- 5 years ago
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Even exhausted and nicely fucked to a delicious point of boneless relaxation, I just couldn't sleep past 9:30 a.m. I'm usually ok at running on minimal sleep for awhile, as long as I can sleep in on weekends. This Saturday morning my brain was telling me to get up at its usual time and I couldn't seem to convince it otherwise. I wasn't expecting our company for another few hours yet as Lumpy and Ella weren't even expected to leave San Antonio until about noontime, but when my brains says 'get up', it usually wins.
Amy and Anne-Marie barely cracked an eyelid as I crawled out of bed trying not to disturb the tired sleeping pair but Amy sort of instinctively sensed that her warm flesh blanket had moved and she slithered into the warm spot I'd vacated and nestled her face right into the middle of Anne's boobs, and was fully asleep again in moments.
So, since I was up, I figured I might as well go downstairs into the basement and check upon The Slut. Hopefully a night of screaming orgasms had tempered her passions and I was at least half right. I let a semiconscious Kathy down from her torment and was rewarded by the hint of at least some reason in her eyes.
"You're a bastard." Kathy reminded me, but without any particular genuine animosity.
"And you're a rather cruel hearted bitch sometimes, who takes pleasure at hurting all of the people who love you!"
"Unfortunately you're right. I ... or rather Trixie was out of line last night. Way out of line. I've gone too far and now I don't know if I can keep her under control anymore ... and sometimes now I don't want to! Are you going to send me away now? You should ... I'm just too crazy and I can't be trusted anymore."
"I'm not making that decision yet but unless you're very, very sincere with your apologies, Amy might make that decision for us. Especially since she told me that you didn't attend your last scheduled counseling session with Mary Grant while I was gone."
"I couldn't go. Trixie didn't want me to go and she's gaining too much control over me again. She's only barely gone now and I can feel her laughing, waiting for me to lose control again. I needed to become a whore again, for you ... but to be a real whore I had to let Trixie free again. She's not like a mask anymore that I can pick up at will, wear for awhile for fun and then safely put away all neat and tidy again. She's me ... sometimes even the most real part of me, and I now feel like Kathy has now become the mask that Trixie wears when she needs to be dull and boring for awhile. Trixie wants and needs to be a whore, to screw everyone at the club that she can and she won't let me quit now! It's like a drug to her, but worse! She knows that it will eventually destroy her but she doesn't care – she wants to drown herself into the biggest sea of depravity that she can find and Platinum Girls is going to be too 'safe' and too respectable for her sometime soon. Already she wants to be used in deeper and darker and more degenerate ways than I could ever admit to. Just let me go and let her destroy herself ... and not hurt you or Amy, or even Anne any further. They both love you, especially Amy who needs you far more that you can ever understand and they'll make you happy together. I'll only bring you misery. Just let me go!"
"Unfortunately, I still rather love you, or at least the occasional rational parts of you that I can talk with, a rare moments like now. I sort of thought that you loved me too."
"I do! Far too much! Enough that I'd rather run away rather than cause you any more hurt! You're the only thing even keeping me marginally sane and focused and I'd be lost immediately without you. And like Amy, I also would do anything for you..." she whispered, falling to her knees in front of me and taking out my flaccid cock from my shorts into her mouth to lick and thoroughly clean it, to abjectly love and worship it as if it where the most precious thing in her life. At the moment, perhaps it was.
"I love you too much already..." She declared, licking her tongue around the inside of my uncircumcised foreskin before then gently pulling it back so that she could take me once more entirely in her mouth, with her wet chin resting against my balls for several seconds. "Enough so that it's my only anchor keeping Kathy, or rather Katherine, the woman you really love, still living within me. I want you too much ... and I would do anything for you, if you asked, even go away forever. I'd still whore myself to strangers at the club for money, if you asked me to ... just to prove my love for you and to keep the home we've worked so terribly hard to obtain! I want to adore you like Amy does, to do any vile perverted act just to get the tiniest bit of your approval. Your Kathy, like Trixie the Slut is a whore too and part of her, sometimes the strongest part, still wants to stay one ... and in the end she will win and you will hate me, and Trixie will have won!
"It's my fault that you're a whore. It's my fault that we desperately needed the money enough that you and Amy had to dance at the club, and then we needed even more money to avoid losing everything we'd worked for to debt, more debt and crooked housing inspectors. I should never have let you do it! The house doesn't mean that much to me compared to you and Amy, and perhaps even Anne now. We should have sold, quit or even given the house away to the gangsters and moved away and started over fresh and clean."
