A Girl Named Areola Part 02 free porn video

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by Vanessa Evans

As usual, it’s best if you read the earlier parts before this one.

Part 02

We had 6 weeks of nothing before going back to college. I say nothing, but that wasn’t quite true, we were going to work at Eve’s shop for a full week to cover for a couple of the girls who were going on holiday together.

At the next Sunday lunch daddy asked us all what we were going to do with all our spare time. Zack said that he had his whole holidays planed but B and I had nothing planned so daddy and Zack made a few suggestions: -

Going camping again

Helping daddy with his work

Going to London for a few days

Going to the Seaside for a few days

Going to visit aunt Betty

Getting an all-over tan in the back garden – Zack’s idea

Going swimming

Join the local council’s keep fit summer programme

Go Cycling

Well most of the ideas were non-starters for B and I but we did talk some more about some of the ideas.

Camping – Daddy said that we could take the car and maybe go to one of those big sites that reckons that they’ve got everything that anyone could ever need for a great holiday, but daddy told us that we’d have to wear some clothes or proper bikinis. He’d seen our ‘strings only’ ones and liked them but he said that they weren’t appropriate for a big camp site.

Going to the Seaside for a few days – Daddy said that we could get the train and stay in a hotel or B&B for a few nights.

Going to the London for a few days – Daddy said that we could again go by train and stay in a hotel or a few nights, but he warned us not to go to some of the troublesome suburbs, too many knives flying around.

Go swimming – There is a big, new leisure centre in the next town and we could go and have a look at it. Daddy said that we could take the car.

Cycling – We’d have to get our bikes out and give them a good once-over. It would be okay for the odd day but there was no way that we were going to go on a cycling holiday, even for a few days.

The others on the list didn’t even get discussed but some of them were distinct possibilities. B and I said that we’d talk about it later.

That evening, Zack was still out, and daddy and B and I were watching a movie. B and I were both naked and sat either side of daddy on the sofa and cuddling up to him. At the end of the movie, and with no thought about it before I opened my mouth, I said,

“Daddy, life must be hard for you at the moment, with mummy gone you must be lonely, we wouldn’t mind if you found a girlfriend.”

I think that my statement slightly shocked all 3 of us but after a few seconds silence, daddy replied.

“Well thank you Areola, but my life right now is all about you 3 kids. I need to make sure that you are properly prepared for adult life.”

“Daddy,” B replied, “all 3 of us are adults now, you and mum did a good job with us, Zack will be working with you when he finishes college and A and I should be able to get a good job when we finish at college. If we don’t you can give us an apprenticeship and when we’re fully trained we can become the first naked lady plumbers. I bet that we’d get a lot of jobs from the men who live on their own.”

“I’m sure that you would.”

“But what about your personal needs daddy? It can’t be good for you not having a girlfriend.” I said.

“No, but just seeing you 2 around the house makes me happy.”

“We could make you even happier if you want daddy.”

“You’re not suggesting that we have sex are you Areola?”

“We can if you want daddy, I’m sure that B and I could give you a really good time.”

“That wouldn’t be right Areola, we’re family.”

“Daddy,” B chirped in, “this is 20 years into the 21st century, mummy put us on the pill as soon as our periods started. There’s no way that either of us will get pregnant so the whole incest thing is a non-starter. Besides, we can see that you want to fuck us.”

Both B and I were looking at the massive tent in daddy’s trousers.

Daddy said “No,” but both B and I could tell that he was seriously considering what it would be like to fuck his daughters.

“Oh shit!” daddy said as both B and I let our hands wander to the bulge in his trousers. What’s more, he didn’t stop us as we unfastened his trousers and slid them down his legs. He even lifted his butt a little to help us.

When his cock sprang free B said,

“Daddy, I’ve never seen it that big before.”

Our hands started rubbing his cock then licking and sucking it. We took it in turns to take it deep into our throats. Poor daddy didn’t stand a chance.

