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After School
(F/M-teen, 1st, school)
A Senior in high school is seduced by his French


Every day, Bill looked forward to going to school. He
was a normal eighteen year old in his final year of
High School. But he didn't enjoy his classes - No that
wasn't what he enjoyed. Instead, he looked forward to
seeing Miss Jones - Cheryl Jones, his French teacher.

Miss Jones was every boy's wet dream come true;
especially Bill's. About 5' 4" tall, with long dark
curly hair that went half way down her back, a French
looking face with beautiful dark brown eyes. But it was
her body that everyone drooled over.

Bill was sure that he wasn't the only one that enjoyed
watching her tight ass wiggle down the hallway or
stretch at the black board. It was one of the best
asses he had ever seen. Even with all the younger girls
in the school to look at, she was the best. And her
breasts - they weren't huge or anything but very well
proportioned. Sometimes, he could make out her nipples
pushing out the front of her shirts pointing skyward
and begging for his mouth.

Yes, every day, Bill would skim through his other
classes until it was time for French class. His seat
was a couple rows back and off to the side where he
could enjoy the view. Sometimes, he wasn't even sure
what she was saying. His eyes were drinking in her body
thinking up things to do with her like any eighteen
year old would.

And then after school was over, he would go home and
jack off at least a couple times every night as his
imagination had Miss Jones sucking his cock and fucking
him in every possible way. If she knew all the things
he thought up, she would have been impressed with his

This Friday in May started out like all the others. The
first thing Bill did when he arrived at school was to
try and track down Miss Jones to see what she was
wearing today. Would it be one of her summer dresses,
maybe a pair of jeans and tight shirt, or maybe even a
pair of shorts now that the weather was a little nicer?
He stood in the hallway talking with his friends but
keeping an eye out for her.

Finally, she came out of the staff room and headed down
the hall towards his group. Today, it was a pair of
pants and a white top. He always enjoyed it when she
wore this shirt for two reasons. One, it was so loose
that whenever she bent over, a quick peak down the
front would almost always reward him with a glimpse of
her bra. And two, this was the shirt that was the
easiest to see her nipples through whenever they got
even a little hard.

As she passed, she smiled at him and said, "Good
morning, Bill, how are you today?"

"Fine Miss Jones," he replied. He always liked the
twinkle in her eyes when she spoke with him.

She answered, "Good," and continued to her classroom to
prepare for the day.

Bill would have been surprised if he could have read
what was going through her mind that morning. She as
well enjoyed seeing Bill. More than she should have
and she knew it. But that wasn't going to stop her from
admiring his young body whenever she saw him. As she
walked to her room, she could feel his eyes on her ass
admiring its wiggle and she enjoyed the feeling. Every
morning, it would get her juices flowing knowing that
her handsome young student was watching her instead of
one of his young female classmates.

Cheryl was 27 years old and had been teaching for a
couple of years. She enjoyed her work. It was always a
challenge trying to teach a foreign language to the
students. Most of them just didn't care. But there were
always a few who tried and those were the ones who made
it worthwhile. Bill wasn't really one of those who
tried extra hard, but she knew he was smart enough to
get it, if he only applied himself a little more.

"Damn," she thought to herself. "There I go thinking
about Bill again. I've got other students to worry
about." And so she started planning her day.

Meanwhile, Bill flew through his classes waiting for
French at the end of the day. He did OK in his studies
but knew that he could do better. But the only thing on
his mind this day, like all the rest, was the sight of
Miss Jones' smile that morning and her ass as it
wiggled away from him. In fact, he almost always had a
partial hard-on.

He was sure some girls had noticed as he had caught
them looking at his crotch as his cock pushed out the
fabric of his jeans. Some would quickly look away when
he noticed them; but others would smile sexily at him.
But none of this mattered as long as Miss Jones was on
his mind.

Finally, the day was coming to an end and French class
approached. Bill didn't know this either; but Cheryl
looked forward to seeing him almost as much as he
looked forward to seeing her. And she had also noticed
the bulge in his jeans. How could she not? It was
always so prominent whenever she glanced in that
direction which seemed to be more and more often as the
year went by. Again, she tried shaking that thought out
of her head as his classmates started appearing and
settling down.

It was near the end of the class and as usual, Bill had
no idea what was going on. Today Miss Jones looked even
better than usual, which he found hard to believe. But
it seemed as though her eyes were smoldering. "Probably
my imagination again," he thought to himself. And her
nipples seemed even more prominent today than ever
before. They were pushing themselves through her bra
and producing a noticeable bump on the end of her tits.

Suddenly, he realized that everyone, including Miss
Jones was looking at him. She had asked him a question.
Frantically, he thought to himself, "What was she
talking about just now?" Nothing came to him so he
sheepishly said, "Oui," hoping it would be the right

But it wasn't. In fact, everyone started chuckling and
Miss Jones shook her head. "Bill, you have no idea what
I just asked, do you?" He shook his head. "Why don't
you stay around after class is over so we can discuss
this?" And she returned to her lecture.

But Bill again wasn't listening. All he knew was that
he was going to be alone with Miss Jones. Sure it was
sort of detention, but that didn't matter to him. His
imagination started going wild thinking up a thousand
possible scenarios - none of which he knew would ever
come true.

The final bell rang jolting Bill out of his
daydreaming. Everyone filed out leaving him and Cheryl
alone. He waited as she cleaned up her desk.

But she wasn't just cleaning her desk. She also knew
that this was the first time they had been alone
together and she realized that she was getting excited
just considering it. Cleaning her desk provided the
excuse to try and get her body under control before
speaking to him.

Finally she felt ready. Sitting on the edge of her desk
she faced him and started, "Bill." His brown eyes were
looking straight into hers. She continued without
stopping, "You haven't been paying attention in class
or doing well with your work."

So far, so good, she thought to herself. "I think
you're going to need some tutoring to pass this class.
Would you like me to help you out?" Now where did that
come from? she thought. But she continued on, "You can
come over tonight for starters and I can help you with
this latest assignment."

A diabolical plan was forming in her mind. Now she knew
where those thoughts were coming from. She was horny.
There was no denying it. Not any more. It had been a
long time - over a couple years since she had had a
lover. And she knew she wanted Bill. She was pretty
sure the feeling was mutual.

And she was right. As soon as she started talking, Bill
started losing himself in her eyes. But when she
offered to help him out, at her place even, he popped
back into reality. Looking at Miss Jones closely, he
could see that smoldering in her eyes grow into a fire
and a glance at her chest showed her nipples almost
bursting through her shirt.

Questions flew through his mind in the instance that
she asked her question. Was she asking him what he
thought or was he just making it up in her mind? But
there was no denying her nipples. They were as plain as
day, even if he was imagining the smoldering in her
eyes. She was waiting for his reply. He nodded his head
and spoke, "That sounds great Miss Jones."

Cheryl knew her nipples were hard. She could feel them
against her bra and she knew that Bill could see them.
What he couldn't see was her pussy almost flowing with
her juices. Standing up, she returned to her seat
behind her desk. Pretending to check her calendar, as
if she had anything planned, she asked, "OK, how about
7:30 tonight?" Bill nodded. He was still in a daze.
"Good, I'll write my address down so you can find my

With shaking hands that she hoped Bill didn't notice,
she wrote down her address and telephone number on a
piece of paper. Standing, she held it out to him, "OK,
you can go now." As he stood, she again took in the
sight of his young body. Her eyes fastened themselves
to his crotch. He was interested after all. His cock
was plainly visible. Inwardly, she smiled in
anticipation of the night to come.

