CousinChapter 23 free porn video

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Once during the middle of the night Dan awoke to find Lisa leaving the warmth of the covers. By the time he was fully awake she was across the room and heading into the small bathroom area. The air in the cabin was chilled and only a few orange embers remained of the fire. As the cool air struck him Dan shivered. He called out, "Aren't you cold?"

"Yes, but nature called. You can do something about it in a minute."

"I can manage that," Dan replied, "but I think I'll just build the fire up a little, too. OK?"

"Go right ahead," Lisa said, coming back and quickly moving under the covers. Dan had already moved to put some more wood on the fire and when the blaze was starting again, made his own trip into the bathroom.

When he returned and climbed in with Lisa they clung to each other, both of them shivering slightly. "Rather have some flannel pajamas?" Dan asked.

"Absolutely not!" Lisa replied. "Would you? Me, I like being naked with you even if it means a little shivering once in a while."

"You do beat hell out of flannel," Dan replied. "Say, did you know that the Germans actually did some experiments during World War II and determined that a cold man would warm up faster with one naked woman than with two?"

"You're kidding?" Lisa said. "I know they did some really cruel and bizarre experiments, but why would they do something like that?"

"I don't know. I can guess maybe they were interested in reviving flyers who were shot down in the North Sea. I just remember reading about it somewhere. Anyway, one naked woman is definitely warming me up right now."

"Oh," Lisa teased, her hand on his hardening genitals, "you mean you're not cold any more?"

Dan sucked in his breath. "I seem to notice that you're not shivering any more either."

"Maybe we've just gotten used to the cold," Lisa said.

Dan rolled her onto her back and stretched himself above her. "Enough talk," he said and locked his mouth to hers.

When next he awoke, Lisa was still sleeping against him and sunlight was coming through the windows. The fire was again nearly out, only a little smoke still rising from the ashes. Dan gently stroked her round buttocks several times and then eased himself out from the covers long enough to build up the fire once more. When he returned he saw that Lisa had her eyes open and was watching him. "I love you," she said.

"I love you," Dan replied.

Lisa pulled back the covers invitingly and said, "Then come prove it."

The couple spent the next hour playing and making love. As they snuggled together afterwards, Lisa commented, "It seems the cabin is warmer now."

"Yes, but I think we'll have to give the fire some credit," Dan answered. Then added, "Some, but definitely not all of the credit."

Lisa threw off the covers and sat up, followed by Dan. "It really isn't too cool," she said. "We've got some of those bagels left. Let's grab them and some cream cheese and eat breakfast over here." Then striking a pose she added, "Nothing like a naked breakfast, is there?"

Dan laughed and got up to get the food. He brought it and a couple of cans of orange juice back over and sat down next to Lisa. He leaned back against the bench and said, "Here. Sit on my lap." Lisa rearranged herself and was soon sitting across Dan's legs. She could feel his cock against her and as she leaned back against his chest, Dan reached around to fondle her breasts. In a minute they began to eat, still comfortably resting against each other.

When they had finished eating and had been necking a little, Dan said, "Much as I like what we're doing, maybe we'd better get up and dressed and get some wood cut. If we keep on doing this instead, by this afternoon I may not have the energy left to ravish you repeatedly like I'm planning."

"We wouldn't want that to happen. I've really been looking forward to being ravished. After all, it's been so long since it's happened."

"Maybe all of forty-five minutes," Dan said.

"Like I said," Lisa responded, "it's been a long time."

After another embrace and a long kiss, the couple stood up and started pulling on their clothes. "Another beautiful fall day," Dan commented. "Sooner or later it's got to break, but let's enjoy it while we can."

They put on their boots and headed outside. Around back of the cabin was a stack of logs. They had been felled and the branches removed, but were twelve to twenty feet long. Dan went to the small storage locker. Actually this was more like a short shed, about six by six by four feet tall. He unlocked the padlock and opened the short door. Reaching inside he pulled out a chain saw and gas can. He ducked back in and reemerged with two sets of ear protectors and an ax. "Here," he said, tossing one of the Mickey Mouse earmuffs to Lisa. "Don't want to hurt your ears." He checked the oil and gas in the saw and then took it over to the log pile where there was a small X-shaped saw horse. Lisa helped him get the end of the first log up on it and then stood back.

While he was checking the saw, Lisa said, "Did you hear about the dumb backwoodsman who bought a chain saw guaranteed to cut five cords of wood a day?"

Dan shook his head and Lisa went on, "Well, three days later he brought it back and said that he'd tried each day, but he could only cut a cord and a half. The salesman agreed to check it out and the two of them took it out back. The salesman pulled the cord and started the saw and the woodsman said, 'What's that noise?'."

Dan laughed and said, Let's hope this one makes a noise." He pulled the cord and after a couple of tries the engine settled into a steady roar. He cut a couple of logs into fireplace lengths and then shut down the saw. "Let's carry them over there by the chopping block and I can split them when I get done."

The two of them moved the cut pieces and set another log onto the sawhorse. As Dan was getting ready to start the saw again, the sharp sound of an ax sinking into wood made him look around. Lisa was just picking up the two pieces of the log she had split. As Dan watched she set another piece upright on the block and stepped back. She swung the double bitted ax high overhead with an easy practiced motion and brought it down squarely on the piece which fell in half. Dan watched in astonishment as she split two more, each time with a fluid motion and no wasted effort and each time striking exactly where she aimed. "You really seem to know how to handle that," he finally said.

Lisa stopped and looked around at him. "I'm a country girl, remember? And you didn't really think I would have let my brother know how to do something I couldn't, now did you?"

Dan just shook his head. "You truly are amazing," he said. Lisa smiled and then they both went back to their separate tasks. Before too long Dan had a large pile of cut logs and then he and Lisa took turns splitting and carrying them.

