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Jule Neumann ist das schönste Mädchen an der Schule. Sie hat ein schönes Gesicht, lange blonde Haare, wunderschöne blaue Augen, ein Lächeln, das alle Herzen zum schnelzen bringt, pralle Titten und für mich am wichtigsten: Sie hat einen richtig schönen, großen Arsch. Jule ist in meiner Klasse und ich kenne sie, seit wir 14 sind. Jetzt sind wir beide 18 und stehen kurz vor dem Abitur. Ich fand sie schon immer hübsch, aber mittlerweile hat sie diesen himmlischen Prachtarsch bekommen und seitdem...
TeenAm besten ich schildere ich euch die Situation in welcher ich meine eigene Tochter beim Sex mit einem Jungen erwischt habe. Meine Tochter ist vom Erscheinungsbild her ein "Engelchen". Sie war noch nie verhaltensauffällig, aufbrausend oder besonders an Jungs interessiert. Sie war immer sehr schüchtern, pflichtbewusst und respektvoll. Leider sind die Anfänge ihre weiblichen Entwicklung nicht mehr zu verkennen. Sie bekommt eine kleine Brust und ihre Hüfte wird breiter. Die Hosen passen nicht...
Bin der Markus, 32 Jahre alt. Nachdem ich meine Wohnung kündigen und wieder zu meinen Eltern wegen zu hoher Mietkosten zurück ziehen mußte hatte ich an diesem Spätsommertag keine Lust mehr nach der Arbeit noch irgendwas zu machen. Die Kollegen wollten mich zu einem Grillabend überreden aber ich war an diesem Freitag einfach nur noch kaputt. Freundin oder Lebensgefährtin waren nicht zu finden, meine letzte Beziehung lag 2 Jahre zurück. Ich war sehr aktiv im Bondage bereich gewesen, sprich mit...
BDSMJulia eine bildhübsche 26 Jährige deutsche Zollbeamtin am Flughafen Hamburg hatte seid langen einen leichten hang zum Klauen.Da ihr Ehemann Frank schon länder keine arbeit hatte war es für beide nicht leicht mit dem Geld über die runden zu kommen. Seid ca.1 Jahr durchsuchte sie Koffer und Taschen heimlich nach Wertgegenständen,die sie dann an sich nahm. Auch heute wieder,sie steckte sich gerade den kompl.Schmuck aus einem Koffer in ihre Tasche,als die Tür zu ihrem Dienstzimmer auf ging und ein...
Um dem eingefahrenen Liebesleben, von mir und meinem Mann, einwenig schwung zu verleihen, hab ich mir jetzt heimlich und ohne dem Wissen meines Schatzes ein vibrator bestellt. Als er vor ein paar Tagen gekommen war, hab ich ihn direkt untern bett versteckt. Und wartete bis her auf den richtigen Moment um meinen Schatz seine Konkurrenz im Bett vorstellen zu können. Seit dem er nun da ist, brenne ich darauf ihn auszuprobieren. Doch es gab noch nicht die passende Gelegenheit. Bis jetzt... Wie...
Hallo zusammen, ich habe irgendwann mal irgendwo eine Story gelesen die mir sehr gefallen hat…Sie hiess Vera und die Drachen.Leider habe ich sie nie komplett zu lesen bekommen, wäre aber interessiert dies nachzuholen.Zum besseren erkennen hier die Story soweit wie ich sie habe.Ursprungsautor so meiner Information Erofant.Damit zur Story, sie ist NICHT aus meiner Feder und wird auchNUR zu dem Zwecke gepostet damit jemand sie evtl identifizieren kann..Sollte jemand die Story komplett haben wäre...
Die Silvesternacht war der letzte Abend, den ich bei meinem Bruder verbringen sollte. Entsprechend war der Plan, noch einmal ordentlich feiern zu gehen, bevor wir uns für einige Zeit nicht sehen würden. Ich hatte mir extra für den Abend noch ein neues Kleid gekauft, Weihnachtsgeld sei dank, dessen schwarzer Stoff hauteng saß und um den Hals mit einem Träger gebunden wurde. Die Schultern lagen frei und auch der Ausschnitt, den es präsentierte, war nicht zu verachten, zumal ich mich dafür...