"No, I've always been a whore and I've loved almost every moment of it. I've taken cash for sex long before I'd ever met you and I even did a few local porno films back in college. I didn't even care what the movie was about, boy-girl, lesbian or even S&M ... just as long as I got fucked, whipped and or used until I couldn't walk straight afterwards. I knew I was sick even in high school, with my need for sex ... and I've spent the last few years trying hard to become 'Kathy' and normal once more to find that I've now lost all of my self-control once more! Please make love to me again and cum inside me just once more before I go?"
Kathy soon had my tired cock sucked as hard and thick as it was likely to get and she positioned herself onto all fours for me for me to fuck her cunt one last time.
"Be forceful!" She begged as I began to thrust harder inside of her. "Hold my hands behind my back or tie them up with a towel, then grab my hair and fuck me hard! I want you to fuck that whore Trixie one last time and treat her like the worthless cheap slut or whore that she is! I know you're angry with her, furious even ... well show it! Take out your anger and frustation on me now!"
Kathy, like Trixie, liked it hard and rough and just when I thought she was getting into a rhythm I moved my cock upwards to screw her ass, but harder and more forcefully than I had ever done before so far. Kathy was screaming with pleasure as I pulled back on her hair hard as I pounded into her uplifted ass. Soon I began to spank her ass cheeks as I thrusted, turning each one bright red with pain and also pleasure. Just when I was spanking her as hard and firmly as I could non-stop she exploded one last time into a final shuddering orgasm and collapsed into a heap on the concrete floor.
Moving up to her face, I then roughly grabbed her hair and forcibly shoved my cock straight from her ass into her pathetically eager mouth. With her hands still bound behind her back I held her hair firmly and made her suck me hard, forcing my cockhead as far down into her mouth and throat as it would go. She started to choke once but I slapped her face twice just a tad more forcefully than I had intended and forced my prick back inside her eager mouth even more forcefully than before until I heard her try to say something, garbled with my cock fully imbedded in her mouth.
"Harder!" She gasped, "You can be rougher with me. Slap me again and make me, not Trixie, your slut bitch and obedient to her new master! Amy isn't the only whore in this house that can obey her master!"
I was a bit past my personal comfort zone by now, but my cock was as rock hard as it had ever been in its entire life and Kathy/Trixie whispered 'Please' the next time I withdrew my cock to briefly slap it around her face before I fucked her captive slutty mouth some more.
"Trixie the Whore is begging for my cock?" I firmly asked as I slapped her hard again twice across each side of her face with my palms.
"Please Master! Your slut Kathy needs your cock and to feel your love for her!" I wasn't sure that semi-physical abuse was technically a proper way of demonstrating actual love, but after I slapped her face twice more ... and even slightly harder, she took my cock back down her throat as if she were starving for a meal. I fucked her face brutally for awhile more, gave her a few more slaps and held her head as firmly into my crotch as it could go so that I could blast my load as far down her helpless cum-hole of a throat as possible. It might have been the strongest orgasm of my entire life.
For the next hour or more I cradled Kathy's head in my lap on the cold cement floor of the garage as I gently caressed her hair, her slightly abused cheeks and comforted her. My cock was still inside her mouth and her tongue lovingly continued to caress it, but I was past the ability of achieving another errection for now. Finally after some prompting, Kathy finished telling me about more of her past life. For the first time in months I'd finally broken through her wall of silence and now she felt she could confess nearly everything to me.
"My father came back from his last Army tour in Vietnam as a young man in the mid 1970's fucked up in the head and he frequently beat the ever-living crap out of mom until she eventually left us about twenty years later. She ran away to live with a guy who ran a dairy farm near Brenham. Never married him I don't think, but she lived with him until she died about ten years ago when her car ran off the road during a bad rainstorm. I was just old enough at the time that she left us to know that she liked her sex rough and more than a little crazy too ... but dad damn near killed her with the beatings. Anyway, I was about twelve when I became the 'woman' of the house ... and that soon including most of the night work too. He mostly just wanted me to give him blowjobs but sometimes he'd fuck my ass too. He left my cunt mostly alone for a few years until I was old enough for birth control, and for that alone I was grateful. My brother was six years younger than I was and didn't learn for a long time what daddy was making me do almost every night, but when he did he was pretty pissed. Less than a week after I graduated from high school, dad had a hunting accident with his shotgun, but no one was fooled. My brother just about bragged to everyone that he had pulled the trigger and the judge put him in a county group home and let him join the Navy the earliest day that he could legally enlist. I got a scholorship to college. I haven't seen him now in years, but we really weren't that close. I don't think he could ever forgive me for willingly being a whore for daddy. I was young and dumb and desperate for any kind of affection or love from my father ... so I settled for him fucking me instead."
