides Confession

Can you imagine how it feels 2 months after your wedding to discover that you've married one of the biggest sluts in town?I didn't find out until she let me know that we were expecting our first c***d."Darling, I have a confession to make and it's going to test if you really love me as much as you say you do." My wife said to me after dinner one night."Cindy dear, you know I do love you very much. What do you have to tell me?" I asked inquisitively as I held her hand."Honey. I do love you very...

3 years ago
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Karas Lawyer

He’s gorgeous, Kara Stevens thought, her eyes focusing in on a man in a dark gray Armani suit, crisp white shirt, and red power tie. His slightly curly auburn hair was stylishly rumpled as though he had just run his hands through it and his arresting green eyes were stressed. The perfectly tailored suit accentuated his rippling muscles as he purposefully strode down the sidewalk, briefcase in hand. There was no doubt about it, she had to meet him. As Kara passed him, her arm brushed against him...

1 year ago
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The Farmers Son

The farmers son was left alone for a whole week and didn't know what to do with it. He sat on the porch on his first evening alone and chewed straw. He looked down at his dusty jeans and unbuttoned another button on his shirt. It was a hot summer and humidity was high. He thought about watching tv but decided to sit and relax for a while longer. He reached down and opened a beer. He didn't drink beer often and his father certainly wouldn't let him - he being eighteen and all. He sipped the beer...

3 years ago
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Twin Abilities

Her sister unlocked the front door and Katie pushed it open and stepped inside, courteously holding the door open so that Lisa could walk in without a struggle. As usual, Lisa was overburdened with a stuffed-to-the-gills, twenty pound backpack. Katie ragged on her constantly that she'd end up a hunchback. "All brain and no sense," she'd say disgustedly, to which her overachieving sister would retort "Oh, shut up!" to which Katie would reply snippily: "How original" which would elicit...

1 year ago
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Akis Company I

When her parents chose Aki’s name (in Japanese characters, the ‘A’ means ‘Asia’ and the ‘ki’ means ‘Hope’) they had the dream that their daughter would be a ‘hope for Asia’. Her father decided that she go to international kindergarten, to get accustomed to English at an early age. He always used to say that languages are the doors to the world. In Junior High School Aki went to Canada for one year, and in High School to Australia for one year. She even took German as a second foreign language....

1 year ago
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My Honeymoon by the sea

At last we are on our honeymoon and are renting a room in a small hotel. I met my wife just over 5 years ago and we have been having sex for over 4 and a half years so the honeymoon is not to get to know each other but to satisfy our parents that it was to be a way of getting to know each other ?? She was never the less very horny and we had sex several times during the day. My wife Beth liked to dance but I did not ( I had never liked dancing ) but we often went to dances and she would dance...

4 years ago
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There For The Taking

Kevin is kinda a geek, but not too bad, but although he could use a better haircut, it wasn't his hair that I first noticed. I remember seeing him running with the rest of the boys on the track field. I love to watch the boys run. Especially when they pass me by and I can see their buns flexing in the nylon school shorts we all have to wear. The guys all seem to get their shorts two sizes too big and the girls get theirs one size too small. So there I was standing with my girlfriends waiting...

2 years ago
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A Christmas tale The firth

A Christmas Tale (The Fifth) Chapter 01 Walter and Laura Walter. "An introvert yes he's definitely a bit of an introvert," I say to my wife as I look out of the window into next door's back garden. "Who is dear?" I look over to my wife of nearly sixty years, she's currently standing at the sink and is straining cooked black currents through a muslin cloth. "The young lad next door; Graham I believe his name is." "Oh yes I watched him the other day, I think he was building...

3 years ago
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She Comes Back Home

A beautiful woman steps out of her sports car in front of the floral store she bought a few days ago. Now, she nervously asks herself if she made a mistake because this woman left this small town with a male identity feminine but male none the less. She used to be Seth now she is Stephanie and she has risked it all to take this opportunity to own the business she has always wanted. She took a deep breath and put the key into the door and unlocked it and stepped inside. Other than...

1 year ago
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Back from Vietnam

100% fiction! The family had decided to throw a "welcome home" party for me upon my return from Vietnam. My Uncles house had a pool, so that was the place of choice. Everybody in the family was there, including some friends from high school. My aunt was a good looking lady. She was around 38 or so at the time, and I had just turned 21, the month before. At the party, she was in her bikini, which was her daily choice of clothes, along with most everyone else. As the party went on, people were...

