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What happened in this story isn’t true, and does have a somewhat happy ending.

I had just moved to this state after falling in love with who is now my wife, over the Internet. My wife and I fell in love in a chat room, talking late into every night on line, then, later in our relationship, on the telephone. One thing led to another, and we decided that we couldn’t live without each other, so I packed up everything I own, moved, and was very happy for a lot of years.
I met Sally during the first month in town during a family get together where I was introduced as the new boyfriend, and pretty much humiliated for being dumb enough to move to the state after meeting someone on the internet. (It wasn’t very common back then, and people that actually met people from the Internet were looked at as being a little off.) Sally was twelve at the time, and was really quite grown up for her age.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here Uncle Mark” She said to me after I took quite a verbal thrashing from her mother about how I could have been an axe murderer or some other sort of psycho.
“I’d have showed up with a gun if I was going to meet someone from the Internet.” Misha declared. As if to prove to the rest of her family just how tough she was. “If I showed up at all. You just don’t know about people these days.”
I became quite successful in the new state, going to work for a few companies before finding “The One”. I worked my way up through middle management fairly quickly, and on up to VP of Operations. We bought a large home on quite a bit of land. We had a swimming pool, a guest cottage, and even my own driving range on the property. There was a pasture for horses, and one for the few head of cattle that we had to keep us busy and help supplement our income. My wife and I were very happy and things were going well.
The phone rang, one spring evening.
“What’s the matter?” I heard my wife asking the yet unknown person on the other end of the line. “I know.” She continued, looking in my direction holding a finger in the air as to tell me to wait a minute. “Ok, we’ll be here…. Uh, yea…. Ok….I’ll talk to you then.”
She pushed the button on the receiver and started into the den where I was clacking on the computer catching up on some e-mail from work. She sat down in the chair next to my desk with a worried look on her face.
“That was Misha.” She said
“Oh yea?” I replied, stopping what I was doing, and looking at her over my reading glasses.
“Yea, and it’s not good”
I took off my glasses, and leaned back in my chair, stretching my arms over my head, waiting for the impending bad news.
Misha and her husband had moved to the south end of the state when he got a better paying job, so at this point the news could be anything.
“Sally was caught steeling at the super market, and she’s been ditching school again. Misha thinks it’s the friends she’s got and wants to get her away from them.
“So, what does that have to do with us?” I asked, thinking that I already knew the answer.
“Misha wants to know if we can keep her the summer. Let her work on the ranch, and learn some responsibility. Maybe you can get her a job down at the plant, and teach her what it means to work for a living. She’s gonna be sixteen next month. She can work there now can’t she?”
“Well, yea,” I stammered, “but I don’t have time to baby sit while I’m there, I got work to do while I’m at work.” I argued even though I felt as if it were pointless.
“You don’t have to baby sit. She’ll have supervisors to do that won’t she?” She explained, seeming to have this all figured out. “I think it would do her some good to have chores around the house, and a job to go to every day.”
She noticed my “deer in the headlights look” and tapped me on the knee as she stood up. “I’ll tell her it’s ok, and we’ll pick her up this weekend. How’s that?”
“Ok,” I said, “We’ll pick her up this weekend. I’ll call and cancel the golf game with the guys.” I started to reach for the cell phone on my desk to retrieve the numbers.
“Oh shoot,” she exclaimed, “I’m supposed to go to the city with Granny, and Carla for Granny’s eye appointment Saturday.”
“Carla can take her, can’t she?”
“She’s afraid to drive in the city by herself.” She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes she has. The ones that I knew from the first time I saw them would be able to get me to do almost anything. “Can you drive down and get Sally?”
Now she was really pouring it on. Giving me that slightly pouting, schoolgirl in trouble look. I couldn’t resist it, even though it went against my better judgment.
The rest of the week went by without any more emergencies popping up. It had been arranged that I would drive the seven and a half hour drive down on Saturday; I would spend the night at a hotel, despite the invitation from my sister in law to stay at their house, then get up early Sunday, and drive back with my, not so willing niece, and begin the punishment of a summer of hard work.
Early Saturday, I pulled the pickup out of the garage, checked the oil, and the belts. I glanced over at my pride and joy sitting under a car cover still in the garage, a nineteen ninety-eight, Dodge Viper. It was blue, and a roadster, and begging me to drive it.
“Everything look ok under there?” My wife called out while she was getting into her Cadillac.
“I got a belt that looks pretty bad.” I grinned to myself.
“Do you think it will make it?” She walked up behind me, looked over my shoulder, and pretended to know what she was looking at.
“I don’t know,” I said pointing at a worn spot on the air conditioning belt. “It’s not looking good.” I made a clicking sound with my tongue behind my teeth. “I could take the Viper. It’s almost as good on gas as the old truck here.”
“If you keep your foot out of the engine.” She smirked. “Go a head, just be careful, but you know Sally’s got her permit She’s gonna want to drive.”
“Don’t worry,” I assured her. “I’m not teaching anyone to drive in this.”
I’d already had the car cover off, and was folding it neatly to be stored in the trunk. I took my overnight bag from the cab of the pickup, and tossed it in the trunk next to the cover with a whole new exuberance. Now the trip was going to be fun. I’ll put the top down, the wind in my hair, and the sun in my face. Not to mention that just about anytime I’ve ever driven the Viper by my self, there was always a young girl or two, convinced that I had a lot of money I didn’t know what to do with, that would always show me their tits, hoping perhaps that I’d motion them to the next rest stop, where they could make me into their new sugar daddy.
I walked towards the caddy, gave my wife a kiss. “You be careful.” She ordered. “No hot-rodding, and don’t pick up any of those girls that show you their tits.” She elbowed me in the ribs playfully as she got in and buckled up.
“Say hi to Granny for me.” I yelled as she backed the car out of the garage.
I pulled the pickup back into the garage, shut the engine off, and wondered how she knew that girls showed me their tits. They’d never done it while she was in the car. I went to the Viper, reached in through the driver’s window, and unclipped the latch holding the top to the windshield. A steady pull towards the back of the beast, and voila, a midlife crisis cure in the making. After securing the top, I slid behind the wheel, inserted the key into the ignition, and turned. She roared to life. All ten cylinders performing a sonata, like musicians in an orchestra. Carefully I backed out of the garage, turned towards the road, and I was off.
As I entered the freeway, my thoughts drifted towards my wife. I’m not going to say that our marriage was perfect. We had our problems like every one else. Ours seemed to revolve around sex. She had surgery about a year ago, and with the none activity of recovery, and the steroids the doctor had prescribed to aid healing. She had gained a few pounds, and her sex drive was gone. Not that it was really anything too erotic in the first place. Sex for my wife was planned to the tee. The towels had to be in place, the candles lit, and everyone had to have a shower. It took me a few years to even get her mouth close to my prick, and even then, she spit and gagged, and made grimacing faces when I came in her mouth. I knew she didn’t enjoy it, but she kept reassuring me that she did. Simply for the fact that I enjoyed it, and she wanted to please me. I think I was the first man that ever suggested performing oral on her, as an overbearing single mom raised her and her sister, and “the sex talk” while growing up consisted of telling her two girls all of the bad things about sex, and how much it would hurt, and it was only meant for conception, all the time spouting off bible versus condemning the act. She wouldn’t let me go down on her at first. I had to do it for the first time with her hands tied with scarves during one of our more risqu?essions. She was pretty much hooked after that. Still, she rarely returned the favor. Giving excuses like, “My jaws still hurt from the last time,” or “Not tonight, I just brushed my teeth.” Blowjobs weren’t everything I guess, but it’s nice to have your cock sucked every now and then.