"You could have left ... I suppose," I enquired but she shook her head. "I had nowhere to go, no friends really, let alone any other family that I knew of. It was just easier that way to meekly submit and not complain. Besides, I'd discovered that like mom, I liked it rough. I liked the feel of daddy's cock in my mouth or my ass and I loved the taste of his cum. It was like rich chocolate to me, just feeling it inside me made me somehow happy and content. By then I was fucking half of the boys in my rural high school and I was notorious as the town slut. I'd even had four abortions at the local clinic even before I left for college because I was too mentally fucked up to remember take my bith control. I then became an even nastier slut in college because I missed how being used like a cheap whore made me feel. I needed that feeling, and I almost became Trixie then, a fulltime prostitute because I needed to feel dirty and abused. I somehow graduated with decent grades and a finance degree while spending nearly every night on my back being fucked by complete strangers ... and sometimes for money, and I loved it. After college, I decided I didn't want to be that girl anymore ... I can't be ... I know it is sick and self-destructive but sometimes I need exactly what you did to me now, to make me your complete obedient bitch and pain slut. Maybe even permanently now, to keep my ass yours ... and not a slut whore! Some times the pain, especially the pain, can clear my head straight for awhile and screaming gets it all worked out of my system for awhile. Like now ... I really do feel better!"
"That's pretty harsh, to need to remember and relive exactly how your father raped you. I think I went a bit too far in the excitement, your face was beet red for awhile."
"No ... it was really just about right. I deserved it for the way I disrespected you and my other lovers, and what you might consider real pain actually was just acutely focused pleasure for me. I hardly ever feel that sort of pain at all and it just goes straight to my clit, simulating me and increasing my desires. You weren't too rough ... and now I feel much better, especially with you now holding me. I know I'm still sick and I badly need my psychiatric help, and I'll go first thing Tuesday morning to see Mary again! I just can't live this way, divided inside anymore and I don't care anymore what it takes or what it costs me inside, but I have to become whole again and learn how to live ... and really love!"
"Well, despite your worst efforts, we all still do love you, and I think right now you ought to join them in bed for a long nap. Company coming and I'm sure Ella will have some stimulating plans for later this afternoon and certainly for this evening!"
Despite all of my best laid plans, hopes or wishes, Larry and Ella arrived much earlier than expected, just barely after I'd tucked Kathy in next to her still sleeping girlfriends. I'd lovingly carried her upstairs in my arms too, just I had done for Amy last night. Kathy needed the love and the affirmation, and perhaps the romance of the gesture. I did still love that woman, but like her, I just couldn't deal with one more eruption from her crazy alter-ego Trixie the Slut!
I barely had time to get off of the phone with her long time therapist Mary Grant to update her upon Kathy's precarious mental situation and to make the appointment for first thing Tuesday morning. She had to adjust a previous appointment to manage this, but she repeated her commitment to dealing with my lover's more obviously critical issues first as a priority problem. She hinted that it might be time at last to consider a more radical course of treatment but that she'd discuss the particulars with us then.
And then, a moment after I hung up the phone, Lumpy's big green Honda Pilot hybrid pulled into my driveway and now the weekend holiday housewarming party was ready to be kicked off! With or without us!
I made my apologies for the women, that they were still all in bed exhausted from a very, very late night and after the quick nickel tour of the new digs, Ella scampered off towards the master bedroom upstairs, rather obviously leaving a trail of removed clothing behind her, not that she had been wearing much in the first place, just a bra-less tank top and athletic shorts. Her skimpy black thong was tossed down to us from the upstairs balcony as she then joined the other women undoubtedly quite naked as well in bed. Knowing her, she'd have the sleepy headed ladies awake and in the mood for play within minutes and Lump and I laughed and agreed to give them as much private lesbian fun as they wanted. This turned out to be quite a bit, as they didn't descend en mass to join us guys by the pool until about mid afternoon!
