Complicated Ch. 09-10 free porn video

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Chapter 9

The next day we set out early to finish our dealing with the sales agent. We figured if we managed to wrap up things quickly enough we could head back to the city the same day and use the last vacation day to do something fun.

Unfortunately the estate agent got delayed and it was noon by the time we were finally able to leave Max’s hometown, Shelby. I was pretty sure he was never going to return to that place ever again- he had no reason to anymore- and yet, I was a little surprised that he didn’t turn around to look back even once, not even when he pulled out of the driveway of his old home for one last and final time.

Traffic crawled at a snail’s pace on our drive back and it was past midnight when we finally reached the city. Max was wiped out by the time we finally reached his place. I wanted to take a cab back to my apartment but he refused to let me leave alone that late and insisted that I spend the night at his.

‘You already have your bag with you.’ Was the reason he offered, for why I should stay the night.

I woke up the next morning cocooned in Max’s arms, feeling wonderful. It was early, too early for him to be awake yet. I thought I could go to my apartment, water my plants and return with a change of clothes before Max awoke.


After spending three days with Max, returning to my apartment all alone felt weird.

You miss him.

That didn’t make any sense because it was barely an hour ago that I had woken up beside him.

I watered my plants, showered and changed. I packed a small bag of essentials and headed back to Max’s place.

When I rang the buzzer to be allowed into his building he sounded sleepy and confused about how I came to be outside instead of in his bed.

I entered his apartment to be immediately I confronted, ‘You left, without saying anything.’

‘But I’m back now.’I said.

‘That’s not the point. You left.’

‘Just to clean up and…’

‘Move in with me.’


‘You heard me.’

‘I did… What did you mean?’

‘Just, what it sounded like.’

‘I can’t just move in.’



‘… because?’

‘Just because.’

‘Is there someone else you’d rather be with?’

‘No.’ I said without any hesitation.

‘Don’t you like being with me?’

‘No. I mean yes. Yes, I do.’

‘So, what’s the problem?’

‘It’s complicated.’

‘What is?’

‘This is.’ I said pointing to the vacant space between us.

‘I don’t understand.’

‘Me neither.’

‘Nayana,’ he cooed in a soothing tone, ‘we already spend so much time together. We have fun together. Having you live here will just be so much more convenient.’

You’re convenient.

The word bothered me more than it should have.

‘You don’t have to decide now. Just think about it, ok?’

I nodded mutely.


We tried ignoring the elephant in the room but by the time we finished lunch Max couldn’t take it anymore.

‘Okay, just spill whatever it is you’ve got running around in your head.’

‘I can’t move in with you.’ I whispered.


I didn’t answer, so he drew me to him and pulled me to sit in his lap.

‘Nayana, why don’t you want to move in with me?’

‘Because that would complicate things.’ I said softly.

‘Complicate things? How?’

I looked at his face and his questioning blue eyes and considered telling him that he was not my type that he was not Indian, that he was younger than me, that we had nothing in common but physical chemistry.

I considered telling him that moving in was a bad idea because he was still on the rebound and I couldn’t invest any more of myself in this non-relationship. I thought about telling him how I had missed him after being away from him for only an hour and how much it affected me when he was affectionate towards me. I was in over my heels and unfortunately unlike him I had not been trained to be fearless of messy situations.

I did the only thing that made the most sense for my well being, I stood up, gathered my stuff and walked out. Max ran after me. He was saying something but I wasn’t listening. My mind was building a fortress around me and was securing my safety- Max was the perceived threat that needed to be kept out.

Chapter 10

I stopped answering Max’s calls. I called Kylie and gave her some bullshit excuse about my apartment being too noisy because my neighbours were renovating and checked if it was okay for me to stay at her place for a few weeks till they finished. Kylie is smart so I’m sure she must’ve known that I was lying but she’s also a really good friend, so she didn’t turn me away. A few days later I came clean with her. Thankfully she understood and approved of my course of action.

I caught a big break during my two week stay with Kylie. After months of hard work my boss had finally acknowledged my contributions and signed-off on my promotion. The bump in my pay meant that I could finally look for an apartment in a nicer and safer building than my current one.

