Incredible ChangesChapter 506: Rosie – Do-Over free porn video

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I was in my office when Crystal brought Rosie in to introduce us.

“David,” Crystal said with a smile I knew meant she was teasing. “Found a stray stuck trying to get in the gate. Rosie isn’t yours, for a change, but it seems to be one your mom agreed to let crash here for a few days while her mom is out of town.”

Mom came in behind Crystal and Rosie, so I went to hug mom and ask, “Mom? Are you sure? I miss Chrissy too but isn’t this a bit too soon to take in another little girl and mom we’ve never met?”

“It is ok, David. I’m fine, and so is your dad. Your father and I are her emergency contacts. Rosie’s mom sent a note saying she had heard about Chrissy and was sorry about her unexpected death. The woman clarified in the note that she wanted the best for Rosie, so she set us up a bit. Mom had already read over the paperwork giving us temporary full custody of Rosie. It came with expedited adoption papers post-dated that are effective tomorrow if Rosie’s mom doesn’t come back tonight. In not so many words, Rosie’s mom implied that she wanted us to help Rosie through the tough time if her mom died. I did get a text from an unknown number that said if we didn’t want to adopt Rosie if her mom didn’t come back, to ensure that she got to your foster care complex,” mom told me.

Rosie said with the same fire and venom as before, “I hope she does die. She hasn’t been a mom to me since she showed me how to use the microwave and toaster oven when I was six. Being placed in a shithole foster home with an asshole who gets paid to let anyone fuck me in any hole they want is better than living with her. It is just like her to act to pretend she cares, but instead dump me off on someone’s doorstep that will call social services, or the police, to take me away.”

“Young lady, you will watch your language,” Mom said.

Crystal had a sobbing girl with a face buried between Crystal’s lycra-covered tits. She moved Rosie over to where they could sit on one of my couches. Mom went to get some soup for Rosie to bring her at least something warm to eat and some water. Rosie grudgingly tried it, and then the soup was all but inhaled.

Mom went to get more.

“Rosie,” Crystal said, “Might as well get this out there. I’m a lesbian, but don’t get your hopes up. I’ve got a girlfriend. She and I both busted our butts learning martial arts to keep guys from touching us. David is the only male I want to be around. My girlfriend, two other friends, and I were in a nasty crash. One of the girls died, but the people that came to get us stuck wires in her to keep her body alive until they could get her to their private hospital. My three friends were on their way to the hospital, but I remained trapped in the mangled car. David was a scrawny runt. I think you are bigger than he was back then. There is truth to that whole super-strength thing when someone you love will die if you don’t help them. He tore that car open to get me out and to the hospital.”

With more piss and vinegar, Rosie said, “Yeah. Great guy. Blah, blah, blah.”

Crystal gave Rosie a look that made Rosie cringe back away and said, “He is the best guy I’ve ever met. He didn’t have to come to the hospital, but he did. David said he was there until the other three and I walked out or left in a body bag. Our friend, Paula, had her head pulled off her spine and her skull crushed. She became an experiment to see if they could do the impossible and put her back together. Her scars make Frankenstein and his bride look like supermodels. They skinned her to fix her bones, muscles, and tendons. She had a long road and had to learn a lot again, but somehow she didn’t lose everything she knew, but it took things to help her remember. Anytime he could, David held her hand, hoping they could bring her back. They can tell you the story. She is the last person in the world that anyone would think of David holding their hand and hoping they didn’t die. Her mom did things to David that made him pull into a world where he ignored everyone. He also gives the best hugs.”

“And?” Rosie almost spat back out.

“Look, Rosie,” Crystal said. “That monster foster care place David’s mom mentioned? Well, David takes a lot of the money that the guy that died gave him to pay to run four of those. He doesn’t take any money from anyone to run them. Anything the government tries to give him for the kid’s care goes into a bank account for each kid. It is there to help give them a good start on their lives when they leave. No one has to leave when they turn eighteen, only move to an adult apartment building at the complex. Ten thousand of those children loved David so much that they wanted to do something to let him know how much they loved him and felt bad for his sister Chrissy dying. The kids took a two-plus mile space made for a failed megamall amusement park and turned it into a memorial park and gardens in Chrissy’s name. They threatened to run away from the complex if they didn’t get here to help build it. Give him a chance.”