This gave me time to give Larry the full tour of the restored house but we were nearly immediately interrupted by the loud noises of a big delivery truck pulling up in front of the house. This one was marked with the logo of a large exclusive furniture store and once again it soon became clear that the ladies had been doing some more personal shopping for us with the left over proceeds of their club earnings. Garry took this opportunity to come outside and join us and he was giggling with considerable amusement.
"This part was Kathy's idea!" He laughed as the three man delivery crew handed me a long three page inventory list which seemed (and just about did) fill the entire delivery truck. "They all went together shopping last Saturday right after dance lessons at the gym, and together they picked out a whole houseful of new furniture. They agreed on a common style; sort of ranch-like, to keep the furniture as similar to the fantasy theme of the house as they could. They showed me some pictures of what they'd ordered, so that they could guess if you'd blow a fuse or be otherwise too unhappy about it, but I think you'll like it.
And actually I did! For the downstairs, the theme was very much hard solid wood, but not too dark colored upholstered with high grade black leather. Two large formal sofas and a matching love seat were clearly intended for the main living room, with another set of similar but less formal couches to be placed around the stage dance floor. Eight leather and wood bar stools and a quartet of club chairs were placed around the bar and the eight piece all wood dining set, buffet and china cabinet found their new homes in the dining area. Extra guest bedroom suites now filled up the second floor bedroom and the main guest room next to the master on the smaller third floor.
Now the house looked like a real home, and not just something I'd fantasized over while looking at the original house decoration photos taken by DD's murder scene photographers. It wasn't the same of course, but it was different in a still complimentary sort of way. All new fresh and clean, just like the interior restoration.
Maybe this would cure us of the curse that the old property seemed to possess. A fresh all brand new start ... for house and for all of us!
With the delivery completed just a little bit after one o'clock, Jason had joined us as well and together we four guys took the slow master tour of the house, or most of it except for the master bedroom upstairs, in which it seemed that four women were rather loudly making love to each other! Since Kathy had earlier bought our bedroom furniture, there shouldn't have been any interruptions to their fun and games, but they did promptly throw on bathrobes and came downstairs briefly to take over the supervision of where each piece of furniture was to go. Obviously, men couldn't be trusted to do this job properly and virtually every piece that had already been delivered was entirely in the wrong positions ... usually by an enormous degree, sometimes even a whole foot or two out of place! I nodded my head and followed Charlton Heston's classic advice for having a happy marriage, and said 'Yes dear' a lot until the unloading was complete.
For a tip for the hard working furniture delivery men, it seemed like the ladies' kimono robes were showing rather a lot of cleavage when they thanked them before they drove off. Us guys managed to cop a few feels of some breasts and a cute ass or two, but they still had other more sapphotic plans for the morning that didn't include their home décor incompetent men. Promising us our own fun later (much later) they giggled back off up the stairs, bouncing their now once again bare tits all along the way just to tease us, and the master bedroom was shut firmly closed behind them. A hint to leave them the fuck alone ... and we did.
Since I've never explained the walk-through of the restored property, nor did I quite understand it myself until Jason finished the majority of his interior work earlier this month, this would be a good time to describe it, albeit briefly.
The women and I had already decided that for routine coming and going, we'd use the sliding security door on the eastern right hand side of the house by the kitchen and dining room that overlooked the wooden deck with the hot tub (still unused) and the pool beyond in the side yard. This had been Jason's first big restoration task, to make all the downstairs doors and windows as secure as possible and he'd done a superb job at this. He'd even once demonstrated with a baseball bat that this siding access door was unbreakable and it had a relatively complicated and secure locking mechanism that was pretty much unpickable and unforceable. Even a full running crash into it wouldn't knock the sliding door from its reinforced frame. This door led to an open area in between the large island kitchen and the formal dining room. At the far right of the kitchen was a small breakfast nook with just a round informal table and chairs for two in front of the bay window which gave excellent morning light.