The day had warmed considerably and by the time the wood was stacked against the cabin both Dan and Lisa were sweating heavily. "I could really use a hot shower," Lisa said. "Might be nice if there was hot running water here, wouldn't it?"

"Tell you what," Dan said. "I'll show you how to take a pioneer shower."

Lisa looked at him. "A pioneer shower?" Then she froze and said, "You're not going to throw me in the creek again. Not at this time of year, Dan. It's way too cold for that."

"Hold on, hold on," Dan interrupted, laughing. "I promise, no creek. Just put a couple of kettles of water on to heat and I promise you'll like it."

"OK, if you promise," Lisa said, and headed into the cabin.

Dan put the tools away and came inside. If a few minutes there were two kettles of boiling water. Dan took a couple of buckets of cold water and added hot, testing the temperature as he did. "All right, let's strip down and I'll show you how the pioneers did it."

The two of them undressed and Dan carried the buckets into the bathroom area. He had Lisa stand in the tiled area which had been designed for a real shower at some time in the future. Dan had looked it over earlier and had found that the tank above the shower was already installed, just no pump to fill it. He stood on a chair and emptied the water into the tank and then joined Lisa. Dan took a washcloth and wet it in the water remaining in one of the buckets and soaped it up. He then proceeded to wash Lisa, not surprisingly paying special attention to her breasts, ass and pussy. He started to soap himself, but Lisa took the cloth and lathered him herself. Dan pulled her close letting their soapy bodies slide over each other while he let his hands explore. Lisa let her own hands begin to roam and soon both were becoming aroused. Finally Dan opened the valve and a light spray of warm water came from the shower head above them. It wasn't a high pressure stream - the water only had gravity and a short drop behind it - but it did rinse them. They continued to play with each other while the warm water lasted and when it was gone, began to dry one another.

"Are you sure the pioneers took showers like this?" Lisa asked.

"Sure," Dan said. "Why so you think pioneers had such large families?"

Lisa laughed and slapped him on the ass. "Well, I'm still not sure I believe that about the pioneers, but I don't intend to let that nice hard-on go to waste. You did say something about ravishment, didn't you?"

"That I did, my lady, that I did," Dan said. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her over to the bed which was still on the floor in front of the fireplace. He laid her on her back and lowered his head, first kissing her and then working his way down across her breasts, pausing to suck at each nipple, and then on down to her slit. He worked steadily and soon Lisa was pulling his head more tightly against her crotch and arching her back uncontrollably. He stopped and pulled his head back. Lisa pulled him on top of her and almost desperately reached to guide his hard cock inside her. Dan didn't need any more urging and started pounding her deeply. Within just a few minutes both were straining against each other as they started becoming lost in orgasm.

When they finally lay back, Lisa said, "I believe you said something about 'repeatedly', didn't you?"

"I did, but you'll have to wait at least a couple of minutes. Remember men need a little recovery time. And I am a man, after all."

"That you definitely are," Lisa murmured. Then she asked, "Just what did you have in mind for this afternoon?"

"Nothing in particular," Dan said. "What would you like? That is, as long as it involves sex."

"It will that," Lisa replied. "I don't know. I suppose we should eat some lunch first. And, Dan, do you want to play some rough games today or do you want to just do like yesterday?"

"I wouldn't mind either," Dan said. "If you'd like I'd certainly enjoy some more 'sex and torture' games."

"Yeah, I think I'd like that today. You may do your worst and then ravish me. Just make sure you don't forget the ravishing part."

Dan grinned. "I won't forget. Maybe later we can trade off. But I guess you're right and we should see about some lunch first. How about we take something outside along with a blanket and have a picnic? A naked picnic."

"Might be a little cool," Lisa replied. "But let's give it a try and see."

They dug through the food and settled on cheese, crackers, summer sausage, and some fruit. The day was actually fairly warm - surprisingly so for October. Lisa guessed the temperature was likely only about seventy-two or so, but if the wind stayed down, in the sunshine it probably wouldn't seem too cold to be undressed. And anyway they could warm up later in interesting ways. They carried the food and the blanket outside and found a flat spot in the sunshine which was somewhat protected if the breeze decided to increase.

They sat cross legged and facing each other. Both stared at the other unashamedly. "I'm really happy you like sex," Dan said at one point. "You aren't afraid to let me know what you enjoy and I really like that."

"Frankly," Lisa said, "I've never understood what there is to be ashamed about. I know a lot of girls - actually a lot more than you might imagine - feel they should wait until they are married. I have no problem with that and, really, for a lot of them I'm sure it's a lot better. Skipping the moral side, if they feel it's something that should only be when they're married, they would be miserable if they gave in earlier. The problem with a lot of them is that they then try to pretend that sex holds no interest for them now. They'd be a lot better off if they just masturbated every day and released the pressure. Now, I don't go around sleeping with just anyone. In fact, never with anyone I'm not in a good relationship with. And, in reality, there haven't been that many. I've never gone to bed with some guy I've just met." Dan started to say something, but Lisa beat him to it. "You didn't count. I've known you for years even if we were not involved that way. If I'm not involved with someone, I still get horny, but then I just, as we said last summer, visit Pa Hand and his five sons. I'll admit, sometimes one of them might bring along a vibrator or some such." She and Dan both laughed at that. "Anyway, I fully expect to settle to one man eventually - right now, I can only imagine that it'll be you."

Dan said, "Yes, I really can't imagine you suppressing sex. Anymore than I could. We both enjoy it too much. It's just so nice that both of us are so highly sexed and that we love each other. I know we won't keep up forever the frequency we have been. It's probably not physically possible. But for now I want you every time I see you. Of course, seeing you naked so much helps that along." He stared pointedly at her nipples, hard and sticking out from a combination of the cool air and the hot talk. Lisa stared back just a pointedly at his erect cock.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about the frequency now," she said. "Let's just enjoy it and as long as we don't wear ourselves out totally, let's continue to fuck whenever we want."