3 years ago
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A Very Special Hen Night

The white long sleeved blouse felt smooth against her skin and as she raised her hand to ring the bell, she experienced a moment of doubt. This was the day before her wedding and Jane had spent weeks preparing for her special day. Everything was in order, the flowers, the caterers, the reception, and that dress, it had all been meticulously planned and more than once she had considered throwing the whole thing in. Geoff didn’t seem too fussed over the preparations, no matter what she proposed...

1 year ago
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I had the total experience of a much older black w

Was off on vacation and running for things I needed around the house and yard. When I noticed an elderly black woman walking with her hands loaded with bags. Stopped and offered her a ride to her house, she got in and I put her bags in the back. She told me she was walking to the bus stop and would catch the bus to the next stop; then walk home. if I took her home she would be so happy; so happy she might give me a little something. I told her i did not want or need her money; she told me it...

3 years ago
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Finally Got My Crush In The Bed

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net and it’s readers, this sex story is my first one and sorry if I have done any mistakes in making it. So, this story is about fantasy which came true after a long period of time of 3 months. If you want to jerk off real fast then it’s not for you. It’s fantasy which came true after a long period of time. So, coming straight to the story, it started first when I was in my college and one of my friends first introduced me to her(Sonali name changed), and after seeing...

2 years ago
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Taking OliviaChapter 1

With mounting trepidation, I watched the gates to Ambrose College and waited for the vehicle to emerge. My fingers drummed nervously on the top of the steering wheel of the hire car then began picking at the stitching of the faux leather with my bitten-down nails. Despite months of careful preparation, it was still not too late to back out but I firmed my resolve and prepared to proceed. Soon, the events of so many years ago would finally be avenged and I'd have enough money to live...

4 years ago
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Wet My Pet

‘Wet My Pet’ by Smutwriter Copyright October 2010 Eleven-thirty and Celia was feeling tired, her bed was beckoning. The gentle knock at her apartment door was an unwelcome interruption. She peeped through the little spyhole and saw Stephan looking back. A little reluctantly, she opened the door. ‘What d’you say to a midnight swim?’ he whispered. ‘Pool doesn’t open till next week.’ ‘I’ve got a key,’ he grinned and brandished a large bunch. ‘I’ve no suit,’ she was too tired for this. ‘Skinny...

2 years ago
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Getting to Know My SisterChapter 3

If you are following the saga of my family and my reunion with my long-lost sister then you will know about the first time I fucked her at the frat party. We had both been attending the same college and she came to the final frat party of the year just before finals and my graduation. I had fucked my sister Wynter after she had sucked and been sprayed with cum from five of us frat guys. That was her first fuck. I had taken her pussy cherry but definitely not her mouth cherry. That little...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Mariah 12292016

Mariah is both smart AND beautiful. Italian+Black, no wonder she looks delicious. She used to go to college to become a Radiation Therapist, took a break…and now decided to give it a shot in porn. Why porn? She likes it personally, and she says she loves to masturbate to porn to cum. Which happens a couple of times a week. One wonders why a nearly perfect honey like that doesn’t have a regular fuckbuddy. Or maybe she does but she’s too shy to talk about it. At 24, Mariah is quite a bit more...

3 years ago
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Blackmail My English Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hi Indian sex stories readers, I am a frequent ISS reader and here I will be sharing my experience with my English teacher who got blackmailed by me. This happened before 8 years from now. I am in my 12th class. She used to teach my batch English from 6th onwards. I love the way she teaches. I used to go to her regarding doubts many times. Everyone says I’m her best student. I didn’t think her in a sexy way until one day, when I in 12th grade, she went to the washroom and came out with water...

1 year ago
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The Dark Room

The first couple of times it happened, Dave just dismissed it as an accident and not wanting to embarrass anyone, didn't say anything about it. He certainly thought about it, but as with any similar instance in his teaching career, tried to put it behind him and move on.But the day that he first felt a hand close over his cock and actively grab it, he knew that things were going to be different this time. He had offered the photography class for a number of years. It was an optional class that...

