Haley's BunchChapter 15 free porn video

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Bill Simon’s turn:

I’m watching Haley and Deena, here at the Auburn Pavilion. Thankfully, I have good company, since both Dans and Alan have invited me to join them, while our wives are raising havoc, partly with Bill Hardesty - he’s ‘Bill 3.0’, and then with each other. Laughter is a major part of it, of course.

Dan Richards looked at me and said, “Bill, you’re looking preoccupied. What’s on your mind?”

I said, “Gents, there’s an old Bible phrase somewhere -- I’d have to look it up, and I dunno if it actually applies. But I’m watching those girls and thinking, “You have sown the wind, now you shall reap the whirlwind.” Kinda looks like the whirlwind over there, wouldn’t you say?”

Both Dans and Alan laughed aloud, nodding in agreement. Alan said, “Bill, any ONE of ‘em is a whirlwind. Together, they’re a hurricane. We messed up somewhere. Probably shoulda kept ‘em pregnant in the summer, and all that. Somewhere there’s a perfectly good double-wide wondering what’s keeping me away.”

Dan 2.0 said, “Yup, that and a good fishing boat, with a nice beer cooler, loaded with Shiner. Now here we are, with our wives racing ahead of us. And we’re wondering how to deal with all the money, and the taxes we have to pay on it. Life is rough, and it all could have been much simpler, for a Cajun like me.”

Dan 1.0 started singing, “Put another log on the fire, boil me up some bacon and some beans… “ to a bit of laughter.

Alan said, “That right there sounds like Jethro Sebastian Bach, don’t it?”

I said, “Guys, you’re all seriously warped! But the latest I’m hearing is that Cindy wants Haley to get with Hanna, and both of ‘em are supposed to go to Orlando for PC-12 school. Dunno how that’s gonna work.”

The Dans grinned at each other, and Dan 1.0 said, “Bill, I’m guessing Cindy thinks it’s cheap insurance. When Haley and Hanna get back, they’ll be experts, and we can start pushing more of our remote contracts your way. They’re seriously profitable, and your crews will enjoy the money.”

I said, “Gents, I don’t see why the school is needed. Hanna’s beyond qualified, and Haley’s already pretty good. Cindy could sign ‘em off on the PC-12 herself after a bit of training.”

“I can’t speak for Cindy,” Alan inserted, “And that’s probably good for my continued sanity, but I’m guessing she figures both of ‘em will pay better attention to the factory guys, and they may include things that Cindy ignores. More importantly, they have all those simulator drills, so Haley and Hanna will be getting all the emergency stuff, which is a big deal. Kinda hard to approximate that stuff, and it’s nice to figure that they’ll be able to overcome any problems.”

“That could be part of it,” Dan 1.0 said. “There’s probably a bit of ‘I’d spend a lot of time doing this when I could be doing other things, it’d be my FIRST ‘from scratch’ effort, and those people do it for a living’, and she’s happy with what that school presents. I mean, that bunch in Dallas has a Level D simulator. That means they can deliver the training without using real aircraft.”

“Well, at six hundred bucks an hour, it won’t take long for that to be a viable option,” I said.

“Dallas has some FINE steakhouses,” Alan said. “So, you know, turn a few contacts into some business meetings over dinner…”

“Noted,” I laughed. “As long as I can sneak a couple of apprentices in…”

“Oh, noooo,” Dan 1.0 snickered. “We NEVER allow that…”

Haley’s turn:

Saturday morning, and we were up “sorta” early, having spent a raucous evening over at the Pavilion. We stepped over to the Pavilion with Dan and Cindy for breakfast. Exceptional coffee, as usual. Too bad we can’t enjoy more, but we have to fly back to Dukes today.

Cindy was rubbing it in, sipping her SECOND cup, when she said, “Bill, Deena, Haley, I’d like to assign you a chore, today. You up for it?”

Bill’s eyebrows went up, and I asked, “Umm. What do you have in mind, Doctor Cindy?” She knows I’m messing with her when I use her title.