Simply thinking about it got me fired up. I noticed that my cock had sprung to life, and was starting to get a little uncomfortable. “Don’t worry,” I assured myself, “Sally’s probably two hundred pounds or more by now.”
The last time I saw Sally, she was thirteen, pudgy, and had the attitude that she didn’t care what anyone thought of her, she was who she was, like it or not. She was never really what you would call a “Joy to be around” and I was always glad when the family gatherings were over. She always seemed to hover right around where I was, holding my hand, or offering hugs. She was kind of a pest really. And now, I get to spend eight hours in a small car rubbing shoulders with this pest, having to listen to “her side” of what really happened to put her in this situation. Needless to say, my erection subsided.
At a little after six that evening, I pulled into the hotel parking lot. I went to the counter, checked in, and retired to my room. Once inside, I called Misha to let her know I was in town. Her husband answered.
“Hey bud,” he answered in that fake, we’ve been friends our whole lives, sort of tone.
“Hey Frank, Just wanted to call and let you guys know I made it to town.”
“Long trip, isn’t it.” Frank said, stating the obvious.
“Yea, I’m beat. Think I’ll just grab some room service and hit the sack. Got another long drive tomorrow.”
“Yea, I bet. Hey, Misha’s right here, hang on.” And with that, my contact with Frank hopefully ended for the remainder of the trip.
“Mark?” Misha asked, “I know we’re putting a lot on you guys, but I need one more favor.”
“For the love of Christ, I’m already taking your delinquent, brat daughter to the other end of the state for the summer, so you and Frank can do God knows what, for four or five months, what more can I possibly do?” I had to blink a few times to make sure that I hadn’t actually said that out loud, even though it was what I was feeling. “What’s that Misha?” I asked instead.
“Frank and I need to leave tomorrow real early. His aunt is sick in Mississippi, and not expected to live much longer.” She continued. “It just came up, and I hate to impose any further, but do you think Sally can stay at the hotel with you?”
There it was. The last thing I needed after driving all day. Babysitting the brat in a hotel room for the night before spending all day with her in a very small car. I’d had plans of getting a bottle of Scotch, renting a porn movie, and jacking off till I was sore. “Sure,” I grimaced. “Are you gonna drop her off, or am I picking her up?” I put my hand on my forehead, and looked up at the ceiling asking my maker what could I possibly have done to deserve this punishment.
“I can drop her off. You’re at the Windsor right?”
“Yep, room three eleven.” It was done.
“Ok, we’ll see you in a few minutes.” She said. “Oh, Mark?”
“Yea” I replied, sure that the world was coming to an end.
“I can’t tell you thanks enough. I know that she’s gonna be better for it.” She got quiet, and I thought I heard her crying. “Frank and I are at our wit’s end. We’ve tried everything we can think of.”
“Oh come on Misha, she’s fifteen. It’s a phase.” I tried to reassure her. “She’ll be a whole new girl when she comes back.”
“Well, I know you and Leesha will take good care of her.” She sniffled. “But, don’t go easy on her either.” She put on the tough girl act again. “Well, we’re ready to go. See you in a few minutes.” She hung up.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door. “It’s open.” I yelled from the chair I was sitting on.
“Uncle Mark?” a voice called out.
“Yea, in here.” I said getting up off of the small uncomfortable couch to meet them.
Sally walked in the room with her arms stretched out looking for a hug. “It’s good to see you.” She stammered, almost in tears.
Looking behind her, I didn’t see anyone. I broke the embrace, and went to the door. I looked both ways up and down the hallway. There was no one there.
“He just dropped me off.” She said tearfully. “Frank didn’t want to get out of the car, and mom stayed home to finish packing for their trip tomorrow.”
I turned around to look at “the pest” I had remembered from a few years ago. She was about five foot, seven inches tall, and very slender with long legs. She was wearing a short denim skirt, flat sandals and a tee shirt that showed off her midriff that said “Baby Girl” across the front. She had short blonde hair, and big hoop earrings dangling on each side of her sad, beautiful face.
“Wow, you’ve changed a lot,” was all I could manage to say, without letting the drool in my mouth come rushing out onto the front of my shirt. It didn’t seem to have an affect on her. She took the bag off of her shoulder, letting it hit the floor with a thud, and rushed towards me putting her arms around my neck.
“I’m glad to see you.”
“Hey, hey,” I returned the embrace. “It’s ok now. Don’t cry.”
She continued to sob. “I really screwed up this time Uncle Frank.” She managed. “Frank doesn’t want me around any more.”
“Oh come on now. He just doesn’t know how to handle a teenager.” I tried to reassure her.
“No, he said I’d never amount to anything but a pregnant teen out on the street, and he was glad to get rid of me.” She held on to me tighter, and continued to cry.
“Does your mom know about this?” I asked pulling her away from me.
“No, I didn’t tell her.” She finally broke the embrace, and sat down on the foot of the bed. “She wouldn’t be able to do anything about it anyway. Frank calls the shots at our house, and mom lets him. She’s scared of him.”
“Scared of him?” I scowled. “Franks a weenie. What would he do to make her afraid of him.”
She wiped the tears from her eyes, and I offered a tissue from the box on the nightstand. “Frank told her that if I got in trouble one more time, he was going to leave, and mom’s afraid she wouldn’t be able to make it alone.” She blew her nose on the tissue. “Mom’s not as tough as she lets on to people. She’s scared.”
“And you?” I asked taking another tissue from the box and handing it to her. “Are you scared of that too.”?
“Hell no!” she exclaimed, “Let him leave. Mom and I would be better off without him.”
My cell phone rang. It was Leesha. “Crap, I forgot to call her.” I said under my breath.
“Hey baby.” I said into the phone.
“Are you there yet?” Was her response.
“Yea, I got here about an hour and a half ago.” I looked a Sally in a new light. She was scared, and upset, and didn’t seem to me to be the juvenile delinquent she’d been described to be.
“So you’re going to pick her up in the morning?”
“Well, Sally’s already here at the hotel. Frank dropped her off a half an hour ago. Misha said that Frank’s aunt was sick and they were leaving for Mississippi very early.”
“She’s at the hotel with you?” She asked.
“Yea, she’s right here. Do you want to talk to her?”
“Well, ok.”
I handed the phone to Sally. She stood up, took the phone, and turned around and started talking to my wife.
I watched her walk away from me across the room. I couldn’t help but look at her. The way the muscles in the small of her back moved when she walked. The way her skirt hugged her hips, and showed off her tight little ass. She definitely wasn’t the brat I remembered from a few years ago. She was a little hottie that could definitely get her self into trouble with boys if she wasn’t careful. She ran out of room, and turned to walk the other way. I watched her walk back towards me. The tee shirt she was wearing looked to be about two sizes too small, and hugged her C cup tits tightly. I could tell she was wearing a bra, but could still see the outline of her nipples.
“I can’t wait to see you either Aunt Leesha. Ok, here he is.”
She handed me the phone, which broke my gaze from her perfect tits. I think she caught me looking, because she smiled as she handed me the phone. “She wants to talk to you.” She said, grinning, and spinning around to get her suitcase that she left by the door.
“Hi,” I managed, as I watched her walk away from me.
“How’s she doing?” My wife asked.
“Oh, she seems to be doing ok, I guess.” I said as I watched her bend over exaggeratedly, to pick up her suitcase and purse. She caught me looking again when she looked back at me while she was bent over.
“So you’re leaving in the morning?” She asked me as I turned my gaze to the wall above the bed. Mainly so I could concentrate on the phone call with my wife.
