Courtship By ProxyChapter 3: Tara (Part 1) free porn video

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“I know that this is your favorite seat, so I’ve been saving it for you. Let’s switch.”

As Tara stood, Kyle got his first good look at the woman. She was “eye candy” personified - tall and slender, with short, spiky black hair and light brown eyes. She was wearing a short tank top that did little to hide what appeared to be a tattoo of a snake that started low on her neck and seemed to wind its way down her upper arm. She had her left eyebrow pierced, as well as her left nostril. Glancing down, Kyle also noticed that her navel was pierced, and trying not to be too obvious about it, he stole a glance at her breasts to see if the thin material of her top would reveal other piercings that he suspected.

Tara noticed Kyle’s examination of her body and moved into his. Placing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek she told him, “Don’t worry Kyle, you’ll see everything by the time the weekend is over.”

Kyle blushed and took in her scent. It was familiar to him and it only took a second for him to remember why. “Jean Naté, right?” he asked. Karen Mayes used to wear the same scent.

Tara smiled and nodded as she moved around to allow him to sit in his favorite seat.

He changed seats with Tara and then spoke to her, “I’m pleased to meet you, Tara. You and Bubbles obviously know my routine quite well for you to be here waiting for me.”

She smiled and said, “Oh, just a lucky guess. Friday night with the Angels playing on the road, where else would a hunk such as you be eating dinner?”

“I am a creature of habit,” Kyle chuckled. “Will you join me for dinner?”

“Of course, silly boy. I’m your companion until Monday morning and I wouldn’t want to go hungry for that whole time.”

Kyle smiled, “Well Tara, if you’re anything like Cammy, this will be an interesting weekend.”

“Kyle, I am nothing like Cammy, and this is definitely going to be a very interesting weekend; for both of us.” She leaned over and nibbled on his ear lobe. “But ‘interesting’ will have its limits.”

“Can I see your sorority pin?” asked Kyle.

Tara swung around in her chair and placed her sandal-clad left foot on Kyle’s seat, right between his legs. He saw the Porpoise tattoo in exactly the same location it had been on Cammy.

“Do you know the story of Bubble’s nickname?” asked Kyle. “Cammy said it originated before her time.”

Tara removed her foot and placed it back onto the rungs of her chair. “I do know,” she said, “but unfortunately, your security clearance level isn’t high enough for me to share it with you.”

Kyle recognized the inference to his conversation with Bubbles from the other night and just smiled. He was enjoying the banter with Tara.

“What do you do with yourself when you’re not emulating one of your Sisters?” he asked her.

She took a sip from her drink and answered, “If you mean for work, I am a registered nurse and certified physical therapist. I have my own agency dealing mostly with traumatic injury rehabilitation and therapy programs, usually, once a person has been sent home from the hospital, but I do have contracts for in-patient care at a few smaller facilities.”

“It sounds like you have some diversity in your job. That must be rewarding.”

“Change can be very nice,” Tara agreed. “What would you recommend for dinner?”

Kyle thought for a minute, and then answered, “I had a very nice experience for the first time with Cammy, and I’m wondering if you would like to repeat it with me tonight.”

“I would love to share meals with you, Kyle. I am honored you would offer. Do you want me to pick the entrée, the salad like Cammy did, dessert, or something else?”

“Actually,” said Kyle, “I would like to get to know you, and thus by extension Bubbles by letting you order everything we will share. Would you mind?”

Tara stared at him for a moment, then leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips. “In case I forget to mention it later, I had a really great time tonight.”

Kyle laughed, “Well, I’m no Richard Gere, but I am very happy to have you, ‘Pretty Woman’ with me tonight. In fact, I am going to see about getting us a table.”

“Why?” she asked. “I thought you wanted to watch the Angel game on TV while we ate.”

“The Angels have more than 50 games left to play. I only have three nights with you.”

Tara gasped at his response and a tear came to her eye as Kyle went to the hostess podium to request a table for them.

“Are you going to enlighten me on what you being my companion for the weekend will entail?” Kyle asked. They had just finished sharing a dish of orange sorbet as their dessert and he had already signed the credit card receipt paying for their dinner.

