A New BeginningChapter 10: Day Five - Mage In Distress, Court, Sarah’s Operation And Mair Lookouts free porn video

By the time we got back home John was discussing where to put anyone turned out. Elizabeth suggested the apartments in the grotto. I had never looked inside them but Cynthia told me they looked very comfortable. I nodded to John, “have someone check them and possibly the top floors of the Keep.”
I looked around before spotting Jacob, “Jacob, do you think there will be a problem with these girls and women staying in the grotto?”
He shook his head, “we have been talking about your idea of tree homes. Many want to try it and only a few want to stay in the home.”
With only a couple of hours before sunrise I was going to just have breakfast and get ready to start the day but Cat and Sam both insisted I needed the rest. The truth was I was tired, mostly I think from the blood loss. We had barely gotten into bed when I heard and saw two young girls poking their heads into the room.
I gestured them in, “what is wrong?”
One of the girls was holding the other's hand tightly, “we had a bad dream.”
She hesitated, looking down fearfully, “can we sleep with you?”
I felt Cat and Sam both shift and sigh almost at the same time. I smiled as I felt their hands squeeze me and then let go as Cat lifted the covers, “come on you two.”
With a look of relief they climbed into bed and snuggled up close to both Sam and Cat. It was a few minutes later that I heard two more come in. Sam gave a soft laugh as I groaned about the bed not being big enough and she lifted the covers for them. I woke an hour later with a kitten sitting on me.
When I opened weary eyes to look at it, it lay down, “Good morning. Are you feeling better?”
I groaned, “let me guess, you and your litter mates are hungry?”
I looked at Cynthia who had raised her head looking at me, “Your litter is not the only ones up early.”
I sighed as the kitten hopped off me and made its way to the edge of the bed. As I was climbing over Sam and the children she whispered, “where are you going?”
I stopped while I held myself over her and kissed her before whispering back, “to feed the children.”
She caressed my face, “get used to it. I am not getting up in the middle of the night to feed the babies.”
I smiled and slipped out of the bed. Getting dressed I started out heading for the kitchen with the kittens in tow. I had to stop on the next floor because I felt weak. I decided to get the drakes while I was here. Opening the door into the nursery earned me a hiss from Virginia’s bed where the drakes had been sleeping.
I saw Beth sleeping in a bed nearby with three little girls piled around her. I held the door and gestured to the drakes. They looked at me for a moment before slipping out of the bed and crossing the room. When they saw the kittens sitting by the stairs they really perked up. I was worried at first but they only gave a kind of whine and tried to wipe their face on the kittens.
The kittens tolerated it, one even tried to put its paw around Princess’s neck in a hug. I shook my head and led the way to the kitchen with several stops to rest. The kitchen was already busy and I saw several new “Mair” girls and women looking lost and confused. Ann appeared suddenly to see what I needed.
I gestured at the kittens and the drakes. She smiled and suddenly kissed me on the cheek, “you are a good man Michael. We will make room for these women. No one deserves to be treated like Cassy or Elizabeth.”
I smiled at her as Eleanor handed me a cup of coffee, “where is John?”
Ann smiled back, “talking to the Mair council and looking at the rooms there.”
Sarah came in rubbing her eyes, “Ann you were right, she is almost ready to have the baby. Good morning Michael, have you seen all the new people coming in?”
I shook my head as a sleepy Helen and Tanya arrived with platters of meat for the kittens and the drakes. They sat down on the floor with them and were petting them while they ate. I looked up into Ann and Sarah’s smiling eyes, “no, I was told to go to bed.”
Sarah smiled, “that was probably best. With your loss of blood you needed it.”
I snorted, “tell that to my daughters and their bad dreams.”
Both women laughed as I moved to sit at the table. The two women there stood in fear as I approached. I smiled as I sat, “ladies please sit. No one will harm you here, you are safe.”