Dan laughed. "OK for now. But like we said if we live together, there will have to be some limits."

"I know," Lisa replied. "I'm mostly just teasing. We can both put things in separate boxes and when we've got to study, for example, I'm sure either of us could put a lock on the sex box."

"Sort of like a mental chastity belt, huh?" Dan asked.

"I hadn't thought of it that way, but yes. Sort of like that," Lisa said. "But right now we don't have to study. Let's get this stuff cleaned up and then you can use and abuse me as you wish."

Dan kissed her and then they gathered everything up and started back to the cabin. On the way back Dan said, "Speaking of chastity belts, have you heard about George, who was going off to the crusades? Seems George had a beautiful young wife and he was afraid to leave her alone in England without a chastity belt. But then he got to thinking about what if he were killed? He didn't want his wife left locked inside the belt if that should happen. After all, she was young and beautiful and should probably marry again if he died. So he thought about what he could do and at last decided he should leave the key with the one friend he could really trust, John. He and John had known each other since they were kids and they trusted each other with their lives. So he gave the key to John with instructions not to mention it to anyone unless John received word he had been killed. When the day finally came for George to ride off, he left his tearful wife waving from the castle gate and started down the road. In about twenty minutes he looked over his shoulder and saw a cloud of dust. A rider was fast approaching behind him. He reined in and in a few minutes he could make out John riding hard to catch up. When John was about fifty yards off he yelled, 'Hey, George, you gave me the wrong key."

Lisa broke out laughing. "Where do you get these bad jokes?" she asked. "You seem to have one for any occasion. And they are all the 'groan' type. And they are all dirty."

"You mean there are other kinds of jokes?" Dan asked with a straight face.

Lisa gave up and contented herself with goosing him as he started up the steps onto the porch.

They worked together cleaning things up, never missing a chance to rub against each other when they passed. This and their verbal teasing kept both of the young people aroused and in ready anticipation. When they had finally finished Lisa turned to Dan and said, "Very well, Captain, I'm ready for my punishment."

Dan responded, "That you will receive, Wench. Your screams will soon echo across these hills." Then he stopped the dramatic tone and said, "But you'd better make a bathroom stop first. In a few minutes you will find that impossible."

They each took a quick trip to the outhouse and when Lisa came back Dan was waiting with a bag of toys. He led her over to a large tree near the edge of the clearing. "Not too cold to play outside, are you?" he asked.

"I don't even feel cold now," Lisa said, "and I expect things to get warmer. And Dan. Be a little rough with me. I feel horny as hell and want you to really make me feel things."

Dan nodded in understanding. "Certainly, Wench. I shall not slack on your correction." He used two pieces of soft rope to wrap a number of times around each of her wrists and then tossed the free ends across an overhead branch located about nine feet off the ground. Dan pulled the two ropes tight, forcing Lisa to stretch as far as possible without her feet leaving the ground. He tied them off with her wrists spread a good four feet apart. Next he used two more ropes to tie her ankles apart, forcing her up onto her toes and leaving every part of her body completely exposed.

Lisa was not surprised to see Dan take the cat from his bag and then to drag the soft tails across her stretched form. Her nipples were already quite hard and sensitive, but the soft leather caressing them made them really ache. In a minute Dan drew the cat back and began to lightly lash her taut buttocks. The whip felt more like a soft caress at first but Dan increased the severity of the blows and soon each began to sting. As the stinging got harder, Dan switched to other parts of her body, still increasing the strength with each blow. He whipped her back and thighs, her stomach, and her breasts. The strokes began to really hurt and Lisa started to gasp and cry out as they landed. Soon red lines were forming across her more sensitive parts.

Dan began to concentrate on her breasts and soon both were red from multiple lashes to the top and bottom as well as the occasional strikes directly onto her nipples. These brought screams, but no safe word. Dan stopped for a minute and, while Lisa hung there watching, went down near the stream below the cabin. He returned in less than a minute, stripping the leaves and bark from a small green willow switch. He flicked the switch, an extremely flexible rod about three and a half feet long, a half inch across at one end, tapering to a very thin shaft at the other end. The slick, peeled surface looked almost wet in the sunlight. Dan hesitated a second. "This will probably hurt. Tell me if it's too much, OK?"

Lisa nodded. She was obviously getting very turned on from the whipping and Dan noticed her pussy twitch almost uncontrollably. He raised the switch and brought it down with a singing sound across Lisa's ass. A red line appeared immediately and she screamed. Dan waited for her to settle and looked a question at her. He received the slightest of nods in return and once more applied the supple switch. Again Lisa screamed but before it died Dan had added a third stripe. Twice more the switch fell, each time bringing a scream from Lisa, but also sending her to a higher state of arousal. Dan stopped and Lisa's breath was coming in rapid gasps. She managed to get out, "One more, Dan, I'm almost there."

He raised the switch and then changed his target bringing it down across her breasts right at the edge of the nipples. This scream was louder that the others and Lisa started convulsing into the throws of a hard orgasm. Dan let her come down and was surprised when she said, "That hurt like hell, but it really made me come. I don't think I've ever come that hard just from the whip before. But don't stop yet. I'm still horny and I want more. Just don't mark me too badly."

