Long lost cuz
- 4 years ago
- 41
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Introduction: When I was 14 me nd my 13 yo step cuz fell for eachothe I was 14 I had black long hair tan nd just realized I was gay that was a couple years ago I cameto indiana to visit my dad amd srep nm mom I knew her nethew korrie who was 13he had longish red orangesh hair I thought he was cute. we went to one of his baseball game and my step mom invited him over to spend the night nd hang out. Well sence we picked him up after his game he was still in his baseball pamts and a tight gray t...
It was another boring day hanging out at my Grandmothers. I had offered to construct her small pool her. Thought I would do the honourable thing. The only bright side was my cousin Emma decided to help. Emma was blonde, had a decent curvy body, her breasts perky and a nice round butt. Her family was very open about their sexuality and she had always flaunted her assets. Secretly I had always lusted after Emma, I knew it was wrong but it didn’t stop me and spent a lot of my teenage years...
Incestabout a year ago, me, my cousin, her bf, and my gf got an apartment together. it was common for all of us to be seen together cause we were always hanging out with eachother. me and my cuz were always close growing up, since we are only 2 years apart. whemn we all got the apartment, we set up "basic rules": do your own dishes, lock bedroom doors when getting it on, etc. one day, i was sick, so my gf came home from work early to help me feel better. my cuz and her bf were working til 7 that...
So there we were out to dinner with 3 of our friends growing up. We were all sitting around the table chatting and waiting for food. Suddenly Becky drops her phone under the table."Scott, can you get my phone please i dropped it under the table and it bounced over by you? " not thinking anything of it I tried to reach it but was unable to. So i excused myself and slid under the table. I grabbed the phone and looked up and there right in front of me was my cousin's beautiful pussy! She had her...
This story starts on an August morning about 2 years ago. My cousins name will be changed for safety reasons. Her name will be adrina She is 5 ft. 2 in. she is skinny with breast you just want to rub your face in as soon as you see them. She has an okay ass but i still like her figure. She has brown eyes and curly brown hair. she dresses very provocative. which is why i cant help but fantasize about her. So anyways my cousin is cleaning the house (because i don't like to). She washes...
She took off for the bedroom and stood next to the bed. "GET THE FUCK ON THAT BED NOW!" she ponited at the bed and there was a burning excitement in her eyes. I jumped up on the bed and she quickly followed and straddled me. She slowly eased herself down on my cock until she was all the way in and i could feel her pussy against my balls. She stated to bounce up and down on it riding it like a fuckin bull rider. She picked up speed and i began to thrust upward every time she would come down. The...
So this story begins with me looking at my facebook page and trying to get back in touch with people i have been neglecting. One such person would be my cousin gwen well she is not really my cousin she was adopted.She was 2 years younger than me and secretly very knowledgeable and bloomed very early. She had perfect size boobs they were very very inviting. We bad a close relationship growing up i think because both of us were shy and could confide things to each other and not have to worry...
What happened in this story isn’t true, and does have a somewhat happy ending. I had just moved to this state after falling in love with who is now my wife, over the Internet. My wife and I fell in love in a chat room, talking late into every night on line, then, later in our relationship, on the telephone. One thing led to another, and we decided that we couldn’t live without each other, so I packed up everything I own, moved, and was very happy for a lot of years. I met Sally during...
The next hour went by slowly… relatives I’d forgotten about coming up to me for a chat... buying me drinks, and eventually I felt confident enough to go speak to Ashleigh. She was leaning against the wall looking around at the guests and as I approached her she looked me up and down… ‘I can do this, she still wants me.’ I told myself. ‘Hey Ash,’ I said, ‘Long time no see, how’s things?’ She smiled and replied ‘Not too bad thanx… your looking good.’ ‘Thanx, you too…..’ We began to chat...
So there we were. JJ laying on the floor with cum coming out of her ass and pussy, Joyce going to town on her sisters pussy and Becky banging away at my ass. Where were Gwen and Lizzie you ask, well Gwen took the opportunity of Ann being eaten out by her sister to sit on her face with her pussy for Ann to munch on. Ann went right to work. Licking the outer lips of Gwens hot box and then ever so gently flicking her tongue over her clit and making Gwen shake with delight. Gwen thought by sitting...