They were still afraid but sat across from me. Ann came to the table with eggs and thinly sliced Saur fried crispy. The door opened and a sleepy eyed Virginia came in, “there you are!”
She was looking at the drakes which had looked around and started wagging their tails as if they were dogs. I smiled as she put her little hands on her hips, “Virginia sweetie let them eat and come have breakfast.”
She looked at me and smiled shyly, “they were gone when I woke up.”
She crossed the floor and to my surprise climbed up into my lap. I could see the two women’s surprise and ignored it to give her a hug, “I brought them down so they could eat.”
She looked at my plate with hungry eyes. I handed her a slice of Saur and told her to help herself. She took small bites of the meat looking at the women who were whispering, “They are new. Who are they?”
I smiled and looked at the women, “we could be polite and ask them?”
Virginia smiled and hopped off my lap to walk around the table until she faced them, “Hi. My name is Virginia. What is your name?”
They hesitantly gave their names looking back and forth between Virginia and me. Virginia was not to be denied her curiosity, “are you going to stay with us? I can show you around, we even get to play in the water.”
She leaned in to whisper to them, “I have to have one of the mothers watch though, in case I fall in the deep water.”
Ann brought another plate for Virginia and I had her sit and eat her breakfast as I looked at Ann, “what was that I heard about a baby?”
Sarah spoke up from another table, “she has not broken her water yet. I had Jennifer stay with her. It will probably be late this morning or this afternoon.”
Thinking about Elizabeth and her descendants tendency to multiple births, “is it one of Elizabeth’s?”
Sarah shook her head, “no. Her husband brought her in last night.”
I nodded as my thirteen year olds came through the door yawning. Ann crossed to them, “come on girls lets get you something to eat and you can get started.”
One of the women leaned across the table, “do we belong to you now, (she paused) Master?”
I smiled back at her as I felt the room go quiet, “no. I have helped your grandmother in seeing that you were freed. You have no master, I and the other people here will help you find your way into a new life.”
From their look I knew they did not understand. I sighed, “I will take care of you until you are ready to leave me.”
Two of the thirteen year olds, (Jessie and Saline) came to the table to eat. They both stopped and shyly gave me a good morning kiss on the cheek. Saline looked at me, “did we hear some of the little ones in the hall this morning? I though I saw one poke her head in the door.”
I nodded as I stood, “bad dreams. They are probably still sleeping with Sam and Cat.”
They nodded but the look I saw pass between them told me we would probably be getting more girls in our bed from, “bad dreams.”
Cynthia came in as I was letting the kittens and the drakes out, “I am going to have the horse harnessed to the wagon.”
As she made a beeline for Helen and the plate she held I heard, “Sam and Cat finally freed themselves and are on their way.”
I laughed as I made my way towards John who was feeding grain to the horse. While we harnessed it I asked, “we need to find someone to draw up building plans for a large building across the river as well as plans for the farm buildings we were going to need.”
Slowly I made my way to Elizabeth. There was a woman I did not know sitting with her, talking about clothes for children. Elizabeth smiled as I came in, “Did they let you sleep?”
I smiled back, “Until your granddaughters climbed into bed wanting comforting from bad dreams.”
She laughed, “that is what you get for being daddy.”
I crossed to her and reaching out I grabbed the strand of magic at the top of her groin. There was a lot of resistance as I pulled it free and Elizabeth froze with her mouth open in a silent scream. This one was a lot longer than the others and acted more violently as it came free. I had been prepared, my long knife struck as it came free and turned to strike at me.
Tossing it away as it started to fade I bent and held Elizabeth until she slowly relaxed, “I am sorry Elizabeth.”
She was crying softly, “how much more?”
I sent my senses into her, feeling. I looked into her eyes, “maybe four or five more.”
She started crying harder and I sat on her bed to comfort her, “look at me.”
She looked up and I continued, “each one will be harder and I do not know if I can block the worst of the pain for you. The last one will be the worst.”
Elizabeth looked at me and I saw her shoulders slump, “damn Antizel.”