“That’s the plan. We’ll check out at about seven or so, get some breakfast, and head north.”
“Ok, I Love you, and be careful.” She sighed. “Still no hotrodding allowed,” she joked, “and I’ll see you guys tomorrow evening.”
“I Love you too baby, and we’ll be careful. Bye.” I pushed the end button on my phone, set it on the table, and turned to Sally. “Are you hungry?” I asked
“Yea, but do we have to go out?” She asked me as she opened up her suitcase. “I’m not in the mood to see a lot of people right now.”
“No, we don’t have to go out.” I tossed the room service menu towards her on the bed. “Just pick something from here, and they’ll deliver it.”
She thumbed through the menu as she kicked off her sandals. “Pepperoni Pizza and a coke.” She said, “I’m gonna take a shower and get ready for bed, unless you want to go first.” She looked up at me with eyes that would melt an iceberg. This girl could get anything she wanted from me, and I bet she knew it.
“Uh…no, not at all… you go ahead. I’ll order the food, and I’m gonna go to the lobby for a minute. I’ll be right back.
“Ok,” she said as she walked toward the bathroom. “I’ll be here.” Just as she was about to turn the corner, she pulled the tee shirt over her head letting me see her naked back except for the tan colored bra strap.
I’d ordered the food, and heard the shower going. “I’ll be right back.” I announced through the door. “I’m going down stairs.”
As I heard the door lock behind me, my mind was reeling. This young goddess was spending the night in my room. There were two king sized beds, thank God, but the fantasies kept appearing. Holding that tight body in my arms, feeling her hot breath on my chest and stomach right before she… “DING” The sound of the elevator interrupted my thoughts. An older couple got off. I put my head down almost in shame for the thoughts going on in my head. This was my niece for Christ’s sake. She was a family member, even if only by marriage, and not to mention a minor. I had to get these thoughts out of my head.
Around the corner of the hotel was a liquor store. I selected a fifth of Scotch, and a bag of jerky. I also picked up a bag of M&Ms and a bag of chips. Stopped at the cooler on my way to the register and picked up a six-pack of Coke. Paid for the items, picked up the bag, and headed back to the room, not quite sure what awaited me.
I slid the key card into the slot, and heard the click of the lock. I opened up the door, and she was standing there in front of the mirror on the dresser. She was completely naked, applying deodorant to her underarms. She looked at me with her mouth open, frozen for a moment. I stared at her, also in shock, astounded by the beauty in front of me. She was perfect. Her short hair was tussled, still wet from the shower, her shoulders were so smooth, and white. Her breasts were like something from a magazine. Small perky nipples crested each one. Her stomach was flat, and looked so hard that you could crack walnuts on it. There was a small, neatly trimmed patch of blonde hair just above her tiny slit. The lips of her delicate, sensual pussy protruded slightly from within. Her thighs were creamy white, and perfect all the way to her knees, and shapely calves, all the way down to her cute little feet. Her entire body seemed to scream at me “TAKE ME I’M YOURS!”
I turned my head as the door shut, almost dropping the bag. But I couldn’t help but turn my eyes to look at her still. At the same time she reached behind her on the bed scooping up the towel she had slung there and quickly covered her self. The towel was a little too small to go around her, and cover both her breasts and her pussy, so one or the other remained exposed. I couldn’t help but look at this lovely creature before me.
“Ahem!’ she made a gesture with her hand directing me to turn around.
“Uh… sorry…” I turned around to face the door. I set the bag down next to the door, and said, “Um… you finish up, and I’ll go get some ice. Can you hand me the bucket?” I felt the ice bucket nudge against my back as she slid past me to get to the bathroom. I turned to get the bucket, she handed it to me as she skimmed by. Her ass was uncovered and bounced ever so slightly as the door closed.
“I’ll be right back.” I announced again as I went through the door into the hallway, already planning the very cold shower I was going to take when I got back.
I returned to the room after trying to give her ample time to get dressed and get out of the bathroom. This time I knocked on the door. I heard her tell me to come in. I put down the ice bucket, grabbed the bottle out of the bag, and filled a glass with ice.
“Food’s here.” She announced sitting cross-legged on the bed wearing a V-necked tee shirt that was about five sizes too large. “I signed the bill, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. It will show up on the bill for the room that way.” I took the cover off of the plate left on the desk, grabbed the tray, and took it to the small table in the corner. I filled the glass with Scotch, and ate my dinner.
“How long is the drive?” She broke the silence.
“About seven or eight hours.” I stated matter of factly. “We’re gonna need our rest. It’s a long drive.”
I heard the television come on, and as she was shopping the dial, she asked if she could rent a movie.
“Sure, anything you want.” I said, finishing my plate. I refilled the glass with Scotch, picked up the bottle and announced that I was taking a shower.
“Ok,” she said, “I’ll be here.”
“There’s more soda and some chips in the bag if you’re still hungry.” I said as I passed in front of the TV on my way to the bathroom.
“Uncle Mark?” She asked.
“Yes,” I said turning in her direction.
“Did I do anything wrong?” There were those eyes again. So sultry, and forgivable, and she knew how to work them.
“No sweetie. You didn’t do anything.” I replied. “What makes you say that?”
“I don’t know. You’ve just been really quiet since you got back from the store.” She pulled the top off of a Coke can. “Like you’re mad at me or something.”
“No sweetie, I’m not mad. It’s just been a long…” I wanted to tell her how long it had been since I’d seen a vision so lovely. I wanted to tell her how long it had been since I’d seen someone so young and innocent, and perfect in everyway, and just how much I wanted to ravage her young body until she squealed with orgasm after orgasm, until we both passed out from pleasure. “It’s been a long day,” was my reply instead.
I got into the bathroom, and shut the door. I could still smell the remnants of her shampoo, deodorant, and body spray. Her panties and bra were in a corner on the floor. I got undressed and sat on the toilet. I finished the glass, and poured another, trying to gain my composure, but there were those panties. White ones with little flowers on them. I couldn’t resist temptation. I picked them up to inspect them. So tiny, I thought. I peered into the crotch, to find a thin moisture stain. Without thinking, I put them to my nose. The scent was heaven. My cock immediately sprang to life. I tossed them back into the corner, took the remaining Scotch in my glass into my mouth, and swallowed hard. I got into the shower, turned on the water, and felt the warmth flood over my body. My cock was still standing at attention as I grabbed for the soap. I soaped up under my arms, down my chest, and stomach. I wrapped a soapy hand around the shaft of my engorged member sliding my hand up and down along its length. I kept running through my mind Sally’s tender body. I replayed the sight of her perfect ass, and her luscious tits. I wanted so much for her to be eighteen, and a hooker, or a hitchhiker. I needed her to be someone other than my niece, my fifteen-year-old niece.
I continued stroking my cock, putting my hand on the shower wall for support. I could feel my balls tightening for the impending release. Faster and harder I jerked, thinking of my cock ramming into Sally’s tight virgin pussy. Having her bent over the desk slamming into her ass, hearing her whimper with delight, begging for me to slam harder. I reached the breaking point. I pumped my swollen rod hard and fast for all it was worth, with a quiet grunt, I came, more than usual. Rope after rope of white-hot spunk erupted from the purple head of my cock splatting against the shower wall with a thud. Load after load erupted as I pumped my member with fury.
I cleaned up the mess with the removable showerhead, and washed the semen down the drain. I finished rinsing the soap from my body, and my shrinking dick. I stepped out of the shower, and remembered that I’d forgotten to get my shorts out of my bag when I got clean underwear. I put the underwear on, and wrapped a towel around my waist and was about to exit the bathroom when I noticed that the bathroom door was open just a little. I wondered if she had peaked in at me. Did she see me jacking my dick? Did she like it?