A visitor coming to the house would instead climb the stone steps up the sloping front lawn to the deck and then turn left down the wraparound wooden deck walkway to the front door. This door too had been replaced with reinforced steel and secured strongly enough that probably a police battering ram couldn't budge it open. The gangsters could try another late night invasion attempt but they'd just make a whole lot of harmless noise instead. Directly ahead was the central main staircase going upstairs with the long broken elevator directly behind it, and a long wet bar that ran in a curve around to the right to face the dining room. This bar was one of the very few original interior items left in the house and it had a very Roaring Twenties look and feel to it. While it had been somewhat vandalized, it had been very restorable to its original condition. It was only money ... but here I think it was very well spent.
Once very late at night I'd had a brainstorm and suspected the alleged secret passage must be right underneath the bar. Perhaps a section moved to reveal a hidden staircase, or something, but no. Jason had needed to entirely remove all of the old remaining parts of the bar in order to lay down the new flooring and also the new plumbing that went to the small sink behind the long bar counter. Also, right at this location the floor below was very much still part of the ceiling of the garage. Nope, no place to hide anything here!
To the left side of the entrance is our normal living room, now complete with a big screen TV too, and the stage pole dancing area was behind it to the rear of the long room. There was plenty of space at either place for friends to gather and relax, or even play with the dancers. From near the back, a side hallway lead to the game room, the pantry behind the kitchen and what used to be the downstairs master bedroom, a large cheerful but exotic room full of Tolkien-ish stone and wood carvings that I've decided to use as a study. It's too weird to sleep in, but I find it comforting enough to just relax there. I was going to cover the three non window filled walls with bookshelves and turn it into a proper Victorian gentleman's library, complete with antique musty leather bound books and old antique phonographs. A place of future refuge from my house full of women! Perhaps even with a slot at the bottom of the door where my meals could slid in under, if the estrogen levels of the house became too thick and feminine drama ensued!
The game room next door once had a long rear brick wall that merged into the back hillside and this location was nearly every treasure hunter's second choice (after the garage/basement) to prospect for hidden goodies. The entire brickwork was dismantled, enough so to let about three years of hillside mud and rainwater pretty much destroy everything else left in the room, which couldn't have been much. This room took more time to utterly rebuild than any room in the house, except for perhaps the kitchen. It was empty right now, but I already had plans to put in a couple of Victorian era sofas and a billiards table, to recreate a nice period Edwardian smoking room for the gents. It had a fireplace that backed directly onto the one next door in my study, perfect for gentlemen guests to enjoy cigars and brandy after dinner.
So, it was about time for the annual Christmas/Holiday party, and as usual, I was more than ready to participate. Of course, I was a lapsed Catholic, but a secret pagan side of me thought of it as Yule, which was the true origin of Christmas, anyway. Anyway, the parties tended to get a little wild at our company, a publishing firm where I was one of the rising young editors. Many of us were single young adults, and it was not unheard-of for a few people to get laid at the thing each year, often...
Secret Moments 1 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of...
I was still in high school, I spent the weekend over at a friends home. I was afforded my own room and after eleven the family went to bed. i t was well after midnight, when I felt the bed move, thinking nothing of it I drifted back into deep slumber. I was startled by the weight of a heavy body climbing over me, as I laid prostate on my stomach. Suddenly I became aware of a massive blunt appendage probing my neither region.I tried to raise up when I heard the deep rough voice of my friends...
Hi Readers, This is Deep Roy from Kolkata, West Bengal. I’m visiting ISS in every Sunday’s & checking all the latest stories. From past 4 years I’m reading everyone’s stories which I would like, whether it’s a real or fiction story by the submitted author. But it’s made me hornier & gives me sexual pleasure. After all I thought why I shouldn’t share my real story with ISS which happened recently (after a long time affair) & this is my first story for all the readers. Now let me introduce...
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Secret Moments 8 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the...
I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...
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Author's forward: This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the usual rules about legal restrictions on accessing stories like this apply according to where you hail from. I hope you enjoy, Joanne Secret Lives By Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Chapter 1: Secret Agent...
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I’ve always had a secret fantasy about watching my wife fuck another man. I wasn’t sure I wanted it to become a reality. I never told her about it, until it actually happened. Last summer my wife and I went on a weekend camping trip with our friend, Doug. Once we arrived at the camp site our friend realized his tent was completely torn and there was no way he would be able to use it. We offered to let him share ours and he accepted. I was a bit disappointed because I figured this...
