NikkiChapter 12 free porn video

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Nikki's turn

So I've been letting Dan tell our story so far, but he doesn't get to see what goes on in school, so he says for me to go ahead and tell some of this.

We had a perfectly lovely weekend. Dan says it was my 'debut' with his family. I told him that it wasn't just HIS family any more, they were mine too. All day Saturday I did little 'thank you' prayers about Grandma, for all the things she taught me about cooking and housekeeping, because I used just about all of 'em making Saturday a special day for Dan.

I know Dan loves me, and I've talked to his sister, my SISTER IN LAW, on the phone several times a week since she found out about Dan and me. But I wanted Dan to be proud of me with them. Well, maybe not proud, but at least comfortable.

Dan's family, MY family now, they all made a big deal about the food, so I guess THAT part went well.

It's funny. I'm an aunt now, and my niece is the same age as me and the same grade in school. I thought Dan was gonna die when Brittney, new niece, asked about me being fifteen and married.

I know it's strange, but I'm different. Dan and I, we're different. From the day he pulled me out of the rubble, I never felt like he was trying to take advantage of me. If I had, I'd've let them fly me out on that helicopter, or I'd've left when the roads opened. But that's just not Dan. He didn't make me feel like that. He made me feel at HOME.

That's all difficult for people to see from the outside. I think Sheriff Ernie saw it pretty quick, though, and so did Judge Lanford, and that's why Dan and I are married. But THOSE people wanted to see the good in our situation.

School, though. Let me tell you. First day there, I ran into this girl who I knew from last year, before the hurricane. She wasn't exactly a close friend, but you have to understand that we're in this school that's NOT our regular school. It's the closest one to the hurricane area that can still take high school students, and so here we are, a few of us from the storm area, and the WHOLE regular student body. So naturally, when she recognized me, she homed right in.

Her name is Kellen. She saw me and came up to me and said, "Hi, Nikki," like we were old friends.

"Hi, Kellen," I said. "Good to see you. Did your house get damaged?"

"Not bad," Kellen said. "Dad and his brother had to do some roof work, and we got a little water in the den and one bedroom, but we got lucky." She looked at me. "Where are you living? I know that apartment building's totaled."

And that's when it got started at school. "I'm not living there, Kellen," I said. "I'm living next door. THAT house is okay. I'm married." I showed her my ring.

"But you're younger than me. I didn't know you could even GET married," she said.

"We got a court order from a judge," I said. I was trying to read Kellen's face. I could imagine what she was thinking, and she came right out and asked.

"Are you pregnant? Did you have a baby?"

"Nope and nope," I told her. "Just very much in love."

"So you're living at his parents' house?"

I was letting her ask all the questions. "Oh, no," I said. "It's his house."

"Wait," Kellen said. "He owns a house? How old is this guy?"

"His name's Dan Granger, and he's forty-one."

"Oh, wow," she said. "I saw that house before. It's pretty nice. What's he do?"

"Engineer," I said. "and a good one."

The school people called my name, for me to come talk to them, and I told Kellen that we'd see each other around. That's when the people at the school office told me that they needed to talk to Dan, and after he showed up, I didn't go back to school that day.

By the next day, the news was all over, especially to the students who'd come to this school because of the hurricane. I had to answer the same questions a dozen times at least. Some of those people were a little rude, too. A lot of 'em knew about Mom and about us living on welfare and last year my clothes weren't really good. This year I was dressed nice.

I just smiled and answered the questions, except for the ones that were a little too personal. "That's something I don't talk about," I told them.

And between classes one of the teachers from the old school found me and asked if I was okay.

"Yes, ma'am," I said. "Why do you ask?"

"I heard you had to get married to a forty year old guy."

"Mizz Leslie," I said, "He's forty-one, and I didn't HAVE to get married. If you wanna meet 'im, he'll bring me to the open house night." Yes, they had one scheduled for the next week. Wanted to talk to as many parents as they could about the situation at the school. It was crowded. "Miss Leslie, Dan's a great guy. You'll see."