I was sitting there stunned by what i just saw and heard from Joyce and Ann. Mark was very unsure how he was supposed to react to his wife sticking her fingers in his mouth drenched with her sister's cum but the moment caught up with him and he sucked all of the juices off of Ann's fingers. I was fixated on this to see what would hapen next. I was amazed that Joyce got up and went over to them and pushed mark down on the floor. "What the fuck do you think you are doing you little whore!" Ann...
So Becky went down on JJ licking that beautiful chocolate pussy for all that it was worth. Licking th lips ever so gently and the sucking on her clit and a little nibble. JJ was definately enjoying herself squirming around underneath Beckys expert tongue. I have a suspicion this was not the first time she had eaten that pussy. JJ started to moan and was just about to cum when the time ran out. "Fuck no! I was almost there!"JJ screamed. It was Lizzies turn next and and she was all but ready to...
Still reliving the night before and what had happened between the three of us, but today would be different i had invited my 2 cousins from my dads side to the house before everything had happened. Becky had also invited her best friend JJ to the house as well. Last but not least Gwen invited her sister Lizzie down to the house as well. It seems marriage had not been nice to any of us except for Ann, the older of my two cousins that were coming. Joyce and Lizzie were divorced and JJ had never...
I was in shock not sure what to do. Gwen walked over, grabbed Becky by the hair and dragged her into the bedroom. Becky gave me a wink on the way in so i think was a setup.Gwen threw her on the bed and berated her "Little slut couldnt wait till I got back huh? Had to have that big cock all fir yourself you whore! You want to be treated like a whore then thats what I'll do!" And with that Gwen tied up Becky to restraints she had hidden in between the mattress. There was Becky spread eagle on the...
So there i was standing there by the door watching Becky walk over and giving Gwen a big hug. She whispered something in her ear and then they both kind of giggled and looked towards me.Gwen then made the announcement that since Becky had arrived we would stay in for dinner and she would go to the store while we got caught up.She went on her way and i had no idea what to expect. Becky looked amazing. Her tits looked like the same amazing tits that i remember and i wondered if she ever thought...
So the next day I woke up to an empty bed. Oh shit what have i done? I have gone too far and now she hates me and will never speak to me again. You know all the normal stupid stuff. Then i stopped for a moment a smelled breakfast cooking, i threw on some shorts and headed to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see my cousin cooking wearing her tshirt she started last night in. "Hey sleepy head! Breakfast is almost ready". So either shes ignoring the whole thing OR it was no big thing to...
So it starts off like this...My cousin (whom from previous stories ive had sexual relations) needs a place to stay for the night and ive asked my gf if she can stay. Now my gf is wary as she is well aware of went on before due to my cousin phoning me one night demanding sex and talking filthy to me. After persuading my gf to allow her to stay the night we agree we would meet her half way at a sporting event i was participating in. I look over and i see my cousin and my gf standing side by side...
I'm at the specified address, the door is almoust opened ... a few quick thoughts and finally I decide to enter.A quick glance and immediately I notice him sitting in a chair behind the desk. He turns around at the sound of my elegant shoes. And It is here! The smile! Showing all white and perfect teeth ... nothing more I need. My heart stops! My perfect bear is here. The first man that I would like to fuck with... he is mine... only mine... He stands up immediatly and in two steps he is near...
I was 21 and a junior in college when my cousin from the Midwest hit the Big Apple and stayed with us until she could get a job that paid enough for her to rent her own apartment, no mean feat in New York. Connie was a statuesque, full-figured 24-year-old blonde with the kind of knockers that really sock it to your eyes. Cousin or no cousin, I was smitten on the spot with the hots.And I was always hot. Had been ever since I'd hit puberty. It seemed to me that I had spent enough hours jerking on...
I'm back once again, this time with the incident where my elder cousin sister lost her virginity to me and became obsessed with sex. Those who have read my earlier posts may know this but let me tell you a little about myself and my family so you will have a better idea of the whole situation. I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central India. My father had 7 brothers and we all live in a huge housing complex which is almost a...
"You're kidding me, Jason, tell me you're kidding me," my cousin Mel said as we were sitting on my bed playing a videogame. "Well, I'm not, that's all there is to it. It just hasn't happened." "Shit, man, I was fourteen. She was sixteen, she lived next door and one day, I was outside and she just invited me inside and up to her room." "Well, lucky you," I told him but he continued. Of course. "She just came out with it. 'Have you ever fucked a girl?' she asked me. I told her...