Dan put down the switch and picked up the cat again. He landed several medium blows on Lisa's tight ass, each bringing a sharp intake of breath and a sigh. He switched back to her breasts, bringing the whip up underhanded to the bottom of her tits. He changed to her pussy and applied several strokes directly between her legs. During this treatment, L:isa came twice more. Dan stopped and went to his bag. He returned with the two nipple clamps and let the first close over Lisa's already tortured right nipple. She cried out, but then bit her lip. He attached the other to her left nipple and once more started applying the cat. He whipped her harder and harder, making her strain against her bonds. Finally he delivered a series of especially hard lashes to her ass cheeks and then dropped the whip and moved between her legs. With Lisa spread so widely and tightly, Dan was at just the right height to plunge his hard dick deeply inside her. And that is exactly what he did. Lisa began to come the instant he penetrated her and then came again before Dan did himself.

Dan removed the clamps, bringing another cry as the blood returned. Next he released her ankle restraints and then her wrists. Lisa lowered her arms and rubbed her strained wrists. "God, that was hot, Dan. I couldn't take that kind of whipping very often, but it really turned me on." Then she added, "But I'm afraid we'll have to be a little careful with that switch. It's a really intense kind of pain and it did really do something to me, but it still hurts and looks like it almost broke the skin."

"I know," Dan replied. "I hope it wasn't too hard." Lisa shook her head. "I held back a lot but this thing is wicked and it doesn't take much. You know when Lewis and Clark made their trip something happened a few weeks after they left that required several of the men to be disciplined. They used willow switches - probably heavier than these, though - and made the men run a gauntlet naked. And they were trying to really hurt, not just tease. So this is obviously harsh enough for real discipline of hardened frontier men. Still, I think I'd like you to try it on me, too. Just be a little careful."

"Well, I just might," Lisa said. "And I've got another toy I'd like to try on you. Feel like being on the receiving end now?"

"That sounds good to me," Dan responded. "And, Lisa. I'm pretty horny, too. So don't you be too gentle either. OK?"

Lisa gave him a wicked smile. "After the way you laid that switch across my tits, you think I might be too gentle? You're in for a real surprise, Buster. Come here." She used a piece of rope to tie Dan's hands behind his back and then said, "Now wait here a minute while I run get something."

She darted back to the cabin and in a minute had returned with a small bag of her own. "OK, now spread them and bend over." Dan spread his legs and bent forward from the waist. He looked over his shoulder at Lisa while she approached him from behind. He could see she had something in her hand and in a few seconds discovered it was lube when her cool, slick finger penetrated his anus. Lisa worked the slick gel in and out and all around his tight opening and made sure several gobs found their way inside. Then she removed her finger and pulled something else from the bag. This was a string of five anal beads which she held up in front of Dan for him to see. "One of the girls at school lent these to me. She raves about them and insists they will drive a man up the wall, so I want to find out." She applied more lube to the beads and began to insert them, one after another, into Dan's anus, pushing each as deep as possible with her finger. The beads increased from about three fourths of an inch in diameter to an inch and a quarter and Lisa had to push to make the last of them go inside. A T-shaped handle was left dangling outside.

Dan's cock was rigid and rock hard from the stimulation and Lisa helped it along by tickling his balls. "OK, Lover, you can stand up now." She untied his hands from behind his back but soon had him arranged much as she had just been: Stretched into a taut X between the tree limb and the ground. She continued to tease him, playing with his cock and balls, kissing and biting his nipples, and occasionally tugging lightly on the string of beads.

Finally she moved back and picked up the two nipple clamps. She applied these, tightening each until Dan gave out a small grunt. She then picked up the cat and began to whip him. Much as he had done, she began lightly stroking his ass with the soft leather. She increased the strength of the strokes and moved over his body making sure the lash landed everywhere. Soon red lines began to appear and she had Dan crying out at each stroke.

After a particularly severe series of lashes, Lisa put the cat down and picked up the willow switch Dan had used on her. She swung it sharply through the air several times, each swing bringing a singing sound and causing Dan to cringe. After several such practice swings she brought the switch squarely across Dan's bare buttocks. An immediate red line appeared accompanied by a sharp scream. But, as Lisa had done, he refrained from using the safeword. She added two more lines on his ass and then sent a stinging blow across the lower front of his stomach, just above his jutting cock. Her target then changed to the insides of his thighs and each of four strokes was highlighted by a sharp scream.

Dan was straining against his bonds and his breath was coming in hard gasps. "I think you get the idea of the switch," Lisa said as she dropped it and once again picked up the cat. Dan continued to breathe in hard gulps and just nodded his head. Lisa resumed her attack with the multitailed whip, landing a number of blows across both the front and back of Dan's tightly bound body. Finally, when it appeared Dan was beginning to weaken a little in his struggles, Lisa dropped the cat also and then knelt in front of his bound form. She let her lips and tongue just barely touch his hard and straining member and her hands began to roam across the reddened welts on his ass. For the next ten minutes she continued to tease with her tongue, lips, and hands. She tugged on the weighted nipple clamps, she tickled the exposed underside of his balls, she pulled gently on the string of anal beads. Her tongue swirled around the head of his hard cock, lightly flicking into the small opening, and at irregular intervals she pulled the head deep into the back of her mouth. Dan was moaning and straining hard against his bonds, trying to get his cock deeper into her mouth and trying to rub against her any way he could. Finally she opened her mouth wide and pulled his cock far back into her throat. At the same time she began to pull gently but firmly on the string of beads. Just as the first bead popped out of Dan's tight rectum he began to come. Lisa sucked hard, swallowing his juices, and at the same time pulled harder on the string of beads. One by one the other beads popped out and Dan exploded in spurt after spurt. When at last he stopped he hung limply from his wrists and Lisa used her tongue to clean his softening cock.

When she released him, Dan stumbled a little and then pulled her into a tight embrace. "Wow! That was incredible," he exclaimed. "I don't think I've ever come that hard. We're going to have to get a set of those beads of our own. Have you ever tried them on yourself?"