“Yeah, I see that happening,” Rosie spat out.

Crystal got up, got her courier bag, and said, “Be that way. It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t live here and didn’t agree to babysit you. His mom did. No one said you have to like it here, but they aren’t going to ask you to do anything to help out around the house. Why don’t you give it a few days? No one says you have to talk to anyone. You can hide in whatever bedroom no one uses, but there is no room service, so you still have to come down to eat. I do warn you, don’t think you will get any pity from them. Love, kindness, an ear that will listen and give a shit, yet. But no pity. His adopted daughter Ellen’s dad died, and Ellen had to survive in the woods alone for two years. David found her when she was eleven. Ellen just turned twelve. I’ve got to get back to work before my girlfriend calls to bitch me out. Love and business are two different things, and time is money. Oh, I ratted you out about your tablet and phone. Bye.”

“What the hell does that mean? Who cares?” Rosie asked out loud to nobody.

There was a knock on my office door with someone delivering the expected packages.

“Sit up and scoot over,” I told Rosie as I carried the boxes. “Get your phone and tablet out of your backpack, Rosie.”

I got a huff out of her, but she did it anyway.

I got the new i-Fruit from the box and used the supplied cable to hook the two phones up. It was all for show, but Rosie looked remotely interested.

She had an Android tablet, and the latest of the same manufacturer was inside the next box.

“It is busted. Mom made me drop it trying to rush out of the house,” Rosie said with more sadness than anger.

I connected the two.

I removed the ultra-thin, ultra-light laptop and got it going through the initial new laptop automatic setup process.

All for the show. Fine by me if it helps Rosie. Chrissy was never this way. What did I do to her when I reverted her to this age?

She didn’t flinch when she gently patted her leg and said, “You asked what Crystal meant about ratting you out about your tablet and phone. I’ve stopped asking who cares because no one will tell me. If you find out who is magically making new phones, tablets, and laptops appear when someone around me needs them or an upgrade, please let me know. I know the i-Fruit isn’t the latest one that came out, but this one will at least fit in your pocket while you wait for your woman’s body to finish growing in. Please put your email address and password into the laptop so it can get that long setup process running. We are going to the kitchen because I’m hungry and you probably want something more than soup. Your stomach rumbling sounds like a volcano waiting for a virgin sacrifice to keep from erupting. You can see if you are fast enough to grab a tub of cereal and run to any bedroom on the two floors above before the head cook catches you. My daughter Ellen is quick, but she hasn’t had much success. April is my other daughter, whom my parents adopted because her mom wouldn’t care for her, and I was fifteen. Now the cook can’t seem ever to catch her. Once you are around April for a bit, you will understand better.”

She got her email logged in, and we headed to get food.

I had to tease the chef, so I said, “This is Rosie. I hope she will stay with us for a few days, at least. You might as well clean out all of the leftovers. Oh, and I’m hungry too.”

“Sorry. Take the kid to one of your restaurants. The kitchen is closed. I’d pay to watch Ariba, and you decimate some unsuspecting Sushi place’s sushi eating contest. For a skinny kid, Ariba might be able to eat you under the table and still be hungry. Both commercial refrigerators were full of leftovers and ready-to-eat meals after the funeral. Dee, Ariba, and Ellen left me a sweet note saying they came down for a midnight snack last night. Ellen said you would do all the dishes if I let you. Like that is going to happen,” the chef joked back.

“Can you at least make her a quick sandwich while we wait on her devices to transfer to the new ones? I would bet she can’t remember when she had something to eat before mom got her soup today,” I said.

I know you can’t because that is the first thing you have eaten since I reverted your body.

Rosie did cheer up enough to say, with less venom this time, “Yeah, David. Take me to a restaurant, an expensive one. I’ll break your credit card, and you will; wash dishes to pay for the meal.”