"Did you really love her?" Phoenix asked, parking the car in her driveway. Devon turned around in the front passenger seat to watch my face when I answered. Morgana turned to look at me from where she sat behind Phoenix in the car. "I had a pet shark for a couple of months," I replied. "But it was MY shark." Morgana followed me into the house. I hadn't said a word for the entire drive so Phoenix and Devon knew better than to come inside. "You shouldn't blame them," Morgana said...
100% fiction! My cousin and i see each other every two weeks him to visit his god mother me to visit my dad , it started when we where 18 we where still virgins. One day we had to sleep in the same bed because some friends of my dads where staying over so we had to sleep in the portable bed down stairs. We where both laying there it was a cold night and and there wasn't a heater he could feel me shaking 'are you cold' he asked 'come here we can cuddle to keep warm. I was freezing so i crawled...
IncestHow my horny, older Muslim cousin Dee seduced me to lose her virginity... Hi all, its Ali here. I'm back once again, this time with the incident where my elder cousin sister lost her virginity to me and became obsessed with sex. Those who have read my earlier posts may know this but let me tell you a little about myself and my family so you will have a better idea of the whole situation. I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central...
IncestMein Name ist Marion, ich bin 36 Jahre alt und die Mutter von einer 18 jährigen Tochter. Emilia kurz Mia ist wohl die beste Tochter, die man sich wohl als alleinerziehenden Mutter nur wünschen kann! Ich war damals selbst gerade einmal so alt wie mein kleines Mädchen, als ich Mias Vater kennengelernt haben. Ich damals so unglaublich dumm, aber Liebe macht eben blind! Ich hab nicht bemerkt, dass der damals 25 jährige Junge mich nur ins Bett bekommen wollte. Er hat mich damals so lange bearbeitet...
Disclaimer: Die folgende Geschichte enth?lt erotischen Inhalt mit SM-Hintergrund. Sie ist f?r Leser unterhalb von 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Ich bitte euch: Legt die Geschichte weg, wartet bis ihr 18 seid, dann k?nnt ihr sie lesen. So gut ist sie auch wieder nicht, dass man sie gerade jetzt lesen m?sste;o)Dieses Werk ist Ergebnis einer Fiktion, die dargestellten Personen sind frei Erfunden jede ?hnlichkeit mit real existierenden Personen ist rein zuf?llig.Herkunftsnachweise: *Das Zungeschnalzen kommt ...
Ja, ihr habt recht, Annegret sollte sich schämen. Nun gut, zumindest etwas. Sie als reife 49-jährige Schachtel ergötzte sich an dem 18-jährigen Freund ihrer Tochter. Halb so wild sagt ihr, solange es bei der Fantasie bleibt. Ist es aber nicht, die beiden sind letztes Wochenende am Badesee einen Schritt weitergegangen. Wahrlich ein Tabubruch, oder? Es ist alles nur passiert, weil ihre Tochter sie überredet hat, mitzukommen. Zunächst hatte sie sich geziert. Die beiden Teenager sollten sich doch...
„Das Flugzeug ist gelandet“, ruft die 18jährige Jenny aufgeregt und hüpft auf und ab, um besser sehen zu können. Angesteckt von der Vorfreude ihrer Tochter lächelt auch Melanie und sieht Jenny dabei voller Stolz an. Ihre Tochter hat sich in den letzten beiden Jahren von einem unscheinbaren Teenager zu einer wunderhübschen jungen Dame entwickelt. Ihr langes blondes Lockenhaar liegt beinahe wie Seide auf ihren schmalen Schultern und umrahmt ein schönes Gesicht mit weichen Zügen und großen...
Die BindungenIch betrete die Wohnung und sehe dich durch den Rundbogen zum Wohnzimmer auf dem Sofa sitzen. Sofort habe ich den Eindruck, dass ich dich irgendwobei störe; einen Moment bleibe ich im Flur stehen und beobachtete dich, deinen Kopf, die hochgesteckten Haare, hinter der Sofalehne im Takt der lauten Musik hin und her schaukelnd. Dann ein leises Klick, du beugst dich nach vorn, und nun bermeke ich erst die kleine Kamera, die du auf dem kleinen Bücherregal neben der Tür zum Schlafzimmer...
