Inquisition Blood MagicChapter 3 Blackwall and Josephine
- 2 years ago
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Skyhold had a constant stream of nobility wandering through, most of whom I'd more-or-less ignored since we had found the place, letting Josephine deal with them however she saw fit.
Until we defeated Corypheus, however, I truly didn't understand how minor those nobles were in the bigger scheme of things. Once the Breach had been closed, and Corypheus destroyed, there were questions about the role of the Inquisition in Thedas, and the highest ranking nobles and military leaders from every country began flocking to Skyhold to develop alliances, or try to tear down the Inquisition.
We had solid support from the Chantry – my good 'friend' Vivienne becoming Divine certainly ensured that we would have no challenge from the main religion on Thedas – and the Orlesian Empress was well aware that she owed her throne directly to the Inquisition. Orlais' civil war had cost the country most of its military might, and she was in no position to challenge the validity of the Inquisition even had she wanted to.
The other countries, however, had no such compunctions. Ferelden had started making noises about the Inquisition being a foreign army of Ferelden soil, questioning whether we wouldn't be disbanding soon, almost coming out and asking us to pay rent; the Free Marches had been trying to renegotiate the trade agreements we'd long-since hammered out, using the excuse that we were no longer needed to attempt to extort us for more money for our supplies. Prince Vael, from Starkhaven, especially made repeated queries about when we would fold back under Chantry supervision. The Nevarrans had assembled some forces on their southern borders and harbors, 'just in case', going to the extent of leaving their northern borders with Tevinter short of men, and the Antivans had begun sending Crows to assassinate me and other important members of the Inquisition. None had managed to get far, but the attempts kept happening. Orzammar was dragging their heels negotiating a Lyrium contract, the Merchant Guilds were waiting with baited breath to see what everyone else did before they declared any sort of loyalty, and even Briala, the not-so-politic lover of Empress Celene, was threatening an elven revolution.
So none of the nations had declared war or made moves that could be pointed to as an act of war, but many were threatening the peace we had worked so hard to preserve for them. And to get what they wanted, they began sending first dignitaries, and when I ignored them as I usually did, the big names themselves began showing up at our gates.
Initially I was polite but disinterested, having no more desire to play Thedosian politics than I had to play the lute. I left the problems to Josephine to sort out. But no matter how hard I tried to stay above it all, little things, tiny, aggravating details would pull me in. We were at risk of losing the Inquisition, and that I could not accept.
I was on the verge of a murder, while speaking with a high ranking ambassador – who was apparently a Prince, but there were lots of those – from Antiva, when a paper cut released some of his blood, and my blood magic honed in on that without any intention. The moment my senses came in contact with the blood, however, I became aware of the swirling confusion that was the Ambassador's emotions. I couldn't identify or understand many – people are very complex, after all – but some were obvious. Especially one: a barely concealed lust for a member of the Inquisition. I used the smallest amount of blood magic to probe that further, and discovered something that gave me pause; the ambassador had an overwhelming desire to dominate Cassandra.
I plucked through the emotions and thoughts associated with that desire, to discover that the ambassador's family had a long-standing feud with the Pentaghast dynasty of Nevarra, and the rather kinky-minded ambassador wanted to act that out his revenge in a very carnal fashion.
It was the sort of stray thought anyone can have from time to time, something someone has no intention of ever indulging, but my brand of perversion drew me to it, and it gave me an idea. What if that urge could be capitalized on?
I cut my conversation with the ambassador short without murdering the man, and then dragged Josephine into my office to tell her what I'd learned. "What if," I wondered aloud, "the ambassador could be made to act upon such a desire? And what if he were to get caught? Rape of an Inquisition member, especially Nevarran royalty, would ruin him. We'd have him just where we wanted – he'd give us whatever we asked for to ensure our silence."
The more we discussed it, the more we realised it could very well work. At dinner that night, I barely ate, working instead on worming my way into the ambassador's head while he stuffed his face with roast pheasant. I found the desire for Cassandra and amplified it, increasing the importance of the emotion in his mind ten-fold. And then I found the filter, that part of someone's mind who reminds them when something is a very bad idea – and in this one area only, I turned it off.
And then I began working on Cassandra. Josephine had convinced her to wear a dress, of all things, and I seated her next to the ambassador, having given her instructions to act coy and demure, to allow him to think she was weak and unprotected. She smiled at him from under her longer, growing hair – Varric's demand – and I made sure a blush appeared on her cheeks every time he looked at her. I had her artlessly, 'accidentally' exposing herself, leaning toward him and giving him a good look down her cleavage, and then later, accidentally catching the hem of her skirt on her bracelet after reaching down to absentmindedly scratch her ankle, and showing off the long expanse of toned legs underneath.
By the end of dinner, he was practically salivating. He asked her to show him around, which I made her acquiesce to, and then insisted he walk her back to her quarters. I followed under a veil, watching. Once outside of her room, he forced his way inside when she turned her back to open the door.
Cassandra could have defeated him in combat with both hands behind her back, had him disabled before he knew what hit him, but instead I made her respond like a frightened young girl. She backed away from him until she hit the far wall, asked him in a squeaky voice to leave, and cried big fat tears when he threatened her unless she let him have his way with her.
He reached out and ran his hand down her cleavage, calling her a slut as he tugged her neckline until a breast popped out, and then gasped as the nipple ring Varric had pierced her with came into view. He grabbed it and twisted, calling her a whore and worse, justifying his actions. He ripped the bodice of her dress, making the other tit pop out, and immediately engulfed the nipple and ring with his mouth, sucking and biting with abandon.