She was dismayed when the cook started laughing so hard the cook began to snort.

“Now that is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time,” the cook told Rosie. “I don’t think you could eat enough to make David’s credit card company decline any charges, but that isn’t what made me laugh. It is that if they would let him. David would be back washing dishes. I must watch him to ensure he doesn’t do it behind my back. We have a bit of a truce. He stays away from the dishwashing, and I don’t feed April anything that will make her bounce off the walls. I would have threatened that about Ellen, but she does it no matter what I feed her.”

“If we are going out, then you have to shower because you stink,” I told Rosie. “You can do it yourself, or I will do it for you. Whichever gets you smelling like shampoo and soap the fastest. I don’t kid about being hungry.”

Rosie looked down at the table and said, “All my clothes stink. What is in my backpack is all that I have to wear.”

“Did I tell you I’m hungry?” I asked her to look up at me.

She nodded.

“Good. So, are you washing, or will I have to bathe you?” I asked.

I saw the look when the little girl inside her came to the surface, and she asked, “Can I take a bath by myself? I haven’t gotten to take one in a long time. Would you sit in there with me or ask your mom? I’m scared whatever my mom gave me will make me fall back to sleep and drown.”

“Me or my mom?” I asked.

“You, if it doesn’t make you want to molest me, at least not too much. You have daughters, and I’m not sure about what has started going on down there recently. I don’t know if everything is normal or not. It would be weird if your mom looked, but I don’t know why. She is a woman, and you are a man,” Rosie told me.

I reached down for her hand. As we headed up the back stairs, I told Rosie, “I can look if you are worried something is wrong, but you should wait until later when the pediatrician can look you over. We have some that rotate so that one is here all the time. If you don’t run away, she will have you see her when we get back.”

“Do you think I can borrow something from your daughter to wear until we can buy me some clothes,” Rosie asked.

“No,” I said and watched her face fall as the venom returned. “Ellen is older than you, but nothing she has is your size. You will have to dig through the dressers and clothes in the girl’s clothes room off her suite. We are going into Ellen’s bathroom because she has a big tub that fills fast. I did say I was hungry, right? You want a bath, and I want to hose you off so we can eat sooner.”

Thank you, Molly, for making the bubble bath for Trudy that doesn’t give girls or women yeast infections or other problems.

I ran the water while Rosie found out she needed to use the toilet with the fan on to pull out the stench. Her body was still purging out what Rosie had in her body that didn’t belong in eleven-year-old Rosie. It came out quickly. She was only wearing her t-shirt when she came out, and it barely went below the gap between her legs. I turned around so that I wasn’t watching her get naked.

Rosie got in the tub and washed most of herself before asking me, “Can you wash my back and help me with my hair? It had been a long time since I took a bath, and I can’t remember ever taking a bubble bath. I don’t know how to wash my hair without just ending up with bubbles in it.”

The large cup beside the tub took care of helping wash her hair, and it didn’t take much to scrub her back.

“I don’t have anything other woman or girls doesn’t have. You will probably see everything I have if I live here. I don’t know why I think that, but I feel it is true,” Rosie told me. “Can you help me get the bubbles off me so I can get out of the tub to dry off?”

When I dressed you earlier, I knew you had more pussy hair and a half-cup size larger tits.

She made a big deal of putting one foot up on the tub edge and then having me help her out, making sure I got a full look at the fuzzy fringed treasures in the middle.

Even this far into puberty, her treasure chest was stuck closed. It must have been instinctual to know this because she reached down to “scratch” at the right place to pop open the pale pink palace gates. I saw it all, but she didn’t get to know that I had since I lifted her up and out of the tub by her armpits.

“OH MY GOD!” Rosie exclaimed as I wrapped a big, thick, soft, fuzzy towel around her. “Is this what it feels like when a girl gets a cum? I heard girls say that a cum is the best feeling in the world. I’m feeling the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life, all over my body. I’m tingly everywhere.”