As Bill stood, he could feel that his cock was as hard
as steel but what could he do. She was telling him he
could go. Was he just supposed to sit there until his
cock calmed down? That would take a long time under the
present circumstances. So he just got up and as
nonchalantly as he could strolled to Miss Jones' desk.

As he looked at her, he was sure that her eyes were on
his crotch just like all the girls' eyes always were.
But this time, it had an effect on him. Not like those
girls. This was Miss Jones, his dream girl, who was
ogling his cock. Her eyes left his crotch and met his.
"Was that a smile on her face?" Bill asked himself. He
reached out for the note and touched Miss Jones' hand
as he did so. It was smooth and warm to his touch and
he was sure that he felt an electric shock as he did

As Cheryl handed the note over, she spoke with a smile,
"OK, I'll see you later then. Can you find my place?"

Looking at the note, Bill replied, "Yep, I know where
this is." As he left the room he turned back to say
"See ya," and then left the room to go to his locker.

He was in a daze. "Was this true? I must have mistaken
Miss Jones' looks and smiles for friendship or just a
teacher trying to help me out. But those nipples. It
was pretty hard to argue them away. They were large and
hard. Maybe it was just cold in there. Yes that must
have been it. But what if it wasn't?" All this went
through Bill's mind as he put away his books and
started walking home.

Cheryl was having thoughts of her own. To her, there
was no mistaking Bill's hard cock in his pants. She had
noticed it before, but after her question, it was
longer and harder than ever before. She knew that all
she had to do was say the word and she could have his
cock inside her quenching that need that was building
inside her. But the consequences were absolutely
horrible. If anyone found out, she could lose her job.
These were the thoughts going through her mind as she
put her papers away and headed to her home.

Cheryl was still pondering the situation when she
arrived home. "Maybe a bath will help me," she decided.
And so she went to her bathroom and started running the
water. Standing in front of her mirror, she watched
herself as she undressed. Off came her socks and shoes.
Then she slipped off her pants and folded them to place
to the side. Pulling her shirt off over her head caused
some friction on her hard nipples as the fabric rubbed
against her bra. She almost moaned in pleasure.

Putting the shirt aside, she glanced at her body. "I'm
in pretty good shape," she thought to herself. Putting
her hands to her tits, she felt their weight. "Pretty
nice tits." And off came her bra. "Boy, are my nipples
ever hard. No wonder Bill had that hard-on." Thinking
of Bill's hard-on did it for her. At that moment,
Cheryl knew that she would have to damn the
consequences and go ahead with the seduction. Touching
her nipples did bring out a moan. They were hard and
ready for some sucking.

Cheryl knew that she didn't want to masturbate when
there was a cock handy, so quickly she slipped off her
panties and slid into the tub. The warm water on her
hot body felt excellent after a hard week. And so she
relaxed and let the worries flow out of her body. Every
now and then, her hands went down between her legs to
rub her pussy. Just to keep the fires burning until
Bill showed up.

Bill was home now trying not to panic. His parents
trusted him so all he had to tell them was that he was
going out for the night and would call if he was going
to be late getting home. Through supper, his mind was
definitely elsewhere. Buried between Miss Jones' tits
was one place. After finishing, he had a quick shower.
Like Cheryl had done earlier, he watched himself get

He had a good body. No fat, nice muscles - maybe a
little skinny. And his cock was hard, as usual, but
this time he wasn't going to jack off like he usually
did. Instead he'd just let it go in case Miss Jones
had a use for it later. He still couldn't believe that
anything was going to happen, but there was always
hope. After showering and dressing, he headed for Miss
Jones' address.

After Cheryl finished her bath, she dried and walked
naked to her room to try and decide what to wear. What
does one wear to seduce a 18 year old? "Nothing," she
replied to her thought with a smile. "No, I'll have to
wear something. At least for a while."

First a fresh lacy pair of panties and bra. "No, no
bra," she thought and took it off. In her closet, she
pulled out a tight white T-shirt and pulled it on.
Looking in the mirror, her tits proudly jutted out from
her chest and her nipples jutted out even farther. Bill
would enjoy this show. Then a pair of jean shorts -
again tight enough to show her ass to its best
advantage as well as her well tanned lithe legs.

As she finished, she looked in the mirror. "Not too
bad, for an old woman," she spoke to the mirror with a
smile. After a quick bite to eat, she laid out her
books on the table. "Let's make it look like we're
going to study," she thought. And she sat back to wait
for Bill to show up.

At 7:40, Bill finally found Miss Jones' house and rang
the door bell. A second later, Miss Jones was sticking
her head around the door and asking him to come in. As
he entered, he started apologizing for being late. But
as he came in, he looked at Miss Jones and stopped

He couldn't believe his eyes. She was gorgeous. Her
nipples were plainly visible through her shirt as he
realized with a start that she had no bra on. His eyes
travelled down her body. She was wearing denim shorts.
He loved denim shorts. And with her wearing them, they
were even better. And those legs. Brown and beautiful.
Again, he realized she was talking and he hadn't heard
what she was saying.

But this time, it didn't matter what she was saying. It
was just small talk to fill the time as his eyes took
in her body. She knew that he was checking her out and
it was all she could do to pretend she didn't notice.
So Cheryl closed the door and headed to the dining room
table where she had laid out the books. "Shall we get
started?" she asked as she sat down.

Bill was in a trance. As she walked over to the table,
his eyes had been glued to her ass. With those shorts
on, some of her ass cheek was actually showing. His
cock grew even more in appreciation of the view.

Cheryl looked at Bill as he stood there dumbfounded.
Smiling to herself, she realized that her ass was
almost coming out of her shorts. "That must have been a
good view," she thought. Her eyes travelled over his
body now as he shook his head to clear it and came to
sit down. "God, he must be uncomfortable," she thought
when she noticed the outline of his cock in his pants.
It was even longer than before. She knew she wanted
that inside her - SOON. But first, she would have to
continue the charade a little longer.

"Would you like a drink of something?" Cheryl asked.
"Ice tea, water, lemonade."

"Ice tea. Thank you Miss Jones."

"OK, wait here while I get it. And call me Cheryl. That
will make this less formal."

Bill watched her ass again as she headed to the kitchen
for his drink. Feeling his cock grow ever larger, it
was getting uncomfortable and so he tried shifting it
around as Miss Jones - Cheryl's ass wiggled its way
into the kitchen. Soon she returned with a couple
drinks and put them down on the table.

"OK Bill, let's get started." And Cheryl started going
over the lesson. To get closer to Bill, she shifted her
chair over next to his and leaned across his body to
point at something. As she did this, she was sure to
'accidently' rub her right tit against his arm.

To Bill, Cheryl seemed a bit distracted but was going
through the lesson as he should have expected. What was
he thinking earlier? What made him think that this was
going to be more than this? And then she moved her
chair to be next to him. "Maybe there is something
after all," he thought and hoped. And then he felt her
soft tit rubbing his arm. Could it be an accident? No,
she was actually pushing it into his arm as she reached
across him even farther to point at something.

