513 Swapsie s Ernest s story
- 2 years ago
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I put the letter requesting a car to drive his amputee siblings into one pile.
So far, all I had read was from kids wanting something not for themselves but for others in their family or neighborhood that needed it. I don’t think anything costs even a thousand dollars. I handled those with my implant. I know I went way past what they requested, but these kids had valid requests, and I had the money to help them out.
The last one I had was a bit different. A six-year-old girl asked for ten dollars to buy her dying sister a birthday present because this may be her sister’s last birthday. The little girl loved her big sister a lot. Only my ability to read any language helped me decipher the handwriting.
I need to dig into this more.
It is probably illegal to access the dying girl’s medical records, but I did it anyway. From what I could tell, the one dying had much in common with Emily. She has survived multiple cancers. Nothing the doctors tried was having any success doing more than keeping the girl from giving up her fight and making sure her body had the resources to keep going.
At dinner, I made sure that Ariba and Rosie gave me a promise to keep out of trouble while I ran off to help some people. Ellen promised to keep the two in line, even if she had to get creative. Neither girl liked that idea.
“Can I go, Daddy?” April asked.
My parents told her she needed to ask them first, but April could go with me if I wanted.
I reached out to the man in the machine to get his minions to talk with the two amputee kid’s parents about what I had in mind. He said he had a new connector and multiple variations of bionic legs he was running through FDA trials for use with children. There would be no cost to the family.
I was paying for the new minivan to take the kids around to appointments and handle the logistics.
The family is getting two new cars.
It would take a few days to get the parent’s approval and make the logistical arrangements. I will be there to ask the kids if that is something they want to try.
April and I headed to the little girl who wanted ten dollars to buy her sister a birthday gift. I got the girls’ parents’ phone numbers, introduced myself, and told them about their younger daughter’s letter. They had no idea the little girl could even send a letter, much less had a clue who I was or how to reach me. I explained that I brought along my daughter April, who is four. They had a list of the many things their dying daughter wanted to have for her birthday, but they didn’t have the money. I explained that I wanted to help out, and I did have the money to help them with the medical bills and presents for the girl’s birthday. We agreed to meet at their house tonight so that I could introduce myself and April.
I love the reaction to me pulling up in my Camry.
“Are you the David that called us? The one that said he could help us out with our older daughter?” the dad asked. “This better not be a sick joke.”
“No jokes,” April said as she had me pick her up. “Daddy has many expensive cars at home, but he likes this one.”
I explained about getting it after my beat-up Honda got replaced. I gave them a brief overview of how I got my money.
I shrugged and said, “It runs entirely off battery power, with the engine only keeping the batteries charged. The people who gave it to me did a lot of work to reinforce the body and make it look like a piece of junk. One benefit is that no one wants to park around it, and thieves wouldn’t steal it if I left money and the keys on the dash.”
“That isn’t why my daughter and I drive out here. I could have sent you the money and paid off the medical bills from my house,” I told them. “How doesn’t matter, but I discovered that your daughter had survived multiple types of cancer. Now, nothing seems to be working at all. I have a close friend that I never knew was in the hospital with me the various times I managed to knock myself out doing something that should have killed me. She had something they found was a form of a symbiotic parasite that killed off the cancers to keep the host alive. No one knows what triggered it, but the parasite started consuming her body as it tried to fight for its life. The doctors can’t explain what caused my friend to purge the organism from her body. They did analyze the dead cells and may have found something that can do that for your daughter if she has something similar. I would love to be able to give your oldest daughter the gift of coming home to have her birthday cured.”
“Right now, she is barely hanging on. We can go to the hospital right now if you think this is similar to what your friend had inside her. My sister lives with us and watches our younger daughter. She can watch your daughter since we can’t take her into the ward where my oldest fights for her life. You are going to have to pull some strings to get in there yourself since you aren’t family,” the girl’s dad told me.
I laughed and said that I expected to have someone waiting with scrubs and an ID badge to get me anywhere in the hospital. It didn’t have anything to do with my money. It was related to my ability to adjust the man-in-the-machine’s spinal braces.
Two kids had them in this hospital. The kids weren’t yet ready to have the self-adjusting models in place and were having issues getting the ones they had adjusted correctly.
Some organizations had noticed the man-in-the-machine’s androids, and he didn’t want to risk these people capturing one of the androids. He was working on creating a variation that looked and behaved closer to humans. This was a favor to him.
I can do that.
“Mr. Jones, if you would please come with me. I will show you where you can change,” a hospital administrator said when I walked into the hospital.
I found hospital scrubs with my name embroidered on the pocket.
He waited outside and then told me, “I have no idea who you know, but you have unrestricted access to all areas of the hospital, including the pharmacy, which is odd.”
“Probably because I know how to adjust the special spinal braces and have the money to buy everything in this hospital,” I told him.