I haven’t even started to dry her off. She will go off into space when I rub in the lotion her skin needs badly. Is that such a bad thing?

I had Rosie dried off and was working on her hair when Ellen, Ariba, Crimilda, Dee, and Tee came rushing into the bathroom. The girls didn’t seem to bother Rosie, but she saw Tee. That got her legs crossed and arms over her chest.

All five new arrivals started laughing, making Rosie turn red with anger.

I turned her around to face the five kids, pulled her arms by her sides, reached to uncross her legs, and let her knees fall naturally to the side. It allowed everyone to see that the carpets matched the drapes, and the curtains were still closed.

“It is your fault, well not yours, Tee, but the girl’s fault that there were no leftovers, and I have to go get food. I have to feed this sourpuss, too,” I said as I started working my magic with Rosie’s hair. “If you want to come with us, strip and get in the shower. How can all five of you stink this much?”

Ellen giggled as she stripped Tee and said, “Grandmother called the school to get me out early because I had to go get Dee and Tee. She said we had a new girl coming to live with us, and the girl was nasty and pissy because she was scared.”

“She did not, Ellen,” Ariba told Ellen. “She told you the new girl didn’t look like she had eaten in days, the chefs got angry that we cleaned out the fridges last night, and David is taking the girl to go see if they can shut down one of his restaurants early because they ran them out of food.”

Dee moved Tee inches away from Rosie’s face. He was already rock hard. Rosie looked up for permission and then reached up to check out the first dick she had ever seen as an eleven-year-old girl. I knew what was coming and let it happen. Her cool fingers on Tee’s dick aren’t what triggered his instant response. I saw the link form between them, and when Dee touched Rosie, she felt it too. It was the last spark of Chrissy that remained inside Rosie. I pulled Ellen and Ariba’s hands over to touch Rosie as well. Ellen pulled Crimilda’s hand over. It would help Ellen and Crimilda connect to the link when Ellen does it for them both. All five felt the tickle, and then it released as Tee unloaded all over Rosie’s face and chest.

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Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley takes your virginity

You are a eighteen year old student. You are currently on vacation in Los Angeles. You are going to your hotel room, when you see Jason Statham making out with a girl in the bar. You then see this tall strikingly beautiful woman walk in, then quickly leave in tears. You think nothing of it and you go back to your room. Then you hear shouting next door. You decide to check it out. You tell the maid you left the key in your room and need to get in. There you see Jason Statham and his...

1 year ago
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Rosie 8

Rosie Part 8 Lunch was actually a lot of fun. Nobody referred to the previous incidents, and I was encouraged to join the meal, which was a light tuna salad. Annabelle served my plate from the salad bowl, and I noticed that she measured my portion very carefully. She also passed me a pill. I looked at it warily. "Don't worry Nunkie, it's an appetite suppressant. Nothing to worry about. We're going to talk about your diet at our six o'clock appointment." Conversation was very...

1 year ago
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Roseanne barr meets rosie of Donnel

It was a wild Hollywood party,,1989 everyone that was anyone was thier. A luxurious penthouse in the sky. The party thrown by roseanne was to be the most decedant,,orgy of sex and v******e ! Every sexy kink was to be explored, Roseanne sits atop a magnificent throne! Dressed like a 50s sex kitten,,her big boobs in a glorious red bra,,matching panties cover her ample hips and ass,,,black garters and nylons,,,full heavy make up,,and a 50s bouffant hair do.reigning over her subjects,,,,large...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e8 Rosie

We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a crowded sandy beach – kids building sandcastles, parents sunbathing ... Then we’re looking at a grim street of residential blocks – skinny kids running around as exhausted looking single mothers carry the shopping home... Now we’re at a railway station, a big, clean and vibrant space. A sign on the wall reads ‘BIRMINGHAM NEW STREET’. It’s a large modern space, with...