Cassandra tried half-heartedly to push him away, crying and begging him to stop, which of course only inflamed him further. He reached down and pulled up on the fabric of her dress, questing beneath it until he found her cunt, naked without any smalls, and damp. He thrust two fingers inside her hard, making her cry out, and then began finger-fucking her enthusiastically while she shuddered and complained that he was hurting her.
After a few minutes, he pulled his hand out, wiping the moisture on her cheek, then slapped her face and spun her away from him, tripping her at the same time so she landed face down on the bed. He loomed over her, a big hand in the middle of her back holding her down while he fished his cock out of his trousers with the other hand; he then pulled her dress up over her head, kicked her feet further apart, leaned over her, and fucked himself hard into her pussy with one firm thrust.
He was much smaller than my cock, smaller than Varric's or even Solas', so accommodating him was no problem for Cassandra, however I made her act like it was the biggest one she'd ever taken, squealing and carrying on at the invasion. Uncaring, he began a fast, furious rhythm pounding into her pussy, and I knew it was my cue.
I slipped out of the room using the veil, then knocked firmly on her door. No one answered right away, and I heard a cry muffled through the thick wood; like the hero I was supposed to be, I kicked the door open and shouted "What's happening here?"
The ambassador, pants around his ankles, spun around, pulling his cock from Cassandra's pussy, and tried to cover himself at the same time his cum sprayed out, some landing on his pants, some the carpet, and some Cassandra's back. Cassandra, for her part, had tears streaming down her face, a bruise swelling one eye shut and her pussy in the air, swollen and angry. Her tits hung out of her dress; she looked exactly like a victim of a rape, as I'd planned.
I physically restrained the ambassador with the rope I knew Varric regularly used on the Seeker, which happened to be coiled over the back of her chair, and then helped her clean up. Once she was decent, I had her tell me the story as it happened – both of us pretending I didn't know. Cassandra gave a performance worthy of an Orlesian Minstrel, with a little bit of magical help. Given that I'd caught him fucking a crying, bruised Cassandra, he had to admit to what he'd done.
After that it was easy. I threatened to send him home along with a letter to his family, explaining that he destroyed Antiva's treaty with the Inquisition for a quick fuck. It would ruin his chances at any sort of advancement, never mind being seen by the Inquisition as an act of war; we'd have all the excuse we needed to send an armed force to pacify the country. In addition, I would give his name to the Seeker order to seek further vengeance. He begged me not to ruin him, and reluctantly agreed to my demands in return: no more Crows, no more mucking about with the treaties, no suggesting that the Inquisition should disband. He was to become our most ardent supporter in Antiva, campaigning for acceptance and favorable treaties.
I sent him back to his room with soiled pants and a deep shame – for being caught, more than for doing it in the first place, I assumed – and then turned and fucked Cassandra's pussy hard, tying with her and then bringing her to one climax after another with my magic and my hand on her clit ring. Feeling possessive, I pulled out, grabbed the whip from her drawer where I knew it lived permanently, and had her present her pussy, tits, and ass for whipping to punish her for 'allowing a man to fuck her without permission'. Her objection that I had made her do it and her incredulous expression did not deter me in the least. I whipped her 'til she was sobbing out apologies, screaming for mercy, and then I fucked her ass. While I tied with her, I reminded her who she belonged to – me, and by extension, Varric – and whose orders she followed. I made her promise it, swear it, scream it before filling her full of my cum.
The next day, Josephine approached me with someone at her side who I didn't recognize, a dark-haired woman with a Nevarran accent. She took me aside and asked me to present the woman to the ambassador, pretending she was a prostitute (she was a soldier, but I could enthrall her to act like a prostitute if necessary), as a stand-in for what he wanted to do to Cassandra. Confused, I asked the Antivan what that was about, and she told me she'd thought about it and wasn't convinced the threat of an accusation of rape would be enough to keep the ambassador loyal long-term. However, he had no heirs as yet, and she had administered the soldier a strong fertility potion whipped up by Morrigan. If the woman managed to conceive before the ambassador left, we would have long-term leverage against his good behaviour – his first heir.
The girl, named Dina, was pretty, and vaguely resembled Cassandra; her voice, while not as commanding as the Seeker, had the same accent. She was not happy with her assigned role in the little charade, unsurprisingly. And she was a virgin, which was a slight problem. I took her to my room and raped her pussy (without coming in her – we didn't need a half-Qunari baby from her), her ass, and her mouth in quick succession, teaching her how to fake orgasm and move to maximize the man's pleasure, and then I pierced her tits and her clit like Cassandra; after, I healed her so she wouldn't have pain but not helping her tighten up again. A whore would be expected to be somewhat loose.
I enthralled her, made her believe she was a prostitute, but expected to act somewhat coy and demure. She was to allow Josephine to get her cleaned up, dressed and made up, and then give herself to the Antivan for the duration of his stay. I gave her a healthy desire for sex, with him in particular, to make it easier. Her goal was to make him fuck her as many times as she could coax him into before he left.
Josephine got her dressed in a gown that was somehow sexy without revealing much, and I escorted her to the ambassador's quarters after supper. I introduced them, watching his eyes rake over her figure, telling him I thought he might appreciate some 'company' for the cold nights. I told him not to do anything that would cause permanent damage, and then left her there – or at least, he thought I did. Instead I disappeared behind a veil to watch for a while.
He basically picked up where he'd left off with Cassandra, pushing her onto the bed face down, pulling up her dress, and fucking her pussy from behind; he pulled her hair and called her Cassandra, then tugged her upright so she was kneeling in front of him, his cock still buried. He ripped her dress so he could get at her tits, squeezing and pinching them, pulling on the rings while making her beg for mercy.