Cheryl wasn't sure how she was going to get things
started until she thought of a plan with his drink. As
she leaned across against Bill, she put her plan in
motion. Pulling back, she 'accidently' pulled his drink
into his lap.

"Whoa, that's cold," Bill yelled and jumped up from his

"I'm sorry," Cheryl quickly apologized. "I'm so clumsy.
Let me grab a towel." This was her plan. Dabbing his
crotch dry would give her the perfect excuse to feel
his dick. Quickly she jumped up to get the towel.

Bill was trying desparately to rub away the liquid and
get his cock down before Cheryl noticed. But then she
was back and rubbing the towel over his jeans. How
could she not notice his cock? And then it hit him. She
had noticed and, in fact, was rubbing it only.

Cheryl was down on her knees looking up at his face and
continuing to rub his cock. "Bill, I think I feel
something here. And I think I can help you with it. Why
don't I help you out of these pants?"

He couldn't believe his ears. This time there was no
mistaking it. Miss Jones had offered to 'help' him out.
What else could that mean? All he could do was stand
there as Miss Jones started undoing his pants and

"Bill, have you ever done this before?"

All he could do was tell the truth and shake his head.

"That's OK. I'll try and make this memorable for you.
Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this
with you?" Again he could only shake his head. "A long
time Bill, a long time. It's taken me this long to
convince myself that I was thinking this way. But now
I'm sure."

By now, his pants were pulled down and as he stepped
out of them, Cheryl pulled his shorts down as well.
Grabbing his hard cock, she continued, "Now I'm sure
that I want you to fuck me with this."

She paused to let this sink in.

"I want you to stick this long hard dick into every
hole in my body and fuck me until I can't move. I want
to suck your cum out with my mouth and then I want you
to fuck my cunt and fill me up with your sperm. Then I
want you to fuck my ass and fill that hole too. Then
we're going to start over and do it again. How does
that sound to you?"

Bill couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this his
sexy French teacher on her knees holding his cock in
her hand, or was this another one of his wet dreams?
No, this was better than any wet dream. She was
actually down there telling him that she wanted to have
him fuck her. His cock twitched at the thought. He knew
there would be no trouble getting hard over and over
again with Cheryl.

And then Cheryl started sucking. She also figured that
with Bill being so young that he would be hard for
hours. In fact she had seen him stay hard at school.
Every time she looked at him, he was hard. Wrapping her
fingers around his cock, she sucked one and then his
other ball into her mouth and ran her tongue around
them. Bill groaned and placed his hands in her hair.
Then she started licking his cock. He was as hard as
steel. As she licked, she thought to herself, "This k**
has got a beautiful cock."

Cheryl wrapped her lips around his cock head and moved
her mouth farther down his cock. She could feel his
veins against her tongue and could feel his cock
throbbing. As she pulled her lips back, she took a
quick peak up to his face. His eyes were watching her
closely. Around his cock, she smiled and he returned
it. And she returned to her work.

Between her own legs, she could feel her juices getting
her panties wet. Removing one hand from around Bill's
cock, she rubbed her pussy through her jeans. Heat was
emanating from her cunt. She was going to need this
cock in there very soon. But first, she was going to
drink his cum. He couldn't hold out much longer. Cheryl
put her mouth into the job and took his entire cock in
until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. A couple
sucks with her throat and mouth and Bill started

Bill knew that his first orgasm was just the beginning
but it was still going to be a good one. Who was he
k**ding? It was going to be huge. Cheryl's mouth was
working wonders. He had no idea how she was doing those
things with her tongue, but he knew he didn't want her
to stop. Looking down, he could see her lips wrapped
around his dick and could feel her throat against the
end of his cock. That was it. He grabbed the back of
her head and held it against his groin. The first spurt
came from deep in his body and he screamed out in

He was filling Miss Jones' mouth with his cum. A dream
come true.

Cheryl had started pulling away thinking he was done
when a second and third and fourth stream of cum came
flying out his cock. She tried catching it with her
mouth but some dripped onto her shirt and jeans.

The intensity of Bill's orgasm caught Cheryl by
surprise. After the first large long spurt of cum came
into her throat, she thought that was it for round one.
But then she realized that he wasn't done. As more cum
flew out of his cock-head, she quickly swallowed the
first load and tried to catch the rest. It was amazing
- the amount of cum that came out of him. She couldn't
catch it all. She did get a mouthful but now she was
covered in it as well. But that was fine with her.

Standing, Cheryl spoke, "Why don't you help me out of
these dirty clothes? You seem to have made a mess of
them. And let's get you out of yours too." Still
holding Bill's cock in her hand, she noticed that it
was still almost as hard as before. "God, after all
that cum, you're still hard. I love it. And you tasted
great by the way."

Bill still couldn't believe it. Cheryl was now asking
him to undress her, and was complimenting him on his
cock. "Thank you, that was great."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. But now, it's your turn to
please me."

"Can I eat you?" Bill asked excitedly.

"You bet. That's exactly what I had in mind. But first,
let's get out of our clothes." Cheryl then reached out
to help Bill out of his shirt. Young hard muscles came
out. "Ooooo... I like this," she cooed and ran her
hands over his stomach. After removing his socks, he
was naked.

In Bill's mind, he had dreamed of what Miss Jones' body
would look and feel like without any clothes. And now
he was going to find out. Cheryl let him take his time.
She knew that this was probably something that he had
wanted to do for a long time.

"Have you dreamed of this Bill?"

"Oh yes, Miss... Cheryl. You have no idea how many
nights and days I've spent wondering what you would
look like without any clothes on."

"Well Bill, I think you're going to find out."

Slowly Bill reached out to touch her tits. Even though
he had just cum in her mouth, he still hadn't touched
her sexually. Softly he started rubbing them through
her shirt. Her nipples got harder and harder. With one
hand, he pinched a nipple bringing a moan from Cheryl.

"Did you like that?" He asked.

"Oh, yes Bill. You have no idea how sensitive my
nipples are. Sometimes at school, it's all I can do to
not pinch them."

"Yes, I've had that same problem for quite a while
now," Bill replied with a smile.

Cheryl smiled as well, "Well, here's your chance." And
again she moaned as he pinched a nipple with each hand.

"Let's take this off," he suggested and Cheryl helped
him pull her shirt off over her head. After tossing
aside the shirt, he stared in amazement at Cheryl's
tits. They were even more beautiful free of any bra or
shirt. A good handful, slightly upturned with nipples
pointing up and out.

"Do you like them?" Cheryl asked as she wrapped her
hands around them and rubbed her nipples.

"Oh yeah," Bill replied and lowered a mouth to suck in
a nipple. Cheryl's threw her head back and moaned in
delight. Holding Bill's head over her tit, she could
feel him sucking and nibbling her nipple. Her other tit
was being rubbed by his hand and between the two
feelings, Cheryl was close to coming. But she had other
things in mind for her first orgasm.