“I was thinking,” she said.

Dan 1.0 groaned. “Here we go…”

Cindy gave him a look. I have a look like that. Says, “you’re being aggravating and I love you.” She continued, “We’re going to be tight on hangar space here, and we want to put Hanna at your place anyway. Haley, why don’t you take Lenya over to Birmingham, leave her there, and take Hanna home with you? I already checked with Wally, and he doesn’t have a cargo flight until tomorrow.”

I nearly choked, and said, “Cindy, we haven’t been to the school yet. Are you sure?”

She said, “Yup. To my satisfaction, you’re ready, and having Hanna at Dukes will make it easier for you and “the other Hanna” to get over to Dallas. And we MIGHT have a couple of crew transports for you in the interim.”

She turned to Bill and said, “Bill, you and Deena could take the 185 and fly VFR to Dukes, directly. Even with the aircraft swap, Haley would still arrive at about the same time, or maybe a bit later. Sound good?”

Deena said, “Cindy, I wanna ride with Haley, if it’s all the same to you. We’re sisters, you know.”

“Whatever you guys want, I don’t care,” Cindy said. “Now, the only problem I see is that you guys don’t have Jet A at your place, so you’ll have to refuel at the big airport when you get back. You really need to work with Russ Brown on that problem.”

“I think we’ll be OK on the fuel issue, Cindy,” Bill said. “Russ owes us a favor. What size tank do you think we’d need?”

Cindy said, “Well, it’s about four hundred gallons for a full refuel, so I’d guess a two thousand gallon tank would work. We have two of those, but we’re running more PC-12’s, and we have Wally’s spray rigs. Your bulk fuel guy is gonna love you, so maybe y’all could give him some cookies.”

Deena’s turn:

That “cookies” idea made me and Haley smile, and Cindy’s cookies are REALLY good, so we took some of her spices when we went back to her house to retrieve our bags. She said she’d email her recipe so we’ll have it when we get back. Kitchen time is in our future.

I’ve never actually ridden right seat in a PC-12 like Haley has, so I was watching carefully as Haley did the pre-flight, the departure from 3S field, the (short) flight over to Birmingham, the landing, and the taxi to the 3S ramp. Wally was waiting for us on the ramp, with Hanna already rolled out.

We stepped down, and Wally said, “Ladies, good morning, and if you’ll fill out the logs, I’ll run the shut-down checklist while you pre-flight the other bird. Dunno why Cindy wanted to make the swap, but I’m sure she has her reasons.”

We made sure we spent a bit of social time with Wally, stowed our stuff in Hanna, and started the pre-flight. My second time Haley got me to do the preflight on my own, and it’s beginning to make more sense. We did all that, and headed inside for a precautionary bathroom stop. Hey, when you’re flying, don’t EVER pass up a chance to pee.

We grabbed some fruit juices, and Haley filed a flight plan, although we don’t need it. VFR would be OK today, but she wants the hours. She explained that we could do VFR but we’d have to stay below flight level 180, and fuel economy and speed get better with altitude. Go figure. Yeah, I know… “Deena, look at the tables in the pilot handbook”. It’s obvious.

Not only that, but we have an app for the iPads that allows us to balance economy choices – fuel burnt on climbing versus fuel burn at low altitude for shorter flights.

We stepped back out for Hanna, and Wally had a couple other (older) guys there. He said, “Ladies, I think you already know Don Matzke, but this guy is Geno Haugen -- he’s our new company President.”

We shook hands, smiled, all that. Geno said, “Ladies, we won’t delay you any further. Go ahead and mount up, but next time you’re back this way, could you bring us some mud-bugs?”

“Crawfish?” I asked, “Already cooked or fresh, sir?”

He laughed and said, “Cooked, probably. We’re NOT Cajuns, so your way is probably better than ours.”

“Oh, they have to be cooked right in front of you,” I said. “Dragging cooked ones around is a travesty.“

Haley said, “If cooked is what you want, you might want to join us over at Auburn in December. I think there’s a fly-in coming up in a few weeks, and Cindy said they want about two hundred pounds of fresh ones. There might be enough to feed you.”