We didn’t let him cum though, twice he got close but we backed off and let him recover before B straddled him and lowered herself onto his cock. She’d only lifted then lowered herself 4 times before daddy groaned and B dropped down so that he was as far in her that he could go. She kissed him all over his face as his movements told me that he was spurting his seed deep inside my sister.

“Wow daddy,” I said, “you really needed that didn’t you?” I said as the interval between the spurts got longer. All daddy did was nod his head.

Just for the record, B and I had talked about us fucking daddy a few times and we’d agreed that she would be the first to have him inside her.

When B felt him start to soften she climbed off him and lay on the floor in front of him with her feet near him but her legs spread wide so that he could see her pussy and his cum start to seep out of her.

I wanted a taste of daddy cum, and I wanted to eat B so I got on top of her and we 69’d for daddy to watch. After we’d both cum I looked up to daddy and saw him still staring at us but his cock was hard again.

It was my turn and I quickly got up and straddled him. This time though, he didn’t cum so quickly and I was bouncing up and down on him for quite a while before we both came at roughly the same time.

I collapsed forward on to him and when I was able I thanked him.

“No, thank you, both of you, but that can never happen again.”

“Yes daddy it can and it will. You don’t really care about these stupid taboos, as long as we don’t have your babies everything will be just fine.”

“And a lot of fun for all of us.” B added.

Daddy smiled and both B and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before we were doing it again.

I climbed off him and he went to get cleaned up. B and I went next and we talked about what had just happened. We were both very happy but we knew that things would change between daddy and both of us. We just hoped that it would be changes for the good.

“I hope that you 2 aren’t expecting me to fund all of your trips to wherever just because of what just happened.” Daddy said as we snuggled-up on each side of him to watch the next movie.

“No daddy,” I replied, “we seduced you because we love you and saw that you needed it. Have we ever tried to be nice to you to get something from you? You brought us up better than that thank you daddy.”

Daddy already had an arm round each of us and he squeezed us to him so much that we both begged him to stop.

Later, when we went to bed, B and I talked some more about what had happened and wondered if 1 of us should go to his bed each night and let him fuck us.

“Well if you do,” B said, “you’d better be back here before I wake up, I don’t want to wake up on my own.”

I pushed my fingers deeper into her pussy and promised that I would, if she did the same for me.


The Leisure Centre

We did decide to do some of the things that we’d talked about, the first was a trip to the leisure complex in the next town. Daddy let us take the car and we both took one of our bikinis that is a lot more modest than we like to wear. For starters, they have triangle on the top that cover all of our tits. The good thing being that they have strings that we fasten with bows that tie in the middle of our backs and behind our necks.

The bottoms have a small triangle at the front and a much bigger one at the back, they cover most of our butts but leave a bit of the top of our butt cracks visible. They too are string fastening and it wasn’t long before both of us were pulling at the strings of the other’s top or bottoms.

Needless to say that all of our goodies were on display quite often, each time the ‘victim’ pretending to be very embarrassed and telling the ‘attacker’ to stop it.

The slides were fun because our tops often ended up around our necks and the bottoms often came undone and a few times actually came right off.

Of course we knew what was happening and always pretended that we didn’t realise until someone pointed it out to us. Over the last few years we have both got very good at pretending to be shocked and embarrassed.

There was one slide that we enjoyed the most, as you got near to the bottom you went into a big goldfish like bowl sort of thing, and went round the sides a couple of times before falling through a big hole in the bottom and landing in a small pool where it ended.

The thing was, there were windows in the part of the bowl that was near a walkway and people could stand and watch you going round and round.

Well both B and I realised that if our bikinis ‘accidentally’ came off as we went down the first slide part we’d go round and round the bowl totally naked with people watching us. We went on that slide 6 or 7 times and each time we had to retrieve our bikinis in the bottom pool and put them back on. So much fun.

What I haven’t mentioned so far is the changing room, and it wasn’t plural, there was only 1 and it has rows of cubicles for people to get changed in. You then have to take your clothes to a locker that you get the key on a big rubber band when you put a pound coin in the slot.

Well B and I decided that we weren’t going to use the cubicles and we got changed standing beside the rows of lockers, much to the delight of a few boys who watched us strip naked then put our bikinis on.