Tara licked her lips and said, “I have a limited agenda of things I would like to accomplish, mostly related to your body, but other than that, we can do almost anything you want.”

“Almost?” said Kyle with a grin.

Tara returned his grin and added a wink when she replied, “Almost. You’ll see.”

“Are you staying close by and do you need a ride back to your place?” he asked.

“I am staying as close as I can to you all weekend, Kyle. My bags were delivered to your apartment while we have been here, and unless you want me to take a taxi, I would appreciate a ride home in your car.”

“I was hoping that would be the case,” said Kyle. “Are you ready to go?”

Tara nodded, so Kyle came around the table and pulled her chair out for her to rise. As she took his hand in hers Kyle could have sworn he was holding Cammy’s hand again. The same sense of natural comfort and fit that he had experienced with her was matched by Tara’s hand in his.

She raised his hand to her lips, kissed it and then said, “I know. It only gets better Kyle.”

Taking his hand and wrapping it around so that it rested on her waist, she then snuggled against him and slipped her hand into the back pocket of his pants. Kyle welcomed her body next to his and was not surprised by how they moved in total unison as they walked out to his car. Had Kyle chosen, he could have walked from his apartment to the restaurant. On one hand, he was glad he drove, because he would be able to get home with Tara quicker, but on the other hand, it would be a beautiful night to be walking with her against him as she was now.

When they reached his car, Kyle held the door for Tara as she slid into the front passenger seat. He then went around and got into his seat and started the car. Tara had placed her left hand on his right thigh and was casually caressing his leg with her fingernails as he drove. He had to maintain his focus on the road and traffic around them, but every opportunity that he had to glance at Tara found her watching him with a look of genuine affection.

Upon entering his apartment and deactivating his alarm system, Kyle saw that Tara’s bag was prominently placed so that it wouldn’t be missed.

“Bubbles certainly intrigues me with her resourcefulness,” he said.

Tara laughed, “I’m glad that you are intrigued, but sometimes keeping things simple is the best resource. Just so you know, one of our Sisters is married to someone who you gave a key and your alarm code to.”

Kyle slapped his forehead and moaned, “I knew I had seen that Porpoise tattoo someplace before meeting Cammy. Linda has the same one. So, is Linda in on this too? Does she know who Bubbles is?”

“I really don’t know what Linda’s involvement is,” Tara said as she picked up her bag and headed towards the bedroom. “Follow me and we can keep talking as I unpack.”

Kyle took the bag from her hand, put his arm around her and led her to his room. He placed the bag on his bed and proceeded to clear out a couple of drawers in his dresser for her to use.

“Do you need hangers for anything?” he asked.

“If you could spare a couple that would be very nice. Thank you.”

Tara unzipped the bag as Kyle went to his closet, pushed the clothes hanging in it aside to make a space, and then retrieved a couple of empty hangers and presented them to Tara. She accepted the hangers, kissed him on the cheek as thanks, and then continued to unpack. She pulled a wrapped gift out and handed it to Kyle.

“This is for you. Bubbles wanted me to make sure you had it for our first night together.”

“What is it?” Kyle asked as he shook the package.

“I have no idea,” said Tara. “Bubbles got it for you and just asked me to deliver it. Open it and let’s see.”

Kyle removed the ribbon and bow and then started tearing off the wrapping paper. There was a white gift box inside. Kyle slipped the top off the box, pushed the folded tissue paper aside, pulled out a pair of black satin boxer shorts and held them up for inspection.

“Oh, those are perfect!” squealed Tara. “Look.”

She reached into her bag and pulled out a black satin nightgown and held it next to the boxer shorts in Kyle’s hand.

“Let me finish getting unpacked and then we can both change,” she said. “I can’t wait to feel us together in these. In fact, I won’t wait.”

Tara dropped the nightgown onto the bed and turned to face Kyle. Looking into his eyes, she unbuttoned the one button on his polo shirt, reached for the bottom of the shirt, and proceeded to pull it over his head. She then pushed him until he was sitting on the bed, slipped his shoes off, followed by his socks. Pulling him to his feet, she unbuckled his belt before releasing the five buttons holding his jeans closed.