I retrieved my shorts, and headed back to the bathroom to put them on. I paused just outside of the bathroom door, to look through the crack. I could see in the mirror, a full view of the shower, right through the semi clear shower door. I bet she saw everything, which means that she wanted to look.
I had short hair so it didn’t take long to dry. I ran the electric razor over my face, then applied after shave. I left the bathroom, and saw that Sally had turned off the TV and had covered up. It was only nine-thirty. Surely a teenager didn’t go to bed at nine-thirty on Saturday night. I looked out the window of the hotel, and it was raining. I could see flashes of lightning in the distance. I got under the covers of my own bed, and fumbled for the remote on the nightstand. I heard her snore softly and was certain that she was asleep already.
I lay on the bed, not watching TV, but watching her sleep. She’d gotten warm, and uncovered herself. With her back to me, and the shirt she was wearing hiked up, I could see her panty-covered ass, and her bare legs. Her hand was resting between her legs, and I could see her fingers protruding through her thighs. How I wanted to be where those fingers were. I felt my cock stir again with that thought. Just then, a brilliant white light came through the window, and then a loud crash of thunder, and the lights went out. Complete darkness enveloped the room. I got up and looked out the window. All of the streetlights were out, and there were only a few cars on the streets below. I figured that my evening of TV was canceled, so I climbed back into bed.
“Uncle Mark?” She whimpered
“Yea sweetie?”
“I’m scared.” She replied, again, a slight whimper in her voice.
“It’s ok,” I tried to reassure, “It’s just a thunder storm. It just knocked out the power.” Just then, another flash, followed by an even louder crash of thunder.
The bed shook, and I was pummeled by arms and legs as Sally tried to get under the covers, and huddle next to me. I put my arm up, and guided her head to my chest. “It’s ok, just a little noise.” I put my arm around her shoulders and rested my hand on the small of her back. She had her arm across my chest and was holding on tight. The growling of the thunder subsided, and she relaxed. I started to gently rub her back “Shhh… See, I told you…. just a little noise.” She sighed, and in kind, rubbed my bare chest, then slung one leg over mine.
The feeling of this young goddess piled up against me was heaven. I could feel the nipples of her tits rub my side as she breathed, and against my thigh could feel the warmth emanating from between her milky thighs. I swallowed hard as I felt my cock straighten taught. Her hand was on my stomach just over the waistband of my shorts. I was afraid that my hardening cock would peek out of my shorts and try to get to her soft hand. I felt her breathing slow, and thought I heard a soft snore. I tried to relax, and go to sleep, but my cock wouldn’t allow it. It strained at the waistband of my shorts, and got a little uncomfortable. It was harder then it was in the shower, if that was possible. Very carefully, not wanting to move her, I thought I could shift my cock to the side, and out from under the waistband of my shorts. I was just about to move, when I felt her hand move down and grip my throbbing member through my shorts.
“Mmmmm…” Was the sound that escaped her lips, and then another quiet snore followed.
“Is she asleep?” I asked my self. I groaned to myself at the feeling of this young girls hand grasping my swollen manhood. She shifted her weight, moved her leg farther onto mine, and put her very hot pussy right up against my leg. I started to sweat, not knowing how much more of this I could take. She shifted her grip on my dick, and actually started to move her hand. Grasping and releasing, gently squeezing, then moving.
“Does it hurt?” She whispered.
Oh God, she was awake! My mind reeled at the question. “Huh?” was all I managed.
“When it gets that big, does it hurt?” Again she squeezed gently, and started moving her hand up and down slowly.
“Uh… no, not really.” I couldn’t believe that’s what came out of my mouth. Not, stop it, or we shouldn’t be doing this.
“Did it get that hard because you saw me naked?” through the little bit of light coming through the window, I saw her eyes blinking, and looking up at me. “I’ve seen Frank’s get big like that when he saw my mom naked. Not as big as yours though.”
“Well,” I managed to say.
“ I saw you washing it earlier.”
“You saw that?”
“Yea, I hope you don’t get mad. It’s not the first one I’ve seen.” She continued to stroke my steel rod through my shorts. “I’ve never touched one before though.”
“Look sweetie, I…”
She moved her hand in one swift motion, sliding it under the waistband of my shorts, and grabbed my meat with her delicate little hand. “Can I touch yours?” She asked while grasping the shaft, and at the same time shifting her weight so her moistening pussy rubbed against my bare thigh.
I groaned out load at this. She moved her hand up and down the best she could under the restraint of my waistband, then stopped. She rolled up on top of me, and pulled on my shorts. Without thinking, I raised my hips slightly, and allowed her to peel my shorts down over my pulsing rod, allowing it to spring free.
She looked down at it and gasped. “Yours is a lot bigger than Franks.”
“How many times did you see Franks dick?” Now I was curious.
“Not a lot, just when I heard mom and him getting nasty, I would sneak to the closet and open the trap door. I would watch them until they got finished.” She again put her hand on my cock, and moved her hand up and down, slowly stroking. “I’ve seen movies too Uncle Mark, I know about sex.”
She continued to stroke my cock like it was a game. I started though, to get the impression that this little vixen knew more than she was letting on.
My eyes rolled back in my head at the attention she was giving to my cock, she started rubbing faster, and moving her hips back and forth against my leg, humping her steamy pussy against my leg. She moved her hips back, and moved her knees to the insides of my legs, causing them to spread apart. My eyes closed, I was reveling in the attention that my swollen cock was getting. All at once, I felt her hot breath on the head of my cock, then her tongue licking it.
“Mmm…” she groaned, as she put her mouth over the head of my member, engulfing it. She swirled her tongue, and bobbed up and down, all the while stroking my shaft with her hand. With her other hand, she cupped my ball sack, and rolled my stones gently in her hand. Her mouth opened wide, and she went down for all it was worth. Up and down her head went, and more and more of my cock disappeared each time she went down.
I was in heaven. This young, hot vixen was giving me the blowjob of a lifetime. I involuntarily started moving my hips up and down to meet her luscious mouth, and put a hand on the back of her head to guide my prick deeper and deeper into her throat. I felt the explosion building in my balls, and contemplated blurting a warning to her.
“Cum in my mouth.” She blurted between thrusts.
“It’s coming.” I managed between grunts and moans of unimaginable pleasure.
My nut sack tightened, and wad after wad of hot sticky cum shot into the back of her throat. I arched my back, pointed my toes and bucked my hips wildly up ward to get all of my cock into her mouth. She slurped, and tried to get all of my cum, but some did seep out onto her hand still gripping my pulsing shaft.
“Mmm…” She groaned, and lapped up the little bit of cum that had leaked out of her mouth onto her hand. She cleaned every thing up, and looked up at me with wonder in her eyes.
“Oh Uncle Mark, I hope I did it right.” She wiped the remaining spit, and cum from her lips with the back of her hand.
Now my mind was spinning, I didn’t know what was right, or wrong, or good or evil. My fifteen-year-old niece had just given me the best blowjob I’d had in my forty years of life. It was wrong. She was family, not to mention, a minor. I was embarrassed and ashamed.
She lay down next to me while I caught my breath. “Uncle Mark, can I tell you something?”
“Sure sweetie.” I panted back to her.
“I’ve spent a lot of nights thinking about you since we moved.”
Perplexed at this, “You have?” I asked.
“Yea. Since I was twelve, and we moved away, I wanted to know how it would feel to have sex, and since you were… um… are, the sexiest man I have ever met, I used you to fantasize to.” She snuggled up next to my arm.
“Well, you know Sally,” I needed to make sure she knew what we did was wrong. “You know that if anyone finds out about what we just