He came inside her, and I almost laughed when he began telling her how he was going to fuck a baby into her, giving him a Nevarran Prince for an offspring. I knew he was in his fantasy, surely expecting that any prostitute was either barren or taking precautions, but he had no idea how right he was.
He told her to get naked, then get him hard again; I slipped out while she complied, happy that plenty of cum would be deposited in the girl's cunt.
We got her report the next morning; the ambassador had fucked her cunt once more in the night, and again first thing in the morning; he instructed her to be naked in his bed and waiting for him after the midday meal. Josephine administered another fertility potion – without telling the girl what it was, of course – and we sent her back to him.
He stayed for three more days before leaving back to Antiva. He'd fucked poor Dina a dozen or more times during that time, and we had confirmation within a few weeks that she was expecting.
I undid the magic making her believe she was a whore, and kept her isolated from any men until the pregnancy was confirmed; I fucked her in celebration, careful not to damage her cervix, then gave her to Cullen to use and take care of until she gave birth. He appreciated having pussy to fuck whenever he wanted; Solas had disappeared in the wake of Corypheus' defeat, and he'd lost his submissive cum-slave. So when Dorian wasn't fucking Cullen, Cullen was fucking Dina.
Over the months, several more nobles arrived and we made the same arrangements for each. It was a bit frightening to know that most of the nobles from around Thedas were even more depraved than me.
One of the Nevarrans wanted Josephine, and after being caught mid-rape, an alternate female was found and eventually impregnated. Several of the more supposedly devout wanted Vivienne, who had yet to take her vows but had been confirmed as the next Divine; they were especially apologetic when they came to their senses, offering reparations both to the Chantry and the Inquisition.
Two dwarves – the King, Bhelen and one of his lackeys – were basically only interested in elves. The two of them were allowed to corner Sera and double-team her; I got the cheapest Lyrium contract anyone could ever have imagined after that. After I confirmed that half-elven, half-dwarven children basically looked like dwarves, an elven servant was found to warm Bhelen's bed after some magical coercion.
One of the dwarven merchant-Princes had gone after scout Harding, and lacking many female dwarves in the ranks, we allowed him to fuck her a handful of times, impregnating her, before 'catching' them.
There was an enterprising Tevinter Magister who thought to use blood magic of his own to fuck the Iron Bull, some sort of strange perversion about dominating a former Ben Hassrath, but with my own magic in place, Bull was able to resist and turn it around, fucking the Magister and threatening to expose not only his proclivity towards men, but also to spread it around that he had been dominated by a savage Qunari – and liked it.
Prince Sebastian Vael was a hard nut to crack, at first; he was determined to remain celibate, despite taking his place on the Starkhaven throne, and despite the demand from his subjects for an heir, he was holding fast. He was a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou prick, though, and I was even more determined to break him with sex. Varric let slip how he had been in love with Marian Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall, even though she had been in a relationship with the abomination known as Anders, and how angry he'd been when she'd let the mage live; a look-alike for the dark-haired rogue was found, enthralled, dolled up like a two-copper whore, made to cum again and again until her pussy fairly gushed with her juices, and left naked, blindfolded, and bound with rope in his bed with a whip lying nearby.
I watched that one from behind my veil; watched him at first rush to her as though to help, then recoil when he briefly thought it was actually Marian Hawke. Despite how brief it was, the confusion stirred his anger, and I could feel it emanating from him; I carefully pushed that emotion, making him want to make her pay, to punish her. I fogged his logic somewhat, so that while he knew it wasn't actually Hawke, he wasn't differentiating between the real thing and the look-alike on his bed.
He rolled the woman onto her front, picked up the whip, and began lashing her ass with it, picking up steam as he went and she squirmed and cried out. I added a little bit of arousal for her, every now and then, so once in a while when he landed a blow, instead of begging for mercy, she would moan, long and low and sinful. It pissed him off, even as it turned him on, and he started expanding from landing blows solely on her ass. Soon he was whipping her thighs, then he rolled her over and began on her cunt and her tits. She began howling in pain, crying for the Maker to save her, which only sent the Prince on a diatribe about how, if the Maker wouldn't save Grand Cleric Elthina, he certainly would not make an exception for the miserable bitch responsible for the Grand Cleric's death.
Dropping the whip, he dropped his hands to his victim's sodden crotch, as though just noticing for the first time that she was soaking wet; he fucked two fingers into her tender pussy, calling her a slut, asking her if she'd come to him fresh after fucking Anders, if there was another man's cum pouring out of her cunt. He squeezed and pinched her clit until she screamed, then informed her that it didn't matter, that Anders wasn't there to save her now, and that it was his turn to fuck her.
"I'll have what I want of ye," he declared in his thickest brogue, "before ye go to the Void, and there's nothing that abomination can do to stop me."
He unlaced his pants, leaning over her and driving his cock into her pussy, shuddering as he felt carnal pleasure again for the first time in years. He rammed into her hard, making her moan and cry as he rubbed against her striped pussy, squeezing her tits painfully. It didn't take long – unsurprising, for the first time in so long – before he groaned and filled her cunt. He collapsed down onto her, sobbing in relief and grief both. "Ye should have chosen me, Mari," he whispered. "I was always the better man."
After a few minutes, he finally dragged himself off of her and untied her. He appeared ready to let her go, so I took control and had her keep the blindfold, climbing onto the bed on all fours, wiggling her ass invitingly as his seed dripped down her thigh. "You were never the better man," I made her say. "Look at you. Can't even properly satisfy me? Perhaps I should go and find Anders to get the job done."