“Uh, Tara,” Kyle stammered, “I’m going commando.”

“Good,” she said as she knelt in front of him slid his pants down his legs. “That makes things easier for both of us. Step out.”

He did as she directed and was standing naked in front of her. After gazing at him from his feet to his head, she held out her hand to him and he passed her the boxer shorts. He raised one leg at a time as Tara inserted one foot and then another into the shorts, before she slowly pulled them up his legs and into place around his hips.

“Perfect fit,” she said as she circled around him admiring the gift from all angles. “Now my turn.”

Tara stood in front of Kyle, looked him in the eyes, and raised her arms above her head. Kyle took the hint and pulled her tank top over her head and off. Kyle knew that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and the sight of her bare breasts was an answer to his earlier question. Perfectly shaped and sized for her frame, he could see that her nipples had not been pierced. In fact, her nipples and the rest of her breasts were perfection. He wondered for a moment if there existed a category of model dedicated just to women’s breasts; like there were for hands and other body parts. If so, Tara could definitely make a living as one.

Regaining focus on his task, Kyle released the snap on her shorts, took her by the shoulders and turned her so that she could sit on the bed. He had her sit while he removed her sandals, and then helped her back to her feet. He knelt before her as he lowered her shorts and she raised one foot at a time to allow him to remove them entirely. Glancing briefly at her panties, Kyle looked up to Tara and saw her smile and nod back at him. Slipping his fingers under the waistband, he slid her panties down her legs to her feet, where she stepped out of them and stood before him as naked as he had been for her. She reached over to the bed, picked up the nightgown and handed it to Kyle who was mesmerized by her neatly trimmed pubic hair. It was lighter than the hair on her head, but Kyle knew this wasn’t unusual. He rose to his feet as she raised her arms above her head once again. Kyle slipped the nightgown down over her arms, lining up the spaghetti straps so that they would rest on her shoulders, and then let the garment fall into place by itself.

“My mouth is so dry that I can’t believe I can speak,” said Tara, “but that has got to be the most sensuous experience of my life. God, this weekend is going to be wondrous torture.”

Kyle just nodded in agreement as Tara moved against him, placed her arms around his neck and kissed him. With his eyes closed, he could easily imagine that this was Cammy he was kissing. From the comfortable, confident way that Tara’s lips met his, to the feel of her lips on his, to the passionate way her body joined her lips in kissing him, the experience was virtually identical to what he had with Cammy. Had someone created a bunch of women clones just for him? He placed his hands on the small of her back and couldn’t help sliding them up and down the fabric of her nightgown. Her moans at his caresses pleased him. He wanted to please her.

When they broke apart from their kiss, Tara was visibly shaking. She rested her head against Kyle’s chest and whispered, “Holy Mother of God.”

Kyle didn’t reveal his shock over her words. He turned them both around and helped Tara to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’ll go get us some water. I know I could use something to drink.”

She just stared at him with wide eyes, trying to settle her shaking body and said, “Thanks, Kyle.”

Walking into his kitchen, Kyle pondered his confusion. Tara was stirring memories on many fronts. Her touch and her kisses reminded him of his time with Cammy, yet her scent and now her phrase “Holy Mother of God” reminded him of Karen Mayes. Although, Karen had never used those words in the same context as Tara just had, especially where Kyle was ever concerned. Other than the few times that their roles required them to dance together, Karen had diligently avoided any type of physical contact with him, and they had never kissed.

Kyle retrieved a large bottle of chilled water from the refrigerator, took two glasses from the cupboard and returned to his bedroom. Tara had regained enough composure to have resumed unpacking her bag. She was placing the last of her items into the dresser drawer when she turned and smiled at Kyle as he came back into the room. He poured her a glass of water and handed it to her.

After taking a drink of water Tara said, “Cammy should have warned me about you. Nothing has ever affected me like that kiss did Kyle.”

“You want my opinion?” he asked her.

“I don’t know,” she said with a cautious look on her face, “do I”?”

