Devlin's StoryChapter 12 free porn video

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"So what's this you've got in your eye?" the Optometrist said. She peered at Devlin's eye closely, her hand-held light shining brightly. "It looks like some form of protein matter."

Devlin hesitated, wondering what she should say. She felt a certain reluctance in telling the doctor exactly what was in her eye, even if she was a woman.

"Come, come," the doctor said. She looked down, writing something on her clipboard. "If you don't tell me what it was, I can't treat it properly."

Devlin took a deep breath. "Well, okay," she said reluctantly. The optometrist sat back on her stool, her hands folded on her lap. "I was giving my boyfriend a blowjob and he came without warning, and I got some of it in my eye."

"'It'?" The Optometrist smiled slightly.

Suddenly Devlin felt really uncomfortable. "His cum," she explained, "his semen. He was so big my jaw was tired from taking him in my mouth, and he seemed to be maintaining pretty well, so I thought I'd take a break for a moment and just keep him going with my hand. And normally he groans, you know, like a lot of guys do, and he thrusts his hips just before he shoots. But this time he didn't. I bent over to lick the head of his dick, but before I could do that, he shot. And the first spurt caught me in the eye." She shook her head. "Boy, did that hurt. I thought I got it all wiped out, but it was still hurting this morning."

"I... see," the doctor said. She covered her mouth as her smile spread. "Well, that certainly explains what it is." She got off her stool and took something out of a cabinet. "Have you had this problem before?"

"No," Devlin admitted. It was a relief to actually come right out and talk about it. "It was such a surprise. His dick didn't even change color, and, you know, with most times the head of a guy's dick will get shiny and dark from all the blood just before they climax. But he didn't. He was fine, and then I had his stuff all over my face."

"Sounds like you've had some experience with this," the doctor said. She turned around, a wipe in her hand. "Now this may sting just a little, and I need you to hold still, okay?"

Devlin eyed the cotton swab. "Sure."

The doctor took Devlin's chin in one hand, turning it slightly. She carefully wiped around Devlin's left eye several times. Devlin felt a little stinging that brought tears to her eye. The tears stung a little, too, but the doctor seemed satisfied and took something else out of a drawer.

"I want you to wear this medicated eye patch for the next couple of days," she said, turning around. "Close your eye." Devlin did so, and the doctor fit a patch over the eye. "Take this off when you go to bed tonight. I'm going to give you a couple more to wear. I want you to wear them during the day. Also I'm going to give you some drops. There are instructions on the bottle, take them just before putting the patch on in the morning."

"How long will I have to wear it? Will I have to wear it this weekend?"

"Worried that it will hurt your social life?" the Optometrist asked, smiling.

"No, I have to do some driving this weekend, and I'm worried that I won't be able to see well enough to drive."

"Oh? Where are you going?"

"I sell lingerie," Devlin said. "And I'm supposed to drive over to a town in Iowa this weekend to call on some customers."

"Sexy bras and panties?" She smiled again.

"No, specialty bras for the hard-to-fit woman, such as me, and women who've had surgery. We do have some 'special' things, but most of what I sell is your day-to-day things."

The doctor nodded. "Come in Friday morning and we'll see how well things have cleared up," she said as she put her instruments away. "With any luck it'll have cleared up by then." She made a mark on her clipboard. "Oh, and one thing."


"When you're blowing a guy, lift your chin a bit more when you're moving back over him. That way the lower part of your face protects your eyes." Devlin looked at her in surprise. "I've had some experience with that problem, too," the Optometrist added with a wink.

As she stepped out the front door of the clinic Devlin slipped on her dark glasses. This morning the glare off the snow had brought tears to her eyes, and those tears had hurt. She hurried up the street, glancing around to see if she could find a clock. 12:15 - that hadn't taken as long as she'd expected. She was afraid she'd have to call Danny and cancel because they wouldn't have enough time before her afternoon classes.

She caught a glimpse of herself as she entered the Athletic Club. She looked every inch the modern businesswoman - dark brown slacks, conservative dark winter coat, briefcase, boots, white blouse, nothing that said college student. The staff barely glanced at her - they knew she was a member and they saw her nearly every day of the week. She dropped off her briefcase and coat in the Women's Locker Room and changed out her boots for her shoes. She checked her hair, then picked up her purse and went up the back stairs.

Danny was looking out the window when she let herself into his room. "I was worried you weren't going to make it," he said by way of greeting. "What did the doctor say?"