Wally hooted, and both Don and Geno grinned. We headed back around to the cockpit door, but I heard Geno say, “Wally, I do believe Cindy is brewing up a Cajun posse. I don’t think there’s much they can’t do.”

Haley’s turn:

Nominal flight back over to Dukes Field, but we had to land at the big airport first, for a refuel. About a hundred forty gallons, this time. I LOVE this bird, but if fuel economy is what you wanted, this ain’t it, and I’m glad our company Signature card works here.

Then, a couple of texts, and it’s a short hop back over to Dukes Field, where we landed to a CROWD, including Mr. Dukes, Matt and Sandy, Greg and Hanna. Hanna, who got a big smile when she read “Hanna“, about 2 inches high, in script, under the cockpit window.

Mister Dukes. You just KNOW I had to get him into the cockpit.

He eased back into that plush co-pilot’s seat, wiggled himself in. “Lord, Haley-girl. This is plumb decadent.”

“Ain’t it?” I grinned, powering up the electronic panel.

Another “Lord!” he laughed. “I ain’t dumb enough to think it’s that complicated, darlin’, but for us old guys and our round gauges, this is almost frightening.”

“You get to see it live, if you want…”

“Thing like this is gotta cost a fortune to operate…”

“Yessir, and what good is money if you can’t spend a bit to make your friends happy? I got a plane-load, so you don’t have to feel too bad.”

That was the case. We flew Hanna in with a full complement of seats and now they were full. After I re-started, I heard Bill call on the radio, announcing his arrival to the big airport’s tower. I know he heard me announcing our departure.

“Okay, Mister Dukes,” I said. “This is the cool part!”

Thirty degrees flaps. Rotate at seventy-four knots. Less than two thousand feet, easy. And the acceleration.

“Puts you back in yer seat like an empty four-fifty Stearman and then some,” Mister Dukes said.

“Twelve hundred horsepower.”

“Mighty impressive, Haley-girl,” he said.

“Are you seeing what’s going on there on the display?”

“I am. Boy, if I’d’a had something like this when I was twenty…” He looked at me, grinned. “Hell, you ain’t even twenty…”

The big circle around town burnt up fifty or sixty gallons because we stayed low. And yes, Mister Dukes on the control yoke.

I put her back on the ground, off-loaded the gang, picked up fresh…

Bill in the right seat. “You’re usin’ a lot of juice for airplane rides, baby…”

I have a defense. “Cindy said to give everybody a ride. I just HAD to get Mister Dukes in here.”

“I’ll give you that one… But when we finish, she stays parked unless it’s a money-maker.”

“Yessir. Uh, maybe Hanna and I can do a trip…”



“Go back to the Stearman or the 185.”


“You’re not gonna listen to me, are you?” he laughed.

“I’m listening. Now give Hanna your seat.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Hanna settled in. I pointed out the adjustments so she was comfortable.

“You are crazy. Cindy is crazy,” she said, adjusting her headset. “And this is beautiful.”

“What’s Greg think?” I asked.

“Greg is much like your husband. He works. He loves his wife. Wishes her happy. If there is a way – his schedule, empty seat, he will fly with me sometime. I do not think he has the mind of the pilot for these things, though.”

“He’s an ag pilot,” I noted.

“Yes. From helicopter pilot hunting tanks to ag pilot, seeding fields, killing pests. He has no heart for straight and level.”

“I don’t know what I want, at least when it comes to flying,” I intimated. Hanna has given me a lot of training in aerobatics, both in our Stearman and her Extra.

Switching between the two platforms, the Stearman is almost ponderous, but it has its own sense of timeless ‘rightness’, knowing that thousands of pilots went from it to other purpose-built aircraft like World War II fighters. I’ve heard that most of those, while capable of aerobatics, were also not the best examples of agility, having been designed for war instead of by giving a German dude a blank sheet of paper and telling him that the goal is building the ultimate aerobatic machine.