After our first swimming and slides session we went back to the changing room and pretended to get changed in front of our locker. After taking our bikinis off then putting them back on a few times we decided to go for a wander and see what we could find.

What we did find was a jacuzzi, a steam room and a sauna, The jacuzzi was the first that we went in and it was wonderful. The bubbles felt great and the hands that played with my tits and pussy were wonderful too, making me cum twice. I couldn’t see what was happening to me because of the bubbles and I assumed that the hands were B’s but I didn’t try to prove it.

Neither could B prove that it was my hands that returned the compliment, making her cum twice as well.

I forgot to check my bikini when I stood up to get out and quickly found out that my top had slid to one side revealing both my hard nipples, and one side of my bottoms were undone and hanging down.

“Oops.” I said and slowly covered my tits before fastening my bottoms, the man sat in front of me getting a good look at my slit.

Because B had missed out on a pussy flash I decided to give her one as we walked towards the sauna, I was beside her and I reached over and pulled on one of the strings on her bikini bottoms. They were so loosely tied that she didn’t notice until it was undone and hanging down revealing her slit to the man that was walking towards us.

“Shit,” she shouted as she squat down to hide her slit. As she squat down I pulled on one of the strings on her top. Again she didn’t notice straight away, not until she stood up and the triangles of her top were pointing towards the floor, her tiny tits on display for the world to see. Well the now 2 men that were walking our way.

“Stop doing that,” she said as she corrected her wardrobe malfunction but only retying the strings loosely.

We were both giggling as we opened the door to the sauna room where we saw some sunbeds, a small pool that had a sign above it calling it a ‘plunge pool’ and warning that it was very cold, a couple of curtained showers, and of course the main sauna.

“You ready for this?” B asked.

“Are we supposed to be naked or do we keep our bikinis on?” I replied.

“No idea. Let’s take them off and hang them on those hooks.”

We did, and opened the door to the sauna.

Four pairs of men’s eyes turned and looked at us. All 4 men had their swimming shorts on.”

“Oops.” I said, “I guess that we misunderstood the rules.”

“Too late now girls,” one elderly man said, “come on in, shut the door and climb up on a bench. There’s plenty of room for you to lay on the benches.”

“Well if they don’t care about us being naked then I sure as hell didn’t.” I thought as I closed the door and climbed up onto to the lower bench. B was sprawled out on her back at one end and me at the other end. Both of us had kept out legs as far apart as the bench would allow and all 4 men were looking down at our pussies.

“This is going to make me cum.” I thought as I lay there resisting the urge to rub my clit. We lay there for something like 10 minutes with me noticing the bulges that were appearing in the men’s shorts.

I was just getting to the point of no return when I realised that the heat was getting too much for me. My arousal level descended as I got hotter and hotter.

Finally, I had had enough and I kicked B’s feet and told her that I was getting out.

B got up and followed me.

We just stood there, both of us a little dizzy from the heat.

“Jump into the plunge pool.” B said.

“It’s freezing.” I replied.

“I dare you.”

I looked at her then jumped in. Geez was it cold. I quickly clambered for the steps and climbed out.

“I dare you to do that B.” I said.

She did and I swear that everyone in the building would have heard her scream.

When she got out we looked at each other and saw that we had 4 rock hard, throbbing nipples. I wondered if my clit had shrunk right up to my stomach.

“I’m cold.” B said so I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the sauna. The 4 men looking delighted that we were back.

“I take it that you’ve just been in the plunge pool?” One of the men asked.

“Yes, I didn’t think that it would be that cold. Look what it’s done to my nipples.” I replied.

It was silly telling them to look at our nipples because all 8 eyes were already glued to them. We lay down in the same places and slowly thawed out. As I warmed up my arousal grew as well, so quickly that I couldn’t stop myself from touching my clit. After realising that it was still there I gave it a quick rub and an orgasm took control of my body.

I moaned and my body jerked for a good minute before the pleasure subsided enough for me to realise that B was in the middle of an orgasm as well.