Hier saß ich also jetz im neu renoviertem Zimmer meiner Tochter und schaute auf die Sachen die ich gefunden hatte bei der Renvierung während sie gerade auf einer Klassenfahrt ist. Erstmal möchte ich mich natürlich vorstellen, mein Name ist Thomas und ich bin selbstständiger Architekt und lebe mit meiner großen Tochter Nadine, welche 18 ist, 174 groß mit langen blonden Haaren braunen Augen und ein paar sexy Sommersprossen und einer echt Sexy Figur die kurven hat wo welche sein müssen ( 75C und...
Nachbars junge Tochter Ich wohne in einem Neubaugebiet in einer kleinen Stadt. Unsere Nachbarschaft versteht sich sehr gut und jeder hilft jedem so gut er kann. Im Haus neben mir wohnt eine kleine Familie mit denen ich mich sehr gut verstehe. Neulig kam Helmut zu mir und bat mich, für eine Woche auf Ihre Tochter aufzupassen. Helmut musste mit seiner Frau beruflich für eine Woche ins Ausland und Gabi (ihre Tochter) konnte nicht mit kommen. Ich vereinbarte mit Helmut, dass Gabi bei mir Essen...
Erholsame NachtEs ist 2 Uhr nacht, es ist immer noch schön warm. Wir haben nach unserem Intermezzo am Abend die Klamotten weg gelassen. Ich bin nur kurz aufgewacht um ein bis zwei schlucke zu trinken, der Helle Vollmond scheint durch das Fenster auf deinen nackten Körper herab und taucht ihn in sanftes Licht. Ich kann nicht anders und muss dich anschauen. Deine Zarte weiße Haut, sie leuchtet fast in dem weißen Mondlicht. Du schläfst tief und fest, ich fange an dich zu streicheln ich fühle deine...
Titel: Ich will aber nicht Autor: 'Hansi' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Ich will aber...
Mehr als achtzehn Jahre sind vergangen, seitdem ZORRO Don Diego De La Vega und sein Nachfolger, der Bandit Alejandro Murrieta gemeinsam den skrupellosen Gouverneur Don Rafael Montero besiegt und Alejandro und Don Diegos bildhübsche Tochter Elena schließlich geheiratet haben. Gestern ist Alejandros und Elenas gemeinsame Tochter Manuela aus dem vornehmen Mädcheninternat zu Besuch nach Hause gekommen, um wie jedes Jahr ihre Sommerferien bei ihren Eltern zu verbringen. Im vergangenen Jahr hat sich...
Der Abend begann wie andere Nacht, seit mein Mann von seiner Stationierung in Kalifornien zurückgekehrt war. Er war in der Marine und hatte zwei Monate Urlaub, während sich sein Schiff im Trockendock befand. Er war 6 Monate weg gewesen, als ich zu Hause in South Carolina zurückblieb, um mich um die Familie zu kümmern. Ursprünglich hatte ich geplant, mit ihm nach Kalifornien zu ziehen, aber seine Mutter erkrankte an einer unheilbaren Krankheit und jemand musste zurückbleiben und ihr helfen. Ihr...
BDSMGay date Chatten doen ik graag, heel erg graag en ofschoon ik bi ben vindt ik het best wel es opwindend om op een gay chat te komen en daar een beetje homo te geilen. In combinatie met een webcam wordt het nog spannender. Ik had contact met iemand en het werd al snel een opwindend gesprek, hij heette Jan. “Zeg es Jan, heb je een cam?….” “Ja hoor…. zullen we samen een beetje op de cam geilen, maar dan gewoon de cam gericht op onze pikken okee?….” “Dat is goed..” zei ik en richtte de cam op mijn...
I was in my English class and Miss Hulbertson was passing out the papers we'd written as homework the first day of school, commenting on what she liked about some and what needed to be improved with others. She already knew each person by name and could tell each one something specific about his or her paper. She had only one paper left when she came over to me. "Oh, Mark, I can't tell you how impressed I was with your paper about the Empire State Building. You made it seem so real, so...
I first called Kyle. He’s fifty eight years old. He also has a new girlfriend who is comfortable with him swinging. She just hasn’t had an opportunity to join the fun, yet. His six foot athletic body, blonde hair, and baby blue eyes many woman drool. He too has an unquenchable appetite for sex. He politely declined because he’d already had plans. My next call was to Clay, a forty-five, confirmed bachelor. His black shoulder length hair, brown eye, and tanned body makes my heart skip a...