She heard the concern in his voice, and knew what it was. "It was the optometrist," she said. "And it didn't take as long as I thought I would. Did you get my message?"

"Just before I would have left," he said, smiling. "So I kept working and told everyone I was taking a late lunch." He looked at the patch over her eye. "How is it?"

"I have to wear this patch for the next few days. We'll see how things go."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"She seemed to think so."

"I'm glad. When you left me that voice-mail that said you had a doctor's appointment I could only wonder."

She laughed. "No, I'm not pregnant, if that's what you were worried about."

"Well, still, I had to wonder. This is the way you make babies, after all."

"True. She reached behind her and started working on the buttons of her blouse. "I should have told you more, but I didn't know who else would hear the message."

He began undressing, too. "Good point, I didn't think of that."

"Could you give me a hand with these buttons?" Danny had been gone for nearly two weeks, off on some sort of training class for the bank. He'd gotten back last night, leaving a message for her that he had, and that he was bringing Sue down to the hospital today.

Danny took the opportunity to run his hands up her body, squeezing her breasts lightly before undoing her buttons. "I've missed these."

She dropped her hand to his crotch, feeling the tension there. "Guess what I've missed."

He chuckled and stepped back, working on his pants and shorts.

"That's just not fair," she said as she watched him undress. She had just pulled off her blouse and he was already removing his shorts. "You're already undressed."

"I can't help that," he said. He plumped up the pillows and reclined on the bed. His cock was already stiff and was lying across his hip. "Why are you wearing so much?"

"Because it's cold outside. You have an office job, so you're inside all the time. I have to walk between buildings to get to my classes." She carefully laid her slacks on the chair.

"So why not wear jeans? Why'd you wear slacks?"

"Because I felt like wearing slacks today." She'd worn tights under her slacks, and when she sat down to take them off, Danny raised an eyebrow. "Because I'm warmer this way," she said, answering his look.

She was finally down to her bra and panties. Danny was right, this was an awful lot to wear, but she'd been cold this morning, and after her first class, when the cold had cut right through her, she'd returned to her room and added layers.

He eyed her breasts as they tumbled free of her bra. She followed his gaze, smiling slightly and wetting her lips. She hooked her thumbs inside the waistband of her panties and slowly began pulling them down. He could look at her boobs all he wanted, she had her eyes on his cock. He was playing with it, and she could tell from the color that he was already pretty excited.

"It must be cold out," he said, staring at her.

"Why do you say that?"

"Your nipples are at attention."

She laughed. "They aren't just standing up because it's cold outside, mister." She paused to pinch her nipples and shake, making her breasts bounce up and down. He followed her hands, smiling.

She skinned her panties off. She lifted her boobs, rubbing them together as she walked over to the bed. His eyes roamed over her body, she focused on the stiffness jutting out of his groin. "I guess it balances," she said as she leaned over the bed. "A girl has to wear all those layers, but then we get to play with these things."

Her hand wrapped around his cock while his hands replaced hers on her breasts. They kissed once, gently, then he began kissing along her neck, nibbling with his lips, just teasing her with his tongue. She could feel herself getting wet and hot. He knew exactly how to get her turned on. She straddled his thighs, keeping his cock in front of her. Slowly, sensuously she moved up and rubbed it against herself. There was something about the feel of a man's hardness and her softness rubbing together that sent little thrills through her. She moved so the underside of his cock rode against her clit. Closing her eyes, she rubbed herself back and forth against it.

Danny began pulling and rubbing her nipples. Little jolts of pure pleasure sparked through her. She pressed forward into his experienced hands. He leaned forward, his lips and teeth nibbling at her peaks. She could feel her nipples tightening, and when she looked down they had gone from pink to almost a dark brown, jutting out like hard little fingers of pleasure. He sucked on them, turning them shiny with his saliva. She felt a stirring deep inside her. He'd made her cum before by just playing with her boobs. It'd been a different climax, sort of round and giving, and not at all like what she was used to. But... no, not this time.

She took a firm hold on his cock and raised herself up. "I like this part," she whispered as she began to rub its pliant head across her tummy, the inside of her thighs and then finally through the wet cleft of her sex. She smiled as she guided him to her entrance. She moved her hips as she centered him, teasing the tip of his cock with her moist heat. He thrust slightly, just barely getting his tip into her. She held him there, rhythmically squeezing her muscles.