Throughout my stay with Kylie and the weeks that followed my friends made sure that I had dates lined up for every night I was free. I was a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of eligible Indian men that had suddenly cropped up in the city.

When I finally moved to my apartment I was grateful to Kylie for having visited the place before me to remove any reminders of a certain someone. I had briefly mused over whether there had been messages on the answering machine or notes under the door and then laughed at my own silliness.

With the passage of time I came to realise that with determination and a li’l help from my friends it wasn’t that hard to purge a person from my life. Of course sometimes in the nights when I lay in bed and touched myself, the annoying voice in my head would tell me that I wished it was someone else touching me. Fortunately, I had gotten really good at ignoring that annoying voice.


‘Dinner at Nomad bitches!’ Kylie said yelling at me and Saira.

We were discussing her plans for her 33rd birthday the following week. My stomach did a flip at the mention of Nomad.

‘Wow! I knew you were doing well just didn’t realise you were doing that well.’ Saira said clapping excitedly.

‘Nothin’ bu de best fer ma grrls,’ Kylie replied.

It had been two months. I’d finally moved on I believed, I didn’t see the point of ruining Kylie’s day just to avoid the risk of bumping into Max. Besides, I told myself chefs worked in the kitchens and not in the restaurant.


I was nervous, and ended up changing my clothes three times before I noticed the time and that I was late. I reached Nomad just as my friends were seated at their table.

‘Wow! Whose heart are you planning to break tonight?’ Eloise commented on my choice of outfit.

‘Everyone’s if I can help it.’ I replied with a wink sliding into the seat saved for me.

‘Hey, you’re not supposed to upstage the birthday girl.’ Kylie said faking outrage.

‘No sweetie, you’re not supposed to upstage the bride. And I swear when you get married,’ I said with my hand over my chest, ‘I’ll wear the ugliest bridesmaid dress you can find.’

We were soon laughing and poring over the menus deciding on what to order. Kylie had warned us that we were not supposed to touch the drinks menu. ‘I’m doing well, just not that well yet,’ was how she had put it.

During the course of the dinner the restaurant staff had discovered that it was Kylie’s birthday and helped us celebrate by getting us one of the most decadent chocolate
cakes that left us oohing and aahing in ecstasy. Kylie decided that she had to pay her compliments to the chef. My heart sank and I also felt a little anger at Kylie’s callous attitude till I remembered that I’d very likely never told her that a certain someone worked here.

As I watched the Maître D disappear into the kitchen I considered my options at that point: ducking to the Ladies or ducking under the table to look for a spoon or a fork I had hopefully dropped during the course of my meal. I decided to just remain seated and brave whatever would come next. The Maître D returned with Max to our table. If he had noticed me, he certainly didn’t show it.

‘Ladies, let me introduce you to our Chef Williamson.’

‘Ladies,’ he nodded in greeting to everyone at the table.

All the women looked at him while I looked at the tablecloth.

‘Chef, we wanted to pay you our compliments for a truly exquisite meal.’ Kylie said. ‘You really helped make my birthday extra special with that gorgeous cake.’

‘So you’re the birthday girl? Well, I’m glad we were able to enhance your birthday celebrations.’

‘You know you look very familiar,’ said Tara.

‘Yeah, I was thinking the same.’ Kylie and Saira piped in.

‘Wait, you’re that guy from the club,’ Eloise said almost jumping up in her seat. ‘Surely you recognise him, Nayana.’

I was absolutely mortified, there I was trying to blend into the background and not draw any attention to myself and suddenly everyone at the table was staring at me. I finally looked up at him.

‘Err, hi Max.’ I said awkwardly.

He nodded, ‘Hello. It’s been a while.’

‘Yes, yes it has.’ I was back to staring at the table cloth, I couldn’t bear to look into those blue eyes.

‘Everything good, I presume?’

‘Yes, yes. Thank you for asking.’ I kept nodding idiotically. ‘And you?’

This time I looked up, genuinely curious about his response.

‘Good,’ he replied expressionlessly. ‘It was good seeing you.’ He turned to the rest of the group ‘Ladies, I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.’ And with that he took his leave of us.