We stopped burning fuel for pure enjoyment when the propeller stopped spinning on the apron in front of the new hangar. I look at her, look over at the Stearman, marvel at the advances between the two aircraft.

We push the Pilatus back into her hangar and on the way back to the office, I stop to pat the ol’ Stearman. “Don’t worry, ol’ thing. I love you. You got soul.”

What?!? You don’t ascribe life to inanimate objects? How sterile your world must be.

Cindy on the phone afterward for a debrief.

“Absolutely nominal,” I told her. “But I NEED that training.”

Later, talking with Cindy: Giggle. “You NEED that training. That facility in Dallas is in your future. They have that Level D simulator. Oughta be fun.”

“Me ‘n’ Hanna are looking forward to it.”

“Everybody liked the ride?”

“Yep. Nobody barfed. Shoulda seen Mister Dukes’ face light up.”

“I love being able to give a gift like that,” Cindy said. “Fun’s over, though. Just remember that this isn’t something like a sports car. Truth is, it’s a work truck, and it won’t stop on a dime.”

“Amen to that. I was on pins and needles on landing, but you know, there’s a time where you just buckle down and do what you know to do.”

“You got it, sister,” Cindy said. “Don’t be afraid to grab yourself a copilot, either. Get ‘em familiar. Heaven knows…”

“You got me salivating over that PC-24 now…”

“Whole ‘nother ball game,” she tittered. “Believe me, as soon as I can get MY hands on ‘er…”

“Type rating,” I said. “That Dallas school again.”

“Yeah,” Cindy said. “I got the type rating for Cessna 525S. That gives me a bunch, as a single-pilot operator. But the PC-24 and passengers? To be completely legal, that’s an airline transport rating and that means age twenty-five. That’s for paying passengers. I think we can bend the rule for a work crew, but that’s what we have the 12s for.”

“Dunno if the 24 makes sense for me, at least right now. Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna sit in the cockpit, though.”

“Get you a thousand hours and we’ll talk.”

I grinned. “I’m your girl for Hanna.”

“Yeah, Hanna Bertrand. Might be a good deal if the two of you collaborate on the first few flights, you know…”

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Wife Lovers
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Howd that happen 6

I pulled my horse up up aside of the wagon, leaned over and said “Well, ladies, we're going to make it into Sante Fe in a couple of hours, but you both look a little trail worn. We should pull over by that stream there, rest the horses so they look perky, and maybe spruce up a little. I could use a wash and shave myself.” “ Horse, that's one of the better suggestions you've made lately. I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet,” Sandra retorted. I kind'a snickered at the rode hard bit,...

Group Sex
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Fling with boss

She....was my Boss at the telemarketing business, in her forties, frumpy but mysteriously attractive. I....agreed to meet her in an isolated location out of town. We met at the entrance to a forested hillside and we walked silently to a spot she previously used for sexual liaisons. Finally, she spoke quietly in a demure, sexy way that she wanted me to tie her up and produced a length of rope from her waistcoat. She removed her coat while I stood at her rear, preparing to embark on this sexual...

2 years ago
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The New Acolyte

Each May the priests came, the went into the country in their blue and golden robes and visited all the schools in the country. When I was in the lower classes it was always a happy celebratory day, we made decorations to welcome the priests, we stood on the playground and cheered as they walked in, and we got to eat special celebration lunch, even if they didn’t pick anybody from our school. They only selected five girls each year to come and serve the God. It was a great, great honor,...

3 years ago
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The Voyeur Boyers Part I

'The Voyeur Boyers - Part I'by DizzyDRyan Boyer and his new best friend Jared Martin peddled their bikes through their neighborhood towards Ryan’s new home, which he shared with his mom and half-s1ster. The truth was Jared wasn’t only Ryan’s new best friend, he was his first and only… but to understand why Ryan had never had a best friend you have to understand the complicated life of Brooke Boyer, Ryan’s mom.Brooke was a bit a wild ch1ld when she was younger, and found herself pregnant in high...