From: GraceeeDee To: SternoDan4Fun January 20, 2018 1:37 AM Remember me from that party at the Martins before Christmas? You whispered your private email address in my ear. I hope I got this right. I tried SternoDanForFun and that didn't work. Grace D --- Re: Is it you? From: SternoDan4Fun To: GraceeeDee January 20, 2018 1:51 AM Yes, it's me. I do remember you. Who could forget you? Wow. That was a month ago. We were all talking about how Margie got caught when Carl read her...
Story till now: In the year 2099 the metropolis of Climax City has become one of the most violent and corrupt cities in the world, were the super rich and super poor live mere miles from each other, but are in entirely different worlds. Tommy Gunn, a 19 year old bully, is returning home after a long day fucking someone else’s girlfriend and witnesses an unusual event. Two young woman fighting and fucking each other on a train in an abandoned part of the city, who are each coached by two older...
“Hey, Chris! Anything we need to catch up on?” “No. I’m getting the new scores back in a couple of weeks. I got like three tests tomorrow, so I’m gonna go study for awhile. Thanks.” “Okay! E-mail me for anything!” I walked back, but the lunch room was full. So, I got a sandwich and water, and sat at a low table. The table had three seats, none of which were used. I sat down, pulled out one of the notebooks I needed, and started eating and studying. I had like thirty minutes of lunch...
Roger got off the school bus and made his way to the patios outside his school’s buildings. That’s where most of the students hung out before school. But he wasn’t going to join up with his group of friends today. Today was Valentine’s Day. Every year since he had been 8 he had asked girls to be his Valentine on Valentine’s Day. He gave them poems, Valentine cards, flowers, and candy. He had always asked really nicely, but not one girl had ever said yes so far. He was now 18-years-old and a...
I want to tell you a story from my youth.In the UK with have a six week long holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for k**s that have parents that work and don’t want their k**s left roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis. Or we could use the...
Iam craving iti wont tell him because of how shy it makes me wanting him in my mouth but god if he make me do it i wont stop himMike had been my friend since foreverHe grew up so much faster than me i have been looking at him all summer thinking of his bbc in my mouth The first pool time of the year, After dipping in the pool we took shower so many times together but now he was hard and so big when we did, he told me nothing about his bbc hard casually washing it , both washing like we always...
Somewhere in the depths of my sleep I began to dream of the previous day’s events. It all felt so real as I dreamt of Sarah’s mouth on my cock. At some point I came to the realisation that it wasn’t a dream at all but I still hadn’t opened my eyes. “Oh Sarah. I love you so much.” “I love you too sweety.” She managed to say this from the other side of the room and without taking my cock from her mouth. What the hell? I opened my eyes and looked straight into Sarah’s smiling eyes as she sat on a...
ExhibitionismI was in his room literally a week after i met him for the 3rd night in a row getting another strawberry condom out of the box, my new friend relaxing , smoking his weed looking at me again on my knees on a pillow , going to worship his black veiny bigger cock like a candy3 days ago i was at his party , too drunk to leave , my new college friend joining me in the shower his bigger cock getting up has we wash ourselfjust doing his thing before getting out leaving me to finish showering , making...
My name is Meena and I live in Kerala in Kollam. I going to share my personal sexual experience and sex story because I get happiness when I do that. My husband is working in a Pvt company and he is 43 years old. I am 42 year old housewife and my son(21yrs) is studying in 3rd year. To start with I will tell more about me, I have severe lust. In college days I had a boyfriend but I have no intention to marry him because he belongs to another religion. He too doesn’t want to marry me but he...
IncestSecrets By Donna Sash [email protected] We all have them, secrets. We have them for many reasons, mine is to keep my self-safe from society. You see my main secrets are the kind that would cause members of my family and myself much humiliation. Ok, I'll just come out with it, I am a cross dresser. A transvestite, a man who wears the clothing of the opposite sex. Sure its ok for women to wear men's clothing, it is even looked at a sexy and it is accepted by society, but a man in...
It’s got to be secret hasn’t it? You can hardly go up to a girl and tell Her, can you? The conversation would go like this:“Hullo Miss, you don’t know me, but I‘ve been worshipping you for some time. I’m not making a pass, that’s not what I do. I’m just a wanker, I only look at girls, I don’t do dating or anything like that, in fact I’m amazed I’m talking to you as usually I’m too bashful and tongue-tied, specially when it comes to girls I worship so much, like I do you.“I’m not sure what else...