One night we got into a big fight for are age and by fight i mean her throwin punches and me doing my best to block everyone. In her rage she didnt notice that her tits " too big for her age i might add " were bouncing out of her shirt . I couldnt help but look in amazment they were perfect so nice an perky with a beautiful golden brown skin tone large nipples too. Her next few punches landed right in my face but i didnt care one bit. After i cleaned the blood...
Introduction: this is a story about me and my younger cousins first time toghter I was 12 with dozens of younger cousins that all looked up 2 me but one cousin was always a lil too close. she was 9 about 46 and thick and a high school girl . She alwayz used to want to play fight all day and never mind when we ended up in weird positions hell my cock was always hard so i enjoyed acting like i didnt notice. One day all the fun and games stopped she became the cousin from hell always mad at me and...
...Part 3: From now on...We went out to the mall that day so my Aunnt could go shopping while I spent all that time hanging out around the mall with my three cuzzins. She dropped us off at the mall entrance before she went to find parking and she warned us to stay together as she said, "Okay boys, stick together! I don't want anyonegetting lost today... Carl, Billy and Danny, you all have to listen to what Sam says because he's in charge!... I'll be pickin you boys up right here at the entrance...
Boy I got a story for you I have a cousin I didn't see that much growing up. She was a little older and very pretty. We by I mean the family went to visit the relatives that live 4 states away when I was young adult. Pow we pull up the drive way and there the family most all of them on my moms side cousins aunts uncles grand parents 1st 2nd twiced removed lots of family. i didn't grow up with extened family its was my folks and little brother and myself in a little town in Texas you wouldn't...
...Part 2: With Pleading Eyes...Carl waited for my response after giving me little choice but to accept his offer. In the brief moment leading up to my response I was thinking back to how things went down the last time he made the same request. It was the first and only time I had ever gone through with it so far. In fact, the topic hadn't even been brought up again for almost an entire year, until he asked me again today......It happened for the first time last summer in late July and it was...
Intro:I spent most of my time growing up in a remote place where it snowed a lot and it felt like winter year round. For the most part it was just Momm and I living in a small two bedroom house with a chimney. Dadd had his very own international type of business and he ran it almost entirely by himself. He was always super busy traveling the world, he'd come home once a month to stay for a weekend and then he would catch another flight the day after. Every year when schoul let us out on summer...
Fantasy Tease See No.1 for some details It was about 11pm when i made my way home from watching the football game at the bar. The house was dark except for the glow of the tv in the livingroom and Kim sitting up watching it. Her sister asleep on the floor. "Bored?" I asked young girl? She smiled,flashed her braces at me, and stood up and followed me out to the yard for a cigarette. I was in a pair of jeans and a flanneljacket, and this little 75lb thing followed me out barefoot in a...
(fantasy,incomplete) The girls were coming for a sleepover this weekend, big deal, i thought. They were half my age and my mom spoiled them whenver they were around. I hadnt seen them over the past years holiday, but the pics i had seen of them were stunning. The older: brown hair to her shoulder, braces and these brand new b cups on a barely 80lb body. The littler one was just on the brink of womanhood, short blonde hair, glasses, braces as well. They were abruptly dropped off on friday...
Hi Friends Girls and boys Kasy Hain ap Log ap ki kihdmat may kafi time kay bad hazir hoa hoon or ap kay ley ak hot stori hazir hay boys apny Lund ko pakar lain or girls apni choot per hath rakh lain boys or girls ab ap ko apni stori sunata hoon may kuch dinoo kay ley apni aunti kay yahan giya jo dossry city may rahti hain kunky mujhy us city may kuch kam bhi tha is ley may nay un kay yahan rukny ka progrm banya un kay gahr may 4 log hain unclr aunti or un ki 2 larkian ak ka nam Hina hay or...
I coudnt pat my 4 room appart anymorei lost my job and i was 2 month latei was going to be expulsed i know iti cried asking him to leave me another month on the phoneand he said i could take the basement room if i cant pay my renti asked what basement and he told me he had more building''how much is it?''''depens on how many of you loosers move there after not paying my rent''''what do you mean?''''i offer my basement to boy who owns me rent and with covid its all I can do to help you im not...