Screening appointment with Him:I have to arrive on Saturday evening at 20.00 clock with Him. I likeHowever, a detailed dress code by e-mail. This time I mustAre "normal" in jeans, sports shoes, T-shirt and bomber jacket. AdditionalI must bring the following things: gym shorts, jogging pants,Army pants, combat boots, swimsuit. I do not know in advance whatTerms are used, so it is always exciting. I have absolutelybe on time, every second too early or too late, I get penalty points.He lives in a...
Elfstedentocht Jan Steenstra keek buiten op de thermometer. Het zag er goed uit. Volgens de weerberichten zou het de komende week flink gaan vriezen. Zijn thermometer bevestigde dit al en gaf -5 graden celsius aan terwijl het pas 8 uur 's avonds was. Deze nacht zo zeker matige, zo niet strenge vorst geven. Zijn schaatsen had hij al uit het vet gehaald. De afgelopen maanden had hij al niets aan het toeval over gelaten en had elk weekend getraind op de schaatsbaan van Heerenveen. Elk...
Letzte Woche habe ich meine Wunschliste für Weihnachten verfasst und Max zugesteckt. Wunschlisten kennen wir sonst eigentlich nicht, aber da dieses Jahr alles ja so anders ist, dachte ich mir, ich schreibe meine Wünsche mal zusammen. Aber ehe nach Kaffeemaschine, Spa-Wochenende oder Urlaub auf Tahiti gesucht wird - es ging in eine völlig andere Richtung, und hier ist ein Auszug daraus: Tantra Massage Noch einmal so ein heißes Erlebnis in einer Therme Bei H&M (oder ähnlich) in einer...
Ich hole alle meine Texte nach Hause, zu mir. Sei sind nicht neu, manche(r) kennt sie; ich will sie einfach nur bei mir haben. Sie erscheinen irgendwie etwas verloren - dort wo sie jetzt stehen. Zu denen, die sie das erste mal lesen, sei gesagt - sie erscheinen daher etwas aus dem Kontext gerissen, ohne Beginn und Anfang. Naja, seht selbst... Ich hätte auch noch eine Idee, aber dazu später. hier mein allererstes Kapitel: Wie reagieren die...
BDSMAfter the passing away of Harry — he features in my earlier journal entries — my interactions with Joe or Gary were little more than that of saying hello at the gym. But I sensed Joe still had feelings for me. He often tried to talk to me but my times at the gym were less frequent and, in my small town, people talk and it’s not worth risking my relationship. So that’s why I moved on….~~~~~I was at the local coffee house when, from behind me, I heard my name being called. It was Joe. I gave him...
CheatingWe have been playing this game for a long time and I am ready…past ready for what I am going to make happen today. Finally lunchtime arrives, in he walks and takes a seat across from my desk in one of my visitor’s chairs. I get up and walk around the desk, shut the door, lock it, and then reach over and turn the blinds so no one will interrupt our lunch visit. Today I am wearing a tight black skirt, low-cut clinging shirt that emphasizes my breasts, and heels that make the most of my toned...
We have been playing this game for a long time and I am ready...past ready for what I am going to make happen today. Finally lunchtime arrives, in he walks and takes a seat across from my desk in one of my visitor's chairs. I get up and walk around the desk, shut the door, lock it, and then reach over and turn the blinds so no one will interrupt our lunch visit. Today I am wearing a tight black skirt, low-cut clinging shirt that emphasizes my breasts, and heels that make the most of my toned...
Straight SexAs the midday hunger pangs strike, damn I really wish I wouldn’t have forgotten my lunch today. Looking at the time, I realize I can make it home, grab something to eat and check my lush account before my next meeting. As I turn the corner, I notice my husband’s car is in the driveway, that’s a surprise. As I walk in I hear moaning come from the basement and know he is masturbating, sometimes he can be so insatiable. I start to laugh inside and think I could have a little fun with this. I...
As the midday hunger pangs strike, damn I really wish I wouldn't have forgotten my lunch today. Looking at the time, I realize I can make it home, grab something to eat and check my lush account before my next meeting. As I turn the corner, I notice my husband’s car is in the driveway, that's a surprise. As I walk in I hear moaning come from the basement and know he is masturbating, sometimes he can be so insatiable. I start to laugh inside and think I could have a little fun with this. I...