Bill was enjoying sucking Cheryl's tits but he also had
another target in mind. Earlier when he had asked about
eating Cheryl's cunt and she had said yes, it was
almost better than the blow job. Eating a girl's pussy,
especially Miss Jones' was one thing that Bill was
really looking forward to. And he was sure that he
could bring her to an orgasm. He could tell that her
breathing was getting heavier already.

Cheryl wanted that boy's tongue between her legs, so
reluctantly she pushed his face away from her tits.
Taking his face in her hands, she reached out with her
lips and kissed him. After pulling back, she said
simply, "Eat me Bill. I want to cum on your face."

That was more than Bill could hope for. Quickly, he
helped Cheryl pull her shorts off and down her legs. As
they were removed, he knelt down and rubbed them. He
could feel the hard leg muscles beneath the surface.
"Do you work out?" he asked.

"Yes I do. Every day."

"I can tell. Your legs are beautiful."

This affected Cheryl more than anything else to this
point. Even more than the nipple sucking. She had been
working out for quite a while trying to get and keep
her body in shape. For Bill to notice and compliment
her was more than she could have hoped for. "Thank you
Bill." With a smile she continued, "Thanks for

Bill smiled. She liked that compliment. Something to
file away - Cheryl likes being complimented. He was
still on his knees at her feet. Rubbing his hands
upward, he reached her panty covered pussy which his
eyes had been drinking in for the last few seconds. He
could make out where her pussy juice had soaked through
the panties leaving a wet spot. With one hand he rubbed
her mound. Looking up at Cheryl, he saw her smile and
nod her head, "Yes, Bill that's it. Rub it and then
I'll teach you how to eat a woman."

Again Bill's excitement grew at the prospect of
actually tasting her pussy. He withdrew his hand and
brought his fingers to his nose. Cheryl's aroma was
intoxicating. He could smell her juices on his fingers.

Cheryl was getting impatient now. Jumping up on the
table, she spread her legs for Bill to have access to
her cunt. "Take these panties off, Bill, and eat me

He was also ready. Smelling her aroma had caused his
cock to pound in anticipation. Quickly he took her
panties and slipped them down over her legs revealing a
pussy surrounded by dark pubic hair. Spreading her
legs even more, he moved his face in to take a close
look at his first pussy.

Bill couldn't believe how beautiful it looked. He could
see her slit and how wet Cheryl already was. Her cunt
juice was moistening the area and he moved his tongue
in to taste her. Slowly he licked up from her ass hole
up to her clitoris. As he reached the top, he heard
Cheryl groan. "Yes," he thought, "that must have been
her clitoris."

He had done a lot of reading and looking at porno
magazines and knew that women were very sensitive
there. But he wanted to drag this out for a while so
sent his tongue elsewhere. He kissed her smooth inner
thighs and worked his way back to her cunt and nibbled
her cunt lips.

Then he took a finger and tried to find her vagina. And
there it was. Pushing his finger in, he could feel the
wetness inside her. He continued nibbling and licking
and moving his finger in and out until Cheryl was
almost moaning steadily.

Cheryl couldn't believe what this young guy was doing
to her. She was already as horny as she had ever been
before when he had begun, but he was now bringing her
to heights that she didn't think she had ever felt
before. The first lick almost did it, but instinctively
she realized that he was now ignoring her clit. A few
nibbles there would have done it for her instantly.
"God, I hope he knows to come back there," she thought.

She was almost ready to beg for him to suck her clit
when she felt a finger penetrate her vagina and start
pushing in and out. Now she was pretty sure that he
knew what he was doing, even if he was a virgin. She
could feel his finger going in and out and his tongue
and mouth lapping around her cunt.

Suddenly, he was back to her clitoris and sucking it
like a mad man. Inside Cheryl thought to herself,
"Thank God, he does know about my clit and what it
means." She could feel another finger join the first in
her vagina and the immense pleasure that his tongue was
giving her clit. Roughly, she grabbed her nipples and
pinched them.

That always did it and this time was no different,
except it seemed even more intense than ever before. As
she pinched, the feeling of her orgasm grew and grew.
Waves of pleasure emanated from her clit and moved to
her nipples and back again. Out her mouth she screamed,
"I'm cummmmiiiiinnnngggg!!!!" Her body tensed and
pushed upwards pushing Bill's mouth deep into her
pussy. He continued licking as her body shook and her
juices flowed.

Bill wanted to have her cum hard and was pretty sure
that he could do it. When the time seemed right, he
moved back to her clitoris and started sucking. That
brought the effect that he was looking for. He pushed
another finger into her wet vagina and sucked and
finger-fucked her. Glancing up her body, he could see
her pinching her nipples and tensing her body pushing
her crotch upwards. This pushed his face even deeper
into her cunt.

She was screaming now and her body was shaking.

"I made her cum," Bill thought to himself. "I made
Cheryl cum." Again his cock throbbed. He was ready for
his first fuck. But first he knew that he should
continue pleasuring Cheryl until she was finished. And
so, he kept sinking his fingers into her vagina and
licking her clit until he felt her hands on the back of
his head and heard her say, "Whoa, Bill. That's good
for now."

Cheryl had had one of the most intense orgasms of her
life - from a virgin. As she came down from the high,
she was shaking her head in amazement. "He was good. I
can't believe this." She could still feel Bill between
her legs and told him to stop.

"That was amazing Bill. Where did you learn to do

Bill was smiling from ear to ear, his face covered in
Cheryl's cunt juice. She was complimenting him. "I
don't know. Lots of reading I guess," he replied.

"Well, you certainly know what you're doing. Everything
was perfect. Let's go into the bedroom to continue." As
Bill helped Cheryl get off the table, she again looked
at his body. His cock was hard and throbbing. On his
face was a stupid little grin. "What are you grinning
about Bill?"

What was he grinning about? He couldn't believe she
actually had to ask him. He still couldn't believe what
was happening. Let alone, he had actually gotten a blow
job from her and then eaten her to an orgasm. But now
she was telling him how good he was and actually
inviting him into her bedroom. And she was staring at
his cock again. It was pushing skyward, waiting for
something to fuck. What guy wouldn't be grinning under
these circumstances? "Are you k**ding, Cheryl? Don't
you realize what this means to me?"

After a moments thought, it came to her what this meant
to him. After all, it seemed as though he had been
dreaming about her for a long time and here she was,
ready to take his virginity. "Yes, I see what you mean
Bill. Let's make this extra special for you, shall we?"
With that she grabbed his cock and pulled him toward
her for a kiss. She pushed her tongue into his mouth
and battled his tongue while slowly rubbing her hand up
and down his cock, rubbing its pre-cum over his length.

A couple minutes later, she pulled back. Looking at his
cock, she said, "Why don't we go do something about
this?" Bill nodded and grabbing his hand, Cheryl led
him down the hallway into her bedroom. As fast as she
could, she pulled the sheets back and threw them to the
foot of the bed. Laying down, she reached up to Bill
and said, "Come here and fuck me Bill."

And there she was in all her glory. Nipples still hard
and pointy. Breasts going up and down in time to her
breathing. Beautiful brown eyes burning with lust. Long
hair framing her face. Hands reaching toward him. And
her pussy. Oh what a pussy. He could see her juices
matted in her pussy hair. In a second, Bill had taken
this all in and was climbing on the bed next to her,
his cock pushing into her leg as he laid next to her
and kissed her deeply.