I nodded, “I am going to send for Julianna and I want you to talk to her about this. With the pain this will bring it will be worse than any rape that was done to you and you have to accept it and do nothing.”
She nodded with tears in her eyes, “I know.”
I bent and kissed her on the cheek, “I am so sorry Elizabeth.”
She held me as if her life depended on it crying softly. I heard a cough at the door and we both looked to see both Artimas and her brother. Elizabeth held out her arms still crying, “Father!”
I moved so that he could hold her, “I just gave her some bad news.”
Edward looked at me, “what?”
I shook my head, “she can tell you if she wishes.”
I turned to her, “I have to go. I will send for Julianna.”
As I left the room I motioned the woman, “she is not to be left alone. Not for anything, I want at least two of you with her at all times.”
She nodded, “she will have to be raped again?”
I shook my head, “no. She has to give herself to the pain the last spell strand will create willingly. It will be more painful than you can imagine.”
She smiled, “more painful than having a child?”
I nodded and pushed her back into the room, “stay with her.”
Sam and Cat were talking to John while they waited for me at the wagon. I stopped next to him, “I need a runner to go to Julianna. I need her to see Elizabeth as soon as possible. From now until I tell you otherwise she is to have at least two people with her at all times. When Artimas comes out ask if one of them can stay with her. I want a mage with her at least until I return. Tell him I think she may try to take her own life.”
John looked at me, “what happened?”
I shook my head, “lets just say the rest of her treatments are going to be very, very painful.”
As we were leaving Cynthia came running from the smithy and jumped up onto the wagon, “you know she is not going to trust anyone.”
I sighed, “she will have to.”
On the way to the Guard building where the court was being held I explained to Sam and Cat what had happened. Sergeant James was waiting for me when we arrived. He had a stable hand take the wagon and we made a slow entry through a side door. He told me that a couple of names had been added to the docket for today.
Sam and Cat sat in chairs behind me while Cynthia jumped onto the table beside me. Sergeant James went over the new cases with me as everyone stood at the back of the room waiting. I called the first case forward, it was about one merchant providing substandard material for the other and getting substandard merchandise back.
I let them both state their case and then looked at them, “very well, this is my decision. Return the merchandise and the substandard material is to be given back. If you give something that is substandard that is what you will get in return.”
The next case was distasteful and I had made James do some inquiring about it. A merchant had hired a man to do some work and the work was not done. He wanted the workmen put in bond. When they were in front of me I looked at the merchant, “I have made some inquires and this is the third time you have done this.”
He tried to speak but I cut him off, “each time more work is done and you postpone giving the new workman the materials he needs to finish his work. Basically you are cheating the workmen.”
I sat forward, “You are stealing their labor. All your assets will be turned over to your wife and you will be placed in bond for three years.”
He sputtered as the guards seized him. I looked at the workman, “See his wife about the work and any payment due.”
The next case I had discussed at length with sergeant James. It was a destitute family picked up in the guards sweep and they were facing bonding. When they were before me I looked at the papers in front of me, “it says here that you told the guards that you were new to the city? How long have you been here?”
The husband stepped forward, “we only arrived last week.”
I looked at James, “how long before they are considered as living here?”
James flipped a page (not that he needed to), “the law says one month.”
I looked back and addressed the guard, “what did they have in their belongings?”
The guard dumped several packets of needles and maybe two silvers worth of copper coins. I looked at the couple and gestured the man forward to the table. I took a slip of paper and wrote where I lived, “when you get there ask for John and tell him I sent you.”
I waved him back, “since you do not yet reside here and you have funds I will dismiss the case. However if the guards pick you up again, you and your family will go into bond. Do you understand?”
When they nodded I sent them away. I was not sure about the next case until I saw the thief. It was the boy that had been with Sam the day I had arrived and I felt Sam tense behind me. When he was in front of me the guard explained that he had been caught stealing and the... “Guard” was requesting that he be bonded.