“Sorry about that,” I said to the nearest man, “I just couldn’t help it.”

“That’s okay love, it gets you like that sometimes, nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s just natural.”

I smiled and thought that there was no way that I was sorry or embarrassed.

B and I got out soon after that and went and lay on 2 of the sunbeds. After a couple of minutes B said,

“That was soo cool, we’ve got to come here again.”

“I don’t know that we’ll be able to be naked the next time, we shouldn’t have taken our bikinis off this time.”

“I’m sure that we’ll find a way.”

I laughed and thought,

“I’m sure that we will.”

As we sat there, the men in the sauna started coming out having lasted much longer than we did. Both B and I were laying in the sunbeds with our knees up and our pussies exposed to the world, and each of the men took a good long look at us before leaving. As the last one stared at our pussies B said that she wanted to go to the steam room. When I said that I didn’t know where it was the man pointed to a door and said that it was through there.

We thanked him and got up to put our bikinis back on.

As we went through the door I told B that we’d try the same trick about not knowing what the dress code was. When we stood outside the door to the steam room I loudly said,

“Do you know if we have to be naked in there or keep our bikinis on?”

B smiled and replied,

“I don’t know, if we take them off we can always put them back on.”

With that we pulled on all our bikini strings, then hung them up on the pegs and opened the door. The steam rushed out enveloping us as we walked in.

Wow, was it different to the sauna, there was some light on but I couldn’t see if there was anyone in there or not. I could vaguely make out that the place was smaller than the sauna and I guessed that people just sat on the plastic benches so I pulled B’s hand to the nearest bench and sat down.

I was only just getting used to the steam when someone opened the door and held it open. The steam rushed out and I started to be able to see things in there, and the people in there. There was only a couple in there and the girl was as naked as B and I were. Well not quite, she had a landing strip on her pubes.

A man finally came in and sat opposite B and me. Thinking that the steam would soon obscure his view of us I lifted my feet and put them on the front edge of the seat, This had the effect of making the whole of my pussy visible to him, a fact that he didn’t miss and he stared at it until the steam got too thick.

I was a little disappointed with the steam room and just after the man couldn’t see my pussy I took B’s hand and led her out. As we showered I told B that I hadn’t enjoyed the steam room as much as the sauna and I wasn’t surprised to hear that she agreed.

We put on our bikinis and headed back to the main pool area.

As we walked B sneakily pulled on my bikini strings and I pretended not to notice until both halves were on the floor. Then I shouted at her to attract the attention of the people near us. I squat down and made a big deal of putting the bikini back on then thumped B’s arm and called her a ‘naughty bitch’.

When we got back to the main pool we saw the cafe and decided to get a snack and a drink. We diverted to the changing room and B got her purse then we went to the cafe. It felt so naughty and nice queueing to get served in a bikini that was was so small and barely staying on me and when the young man served us he was staring at the little tents in our bikini tops.

As I stood there I decided that the next time that we went there I was going to wear one of Eve’s ‘nearly strings only’ bra and knickers set that has see-through mesh instead of conventional underwear material.

When we sat down to eat I pulled both strings on B’s bikini bottoms just as she was sitting down. She sat eating with the front of her bikini dangling down between her legs and she kept laying back in the chair so that anyone who was passing could see the front of her slit. I saw 1 young man do a double-take as he walked passed staring at us. He nearly tripped on a chair that was stuck out a bit and I laughed.

When it came time to leave the cafe B just stood up then screamed and sat down again, but not before a young couple had turned to look at her. I heard the girl say,

“Poor thing.”

I smiled as B tied her bikini then followed me back to the pool.

Standing there looking around I asked B if she wanted to leave and go home or have some more fun.

“I want another go in that goldfish bowl slide.” B replied.

“And I want to go into the sauna again.”

“Let’s do both,” we both said almost in stereo.

We went to the goldfish bowl slide first and again pulled on our bikini strings just as soon as we got on the slide at the top. When I went on it B stood near the windows in the bowl and watched the people watch the naked me, followed by my bikini, going round then dropping through the hole. She later told me that the comments ranged from “poor girl” to “slut” and “I bet she did that on purpose.”