Lisa squeezed him back. "No, but the idea sounds fun. They certainly did seem to have an effect on you."

"That's putting it mildly." They continued to hold each other for a minute and then both seemed to suddenly become aware that it had begun to cool off while they had been playing. Dan shivered and looked up at the sky. It had become cloudy and there seemed to be a dark line of clouds approaching from the northwest. "I think maybe October is finally arriving," he said. "We've going to have to get dressed or get inside and warm the place up."

Lisa was also aware of the change in temperature and noticed the breeze which was now coming up. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I love being naked with you, but we shouldn't be stupid about it."

They picked up their toys and, with their arms around each other, headed back inside the cabin. Once there they began to get dressed and Lisa said, "Let's go for a little walk. I'll bet it's going to start raining before too long and I'd like to go out one more time first."

"I'll bet you're right. We can go out for a little while and if we don't go too far we can probably make it back before it starts to rain too much." Dan had pulled on jeans and a thick sweater. Now he reached for his hiking boots. When he and Lisa were both dressed - both in jeans and sweaters - he got their jackets from the wall hooks and the couple started out the door.

"Let's go up that way," Dan said, pointing along the stream behind the cabin in a direction different from their previous trips. There seemed to be a path which followed the creek downstream into the woods. As they followed the narrow track the stream began to fall farther and farther below them and in about a quarter mile they were skirting the face of a steep hill - almost a cliff - and looking far down at the stream and out across a series of hills on the far side. They came to an overhanging rock ledge sticking about four feet out from the hillside.

Same as Cousin
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Andrea 1

Fantasy to Reality 1 (Revised)AUTHOR:Unknown DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times.I...

3 years ago
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A Bargain Made Ch 01

Neral walked with purpose. ‘One must always walk with purpose,’ her mother had told her often, ‘head up, spine straight, and eyes ahead. Never look like you don’t know where you’re going or what you’ll do when you get there. We are judged in all things.’ In the hindsight provided by the journey from child to adult, she realized that her mother was speaking the truth on a great many levels. Being of noble birth from one of the most well-known and longest-surviving Houses in the land it seemed...

1 year ago
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Dad called me a cock sucker

Sometimes when it was just me and my dad and we were working on something or fixing stuff and he'd get mad at me he'd call me a fucking cock sucker. This was when i was in my teens. Id like to tell him he was right but i dont want him to have any glory over me. One day i stole an all cock mag from the store because i was curious to know why there was the one and only all cock magazine. So i made my move and i grabed the all cock magazine and walked out of the store inconspicuously. It was late...

1 year ago
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Sex on a Train with Lina

Lina looked around the room. She knew what she had to do. Slowly she pulled up her skirt and walked over to where I sat. "That’s a good girl. Now lay over my lap." Her undies were gone and her red pubes were covered in pussy juice. Slowly she laid herself over my knees. I rubbed her ass cheeks moving her just a little, not needing to but just wanting her to know where she was and who was in charge. “I arrived at the station forty minutes early. I went through the ticket barrier and headed to my...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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The Instructress Ch 01

“Hi,” Sam called as he strode confidently into the hall, “Is the teacher here yet?”Donna looked up irritably and tightened the black belt that wrapped around her white martial arts kimono. She flicked her long blonde hair over her shoulder and slipped on a hair elastic. “She is,” she snapped.Donna was almost six-foot-tall and almost eighty kilograms. Now in her mid-twenties, she loved anything that used her natural strength and agility; immersing herself in everything from yoga to martial...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Tiffany Watson Alina Lopez She Isn8217t A Masseuse

Tiffany Watson is lying down getting a massage. Mercedes Carrera’s powerful hands work out all the knots in her back, and Tiffany is exactly where she wants to be. A short time later, Mercedes informs Tiffany that the massage is over. She mentions taking her time getting up since she might become lightheaded. Tiffany relaxes for a moment, then gets up and gets dressed. When Alina Lopez walks in the room, she asks if Tiffany will be massaging her today. Tiffany can’t believe how hot...

3 years ago
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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 2 Tuesday Evening November 23rd

I sat in the back seat of the car and stared at the profile of Dad’s face. He had that look of relaxed concentration that he always has when he’s driving and not thinking about other things. I was thinking of other things – big things. I wanted to ask Dad a big question. My problem was that I wasn’t sure how he was going to respond. That’s never good. Usually when I have a question for Dad I have some idea how he will react, so I can make sure I ask it in the right way. This time I had...

4 years ago
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Entrapment Two Sides To Every Story Part 1

ENTRAPMENT. TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY! PART 1 STEVE'S PERSPECTIVE. My first mistake was stealing the damned shirt in the first place! My second mistake was being caught! My third mistake was not calling the bastards bluff and telling him to go fuck himself in the beginning when I still could, before I was in so deep! Now god knows how I was ever going to get out of his trap. But I was young and na?ve, now I would have to keep on responding to the weekly summons to his house until h...

1 year ago
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Neekos Sex service

Neeko was looking forward to see who would show up to purchase her services. Although she wasn't cheap there are tons of people out there with the desire to get their hands on someone without consequences. With a simple image or look she could copy anything, looks, clothes and even their abilities.....With some limitations of course. She had set up base close to the borders between the factions so that she could more easily gain costumers from either sides of the world. Some would have to...

3 years ago
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Sweet love to a sweet girl

Hi friends, I am Shiv from Bangalore. I work for a MNC. I am 35 years old, married, about 176 cms, medium built, and most girls seem to like my eyes. I have received some good comments about my eyes. I work our regularly and take good care of my health and looks. This is a true story and my first writing experience to ISS. Her name is Nisha and I met her in a conference related to the IT industry about 1 year back. She is aged 26, about 5’3”, sizes of 34-26-36. She is slim and fair; with a...