With a cry of rage, Sebastian stripped off the rest of his clothes, climbed onto the bed behind her, and rammed his cock back into her pussy. "Don't say his name to me," he growled, grabbing a handful of her long brown hair and using it to pull her onto him viciously. "I'll fuck him right out of your head, fuck ye 'til ye can't walk. We'll see who satisfies ye."
He hammered her from behind for a long time, pulling her up against him to squeeze and pinch her nipples, reaching down to cruelly twist her clit, berating her for liking it rough. I gave her some arousal with each cruelty, so that she was alternately crying out and moaning, shaking like a leaf in his arms as she knelt, just this side of orgasm. He skillfully kept her balanced there – perhaps the rumours of his wild youth weren't entirely exaggerated? – for an eternity as he fucked her and hurt her, until he couldn't hold out any longer and he came deep inside her cunt. He bit her shoulder, squeezing her striped tits and swollen slit one more time triggering her orgasm. He shuddered as she came apart around him and then collapsed on her when she fell forward, panting.
When he slid out of her pussy and onto his back beside her, she turned and cleaned his cock with her tongue, slurping with abandon in an effort to get him hard again. Satisfied she was going to be successful, I left her there overnight.
The next day he sent her on her way, so after supper I had her sneak back into his room and climb into his bed naked, blindfolded again to hide her eyes, which were the most jarringly different than the real Hawke's. The following morning she reported that he allowed her to stay but it took all her best efforts to coax him into fucking her once.
I used some blood magic the following day to discover he'd developed some overwhelming guilt, between his abuse of the girl, his failure to remain celibate as he promised himself, and his misplaced rage at Hawke. He spent half the day in the little chapel off the garden, praying. I had Leliana sneak in to listen in, and she came out with the insight that he felt the need to be punished. We put our heads together and came up with a plan.
That night I plied him with a large amount of wine, a variety Varric assured me he was particularly fond of, mixed with a stimulant and aphrodisiac combination helpfully provided by Morrigan, and used my magic to fuzz his mind even a little more. When he stumbled back to his room, with my help, I followed him into the room, locking the door; Sebastian turned to find the Hawke look-alike already naked and waiting for us.
I reminded him I was the Herald of Andraste, and told him that she had sent me there to provide Sebastian's punishment for not doing more to save Elthina, for violating his vows, for not stopping Anders sooner, and that Hawke also had to be submitted to the same punishment; between the wine and the blood magic, this made sense to the befuddled Prince and he actually knelt and thanked me for understanding his need. He crawled to me and unlaced my trousers, gasping in shock and fear at the size of my engorged prick; reluctantly he kissed the head and swiped his tongue over the slit in the top while whispering prayers. He stripped, as directed, and then knelt at the edge of the bed, upper body resting on the mattress with his luscious ass presented. I proceeded to whip his ass, berating him and belittling him the entire time, and despite the pain the Prince's cock hardened and began leaking precum while he was beaten.
I rolled him onto his back, legs spread and cock and balls on display, telling him this was punishment for his treatment of Hawke the first night, and proceeded to whip his nipples, his stomach, even his cock and balls, though I was careful not to damage anything. He screamed in pain even as he begged for more, and to my amazement his cock hardened further under the abuse.
Once he was fully hard, I informed him he had to be punished for his sexual sins, to have the evil exorcised, and to that end, I would fuck his ass until he orgasmed over and over to expunge the impure thoughts. Hawke also needed to be fucked to drive out her sins, so we would kill two birds with one stone. The Hawke imposter laid on the bed, pulling Sebastian to her and engulfing his cock with her pussy, while I climbed behind the man and fucked deeply into his ass amidst a chorus of groans and whimpers.
I began shafting the Prince's ass, which in turn drove Sebastian's cock into the woman below him; he was tight, but quite clearly no anal virgin. He whimpered at the pain, but I could feel his emotions through the blood magic I'd used on him, and the pain merged with his guilt and shame and desire to such a degree that even I couldn't separate the emotions from each other. Between that and the stimulation to his prostate, it took very little time before he gasped and came, filling the cunt of the Hawke look-alike.
I didn't stop, however, continuing to drive into him, which rubbed his now-soft cock against Hawke's pussy, and slowly he hardened again before she slipped him back inside her sheath. By the next orgasm, his cock was slightly raw as was the pussy he was fucking; I sent a slight healing wave through both, forced a stamina potion down his throat which hardened his cock again, and then the fucking continued.
When I finally tied into his ass, he screamed in pain and then promptly actually thanked me; I grabbed and wrenched one of the girl's tits as I emptied myself in his ass, and her scream set off his own orgasm as well. Afterwards we all collapsed, and I made the Prince clean my cock with his tongue. I told him he owed the poor Hawke look-alike for accepting all of his abuse, and that his way of paying her back would be to use his cock, hands, and mouth to make her cum a handful of times each day until he left.
I reminded him before he left that his reputation for fairness and piety was destroyed, and if he didn't want the world to know how he beat and raped a defenseless girl and begged the Qunari Inquisitor to fuck him, he'd best turn around his attitude about the Inquisition. He promised his support, sent a unit of troops to bolster our numbers, and provided a nice financial incentive to forget his trespasses as well. It turned out the events were even beneficial to Starkhaven; the Prince took a wife, shortly after returning home, a submissive dark-haired noble girl half his age, and proceeded to work on an heir as often as he could get it up.