Ich bereitete mich auf die Arbeit vor, als ich einige ausgedruckte Seiten auf dem Küchentisch fand, die mein Mann John offenbar, bevor er zur Arbeit gegangen war, liegen gelassen hatte. Ich nahm mir ein paar Minuten Zeit und las erstaunt die Geschichte einer Frau, die von ihrem Ehemann zu einer sexuellen Begegnung mit unterschiedlichen "Rassen" überredet wurde. Die Ähnlichkeit der Frau mit mir waren zu deutlich, um Zufall zu sein. Obwohl ich es nicht erwartet hätte, war ich kaum überrascht. Er...
InterracialI'd always had a good relationship with my sister. We weren't your stereotypical siblings, we never argued and we were comfortable with each other naked, we had to be, we shared a room. But I never viewed her in a sexual way. I guess I started looking at her in a sexual manner once I started secondary school. I was one of the few people in my year that had not been exposed to sex so when my friends used to talk about wanking I was clueless and would just nod along. But it did however, get...
Matthew didn't know yet what a gem he had in the new girl at school who also happened to be his cousins new neighbor. Matthew was a good looking boy of 15, his birthday was a few months away. He had bright brilliant blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hanged to his chin and was shaved underneath. 5'10", 150 pounds give or take, slim build, but muscles that were defined. Matt had his fair share of girls, even at 15 he knew what he wanted from them, and knew how to give them...
No doubt Hanna and Katie were to return in a week with incredible stories of wild flirting and necking with exotic, wild and handsome foreigners. In the worst-case scenario, the boys would embody all of the above. Hanna had had sex before with her boyfriend Keith, which seemed to have opened the door to a flood of sexual exploration to which every teenager is prone by nature. However, I always had a feeling that most of what she told us was going on between her and the boys in school were...
Schwester Marianne zog die Ordenstracht aus, faltete sie sorgfältig zusammen und betrachtete sich lang und ausführlich im Spiegel. Trotz seiner bald fünfzig Jahre hatte sich ihr von Gott geschenkter Körper gut gehalten: Ihre Haut war nur um die Augen herum ein bisschen faltig geworden, ansonsten sah sie gute 15 Jahre jünger aus, als sie war. Ihre Brüste waren nach wie vor voll und fest und hingen nicht wie zwei nichtsnutzige, ausgetrocknete Hautlappen, wie bei der Großzahl der älteren Nonnen....
LesbianHi indian sex stories dot net doston, mera nam rajiv he. Age 23 height 6ft dick 6.3” . Email id: any sex starving females contact me and I’ll show you what is heaven. Without wasting time let’s start the story. Ye story 3 weeks pehle ki he. Aur is 3 weeks ke period ne muze mumbai ka giglo bna diya. Muze mumbai aa kar 2 months ho gaye the me mere mausi ke ghr rehta hu. Waise to meri sexlife acchese chal rahi thi meri girlfriend bomb he aur usko mene tarah tarah se chodke khush rkha he....
[Excessive praise and kind criticism, as always, is very welcome.] Eric felt an inspiration to delve into the fate of the Robinsons after the end of my story and invited me to add my input into it. Thus, we present... UnLost in Space Written By Eric, and rewritten by Caleb Jones StarDate: 7/7/00 Three months after 'Misplaced in Space', a story by Caleb Jones. The rest of the crew of the space ship Jupiter 2 began to notice with some surprise John Robinson seemed less...
The gist of LostGirl's story began with her father, Sergei, an ethnic Russian engineer transferred to Estonia during the Soviet era. Sergei, like most Russians who transferred or otherwise immigrated to Estonia was not welcomed by the Estonians, who resisted what they considered the 'Russification' of their society. Sergei understood this and worked hard to fit in, finally wedding a beautiful young Estonian woman named Kaisa. Rather than help Sergei, this marriage alienated Kaisa from most...
The flight to Estonia was long and mercifully uneventful. Normally Bill slept like a baby on even short flights but this time he was too keyed up thinking about what awaited him in Estonia. He was almost exhausted by the time of the final leg of the flight, the one from Amsterdam to Tallinn. He had to make a connection at Amsterdam and was not amused that his arriving flight deplaned at the very last station on one long concourse and that his departing flight was departing from another end...
Bill awoke refreshed and smiling as if from some forgotten erotic dream. He used to think it strange that he could vaguely remember dreams but could not recall them once he awoke, but after research found that it was not an unusual phenomenon. Bill then remembered Kristel snuggling next to him in the night, but couldn't find her next to him. He then rolled over and discovered that he was alone in his bed. At that moment he heard the toilet flush down the hall and voices in the hallway. As...