"Are you ready Bill? Are you ready for me to ride your
beautiful cock?" Cheryl asked as they pulled apart.
"I'm on the pill so we don't have to worry about
anything like that," she assured him.

"Oh yes, Cheryl, fuck me. Fuck me with that beautiful
cunt of yours."

And so Cheryl pushed Bill onto his back. His cock
pulsed in anticipation and pointed straight skyward.
Again, she took it in her hands and admired its beauty.
It had been so long since she had had one of these
inside her. She positioned her body over his facing
him. Holding his cock in the air, slowly she lowered
herself onto him. He was just average sized, but still
filled her up.

Bill watched this all carefully. As Cheryl got into
position, he put his hands on her hips to steady her.
His eyes watched as she wrapped her hand around his
cock and slowly lowered her body onto his. With the
first touch of her pussy, he could feel the heat and
wetness with his cock. And as each inch entered her, he
could feel the muscles in her cunt massaging him. And
then their pubic hair was entwined and he was
completely inside her. It felt amazing. Cheryl was just
sitting there slowly rocking back and forth using her
cunt muscles on his cock.

She was enjoying watching the look on Bill's face as
she sat on his cock. "How does that feel Bill? Do you
like having your cock deep inside me?" And she gave an
extra squeeze with her muscles.

Bill was speechless. All he could do was nod his head
and look up at Cheryl's face with lust in his eyes. She
leaned forward putting one of her tits near his mouth.
Taking the hint, he sucked the nipple into his mouth.
As he sucked, she started rising and falling on his
cock. He could feel her cunt lips pulling in and out
against his cock. His hands were wrapped around
Cheryl's back feeling her ass cheeks and rubbing down
to where his cock was pushing into her cunt.

Cheryl could feel his teeth biting her nipples. First
one and then the other. She continued fucking his cock.
The feeling of his length inside her was satisfying a
need that she had felt growing over the last few
months. Finally, she could let go. She was getting
fucked and Bill was doing a good job of it too. Now she
wanted him to get on top though. It was time for him to
do some work. Leaning her mouth next to his ear, she
whispered, "Time for you to get on top Bill. I want you
to fuck me hard until you cum."

Bill heard her and felt his cock twitch. Wrapping his
hands around her waist, he rolled them over keeping his
cock buried inside her. And then he was on top. "OK,
Cheryl, are you ready for this? I've fantasized hundred
of times about being on top of you like this and now
I'm going to make all those fantasies come true."

"Oh yes Bill. Fuck me. Cum inside me. Make me cum. Just
fuck me hard."

But first he wanted to do something else and so he
pulled his cock out of her. With a shocked look, she
started opening her mouth. Bill put a finger on her
lips to stop her. Reaching down to his cock, he started
rubbing it up and down her slit getting it even wetter.
When he rubbed it against Cheryl's clit, her body
tensed. And then he moved it back down to her vagina.
One quick thrust and he pulled out again and was
rubbing her clit. Back and forth he went a few times
until Cheryl was almost jumping out of her skin each
time he touched her.

This was something different for Cheryl. No one had
ever done this to her before. It felt weird and
wonderful. One second his cock was deep inside her and
the next her clit was being directly massaged. She
could feel another orgasm growing.

Bill could feel one growing too. So now he quit his
alternating and started fucking her. In and out he
pistoned his cock into her vagina. His body was flying,
Cheryl was screaming in ecstasy, he was screaming. It
was too much. He tried slowing down to draw out the
feeling but Cheryl screamed to him, "No, faster. Keep
going faster. I'm going to cum again."

And so he sped up his thrusting again and felt Cheryl's
body tense and her orgasm begin. He could feel the
waves of passion going through her cunt muscles and
with a final plunge deep inside, Bill came as well. And
came and came. This time, it wasn't just three or four
spurts of cum, but 8 or 9. Bill just kept pumping his
cum into Cheryl's body.

And then she was full and it started flowing out of her
pussy and running down between her ass cheeks and onto
the bed sheets. And Bill kept going, in and out. Both
of them could hear the sound of his cock slurping as it
went in and out of Cheryl's pussy.

Cheryl's orgasm was as strong as her first, if not
stronger, which was hard for her to believe. But it was
Bill's orgasm that amazed her even more. As her orgasm
hit, she felt Bill push deep into her body and start
cumming. She felt one, two spurts and then another and
another until she lost count. God, he was cumming in
buckets. So much so that she could feel his cum
overflowing her cunt and running down to her ass.

And he was still hard and pumping. "Is this k** never
going to stop?" she asked herself. Not that she wanted
him to. No, not in a million years. In fact, she could
feel another orgasm building inside her. Wrapping her
legs around his waist and her hands around his back,
she pulled him inside her deeper and deeper feeling the
orgasm approach.

Bill was in another world. He had just had the best
orgasm of his life and had cum longer than he thought
possible. But he had to keep going. He knew he was
going to cum again. And all he had to do was look down
at Cheryl's face below him and the hard nipples on her
tits to realize that she was going to cum again as
well. Now Cheryl was wrapping hands and legs around his
body and he couldn't have stopped even if he wanted to.
But he didn't want to, this was too great. Cheryl
started screaming again as she came.

Her mind was awash with the feeling of a second orgasm
in less than 2 or 3 minutes. As the waves of pleasure
again crashed through her body, she felt nothing but
Bill's body against hers and inside hers. That was all
that mattered at that moment.

Cheryl was cumming again. That made Bill feel proud,
and horny. He was also close and moved in to high gear,
pounding his cock into her juiced up and sloppy cunt.
Their bodies pounded against one another's as her
orgasm crested and his began. This time there wasn't
the copious amount of cum that was produced the
previous time, but still Bill produced enough to again
overflow Cheryl's cunt and run it down to her ass.

Cheryl could feel his cum flowing into her body again
and down between her legs. She was cumming down from
her orgasm and laid there enjoying the feeling of
Bill's still hard but softening cock inside her and his
cum inside and on her.

Bill was exhausted and withdrew his softening cock and
laid down next to Cheryl. She reached over to rub his
glistening sweaty chest. "Bill," she whispered, getting
his attention. "That was by far the best fuck of my
life. And I'm not k**ding. I've never had two orgasms
like that and I've never had someone cum twice that
quickly or that much before." To emphasize the last
statement, Cheryl reached down between her legs and
picked up a fingerful of his cum that she then brought
to her mouth to swallow.

He could see by the look in her eyes that she was
telling the truth and it made his cock twitch thinking
about it. "Thank you Cheryl. It was great. Can we do it

Cheryl's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Are you
serious?" Looking down at his cock, she could see it
slowly twitching and starting to move. "God, you're
amazing. Your getting hard again already. I knew you
would last, but I had no idea it would be like this."

Bill just smiled and leaned over to kiss Cheryl's
mouth. She replied in kind and he felt her run her
fingers down his body to wrap them around his wet cock.
"Cheryl, like I said, I've dreamed about this for a
long time and I'm not going to waste one minute of this
time with you." In reply, she squeezed his cock again
and kissed him again.

"Let me clean you up," Bill suggested and started
moving his face down to her cunt.

"Are you sure? There's a lot of your cum down there."