"It feels like your pussy is trying to eat my cock."

"It is," she whispered. "It wants it."

She closed her eyes and concentrated on where he was touching her. Slowly she sat on his hardness. Slowly she opened to him. Slowly he entered her, sliding, sliding, opening her, filling her emptiness. She shifted her weight, moving from side to side, squirming a little as she worked him into her. Twice she raised herself and started over. Each time she got him farther into her. Finally she reached bottom. He was sheathed entirely within her. She gave him a squeeze with her tummy muscles, then leaned forward, her arms on either side of his shoulders, her breasts right in front of his face. She felt absolutely, gloriously and totally stuffed.

"God, this feels so good," she whispered. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling. It was the second day after her period, and the first time she'd had sex in more than a week. She never realized how much she missed a man's cock until she took one.

"This feels great," Danny said. His lips resumed sucking her nipples. Then he flexed his hips, pulling out slightly and pushing back in.

"Ah," she said, "I get the message." She arched her back, and thrust back at him. She thought she could feel every bump and ridge on his cock. The friction from his hard length sliding inside her filled her with warmth. Her whole body came alive as she slowly rocked back and forth on him.

In moments they'd found their rhythm. He cradled her breasts in his hands, teasing her tight nipples with his lips and teeth. She squeezed his hardness with her tummy, driving back hard against him, pulling slowly away from him. She closed her eyes, riding the pleasure.

The warmth in her tummy began to spread. She put her hands on his shoulders, concentrating on the heat. She could feel herself rising, could feel the fire in her tummy getting hotter and hotter. Everything seemed to focus right where he joined her. He kept pushing, sliding, deeper... hotter... higher... hotter... tighter...

With a little cry she came, riding the waves of pleasure as they rocked her.

When she came back down she was breathing hard. Danny was staring up at her face, smiling. He'd stopped moving and put his hands on her hips, anchoring her.

She brushed her hair back from her face. "Oh, I've missed that," she said with a smile. Her whole body felt light, like she might float away. This was the most marvelous feeling of all, right now. Every breath she took, every little move she made stirred the hardness impaling her. She was more aware of his cock, and her sex, than she was at any other time.

"Caught your breath?" he asked.

"I-I think so," she said, drawing a ragged breath. God, she could feel everything. It was like every nerve on her skin was alive and sensitive.

"My turn," he said. He rolled her over so they were lying on their sides, but still joined. "Okay?" She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. He slipped his arm under her so they were closer together, and then began to move gently, rhythmically, filling her.

She buried her face against his shoulder, inhaling the deep masculine scent of him. She tasted his skin, tracing the tip of her tongue lightly across his muscles. She pressed against him, her nipples deliciously scratched into two aching points of heat. His cock was like a white-hot bar of iron, searing her at the same time it that it filled her. She began to move against it faster and faster. She felt hollow. There was nothing in the world, now, but her need and his strength filling it.

Too soon, far too soon, she felt the delicious rising that meant she was getting close. She tried to hold back, she wanted to hold back for him. She wanted this to last. She knew he was close, and she wanted to be there with him, but it was too much. Her will crumbled and she soared into the wildness of pure sensation.

She burned and spent at the same time. Danny pulled her to him, his rock-hard body the only sure point she had. She felt him stiffen, and knew he was joining her in glory.

A time - a long time later, they came back down, arms still wrapped around each other. The world intruded, street noises from outside, the slight sound the wind was making as it curled around the corner of the building, the light filtering through the windows.

She tried to speak, but her throat felt slightly raw. "I must have been making noises again," she murmured at last.

"Not that I noticed."

She shifted slightly. They were still together, cheeks resting against each other, her breasts squashed against his chest, his cock, much softer than it had been, still within her. The room was cool against her sweat-slick skin, but the warmth of his body kept her warm.

He started to move, but she stopped him. "No, don't, I don't want it to come out."

"You've always liked it inside you."

"If you were a girl you'd know why."

"You ought to try it from this side."

"No thanks. I'm happy I'm a girl."

"So am I."

They lay there a bit, their breath coming in unison. She didn't know what she liked the most about sex, the foreplay, the penetration, the build-up, the climax, the drifting together, or the lying together afterwards. Each one was special, and you needed each of them. That was something worth thinking about, but some other time. She had made that promise a few dozen times before.

"What's so funny?" he asked when he felt her smile.

"I was just trying to decide if there was any one part of sex I liked more than the other."