“Works for me,” he replied with a smile. “If you can do that, then you are ok in my book.”
The parents of the girl were up in her room. I found the two kids that needed the braces adjusted. I borrowed the tool from the nurse’s station and quickly had both kids wanting to do more than give me a hug to show their appreciation. They got help walking around the ward until they were exhausted. Under supervision, I gave them both a sponge bath as I showed the nurses the tricks to washing around where the brace connected to their spines. Both kids went to sleep quickly.
While walking them around the ward, I used the place in my head and implant to scan the dying girl. She didn’t have what Emily did, but it was still a form of parasite behaving similarly. This one wasn’t unknown worldwide but was not known to modern medicine. I had learned of it at some point while learning all the languages and martial arts.
I’m not going to make the pharmacists happy, but they have what is needed.
I went to the pharmacy and explained that I knew of something that would cure the dying girl, but I had to mix it precisely, and they would think I was crazy.
One of the pharmacists said, “They have tried everything else for that little girl. If you screw up, then it is your ass. Maybe something crazy is what we need.”
“You are not crazy, Mr. Jones,” an older pharmacist told me. “I researched your request and found multiple references to what I suspect you are about to mix. I hope that you can make this happen. It requires exact precision down to milligrams.”
I found I needed to make up two of this mixture and six of a slight variant. Another kid in the hospital had the same as the girl I was visiting while six had a minor mutation.
They all have the same birthday too. Very interesting. Where could they have been together at the same time?
I got the pharmacist to back me up with what he found in his research. All eight kids were here, though not all had gotten to the point of being on the edge of dying. Some of the kids were more successful in keeping the parasite at bay.
“If they have the parasite-like organism, and what I am making works, they will have black urine, tar poop, and toxic-smelling barf. We will know soon if it is working or not,” I explained.
We went to the dying girl’s room first.
I walked over beside her bed and told her, “I know someone who had what seems like you have inside you. It isn’t cancer; it helped kill off the cancers because that meant it lived too. Something changed, and now it is eating away at the insides of your body, trying to get what it needs to survive. I have something that should kill this parasite and get it out of your body, but it won’t be pleasant. You will have black pee, tar poop, and barf a lot. All of it will smell horrible. If this works, you will know it by the morning. I found seven more kids in the hospital, who you know because you all share the same birthday, with this same parasite or one very similar.”
“I’m dying, mister. It is hard to keep doing all the nasty things the doctors are doing to me each day. I’m willing to try anything to get better,” she told me.
It went into her IV. I watched with the place in my head as I waited to see what would happen inside her. I was ready to put shields around the parasite to keep it from changing energy colors and mutating, as it did in Emily.
Whatever is in this mixture looks like this parasite is recoiling in fear and trying to get away from it in any way it can.
Her intestines, stomach, and bladder were the quickest ways out of her body that didn’t put it in contact with her bloodstream, at least not for long. I then saw how this mixture killed the parasite instead of allowing it to escape. Interaction with her blood made the parasite change to different energy colors depending on how it got out of her body. The ammonia in urine and stomach acids killed it off. It had no way to defend itself against it.
Faster than they could see, I had the girl’s IV clamped off, her out of bed, and her into the bathroom on the toilet with her Christmas Tree. I grabbed a trashcan with a bag I held in front of her. She barfed first. Once I saw that she had gotten it all out of her stomach, I quickly tied the bag off to stop the smell.
I triple bagged it.
I heard her start to pee and then her intestines gurgling with what was to come.
“I remember having to pee so badly that I didn’t care who saw me, but pooping was always something I wanted to do in private. You aren’t going to barf anymore, and it will be a little while before you finish pooping it all out. Do you want me to stay, or would you prefer some privacy?” I asked.
After letting out a long, wet fart, she said, “I want you to stay, but I don’t want you to have to hear me poop. Can you come back in a little while?”
I got her to stand up, helped her wipe off some of the black pee, and did a quick flush before she was back on the throne.
There was a tech with a hazmat bag waiting to take the barf.
“That was sooner than I thought, but I saw the signs. As you noticed, I can quickly move when needed,” I explained.
Each kid that got the mixture in their IV had the same quick response. Two kids had to suffer the embarrassment of having someone with them as they shit the dead parasite out. They didn’t have the energy to sit on the throne without support.
It was two hours after the first girl got the stuff to purge the parasite when I got back into her room.
“Perfect timing,” a nurse said. “She is asking when you returned if you would help her bathe. The patient won’t even let her parents help.”
I couldn’t stop laughing when I found the girl had a rubber ducky in the bathtub with her. That got a dirty look from her. Nurses and her parents were soon crowding into the bathroom.