Josephine came to me, after a while, informing me that her betrothal was moving forward; I was floored. She and Blackwall had openly been sharing quarters since I'd let them out of the brothel room, and I was shocked she hadn't made other arrangements to break the betrothal. I spoke with Blackwall, who was dejected but accepted that she deserved more than a disgraced former Orlesian soldier could give her; Josephine herself was heartbroken, but accepted the duty to her family. She informed me the wedding would have to happen soon, so the child she carried currently could be presumed to be the heir of Lord Otranto.
I forbid her from going off to get married, insisting she bring him to Skyhold and allowing us to host the wedding. I wanted to meet the man and evaluate for myself whether the wedding would go forward. In a couple of weeks the man turned up in Skyhold with an entourage of snooty nobles. He was the worst sort of nobility – stunningly physically attractive, but conceited, self-centered, and selfish. I hated him on first sight, and Josephine looked decidedly pale as she considered her future with the peacock.
However, it took only a day or so before I was able to determine that most of it was a front. The man was desperately unhappy, hoping a wedding to a complete stranger would solve his happiness problems, and, it turned out, was entirely homosexual, though deep in denial. I hadn't wanted Josephine to leave the Inquisition anyway, nor had I wanted to watch her or Blackwall heartbroken, and now it was patently obvious that both Otranto and the ambassador would be miserable married to each other.
I was happy to use, abuse, and torture my people, but no one else would be allowed to hurt them.
I made a plan, flirting with Otranto, plying him with wine and compliments until I got his agreement to come up to my quarters with me. I seduced him, dragging him into bed with me before using my cock and blood magic to bring him to orgasm over and over. I was careful to not allow him to think it was anything other than sex, but proved to him again and again that marriage to a woman would not make him happy.
He was still bound to his family's wishes, however, so in a fit of desperation, I called Blackwall, Josephine, and Otranto into a meeting in Josphine's office. I forced everyone to disrobe, then made Blackwall pull Josephine down into her office chair, crawl between her legs, and proceed to lick her pussy right in front of the Antivan Lord. I allowed him to watch for a while, pointing out his complete lack of arousal at the sight, and noticing that Blackwall's hard cock was the only part of the scene that interested him. He wasn't even jealous of another man touching his fiancée. And then I bent him over Josephine's desk and proceeded to fuck his ass, driving myself into him until I crammed my knot into his tight channel and he screamed and came, depositing cum all over Josephine's desk and the papers there – the top one of which was her marriage contract.
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As I sat there enjoying watching my wife being fucked by two other men at the same time, men we had only met the day before, I thought back to how this had all started and evolved so rapidly after we moved to Colorado. Carol and I had just recently moved to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We are both artists and decided that it was where we wanted to live and work. We love the snow, skiing and especially cuddling and making mad passionate love in front of a big roaring fireplace in the harsh...
It was nearly midnight as the three men walked through the campsite on their way back from the pub. It was an early Spring moonless night with a chill in the air so they were walking at a brisk pace, chatting and joking in low voices along the way. One of them happened to glance to the right and noticed that a caravan in the near distance was rocking.“Look!” He exclaimed, pointing at the caravan.“There’s fuckin’ goinig on on in there in there!” Said the second.“I know who’s that is,” said the...
It was the rest day, and everyone was happily kicking back, taking it easy. It had been a busy week, and Lee and Sean were thinking of taking the faeries and Drako and going home. The new residents were now part of the scenery and all happily employed. Their addition had helped immensely. Dye now had two Pixs to help her out, and they had taken to the new banking and contracts system like ducks to water. Other Pixs were now running the replicator. The new families of Prols were split...
Just Another Set of Visitors----------The morning has passed quickly, people checking in, getting the assigned horses and then heading out to the trails for their rides. Most visitors were repeat customers and it was not necessary to administer the basic instructions on riding and horse handling. However, this afternoon at 1 pm, there was a beginning training session scheduled for two riders. There was no information on the riders, so when they arrived all the release and information forms had...
They were starting to get the gear not required, packed up when Terry commed Sean. “More trouble is coming Boss. There is a large party coming in from the same direction the others came from. With horses and wagons,” he told them. Lee and Kyle looked at each other. Their medallions had gone from warm to very warm. Lee had thought the sickness was the danger, but after she had cured the little girl, her medallion was still warm. Obviously, the illness wasn’t the threat it was warning her...
A few weeks have gone by and the camp is still talking about the tasty but strong bruga that finally ran out two days ago. I let the remainder be rationed until it was gone and only at dinner. I was given the word from the ‘Grapevine’ that most people were pleased with the celebration, but everyone was looking forward to the next such event in the future. I was thinking that I would have some reason to make a party happen, when a reason showed up all by itself. All the men in camp like to...
True to her word, as soon as Beth had regained her pose from the first spanking administered to her by her roommate, she promptly switched places with her. Just a few short moments later, and it was now Beth that had administered a good hard spanking to Misty. To be sure, both of their bottoms were sore, but they also had, for the first time, experienced what it was like to be the one giving a spanking, rather than just the recipient. It gave them each an exhilarating feeling of power, unlike...
SpankingAnna has me come over. She tells me it's been days since I had sex with her, and she understands. I'm not so young, I can't fuck as often as the younger men, but that's okay. She enjoys it very much when I just watch her playing with herself, when I help her pleasuring herself. She likes sucking on me, she likes me inside her even if I don't want to fuck her hard and come inside her.She then says she wants me to do something special just for her. She will suck me until I'm hard, and then...