Kyle smiled at her and said, “It’s nothing bad. In fact, taking nothing away from Cammy, I thought it was the best kiss I have ever experienced. Consider however that the kiss was the culmination of us both undressing each other and then experiencing the sensuality of our bodies joining so intimately for the first time during the period of the kiss. While I would hope that every future kiss would be just as earth-shattering, I have to be realistic and consider that the same circumstances may not always precede your lips meeting mine.”

Tara smiled at his assessment and said, “I don’t know Kyle. I suspect that we could both be dressed in football pads and helmets, but if our lips could somehow meet, every kiss from you would affect me like none before.”

She picked up a sundress from the bed, placed it onto one of the hangers and hung it in Kyle’s closet. She did the same with a sleeveless blouse, and then she put her bag on the floor of the closet and closed the door. She carried her toiletry bag into the bathroom and hung it on a hook behind the door. Returning to the bedroom she watched Kyle taking a drink of water.

Lowering the glass from his mouth he asked, “All done?”

“All done,” she said as she walked up to stand in front of him.

“What would you like to do now?” he asked.

“I would like to crawl in your bed beside you and see how many different ways we can find for our bodies to meld together, but Kyle, I do have limits.”

Kyle sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Tara onto his lap. “Maybe you should explain,” he told her.

“I’ll try,” she said. “I guess the best place to start is by telling you that I am a virgin, and I intend to remain a virgin until my wedding night.”

Kyle couldn’t have been more surprised if she had told him she was from another planet. “Wow!” he said. “You certainly have some natural sensuality and inherent sexual skills if you have never had sex before.”

She smiled and said, “I don’t know how natural things would be with someone else. I respond to you in a way that I have never done with another man in my life. Obviously, with my job, I have seen the male body naked before, but yours is the first one that I have seen outside of a clinical context, and until tonight, no man had ever seen me naked. The fact that I have no inhibitions around you is something I wasn’t fully prepared for. I welcome it, but I’m not sure how to deal with it.”

She pulled his face to her lips and kissed his cheek. “I want to have a physical relationship with you this weekend, but I need your help and understanding to protect me from going too far. If you’re willing to teach me and guide me, I will do anything to please you short of intercourse.”

“Before we go any further with this discussion, I need to ask you a question,” he said. “Are you speaking to me about this as Tara, or as a proxy for Bubbles?”

Tara pulled her head back so that she could look him in the eyes and said, “Both actually. I am Bubbles when I am with you, so our ‘situation’ is shared.”

She saw Kyle roll his eyes, so she tried to clarify, “One of the pledges made by all Sisters is that they will abstain from intercourse until their wedding night. So, whether you are with me, Cammy, Bubbles, or any other unmarried Sister, you would be faced with the same opportunity.”

“Opportunity?” asked Kyle.

“You have the opportunity to teach the woman who loves you exactly how to please you.” She continued, “You have a clean slate, Kyle. When I said that I responded to you like no man before, it was the truth, because there has been no man before you.”

Kyle slid her off his lap onto the bed beside him. “I think you better call Bubbles on the phone so I can explain this to both of you and avoid any misunderstandings,” he said.

Tara was shocked by Kyle’s reaction and words. She was speechless for a moment just watching him look at her with a sad expression. “I can’t call Bubbles when I am with you,” she told him. “She’ll learn everything from me and understand things as you explain them to me.”

“I’m sorry,” Kyle told her, “but this is where I have my biggest problem with her whole ‘proxy’ approach. You and your sisters can talk about feelings all day long, but you’ll never convince me that you can each actually feel what the other feels, and more important to the topic at hand, you cannot convince me that each of you would respond the exact same way to what you felt. You all need to understand that from my perspective, it is the response from one person to the actions of another that determine the direction of a physical relationship.”

“I can appreciate that Kyle, but I was speaking of pleasing you. Your responses to my actions would likely be very close to the same actions performed by one of my other Sisters.”