"I can't tell. How about you?"

"I think I like the actual act itself," he said after some thought. "Cumming is great, it feels like you're going to explode, and it's so intense you can't think of anything else. But I think what happens beforehand, and right after, like right now, those are my favorite times."

"Um, could be."

"Of course if I could have multiple-orgasms I might change my mind."

"Yeah, well, that's just one of those things."

They lay there a bit longer. More and more of the real world was intruding; she could hear traffic noises, she was feeling cooler, and only his tip was still in her. After a bit, and a slight movement, even that came out. She felt cherished, but empty.

She took a deep breath, dropping a light kiss on his shoulder. She rolled away from him, and then, slowly, exquisitely she stretched. "So when does the operation start?"

"Tomorrow morning. I dropped her off at the hospital this morning for the last round of tests. The doctors told me the operation will start tomorrow about 7:00. If everything goes well they should be done by 11:00 or a little after."

"How's she taking it? Is she excited?"

"I think so. How on earth did you talk her into it? I tried, and I couldn't. She was full of doubts, and afraid that she'd be just as bad off as before after all of this build-up and hope."

"I took her to the park and we watched the kids," Devlin said. "That did it. She wanted to be out there with the other mothers."

"I never thought of trying that."

"You're not a mother."

"Neither are you."

"No, but I can be. And I am a woman."

"You've got that right."

"No need to sound so enthusiastic about it."

He dropped a kiss on her neck. "I'm just appreciating it."

"Well as long as you've started kissing me, why don't you do it right."

"You mean like this?" He rolled her on to her back and knelt between her legs. Picking up her leg he dropped a lingering kiss on the back of her knee, lips open, his tongue just brushing her skin. She almost jumped at the sensation.

He moved an inch and repeated it, then did the same to the other knee. She closed her eyes and enjoyed. Nobody ate her quite the way Danny did, nobody seemed to know just how to tease the sensitive skin on the back of her knee quite the way he did. Of course he'd had plenty of practice, so he knew exactly what she liked. Other guys would hesitate to go down on her if they'd just cum inside her, but he didn't. Just like now, he was teasing his way up her legs, one little shivery kiss at a time.

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Fucked visiting Delhi MILF in Dallas

Hello Everyone. This is Vishal, back with another experience of in Dallas, Texas. I am Vishal (name changed), 38 years old and a very successful businessman. I run multiple businesses in Dallas. I own a second home in a Dallas suburb. I stay in town for business, which is pretty much every week. I also have an office in an office park where some of my clients drop by for meetings once in a while. Usually, I am just at the office taking client calls and meetings. 2021 and 2022 shaped up to be a...

2 years ago
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The GirlsChapter 12 Corrin Kodak Moment

Rinny looked at her camera. She generally took about 20 photos per day, and could usually edit one or two of them to look spectacular. Today, however, she simply wasn't happy with any of the photos, and she'd taken 50+. She had a look at her photos, and she couldn't work out what was wrong. None of the photos were bad, it was just that none of them /motivated/ her. For as long as she could remember, Rinny had wanted to be a professional photographer. Generally she specialised in...

3 years ago
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Slowly but Surely Ch 04

Chapter Four – Duel in the Sun A black anger overwhelmed me as I recognized Colin MacPherson on the blanket with Roxie. Spurring Red towards them I dived at MacPherson as soon as I got close enough. I wasn’t in any mood to play nice and I caught him with my knee in his chest just as he was rising up. Thinkin’ that had finished him I was dismayed to find out he was a lot tougher than I’d expected. I turned towards Roxie to say somethin’ but I never got it out. MacPherson’s hand grabbed my...

1 year ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 61

Shelly turned the corner ahead of us after we stepped off the elevator. She’s been in a hurry since we left our suites. Sherry had just told her, “We’re going to be early, and I hope your Daddy is ready for all of us.” “Daddy loves it when people show up early for an appointment. He’s going to love Jerry and you. Me too - just for the way you and I are dressed.” “I’m still not sure about me coming to see him with my shirttail out, and open all the way down. I can understand any man being...

1 year ago
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An English girl and what she8217s willing to do on her date

A young couple have sex in the car, but only after the girl makes a fool of the boy. “Don’t do that.” Jason’s hand paused on his passenger’s thigh, just below the hem of her white skirt. “Why not?” he asked, his North Atlantic drawl acquiring a slightly strangled hint of frustration. “Because it’s rude,” Jenny told him, frimly removing his hand. “Oh, God,” Jason groaned, sitting back and rubbing his forehead....