Same as miss my cuz pad Videos

2 years ago
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my cuz the cocksucker

about a year ago, me, my cousin, her bf, and my gf got an apartment together. it was common for all of us to be seen together cause we were always hanging out with eachother. me and my cuz were always close growing up, since we are only 2 years apart. whemn we all got the apartment, we set up "basic rules": do your own dishes, lock bedroom doors when getting it on, etc. one day, i was sick, so my gf came home from work early to help me feel better. my cuz and her bf were working til 7 that...

2 years ago
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my crazy ass cuz

This story starts on an August morning about 2 years ago. My cousins name will be changed for safety reasons. Her name will be adrina She is 5 ft. 2 in. she is skinny with breast you just want to rub your face in as soon as you see them. She has an okay ass but i still like her figure. She has brown eyes and curly brown hair. she dresses very provocative. which is why i cant help but fantasize about her. So anyways my cousin is cleaning the house (because i don't like to). She washes...

4 years ago
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Long lost cuz

This story is fantasy based on true events that happened growing up.It had been about 20 years since i had last seen Becky. I had decided to go back home and visit and my aunt and uncle had offered me to stay with them as they have the extra space. I wasnt sure what to expect since it had been so long, wasnt sure if she would remember or mention the events that happened when we were younger. Becky was the first tits i had seen and touched and she was the first pussy i had seen and touched. Im...

2 years ago
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Catching up with cuz Chapt 3 day 2 part 2

She took off for the bedroom and stood next to the bed. "GET THE FUCK ON THAT BED NOW!" she ponited at the bed and there was a burning excitement in her eyes. I jumped up on the bed and she quickly followed and straddled me. She slowly eased herself down on my cock until she was all the way in and i could feel her pussy against my balls. She stated to bounce up and down on it riding it like a fuckin bull rider. She picked up speed and i began to thrust upward every time she would come down. The...

3 years ago
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Catching up with cuz

So this story begins with me looking at my facebook page and trying to get back in touch with people i have been neglecting. One such person would be my cousin gwen well she is not really my cousin she was adopted.She was 2 years younger than me and secretly very knowledgeable and bloomed very early. She had perfect size boobs they were very very inviting. We bad a close relationship growing up i think because both of us were shy and could confide things to each other and not have to worry...

4 years ago
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The Trap 8211 Part 1 The Blackmail of Padma

The small, local branch office of ACME, Inc. was located in an area outside the urban center, a pleasant district with people crowding sidewalks busy with street vendors and the foot traffic of small businesses. Inside his office, sat a young clerk named Nasim behind a desk piled high with paperwork. Padma, an attractive, full figured woman in her early 30s, arrived for work with her lunch in hand and, as usual, she was having trouble with the front door, which had a tendency to stick. Through...

3 years ago
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Sex With Homely Maid Padma

This is my first post in ISS. This is a real story that happened in my life and no attempt has been made to spice things up artificially. Like a lot of people in ISS I have a fetish for women who look strong and dirty, especially maid servants. I have had a fetish for a particular maid servant for the longest time in my life. This story dates back to the time when I was in standard eight and about 12 years old. We had a maid servant called Padma at our house who was married and a mother of one....

3 years ago
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Me And My Cuz Pt 1

The next hour went by slowly… relatives I’d forgotten about coming up to me for a chat... buying me drinks, and eventually I felt confident enough to go speak to Ashleigh. She was leaning against the wall looking around at the guests and as I approached her she looked me up and down… ‘I can do this, she still wants me.’ I told myself. ‘Hey Ash,’ I said, ‘Long time no see, how’s things?’ She smiled and replied ‘Not too bad thanx… your looking good.’ ‘Thanx, you too…..’ We began to chat...

4 years ago
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Long lost cuz cht 3

So there we were on the way homw from a fun night out with friends. I was still wondering a couple of things but didn't know if or how to approach the subjects. First, had Becky shown me her pussy on purpose under the table or did she have a momentary memory lapse. Secondly, what happened in the bathroom between Colleen and Becky? Will i ever find out? I know that's three.We got back to Beckys and we went to her room. She first checked her email and all important social media sites on her...