Visitors By J. Setak This story that I am about to re-tell to you is the events of June 23rd 2050. It was/is a day that shook the world as you are about to hear... Chapter 1: I had finished school for the summer. I loved summer holidays so much. Just last month I had finished my exams for secondary education, and me and my mates had gone and got so drunk in the middle of the park. We had hung round there until the red sun had hidden behind the horizon, which turned out to be...
If you saw a SpaceShip land nearby, and the doors opened, and a ramp lit up invitingly at your feet; would you step inside? Satisfy your curiosity and go in to meet the Visitors? Crazy question; i know... but this is exactly what happened to me just 3 days ago.. if you are ever going to hear my tale.. let alone believe it.. then you must accept the whole of it.. and not some random parts of it to be true.. for everything that i experienced upon that fantastic, and futuristic...
The first indication I had that something was wrong came when the two security cameras at the cabin showed someone was poking around. The cabin cameras were low priority. Alpha monitored them, but just barely. One of her security systems would spare a few milliseconds of attention every five minutes or so to make sure nothing had changed. One camera's field of view included some of the driveway and the spot where we would leave our DC superheroines to wake up. The other camera showed the...
Ty was sitting in the library enjoying a drink. He was reading one of Willow’s many books. She had a whole section on Nordland and Ty was brushing up on their history, as they were the dignitaries that were coming for the Winter Season. The fields were bare, and they had already had a light smattering of snow. As soon as the product was packed into the crates, they would head to Bavindor. One of the big barns was heated, and the bags of leaves were packed flat in set weights, on the racks...
By two thirty in the morning I was sitting next to Anne on the patio and we were drinking coffee and chatting about the night's activities. My father was in bed snoring his head off and Connie's room was burning the only light in the house while she was in the company of Michael who at her insistence had decided to spend the night. I was wearing a pair of cream coloured slacks and a yellow sports shirt while Anne was dressed in the white skirt and matching bolero jacket Connie had dressed...
Mark Two weeks before the Grand Opening of the Club Infinity, I stood in the middle of the dance floor and looked around at the beehive of activity going on around me. Elsa and Stacy stood on the stage with a tall handsome man named Lee Olerich – the new club manager that Stacy had hired on my behalf. They were auditioning female and male strippers. Stacy had a clipboard with one page for each girl or guy who had applied to her ads. There was a boom box on the corner of the stage with...
The shrill chirping of a bird outside the window brought me into that halfway state between sleep and wakening, and I felt Carol spooned behind me with her breasts pressed up against my back and her arm wrapped around my chest. It felt so good - I had forgotten how good it felt to cuddle, just sharing skin and couldn't remember just how long it had been... Then she moved her hand to caress my breast, thumb and finger teasing my nipple and I could feel my clit engorging, my nether lips...
Taken Down This is a little story based loosely on the TV series "The Blue Bloods" starring Tom Selleck, Brigette Moynahan, Donnie Wahlberg, Sami Gayle as part of a police family. Grandpa was the NYC Police Commissioner (now retired). Dad is the NYC Police Commish, Daughter Erin is the NYC ADA. Erin's daughter Nicky (from Jack and Erins defunct marriage) is a college student in NYC. The family is all about law and order and...
BLOODLINES 2: POST-VAMPIRE DEPRESSION BY Cassandra Anaconda Morrison Being a vampire is not as easy as you might think. In the first place, one has to pretty much swear-off direct sunlight - which means you can forget about that golden tan which is considered the epitome of sexual desirability. Instead you have to cultivate that alabaster pallor most people associate with dead things. One can compensate for this with body make-up of course but I would advise any fledglings out...
James was bringing Tina's lips to his when a voice I did not recognize started shouting. "Oh God! Oh God! James! James! We have a visitor! We have a visitor!" James paused and looked over at Bethany. She mouthed a name and he nodded. "Give me a report," he called out. "We have a jump point opening," the voice cried nervously. "The instruments say it's on a direct line with the Ursus system. One of the notes said that the last ship to arrive from that system was Nassau." James set...
Gentle fingers touch my bare shoulder. Dr. Conners is leaning over me. My vision is still dimmed by the sleep. "You have a visitor. I explained that you are too weak but he insisted to see you. He said that it was important. I'm sorry." A man in his fifties comes closer, and sits beside my bed. The doctor gets out of the room. "I am police officer. My name is Shipler," the man says. During the next fifteen minutes he is pouring me with questions. "How come you fell into the...
Chapter 3: Virgin Blood by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Abigail turned the sedan into the parking garage beneath Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. The sun's rays lightened the horizon. Fear rippled across her skin. The sun meant death. Its light was fire reduced to its most pure essence. And purity was deadly to a vampire. But Abigail didn't fear for her own safety. Dawn lay a few minutes away and already she had pulled the car into the sanctuary of the parking garage. The dark,...
The alarm beeped at six a.m. Dylan groaned, and rolled over in bed. Neither he nor Jaclyn had gotten dressed after their lovemaking, so both had slept the entire night in the nude. Dylan climbed out of bed and staggered off into the shower. He had been letting the warm water run down his back for just a minute before he felt a soft hand rest on his shoulder. He turned to see Jaclyn stepping into the tub behind him. She wrapped her arms around his chest and rested her head on his...
It is hard to believe, but somehow, I have bonded with the swamp life and have become a mobile plant in the form of my mother. Best of all, I have found a mate who accepts my new form. He has kept me sane after what happened to me due to the evil plotting of others intent upon exploiting my discovery and claiming it for themselves. But that won't happen as Justice has been served. [-][+][-] I was Hollis Holland, a botanist working upon a way to use microbes to clean up chemical and...