1 year ago
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Fucking my parents sexy neighbour

My parent's neighbour Chris was in her early 30s when I was a teenager living at home with my parents. Chris lived with her husband Tony and their young son Richard and baby daughter Sarah. Chris was a housewife, staying at home to look after the children. Chris had a pretty face and was nearly always smiling. She had long curly brown hair, an absolutely gorgeous body, slim with ample breasts, broad hips and long slender legs. On hot summer days Chris would often be dressed in...

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Pollyanna Part 4

It has been several months since Michelle left the loan modification department at My Mortgage Inc. and it hasn’t been the same without her. The spark is missing, everyone is just going through the motions and snapping at each other. Naturally, management didn’t replace her. Her work was just redistributed to the remaining team members. Patrick did his best to stay on top of the added workload, and Michelle was adjusting to her new position in the fraud department. Their affair had ended with...

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“Anybody else want to be doubled?” I asked. Tracy surprised me, getting in position after Anna got off of us and ran into the bathroom. “Hold everything,” Princess said running and getting a moist towel for Stuart. While things were waiting to begin, Jennifer licked me off saying, “You need a new list now, don’t you?” “Maybe I do,” I answered. Tracy got in position and dropped easily on me saying, “Come on Mr. Holland ... I’m ready for you.” Princess helped him with his aim, giggling in the...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Twelve Miss Marks Final Punishment

Lauren Dickson packed her things into her sports bag before checking that she had everything and turning her attention to her handbag. She smiled as she found her mobile phone and car keys which were lying under her collection of cards, makeup, tissues and other items. She closed the zip on the bag and placed it over her right shoulder. Lauren picked up her sports bag in her right hand and walked out of the staff changing room, turning and locking the door with her key. The young PE Mistress...

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Missy Part IV

Missy awoke the next day fully feeling the effects of getting railed by three teenage dicks. Fucking Ben and Wyatt had been completely unexpected but she was glad she did it, especially the way Alec fucked her afterwards. He did her again later that night after telling her that he saw someone, probably Jodie, watching from next door. Voyeurism wasn’t something that she ever thought would entice her but then again getting fucked by her former step son never really entered her mind either. She...

1 year ago
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Sitting on a picnic table in the park

So I sit here looking at the ground wondering Where I am going up or down. I want to run and get wild play the games that get your adrenaline moving, But need a man to help me out. Have him pin me down tease me And please me with his tongue. On that long picnic table back far Behind the trees past the pond. Start with his hands going up under my shirt Squeezing my breasts just right. As his hand goes under my skirt Feeling my juices flow over his hand. He begins to work his way down past my...

Erotic Poetry
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Sex Madness

Matt had turned 18 last month. His father couldn't join in the celebrations as he was busy with his work. He later told Matt about what he was working on. Matt's father was a chemist who worked for the government on several highly secret projects. His father did occasionally tell him about his work, especially the parts that wouldn't get him into trouble. He told him that he had been working on a reagent that could be used in war. It qas like acetone, liquid but very easily vaporised. It made...

Group Sex
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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 1 The Mindfuck

The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the bucket? Does the pain go away, what if my body gets burnt to ash and I feel it for the rest of forever? “Oh good, you're awake, I was getting bored waiting for you to finish napping.” The warm honey of the girl in the red dress voice filled the...

4 years ago
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Missouri Ch 1

Brad couldn’t have cared less he got the window seat in the beginning of the flight. Now, though arcing down from the southern sky and getting a view of the big river, he was suddenly curious. He hadn’t seen her for nearly a year. Which speck on the earth below might she be? They had first met at Madison Square Garden last summer. She was a freelance trainer for the Annual American Horse Show, and he was doing the lighting for the event. He was up on the truss and saw her pass under him....

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As the boy puts his hands under her ass and slides his tongue along her wet lips I commence licking and sucking her nipples. I have a full-on, thick, nine-inch erection as my lady soaks up sexual pleasure from two males. I can’t see our toy boy’s cock, but I know from seeing him in the gym he is almost as big as me. I also know he is bisexual. A week ago, when I first told Sarah about him she was determined to have him. She has a thing about younger bisexual men. “Make it happen, soon,”...