3 years ago
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Long lost cuz part 21

So there we were out to dinner with 3 of our friends growing up. We were all sitting around the table chatting and waiting for food. Suddenly Becky drops her phone under the table."Scott, can you get my phone please i dropped it under the table and it bounced over by you? " not thinking anything of it I tried to reach it but was unable to. So i excused myself and slid under the table. I grabbed the phone and looked up and there right in front of me was my cousin's beautiful pussy! She had her...

3 years ago
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Catching up with cuz chapter 6 part 4

So there we were. JJ laying on the floor with cum coming out of her ass and pussy, Joyce going to town on her sisters pussy and Becky banging away at my ass. Where were Gwen and Lizzie you ask, well Gwen took the opportunity of Ann being eaten out by her sister to sit on her face with her pussy for Ann to munch on. Ann went right to work. Licking the outer lips of Gwens hot box and then ever so gently flicking her tongue over her clit and making Gwen shake with delight. Gwen thought by sitting...

3 years ago
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Catching up with cuz part 3 chapter 6

I was sitting there stunned by what i just saw and heard from Joyce and Ann. Mark was very unsure how he was supposed to react to his wife sticking her fingers in his mouth drenched with her sister's cum but the moment caught up with him and he sucked all of the juices off of Ann's fingers. I was fixated on this to see what would hapen next. I was amazed that Joyce got up and went over to them and pushed mark down on the floor. "What the fuck do you think you are doing you little whore!" Ann...

2 years ago
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Catching up with cuz chapter 6 part 2

So Becky went down on JJ licking that beautiful chocolate pussy for all that it was worth. Licking th lips ever so gently and the sucking on her clit and a little nibble. JJ was definately enjoying herself squirming around underneath Beckys expert tongue. I have a suspicion this was not the first time she had eaten that pussy. JJ started to moan and was just about to cum when the time ran out. "Fuck no! I was almost there!"JJ screamed. It was Lizzies turn next and and she was all but ready to...

4 years ago
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Catching up with cuz Part 1 chpt 6

Still reliving the night before and what had happened between the three of us, but today would be different i had invited my 2 cousins from my dads side to the house before everything had happened. Becky had also invited her best friend JJ to the house as well. Last but not least Gwen invited her sister Lizzie down to the house as well. It seems marriage had not been nice to any of us except for Ann, the older of my two cousins that were coming. Joyce and Lizzie were divorced and JJ had never...

4 years ago
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Catching up with cuz chapter 5

I was in shock not sure what to do. Gwen walked over, grabbed Becky by the hair and dragged her into the bedroom. Becky gave me a wink on the way in so i think was a setup.Gwen threw her on the bed and berated her "Little slut couldnt wait till I got back huh? Had to have that big cock all fir yourself you whore! You want to be treated like a whore then thats what I'll do!" And with that Gwen tied up Becky to restraints she had hidden in between the mattress. There was Becky spread eagle on the...

2 years ago
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catching up with cuz or now cousins Chapter 4

So there i was standing there by the door watching Becky walk over and giving Gwen a big hug. She whispered something in her ear and then they both kind of giggled and looked towards me.Gwen then made the announcement that since Becky had arrived we would stay in for dinner and she would go to the store while we got caught up.She went on her way and i had no idea what to expect. Becky looked amazing. Her tits looked like the same amazing tits that i remember and i wondered if she ever thought...

3 years ago
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Catching up with cuz part 2

So the next day I woke up to an empty bed. Oh shit what have i done? I have gone too far and now she hates me and will never speak to me again. You know all the normal stupid stuff. Then i stopped for a moment a smelled breakfast cooking, i threw on some shorts and headed to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see my cousin cooking wearing her tshirt she started last night in. "Hey sleepy head! Breakfast is almost ready". So either shes ignoring the whole thing OR it was no big thing to...

4 years ago
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3 Some with cuz and GF

So it starts off like this...My cousin (whom from previous stories ive had sexual relations) needs a place to stay for the night and ive asked my gf if she can stay. Now my gf is wary as she is well aware of went on before due to my cousin phoning me one night demanding sex and talking filthy to me. After persuading my gf to allow her to stay the night we agree we would meet her half way at a sporting event i was participating in. I look over and i see my cousin and my gf standing side by side...

2 years ago
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Take me suit Cuz Im gay virgin

I'm at the specified address, the door is almoust opened ... a few quick thoughts and finally I decide to enter.A quick glance and immediately I notice him sitting in a chair behind the desk. He turns around at the sound of my elegant shoes. And It is here! The smile! Showing all white and perfect teeth ... nothing more I need. My heart stops! My perfect bear is here. The first man that I would like to fuck with... he is mine... only mine... He stands up immediatly and in two steps he is near...

2 years ago
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Cuz Connie loves my morning WOOD

I was 21 and a junior in college when my cousin from the Midwest hit the Big Apple and stayed with us until she could get a job that paid enough for her to rent her own apartment, no mean feat in New York. Connie was a statuesque, full-figured 24-year-old blonde with the kind of knockers that really sock it to your eyes. Cousin or no cousin, I was smitten on the spot with the hots.And I was always hot. Had been ever since I'd hit puberty. It seemed to me that I had spent enough hours jerking on...

2 years ago
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Muslim Cuz Dee and My First Fuck

I'm back once again, this time with the incident where my elder cousin sister lost her virginity to me and became obsessed with sex. Those who have read my earlier posts may know this but let me tell you a little about myself and my family so you will have a better idea of the whole situation. I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central India. My father had 7 brothers and we all live in a huge housing complex which is almost a...

4 years ago
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Thanks Cuz

"You're kidding me, Jason, tell me you're kidding me," my cousin Mel said as we were sitting on my bed playing a videogame. "Well, I'm not, that's all there is to it. It just hasn't happened." "Shit, man, I was fourteen. She was sixteen, she lived next door and one day, I was outside and she just invited me inside and up to her room." "Well, lucky you," I told him but he continued. Of course. "She just came out with it. 'Have you ever fucked a girl?' she asked me. I told her...

4 years ago
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Your Guardian AngelChapter 8 Cuz Youre My Youre My My My True Love My Whole Heart

"Did you really love her?" Phoenix asked, parking the car in her driveway. Devon turned around in the front passenger seat to watch my face when I answered. Morgana turned to look at me from where she sat behind Phoenix in the car. "I had a pet shark for a couple of months," I replied. "But it was MY shark." Morgana followed me into the house. I hadn't said a word for the entire drive so Phoenix and Devon knew better than to come inside. "You shouldn't blame them," Morgana said...

1 year ago
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I Fuck My Cuz

100% fiction! My cousin and i see each other every two weeks him to visit his god mother me to visit my dad , it started when we where 18 we where still virgins. One day we had to sleep in the same bed because some friends of my dads where staying over so we had to sleep in the portable bed down stairs. We where both laying there it was a cold night and and there wasn't a heater he could feel me shaking 'are you cold' he asked 'come here we can cuddle to keep warm. I was freezing so i crawled...