"That's OK. I've tasted my own cum before and I think
it'll taste good mixed with yours."

Cheryl was amazed once again. This k** would do
anything. No man she had ever been with would even
consider eating her after cumming inside her. And here
was Bill volunteering to do so. She knew she would have
to do something for him in return. "Bill, swing around
and bring your cock up here," she suggested. He
understood and laid his semi-hard cock over her lips.
She proceeded to suck it into her mouth as she felt his
tongue licking her pubic area.

Bill was willing to do almost anything with Cheryl.
Tasting his own cum was something that didn't bother
him one bit. He was sure it would taste great mixed
with Cheryl's cunt juice. He felt Cheryl's mouth start
sucking his cock and bent his head down between her
legs. She was right, his cum was all over her pussy
and still slowly flowing out of it. He stuck his tongue
out to catch it as it came out and licked up every drop
he could find.

Together they spent this time leisurely pleasuring each
other. Cheryl continued sucking Bill's cock. It was
still only semi-hard and she realized that he would
need a longer time to recover this time. So she took it
out of her mouth and suggested, "Bill, why don't we
just cuddle for a bit? I'm kind of sore at the moment

With concern in his voice, he quickly pulled his mouth
from her pussy and spoke, "I'm sorry, I wasn't hurting
you was I?"

"No Bill," Cheryl assured him. "You're not hurting me.
It's only that that last fuck was so good that I need
some time to get ready for more. And you're still not
ready either," she added with a squeeze of his cock.

"Yes, you're right," he agreed and spun around to lay
beside her. He pulled her close and ran his hand
through her hair. Again he couldn't believe what has
happening. Miss Jones - when was the last time he had
thought of her as that - was laying beside him, still
flushed from her last orgasm. Her nipples were still
hard and he couldn't resist rubbing them again.
Cheryl's eyes were closed and she moaned softly as he
ran his fingers around them.

Cheryl opened her eyes and looked at Bill's face as he
concentrated on massaging her breasts. There were still
a few drops of sweat on his face from the furious
fucking he had given her earlier. His hair was
disheveled and sweaty as well. Around his mouth, she
could see the remains of their juices that he had
licked from her pussy. Moving forward, she started
licking them off his face. "This tastes pretty good,"
she thought to herself. To Bill she said, "Mmmm... we
taste pretty good."

"Yep. Now you know why I was enjoying it so much."

She pulled her face back from his and looked deep into
his eyes. Suddenly, she was serious and said, "Bill,
what are we going to do? I can't believe we did this.
Not that it wasn't great," she quickly added. "It's
just that I'm your TEACHER. I'm not supposed to do
stuff like this." Bill had nothing to say and let her
continue. "But how could I resist? You're so handsome
and sexy and I wanted you so badly. Did you know that
I've wanted you for months?"

All he could do was shake his head. He had no idea that
she had also been thinking about him. After all, he was
a lot younger than she was and, he thought, way out of
her league. But he had no idea what was going to happen
with them. School was never going to be the same again.
Suddenly he thought of his parents. "Oh my God, what
time is it?" he asked. "I've got to call home." Looking
at the clock by Cheryl's bed, he saw that it was after
9:30. "Can I use your phone?" he asked her.

Cheryl nodded towards the phone beside the bed and as
he rolled over to it, she got up to go to the bathroom.
While there, she continued thinking about the
predicament that she had gotten herself into. She knew
that there was really no turning back now. She had
sampled his cock and realized that she couldn't live
without it now. And he was really good looking - there
was no denying it. But she didn't really know too much
about him. Maybe it was time to learn what he liked,
what he didn't like, and all that.

Finishing up, she washed herself and looked in the
mirror. The sight facing her was a woman flushed from
sex. Her hair was all over the place like Bill's was.
She pulled out a comb and started making herself
presentable. As she did so, she listened to Bill as he
talked to his parents. Apparently he had come up with
the excuse that he was going to a late movie and so it
would be after midnight before he got home. Smiling to
herself, she realized that this left them 2 and a half
hours. Time enough for lots of fun. And she turned to
return to the bed.

As Bill dialed his number, he was trying to think of
what to say to his mom. "Yeh, Mom, I'm over here at
Cheryl Jones', you know my French teacher, and we've
just had sex for the last 2 hours or so. Can I stay for
some more?" Yeh, right, that was what he was going to

The phone was ringing and then he came up with an
excuse - a movie. And so that's what he told her. As
usual, she trusted and believed him, saying to enjoy
the show before hanging up. He as well hung up and
turned to see Cheryl returning from the bathroom. Him
mom had told him to enjoy the show and that's what he
was doing now.

Cheryl's body was beautiful. Her tits bounced slightly
as she strolled to the bed, her hips wiggled nicely and
her hair was combed and bouncing lightly. Playfully,
Cheryl jumped onto the bed next to him.

"Is everything OK?" she asked.

"I told her I was going to a movie and I wouldn't be
home for a few hours," he replied.

"Great. Does that mean you're not done yet? Cause I
know I'm not done yet." Looking down Bill's body, she
could see his penis twitching. "But why don't you wash
up a bit first?"

"Maybe you're right," he agreed and headed to the
bathroom adjoining her room.

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Dan into Dani Part 2 Getting used to girlhood lingerie shopping

OK, Dani, take off my knickers, choose a fresh pair from the drawer, and let’s get you dressed,” said Lucy.Dan sat up in bed. He was wearing a tight-fitting white bra and Lucy’s knickers - the ones he had pulled down Lucy’s legs before he had plunged his throbbing cock into her wet and inviting cunt. The night before. When he had been a boy.Now everything had changed. He had been tricked into putting on a bra that had magically and instantly turned him into a girl.He had been a six-foot shy...

2 years ago
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The Shock of the View

1: Hunters in the Snow 1: Hunters in the Snow It was too bloody cold. Pieter Breughel looked out across the wintry scene that he was painting. He was already thinking he should have set up his easel closer to the inn and the bonfire that was flaming so attractively outside it. Sure, the view was better from here but it was, as he had already decided, too bloody cold. The mobile phone in his pocket went...

2 years ago
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Extreme oral session

This is a story my Friend Amy ( name changed for privacy) wrote to me telling me her fantasy that she has about me. Her and I are always pushing each others limits to see where we can go. “Amy” I hear you say. “Amy, come on” as you grab my hand and pull me along. I feel my heel catch on the carpet as I try to keep up with your long strides. I sneak a peek at your crotch and I see your pants are bulging out. My mind races and my forehead begins to sweat as I try to hurry. My eyes move over...

4 years ago
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Drive Down PCH

As we drive along the Pacific Coast Highway the sun begins to set over the horizon lighting the road with an orange, red, and purple glare. The road winds threw the mountains on the right and the sandy beaches on the left. Every so often there is one of those turnouts where you can stop and watch the waves crash on the shore. As one of the turnouts come up on the left you motion for me to pull over and we do, parking my truck with the bed facing out towards the ocean. We both walk around to...

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Camp Site Orgy

Camp Site Orgy By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) The following story is a work of fiction. Being a work of fiction all concerns regarding disease and pregnancy are unnecessary. This storyline was suggested to me by a fan and I hope that I have done it justice. This story contains slut wife and unfaithful husband behaviour. If you don't like these stories please don't read it. I am also Australian and will make no apologies for using Australian terms and spelling. Enjoy. ------...