I sat there for a few minutes feeling numb. I couldn’t believe how cold and indifferent he had seemed. This was exactly why I’d left, because I suspected that I mattered far lesser to Max than he did to me. So why was it that instead of feeling satisfaction at knowing that I did the right thing by taking a step back when I did, was I feeling absolutely gutted instead?

Because you hoped you were wrong.

‘Oh, just shut up.’ I yelled out loud and walked out of the restaurant and on the street. I was upset and kept walking down the street trying to tune out my feelings. I don’t think I realised I was crying till my vision got a bit blurry from the tears. I could hear my phone buzzing- my friends I guessed- but I wasn’t ready to deal with anyone else as yet. After some time, walking on the cobbled pavement in my heels took its toll on my feet. So I finally stopped and took a cab home.


I got out of the elevator with my keys in my hand and was greeted by a familiar sight.


I chewed on the bottom of my lower lip. I couldn’t make out his expression. He didn’t approach me or say anything. He didn’t even move, just stood there as if waiting for me to make a move. I walked up to my door, unlocked it, stepped in and held the door open for him. He silently followed me in. I inhaled deeply and shut the door.

The next few minutes were a blur because I was still a little disoriented from my cry in the street and everything that happened next felt like a blur.


‘You left me.’ His words were measured and his face was contorted in pain or was it rage? I wasn’t certain at the time.


The tears returned again.

‘What the hell did you think you were doing?’

He slammed me hard against the wall. I didn’t think that he even realised he was hurting me. He was just so mad.

‘Answer me!’

‘Max please, I said I’m sorry.’I whimpered.



‘Max, please.’

‘No, it ends now.’


Max had taken me against my will and ejaculated while inside me even though we had used no protection. I was unable to hold back the tears as I felt his cock jerk and spasm while it filled me with its warm release. My body crumpled in defeat unable to hold myself any longer. I felt one of Max’s hands hold me in place while the other ran soothingly along my side.

‘Ssshhhh, ssshhhhh,’ he cooed against my neck. ‘It’s all going to be okay now.’

That’s when I understood that this was what he wanted. I turned my head slightly to try and face him and for the first time he didn’t try to stop me. I looked into his eyes and saw he was relaxed and calm. His eyes clear. This didn’t look like the face of a man who had just raped a woman. There was no guilt or regret or remorse on his face. He looked like a man who had done what needed to be done.

Max put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up to him. He looked me straight in the eye and then ever so gently kissed me. I thought of everything that had happened and I kissed him back.

‘Why did you wait so long to come for me?’

‘I wanted to give you some time to realise some things for yourself. I had hoped you would come to me.’

‘So, why now?’

‘Because I grew tired of waiting and when I saw you today I couldn’t stay away anymore. I couldn’t stand to be miserable just because you’re too dense to realise that you’re in love with me.’

‘You knew?’


‘And you’re okay with this?’

He nodded.

‘This is real?’

‘It has always been real, Nayana. At least for me it has.’

‘So, it’s not just about the sex?’

‘I’ll admit I’m a kinky asshole, so it is a LOT about the sex. But, no, it’s NOT just about the sex. I need you in my life to be happy. I love you Nayana and I have loved you for a long time now.’

Straightening myself I spoke, ‘Max?’


‘If you want me to move in tonight you’ll have to give me a hand with packing my clothes.’


It ended up taking us a whole week before I was finally able to move in with Max. We celebrated our moving in with a lot of kinky sex. I don’t know how either of us managed to hold on to our jobs considering all the time we spend having sex like bunnies.

My friends were confused about our relationship because he was nothing like the men I’d previously been with but when they spend time with us they saw that as different as we were individually, together we just worked. Kylie was especially pleased with how things turned out as she credited herself with playing cupid in my life- turned out that she had deliberately picked Nomad for her birthday celebrations in the hope that I would be forced to confront my feelings if I saw Max again.

Miraculously I didn’t get pregnant from those first few days of wild makeup sex and Max finally agreed to me going back on birth control when he was convinced that I wasn’t going to leave him and that we could afford to wait a while before we started our family.