“I’m so sorry. That rubber ducky brought back a lot of memories,” I explained. “I did many things that should have killed me but only made me unconscious for days. My friend had a similar parasitic thing inside her, like you. She always seemed to be getting treatment for whatever cancer she had at the time. Her mom’s insurance sucked, and they wouldn’t let them admit her during treatment, only after surgery. She needed overnight care and a place to rest during the day. I always had a private room with two beds, so they started putting her in my room. After a few times, they found that she recovered faster when she was in my room than anywhere else. One time we were both conscious. We were little kids, and the nurse put us in the bathtub together. The tub only had enough water in it to cover our legs. We got left alone for around ten minutes as she helped with another patient. I was a boy, and she was a girl. The nurse found us comparing each other. Instead of getting upset, she got a rubber ducky from somewhere and tossed it into the tub. My friend and I went after it. The next time I was in the hospital, I had a meltdown about wanting my rubber ducky. It wasn’t until my friend got that parasite out of her that she told me she had won the ducky all those years before. They kept it for her, and she told the nurses that I could borrow it when I was there. I had never noticed the fading permanent marker where they wrote her name on it.”
The girl blushed down to her chest when I told her why I laughed.
A nurse said, “Someone has a wicked sense of humor. We got those about an hour before you came up to try out your mad scientist cure. The note said to give them to the kids when we put them in the tub. None of these kids have been able to take a bath in the tub for weeks. We removed all the stitches from any of their most recent surgeries over a week ago, so they are all safe to bathe. It also explains why they said to tell you that you caused them to make this mess, so you have to clean it up. You don’t mind washing kids, do you?”
“As long as I don’t have to get in the tub with them, I’m good to go,” I answered.
They left the girl and me alone to help her take a bath with some modicum of privacy. It wasn’t like the girl had any modesty left after all her times in the hospital. We worked on getting her clean, her hair washed, dried, and then lightly powdered between her legs. Someone brought her another gift, children’s hospital pajamas.
Someone brought the hospital a truckload of kid’s hospital pajamas of every size, and some made it to this girl’s room.
I moved back through the kids I had given the parasite-evicting mixture to bathe them.
One boy got embarrassed about it getting hard, so I made sure to joke, “I will have the nurse check that off as working. If you think that is embarrassing, wait until you hit puberty. It will pop up for no reason at all. You had a lot of poop stuck on your balls that I had to work to clean off. It would have happened if a nurse or your parents were helping you clean up.”
“I’ve never had any male nurses or my dad help me take a bath, at least none that I can remember. I didn’t want you to think I was gay,” he said softly.
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This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...
A Greek Legend by Sylvia Wechsel I was always fascinated by Greek mythology. Stories about gods, demi-gods, monsters and heroes followed me and kept my imagination busy since my childhood. Being "a lazy bum" as my mother used to say, I had plenty of time to dedicate to this hobby. In fact, I was "a lucky lazy bum" since an uncle had passed away some years before, leaving me with about DM500,000.00 in a bank account. I was not properly rich, but needed not to have a job either, so I...
Hi guys and gals thank for all your appreciation and mails which forced me to write anther experience of mine which I made it happen with my boss for all those who have not read my previous story this is who I am. My name is Priya Agrawal. I am a 23-year-old single woman working in a multinational software company in Mumbai. I originally belong to Punjab but I am in Mumbai for last 5 years. Talking about looks I ‘m an extremely attractive young woman with 170 cms height and milky fair...
The Legacy by Sarah Miller The erie bluish white light flickered across the walls, the thunder cracking and booming through the house. Sheets of water pounding on the roof provided the background music. This was just great. I come home from work to be greeted by another load of crap from Janice, and now we had a 45 mile drive through what appeared to be the lightening storm of the century. It was the first Friday of the month and, as usual, we were on the way to my maternal...
SRU- Leggings by Lizardman Editors Note: Thank you for your support and comments on Life Pills, I had to end the story earlier than expected so I could continue an idea that has been on hold for some time. In the meantime, I came up with this short Halloween story that may start a trilogy. It is based on a TG/TF drawing I made years ago. Enjoy! Alex approached the Pine Hills mall searching for a costume. He was a college junior who was approaching his 21st birthday as a virgin...
The Legacy By The Professor The day all my dreams came crashing down, I didn't even know it - not right away, anyhow. It was just one of those things that went from bad to worse to... Well, let's just say there was no way I could have ever guessed where things would lead. We were playing the Bellevue West Thunderbirds - we being the Westside Warriors. Both teams were undefeated, and the Omaha World Herald had us both listed in the top five teams in...
Who might this be? A naked waif of a girl, even too skinny to be a pixie, slipped into the shower with me. The only fat she had in her body was in her small breasts, and she only had a minimal amount of muscle to participate in gym class. She was only an inch shorter than me. “It took them long enough to get to sleep, finally,” the girl said to me. “I’ve sat outside your bedroom door since my sister brought my cousin and me over to join the orgy they planned. My niece was wrong about Ethen...