Of course the later was true but B didn’t tell them.

It was B’s turn next and as I watched she got similar comments as I had except that 2 of the young men watching couldn’t decide if B was the same girl as a few minutes ago. I was stood next to them but they didn’t realise that I was the first girl, probably too busy watching B.

Then it was the sauna again. We again loudly said that we didn’t know what the dress code was before taking our bikinis off again. Again I said,

“Oops, got that wrong,” I said when we went in and saw 2 men with shorts on, one of them with a girl in a bikini.

B replied saying,

“Too late now, they’ve all seen us, just lay on the bench.”

We did and the 2 men stared at our little tits and pussies until the couple got up and left leaving just the 1 man and us.

Well that was good enough for us and without even saying anything or even looking each other in the face, our right hands moved to our pussies and got busy.

The poor man had to watch us bring ourselves to orgasms. Why he didn’t get his cock out and have a wank I will never know. Maybe he was scared that we might scream and shout rape, but it didn’t really matter, we had our orgasms before he left.

We again dared each other to jump into the plunge pool, this time together, and were just climbing out when 2 men came in, stared at us then went into the sauna. We went to the sunbeds and lay down to thaw out but we were disappointed when no one came in and saw us before we decided that it was about time to go home.

But showing our bodies didn’t stop at that point, we still had to have a shower before leaving and we’d seen that there was just one, big communal shower. Presumably people were supposed to keep their swimming costumes on but we didn’t. We took our bikinis off at the lockers and took just our shampoo to the showers.

We half expected to be seen by a member of staff and get told to leave but we never saw any, instead quite a few people watched us showering naked. The thing was, no one seemed to care that we were naked, which was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe we should have waited until some older men came in.

Anyway, we showered then went back to our locker where we got dried then dressed. A couple of older men did walk by and had a good look at us, We just smiled at them and continued getting dry then dressed.



The next week both Beaver and I were working at Eve’s shop all week.

Our full week working was fun. Eve was happy for us to wear just the ‘strings only’ underwear and bikinis all the time in the shop and there was quite a few quiet periods where Eve let us play ‘statues’, usually in the shop window. That was great fun and it was quite a turn-on watching the people outside looking at us and wondering if were were plastic or flesh.

Most of the customers seemed more relaxed as well and in the changing rooms girls took a lot longer to decide and often came out to have a look at a distance in the mirror on the end wall. And sometimes that was in just underwear. I had one conversation in there with a girl who was trying on ‘strings only’ underwear. She was trying to decide if she liked seeing herself with a landing strip or bald like me. We stood next to each other while she looked at both our pubes before deciding that the landing strip had to go.

There was another girl who kept coming out of the changing room totally naked and swapping the dress that she was going to try on. One time that she came out I heard her say to Beaver,

“I just can’t make up my mind, you don’t mind do you?”

Beaver just said that it was okay.

We enjoyed our full week, it was different but okay. If working there full-time paid a lot better I could definitely do it. Being nearly naked all the time was a blast.



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Chapter 5 When we landed in Las Vegas it was in the middle of the night and there was a black limousine waiting for us on the tarmac.“Let’s go, we have work to do,” said Supergirl and got up.Inside the limousine was a manila envelope which she gave to me. I opened it and found a passport, credits cards, a driver’s license, all in the name of Lisa Compton, aged twenty-one. I realized the age was meant to let me into any bar, restaurant, nightclub in the world. If I had been made to be eighteen,...

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Tgirls.xxx aka shemale.xxx! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose Tgirls.xxx. I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that Tgirls.xxx is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Supergirl Voluntary Slavery

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive  Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...

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Batgirl and Robin

“ ... and on the social scene, Gotham’s best and brightest will be found at the Gotham Civic Center later tonight for Mayor Caruso’s Annual Children’s Benefit. The premiere event of the season, women the city over are still vying for a last minute invitation to what promises to be the most exciting night since...” The voice of the radio announcer brought a cheerful smile to Barbara Gordon as she again let the warmth of the overhead shower splash across her breasts. Not only was she one of the...