Quickie SexHi readers, this is Atul from Mumbai once again and it was an incident happened about 2 years back, when we all friends went to Pune to attend the marriage function of a sister of one of my close friends. We started for Pune early morning at 6:30 am and reached Pune around 9:00 am once we got down from the bus and we straight away went to marriage hall near Kothrud. We were 6 friends and everybody was in a cheerful mood when we entered in the hall, I saw Bhanu aunty there immediately I went to...
IncestBob's clearing papers consisted of a page with twenty-five boxes on it, relating to various different agencies and offices, all of which Bob had to go to, to get a stamp and signature. Of course each agency or office required that he do or have accomplished certain specific tasks before they would give him the stamp and signature. It wasn't unusual for clearing to take as much as a week to complete. In Bob's case, however, clearing such places as the arms room, the library and most of the...
From the air, the wedding celebrants flowed like a river of light to the Gallicus estate - thousands of headlights streaming north and east from the Temple of Vesta, curving around the Stagnum Colonus and flooding into the lowlands, a flat and narrow strip of land between the lagoon and mountains that had once marked the city's northern border. That river of light flowed over and around the few unsuspecting cars seemingly out for a liesurely Saturday evening drive, overwhelming them like a...
Returning Home I must have been called upon to lick and lap my mother’s every orifice, and tend to the Werewolf’s cock more than a dozen times until morning finally broke. Like the Great Ram, the werewolf just disappeared in that red flash, forever dispelling the myth that a werewolf was a man bitten by a werewolf.... like the Ram, and, I am certain, the Nuns great Goat, returned to whence they came at the sun’s rising. I believe that is the reason the Goat chose the old nunnery as His home. No...
The Antidote. This is a sequel to “The Poisoned Fantasy”. You are advised to read that first if you have not done so, though it is not essential.Walking over to her I kneel at her feet and keep my head down. She caresses my hair softly and lovingly as I look at her black sexy heels. Her hand moves down to my cheek and I know the kindness is over as she grips my chin. Forcing me to look up at her, her face now stern and no smile. “Undress quickly,” she demands. I almost rip off my dress and...
TabooI was head hunted straight from university, where I received honours in biochemistry. Government work, I was told, but in reality it was MI5. I worked in their Labs with a living legion, everywhere in the spy world the name of Dr Johnson was revered, even if he's in his late eighties now. For he invented the first ever truth serum. Now in truth, there's no such thing as a 'truth serum' it's an invention of the movies. In real life it's just a simple drug that disorientates the mind. This...
I'm Ray. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. When you can't afford to eat the rest really never comes over the horizon. Being homeless is a bitch. The apartment building burned out while I was at work. The accountant job at H&R Block dried up after April. I finally got a job as a bubble dancer--that's dishwasher to you outside the service industry. It's not a bad gig. You stay warm and salvage a decent meal from the plates coming off the floor. I found a cheap way to stay clean. I run...
I booked us into a double at the Comfort Inn. Shug and I took our bags into the room. I’d just set mind down when he gathered me into his arms. He kissed me with a passion and warmth that set my head spinning. In moments we were naked and lying in the double bed farthest from the window. Shug had left the lights on. I could see every feature of him as he lay himself down above me. He kissed me, beginning at my lips, then my forehead, temples, ears. He buried his face in my neck and I could...
The day is Thursday, June 21, 2001. I am sitting in class in the back row writing down notes at approximately 10:00 am while dreaming about how my sweetheart will be coming to visit me later that evening. I looked down at my watch and it said 10:05. There is no one else in the last few rows except for me since I like to sit in the back. At 10:10, the door opens and a girl steps into the classroom, looks around and sits down right next to me. She is dressed in high heels, a short leather mini...
When my gym threw the next charity dance I went with my wife. Now we were going to do it again with a bit of a twist.Of course Mindy was the talk of the dance with her new dress and blonde hair. We danced a bit but then I started to hit the bar a bit too much. In truth it was a careful act as my drinks had a lot of ice and were often tossed out when nobody was looking.A bit buzzed I acted roaring drunk. Mindy and I had a staged argument on the dance floor with Henry trying to step in with the...
I had some of the hottest sex with my wife the other night! She pegged the fuck out of me! It started with us laying on our bed naked after a fresh shower. Whenever I see her naked like that I can’t help but want to spread her butt cheeks and lick her ass. She laid and moaned as I tongued her hot asshole over and over again. “Do you like that?” I asked. “Ugh… yeah!” “Then tell me!” “Ugh… Lick my ass!”, “then spread your ass wide”. I’m training my wife to ask and beg for me to lick her ass more....