"No pregnant. No baby?" She looked so concerned.

"Nothing like that, Mizz Leslie," I said. "We got tossed together by horrible events and found out that we love each other."

"You're not exploited?"

"Oh, no ma'am. If he's exploiting me, he's really BAD at it." I giggled, and I think that made her feel better.

It was at lunchtime on Friday that this guy from the old school sat down at the table across from me. He's the one that said that about maybe Dan was with me because he liked young girls.

"You're MY age," he said. "If you an' me were together, it'd be normal an' all."

I actually think Derrick was kind of trying to, I guess, say that he might wanna be with me.

He said, "I read about older guys who go after young girls. They don't like 'em past eighteen or whatever."

I knew that was wrong, at least about Dan. Dan's not like that. He'd been married. We talked about it and about how he felt. I know his first wife was HIS age. And she left HIM. And it took him a lot to get over it. But I didn't tell Derrick that. I didn't see any sense in arguing with him, and it really wasn't his business.

That's the thought that got back in my mind on Sunday when I got all sad with Dan. Dan took it in stride, though. He saw that I was sad and asked me what was wrong. When I told him, he stopped on the shoulder of the road and told me that he loved me and it had nothing to do with age, and that he'd be with me until the day he died. And he kissed me and that kiss ... It was like a physical thing that repeated all his words. I believe Dan.

I really believe Dan. He's honest. That first day when the cell phone and computer started working, and he worked and every hour he put down in his book, he was there working. And if he didn't cheat there, I don't think he's gonna cheat in our marriage.

So Monday we got up and ate breakfast together. I filled Dan's travel mug with coffee so he'd have something to sip on while he was driving, and I waited for the bus. Of course we kissed before he left. He wears that cologne that I like at night and I can still get a whiff of it when he leaves in the morning. All day, when I close my eyes, I can remember that scent.

It was Monday and three school days were gone and classes were getting into 'serious' mode. We were crowded, and I don't know how YOU feel about it, but mandatory education laws make us have to put up with a lot of kids who'd rather be someplace else. Disruptions. Rude, obnoxious kids. I managed to get to the front of the classrooms where at least I'd get to hear what the teachers have to say. That was my pattern, mostly, even though last year I was a 'C' student. I found out that if I could hear the lesson and take notes, I didn't have to do anything else. I could make passing grades, and living with Mom, all I wanted to do was keep out of trouble at school so she didn't have to do anything with them.

Now I'm with Dan, and he tells me that I'm smart and that I have a mind that should go to college and that I really ought to pay attention. With Dan, I have somebody who cares, and I promised myself that I'd stop just getting by. This year I'm paying attention, and I'm trying. First hour for me is English and literature class. That's never been a problem for me. I love to read and I actually enjoy writing.

Second hour was algebra, and that's a little bit harder. I took Algebra I last year. Yep! 'C' average. I was going to take 'business math' because it's supposed to be a lot easier, but then the hurricane dumped me here at this school and their business math class is full up, so I was forced to do Algebra II. Dan says I need to take it anyway if I'm serious about college. We're reviewing this week, so I'm paying attention to make sure I got what I needed last year. What I didn't have last year is a husband who's an engineer, who's already way past this stuff, so I have help at home this time.

Third hour is history class. I know the key to doing good in this class. It works for science, too, which is biology, this year. All you have to do is pay attention to what the teacher thinks is important, then do a little memorization. It took almost nothing last year to make a 'C', so I think that if I put out a little effort this year, I'll do much better.

After lunch, I have a technology class, which is basically a room full of computers and a football coach trying to keep a lid on the class while we're supposed to be learning to keyboard and how to use some programs like Microsoft Office, and the class is almost a joke. Dan's already showed me some things about networks and routers and hubs and IP addresses and things like that. I'm not a computer nerd, but I think I could be. Mom never let me have a computer. She had other things to do with her money.