Kyle interrupted her, “See, that’s where you are wrong – at least where I am concerned. I am a ‘giver’, or at the very least a ‘sharer’. Simply taking or accepting pleasure has no place in my life, or my relationships. I’ll give you an example: Let’s say that you started running your fingers through the hairs on my chest. While it would undoubtedly feel good, I could not just let it happen without responding. So, let’s say that in response to your hands on my chest, I placed my hands on your breasts. Your response to my touching you would define and direct subsequent actions that I would allow from you and respond to in kind. Can you tell me that your response to having your breasts fondled is exactly the same response that I would experience from one of your Sisters?”

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Threesome Tara Strong and Mae Whitman

The Avatar panel had just finished. I went to go to the bathroom, when I ran into Mae Whitman, who plays Katara. We started talking and I mentioned how I had to leave early because I had no where to stay, and she kindly offered to let me stay at her place. Later that evening, we met up outside of the main building and I followed Mae around to her car. “Tara told me you too knew each other, so I hope you don't mind...” We turned the corner and Tara was standing beside Mae's car. “She's crashing...

1 year ago
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Tara My Daughters FriendChapter 3

Saturday morning brought nothing but smiles from Tara. Helen teased her for sleeping late, but she brushed it off with a simple, "Guess I was tired." I feared she might do something to tip either Helen or my wife off, such as flirting or touching me, but she behaved. We were not shuttling others to the game, so my wife and I sat up front with Tara and Helen in the back. I adjusted the rearview mirror to sneak glimpses at Tara sitting behind my wife, but she was busy chatting with Helen. In...

2 years ago
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Tara Request Story

The hostess smiles at you and Tara as she leaves you in a corner booth. Tara smoothes out her sundress and says, “I surprised you got us in here on such short notice.” She looks around at the faux country décor. “I’ve always wanted to eat here. Thank you for bringing me.” You Grin. “You can thank me right now, Tara.” She cocks her head, smiling but confused. “Get under the table and suck me off.” When her mouth drops open, you add, “A little wider than that.” Her look of shock slowly...

1 year ago
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Zeus Tara

Chapter 1 Tara Walton was a 21 year old senior in college, just getting over her breakup with her boyfriend of 3 years, Darren. She hated how Darren had just dumped her for another girl, when she had begged him to keep her. She was willing to share, so why didn't Darren want to stay with her? Darren had said that she was fat, but Tara only had some baby fat, that was all. It was actually kind of cute, most guys thought, but Darren wanted the "waif" look in a girl, as in dangerously...

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Tara My Daughters FriendChapter 2

I'm a lousy sleeper, or at least an atypical one. When I fall asleep I go into a deep REM sleep that seems to take care of my brain functions and physical well being, but I don't sleep through the night. My wife, on the other hand, needs many more hours yet is often more tired than I. Even with all my medical training I haven't figured out why that is. But I accept it as a fact of nature. I used to read when I couldn't sleep but that stimulus kept me awake. So I do jigsaw puzzles....

3 years ago
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Meeting Tara

During a fight with my wife i was so pissed off that i had to go for a walk to the pub, stressed from work and wanting not to talk to anyone i sat at a table and lscrolled some social media pages. Now i am a 6 foot 2 inch 240 pounds of a 32 year old male. I love shemale porn it started with straight anal porn, however that doesn't do it for me anymore. Its shemale or nothing. Since i was going through puberty I would play with my own asshole thinking what all these sexy women felt when they...

1 year ago
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Tara Trophy Wife Life Part 20

When the doorbell rang the next morning, Tara was ready. Her micro skirt and metallic purple bikini top/thong combo were the only items she wore aside from her stiletto heels. She only opened the door a crack, not wanting to let the neighbours see her greeting her guests dressed in so little. That hope was dashed though when Cole pushed the door wide and entered with three other boys. They crowded around her greeting her warmly and none of them looking her in the eyes. "Hi Mrs....

3 years ago
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Mum and Tara Secret Powers 8

Continued from Meeting Lydia (Secret Powers 7)I get home and see Mum on the sofa in the lounge room."Hi, Mary, how was work? Did anything interesting happen?""Slow at the shop," I reply. I mention the mum and daughter on the bus, but I don't mention Lydia, who is still in my mind. "When did you want to go to Tara's?"I am glad that she's decided to go. "I said I'd be there at four o'clock, so I guess leaving here at twenty to.""Okay."I head to my bedroom, take off my skirt, top and bra and put...