Speaking of family I realised that I would have to take Max home soon to introduce him to mine. I was nervous about how they would react on learning that I was living in sin with a white man who was younger than me. We decided that the next vacation the two of us would take would be to India. But that’s another story.

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Mexican Adventure

As I stood outside my hotel in San Luis Potosi, a car drew up, the window went down and a husky voice from inside tentatively queried “Senor David?”. “Oh, yes, …, soy Senor Davies”. And so I was driven across town to my host’s house by this very attractive lady, about mid 30’s I would estimate, and from what I could see without staring unduly, a curvaceous figure. She said little during our journey, but I managed to determine that she was my hosts’ maid and chauffeur, and had been with...

3 years ago
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Office Paiyan Ragul Udan Kaamam

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en udan velai paarkum ilamaiyaana paiyanai eppadi usar seithu sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar buvana vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku ninaivu therintha naalil irunthu en officeil ilamaiyaana aangal velai seithathe ilai. Anaivarum thirumanam aagiyavargalaaga thaan irupaargal, en kanavan udan naan santhoshamaaga thaan irukiren aanal kama sugam enbathu ippozhuthu enaku kidaikamal irukirathu. En kanavan...

2 years ago
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Escape in Shenzhen

How good can it be when you are on a business trip sponsored by the company, and yet, you call up your lover and stay in together for a good 3 days. Well... I got such luck when my company send me to Shenzhen, China. Beside carrying out my work, I got to meet my China girl friend and fuck for 3 nights. She is none others than my XHL, a horny girl that makes me cum 3 Shot 2 Hours, which I met her through WeChat and bonk her HERE.I shall not put down all 3 days of fun I had, but just gave you...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 7

It was dawn much too soon. Lisa awoke first and slid her sticky body off of Vlad's gooey stomach where she'd leaked their mixed juices on him while they slept. She mind-linked with her loving master and watched while he slept. His dreams were wonderfully violent, usually of his battles, both those he won and the few that he lost. This one, however, was different. He was standing next to her gory remains that first day after the raptors had finished with her. She remembered it clearly, as...

3 years ago
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Sam and Lynn

After about 45 minutes Sam and Lynn came out of the game room. Sam said, “I have to leave”. On their way out the door Sam said I need to use the restroom. Lynn quickly said, “I’ll show you where it is” She and Sam went into the bathroom. After they closed the bathroom door, Lynn said to Sam, “I’ll hold it for you while you pee”. They came out about 5 min later and Sam and his friend left. After they left, I ask Lynn, “What did you say oh god for when you and Sam went into the...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 13 In the Limelight

By the time the doctor cleared me to play again, I had a new gray T-shirt to wear under my jersey and pads. I took a little ribbing from my teammates until I came in with a box of handmade T-Shirts and handed them out before a game. By halftime, they were all believers in my new base layer. I steadily refused to call it Under Armor, even though that is how I found myself thinking of it. By the time homecoming rolled around, players were asking for a second shirt, some with longer sleeves to...

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KarlaChapter 14

Setting things up with Alfred was easy. We all met on the Island to decide how we would go about it. Earlier, Elise had me drive over to the country inn near the chalet and declared it suitable for us. "For us, dear?" "Yes, of course for us. Don't you think that I have earned a holiday, after all this turmoil you created? Don't worry. I won't interfere with the treatment. However, I think that you should let Karla know that I am near. If she needs support or solace, I shall be there...

2 years ago
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The Kidnapping of Baby

After hours on the computer doing homework, I turned in my final assignment and was free for two whole months. I got done and began browsing some fetish sites, the ones that drove me absolutely crazy. I checked out a few sites, but just didn’t feel in the mood so, I decided to take a break and go for a walk, nothing extreme, just around the block to clear my head. I had lived on my own for the past couple of months, a gift from my parents for my 17th birthday, and was enjoying taking the time...