Science is fifth hour. Pay attention. Find out what the teacher's 'thing' is. Last year our science teacher was an ecofreak. If you wanted to do good, you needed to feed her back some of the things she went on about in class. Here we were in the middle of the Louisiana Gulf Coast, where just about everybody has family working in the oil and gas business, and this lady's going on about evil oil companies and how we should stop drilling. Then she got into the evils of commercial fishing. All the people down here that don't work in oil and gas, they're fishing and shrimping. She didn't get invited to anybody's homes for dinner, you know. I'm sort of waiting to see what this guy's thing is.

Last hour. I would've liked an hour of study hall. I got chemistry. That's usually a class for juniors. I'm a sophomore. But like I said, the school's a mess, overcrowded, and Dan said I should take it, so I'm taking it. Dan says that if I want to do anything technical in the future, I need this class. I do have to admit that the students in chemistry are a little more serious.

That leaves me with the bus ride home. Start out with a half a busload of high-schoolers, then we go by the middle school and load up on middle-schoolers, and then they drive half an hour south and start dropping people off. I get to ride almost all the way because I'm one of the last ones to get dropped off. Even with all that, I beat Dan home.

That gives me a little time to start on dinner. I am so glad that Grandma taught me how to take care of a house. And Dan and I worked up a grocery list so we'd have thing that would go together easy on days just like this, so I whipped up one of our soup recipes and then went into our office and spread the books out.

Algebra? No, I'll wait for Dan. English? Easy. Silly little worksheet. Circle adverbs and adjectives. Oh, come on. I can do this in my sleep. Biology was some reading. Chemistry? Wait for Dan. History. Read a chapter.

I leaned back in the chair and woke the computer up. It makes me happy. Dan has a picture of us on the desktop. He took it right after I got here, even before we were an 'us'. You know what? I look at that picture right now and I see two people that belong together.

I picked up the history book and read the chapter, then I did the worksheet for English. After that, I got up and checked on our soup.

Dan got home and we ate dinner. He told me about his day and I told him about mine and mentioned the chemistry and algebra lessons.

"I'll be glad to help, baby," he told me. "But I'm probably rusty."

"You're probably NOT," I said. "You just need to get your head into the game."

I took him into the office and showed him the problems and he explained to me some ideas that reminded me of the way things work in algebra, then we talked about the chemistry lesson, and THEN I pinched my nose.

"You worked outside today, huh, sweetie?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Am I that rank?" he said.

"Just a little," I told him. "A little bit less, and you'd be delicious." Are girls supposed to be turned on by sweaty men? I am, sometimes. But I also like how we feel when we're both squeaky clean. And if Dan's taking a shower, I'm taking a shower with him. Today was going to be good. My period was over.

Like THAT was an obstacle, anyway. Yesterday, Sunday, we went to the park and took a walk together. There's this spot on the bank, and while I was living at Grandma's, she liked coming to the park on nice days, and I'd go for a walk. That spot, on a high bluff over the river, was a perfect spot for young girls to daydream. I brought Dan there. Those times I used to daydream about being in love and being married, I didn't know what those things really meant, but when I brought Dan there, it all came back to me and I realized that he was what I'd been day-dreaming about.

I was just gonna suck Dan. I dunno, I feel really sexy when we do it outdoors and I love him, and the setting was just about poetic. We've done it in the back yard a few times, and it's exciting, so I had Dan sitting on the log where I used to sit and dream, and I had his pants down and I was going to do him. I love sucking my guy. It's powerful, knowing that I can do that to him with my mouth.

I really think I used to hate guys. I mean, the thought of doing the things that I imagined Mom doing, and some of those guys were just plain NASTY. I never saw her bring ONE home that actually looked decent. After all, she was picking them up in a BAR, and not a nice bar, either. I'd seen more of male bodies than I wanted to see. I think some of those guys thought that if I caught a glimpse, I'd get all turned on, but all I got was disgusted.