I looked at him for a long time before reaching into my pouch and bringing out ten gold pieces. I set them on the table one at a time, “I will give you a choice. Ten pieces of gold, an escort to the city gates and freedom. In exchange for information about the guild and everyone in it.”
The boy looked at me licking his lips, “I do not know anything about the guild.”
I stared at him and shook my head, “we both know that is a lie. This is your chance to get out.”
When he only shook his head I glanced at the guard next to him, “put him in bond. Five years.”
That was the last of the cases that had been scheduled and I looked at James, “who is next?”
James called out the name of the mage I had thrown against the wall this morning for trying to cast a spell at or on me. He stepped forward arrogantly pulling four girls formally known as Mair. Two were pregnant, “I request these be put in bond to me for failure to pay for the food and board they have received.”
I barely looked at him as I stood and slowly made my way to the girls. I stopped in front of one of the pregnant girls and lifted her head with my finger, “has he forced you to have sex with him?”
She looked at the mage in fear and I stepped between them, “do not look to him to find the answer.”
She only looked down shaking. I looked at the other girls and they were all trembling. Cat walked quietly up behind me. Pulling her sword she brought it blade down onto the floor. When she pulled the sword everyone had stepped back and the four girls stared at her with wide eyes, “my sisters, put your hands on mine.”
I noticed that the hand on the sword was the one she wore her ring on. As they one by one placed their trembling hands on top of hers the sword began to glow brighter with each one. The mage started to do a spell and I summoned my chi and blocked his magic.
When the last one had put her hand on the blade Cat looked at them, “this is our grandmother’s sword, she has returned to us. All you have to do is to take courage and tell the truth.”
They looked at Cat like she was crazy before looking at me. They looked down but one of the girls raised her head and looked back at me, “what will happen if we tell you?”
I looked into her eyes, “Justice.”
She took her hand from the sword and stepped close, “on your honor?”
I pulled my long knife and placed her hand on the hilt before putting it against my chest, “upon my honor.”
She looked at the knife and back into my eyes, “he has forced all of us and those that came before.”
I looked at the pregnant girls, “is he the father?”
When they nodded I turned on the mage, “you wish to test me and bring this out in the open? Very well.”
I reached out to him and used his own life force, (his chi) to keep the block on his magic. The block would not move until he died, “for rape and slavery you forfeit your magic and are to be bonded for the rest of your life. All of your assets are to be seized and sold, the proceeds to go to these girls for their support.”
A voice spoke from the crowd, “You have no authority over mages. Only the mage council has that power.”
I turned and watched as William came out of the crowd. I smiled a smile that did not touch my eyes, “Your former mage gave his rights up when he came before this court.”
William stared at me, “You have no authority over mages.”
I glanced at James, “sergeant would you be so kind as to read the passage I showed you.”
He stood, “If a citizen of the city comes before the court, be they Merchant, Prince or Mage they will be subject to the laws of the city and the court.”
I nodded, “sergeant, was the law signed by the entire council including the mage representative?”
He looked back at me with out blinking, “yes.”
I looked at William, I could see his fist clinching, “my decision stands. I suggest you not try me further. Free them.”
He turned and thrust his way back into the crowd as two guards grabbed the mage I had sentenced. At first they were hesitant but when nothing happened they used more force. I looked a Cat, “have one of the guards take them to their grandmother.”
Sliding my long knife back in its sheath I heard, “I challenge you. Here and now.”
I turned back to see the duelist break free of the crowd. I shook my head as James stood, “the law states that the judge of the day is exempt from challenge until his duty is passed on.”
The duelist growled and I turned back towards Cat when I felt him draw his sword and move towards me. Drawing my sword as I spun I brought it down in an arc that took his hand, sword and all. The back stroke went through his throat. As he fell to the floor I turned to Cat. Her sword was up in a guard position, “send them to Elizabeth.”
The room was silent as I moved slowly back to the table and placed my bloody sword on it as I sat, “who is next sergeant James?”