2 years ago
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Tgirl Jill initiated by 3 BBCs at nightclub

I'm a white whore blonde bubble butt Tgirl BBC fuck slut living in Las Vegas. I love it here because we get many big black studs who cum here to be serviced. I dance at a private unadvertized no-name shemale club off the strip which caters to big black studs only. I love the thrill of being on stage and "slut-dancing" to tease all of those big black studs. I absolutely love, love, love to tease BIG BLACK COCKS of any size or age until they are rock hard and dripping wet with precum...just the...

2 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

1 year ago
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Batgirl Returns Part One

Introduction: Oracle redons the latex costume as Batgirl once again. Oracle had redonned the Batgirl uniform once again, it had been a few nights since her intial return to crimefighting and subsequent take down. One she did not want to have happen again, her body still ached all over. She entered into the Old Gothaam Adult Toy factory, it had long since been abandoned and used by derilects and such. She walked through the main area, she walked past display vacbed, and tables that had custom...

3 years ago
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Batgirls predicament chapter 1

Batgirl slowly opened her eyes, moaning, only to find that it was all dark around her. Her head was pounding and she felt disoriented and weak. She immediatley knew on some level that something was not as it was supposed to be, but she couldn't get her mind to think straight. She struggled to keep her eyes open, only to find that it was too hard, and she drifted back to sleep again, her subconscious vaguely recognizing that she was restrained somehow...Sometime later, she awoke again, only to...

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Batgirl Returns Part One

It was a slow night for Roland. He hated the late shift, especially patrolling the adult toy factory. His girlfriend had left him several weeks ago and seeing all the sex toys made him wish he had someone to play with. But he didn't really have time for a relationship right now. But he needed to get laid though. As he walked the factory he heard a noise and he pointed his flashlight in the direction. He saw a woman in a skin tight costume. "Hold it right there!" he called...

1 year ago
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Tgirl Jills BBC pounding fantasy in casino s

A big black stud invited me up to his casino room when we were on the casino floor.When I entered his top floor casino room he was watching an IR porn video with a bubble butt blonde BBC slut getting anally gangbanged by 12 BIG BLACK COCKS balls deep.His BIG BLACK COCK was already rock hard and glistening with wonderful black precum.I immediately dropped down to my knees and placed my hot pink shiny lipstick lips on the head of what had to be a BIG BLACK 12" COCK and it must have been 2" in...

2 years ago
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Supergirl Part 1

Chapter 1It was cold and snowflakes were slowly drifting to the ground around me where I sat on a thin piece of cardboard. The people around me hardly gave me a look as they entered or left the bus station.“Could you spare some change, please?” I said to an older woman.She ignored me and hurried off.“Change, please?” this to a man in his forties.“Get a fucking job.”“Can you help me with one?”“Yeah, you can give me a blowjob,” he laughed as he walked past.“Fucking asshole!” I screamed at him,...

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Tgirl Jill teases BBCs at truck stops

I'm a white blonde bubble butt Tgirl living in Las Vegas and sometimes I go out and cruise the truck stops on I15 down south to I10. I do it at night and sometimes for a whole weekend in my mini van which has darkened windows.I love to get out of my mini van and walk around the back parking row at the truck stops. When I cruise to tease BIG BLACK COCKS like this I always wear my hot pink naughty schoolgirl BBC-teasing TGirl outfit. I love the clickity sound of my 8" hot pink platform high...

3 years ago
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Ponygirl Sisters

Ponygirl SistersBy SarahChapter 1:  Making Ponies        Sarah and Julie squirmed as their father adjusted the ropes holding them to the bondage frame in the back yard.  Both girls had been hanging upside down by their ankles for the morning, but now their father had flipped them over, so they were now being suspended by their arms.         Sarah and Julie were 18, and had been living normally until their parents had found on their computers, multiple links, images, and videos of ponygirls. ...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P8

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Batgirl Perspective of an Artist

“That was a great interview!” gushed Anita McCall as she and Dr Susannah Lascelles left the Gotham Museum of Modern Art. “Don’t mention it,” replied the tall woman with the long curly blonde hair, “It was a pleasure in every way. Not only did I get the chance to talk about my life’s’ passion for art but I did it with someone who is quite a work of art herself!” Anita laughed nervously. “Oh,” she chided, “I’m sure there are plenty more pretty girls in this fair city!” “Don’t sell yourself...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P7

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P6

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...