1 year ago
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Muslim Cuz Dee Gets My Dick

How my horny, older Muslim cousin Dee seduced me to lose her virginity... Hi all, its Ali here. I'm back once again, this time with the incident where my elder cousin sister lost her virginity to me and became obsessed with sex. Those who have read my earlier posts may know this but let me tell you a little about myself and my family so you will have a better idea of the whole situation. I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central...

3 years ago
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A TRANS Formation Chapter 30 Girls in Pads

The following Tuesday, Jill has another date with Dr. Walt. She decides, for the first time, to show up wearing a dress, which pleased Walt very much. She's still a little nervous dressing like this in public, but each time she does it, she's not as nervous as the time before.When they went to the grocery store Sunday, she wore her pads under her khaki pants, one of her new blouses, and tan pumps. She simply loved being able to hold Allie's hand as they walked up and down the aisles. She really...

2 years ago
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knee pads

hello, can i help you find anything miss? the cute guy at the sporting goods store asked me as i walked down the aisle. oh, hi, yes, i’m looking for a pair of knee pads can you tell me where they are please? sure, follow me, we have several types, do you play volleyball? me? oh no. basketball? no, no. gymnastics, you look like a gymnast. i do? i asked him and giggled, no, i’m not a gymnast, then i remembered all the fun positions i’ve been in while having sex and smiled to myself. well, there...

3 years ago
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A few weeks later Jenny phoned me and asked if I could come to her house and mind Paddy for a few hours as she was needed in work. She works from home but there was a problem. Yes, sure, give me 15 minutes. I pulled a T shirt and skirt on and walked the 10 minutes to her house. Jenny was ready to go out so it was a quick peck on the cheek. I won’t be long, two hours max. Mike will be home in about two hours as well so you can go then. Paddy was sat in the kitchen looking all sad. Hi baby...

4 years ago
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Victor Amigo de mi padre

Relato: Víctor, amigo de mi padre, mi iniciador. A mi edad vienen a mi mente, aquellas experiencias que he tenido a lo largo de mi vida, de las cuales guardo bellos como unos bellos recuerdos, mi infancia transcurrió dentro de una estricta disciplina por parte de mi padre, mi madre era más condescendiente. mi nombre es Juan.Escribí este relato pensando en que les agradaría leerlo, sucedió hace tiempo, y aun la recuerdo con agrado de como sucedió aquella mi primer experiencia, con un hombre...

4 years ago
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Spring Break on South Padre

Chapter 1 I know that many college students look forward to spring break all across the country, and head out to resort destinations as soon as their finals are over. But what about those of us who live in those resort areas year round? How do we have fun? Well, that question was answered for me and my friend Amy this past year. My name is Shannon Reid. I'm 14 years old, a girl of course, and I live with my mother over a tourist shop in South Padre Island in Texas. South Padre Island is a...

4 years ago
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Teacher Aur Student Ki Anokhi Padai

Hello to all me readers. Mai dbb aap sab ko meri life ka real incident batane jaa raha hoon. Yeh kahani hai mere aur mere teacher ke beech. Mujhe teachers ke saath chipke rehna bahat pasand tha especially apne high school ke time se. Yeh baat mere high school ke time ka kissa hai. Ummed hai aapko pasand aye. Sabse pehle mai aap sab ko apne teacher ke baare mai bata doon. meri teacher ka naam savita desai hai. Woh ek shaadi shuda mahila hai. Unki umar 35 hai. Unka bhara hua badan aur jab woh...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Wild Aunty Padma

Hi, I m Charan of 23 years old want to describe my sex experience with my aunty (Padma) who was wild and horny. So this was my initial sex story and try to help me out in suggesting suitable comments. You can mail me at and Vizagites can reach me through e-mail for fun relationship. Let us step into the story. The story is in between me (Charan) of 23 years studying B tech and my aunty (Padma) of 35 years old lived with her daughter (10th class studying) in Vizag. We lived in quarters provided...

3 years ago
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Hot Padosan

Hi I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am happy that people share their experience here. ab khani pe aate hue mera naam luv hai mai punjab distt. bathinda se belong krta hu yeh kahani aaj se 4 mahine phale ki hai yeh kahni mere or meri padosan ki hai jiska karib 1 yr phale divorce ho gaya tha waise toh meri us pr aankh suru se hi thi lekin divorce hone ke baad usse paane ki tamana kuch jayada hi bad gayi thi kyunki mai janta tha ki woh bi tadap rahi hogi kyunki uski shadi 2 saal tk...

2 years ago
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Hi this is Rana age 18.mein aapko ek story bataata hu.mera naam rana our mein hyderabad ka rahne wala hu. Ye story heai padosan ki. Mere padosan mein ek ladki rahthi thi our naam hai kala.age 22 smart girl thi.eo padosan hone ke karan mein our wo batchpan se close the.hum roj shaam ko baat karthe the our closly move hota tha.ek din unke ghar mein wo akeli thi ghar ke sare kaam ki wajah se bahr gaye the. Our mein roj ki tarah unke ghar gaya our kala didi bolke chillane la to wo boli mein...

2 years ago
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Missys Girlfriend Amy

Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...

2 years ago
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An Erotic First Sexual Experience With Padma

Hey, I am Anil and a great fan of ISS. It is always a treat to read stories and facts from us Indians, because we have our own way to erotic sex. We come from the land of Kamasutra. Isn’t it? I am going to narrate a story from my Graduation and Post Graduation days. I was having a computer at home and was a set of privileged few in those days to have one at home. With my knowledge in programming I was approached by lots of boys and girls to do project work for them. One such girl, I will name...

4 years ago
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Ma ki padhai

Hi friends mein aapko apni sachi kaai sunane ja raha hoon.mein aapka jayda time to nahi lunga par aapko reques karunga ki agar aapko kahani pasand aaya to mail jaroor karna. Mera email id hai [] Pehle mein apne parivar ke bare batata hoon. Mein apne ma baap ka eklota beta hoon. Mere ma baap ke chote se goan me rehte . Goan ki aabadi char paanch so hogi. Mere pita bilkul anpad the par meri ma ne 12 padhi thi. Isliye mere pita g ka sapna tha ki mein pad likh kar baa afsar banu. Mere pita ka ek...

2 years ago
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Submissives because they want to submit to a dom

You've thought about it, you've fantasized about it, and you've decided that it's for you. All well and good. Now to take the theory into practice. There's a distance between wanting to be a dom and being a dom, though, and it pays to be aware that there's more involved than you might think.How hard can it be?Trickier than it sounds. There's more to being a dom than telling people what to do. There's a lot more to it than telling people what to do. Anyone can do that; it no more makes you a dom...

3 years ago
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Missys First Job

Missy couldn't believe that today was the day she was finally venturing back out into the world. She was 20 years old and had spent most of the past six years with her Auntie as her design apprentice. Auntie worked as a freelance lingerie designer mostly for a company called Belle du Jour Lingerie. And today Missy was going to interview for a full time position at Belle du Jour arranged by Auntie. Missy's journey up until this point was hardly conventional. Her real name was Marcus...