2 years ago
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More Than Just Friends

Hey, friends, this is my first story for ISS. Hope you all enjoy it. Help me to improve with your comments and suggestions. You can get in touch with me on If it was not for the social media, we would have never become friends, but it was not that we had not met in person before starting our friendship through Facebook. Her name is Justina and I call her Justi. She joined my college as a Psychology student when I was doing my second year in English Literature. We were college mates for almost...

1 year ago
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Cum and get it

I finally get the text from my wife I have been so eagerly waiting for, “Cum and get it”. I’ve been driving around aimlessly for the past few hours. Thankfully I’m only about 5 minutes from home and I find myself pushing the accelerator more than I should in this residential neighborhood but I am anxious to fulfill my fantasy that we have talked about for years.As I drive down our street I notice there are no cars parked around our house. At this point I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I...

2 years ago
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Original Cindy the Panties and My Revenge

“The fucking whore wrote her phone number on the receipt!” I was slightly furious.He just looked at me and shrugged, not fathoming the meaning. “I guess she does that to provide better customer service.”He is always so oblivious. “It’s her damn cell phone number! The store number is right here on the top of the receipt!” I shoved the newly crumpled receipt into his face.In a sarcastic slut-voice I mocked her assumed behavior. “I’m Cindy the lingerie salesperson.” I shimmied my body in a...

3 years ago
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Emma licked up Aaliyah’s body, her tongue swirling around her belly button. Aaliyah let out small whimpers as Emma made her way past her taut belly, and up to her large breasts. Taking one rosy nipple into her mouth, Emma sucked gently, relishing the feel of the pebbled nipple against her tongue. Her other hand squeezed the luscious mound of her other breast, not wanting it to feel neglected. Emma smiled up at Aaliyah, highly enjoying the little whimpers that escaped her mouth. Her love’s...

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Bank Job

My job working for a temp agency was a lot of fun while I had it. I was just out of college and looking for work in the film industry, and needed a way to get myself food and shelter–a couple of luxuries I had grown accustomed to over the years. The temp job was good for a guy in my position–I often could pick my own hours, it never got boring (as I rarely stayed at any one place more than a couple of weeks) and it paid pretty well, especially since I usually got the higher paying word...

2 years ago
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Male Cherry goesPOP Pt2

Once I landed in Vegas I knew that I would live up to the City's manta: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".I arrived at the baggage claim greeted by hot weather. I was thankful that I decided to change into a clingy maxi dress and sandals before leaving the house. As I am waiting for my bag to make its way around on the belt I am scared to death with a soft....sensual kiss on the nape of my neck. I jumped and turned around to find Bryan's chocolate solid frame swallowing me. I playfully...

1 year ago
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Emmas Redemption Ch 01

Emma raced down the dark street, rain and wind whipping around her. She gasped desperately under her voice as she heard the footsteps behind her pick up pace. ‘No!’ The word was a moan. Not daring to look behind her for fear of falling on the wet ground, she darted down a back ally, hoping to lose her follower. Her heart jumped in her throat as she heard the footsteps continue down the alley behind her and she frantically raced around a corner–only to find a brick wall blocking her way. With...

2 years ago
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Rooms for Rent

It had been a year, a year since the death of your beloved Great Aunt Rachel. She had passed away quietly in her sleep and the funeral was beautiful. You had watched the memorial proceedings with tears in your eyes as you remembered the times you spent with her during the summer in her house just outside of her hometown. She never had children of her own, so she spoiled your mother, her niece, and your mother's siblings, and you and her siblings. A few days after the funeral, you got a call...

2 years ago
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Los Angeles Fun

It was a sunny day in Los Angeles as Jim walked down Hollywood Boulevard. He had arrived in the city a few hours ago and finally made it here from the airport. Slowly he walked around, thinking about what to do. He walked past two Japanese tourists, who were just taking pictures and as he passed, the two women suddenly were wearing Japanese school girl uniforms and were giggling. Jim didn’t took big notice of them, as they were approached by a guy and then lead to a limousine, but instead kept...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Hot Afternoon With Married Woman

Hi everyone and this is Aman from Mumbai. I have read number of stories over here so thought to share my story with you all. Dear, this is true incident based story and more out of it was an awesome and some experience for me with a married women wow hot! Well I’m Aman, 25, professionally. I’m teacher and use to take private tuition about me I’m 5.7, with attractive look high personality average build very fair. I love being what I’m and I’m best fucker according to her and my asset is around 8...

1 year ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

2 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part twelve

Christy told me that, the following morning at eight fifteen, Greg knocked on their bedroom door.“Kevin called him in and he brought coffee to us,” she went on, “I was laying down and the covers were down enough to expose my naked breasts.”“So, he saw your tits again?”“Yes, Steve, he saw my breasts again.”She told me that she sat up in bed and the covers were now down to her waist as she drank her coffee. Greg was sitting on the bed and talking to Kevin. She told me that he kept looking at her...

Wife Lovers
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Erins New Religion Erins Story

I needed more. For the past few months something was missing in my life. Yeah, my boyfriend cared about me and we had some fun times. I needed my world to be rocked. At 24 years old, my body was turning heads and I was starting to realize that I could have just about any man. At 5 foot 7 with light blue eyes in a face that people called "mega cute" and long auburn hair I was hard to miss. Three times a week in the gym earned a flat tummy and a butt that was killer in anything I wore. I...

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The Split Second Part 2

As I started staring out of those French doors that I started my whole innocent journey from my bedroom to look out, I hoped that the small wave I was staring at waiting to break would swallow me up so it would hide me from the world after my slightly embarrassing moment with my apparently “hot looking” mate Luke. It must have worked because I could not even feel his hand starting to slide up the back of my leg until he was well into my inner thigh territory. I awoke from my third daydream of...