1 year ago
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Tara Robert

[ Dedicated to two young people who are boldly exploring the future of what it can mean to be a couple, sexually engaged, and yet not bound by former rules and ideas about such things (such as 'monogamy'). You've inspired me! Thanks, and I hope this story brings at least a smile to both of you! ]"I want to start doing something that you and I haven't done before," Tara said to her notional 'boyfriend', Robert."What is that?"She had him follow her to her apartment bedroom. She closed the door...

3 years ago
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Dad And Tara Boss 8211 Maid Relation

The story happens when I was a student of 12th standard. My dad was a rough and gentle in nature but he was undiscovered until when I explored him. My mom was a homely busy lady looks all the farms and home. Ours is a home with big campus and big agricultural land with lots of workers at home. And my mom manages all those and my dad runs a steel molding plant. My elder brother studying in college away from home and I stay with my family. My dad employed lot of workers in the plant from...

3 years ago
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Wheels of Fortune Taking Tara for a Ride

© Copyright 2004 "Let me be sure I understand you, Tara:" I said carefully, as my daughter waited, fearfully expectant, beside me, "You want to sleep with me, your father?" She nodded quickly, shaking a tear loose to run down her cheek. "A little while ago, when Angie asked me to sleep with her," I said gently, "I told her that was the greatest honor anyone had ever bestowed on me. Now, my dear, you have topped it." She looked up at me, eyes brimming with tears, and said,...

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Tara Strong Getting Your Moneys Worth

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the people, places, conventions, events etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Tara Strong (Voice Actress – animation, video games)Tara Strong – Getting Your Money's WorthA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001...

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The Making Of Tara

I grew up in a small town where nothing really happened. It was a nice upbringing far away from the inner cities and their problems. My school was safe and since I was very young, I would walk to school by myself. My parents seldom locked the doors and on the weekends there were neighbourhood BBQ’s. My friends and I would play street hockey outside our houses or football in a nearby park.As far as girls went there were a few but since it was such a small town everyone was concerned about their...

2 years ago
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Tara starts in porn part 1 the pick up

Her first big job, a 24 hour booking in a central London hotel. Tara waited nervously at King'sCross where her agent was due to pick her up and take her to the location for 5pm. He had toldher all about the job, some big shot producers were flying in from the US and needed someEnglish girls to shoot. Most of the first evening she would just meet the producers, and the castand crew, have an evening getting to know them, Tara, as the female talent, would thenget an early night in a top quality...

2 years ago
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Robert Tara

[ Part 2 of a young white couple seeking to escape the confines of what was formerly known as a monogamous relationship! ]Robert---When I first saw Tara I never thought she'd be the slightest interested in me---as a 'boyfriend' sort of relationship. In fact, I'd never really had an actual girlfriend before. I'd once been infatuated by one particular girl I used to know, but she got married, had a baby, and that was that. And then I saw Tara.She worked a place I would go for lunch on lunch...

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Tara My Daughters FriendChapter 1

I held my hands up like I do after scrubbing for surgery. I didn't know where to put them. At my sides would place a hand on the bare thigh of the young girl in her soccer uniform sitting next to me, the one sandwiched in the middle of the car's back seat. If I dropped them in front, they would settle on Tara's legs, my daughter's fourteen-year-old friend perched on my lap. My arms were tiring; I needed to lower them. What I really wanted to do was grab Tara to hold her still, to stop her...

1 year ago
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Tara has a bad side

Couple weeks ago my wife Tara and I were out on the town. Pretty normal start to the weekend. Tara was in a pink top cut down to expose most of her tits, with a short denim skirt on. We ventured out to the local bar and started with a few shots. After a while bartenders switched and to my surprise it was an old friend of ours from High School. Hadn't seen in about 8 years. I remember back in school he was always hooking up with the hottest girls. I was so jealous of him now that I think about...