Until Dan. That first night that he came into the living room of OUR house, after he'd showered, he smelled good, and he was smiling like he was happy I was there, and I looked at him, and all those things I thought about guys, Dan wasn't any of that. It's like all of a sudden I knew that I'd just seen the man who would be with me forever.

And then we made love. Actually, it was a week later, but then I understood the magic that this little bit of him has for me and what I can do for him, and I love sucking him, so there we were in the woods. I was on my knees getting ready to make love to him with my mouth, because that's what it is for me, making love, between me and Dan, and we do it so many ways. But I sucked him for a little bit. I got those little tastes of salty stuff that he does when he's excited, and I knew I was going good, playing with his balls with one hand, just stroking him with the other while I licked and sucked and nibbled and I felt that feeling in my pussy, but I was having my period, even though it was almost over.

I had told myself that I wouldn't go all the way when I was on my period. Dan and I had talked about it the first time I had a period when we were together. I just thought that it would be nasty. But there we were in the woods, and he was as hard as he could be, and I wanted HIM in ME, and I just dropped my pants and hopped on. Actually, it didn't feel nasty. I mean, I had my legs wrapped around his waist and we came together and I know it was exciting for Dan because I felt him shoot and shoot and shoot. I thought it might be a gallon. After we started breathing normal, we got dressed and drove straight home and showered.

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A couple of school handymen waited outside for Coach Carson the next day. She greeted the guys happily. They stayed in the girls' locker room while we went into the gymnastics room. Coach pulled us out of practice five minutes early. "Everybody into the locker room," she said. "Everybody?" said Samantha. "Everybody," Coach confirmed. We assembled near my locker. Everyone noticed the extra long shower curtain hanging from a railing. Coach pulled the curtain closed. It separated my...

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SheWillCheat Kayla Paige Hot milf doctor Kayla Paige cheats on her husband with a patient

Kayla Paige is so sick of her worthless cheating husband. He just sits on his ass and fucks other women all day while she’s hard at work running a medical practice. Today though, she’s had enough. A handsome bearded man comes in to have his balls checked on, everything is fine, and so is he! Once she gets a glimpse of his big fat cock she can’t help herself, she needs to get laid and why not him? Kayla is such a sexy milf the patient can’t resist, and Kayla finally gets...

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Jennys UnclePart 11

No one answered. Megan was devastated. She thought for sure Ted would respond to her call. It was his private number. She tried again and this time left a message. "Hi, this is me, Megan. I was just wondering what you'd like me to wear for our next session." When she finished leaving the message she thought how stupid she had sounded. But Ted had heard the message as it was being sent. He thought it was a good sign that she was so concerned about the coming session that she worried about...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e7 Debra Bonds 49

Series 7, Episode 7: Debra Bonds (49), from Milton Keynes We fade in on a selfie-style photograph of two women, hugging close, looking up into the lens. One is the very familiar dark haired, fake looking figure of our former hostess, Charley Ozvik, her bolt-on tits almost bursting out of the top of a mini-dress; the other is a much less attractive, middle-aged blonde haired and round featured woman in a shapeless loose t-shirt and jeans – she’s smiling, a strange smile that shows a lot of...

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OyeLoca Cassandra Pink Lingerie Lust

Lovely Latina babe Cassandra has enough spunk and spice to drive you crazy with desire. The dark haired beauty shows up to rock our studs world, and with her lucious tits and voluptuous, fat ass, she has one hell of a head start. She licks his dong from balls to tip, cherishing the flavor of his cock. Then she pulls him inside of her, moaning as his shaft stretches her tight pussy. The sizzling cunt penetration heats up as Her juice covers the lucky guys boner. Then, she takes a splashy load of...

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Wrong Number Right Partner

Hi friends this is Raj with a new story actually it’s a real incident happened to me approximately 7 years ago.for my new readers let me describe myself, I’m Raj from Bhubaneswar the capital of Orissa and known as temple city.I am an average looking guy with 5’7″ height and average body to be honest, but don’t know why girls even ladies feel cozy with me and this story is about a girl whose no I got from a friend and how I talked from a simple conversation to dirty latter, and after few months...