(This is a story that I saw in an incest magazine circa 1995) I remember the first time I did it with my mom as clearly as if it were only yesterday, instead of forty years ago. I had come home from a swim meet to find my mom in tears in her bedroom. When I asked what was wrong, she had handed me a teary-wet telegram. It had said my dad was dead. Killed in Korea. It must have arrived just after I left for school because Mom was still in her nightgown. I had sat on the edge of her bed, too...
By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Oddly, we had absolutely zero children come to our front door on Halloween. I really didn’t understand that, but our boy John sat at the front door holding on to one of three candy bowls. One candy bowl held full-size candy bars. The second bowl held hundreds of the ‘mini’ chocolate bars and the third bowl had the penalty candy (Smarties) for those children who don’t even take the time to dress up in a costume. They don’t get full sized candy bars,...
The next two weeks were both productive and frustrating. In Colorado, I worked my butt off trying to do all the work that had to be done at the five other resorts and meet with Hank and Ian in the corporate offices to review the different properties. They told me what they wanted and I gave them my opinions on what was practical and would be least expensive yet accomplish the most in meeting their goals. It was their decision and their choice about what was going to be done. Once they gave me...
So, they were going to give this a try.Carie and Vasily decided they would finally attempt to move beyond their usual pattern of aggravating one another, then indulging in rambunctious, convalescent sex. They had gone through that routine for a few years as neighbours back at their old apartment building. Now that they found themselves as neighbours once again in their new condo building and the forces of the universe seemed to be pushing their two immovable rocks together, they agreed it was a...
HumorDid she want to do this or was she pulled down here by her mom and sister to get her so horny she would give me her virginity? I could tell right off that now her sister and mom were gone that she was incredibly nervous while still being very horny. The way she was squirming around I was pretty sure she wanted to feel what the others had felt. I didn’t want to let her do more than she was comfortable with so I took the tension away the best way I could. “It seems your mom and sister are...
How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...
It isn’t what she is expecting. I had Tiffany sitting naked in the empty tub when her dad brought in a glass 1000cc enema syringe with three feet of tubing made to fit on the tip. Her eyes went even wider when she saw it. Her mom popped in with three douche bottles and said, “Who knows what else she has been sticking in there. Then we have the issue that she and her brother are trying to see who can go the longest between showering before someone takes them out back, strips them, and hoses...
Introduction: Jessica finds out that she is to be this years Turkey-Girl unless she can find a replacement and fast!. Jessicas Thanksgiving Feast Story: #35 Copyright 2005 Written: December 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house,...
Thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for their editing. They always make my stories a much better read. I was so tired of traveling. All I ever did was go from one office to the other, each one having its own crisis. You would think that by now with all the time I spent showing those idiots how to do it right, they would catch on. But no, always another screw-up and the boss come in all upset. How many times have I asked him to get someone else to do this? Hire a young kid fresh...
Story: #35 Copyright ©2005 Written: December 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house, she was expecting to find her mother busy in the kitchen cooking up the traditional Thanksgiving turkey-girl they got from hill's...
Helping the Homeless on Thanksgiving (MF, unsafe sex) An Erotic Story by AB2008 I hate Thanksgiving. I live all alone and every year on Thanksgiving Day I work at a homeless shelter until I’m about ready to drop from exhaustion, then as I’m leaving the facility I pick one of the men, usually a younger type and invite him home. I hate Thanksgiving so much that fucking the brains out of some strange grubby homeless guy just seems right to me. My psychologist says that I have a ‘self-loathing’...
Helping the Homeless on Thanksgiving (MF, unsafe sex)An Erotic Story by AB2008I hate Thanksgiving. I live all alone and every year on Thanksgiving Day I work at a homeless shelter until I'm about ready to drop from exhaustion, then as I'm leaving the facility I pick one of the men, usually a younger type and invite him home. I hate Thanksgiving so much that fucking the brains out of some strange grubby homeless guy just seems right to me. My psychologist says that I have a "self-loathing" issue...
"Oh my God! How could anyone let themselves get that low?" The questions and comments bombarded Gloria as she pushed her shopping cart through the streets of downtown, headed for the nearest shelter still seven blocks away. "I'll never make it at this rate," Gloria thought to herself each time her cart would get stuck in a crack on the near crumbling sidewalk. She jerked the cart and cursed under her breath the last time she asked a passerby for the time. She knew she was too late and...
What I am about to tell you is a true story. It happened in the fall of 1997. Every year around September U.P.S. (United Parcel Service) hires a lot of new drivers. It's a temp position for the Christmas holiday. I had just completed my commercial driving course and I needed a job. A friend of mine knew a supervisor at UPS. My friend Dave told me that his buddy might be able to get me a job. Dave called me later that night after he spoke to his friend. He said that I should go to the Elmsford...