Story till now: 19 year old bully Tommy Gunn had been accepted in the Secret Sex-Fight Society, an violent underground organization of martial-artists and cage-fighters who use sex as a weapon. Managed by the beautiful and mysterious Ciara Chocolate, Tommy won two of his first three official matches, defying expectations of what a rookie with a big cock can do. But Tommy lost his last match to the bisexual demigod Poseidon, who has taken the macho teen as his personal bitch. Will Tommy be able...
Spring is in the air and the county fair is in town. I love this time of year! The flowers blooming, the birds singing and no more layering clothes trying to stay warm. After a long week at work my friends and I decided to check out the fair and have some much needed fun. I can hardly wait to smell the popcorn and cotton candy and ride the farris wheel. "Becca are you ready?" Joanne calls from downstairs. I live with my two room mates in a 3 bedroom town home in what we like to call rural...
VoyeurI’m a 27 year old female software engineer, 5’9” tall, not a bad body or hard to look at I’m told and worked my way up to my present job in the company that I have been with since I graduated college. I’ve just recently been promoted to section manager with 30 engineers working under me and I now have my own office with access to the secretarial pool. Now I should tell you that I am kind of bi-sexual but lean more towards the female sex and have been with a few women but never in what you would...
LesbianTitle: Secret Journey Author: DrGonzo124Tags: Transgenders, femdom, non-con, futa on male, creampieDedication:To the wonderful and talented writers whose work I'm rippin-...I mean paying homage to ,most especially ZappaGo who's hentai obviously inspired this. Author's note: Long time reader, first time publisher so please be honest, ...being nice would be nice but definitely be honest 898Five hundred years ago, SO the sages tell us, was a mighty warrior who lead armies to conquest on behalf of...
Title: Secret Journey Author:DrGonzo124Tags: Transgenders, femdom, non-con, futa on male, creampieDedication:To the wonderful and talented writers whose work I'm rippin-...I mean paying homage to, most especially ZappaGo who's hentai obviously inspired this. Author's note: Long time reader, first time publisher so please be honest, ...being nice would be nice but definitely be honest 898Five hundred years ago, SO the sages tell us, was a mighty warrior who lead armies to conquest on behalf of...
This story is conceived as one of many possible origins for the Spells-R- Us wizard. Bill Hart created both the wizard and the Spells-R-Us universe, and only he can ever state with any definitive authority what is "true" about the wizard. This story is merely written as a fun exercise to explore the world of Spells-R-Us. It deliberately contradicts other "what if" tales in an effort to firmly establish the non-canonical nature of this and other unofficial Spells-R-Us stories. This may...
I include this story as a tribute to a special person and the fun we have had xxSECRET SUPPERSLydia was busy preparing the vegetables for another dinner party she was catering for. She dealt in secrets. In fact she’d made a business out of it. ‘Secret Suppers’ had been flourishing for many years now. Her client list was extensive, and impressive. Local civic leaders, company directors, the nouveau riche. The idea was simple, the glamorous hostess passed of Lydia’s delicious food as her own,...
Secret UrgesBarefoot RunDave, a 13 year old eighth grader, grew up before there was an Internet and only a couple primitive computers existed in the whole country so he could not Google or search JackinWorld to discover what was happening to him and the dark urges he felt. It was before HIV. It was a time when schools did not teach sex ed and before gay lib made alternate lifestyles thinkable. Dave's parents like many parents at the time would not talk about sex and he couldn't dream of...
Secret discovery By silent submissive Jess was shocked, she knew her husband was into bondage, they had played together often and even built up a small box of toys but she hadn?t known his secret. But then one day she found it, she had been using the home computer and discovered that her husband, George, had been reading stories on bondage websites about female domination and S&M. They had discussed before that although neither of them were really into role playing they both enjoyed bondage,...
LOUISE That night in bed Louise was reading the latest Peter Robinson thriller, but found it hard to concentrate on it. Her thoughts kept wandering and went from the next exhibition in her art gallery to Rob, who was coming home tomorrow and then to Alex, who had almost been here a week now. Marge, Alex’s mother had called her tonight to ask how things were going.‘Alex only texts us to say that everything is cool and chill,’ she had said, ‘so I thought I’d better ask you.’Louise had assured...