4 years ago
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Rosie 10

Rosie Part 10 I lay in the gynaelogical chair for what seemed like an eternity. The electrical impulses generated by the Pleasure One setting washed through my body; the large plug buzzed inside me; the insistent voices repeated their messages. I was aware that the circlet around my forehead was tingling, and despite the shocking events of the last hour, I began to feel relaxed. Not sleepy, exactly, but mildly aroused, and pleased not to be suffering the pain. Content. I became...

4 years ago
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Rosie 7

Rosie Part 7 There was a explosion of joy. Rosie's announcements were received with cheers from the girls. Such news. The stupendous Court win. Jobs, living quarters, a Grand Plan! As the girls gathered round Rosie, it was hard not to be swept up in the excitement, especially since I was surrounded by five beautiful scantily clad young women, even if a worm of disquiet was turning inside me. Rosie clapped her hands. "Let's celebrate properly! Unka, the best Champagne." I went to...

2 years ago
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A Relaxing Massage For Rosie Part 2

Rosie was so deeply relaxed she happily turned over and placing the rolled up towel under her stomach gave me perfect access to her raised arse which I planned on working on in far more detail and with her legs spread nicely her hairy pussy was also nicely exposed, “Can you do a bit more work on my shoulders as well please Frank?” she asked and I was happy to fulfil her request so moved up to the top of the table quickly realising that my erection was in the perfect place and as I started to...

2 years ago
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Rosie Turns Nasty

It was always quiet on Friday mornings at Justine's Law Offices.She was idly flipping through the photos of last weekends wild daughter-swapping orgy with Rosie the Lush Shop lesbian. The video clips of their sixteen-year-old daughters Molly and Chloe tribbing on the sheepskin rug and the four of them riding the dildos on a table brought distinct dampness between her thighs.The ringing phone dragged her back to reality. "You've got a visitor," announced the young receptionist, "I've put her in...

2 years ago
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Taking Rosie Home

"Hi, Buddy, what's up besides your pecker." These dubious words of wisdom came from Agnes, the 45-year-old waitress at Mack's Diner. It was late one rainy night and I had dropped in for my customary dinner after work. Mack's Diner was in, what had once been, a fashionable part of town but now was just one step away from skid row. It had become, over the years, a local greasy spoon, frequented by seniors on a fixed income who didn't want to cook at home, singles, like myself, who had no...

3 years ago
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For Rosie Candles and Oil

Come with me now, sweet Rosie. I have a special space prepared, here in this world we share - here only, in our minds. The light is soft and golden - candlelight. The bed is wide and soft, and laid with silk and fur. Soft music; a sensual Middle Eastern beat, exotic, rhythmic. Oh, look; here is a bottle of scented oil...Lie down. Yes. Nude, barefoot and shaven smooth, all of you bare for my pleasure. And your own....Give me your mouth, my Rose. It's been so long. Just a touch, a moment's...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Rosie wanted another lesson

Just last night whilst driving home I saw Rosie walking through the estate. Only last Friday I had reluctantly (not) offered my cock to Rosie to use so that my wife could teach her the art of oral sex. Rosie had a new boyfriend and did not want to appear like an amateur and wanted to give him 100% pleasure. Anyway I pulled the car over and rolled the window down and called out to Rosie. Rosie came running over and asked if my wife had passed her message on. ‘What message would that be?’ I...

4 years ago
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Rosie 9

Rosie part 9 Molly trotted after me, her skyscraper heels clicking on the parquet of the hallway. I opened the door to my bedroom for her. Tossing her fiery curls imperiously, she looked at me as she swept into the room. "Right, Maid, it's time to get you out of your uniform and into pyjamas." Notwithstanding my recent humiliations, I was suffused with a fresh wave of shame. I was not going to be able to get out of my skin tight costume without Molly's help, and as for my...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 506

Friday turned into a very busy day that I ended up mostly watching go by. The C5 was loaded with 200 thousand pounds of relief supplies for the refugee camp. The crew and my men assigned to Kampala were going to unload the food and clothing in the hangar at Entebbe Airport. Hanna Page and her channel 34 news team had another exclusive TV report. Elmo Cartwright was there for the local paper. It was only right for Elmo to be there since his paper was donating half the ad space to help with...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 506