4 years ago
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Love and lust

Hi friends i am anuj for the first time on iss writing my experience. I have read a lot of stories and liked some of them which actually encouraged me to write. Thanks to all of you. Well before going to story i must confess one thing this is a real story which happened just a month ago and its all about love and lust. So please read it carefully and if you like it then please feel free to get in touch with me. Me anuj 28 years old now and working in an it company i enjoy my work and earn a...

1 year ago
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Boss and his friends

Though i looked little chubby ,shyly and I realized that i am a very pretty young guy. I wondered am a gay, with delicate feminine features. As I was so chubby and girly. I'm weird?" I have soft lovely young lips like a girl. I was working like a normal men in a big company and i was happy there too no one knew about my sexuality but it all changed one day . About me and my boss is a rich man and the owner of a big company. One day my Boss and me,as I work under him were returning from a party....

2 years ago
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My Secret Crush

She was sitting down on a bench in front of the local public park. Her body measurements were 62-32-62 an she has gorgeous green eyes and big beautiful lips with black glossy lip stick. She has a pale white skin complexion and her skin felt softer than cotton candy. Her eyes lit up with joy when she saw me. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. She was taller than me, her height is around 6 ft 7 in tall, which is a turn on for me because I was always attracted to big and tall women with a...

1 year ago
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Jack Surprised 2 off 3

Jack Surprised 2 off 3Continued from Jack Surprised 1 The whole day long Jo shows no signs of this morning play. I try to follow her example. However, I have to adjust myself whenever she glances my way. That night I slept like a log, even to the point of sleeping in. Eventually I slip naked from my bed. With just a towel around my waist I nip into the bathroom opposite by bedroom door. I take a luxurious hot shower. I’m feeling alive for the first time since my wife’s death. As I start washing...

3 years ago
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forceful Sex

It was pretty late at night my boyfriend Okey and I were at my house watching a movie. we were watching TITANIC. i was pretty scared of the movie (well not really scared, but i was really nervous every time i watched it), so Okey held me and kissed my head whenever he thought the scene was too sad. The movie was done and he looked at me and said I want to fuck." It was so straight forward at first I didn't know what he said. "I want to fuck" he repeated. he started kissing me with his tongue....

3 years ago
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Mike became the women8217s domestic slave

Martha had experienced a welter of emotions since her husband had been put in his place. She had been thrilled to see her huge hunk of a husband fall before the savage fighting skills of her slender female lover. Then, as she watched the man she’d married being reduced from a proud male to a sobbing wreck by the merciless young girl, she had felt a pang of sympathy for him. Now, as he slunk about the house, his house like a beaten cur, scared of his own shadow, jumping to obey every...

1 year ago
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Big Fat IndianAmerican Wedding

“Oh hell yeah,” screamed the effeminate bottom.“Yeah, baby! Take this big dick!”Oh yes! Give it to me, Big Dick Vik!”“You like how I plow this boipussy?”“Yes, sir! Fuck me,” begged the petite, doe-eyed crossdresser.“This sissy ass is so good!”“Fuck me like the little faggot I am!”“Oh yeah, fag,” the wheatish-brown complexioned man.Vik flipped the slutty fuck doll onto his back. He dove back inside the open rectum. He thrusted furiously. His hairy balls slapped the cute small bubble booty...

2 years ago
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IntrospectionChapter 12

He nods his head yes to her question. “It was pretty fun actually.” “Even though I wasn’t there?” Jessica asks, raising an eyebrow up at him. Casey’s face turns a shade of red as he suddenly feels a little guilty and dishonest for a moment. “I wish you were.” “You don’t have to fret, Casey,” she says, placing a hand on his arm and squeezing it gently. “I set it up so that I wouldn’t. I wanted you to be you and not having to worry that with me there you might do something wrong.” “So you...