2 years ago
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Cindy I Part 1

PrologueThe plane seemed to level out, apparently reaching cruising altitude. Sounds of the engines, hydraulics and other more general ambient noises became less prominent. The smell of the air in the plane still bothered though as George looked to see if his bride was alright. Beginning the return trip from their honeymoon, she looked pale and nervous. This being only the second flight for either of them, Cindy clearly didn't care for air travel. Thinking there wasn't much he could do other...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones

Pferdeschnauben. Gelächter. Hufe, die auf den Boden schlagen. Das metallische Klappern von Rüstung. Vogelgezwitscher. In der Ferne rauscht ein Bach. Eine raue Männerstimme, darauf erneutes Gelächter. Irgendwann hören die Vögel auf zu singen. Die Männerstimmen lachen weiter. Pferdeschnauben. Dann ist es ruhig. Mächtige Fußstapfen, dann das Geräusch eines Gürtels, der geöffnet wird. Das Plätschern von Wasser. Ansonsten Totenstille. Plötzlich durchdringen Kampfschreie die Nacht, gefolgt von dem...

1 year ago
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Some Good Deeds

The banging at the door didn't surprise Mama Selma, even though the hour was late. She was no stranger to unexpected visitors, and she didn't sleep much these days, regardless. She calmly put her book down and grabbed the candle before rising from her chair. The sound continued as she walked, the intensity of the thumps growing with each knock. This didn't bother Mama Selma either. Folks that came to her door were rarely on social calls. More likely a husband had become particularly...

4 years ago
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Barbaric Sex

Barbaric SexA Super Duet Intense Taboo Erotic PsalmJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist"Viking Gladiator"and:C. Elaine HarrisSpiritual Poetess/Romantic Psalmist"Spiritual Poetess"I am the Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,And I am here indeed to give you this taboo psalm.Every woman in the entire world has this fantasy:Of being ravished and taken by a warrior of passion,Who will not take, “No” for answer whatsoever.To be pinned up against the wall, hair...

4 years ago
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Kathys Diner

KATHY’S DINER  Sisyphus It was late and I had been driving for hours through the fog and drizzle. I was getting drowsy and in the middle of nowhere, it seemed. Nothing but trees and an occasional dark house were barely visible. The static on the car radio made listening to the jazz station annoying and the only other station that came in was preaching about the end of time and we better give our souls to Jesus to be saved, something like that. I turned the radio off and drove in the dark...

4 years ago
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Another afternoon with my girlfriend

I came home from work early one day only to find my girlfriend Anna on her knees tits out sucking on Jim’s big black cock. I didnt want to interrupt them so I sat down took my pants off and started to jerk off. I watched as my girlfriends head would bob on Jim’s dick as she tried to take more of his thick cock in her mouth. Her mouth wasn’t big enough to take his whole cock, mainly just the head and a little bit more so she made no effort to deny it and had to use both hands to jack him off. ...

2 years ago
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My First Trip Out of the Closet

  I have wanted to write this story for many years but I hesitated to do so out of my fear of the unknown.   Since moving to Florida , I have pretty much been on my own for the first time in a long time. Let’s just say that now that I am older, I’m bolder! I no longer care who knows my sexual interests. It’s funny, because everyone I currently see understands my desires and approves of my different fetishes.   Foremost of these, is my predilection to live my non-professional life as a...

3 years ago
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Webcam Fun

I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was sitting there at my computer, the screen filled with an image of some unknown guy stroking his cock and urging me to play with my pussy, not that I needed any encouragement. My hand was already inside my panties, my fingers sliding up and down through my swollen, wet lips. As I watched, I saw the guy's hand movements quicken and seconds later a huge load of cumm jetted from the tip of his knob, splashing onto the screen of his computer. That was it...

2 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter II

School vacations were always a problem because both mommy and daddy had to work. Usually one or more of our grandmothers would come by during the day and watch us kids but this year was going to be different. Our maternal grandmother had had a stroke and although she was doing well no one expected her to take care of us again. Bobby’s fraternal grandmother was an alcoholic and could not be trusted to stay sober. Her husband had left her for another woman. My fraternal grandmother was...

2 years ago
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Bus Conductor Aur Thand Ki Raat

Hello guys, I’m roshan mai up ke ek chote shahr se hun. Ye desi hot sex baat tab ki hai jab mai 12th standard mai tha aur meri age 18 years thi. Mai shuru se hi thoda healthy tha zaada nahi sab mje cute kehte the. Isi vajah se meri chuchiyan bhi thi thodi. Mje ladko ke pant aur jeans ke dent ko dekhne mai bhut maja aata tha aur kai baar mai apne ghar ke saamne vale ghar ke bhaiya ki chat par jaake unki jockey sungha karta tha mje jockey bhut pasand hain. Ek baar raat ka samay tha lagbhag 9 baj...