SLAVE OF BLOODSilver clouds drew by in the royal blue evening sky as the young man watched through the bars of the small dark cave. It was unearthly quiet inside. Slowly, almost hesitantly, the man let his gaze wander back to the high altar before him. A few wax candles gave forth their curious light, and there was the smell of the fresh incense he had brought. The same as every evening, yet everything seemed changed, twisted- the flickering of the little flames, how eerie it looked, strange...
The whole day Sunday was spent trying to show people we were still alive and not one bit intimidated by the Atwoods. We switch up our pairings so we didn't get into a routine. Routines of any kind while operational can be deadly. Even though Martin and I agreed that the Atwoods weren't likely to do much recon work. I figured they would find out where we lived, get high on something and just show up at our door. Since the clubs were open on Sunday, Mike and I went back to the scene of my...
IT’S WAY PAST TIME to get back to my studies. I’ve moved. I have a new office. I have an assistant. I have no clients. Lars reminded me on Christmas that my thesis is due in just three weeks. It’s almost done but I really have to focus these next two weeks. I’ll have Cinnamon proofread this again when I’ve finished this time. On retainer About 10:30, Cinnamon knocked on my door and asked if I could take a visitor. I didn’t even think about not doing it. I should probably consider having...
Scott continued to have dreams about the Stone of Destiny that seemed to be leading him deep into space. He saw great ships that travelled in the zero gravity voids, powerful ships that reached unbelievable speeds. When he awoke he once more questioned the relevance of the dream. He had returned to Inveraray after having travelled to Iceland with the Dalriada to show Olaf the lands that could be available to the Danes. It had taken three days sailing to reach Iceland and Olaf and his...
Running away, the now feminized Sean finds the Silver Blood Foundation where they help her by teaching the cursed Van Helsing how to fight without her immunity nor with her vampiric abilities, making her a slayer. Shaun discover love and a secret that lets her become a full female, using her latent slayer powers to complete the transformation. Now, ready, she returns home to confront Dracula and end his tyranny. * * * Sean finally goes to the Halloween Party as the girl that he is...
It was really too easy, I reflected when it was all over. I'd decided what I wanted, and getting it was almost anti-climactic. I say almost, because climaxes definitely weren't in short supply. It all came down to blood magic. When Jowan came to me with a half-assed scheme to learn blood magic from Uldred, I didn't agree to it for power. The fact of the matter was, my harrowing was approaching, and I was terrified. My friend, Neria, had accidentally let slip more information than she...
I am so tired of all the bullshit about vampires. Yes… we do exist, so that’s not a myth, but all the rest… well, the crap people think they know about us is mostly nonsense. Firstly, we do not live thousands of years long. Around two hundred years is as good as it gets for us. Fortunately, we do not age and all mature vampires look like they are in their mid-twenties. This, of course, is a great advantage and sets us apart from boring humans. In addition, unlike humans, Vampires are also...
Gay Male“And with the blood of a virgin, the ritual is complete.”A deep voice boomed out, echoing off the packed earth lining the basement of an abandoned shack. The ground level already sat partially collapsed, the elements taking their toll on the termite-infested planks that once held it all together. Pitch blackness surrounded it in the dead of night. Trees of an unkempt forest locked away its secrets deep within their scraggly folds.In the basement, candles burned, dripping wax like a torrential...
SupernaturalMichael Clarke Duncan- Coach Clark Jackson Eliza Dushku- Kelly Rayne Me- Jamal Mitchell Chloe Sevigny- Ashley Mitchell Ja Rule- Spyder/Kenny Bone Crusher- Jenkins/B.J. Vin Diesel- Victor Kristen Davis- Lara Rayne Josey Scott- Lucas Gerald Butler- Dracula Fergie- Angie Baker Ashanti- Krissy/Trix Undertaker- Lord Ayres James Marsters- Spike Scott Wolf- Kurt Fuller Started out with Nas' "Dance", then to the sex scene that had Usher's "Twork it...
Blood Lust The winter wind howled fiercely as I made my way back to the town tavern. Pulling my tattered top coat tightly around my neck. Deathly afraid to be late for my meeting with my mysterious benefactor. I think about the night before last while sitting alone at the rear of the noisy dark tavern Counting my dwindling money and wondering how I would live and survive in this strange new world in...
From the writings of Aarcidmus, high archivist and lord researcher to High Emperor Sedimer'tiskoniar: Milord has been obsessed as of late. His only concern is the weakness that has been spreading. The sickness seemed to come from nowhere, and yet, minor cases of it have been appearing in my research dating back several imperials. The weaker lords have been becoming ill and dying. The weak have vanished. The powers all demon kin has been weakening over time. I have not been able to make a...
I was thinking what a pathetic life... I didn't see the car in front of me until I was nearly on top of it. Dim flashers through the snow caught my eye and I was able to slow enough to avoid hitting it. I wondered, as I slowly passed by if anyone was inside. I could not make out anything but the outline of the car. As I drove past I saw the lights flash faintly in the mirror. There was someone in the car. I slowed and started backing towards it. I'm not in the habit of stopping for...
My name is Jekyll Griffin, the great grandson of Dr. Jack Griffin, first invisible man and Dr. Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde. I have inherited both of their gifts, unfortunately for me. Many Wiccan Witches have expressed an interest in me, hoping that I will reveal to them the Family Secrets of Invisibility and the infamous Hyde Formula. Try as I might, they do not believe that those secrets are destroyed as being like the MONKEY'S PAW , I should know because my family has had to deal...