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The Unexpected

Brenda came to bed naked, an indicator she was feeling horny.  Hey, that worked for me.  She pulled back the covers and lay down on her back to my right.  I rolled over to face her, head propped in my hand, and began caressing her torso.  Circling out from her belly, across her breasts, pausing to circle my palm on her nipples, down to her bush where she spread her legs in anticipation. But I stroked up between her breasts to her neck where I briefly placed my hand in a choking position before...

Oral Sex
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Unsatisfied Sex With Sukanya

Dear ISS members, Warm Greetings. Here I am once again sharing my sexual experience with another woman named “Sukanya after my sexual encounter with my maid (search old maid great sex) I was eager for one more time but this time with another women I was in BBA when I met with this woman. She used to give us lecture in HRM and some parts of Marketing. Her age must be around 54 years. I also came to know that she was living alone as she was a divorcee. One thing I notice that she is having high...

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Benefits of fucking an ugly lady

This is Ramesh from Chennai. I am tall (186 cms), brownish well built (80 Kgs). I have read many stories which inform seducing a beautiful lady like that. I will share my experience with the ugliest lady I have ever met and the benefits I achieved after fucking her. I stay in an apartment in Pallavaram. Our neighborhood family was a big family. It consists of a husband and four ladies ages (50 mother in law, 30 wife, 26 sister in law and 18 daughter) respectively. In that the lady with age 28...

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FamilyStrokes Christiana Cinn Family Vacation Vag

Christiana Cinn is so excited about her weekend getaway with her super rich hubby. But when his son shows up, she is pissed about the inrustion on her weekend away in paradise! Little does she know, her stepson is hung like a horse. While she is lounging on the couch in a skimpy black bikini, our stud comes up behind her and starts rubbing her hot MILF pussy. When she realizes what is going on, she is appalled. But when he offers to help her out with some long cock, her tune changes entirely....

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Last One To Know Chapter 11

Introduction: The kids get to meet and play Last One To Know, Chapter Eleven All the kids are getting older and more experienced. Kathy and Kays kids are meeting for the first time and things seem to be off to a good start. ****************************************************************************************** The four of us walked over to the steps and stepped up out of the pool. Our parents were walking across the lawn toward to pool. Shannon obviously didnt hear them coming. She was...

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Spizoo Jillian Janson Hot Sex POV

Jillian Janson is a sultry, seductive slut that could do anything she wants in life but chooses to satisfy cocks all around the world. This tall, blonde, sexy model gives the ultimate POV experience with her sexy voice and deep, light eyes. She sucks with her warm, receiving mouth and strokes with her velvety womanly hands. She shakes her soft, juicy ass as a cock slides into her world class pussy. She moans in absolute pleasure and climaxes in a way that will make you want to right along with...

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Nadigai Sathanavai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, en peyar Prasanth, vayathu 26 aagugirathu innum enaku thirumanam aaga villai. Enaku migavum piditha nadigai sathanavai instagram pakathil thinamum like comment seithu irupen. Naanum niraiya short film eduthu pugai padangal anaithum cameravil eduthu paarka azhagaga irupen. En nanban udaya car vangi athai ootuvathu pondru pugai padam eduthu instagramil pathivu seiyuven, enaku sathanavai migavum pidikum. Aval aninthu irukum aadai matum sexiyaaga parvai anaithum migavum pidikum. En...

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08 TogetherChapter 45

Present – Liz and Bernie – back in Leadville Jens must have lost every bit of sanity! She was giving me shit about not telling her about Evelyn and Megan, then she drops a fucking atomic bombshell when she says, "Liz, I'll be back there in a day because the honeymoon is fricken over! I am finished with Ben and all men! Not only that, I'm getting an annulment!" I can't believe it! My legs grow weak so I sit on the bed and ask, "Jens what the hell do you mean? Last time I talked to you...

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me and you

So there i am standing in the rain when you walk past wearing a long red coat and black high heels, your hair is curly and you are wearing a little make up with red lipstick. You are completely dry under your umbrella when you stop and ask me for the time. I tell you and you say you are an hour early for an appointment and would i like to join you for a drink. I agree and we find a nice little bar with big comfy sofas. You order a martini and i order a bottle of corona and we sit down. I take...

4 years ago
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Uncle Charlie and Me Niece Part 6

Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 6Continued from.. Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 1 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 2 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 3 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 4 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 5Uncle...