FemdomSECRET RENDEZVOUS By Dulaney Browne I had expected the knock on my hotel door for a long time. When it came, I checked my watch: 7:00PM. Right on time. However, it took a bit before I answered. I wanted to make sure everything was just perfect. When I opened the door, I could tell she was apprehensive. We had discussed meeting in various exotic locales for a solitary magical night— Paris , Monte Carlo , Rio de Janeiro . I was a bit surprised when she suggested the Caribbean ....
After Lizzy arrived at the exclusive resort where she would be spending the following week, she did a reconnaissance of the establishment to find a private spot where she could sunbathe in the nude, determined to get an all-over tan. The resort was encompassed by an enormous garden with delightful nooks and crannies. It was in one of these little alcoves that Lizzy found her secret garden. Lizzy was very impressed by the place her parents had recommended, and the ‘no children’ policy at the...
Straight SexNote: Please read Secret Watcher Part 1. This two stories are meant to be read as a pair. The follow story is the reverse view and told through the eyes of the Secret Watcher's object of desire. Comments and ratings are appreciated. Enjoy! Several years ago I had been on a business trip to Anaheim for the local trade convention. I was staying next door at the Hilton. They had just remodeled and the rooms were beautiful. One nice addition was that the windows had been increased in size. They...
Mike was my college roommate for two years. He was a great guy and we became fast friends. Mike is black so he knows about white racism in all its forms. I'm white but my personality and upbringing made me a truly color blind person. All people of color can pick this up about me immediately and they drop their outer defensive walls with me which they rarely do (or should per my opinion) with other white folks, white guys in particular.This is a true story and it happened about 30 years ago. But...
"YES", suddenly said Kendra, with hot sex in mind, love juice and saliva now running from her from the mouth of her black lover, Joachim. As she added, "Can I start sucking you again now?”"...on your mamba snake, right now?" Her eyes in a trance like state, as she slowly, seductively and teasingly, unzipped his trousers, looking to explore her lover.Joachim could only nod dumbly indeed and completely under Kendra’s spell and at at Kendra's hot unsubtle whoring.Joachim’s naked black love pipe...
Well now that the whole ordeal is over, I can finally tell my story. It’s been 6 long years and countless horny men and women since it all started. I have been a secret sex slave, secret to my husband, friends, and family all because of one horny encounter that turned into years of sex slavery.Let me back up to when it all started. I (Cindy) was 27 married to my wonderful husband (Dave) and living in an upper class neighborhood outside of Chicago. My husband and I had a few swinging encounters...
SECRET by Barney CHAPTER 1 I have always known that my sister is a ball-breaking bitch but I never could have anticipated what she would do to her boyfriend, my best friend. Matt was my best friend through school and when we left and got jobs, we both worked in the same department for the same employer. It was only natural that we would become flat mates. Our friendship was forged due to a number of factors, the most important ones being that we were both underdeveloped as...
This is a story for adults. It deals with dark sexual fantasies, especially forced feminization. Don't try any of this stuff at home. If you are under 21, do not read this. Secret of the Strongman By Nancy Rose Copyright 2000 Prologue He picked me up easily, bear hugging me in his big meaty arms. My red-high-heeled feet left the floor as I wrapped my stocking covered legs around his waist. We kissed, and I felt so loved, so protected. While one of his big arms held me...
Secret Moments 2 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised,...
Secret Moments 4 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the...
Secret Moments 6 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the...
Secret Moments 7 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of...
SECRET SOLDIER By Celeste Ann Taylor PROLOGUE The army was not the adventure I'd been led to expect. 3 months of basic training to dehumanise me and turn me into a programmed killer, then 6 months in some backwater war zone as cannon fodder to ?build character' and when I survived that they gave me a real mission, shooting civilians for fun. However after a couple of years of this I was wounded when one of the civilians...
Hi Friends, First of all thanks for nice comments and mails on the previous parts of the story. For your feedback and suggestion kindly send mail on ” So moving forward from my fourth part I was in seventh heaven, I was feeling proud that yesterday night I had the best fuck of my life. I...
Beware: The following story involves extreme torture applied without conscience to sometimes unwilling victims. Some of the scenes depicted could be illegal, dangerous, or lethal. If you’re even thinking about trying this shit at home, please sign off now and go see a shrink, because you’re out of your freaking mind! If you don’t like this kind of no-holds-barred extreme sadistic kink, please don’t read it. Seriously.Chapter 11Slave 4 Prepares for Lactation Service The new member of the...