He cleared his throat as two guards moved forward to drag the body out of room, “a merchant seeking redress.”
I looked at the crowd, “well?”
A tall skinny man stepped out of the crowd, “I am here on my own behalf seeking redress done to the reputation of a senior member of my consortium.”
I nodded, “tell us the circumstances.”
He looked at me intently, “the senior member of my consortium was involved in a duel with you and during the duel you publicly humiliated him by your actions.”
Before I could say anything sergeant James stood up, “actions during a duel are not subject to court action! Further, bringing the actions into court is a punishable offense subject to one year in bond. Guards!”
Two guards stepped forward and grabbed the protesting merchant and walked him out a side door. I noticed Henry Schaffer in the back of the room turning red. I looked at the sergeant James, “next case?”
He looked down at a paper but a deep voice sounded from the crowd, “that would be me.”
A dwarf pushed his way out of the crowd. Two others followed him and they stopped with their hands on hips, “we seek the seizure of property for nonpayment, both for services and material provided.”
I nodded, “when was the payment due and what was the amount?”
They looked at each other and the one in the front looked back at me, “it was due a month ago and they owe five thousand gold pieces.”
I thought about it, “when was the materials and services given?”
The dwarf instantly replied, “six weeks ago.”
I sat back, “the merchant you want the property seized from?”
The dwarf smiled a nasty smile, “the Schaffer consortium.”
I nodded and looked at Sergeant James, “how do we do a seizure for a specific amount?”
James looked back, “in the case of a consortium it comes from the senior member working down until the amount is paid or no one is left in the consortium.”
I looked back at the dwarfs, “very well, I will order the seizure and selling of property for the amount of 5,000 plus another 2,500 for your trouble. In addition to any cost the guard has for doing this.”
The dwarf nodded and they turned and pushed their way back into the crowd. I looked at sergeant James, “anything else?”
He looked back, “open the court for anyone with a grievance.”
I looked out at the crowd, “does anyone have a grievance they wish to address to the court?”
A richly dressed merchant stepped out of the crowd, “I do not wish to address the court but what will happen when we request the next judge to rule on your standing with regards to those called Mair?”
I smiled, “the mage council ruled that those you call Mair are not a created race. That means they are subject to the normal bonding laws. That means you need court documents showing cause or at least a judge’s signature along with the bond servants.”
He gave me a nasty smile, “and if another judge counters your position?”
I smiled back as I leaned forward and placed my hand on the hilt of my bloody sword lying on the table, “then the next time I sit in judgment I will have every person who still holds one of these girls prisoner arrested and put in bond for life. Their property seized and sold, the proceeds given to the girls in question.”
I looked at all of them, “if anyone wants to argue my decision they can always challenge me tomorrow. I will be more than happy to show them the error of their ways. Would you like to be the first? I will even offer to duel with hands only?”
The merchant turned pale and backed into the crowd. I looked at the crowd, “those you have known as Mair are children of a mage enslaved by the Necromancers Antizel and Pendar. I believe this was done with the help and cooperation of the drow.”
I looked back and forth through the crowd, “by keeping these girls and trying to continue the practice the necromancer started you are just as guilty of those black deeds as he was. The continued slavery, not to mention the rape and abuse of these women needs to stop.”
A voice spoke up from the crowd, “what if they want to stay in bond?”
I looked at the crowd for a long silent minute, “if they come before the magistrate without being coerced and agree to a bond then they will be treated as anyone else. I never said they could not be bonded, I said they should be treated the same as you or anyone else.”
When no one said anything else I stood, “anything else?”
When nothing was said I looked at sergeant James, “am I done?”
He nodded, “I will bring the papers you will need to sign to your home. Anything that comes up today will be brought to you.”