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Horses in the City Ch 02

‘What’d you tell him?’ Millie jerked her head in Sol’s direction. ‘Looked like he might jump over the table for that salt.’ Emma reached for the coffee carafe. ‘I told him you put extra salt in the hash browns.’ ‘Good one!’ Millie laughed, almost a cackle, and patted Emma’s arm. ‘And he believed you!’ Emma shrugged. ‘This time, anyway.’ ‘And did I see you smile over there?’ Millie raised an eyebrow. ‘That’s good if you did. You should smile more.’ ‘Sol . . . well, I couldn’t help it when...

1 year ago
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A Late Night Visit

Ever have one of those nights when you just can't sleep? I did a couple of years ago, and it turned into an experience I'll never forget. I had recently moved to a new neighborhood. A counselor I knew from school lived just around the corner, and we'd often visit when I'd walk my dog around the area. He wasn't anything exceptional to look at, slightly overweight, dark complected, with sort of shaggy-looking hair. Not hot by any means, but always very sweet to talk to. One night I was home for...

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I looked at a very angry mom, and her terrified looking daughter. “I have never been so disrespected!” my Stepmom mom yelled. I saw my big sis looked ashamed of herself as if she knew what she did was wrong but also know apologies wouldn’t be accepted. Well let me give some back story leading up to theses events. My stepsister Makaela works part time as a secretary at a law firm and was supposed to meet us at a friends party after work. Her mother’s friend, who hosted the party, was named...

1 year ago
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Reddit CamWhores, aka r/CamWhores! I’ve heard you lads are fans of watching live cam chicks get naked, masturbate or fuck during their cam shows? Well, is a place where everyone is welcome, and r/camwhores/, in particular, is a subreddit dedicated to that kind of content. I think the name itself pretty much gives away what you can expect, which is always a neat aspect.If you are interested in learning more about what r/camwhores/ is all about, welcome to the best review out there. I...

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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 7

It must’ve been a dream. That was the only explanation. Shit as unbelievable as this only ever happened in dreams. Little more than 24 hours ago, Paul had been on track to finally score with the girl he’d been in love with since month one of junior high. Despite all the game-planning and self-consciousness, it was essentially a simple state of affairs. But in the intervening day, everything had changed. The truly weird part about all of this was that right now, things were even simpler....

4 years ago
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My Indonesian HouseMaid

This is my first of my sexual memoirs. I chose my first sexual memoir to be about me losing my virginity to my Indonesian House-Maid. The story takes places in Kuwait in 2007.Marrissa, an indonesian house-maid that used to work for my family was always the naughtiest of the housemaids, as she was more forward and wasn't afraid to ask questions or speak her mind. She looked pale with the typical indonesian woman nose feature and cheeks. Her cheeks were high up and made her smile look better. She...

2 years ago
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Bachpan Ki Hasin Yaad

Hi dosto farhan is here again. Dosto is kahani ko padne se se pahle aap meri pahli kahani ‘nazro ka khel part 2’ jarur padhe. Bro meri bua ka naam Nisha hai jinka naam mai pichle part me batana bhul gaya tha. Unki umar 28 saal hai. Feedback jarur bheje () Ab story pe aata hu us rat foreplay karne ke bad to hum so gaye. Agle hafte sunday ko hame shadi me jana tha maine aur bua ne bahane bana kar waha jane se mana kar diya. Kyunki yaha hum apni raaslila ke maje lene chahte the.Subah 9 baje sab...

2 years ago
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Saving a RelicChapter 9

We both sat silent in the car, sweating from the heat, totally naked. Then mom said, “Nadia, what the hell happened in there?” I was uncertain, but I began to giggle uncontrollably, then she followed. As we started our drive home, mom stopped the car and wailed, “I left my clothes in the principal’s office!” We both started to laugh. “What are your dad and brothers going to think?” I laughed again, which was getting mom upset. Then mom started to panic and went for the bracelet. It...