2 years ago
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1  1. Night is a silent partner  Benjamin?s mother died well before midnight. All the fuss with the doctors, the confirmation, the papers, the transport of the body lasted only a couple of hours. When everybody left, Benjamin still had a long night in front of him and no idea what to do with it. He smoked and watched the cockroaches race each other across the ceiling. His mother was barely alive the final weeks of her illness. In a way this was a huge relief. Benjamin sucked on his...

3 years ago
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As Good As It Gets 8211 Part II

Hey Guys, This is Anand Back with the story. Now, Coming back to my story,, I read all the objectives and rules. I was not able to understand what really was happening. I kept on reading it several times. and I looked at Rani’s face. Me:(expressionless) What is this?? Rani: Now, Don’t get angry at me Anand, I am doing it for good reason. I meant everything that I texted and talked to you over phone. In fact, I was more excited than you were. But, think of both of us having sex all 7 days . It...

2 years ago
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Valentines By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and a follow up of my Eve stories. Please read them before this as it will make for a better story. I have resurrected and old character that I loved, Thelma Vitner from "A Christmas Story," which I thoroughly enjoyed. It may be downloaded for personal pleasure all other use prohibited unless approved by the author. If you do not enjoy forced feminization and humiliation, do not read. Again, this story is not for the squeamish and...

1 year ago
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coming home

I had been backpacking around Europe for the last 8 months . I arrived at the airport and could not wait to see my family. When I came out of the tunnel there she was, my 18 year old sister. More beautiful then I even remembered. She was wearing a skintight white sweater that stopped right above her bellybutton. For pants, she was wearing a black pair of those spandex like material pants that you always see girls at nightclubs wear. Even though it was winter she was still tanned and toned. She...

4 years ago
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The Rich Bitch Part 1

Chapter 1: The New Gardner It was Adam’s 18th birthday and he was more then excited to be on his own for the occasion. His parents Andrea and Phil, unintentionally made plans to go to Maui for their anniversary the day of. Adam, of course didn’t mind. He had his own plans for his special day and he wasn’t about to play safe. ?? Adam lived in Los Angeles right off the coast overlooking the Pacific. Adam laid out on his chair next to his long crystal blue pool, soaking up the sunrays that...

3 years ago
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Time MachineChapter 25

We spent a couple of days locating stun guns. We didn't procure fire arms because we didn't really want to kill anyone, just immobilize them for a while. We got half a dozen small ones which used only one battery and discharged 80,000 volts. If a charge from one of these wouldn't knock them down, I don't know what would. We returned to the house with our stun guns and attached them to strings of opaque nylon that we all had helped twining wider so that they would be more comfortable to...

2 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 22 Unowned Concubines

Eric's two concubines turned as we entered and one reached out to turn off the game. I could see a bit of fear in their eyes, and so stepped over to the couch to sit down while looking them over. They were both attractive and young. The closer one was in her mid-twenties with long brown hair and large breasts. Her eyes followed me cautiously as I sat down, but she said nothing. The farther one might have been eighteen, but most likely was sixteen. She was boyishly slender although her firm...

3 years ago
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DoceoChapter 4 Getting it all out in the Open

I lay in bed listening to my alarm clock, letting my thoughts drift back over the last few weeks. I realized that this was the first time in five years I'd lived in the same place for so long. My relationship with The Girls was improving, and it felt good to finally be putting down roots and building friendships. Client relationships were nice, but it was hard to let my self get too close to someone I'd likely never see again. I was still curious about what it was like to grow up outside...

2 years ago
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Fun with a Friend

I have alot of guy friends. I tend to get along better with guys because I am not your normal girl. I don’t wear make-up, worry about my hair, or go shopping till my legs want to fall off. I am more comfortable outside, working with my hands or just enjoying the weather. This does make things interesting with my husband, but he knows that I am simply more comfortable talking to guys then I am to girls. I am also a notorious flirt. Most of the time, it means nothing. There is one friend,...

2 years ago
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This story is true and it happend not so long agoOne night i was laid in bed after a hard day at work, just about to go to to sleep, and my moblie starts ringing it was Katie a friend for school.Me: hi katie Katie: Can i talk to you (crying)Me: whats wrong, why u crying Katie: me and Rob split up Me: whats happened?Katie: he cheated on me, can i come over?Me: ye sure give me a text when your near. 5 mins later Katie sends me a txt I am Outside x. I opened the door Katie looked hot, she was...