LYCAVORE "The grandson of Resumar?" Condar spoke softly looking at where Martin sat on the floor of the cavern. The Persian red haired female sat casually between his legs, one of his arms wrapped around her waist protectively and quite possessively. Lisisa sat an arm's reach away on his right side with Melita next to her. The second dark haired Hadarian female sat very close to Martin's right leg, her arm leaning across his knee, her fingers touching Anja's shoulder. The massive black...
NUWAROA HIGH COVEN SPACE He remembered the pain. The pain of the High Lord crushing his insides and the pain of dozens of lacerations as he was smashed through the window. He remembered the fall, thirty stories to think briefly of his life and what he had failed in accomplishing. The impact on the surface of the water had caused a momentary deluge of pain that pierced his entire being and then the pain overloaded even his rigidly trained mind and blackness took him. He remembered the...
Paul showed up early the following day to his new job, eager for a new beginning. No longer would he be an alpha, and worse case scenario he could at least pretend to be normal. When the first dogs came in, he began their check ups, trying to hide the fact that he could hear them. He succeeded as far as the police were concerned, the dogs however knew better. Watching his every move they reacted to his every word and intention as if they clearly understood, and indeed they did. In an odd way...
1590 Very few things in the world had the power to frighten Electra. Her master's wrath happened to be one of them. And even that was usually only enough to make her take a step back and bow her head. Right now she shrunk down to the floor, positively cowering. Dracula's shadow aura was practically causing the whole keep to tremble with his rage. "Dost thou dare presume to insult my intelligence, Electra?" "No milord," Electra responded weakly. "I spoke only truth to you." "Then...
Phillip dragged his weary body into the Danger Room and was met by silence as there was only one occupant in the cavernous room. Walking up to his instructor, who was again sitting Indian style, he greeted him with a question. "How come every time you are in here there is no one else around?" Wolverine's response was to smile an open mouth smile with his enlarged canines showing while keeping his eyes shut. Phillip shook his head and joined his instructor on the floor Indian style as...
He’s always berating people for anything he can find. He’s such a bully. What really pisses me off is who am I supposed to get? They’ve laid off most of the employees who worked in my departments. We’re now down to 270 employees. Half of the department managers won’t take me seriously. Most of them are older than me of course and it doesn’t help that I have a babyface. Especially when I keep it shaved. It’s my first job out of college and I hate it. Now I have to figure out what to do about...
Her hair is like blood, her eyes violet jewels And she governs the fates of all whom she rules. Her voice is of silk, but her words are of steel. Look in her eyes, and your fears become real. A blossom of blood, with thorns that can kill, She will bend all your dreams to the ways of her will. Her beauty is pure as the clear driving rain, But to enter her world will bring only pain. The blade that she holds you cannot defy. Kill her you might, but she will not die. There is but one...
Jaclyn stood at the entrance to the funeral home. Dylan stood to her right, her father to her left. They greeted each of the guests who entered, shaking their hands and accepting their words of sympathy. "I just want this day to be over," Jaclyn said. Dylan squeezed her arm assuringly. Jaclyn looked up to see Scott enter. She put on a smile and extended her hand. "Thanks for coming, Scott," Jaclyn said, shedding a tear. "Yeah, sorry about your mom," Scott said. "Can I get...
BLOODLINES 3: BATS ALL IN LEATHER I was growing extremely disillusioned with the LAPD. Here I had been hiding in my (recently deceased) Uncle Gregory's decaying Hollywood mansion for almost three weeks and STILL they had not discovered the body of Rick Herzog. I mean... what in the Nine Billion Hells of Nyarlathotep are we paying taxes for? I was almost tempted to grab the first cop I saw and drag him over to Rick's apartment. Saner council prevailed, however. And I soon realized...
She slowly woke, struggling up through the layers of consciousness. She could feel a hard floor below her, her wrists and ankles were bound. She could hear voices. Harsh, mean, laughing, cruel voices — she didn't want to see the faces these voices belonged to, they filled her with fear. A strange coppery smell assaulted her nostrils. Curiosity overrode her fear and she opened her eyes. The scene turned her insides to ice. A man was sitting in front of her, also bound wrist and ankle, but...
Abigail turned the sedan into the parking garage beneath Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. The sun's rays lightened the horizon. Fear rippled across her skin. The sun meant death. Its light was fire reduced to its most pure essence. And purity was deadly to a vampire. But Abigail didn't fear for her own safety. Dawn lay a few minutes away and already she had pulled the car into the sanctuary of the parking garage. The dark, man-made cavern was lit by the impure, flickering florescent...
What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh...
It all began when you found that strange book. You were walking home from work when you decided to take a shortcut you had never thought to take before. The shortcut took you through a grassy field that you often passed by but never thought anything of. As you walked through something caught your eye lying in the grass. It was a book, or perhaps “tome” would have been more appropriate. The cover was wrapped in some kind of very old red leather that felt warm to the touch. The book had a framing...
FantasyMy name is Jackson Shaw; at least that is what I call myself now. I have gone by many names over the ages. I am a vampire. I was turned the year the great pyramid was completed. Yes, I am over 2000 years old, ancient even by vampire standards. I have lived in the shadows for most of recorded human history. I say human history because it has been a long time since the title human could be associated with me. Time teaches all to he who has the luxury of eternity. And what the ages have taught me...
SupernaturalTularg was an Advanced phase first level Core Master. BOOM! The explosion swept the battlefield, a mere small portion of the entirety of the cave, but in his last moments, Tularg directed it forward, which then made it catch thousands of the enemy's first realm experts. Thousands of miserable shrieks reverberated at once, some for a short instant, some for a while longer. Eventually, though, they all fell silent. ... Hagen flew about not far from the defensive formation of the Core...