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April May and June A Sisterly Tale

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 August and his wife sat at their oldest daughter’s wedding. April had dated Randy for over a year. She was giddy in love with him. Of course, her two sisters May and June also wanted Randy. He was tall, broad-shouldered, square-jawed and looked good with the tuxedo that he was getting married in. Each of the girls could easily imagine the goings on later to come that evening. Obviously, April will be on the receiving end of the deal, but May and June also...

2 years ago
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A rich woman loved to buy hookers and dominate them

Jean was a wealthy woman who was in to the BDSM scene. She had paid for services of slaves for years now, even had one on a full time basic. She was white in her mid 30 and wealthy enough to do anything she wanted. That day at work she had called the agency and told them she wanted a black slut for the weekend to use. They promised one would arrive at 6 tonight. She called her full time Mexican maid and slave and told her she had the night off. She showered when she got home and dressed in...

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1800 Rent a Slut Blacken

The motel announced itself with a billboard sign three feet above its rooftop that said: DAWN TILL MIDNIGHT PLACE. Everything about the place screamed sleaze, and it was not even midnight. How very appropriate, Jenny clicked her tongue against her upper lip as she eased out of the freeway and drove into the place. She slid her car into an empty parking slot in front of the building and offed her engine and smiled at April."Get your game face on, babe. It's party time from here on in."April...

1 year ago
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His revenge her desire

'Why am I doing this?' I asked myself as I crashed into the room. I was staying in a hotel with a friend for a comic convention in the city which they were fortunately still at while I sorted myself for what I was going to subject myself to tonight. I crashed on the bed clutching the plastic bag I had brought in with me close to my breasts. "My room, 506. 6PM. Wear a dress. No underwear" was the last thing my ex said to me before walking off. I had bumped into him at the con with his friends. I...

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His Brothers Keeper Part III

Amy had showered for longer than usual. She was trying to get rid of Casey’s smell, the smell of his body and what he’d sprayed on her back before leaving for work. When she’d finished she just went back to bed; defeating the purpose. The sheets stank of sex and Casey’s body. There was no point in fighting. He had her money and she was sure she’d heard him threatening Jack; sounded like he could have him hurt as well as stopping the payments. She resigned herself to what she’d have to...

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Fucking a Bound Slut

Debra was looking for a gift to get her husband, Dan, for his birthday. Dan would be turning 30, and she wanted to get him something special. Dan had mentioned all he really wanted was Debra. She decided if she was to be Dan’s present, she should be properly “gift wrapped”. Debra called a friend of Dan’s named Jake. Jake and Dan had been friends since they were k**s. Jake owned an Adult Book and Accessory store just on the outskirts of town. Debra inquired about closing time, and made...

4 years ago
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Final Arrangement

Theirs was an arrangement of logical and mutual convenience. Through the various risks they both had to take with their respective partners, they managed to attain rewards never before dreamed. Beyond the protective walls of the Hotel, they were respectable, law-abiding individuals who demanded decency from all they came into contact with. Within those Hotel walls, well, that was a different matter… He was married. His Wife, a School Teacher with an avid interest in Religious Studies, was...

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Meant to Happen Ch 02

A new day, a new way Debbie was nowhere to be seen at Union Station, so Tom called her. ‘Debbie, I’m back. I thought you were going to pick me up.’ ‘Oh, sorry. Kelly took the van and Kenny took the Jeep, so I don’t have any way to get there. Can you catch the bus?’ It apparently didn’t occur to her to borrow her brother’s car even though he lived across the street. Had she even remembered he was gone? ‘Did you really just say that?’ He clicked off his phone without another word. Tom...

4 years ago
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Zara A Wee In The Company Sink PT2

Recap: After a deliciously naughty wee in the company toilet sink, Zara has left Mercedes taking an identical piss into the bowl, to go in search of her other office colleagues. Filled with the excitement of catching her friend Rebecca having a naughty leak in the gent’s toilets, Zara bursts through the door. Sure enough, the attractive data processor was indeed answering the call of nature. However, instead of pissing into the tall plastic bin or using one of the urinals, she had instead...

2 years ago
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Moms property 2

Moms property 2 This is another installment to understand the events you should read Cumming at the poker game and Moms property. Your comments please. Joann sat Sunday waiting for her husband to get up, he had gotten in late and she was letting him sleep. That and the fact she needed to talk to Juan about this property thing. Her son Jim had stayed in bed too so she was totally alone in the kitchen. She called Juans number, he answered on the second ring. Hi babes how are you? Well there are...

4 years ago
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Gas Station Hammering

I had been driving for a full hour before I saw the ram shackled huddle of buildings appear like a mirage at the road side. Though I'd travelled this desert road from Reno so many times it still came as a surprise when Froggie Bills gas station appeared like it had been dropped from the heavens. I slowed my car eager to stretch my legs and no doubt share a few words with the eccentric owner. As I turned in 3 young men eyed me nervously as they got back into their supped up shit box, then with...

3 years ago
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Getting caught twice EDITED

It was a warm summer day in mid-July just after my seventeenth birthday. My parents had gone away to Disneyworld in Orlando, Florida for the twins’ birthday, which was in four days time. They were to spend a week there, during which I had decided to stay at home because they were only going to Disneyland and not big theme parks which I enjoy, so I wouldn’t have much fun going with them. My parents and siblings departed for the airport and 4:15 that morning to get their plane which was in five...

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Lightning Over Arizona Part II

  I was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain.  It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye.  It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head.  How did I get here? I wondered to myself.  I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me.  I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...