Group Sex
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Taras Threeway

Tara had agreed to the three way, but Mr. James hadn’t told her about how much I cum. Not that my cock is a huge porn star cock, but when I cum it shoots out in thick, gooey streams. Even if she had known, I’d like to think she was game because she was smiling and on her knees in the hotel room not long before James and I both arrived. She’d helped herself to some of the minibar, but we didn’t mind as she pulled out our cock and moaned as she stroked us hard. James groaned as she worked her...

1 year ago
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Cindy and Tara

Hi, my name is Cindy. Until recently I've always considered myself pretty normal as far as sexual preferences go. I mean, I'm 24 years old, married, and consider myself to be a very attractive blonde, 5 foot 3, 35-23-34 woman. I had only had fleeting thoughts about being with another woman sexually. I was curious as to what it would be like, but had never made any efforts to find out. I'm very open-minded where sex is concerned though, and have always loved to try new and interesting things....

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Fortnight 8211 Tara The Artist

Hey everyone! Ddevil here again. Thank you everyone for such a great response for all my previous stories. All your feedback encouraged me to write down some more stories for you guys. And here is a new series of story. Pls do let me know your feedback on Before starting I wanted to mention that I’ve also been getting mails from people asking for Girls’ phone numbers and Sex Chatting Request. Someone even sent me a request to have sex with his wife so that she can get a baby. So I just wanted...

4 years ago
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Taking Tara Lipinski

I have been watching Tara practicing at the nationalice rink for almost 3 weeks now. I had stolen a keyfrom an unlocked maintenance truck and used it to getaccess into the building through the maintenance room.After searching the office, I found a pass key andreturned the first key to the truck undetected. I nowhad a view of the ice from the dark ceiling. Fortunate-ly, I was a defensive end (5'11, 195) in high schooland am able to safely climb my way up each day. Thiswas c***d's play compared...

1 year ago
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Cindy and Tara

Hi, my name is Cindy. Until recently I've always considered myself pretty normal as far as sexual preferences go. I mean, I'm 24 years old, married, and consider myself to be a very attractive blonde, 5 foot 3, 35-23-34 woman. I had only had fleeting thoughts about being with another woman sexually. I was curious as to what it would be like, but had never made any efforts to find out. I'm very open-minded where sex is concerned though, and have always loved to try new and interesting things....

3 years ago
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Tara her livein boyfriend and me

Very sexy older female cheating on her live-in boyfriend right under his nose! Tara was one of my newest friends. I had originally met her at a karaoke bar near where I used to live. It was about six months ago when I first met her and I remember having thought at the time, "WOW! What a sexy babe!" And if you had seen her that night too, you'd probably have thought the exact same thing. Tall, long bleached blonde hair, skinny ass, slim hips and breasts that were bigger than...

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Teaching Tara Part III The Tshirt

I spent all evening thinking about my afternoon with Mr Tanner. I would close my eyes and relive his kiss, warm and so sexy. And what came after, how he’d undone my shirt and exposed my breasts, kissing and licking them. It felt somehow wrong, to be almost naked with a man so much older. My dad had always told me that only my husband should see me naked, but it had felt so good to have Mr Tanner’s mouth and hands touching my breasts. I could feel myself getting excited at the thought of a...

3 years ago
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Sweet Tara

I. The Story Of AliceAlice Grey was a dear little thing, she lived with her parents and worked hard every day at her job in the local drapery store. Her family may have been poor, but they got by, paying their way in the world and earning respect for their dutiful efforts and high moral standards.Alice was a fanciful girl, always dreaming of love and raising her own family, a dream that appeared to be coming true when a handsome young gentleman took an interest in her. This young man came...

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Tara8217s story

Disclaimer: this story is a piece of fiction. Any resemblance to any character dead or alive is accidental. It’s a copy right material. All rights reserved by the author. Do not attempt to copy the material. I am humayun, 38 and single. It was way back in 1994, when i was 24 and still a virgin. We used to live is a ground floor apartment compound along the karachi beach in pakistan. I was working for a multinational and used to live with my parents as i don’t have any siblings. Right next to...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e9 Tara Carver

Series 5, Episode 9: Tara Carver (59) – Edinburgh We open with our standard sequence – a high altitude image of the United Kingdom. Then a very cartoonish, top heavy caricature of our host, Charley, floating infront of us ... She points down toward the UK below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” She giggles, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping toward the ground, heading in...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 204 Tia and Tara Play House

Wonder if Tia and Tara are willing to try to get pregnant again? I looked them over as I walked toward them to see that Tia’s metabolism had finally slowed down enough that she now looked like she was Tara’s twin. The place in my head showed me both were going to ovulate sometime in the next twelve hours. Is Tia emotionally ready to handle getting pregnant again? Yes, David. She is. So is Tara. I heard the voice in my head told me. Both girls still really want David to be with them but...