4 years ago
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Supergirl Painslut

Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P5

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...

1 year ago
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Big Areolas

We are all into certain types of chicks, tits, and everything in between. So, if you were maybe into the lovely babes with great tits and big areolas, then you might want to check out the subreddit called r/bigareolas/, which basically explains all that you need to know. If you are into big areolas, I think that you will enjoy what this subreddit is all about.On the other hand, there are thousands of other subreddits you can check out as well. It all depends on what the fuck you are looking for...

Reddit NSFW List
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P4

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...

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Batgirl and Robyn

Batgirl and Robyn 1. Broken Routine Cecily was a pretty detective sergeant with an overwhelming crush on a colleague. Detective Inspector Robin Cloud was the object of her crush, and Robin was her boss. Despite her rationalising, and deliberate attempts to find attractive boyfriends elsewhere, the puerile schoolgirl crush on her boss refused to go away - In fact - The more she tried to spurn him - The more attractive he became in her eyes. "I never had crushes on anybody...

2 years ago
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Babygirls fantasy cums true

After patiently waiting for what seemed like way too long. The moment was finally minutes away! They where both nervous yet confident about the evening ahead of them. Tre had made the plans for the evening. he hoped at 5'8 200 pounds with black hair kept shaved close. Tre was wearing a very nice shirt and tie looking his best in hopes of impressing the woman of his dreams. Babygirl was perfect combination of wonderful and sexy. She is 5'2 with the perfect body in her dates eyes! She is a BBW...

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Ponygirl Copper

Ponygirl CopperII caught her while she was throwing stones at my horses. She did it laughing and giggling as if it was a funny game. She obviously enjoyed seeing them jumping and trying to get away from her. Every time they fled out of her reach, she walked along the fence until she could hit them again. She picked the new stones with care. She cast them with deliberation, aiming for their heads or flanks, and she screamed in delight when one of the mares started panicking and screaming in fear...

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Babygirl and DaddyChapter 2

In reality, I'm a grown married woman who goes by the nickname, Babygirl. I have had some incestuous encounters with her real dad when I was a teenager. The whole experience taught me that sex is fun and exciting as daddy was never mean to me. He is now deceased. Oh how I have longed to become friends with an older man, one who can step in and play the roll of my daddy. So I went searching online and found one, I will not give you his real name, I will just refer to him as, "Daddy." Daddy...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P3

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Kim woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...

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Babygirl Ch1

With my face buried in the pillow, muffling my voice as I scream, “I… ‘mmm… ccuuummmmiiinngg… Aaaahhhh.” A shattering shutter racks my body as I gush out my slightly viscous nectar into the fluffy towel waiting beneath me. Since the first time I came in my bed and had everyone except my sister, who knew the truth, thinking I had accidentally wet my bed in my sleep, a towel has been a part of my bedding. Like an earthquake with after shocks, the powerful orgasm gave way to ever...

4 years ago
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babygirl gets a late night visitor

It’s 3am and babygirl is asleep in her bedroom… her k**s and m***y asleep in their rooms. Daddy is awake and horny so he drives over to babygirl’s house and quietly walks over to her window… pushes the window up. Babygirl wakes up and wide-eyed looks at daddy with surprise… she whispers “No Daddy! You can’t come in! What if you wake the b**s?” Daddy just smiles and says “Well, baby… you just better be quiet!” as he climbs in the window. Baby is a good little girl and is nakk** so when daddy...

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Code Named Cinderella

Code Named Cinderella By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis "Come on people, how hard can this be? He's wearing a gown on top of a half dozen petticoats, and he's lost a shoe." Editors Notes: This was released without benefit of an editor so my apologies beforehand. This story occurs in a world without the pandemic. Contents: Introduction They've Found Us On The Road Again Nevada Before Heaven He Was Born Into Hell Making Book Making A Life Mr. Caldwell and...