The Prison Planet ... Changing the subject, Jeff asked Morales, “Did they measure you yet?” “What? Oh, yeah. I get to wear a monkey suit like you mentioned a few minutes ago, but I feel guilty about it, because I don’t have any money to pay for it. Since your wife is doing the measuring, I suppose that you are...” “Don’t go there,” Jeff interrupted Morales to say. “Diana has a special deal with a tailor.” “Wait a minute. I was worried enough about her renting a tux for me. Are you saying...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 506

A bit of wisdom from RabbiRabbit. Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click “I agree”. This one is compliments of Dom Back to the ‘60s: Two stoners were sharing a joint while sitting off the side of a pier in the Everglades. An alligator suddenly surged out of the water and bit off a leg from one. The victim calmly looked down and commented, “Dude, an alligator just bit off my leg.” After due consideration, the...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 506

Another contribution from Navarre: Wish him well: A guy and his date are parked out in the country away from town, when they start kissing and fondling each other. Just then, the girl stops and sits up. “What’s the matter?” asks the guy. “I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I’m actually a prostitute, and I charge $100 for sex.” The man thinks about it for a few seconds, but then reluctantly gets out a $100 bill, pays her, and they have sex. After a cigarette, he just sits...

1 year ago
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Victoria Cakes 6700 506000

You can really come across some wonderful XXX content makers on Twitter and today, well, I've found one with enough ass to open a bakery. Victoria Cakes... wow. If you enjoy watching a fat ass ebony with a squirting pussy and titties that jiggle, as I do, Victoria is the woman you're most likely looking for. This is a girl who understands how to do a porn Twitter account the right way and takes advantage of the platform's option of letting people post themselves naked and fucking.Victoria has...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Rosie Soles

I had been here before. Kissing the inner sides of her thighs, working my way higher and higher... This time, however, she seemed to sense the direction I truly wanted to go. felt the tips of her toes brush lightly against the tip of my already erect dick. The sudden realization brought me to full attention, my erection forcing its way tightly against the tiny pocket her toes made. I thrust into her toes and let out a slight moan. I looked up in time to see her smirk, before her hand was on my...

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Spying on Rosie

We lived in a three bedroom house in the country. Just me, my girlfriend and her mom and sister.  We lived in california and it was always hot. Usually in the 80's or 90's.  And Rosie would usually just walk around in tiny short shorts and loose little tank tops. Revealing her long beautiful legs and and decent amount of her tight little booty. She had dark brown hair and eyes, which were big, brown and incredibly sexy.  I couldn't help but notice when she walked around. I tried not to...

4 years ago
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Rosie lured me in with offers of her sister

Rosie is a nineteen year old work colleague of my wife, she is gorgeous and has a great body. Recently I was asked by my wife to teach Rosie how to give a blow job in her presence. I accepted the offer and it went well. A few days later I met Rosie again and this time we were alone and had a great evening of sex. Rosie has since that day been pestering my wife for further lessons, albeit she knows nothing of the second meeting. My wife has so far been reluctant to share my cock again with this...

3 years ago
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Cider With Rosie

We were in that beautiful, transitional moment after our morning loving. That time between heart thumping climax, and the stark realities of the need to get the day moving. She playfully nuzzled my neck, then pecked me on the lips, and bounced from the bed in the direction of the shower. Her lithe body all taut and sensuous as she disappeared into the bathroom. I shivered in delight, wanting to pinch myself to be sure this gorgeous nineteen year old beauty was really mine. Silently counting my...

4 years ago
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Rosie the Riveter

NEW HIRE #1 Richmond Kaiser Shipyard Welding Crew #138: Calvin McKee, chief, Dennis Selfridge, yours truly Alice Jean Crowder, and Warner Marti — Kaiser’s best burners, we called ourselves. Hardhats with a 138 over a big V for victory. I’m Alice Jean. I bring in more take-home than my husband Stan who’s a rigger. Then Calvin got on with GE’s sub division, and Dennis had the seniority. Myself, I’d started later in the trade, leaving college for the war effort. I’d been studying for the stage,...