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Tara and Jason

Tara and Jason enjoyed wild nights out. It was on one of those wild nights out that they found themselves in trouble and were left with the stark choice of attending the Monastery of Repentance or being hit with a very heavy monetary fine that neither of them could afford;and so it was on that cold,windy Monday morning back in January that they found themselves waiting in a room with others who were sent to the Monastery to receive whatever was coming to them. Tara hated the idea of having to...

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Teaching Tara Part II The Kiss continues

Mr Tanner’s kiss stayed on my mind all night. It felt so good. I couldn’t believe I’d let him put his tongue in my mouth like that…or that I’d put mine in his. I was looking forward to going over to his house the next day. I could think of nothing else the entire day.After school, I walked over to his Mr Tanner’s house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and welcomed me with a smile. “Hi Tara, I’m so glad to see you”. He took my hand and led me inside. He offered me a beer, but I told...

3 years ago
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Teaching Tara Part I The kiss

I was still a virgin. I was 19, in my first year of College and had never even been on a date. I was terribly shy and studious and I got straight A’s in school. It’s not that I wasn’t pretty, but I lived with my ultra conservative father. He made sure that my curvy hips and rather generous breasts were hidden under over-sized shirts and conservative long skirts or pants. These clothes made me look dumpy compared to my classmates who wore tight fitting shirts and skirts which showed their...

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Taras Adventures

Tara's AdventuresPart 1I had met them on line. Marla 1st then her owner Mistress Olivia. We chatted for well over a year and had met for drinks. They knew of my submissive fem side and we had planned meetings on several occasions but things always developed that upset them.Then a period of time developed when I went into a period of denial. Denial of my female side. I turned off my screen name for almost two months but my female side finally got the better of me. I turned on my screen name...

2 years ago
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tara my old friend

All my schooling was in mumbai, from 1st std to 10std During those days i met this girl called tara in my class when i was in 3rd std. She used to stay close to my house, so both the parents became closer day by day. Hence we both used to study and play together along with the other kids in the street. Our friendship was very innocent and good. When we were in 8th std she left mumbai as her dad got transferred to chennai. We both were really sad departing each other. And not so longer we...

1 year ago
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Zeus And Tara

Tara Walton was a 21 year old senior in college, just getting over her breakup with her boyfriend of 3 years, Darren. She hated how Darren had just dumped her for another girl, when she had begged him to keep her. She was willing to share, so why didn't Darren want to stay with her? Darren had said that she was fat, but Tara only had some baby fat, that was all. It was actually kind of cute, most guys thought, but Darren wanted the "waif" look in a girl, as in dangerously thin. Tara was crying...

3 years ago
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Tara Dates A Black Guy

[ For Robert and Tara (once again)! ]When Tara and I began seeing each other (very soon after, in fact), she told me she had dated black guys, and that I was the first white guy she'd dated in a long time because of that. When I asked her why that was, she said, plainly, and with no attempt at lying: "I just like really BIG cocks; and in my experience, black guys typically have that." Maybe because I didn't reply to that right away, she assumed she had hurt my feelings, but that wasn't it. I...

1 year ago
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Jake and Tara Part One

CHAPTER 1 Okay well I suppose I should start with some background. My name is Jake and I am 16 years old. I am pretty average looking. Not overweight and not fit either. My sister’s name is Tara. She is 14 years old and is just starting to develop. She has small perky B cups and long slender legs. This is the story of how we ended up becoming closer than most brothers and sisters. For some reason I have always had trouble going to sleep. I just stare at my ceiling for hours. I always...

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