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Babygirl and DaddyChapter 3

I closed and locked my bedroom door. You put his arm around me, pulled me close, and kissed me hard. I felt weak in the knees, God I wanted you with every part of my body. I hesitated, then placed my hand on his shoulder and uttered softly, "Daddy, I think we'd better stop and go someplace discrete, it's too risky here and that bitch might catch us." You nodded in agreement, and then asked where the bathroom was. I opened the door and told you it was the first door down the hall on the...

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Supergirl prostitution

You will be controlling the story of Kara Zor-El from krypton when she was a young girl krypton exploded and she went to earth to live once she got there she was adopted by the Danvers family her new name is Kara Danvers. She just seemed like a weird girl to many but she was actually a supergirl hero called supergirl she now lIves in national city and protects it from alien threats but recently a new bad guy has show up and he’s been causing havok on the city and Kara knows nothing about him....

2 years ago
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Supergirl The Real Story

Supergirl - The Real Story Part 1 The future is not the bright, wondrous place everyone expects it to be. It is a place of darkness and overreaching government control. It's not the place of Star Trek that portrays humankind as being a benevolent, tolerant, evolutionarily evolved society. Sure, we figured out space travel and could travel throughout the galaxy, but we did so more to exploit natural resources and to spread the festering cancer which our society had become. You may...

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Supergirl in Bondage

This story will feature multiple threads featuring Supergirl getting tied up, and fucked. Sometimes she may be a willing participant, others not so much. Reader submissions are welcome. It had all gone to their plan, well almost. Kara Danvers, A.K.A. Kara Zor-El, A.K.A Supergirl with help from her friends had stopped the Obsidian device, and shut down Lex Luthor's satellites ensuring the twisted genius couldn't use them again. All that remained as Lex himself. The plan was for Kara to surrender...

2 years ago
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Ponygirls for Christmas

Ponygirl's for Christmas By: DonnerTie "What about this one Lizzy?" I held up the black latex corset. A look of utter embarrassment spread across my friends face. Her cheeks had turned crimson red, and she quickly averted her eyes. "No I don't think so Kelly" she managed to whisper. She tried to hide her discomfort by turning back to the rack of latex and rubber outfits that hung in front of her. I looked down at the shiny piece of material in my hands. It felt deliciously smooth to the...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P2

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080It was dark out and Kim had no idea what time it was. Her tail butt plug was still firmly in place and she was still locked in the the cage. A dim light in...

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Tgirl Hooker pt3

All my stories are based on my experiencesI’m sure most of you have read The Tgirl Hooker pt1 & pt2 with Emma who I found on a well known website. Pt 1 & pt2 was about my very first meeting with this Eastern European beauty who had a body to die for and a cock to match. I used to get the odd text from Emma every now and again asking when was I coming to see her, which then led to us chatting a bit and then as I got to know her, we then started to text or chat online nearly every day. ...

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TGirl Japan

The list of Asian stereotypes includes a predilection for tourist photography, really bad driving, and eternally youthful appearance that makes MILFs look like teens. They also make fun of Asian dick sizes and the way Asian dudes can’t really grow mustaches. That latter trait actually helps them make for passable trannies, as you’ll see on TGirlJapan.TGirlJapan.com is an Asian tranny site from the tgirl porn purveyors at Grooby Girls. If you spend any time at all beating off to shemale pornos,...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Babygirl gets taught a lesson

its late and Poppa and lbabygirl are enjoying a nice evening cuddled up on the couch after a dinner of garlic shrimp and fettucine. Poppa I want some candy babygirl whines. what have i told you about whining? Poppa says in a even tone. i want some candy and i want it now!!! She whines wiggling and crossing her arms in a bratty manner. Poppa doesnt even blink but a cold expression comes over his face. he lifts her off of his lap and strides toward the kitchen. he comes back with a fruit roll up...

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