4 years ago
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The Wetness of the Hour

“Can I kiss you?”Her voice was soft as she stood a few feet away, clothes off, arms out, and waiting to hold my body close. I smiled, getting ready to say yes, when I felt an intense rush of pressure between my legs. Shaking my head, I stepped away, knowing I'd wet myself if I didn't head for the bathroom very soon.“You can after I pee,” I called, rushing towards the bathroom as fast as I could. “Come in if you want - door’s open.”I could hear her footsteps as she followed me down the hallway...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Story part 3

I woke up on my stomach, hugging a pillow instead of my lover. The air-conditioning system’s effort smooched my naked ass. Sheesh, too cold. I was just about to open my eyes and automatically cover my flesh with a quilt, when a fundamental issue emerged in my mind. ‘Why was I ever mooning?’ The next question was only the consequence of the first one, as the slowly appearing sparkles of consciousness informed me about my nightshirt scrolled up to armpits. ‘What happened?’ Quiet moans, the...

2 years ago
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Gharme Mai Or Meri Friends Chudi

Hi friends mai yashasvi vapas aa gyi hu apni doosri kaha ke sath. Pichli kahani pe aap logo ka response dekh kar mujhe laga ki is baar thoda rough sex or rape ho jaaye…. Toh jaisa aap sab jante hai, ki mai or navneet live in relation me rehte hai. Toh ek din mai college ni gyi but navneet ko apna project jama karna tha isliye vo college chala gya … Acha maine aapko apni last story me bataya tha ki mohalle ke ladke meri gaand dekhte rehte hai or mera peecha karte hai. Toh ye baat us din ki hai.....

1 year ago
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Back in Skirts Part 2

Back In Skirts Part Two: So everything seemed to me almost to be in slow motion. I would never normally be able to tell you what my mother or sister were wearing. But this was a day I would never forget. Trudy was wearing ripped jeans, a sleeveless white tee shirt and white trainers and Mum was wearing a leopard skin bodycon dress over a pair of fishnets and black 3 inch stilettos. "This shopping trip is about you my little gothic princess." Mum said hugging me "Or are you my...

2 years ago
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First Cock Gay

I began sucking my friend Kadir's cock when I was 18. My luck was also my curse: his mushroom head cock was 8 1/2 inch's long, 2inch's thick. Kadir was a true man, after he cums with or without any service it doesn't take more than 5 minutes to cum for the second time and 3rd time. It was the type of cock you jump on, take it deep and let the cum flow in your ass. It was my dream cock but that dream but never achieved to take it all in. In our first try, he tried to shove the mushroom in my...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 42 Hello and goodbye

I went out of my way to act like nothing happened the night before with Chandra. She mostly relaxed during breakfast and seemed to let go my teasing her from the previous night until I told her that I needed to check her wounds. She blanched at that. I led her into the carriage and pulled the curtains closed. I peeled the bandage off her face first. It looked like a week old scratch that so far had healed cleanly. I readied one of the bandages that she had brought and replaced the dressing...

3 years ago
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First Panties

First Panties -Chapter 1 Our neighbour Mrs Johnson asked me to help her on Saturday. Being only 13, I could always use the money so I showed up at her doorstep on Saturday morning ready to go at 8:00 AM. I was to move a number of boxes full of clothes and stuff into her SUV to be taken to Goodwill. Her daughter, Sarah, had moved to an apartment for college and the boxes were apparently full of Sarah's old clothes and things. Sarah was a clothes hound and never seemed to wear the...

4 years ago
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Offering my wife chapter 7

While the fucking of Tammy was going on, I had been occupied by Poppi. She had fucked me silly, sucked me dry and left me laying naked in the grass, almost comatose. After some time to recover from her mauling of me, I stumbled back towards the sound of the howling men, who were apparently being richly entertained. I could see the group surrounding a stout metal table. They were all naked, and several were brandishing healthy erections. There was a naked woman on the table, laying on...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Brutal Lovemaking Escapades Erotica

I am Patrick. I am quite an avid reader of ISS. I have been regularly visiting ISS for a couple of years now. I thought it is time I share my story with the world. This incident happened about a week ago in Chadigarh. The lady was a young and lusty punjabi girl (around 22-23 years old) who submitted to the distinctive pleasure of lovemaking and rough sex, closely being watched by my houseowner’s wife hidden from sight, who later confronted me and eventually with whom I extended the same...

3 years ago
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Bua Ke Saath Maze Kiye Raat Bhar Mein

The story is of time when I was in class 12th. Firstly my intro I am arun (name changed) a boy of a bit dark in colour and height of 5feets and 9inch and my dick is of 5inch I am 18yrs old.Now come to the my dream girl whom I fucked in real life, my bua she is from ajmer (place changed) and very beautiful and sexy she is 25 years old now hers stats are 34-30-36 awesome stats na …..She is fair and 5feet 7inch tall the best thing I like is her smile, ass and boobs….. Now come to story please...

1 year ago
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Sea Porn! Pornography is considered to be one of mankind’s most precious resources, beloved by kings and peasants alike. It’s as vital to our lives as water, and just about as common. Though somebody sends you a bill every month for the fluid coming through your tap, you can score that smut for free if you know where to look. SeaPorn is one of those places.Somebody sent me the link for this morning, and my first thought was that it was some kind of Scientology thing. Their floating...

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3 years ago
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First time cheating on husband complete vers

This is my story about the first time and only "so far" I cheated on my husband.I'm your typical normal housewife. Stay at home most days looking after my c***d, cook clean etc. my husband works long hours barely get any attention from him " he's always to tired" sometimes we go months with no sex. I sort of got used to it and thought its just part of my life. I suffer from a hormone disorder " will not go into details" but my medication was adjusted recently, it's not in anyway suppose to...

2 years ago
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Husband Set me up with a Massage

For years, I've been more than a little curious about sharing a sexual experience with another woman. My husband has been encouraging me to live my fantasy but I hadn't had the courage or opportunity. But that all changed last week. So let me come out of the closet a little and give you some of the background to my fantasy and how I've lived it.In addition to his regular job, Jeff is a certified massage practitioner and use to give massage lessons to singles and couples years ago. Through that...

3 years ago
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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 9

I wanted to have my fun with Aunt Wendy, of course, but I was already a little tired of her bullshit. I suspected that the same would soon be true of Mom. I decided that I would discipline and re-educate my mother and aunt, but would soon make a pact with Uncle Manfred. He would get his former sisters-in-law, while his congress with Stacey, Ellie, and Trish would fade over time. I wanted revenge, but didn’t particularly desire either woman in reality these days. They were better off as...

1 year ago
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Fun day with my sisters

100% fiction! It all started when my cousin came over who was a sexy blonde skinny with 36c breasts. We started playing some games like cards then she said let's play twister and I said sure. I got it out and set it up and when we got into the game it was fun but hard with two people. When my cousin, Annie, spun the move required her to move over me and when she did her head landed right in my crotch and she could feel my thing. I got an immediate hard on. When Annie noticed she went crazy and...