1 year ago
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Souvenir Paddles

I’d passed this place several times in the past. As a traveling factory rep, I had occasion to find myself in this part of the state, perhaps every six months, or so. This time, I had some time to kill - actually the rest of the day free - and yielded to my curiosity, pulling into the gravel parking lot spanning the front of the building. The building itself was old and made of concrete block. With windows fronting the store, it looked like it had once been a market - IGA, or whatever. The sign...

5 years ago
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Miss Ks Adventures Part 1

Welcome to my latest adventure. This new series of stories is going to be wild and crazy and a lot of fun. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this one. So without further ado, let's get on with it. All non-commercial and electronic rights to this story are reserved. If it's not legal for you to read erotic material in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: Chapter 1 - STARTING UP - By Brett Lynn Miss K sat near her bedroom window in...

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Miss Ks Travels Chapter 3

This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...

2 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 2

This continues the efforts by 24-year-old Miss Bentner to have disciplinary control over 36-year-old Elizabeth, as she already had control over Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter, Emma. The discipline came first. Now though comes the manipulation of both mum and daughter to ensure both submit to her: Miss Bentner looked at the two bottoms still bent across the table. She knew Emma will be wet with anticipation for her ‘afters,’ finger and tongue sex. It happened regularly after she spanked the...

4 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...

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Miss Simons and the School Inspector

Stephanie, Miss Jamieson, the school secretary pressed the intercom. “Hullo, Headmistress. Miss Curtis, the School Inspector, is here to see you.”“Send her in please,” The Headmistress, Miss Simons, replied.The School Inspector listened to the exchange and afterwards said curtly, “The meeting will take about an hour. Please hold everything else until I come back out.”Miss Jamieson looked up at the School Inspector. She was surprised to find she was so young, and no more than twenty-five she...

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Miss Pratts Pundit

Tegan bit her lip MISS PRATT?S PUNDIT July 2, 1982 The two  girls walked carefully, attempting to avoid the rusty cans and general litter on the grounds of the  Craddock-Childress Greens Mobile Home Village.  The taller girl, a pretty redhead in a bikini carried a boom-box, which was emanating Boy George's sordid screams. The smaller girl had short, ratty hair, and wore thick glasses and lugged a copy of "War and Peace" bouncing against her soggy one-piece swimsuit.  "Goddamn if...

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Miss Trottle After School

Miss Trottle was a teacher in a high school in Bristol, Connecticut. It was the end of a particularly hard few weeks because as the summer holidays approach the workload for the teacher doubled, with parent’s evenings, thousands of reports, after school events and end of year exams Miss Trottle was glad of the fact that it was now Friday. The school bell had rung for the last time before the summer holidays and as the sound of the bell echoed around the empty corridors and deserted grounds of...

4 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 1

Elizabeth Carson walked back up her path enjoying thestinging feeling across her bottom, ready to go to her bedroom and masturbate. She unlocked her front door and walked in to her house. She stopped short when she saw 24-year-old Miss Bentner was already in the hallway with Emma, Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter. Miss Bentner didn’t look like a teacher today. She wasn’t in school so that was Ok. Today she wore a tight fitting vest top that showed off her full breasts and firm arms. Her hair...

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Miss Perkins Tuesday

Wake to my alarm and stumble into my bathroom. Remember to not take a shower this time, though I will tomorrow. Splash water on my face then get the radio on and brush my hair. Losing the curls but still looking good. Back to my room to pick out my outfit and I am not sure. Miss Perkins paid attention to me finally.The problem is I can only dress so slutty before the partners complain. There is a certain level of professionalism needed, especially in a law firm. Look at everything then toss...

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Miss Sheila DeVilles School for Wayward Boys

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...

2 years ago
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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Nine Miss Marks Lends a Hand

Amelia Marks smiled as she listened to the older woman on the other end of the phone. The lady, Celia Bellman-Winstanley, was the Head Mistress at Mercia Castle School, which was about ten miles down the road from Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. Celia had been Amelia’s mentor when she had started her teaching career all those years ago and the older woman was someone who Miss Marks respected although they had little to do with one another these days.“So, Amelia. I guess that you saw what some...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress The School Secretarys secret spanking desires Part One

“If you don’t ask – you don’t get.”That’s what Amber Fox, Amelia Marks’ secretary, kept telling herself.The thirty-two-year-old woman with the flowing red hair had been unable to get the experience of watching Amelia Marks caning those two naughty Year Eleven girls in her office out of her head. It had been a couple of weeks since Miss Marks had punished Emily Richardson and Chloe Williams in her office and a couple of weeks since she had invited her secretary to witness the girls’ punishment....

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Miss Pratt gets a Licking

 Miss Pratt Gets a "Licking" Miss Marisol Persephone Pratt, known as "Prattsie" toher intimates back at St. Casimir's School, sat back in the seatlesschair, enjoying Evelyn's smooth, consistent tongue on her labia. Mmm?God,it feels good. The seatless chair was not all that comfortable, Prattsie'slegs were a bit constricted as her bare bu tt poked through the bottom, butEvelyn, lying blindfolded beneath the chair with her hands secured behindher back certainly knew how to lick her Mistress's...

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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Four A Necessary Punishment

Zoe Vanssen sat on the leather sofa outside the Head Mistress’ office and fidgeted with her hands. She knew that she was really going to get it for what she had done in town that previous Saturday morning. The girl with the long dark hair shuffled around uneasily on the sofa as she waited to be called into Miss Marks’ office to explain her behaviour. Conduct that was unbecoming an Alannah Lawrence girl and also conduct that would probably earn her an exclusion from the prestigious school. The...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First AfterSchool Punishment Lucys Point Of View

Tuesday, October 20th, 1990. Just over eighteen and a half years after the event.I stared blankly at the TV. I really wasn’t focusing on the programme. In fact, I only had it on that Tuesday evening for some background noise. My husband was working a night shift and I was just relaxing after putting our three young children to bed, before heading up to bed myself later that evening. I had no idea how long I had been watching the programme for but suddenly found myself being shaken from my dream...

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Miss Addiscombes Virtue

"Ah," said my father as I strode into the drawing room at Harthorpe Manor "Stephen, this is Miss Addiscombe." I stared, she was dressed from head to toe in black, every single thing and although she might have been regarded generally as a great beauty the evil stare with which she regaled me dismissed any such notion of beauty instantly. "Enchanted," I smiled, "Your reputation precedes you, and your beauty is indeed, ah," I paused and cast my eyes around the high ceilinged oak...

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Miss Harcourts Guardian pt 1

"Lord Banchforth," a voice said indistinctly as I sat with father's lawyers in father's study as they explained father's last will and testament to myself and those of my family who remained after father's calamitous accident, "My Lord!" he insisted. I realised I was the one he was addressing, "Yes?" I replied. "There remains the matter of Miss Grace Harcourt." Selwyn Carruthers, father's lawyer, explained, "An annuity paid for her upkeep." "For what purpose?" I...

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