4 years ago
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Bungee Tea Clay

…well, as far as I am concerned, he can just go to hell. No, fuck. I don’t mean that. But why, Eric, why did it have to be with her? That big-tittied brunette bitch that works in the same bookstore I do? Fuck you, Clara! I miss him. I miss the way he held me and caressed me. The way he would look in my eyes and smile. Hmm- I guess I could have fallen in love with him, but I didn’t. I just loved having sex with him. Ugh, back when we still had it. What has it been now? God on a toilet, like...

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Fly the Friendly Skies

We met in the airport, both waiting on a flight that had been delayed due to weather. The conversation was sprinkled with good chemistry and it was obvious that we hit it off right away. When finally left the plane, Susan and I exchanged phone numbers. Although we talked quite often since we both traveled a lot for our respective companies so it took a couple weeks before we could make a date. To celebrate our finally getting together, we decided on a dress-update at a very nice restaurant that...

2 years ago
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Swati Bhabhi Ko Rula Rula Kar Chodda 8211 Part I

Hi, ISS reader, Myself Harsh and my age 22 aur mein apne parewarke sath delhi mein rehta hun mere parewaar mein hum 4 log hain mein aur mere papa aur mammy and brother mein apko apne story jo ke 1 mahine pehle ghate mujhe pehle baar chut(virgin) ko chodne ka mauka mila hamare ghar ke pass ek bhabhi hain jinka naam swati hain unki umar 27 saal hain wo apne husbend ke sath rehte hain unke husband army mein hain aur wo 6 mahine 1 saal par aate hain aur bhabhi bhut mast lagte hain unka figure...

3 years ago
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A Tail of a boy and his Mummy

A TAIL OF A BOY AND HIS MUMMY Xenophobio, at 18 had been raised to understand his Mother Dearest's attitude towards the need for discipline for boys and in particular his need for it. Valoria Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had always been strict, but her stern attitude increased with the teen's age and he knew it would just continue that way. Mrs. Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had no intention of letting up on her son and was always finding ways to increase his shame and the regularity...

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Many Men I have Serviced

cumpig1962One of the hottest men i ever sucked off was a shorter very muscular man who was part owner of a family construction company. He got his build from working on sites but was getting a little big around the middle from working more on the office side of the business. He had a hot tight bubble butt that i used to lick out a lot. His dick was at least 8 and maybe 7 thick. At one time i was sucking him off at least every other week. Sometimes when he was backed up he would stop by twice in...

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Years of loveless marriage and then

So here's the second part of our story. The thing to remember is that we are both mature, a bit bruised by life and perhaps a little behind in our sexual experience. As S explains, she was invisible in her marriage and my sex life was once a month and boring. If you read through this amazing story, see if you can spot the one thing missing? The New Girlfriend's TaleI hadn’t intended to continue the story, but the gentleman concerned rather liked our story being public, and I confess I found it...

Straight Sex
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Clarity - by Jenny Masters "You know you've lost every bet you've ever made, right?" "Statistics say that I'm due, then." "Or that you make terrible bets." "Look, do we have a bet or not?" --- Alan wished there were a better rhyme or reason for what he was about to do. Maybe- maybe something contrived. Life could go in unexpected directions, after all. A crashed car in the backwoods of Tennessee, Tom there to pick him up, fire-forged friendship and a life-debt to pay...

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Mr Small

Suzy's teacher, Mr. Small, walked down the classroom aisle dropping each student's graded quiz on his or her respective desk. She turned her paper over and paled. It was another "F". She barely answered over fifty percent of the questions correctly on yesterday's quiz. She only got 11 out of 20. She just couldn't seem to wrap her brain around World History and Geography. She started the semester bad and with each weekly quiz and one major test already completed her grade kept getting...