2 years ago
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Filipino Fun

In my search I came across a profile for a woman named Crissy. I was interested. A nice photo of her on a bed with her in a sexy red nightgown. The site limits non-paying members. So, I could just leave a single word: gee mail. Crissy understood. And responded. We soon were on our gee mail accounts chatting. The first thing I found was I was chatting with Michelle who said she was Crissy’s oldest daughter, age 24. I asked her if she had a cam so we each could see and hear each other. We did....

4 years ago
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I walked into the packed bar and my mind was overwhelmed by the noise and stimulation. My sharp, supernatural senses started to filter all that was thrown at me... music, vocal chatter, sweat, alcohol... all mixing together into an annoying distraction. My hunger was the only thing that mattered. I could feel the pulsing of the young bodies moving and mixing together rhythmically. I made my way to the bar to get myself a drink, and then found a spot in the darkness to observe my prey. From a...

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BethChapter 98

November 30, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written December 1] I was woken by Liya and Heather climbing into the Monstrosity with us. “How was it,” I asked quietly. “Wonderful. We got him crazy turned on. He came three times,” exclaimed Liya. “Yeah,” added Heather, “it was incredible. I got an idea that I want to try out at some point, as the idea didn’t come to me until we were nearly comatose. That was one of the most wonderful nights of my life. I’ve said this before, Beth, but I need to...

2 years ago
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Sex with my sexy aunty

Hi my name is kalyan…i’m studying my graduation…my age is 19yrs.we have a house in which we live and there were tenants in the ground floor.there lived my sexy aunt for rent in our home.her name was syamala 42yrs old.her age is 40 but has a body of 25.she was very sexy. I could not resist my hard 9″ cock when i used to see her.she was a house wife and her husband was a employ who works from 8am to 8pm.i used to masturbate thinking her.i even used to see her and masturbate through her window...

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Popeyes Untold Tale

I will admit I got this story from watching The Cartoon Network late one night. All characters are owned by King Features and Max Fliesher. It is told in the spirit of pure fun only. Popeye's Untold Tale It was a sunny day in Fairport. Popeye was walking down Main Street. Popeye was on his way to see Olive Oil. He was in a good mood and was singing his favorite song. (Off Key as his norm.) Out of Wimpy's 'A Burger and A Brew', walked both Brutus and Bluto. (Boo Boo Hiss Hiss) They...

2 years ago
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Selective Breeding

The smell of smoke wakes you. You sit up grogily, running a hand across the bed until you find the window. You curse as you discover it's open. You close it with a snap and stand up. Your room is dark and small but it is comfortable and suits your needs. You walk over to the cubboard and begin pulling out clothes. It is 2514. Three hundred years ago the world was at war. The details have become lost in time, but what is known is that the war that followed wiped out approximately 95% of...

3 years ago
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Widow Neighbor Revisited

Introduction: At the request of so many readers to the original story, here is the follow up and comclusion. Enjoy! Widow Neighbor Revisited Normally, when I have completed a story, or even a series, I prefer to stop, rather than continue with a weak follow up that is filled with just suck, fuck, hump and bump. But with the success of Widow Neighbor, quite a few people have voted positively and strongly encouraged me to do a follow up. But where do you go from here&hellip,? I have thought...

2 years ago
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The Power of The Moon ch6

Matty sat on the kitchen counter staring down at his feet. It was the day after the incident between him and Grace. He heard Landon wake up and walk down the hall and into the kitchen. ‘Hey man, wanna play some videogames? I bought the new Assassin Creed game.’ Landon looked at him. His face showed he was pissed off at someone. And he was not in the mood to play any game what so ever. ‘What’s wrong, Lan?’ Landon burst into a pissed off laughter. ‘Matty, you seriously have the nerve to first...

1 year ago
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A Fall from Grace

Anne-Marie was dressed as neatly as she could be; just back from work she had decided to make her request whilst she still felt business-like and efficient. Now after having removed her jacket she stood in just a pale lemon silk blouse and the short pin stripe skirt which terminated a good three inches above her knee. Her hand shaking just a little she reached her right index finger - it's nail expertly French manicured - to press the door bell. There was a dull uninteresting electric...

3 years ago
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The BachChapter 5

“Happy, happy, happy,” I thought as I drifted in and out of sleep on the Sunday morning of my holiday, wondering if I should get out of bed yet. I felt wonderfully relaxed as Mum had come to my room last night and we’d fucked and played for nearly two hours before she had wearily made her way back to her bed. However it was the thought of what had happened yesterday during and after our walk that had my morning erection aching away as well as what I’d got up to last night ... actually I’d...

2 years ago
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Chocolate and GoldChapter 7

It's not possible to forget what making love to Savannah Wilson was like. She was one erotic woman, visually and physically. I can't imagine some guy dating her and not being totally in lust with her. How they could ever let her go was a mystery to me. But then, knowing Vannie as I now do, it probably wasn't their decision. She had a mind of her own, and it wasn't easy to get her to change it. We had been making non-stop love almost from the moment she entered the apartment. We weren't...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 5

The Pettada don't understand dancing. Music and motion and expression. All of that is lost on them, anytime I tried to explain they would just give me a blank look. So, to say I missed dancing is an understatement. I was parched for dancing. I get to dance with so many people that I lose track of all the names and faces. Everyone is happy to meet me. They all know my name and thanks to Maggie they know some of my deeds. She must have told everyone how I had saved her life. I am not sure...

4 years ago
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A Naked Woman Ch 05

The story so far The two lovers find that they are sharing more of their lives as time goes by after that first meeting. The punishing sun beat on us as I pushed back my sun glasses on my eyes and I admired your naked back and buttocks. I loved the way that the sun caught the oil and sweat on your skin and the way it shone a dull bronze. I loved the way your skin tasted and how it felt like spun silk felt when I touched it. The sight, touch and taste of you excited and aroused me. We lay...

1 year ago
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Pantasy blackmailed erotic shame and humiliatio

After my first encounter with that older pantyboy I was beyond embarrassed! I was humiliated to the depths of my soul. I wasn’t sure which was worse- the fact that it happened and could never be undone or that I would never be able to erase it from my mind. Now that it was over and there was nothing I could do I prayed that there was somewhat I could forget the whole ordeal and what had occurred that shameful night.The phone rang at Mom’s one evening and I picked it up. It was him. The last...

1 year ago
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She Learned By Watching

"Does Jeannie ever suck you?" Shocked, I smiled and said, "Sometimes. Why, would you like to watch her suck me?" "Sure!" she said. So one Saturday morning, I was feeling horny, just thinking about Sherry's sweet looking ass. She would be coming up the road shortly, as she would spend the day with us and watch our kids that night. I met her at the gate, before Jeannie saw her. I told Sherry to go out to the tool shed, beside the cornfield. I took my Jeannie outside, between...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Took Advantage

Hey guys! My name is Simran and this is my second story on ISS. I am a 1990 born girl and I am pretty crazy for sex. I mean going a week without sex is really a challenge for me. Describing me now I am 5’8” tall and d cups boobs with a figure 36 24 34. Now coming to the story, the story is of the time when I was studying in college in Delhi University. We had a three days straight holidays but my home was far enough that going there was a waste. So I decided to pay my cousin in Noida a visit....


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