1 year ago
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Ski Cabin Fever

I hadn't been skiing for sometime, and today looked like the PERFECT day for some serious downhill. I parked the van, gathered my stuff together and headed for the registration desk to purchase my lift ticket. It was busy and there was a hell of a lineup. I needed to find a place to put my equipment while I waited in line. I noticed a spot in between a couple of other skis and poles and quickly dashed over so I wouldn't lose my place in line. I basically threw my equipment up on the rack,...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend8217s Hot Mom

Hi friends I am telling you the experience which I had with Vrushali (Name Changed) aunty my Girl friends Mother. I hope you all enjoy it. To tell you more about myself, I am from Pune. 5.11 ft tall fair with a athletic body & my greatest passion is to spread love among all the lovely women who are deprived of it. So Pls Pls all you lovely lonely women, housewives, aunties, bhabis & girls between the age group of 20 to 50 get in touch with me IMMDTLY. My mail is To tell you all about my girl...

2 years ago
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A Mans Play Thing

Dennis was a 38 year old man who worked the grocery store at night to earn some extra income. He was a big strapping man. 6'3" 225 with broad muscular shoulders and short blond hair. He had a commanding air about him. Most of the time he wore a stern look, very tight lipped and business like. Not the kind of man you got a warm friendly feeling from, and definitely some one you wouldn't want to cross. But we got to know each other through work. We used to chat a lot. He liked to talk about...

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Carol Patty

Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighborhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally. Her name was Patty, Carol learned when one of the girl's friends had said her name when she laughed at something the girl said. Carol...

4 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 5 No Such Luck

I walked right to it. The professor crouched down and had a peek, while the pit boss did things with his compass and USGS Topo Maps (United States Geological Survey Topographical Maps). "This feature is new," he complained. "It's not on the most recent maps. According to this one, dated 1980, there's not even a hill here. This is all supposed to be flat, downslope trending west. I wonder when this uplift happened? I need to find this survey reference marker," and he wandered off,...

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Curlygirly and Mazzas Big Sandwich Part 1 Getting Ready

This is a story written jointly by myself and my pal, Mazza. We’ve had a forum thread, Curlygirly and Mazza’s Big Sandwich, running for quite a while now on Lush and we thought that it might be fun to write about how things might go, if we could actually make it happen. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! Curligirly picked up her ridiculous bubble-gum flavoured coffee from the kitchen counter and took a long swig, almost dropping the phone, which was cradled in the...

2 years ago
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Not Just for ChristmasChapter 3

Mike had tried, and as it turned out so had Catherine, to get Claire to go to the police and social services while her bruises were still visible but she adamantly refused. She was just too frightened that her children would be taken away from her. It worried Mike. That night, after the pantomime and after the children had gone to bed. He started in on her again. "At least let me take you to my solicitor and get you to swear an affidavit," he begged. "What for?" she said...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling Fantasies A Suggestion

Dear Ms [NAME WITHHELD].Thank you for your enquiry.In all honesty, I found your e-mail a little vague on the details, but I suppose that’s only to be expected since by your own admission you’re still ambivalent as to whether or not you really want to enlist my services.Nevertheless, your e-mail gave me a good idea of the kind of thing you fantasize about, and so I will lay out a scenario for you, a little suggestion that, should you be willing, could easily be arranged.Since you have written to...

1 year ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Twentyone Boss Day

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter Twenty-one, Boss' Day) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

3 years ago
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Holidays with Auntie Joan Part 3

The next year I was able to drive up to M. I was now the proud owner of a cheap second-hand Toyota, that managed to last the entire trip. I had been in a lovely relationship with a pretty, foreign fellow student, who was returning to her home country for the Uni vacation.On arrival at Joan's shack, we warmly covered each of our major experiences since my last visit. Joan had invested some of her art income into some improvements to the shack - an electric hot water system, a new computer,...


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