2 years ago
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Work Fun with Rosie

So Rosie and I have been discussing fooling around at her work for quite some time now. This particular day after work without notice I headed over to hers. She had a few hours left in her shift but I knew she had a break approaching and i could not wait til the end of the day to get up in her tight little cunt. I parked my car and walked into her building. A few of her coworkers spotted me, we had a quick little chat and i told them i wasn't feeling too well so they told me to lay down in...

2 years ago
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Rosie the Renter

The doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone, especially the small young woman on my doorstep. The first thing I noticed was the kangaroo-style baby carrier on her chest with a tiny head visible. A diaper bag was hanging from her shoulder and a beat-up wheeled suitcase stood on the sidewalk. A hopeful face looked up at me and said hesitantly, “My name is Rosie. Do you have an apartment open?” I invited her in and brought her suitcase, then offered a drink. She chose water. I had the same....

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 99 Spring Break Mission ndash Under The Covers

So what do I do now? I am at a table with a four drunk girls and one that just puked her brains out? I did what made the most sense to me. I was still starved, so I ate my burger and then went to get another one with some hot fries. Back at the table I moved all of the beer and cider stuff off the table. I made sure all of us had glasses of ice water now. By the time I felt full, I had helped all five girls get to the bathroom at least once. Two of the girls were wearing very provocative...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 98 Spring Break Mission ndash Deep Cover

Camden and Bambi dragged me to three more stores to get me some dressy shorts and button down shirts, two light weight full suits and then a few pairs of jeans with t-shirts. When we were passing the bathing suit store, to get in the car back to the hotel, I saw the girl I had fucked. She had an armful of bags, a huge grin on her face and her father looked like a whipped puppy. I clearly saw that the cum stain he had from Camden touching his arm had dried to leave an obvious dark spot on his...

2 years ago
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Ahhh Rosie

My name is Rosie, I work in a diner. I’ve been in this town all my life, I’m 29, basically still a virgin, not quite but nearly. I haven’t dated in, ohh it has to be at least 6 years. Not that I haven’t had the opportunity. I’m no glamour but I’ve looks enough. It was just after I met him and fell madly in love with him, that dating other men became unnatural for me… He comes in here everyday and over the years we’ve talked a fair bit, he still doesn’t know that I’m in love with him and I...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 108 Spring Break Mission ndash My What A Big Family You Have

After our talk about the recent revelations regarding the mission, I was told to go get some sleep. Well I’m not tired and don’t want to go sleep alone in Bambi’s room even if I won’t smell the barf smell. Might as well go find something interesting to do for a while I took a quick shower before changing into some sleep shorts and a t-shirt. I decided I might as well head down to the room where I had played pool and watched porn. For some odd reason ice cream sounds really good right...

2 years ago
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Digital Prostate Exam ndash Really ndash Followup Visit

This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. This is chapter two so if you have not read chapter one you should start there ( This series began when I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event. The story has since been deleted so there is no way to send you there. Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may...

4 years ago
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MALA ndash The Village Lady ndash 7

Honey Moon TripRahul got an official trip to abroad, so we also joined him and booked our tickets of the same flight. We did not meet Rahul coz he was in business class with another company guy. All were slept in flight, I saw Alia who talked with the window stranger, and her hand touched his bulge. After sometime, he stood and walked to toilet. Then Alia passed a smile to me and walked behind him to toilet. Then the guy returned and sat and slept. Soon Alia came back and kissed me and shared...

3 years ago
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The Taking of a White FamilyndashPart 2ndashParents Lean T

After that first night of service to our new Masters things started to become somewhat normal or at least as normal as they could be in our situation. I went off to work every morning and the girls went to school. Carol stayed in the apartment, cooked, cleaned and did normal stuff a stay at home wife would normally do with a few exceptions. On our day off Masters took the family to the community center and pool. The girls had a great time and Carol and I even forgot about our predicament and...

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