4 years ago
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Ajeeb Raat Tayi Ji Ke Saath

Hello friends ye meri pehli story hai or bilkul sachi hai or kuch hi din pehle kii hai jyada se jyada 10 din pehle ki. Mein aksar is website se stories padhta rehta tha aur fir mere andar incest sex jaagne lga. Ab mein story pe aata hu. Mera naam Rajiv Thakur hai aur mein Rajasthan ka rehne waala hu. Mein ek mnc company mein job karta hu aur meri umar 27 saal hai.  Mere ghar pe mere papa maa bhai bhabi aur mera chota sa bhatija hai.  Meri tayi ji hamare ghar k backside mein apne ghar mein rehti...

3 years ago
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My Danish DaughterChapter 3

“So, was that good for you?” I teased Inga over the speaker phone, as I lay on top of our lovely daughter. “Yes, very much so, and it will be even better when you’re fucking both of us regularly. I’m going to love sharing you ... and my other two men, with my sweet Magda. Imagine, darling, the five of us together, living in the same place, doing whatever we please. I especially love the idea of you men making both of us airtight, though threesomes of all kinds will be great ... and I adore...

4 years ago
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Lucy Bruce and Janie and me Pt4

Next morning I woke alone. Lucy had got up without waking me. I could smell coffee. I guess she was making breakfast. I went into my bathroom did the morning rituals. As I soaped myself up in the shower I got a huge hardon. Remembering the sex I'd had. Images of a beautiful bald pussy stretched around a thick hard cock. A pussy I'd put my mouth onto and then emptied my cum into. There was no rush to do anything. No parental pressure to perform weekend chores. After I dried off I went back to my...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Reagan Foxx Hard Dick To Her Hard Drive

There is a big generational disconnect when it comes to computers these days. People of an older age understand their importance, but do not realize how integral a part of life they are for younger folk who grew up with them. Well, Reagan Foxx is encountering that problem first hand today as she tries to get her step son to pay attention to her instead of his laptop for once! She pulls down her bra, exposing her banging tits, and he does not even bat an eye. So, she goes into the bathroom and...

2 years ago
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3am she finally comes home

I had nervously been awaiting my wife's return for the last two hours after finishing all my chores. The house was spotless and i had done all the washing and ironing she had left for me to do. I was ready to greet her at the doorway with a curtsey just as she had told me to. I was still wearing my new maids outfit, with fishnet stockings, lacy black panties, bra and suspenders. My cock was locked in my hot pink chastity device for which my wife had the key. My fingernails and toenails were...

3 years ago
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special night at club

Well tonight was the night you wanted to be pushed to see what would happen when you were not in control and it was going to happen tonight the club had special rooms for private occasions and I had ensured we had one as you waited in the bathroom naked except for you stockings and heels your mind wondered what was going to happen tonight what I was going to allow to happen tonight as your mind wondered your nipples hardened and you stroked them as you stood there thinking I knocked on the door...

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Revenge Chapter 1 Revised

Introduction: My first story. Apostrophes got messed up in the last one, so Im reposting so that its less annoying. Comment for part two! This is just a warm-up. Carmen Fox was sitting in her dark bedroom with the laptops glow the only source of light. Her hip-length, straight, jet black hair was splayed around her and she knew her light blue eyes reflected the laptops light. She hadnt been busy doing anything since Ross broke up with her. Now she spent the majority of her days doing this....

2 years ago
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House For Sale With Extras

Julie Simmons nodded appreciatively as the house came into view. She turned to Victor Manners, who had slowed the car. "This looks rather special," she observed, and the older man's wrinkled face regarded her with a kindly smile."I thought you'd appreciate marketing a more up-grade property," he told her. Julie had been overjoyed to be appointed junior partner of this well-established estate agency just three months ago, after several years with other smaller outfits.Up until then, life...

Love Stories
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My wife8217s love for sausages

My wife loves sausages. Sausages of different shapes, sizes, textures and flavors. I can safely declare that she is a sausage freak. She will go any lengths to have a sausage. She even won a sausage eating contest when we were holidaying in a small town in Germany. I don’t love sausages the way she does, but I love watching her eat sausages. The look of ecstasy on her face, when she first holds a sausage and then sniffs the slightly wrinkled tip and then slowly parts her mouth to...