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Dee cuckolds Ben

“What would you think if I invited a guy round to have sex with me? I’d let you watch.”I was astounded; I didn’t know what to say. Why an earth should Dee suddenly come out with something like that. OK, we had been watching Poldark and Dee certain has a thing about HIM. But, we have such a good sex life and neither of us has ever suggested anything like that.I sat for a minute to let it sink in. I must admit that I have enjoyed watching Dee with other men, but that has always been on equal...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Leyona Sexy little dark skin spinner MILF

– 32 Years old MILF – She didn’t tell anyone she was doing her very first porn – Hoped it would surprise everyone when it popped up online – Has wanted to make a professional porn since she was 18 – Currently going to school for film to make horror movies – Is in the process of writing a script for her own movie – Is open minded when it comes to men. She likes variety – Can usually cum easy and sometimes even multiple – Her favorite position is doggy style because she getting pounded – She got...

2 years ago
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Another Encounter With My Sexy Aunt

Hello Readers, I am horny guy from Mumbai again with another event from my busty aunt. After seducing aunt from just a massage and followed by a sensational hot sex, we got close to each to much extent. My relation with her changed drastically from being a nephew to her lover her fucker. Whenever there was a chance even to pinch her nipples I just never missed it. I was enjoying it thoroughly and same was from her end. Once it was a height of all, I usually got up at 7 am in morning and was...

3 years ago
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Busted My Virginity to My Busty Mallu Teacher

Hello everyone, I am Appu, 24 years old. For the first time, I have decided to write about my sexual experiences here. I hope you all will be entertained and have fun imagining all your fantasies through this story! Back in 2017, I joined my first year college in Kerala, I was new to the atmosphere and had no luck finding friends. I had an affinity towards acting and did participate in some of the drama and mimes. That was when I came across this beautiful busty teacher Mrs. Reshmi. Talking...

1 year ago
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MomsTight Artemisia Love Stepmoms Hot Workout

Ricky Spanish and Juan Loco are playing video games when Ricky’s stepmom, Artemisia Love tries to tell them to get off the couch. She tells them they need to work out or they’ll never be able to please their future wives. When the boys ignore her, she flounces off into her bedroom to change into some appropriate workout clothes that highlight her curves and give her some serious camel toe. Grabbing a whistle, Artemisia blows it to get the boys’ attention and orders them off...

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Willows Story

N.B. I've noticed sometimes, but not always, a small problem caused when I change to Rich Text Format from Word that some accents on or under letters get lost. For example Provencal should have a cedilla under the 'c' but comes out as Proven(al in my story 'The Pre-nuptial Agreement'. In the following story is the word 'melee' and this has a circumflex over the first e and an acute accent over the second e. Sometimes it reproduces correctly, other times it doesn't. Having gone to...

1 year ago
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A Special Last Request Pt3

A Special Last Request Pt.3 By Ropetease c 2010 Keira and Amber have been with me for eight months now, and I have never been happier. Keira has settled in to her new surroundings at work and was made a supervisor of her department. Except for a few terrible nightmares, she seems happy. Amber is doing well at her job as the secretary of my friend Chuck. I wake up every morning thankful to have the two women in my bed that sleep next to me. When I asked her about the nightmares she just tries...

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Alex and PeterChapter 7 Peter

I'm still yelling at him. I started once I was reasonably sure that he would live. I'll stop soon, I'm sure - maybe when I stop shaking. "What was I 'posed ta tell yo' momma?" I think I'm repeating myself 'cause I'm pretty sure I said that already. "Hey Aunt Stacy - guess what Alex done today?" "Shudda le'me drown." He mutters. His speech has been getting clearer the whole car ride home, which has me almost convinced that he wasn't under long enough for any permanent...

3 years ago
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Keeping a Slaves Ass Ready

One of the most important things in training a slave, whether she is 18 or 38, is to keep her beautiful young ass pliable, stretched, open and ready for fucking at all times. She needs to be taught that her ass or her pussy must be available and ready twenty-four seven. Girls tend to be very selfish about their fuckholes. They tend to think of them as being personal. You need to convince a girl as part of her Bitch training that her hole is no longer her, but that it belongs to you. She needs...

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Losing Virginity And Experiencing The Real Pleasure

Hi, guys and girls, I am raj working in an MNC in Chennai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories and I am a great fan of this site. So I felt like sharing a real sexual incident that I experienced during my college days which happened around 3 years ago when I was 20. Before narrating about the incident let me tell you about myself. As far as my appearance is concerned, I am a fair good looking guy 6ft in tall. It all started like one nice day. I’ll tell you she was the first person I...

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Summer in the 70s

In the early seventies, I was taking some time off from school. I was a member of the counterculture, 22, and was living near my divorced mom’s house in the San Fernando Valley. I was then about six feet tall, and weighed about 190. A friend had taken off to the East Coast, and had left me with some exceptionally powerful marijuana. My girlfriend too had left me, and I was feeling down, so I would go over to my moms quite a lot. My mom was still at 42 very attractive. She was about 5’5" dark...

3 years ago
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End Game

Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected] This story might appear to be quite vanilla, and, indeed, to begin with itis simply about a wife swapping party. But like all my stories there's a twistat the end, and the twist in this one is decidedly Femdom. So have patience.  End Game ?I am not going to fuck in front of other people! You can forget that', Tracypouted from the front seat of the car. We were on our way to my first swinging party. This was...

2 years ago
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The EmmaJ Chronicles 2

Once again, this Series of stories are about my dear sexy friend Emma J.. She made the most beautiful horny video for Carl and I, we just loved it. I hope this will help pay you for your hard work xxxAnnaxxx#The Emma J Chronicles 2 - Part OneChapter OneIt was 7 pm on a Friday night, Emma had been working late again, and her bloody computer had packed up mid-afternoon so she had to finish off her work on the new proposal on Daphne’s machine while the IT guys were fixing it. She’d just shut down...

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