I stood and put the gold pieces in my pouch before taking a rag that was handed to me by Sam. Carefully I wiped my sword and put it away and slowly walked from the room. As I stepped out the side door to have my wagon brought from the stable William stepped from another doorway, “you wish to confront the mage council? Very well, from this day forward no mage will be allowed to assist you in any way. If they do they will be stripped of their power and property. Any contact with you will result in the mage being bonded to the mage council.”
I smiled a dangerous smile, “fine William. You forget, I can still come before the mage council. Tomorrow I will come for you and each of the mages on the council. You will face me in a duel and I will take your magic before I kill you.”
As his face turned white I stepped forward, reaching out and using his life force I blocked his magic, “you want to threaten me again mage?”
He stepped back, “the mage council will not stand for this!”
I looked at him calmly, “what you have to worry about is staying on the council. You have pissed a lot of mages off. I do not think they are going to stand for it much longer. What are you going to do when you no longer have the protection of the council?”
He growled, “No one will oppose me!”
I smiled, “just off the top of my head I can think of four mages that would. Undoubtedly there are more.”
William paled as I smiled again, “you do what you have to. Have the council vote on the measures against me and I will see you tomorrow.”
I turned away and walked slowly to join Sam and Cat before walking to the wagon. The four girls from the court were sitting in the back. When I looked from them to Cat she smiled, “they might as well come home with us.”
I climbed onto the seat with both girls. When we came into the gate it was to a large crowd of about one hundred women and girls of different ages around the kitchen. I stopped the wagon and climbed down signaling to one of the neighbor boys, “Nathen, could you take care of the horse and wagon?”
I helped Sam and Cat down and went to the back to help the four girls down, “Cat? Could you and Sam see if you can find a place for them?”
I made my way to the kitchen. The women in the crowd moved away from me quickly as I passed. When I got to the kitchen door I found Jeremy seated with a crate in front of him writing names and giving directions to where they should go. He looked up as I arrived and I saw a look of relief cross his face, “Ann and John are inside with several mages. They may need your help.”
When I entered I saw them around one of the tables. All of the kitchen helpers looked like they were trying to keep their distance. As I approached the table I heard one of the mages, “but they are my children!”
I cleared my throat, “John, Ann? Can I help?”
The crowd parted with the mages looking at me. John stood, “thank goodness, these gentlemen wanted to keep the women they brought, along with the children.”
I made my way to the table, “have we found enough room for everyone?”
John nodded, “I need to go and help with getting them moved in.”
I sat and looked at the mages as he left, “talk to me one at a time please.”
The first mage, a young looking mage told me that he understood what we were doing and agreed with it. The problem was that he loved the two women he had “bought” and the children were as much his. I looked at the others, “is this why you are all here?”
They all agreed except one who explained that he wanted to adopt the three girls that had been bonded to him. I looked at Ann, “is anyone with Elizabeth?”
Ann nodded, “her regular crowd.”
I smiled, “is Nathen one of them?”
She nodded, “I will send someone for him.”
As she left I faced all the mages, “I am going to give you the benefit of doubt. Go find the ones you are talking about and one at a time bring them in for me to talk to.”
When they started to argue I held up my hand, “Gentlemen! It is not up for debate. I will question them and if they wish it then they are more than welcome to go with you. I will force no one.”
The room was silent and then they all moved for the door. Victoria came from the back of the kitchen and quietly set a cup of coffee and a plate of fried Saur down. I smiled, “thank you.”
The first mage was back in only a minute with three women that looked like adults. I asked them all to sit and looked at the mage, “let me talk to them without interruption.”
I looked at the three women, “this mage has asked that you stay with him. How has he treated you?”
They looked at me, not in fear, it was more like they did not understand what was happening. They told me that he had treated them good. They spoke as if they had been educated and seemed to care about the mage. When I asked if they wanted to remain with him they did not even hesitate in nodding.
Nathen came in a minute later and I excused myself to ask if he could tell me about each of the mages. That was what I did for the next hour. With one exception, the last mage came in with four little girls about seven or eight. They were clinging tightly to him in fear and he was very protective of them.

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