4 years ago
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My Son brings me another Part 5

How Many is to many?As it happened it was Debbie and James that answered the door, so easy for them to slip on their dresses and top. I made a note to myself, the next time we had Chinese somebody else would answer the door. And Beth, she gave Nicky a run for the money. Wontons dipped in a creampie for everybody. Granddad just sat there with his mouth open..... waiting his turn.Nicky must have felt like she had meet somebody just like her, wild and ready for anything. They put their heads...

4 years ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 2

"Next year," I decided, "I'm going to do the video thing, like Bono and those guys." U2 had played live via satellite from Tokyo or someplace, being in the middle of their world tour. I wished I was in Japan. I hated award shows and after just over a year of modeling, I was getting pretty cynical about the whole thing. Doing photo-shoots and having my picture taken was one thing, that was the easy part of my job; being famous was much harder. "Hmmm..." Sofia nodded, looking through...

2 years ago
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Dream Encounter With Northeastern Girl

Hi friends this is Rohan Kapoor. I am here to narrate an encounter between me and my best friends’ gf. I am 23 and m a final year engg student. I stay in a rented 2bhk apartment with Kaushik, who has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. Guys this is my first contribution to iss of which i m an avid reader. So plz comment on whether u like it or not. Accolades and brickbats are equally welcome. I live in south Delhi and look forward to helping any women in need (u know what i...

3 years ago
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Love is Love

Here I sat as I wondered how I could tell my parents what I’d hidden for so long. I’ve always known something was different about me, but I tried to continue on what society considered the “right” path. I went to prom with Jack, from down the street, as was expected of me. We followed the rituals of pictures and dancing as we were supposed to. We even had been voted as prom king and queen. We had dated since I was sixteen and I was finally allowed to go out with a boy. I thought the feelings I...

3 years ago
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Wicked Web Stepmoms A Bitch

I focused Dad with all the scorn I could muster and growled, “My Stepmom’s a bitch,” making sure to draw out the words. She was, really. I didn’t know what he saw in her. Well, to be honest, I did know. Lean legs, a perfect bum and those creamy white C-sized orbs on a body that could have belonged to an eighteen-year-old, all of which she flaunted at every opportunity, were hard to overlook. Ever since Clare had strutted into our home on Dad’s hand half a year ago, she had behaved as if she...

2 years ago
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I live in the 'burbs of a smallish city; that is, small enough not to have major problems, big enough to hat the critical mass needed to have a museum, a First Night celebration, a performing arts center, like that. The kind of place where rush hour lasts for thirty-five minutes, normally. I'm a technical writer, and thanks to the modern era, a telecommuter. I work for firms on both coasts, as well as in the heartland. I've been doing this job since the mid nineties; I was newly divorced,...

3 years ago
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RobbyChapter 5 Karen and Robby

Summer 2001 When Robby reached puberty at the age of fourteen and started to really be interested in girls, it was only natural for him to seek advice from his sister. After all, Karen was twenty then, a pretty and popular coed at the University of Florida that the guys all drooled over. It had started innocently enough during summer vacation, she taught him how to act around girls and told him what they liked and disliked. Confident from Karen's instruction, Robby asked a girl out for the...

1 year ago
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My friend and I

My with the guys from college as we had been out at a bar the first night, it was the following day that i decided to go to take a shower on my own only then did one of my friends follow me down to the shower to drop his towel right in front of me as i thought he was attractive i asked him what he wanted to do with me. Then my friend took control by grabbing me pushing me near a wall only to then stick his long thin cock into my ass for twenty minutes until he then turned me round to go down on...

1 year ago
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About Penguins

The door slammed and he was gone. That sounds more like an ending than a beginning, doesn't it? Well, to get cute with words, maybe it was the beginning of the end. Bear with me. I needed a job and I needed to leave town. I'd only moved there to be with Paul, my ex-husband. We'd been married all of 9 months before I caught him sleeping with our papergirl. Oh, don't worry about her; she's 19 and going to nursing school. She just delivers the morning papers for a little extra cash. I...

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