1 year ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 26

The only threat to Gray and I rested with Yonnie and a couple of former Russian soldier, or so I had been told. My plan was to simply outlast them all. To begin with we needed to lure them out to play. To begin the process, we kept the FBI clear of the picture. When more exposure was necessary like the arrest of Sasha, we tried to hide them behind the Virginia State Police. The Virginia State Police was so happy and quick to help us, they obviously knew something was rotten Henrico County....

2 years ago
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FemCorps The Beginning

FemCorps: The Beginning by Sarah Barndt "As a scientist, my greatest fear had always been the world's ability to take any invention or discovery, no matter how well intentioned, and turn it something deadly. I know now that the greatest danger is the world's ability to turn it into something ridiculous." - Dr.Gustav Pedersen at the Nobel awards, 1996. The following passage is from the Encyclopaedia Humanae; 128th edition, copyright MMIV. "Dr. Gustav Pedersen developed...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Mom 2

I continued to suck Jenna for another 5-10 minutes until she came again flooding my face with her hot sticky cream.After I finished eating her out Jenna wanted to suck me off so I laid down on my back and Jenna crawled on top of me and began sucking my cock. As Jenna sucked me off she stroked my cock and played with my balls. I could feel my cock swell with cum and I knew it wouldn't be long until I was going to cum.Jenna then did something that none of the college girls I had been with ever...

3 years ago
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An Impossible Love Chapter Three

She changed into a pair of skin tight white jeans showing a mouth watering camel toe and grinned when I said she looked good enough to eat.“That’s the idea bruv,” she smiled. “I feel sexy dressed like this, my jeans are caressing my pussy.”“Lucky jeans, fancy dinner at the pub?” I asked and she agreed readily.“Will the gang be there?”“Yeah they always have a card school on a Saturday lunch time.”“So the girls won’t be there?”“Oh yes, they usually have game of darts.”“Great, let’s go...

1 year ago
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Hot Night at the Club

It was a only the beginning of something wonderful, the week before we met on the lake, she was hot! She had tan smooth skin and a beautiful body, built, her lips were juicy and her tongue like candy. I had desirers for her and she was into me too. I dreamed of her all week and when we spoke on the phone together I played with my intimate spot thinking of her licking me. I reached the point of pure pleasure. We made plans to meet Thursday night at a club. I could not wait to see her again....

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Daya Knight Hot Ebony Teachers Plan

Juan is not doing so well in school. So much so that his teacher, Daya Knight, showed up at his house to help him study. However, Juan kept slacking off. So his teacher had to come up with a plan that would make him stay focused. They would do a Q&A session and for every answer that he got right, she would take one article of clothing off. This made Juan want to learn, he answered most questions right, causing his teacher to be completely naked. They couldn’t stop there, Juan’s teacher...

2 years ago
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Story: #31 Copyright ©2005 Written: May 15 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** "RING" Jessica picked up the phone, Jessica was surprised to find it was Stacey on the other end of the call; Jessica hadn't spoken to Stacey in over two years since they had that big fight over Jason the most popular guy in school at the time....

4 years ago
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I Would Never Kiss a Guy

I Would Never Kiss a Guy! All my life I've been a closet crossdresser. At 5'6" I was pretty passable as a younger person, but even then I didn't go out dressed. I have a strong fetish for panties, girdles, pantyhose, heels...well, anything feminine, I suppose, so I "underdress" whenever I think I can get away with it. I recently bought several pairs of "pin-up" panties by Rhonda Shear, you can see these on QVC and, of course, on the web. They're tight and I LOVE tight panties! ...

4 years ago
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Their Holiday Bonus

As she drove to work that morning, she reflected on how her life had changed since she had gone to work for her Master. Before that they had a day in the week where He used to visit her home and spend the whole day devoted to their mutual pleasure, but over the last 2 years these had nigh on disappeared, as their relationship evolved into a more 24/7 working/playing lifestyle. She had forgotten what her stomach felt like as she drove to meet her Master, could she still take a whole day at His...

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