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just some sunday thoughts

On their backs they slowly edged toward each other, their legs wide spread, until their bright red, swollen labia’s where right in front of each other.Susanne twisted her hips toward Corinna’s and spread her long legs as wide as possible. Corinna did the same.Susanne could feel the heat emanated from Corinna’s pussy just millimeters from her own.Both inhaled deeply and braced themselves for the kiss to come.Corinna closed her eyes, biting her lip as they moved towards each other.They pushed...

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AllGirlMassage Maddy O8217Reilly Charlotte Stokely Luna Star Two Is Better Than One

Charlotte Stokely has just hired Luna Star to work at her massage parlor and is in the process of training her. One of the regulars, Maddy O’Reilly, is coming in for her afternoon appointment and Charlotte would like Luna to give her the massage. Charlotte excuses herself, instructing Luna to man the reception area while she attends to some things. Maddy walks in and introduces herself to Luna and the girls hit it off. When Charlotte walks back in the room she notices the chemistry...

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Mother Is That You

Fifteen can be a very awkward age for a boy. I mean at that age your hormones suddenly leap into overdrive and sex becomes extremely important. Sex, but not the having of it. Sigh, how is a young man supposed to deal with the constant erections? He does what most young boys do; jerk off. Seldom does a day pass that I don't whack off at least twice and occasionally three times. Of course, in order to make it three times I have to be aroused. And I'm not ashamed to admit the reason for such...

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Magyarul Ssbbw skype beszeacutelgeteacutes

[2017.10.07. 7:55:15] SSBBW: Jó reggelt Babám! Köszönöm a helyzetjelentést :) Akkor most én is jelentek neked Tanárbácsi. Kívánlak! Nagyon! Ágaskodnak a cicijeim vágynak a szádra. Most nem kellene őket kicsomagolnod, itt pihennek a zöld pólódon és meredeznek érted. Várják hogy föléjük hajolj a szádba vedd őket vagy csak gyengéden meg-meg nyalintsd őket. A puncimból csordogál a nedvesség Cicikényeztetés közben a kezeddel felderítenéd a nedvességet és mikor minden ujjad puncis lett a számba...

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Episode 35 Famly Outing

Usual Health WarningThe largest parts of this story are pure fantasy; the Mummy and Daddy episode in the hospital car park has a lot of truth. The author has no wish to promote u******e sex; but if that does appeal, then restricting your urges to your own ch1ldren has merit for the wider society.This story does contain (hopefully) fairly graphic scenes of fami1y intercourse, so please do not read if easily offended. Fami1y OutingTwo weeks after Ellie lost her anal virginity to her Dad during...

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The Pregnant Slut Wife Chapter 17

I slid down Jake’s long, hard cock and I felt so much pleasure at having it inside me…I don’t know what’s going on but it’s like my pussy is super sensitive, my hormones must be going crazy. I slid down slowly but Jake’s hands grabbed my hips and forced me down so it was completely in my pussy.“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I moaned, I almost came just from being filled with that perfect cock. My breathing began to get short and I could barely focus. I began to lift myself a little then lower myself,...

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Sex With Sexy Aunty

Hi Indian sex stories readers, my name is Ragu pursuing my graduation in Bangalore. I like girls as well as aunties.. You can tell any suggestion on my mail id   I am writing down the story about how my desires got fulfilled by my neighbour aunty. Her name is uma, a mother of a boy of 6 years. Her husband works in a mnc company where he has to travel around most of the time. Now coming to the story. I had lost of lust towards this aunty, she got shifted here from andhra as her husband was...

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Mans Guide to Receive Anal Sex

PreparationThere are some things that need to happen to prepare yourself and your partner for anal sex. Step one is cleanliness. You always need to make sure your asshole and rectum are clean and prepared to handle dick. If needed, use an enema about an hour before engaging in anal sex and then clean yourself really good after you have expelled the enema liquid. Now your asshole is prepared to accept a guy's manhood. This cleanliness also allows you more options about where to take his spunk....

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Scott Maclean How I Met Lindsey Sanderson

"Dammit," I muttered under my breath. I'd forgotten to pick up the carrier bag I'd left by the door. No biggie, just some suits and a dress for Lindsey to drop in at the dry cleaners. But still, for me, it wasn't the fact they would now be a day later in being deposited, it was the fact I'd forgotten them completely. And the wrath I'd face when I returned home later. Sighing with frustration at my lack of memory, I checked my watch to see if it was at all possible to get from the bus...

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