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NubileFilms Mary Kalisy Angel Emily All Hands On Deck

Angel Emily and Mary Kalisy have decided to have a beach volleyball game with Renato acting as the referee. Dressed in sexy bikinis, the girls keep up their efforts until Renato declares a tie. They go to each other for a high five and a kiss to celebrate their mutual strong play, then walk hand in hand to join Renato where he’s lounging in the shade. Working together, the girls capture Renato’s lips while they pull his stiffie from his shorts. Angel gets the first taste as she...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 12 Earning that A with Anal

Chapter Twelve: Earning that A with Anal By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2021 It was time to get back at those smart bitches, too. Clara was eager for that. She remembered how that bitch who was going for valedictorian had rubbed her brains in Clara's face before she had dropped out of school. “It's so easy. Even a hamster can get it,” Rebecca Goldstein had said. “Why not you?” “Let's see what the deep fakes and rumor mills make with this,” muttered Clara. Her life...

2 years ago
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Husband Made Her Hot

Hi friends and I am Reema After a long time I felt of writing my real incident after very good response for my story how my brother made me Hot. I have been receiving various mail appreciating the write up, today I would like to narrate one more real incident which happened around 4 years back. I had been happily married and blessed with baby, this story is about how I got hot with my hubbies Friend. I am staying with a Joint family after marriage, life of the girl Changes drastically after...

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Emily and Her Person

In the previous installment of Emily’s story we found our friends meeting in a hotel… There were a few twists and turns and now that we know one of the few kinks to this story we can continue with their vacation together… All people mentioned in ANY sexual manner are 18 years or older, don’t bother asking otherwise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emily and Mike walked out of the hotel room after spending a week in Paris continuing their relationship and enjoying the pleasure that ‘young love’ so...

1 year ago
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"I'm a little nervous." "Yeah? Why?" "I don't know I just am." "I don't think there's a reason to be. You've wanted this for a long time." "Yeah, I know, but wanting it and actually getting it are two different things." "What is it that you're nervous about, the situation?" "No, why would I be nervous of that. I'm nervous that I'm not going to do well." "Ha! You not do well! That's something that won't happen! Look, Honey, I've known you for a long time,...

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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 31

About a week later I noticed that on the way to our first job Larry was fidgeting more than usual trying to get a comfortable position on the front seat of my truck. I smiled at the big lad. "Your sister whacking your butt again Larry?" He flushed, nodding his head. "Yes, more than usual. She beats my ass just about every day after I get home from work. It's been going on for over a week since Inga and her boyfriend broke up. She's been taking out her frustrations on my ass. I don't...

4 years ago
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A Dream of Acceptance

A Dream of Acceptance I started to cry with an emotion I never felt before. I thought it would take the whole month to change. That I would have a bit more time to adjust, but now it was done. There was nothing left of the boy I had once been. I shivered uncontrollably as fear and joy rocked me to the very core of my being. I slowly started to cry harder as my head spun with sixteen years of fear. Sixteen years of boyhood that could never be gotten back. I cried in almost a...

2 years ago
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Be gentle with Hanna folks

This is her very first time. “I’ve never been in a nude magazine layout before,” the statuesque beauty discloses. “I hope the readers like me.” With her country-girl looks and winning smile (not to mention legs that don’t quit and a pair of massive mammaries), she’s sure to be a HUSTLER favorite. Speaking of Hanna’s hills, are they real? “They sure are,” the newcomer insists. “I swear. I guess things just grow bigger in Indiana.” Now that she has an explicit spread under her belt, Hanna is...

3 years ago
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Breakfast Sausage

The morning rose bright and unseasonably warm. The sun shone through the thin gossamer curtains in our small cheap hotel room in dusty yellow beams. The light puddled cheerfully on the cotton blanket as if a friendly specter lay there with us to to absorb the weariness of yesterday's travel. Miguel rolled on top of me and squinted down into my eyes. "Mmmmm my sweet, Belle, I will eat you for breakfast."I groaned sleepily and rolled my head to face him. "Morning... It looks like a nice day....

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