BisexualKay Lovely is about to show us her rigorous workout routine with TeamSkeet. She begins by stretching and putting effort into a deep span of her legs; then, she demonstrates just how low she can go with her squats. She suddenly stops because of her sweaty tits, but we’ve been great students, so Kay has a treat for us; she brings out her moist boobs and begins showing off how much they can bounce on the exercise ball, which has her craving a hard dick. Luckily, Oliver gets here just in...
xmoviesforyouGermanGooGirls! Pornography is one of mankind’s greatest art forms. It’s been with us since prehistoric times and really ramped the fuck up in the 20th century. I love how elements of one culture’s porno can become commonplace in the smut world as a whole. Bukkake is a great example. Born in Japan, the sticky, messy fetish is now popular around the world. I recently had a chance to check out a German take on the Asian tradition over at German Goo Girls.I’ve seen some crazy-ass fetish porn, so...
Premium Blowjob Porn SitesThe next several minutes were extremely painful and embarrassing for Amita. In the first place, inserting anything in one's own ass is somewhat awkward. In the second, the butt plug's maximum diameter was a challenge. In the third, Kiran became rapidly impatient and tended to impede Amita by swatting her on the ass -- theoretically to goad her to further effort, but it had the opposite effect, since she would clench both before and during a swat. Amita was crying openly by the time she...
I am a regular ISS reader for the past two years. I used to read many stories by which I got more impressed so I decide to write my real life encounter which happen in my life Hi readers now I am gonna tell a real incident which happen 7 month before in my life Before that I request you to send your feedback to specially girls and aunties who need a safe relationship can contact me through my mail let’s come to the story I am jhafa form chennai working in a MNC. Iam little fair and chubby at a...
Cynthia was pulled out of her dream around six in the morning. Her husband stumbled out of bed and as usual that included a lot of noise. The quiet part was slipping out of bed, but being half asleep and dragging his 230 pounds to the bathroom, while he tried to gather his clothes without turning on the light, was the noisy part. She pretended to be asleep when he stumbled to the bedroom door. Cynthia knew that Mark was trying to be quiet and she just played along, but if she was honest she...
First TimeI awoke at ten on New Year’s morning. The sun was peeking through the windows but that didn't wake me. I woke because my man’s hard cock was pressed against my ass. I was still a mess from the New Years Eve sex we'd had which was awesome as always. I let him enter me and spoon snuggle fuck me till I felt him unload deep inside me. After he withdrew, I felt him kiss me on the neck and then he got out of bed leaving me there to feel his cum drip out or me. I'd been happy to have a sort of boring...
Straight SexThis is a true story about the unexpected things that can happen while sitting on your couch….alone. I’m living in LA at the time, and I’m alone on my couch waiting on this fat girl Naomi to come over and blow me to sleep. Fat girls are like brussel sprouts, you will try them if they happen to be on your plate, but they are nothing you would brag to your friends about. She was the type I would call over when I was too lazy to jack off. She had a real pretty face, big tits but her self esteem...
Friends, you are reading this story on indiansexstories dot net I recently came across indiansexstories dot net and became a fan. Read many stories here and decided to contribute something from my side. I am good at writing prescriptions but trying first time in writing something on my personal life. My name is Aditya. Age 38yrs. Completed my course in naturopathy and alternative medicines and healing. I used to work for many big brands in health and body shaping industry. I have to provide...
I'm not sure how we did it, but we managed to cram everything into my old compact car for our trip up to Tiffany's parents' Navachee Point cabin. Sara, Erin, and I were only going for the weekend, but the girls packed as if we would be gone a month. We would need even less stuff than we did last winter because we were going up during the summer this time. There was no chance of getting snowed in and having to spend a couple extras days. There was no need for heavy jackets and other snow...
It was a sunny Sunday morning as I walked into the local Adult Book Store, with the usual flashy books and magazines along all the walls, I walked up to the counter and gave the attendant a 10 for change, then turned and walked into the dark arcade in the rear of the store. Having been there several times before I headed for the end booth one which I knew had a comfortable glory hole. As I walked by I noticed the red light lit next door indicating it was occupied. As I entered the booth I...
This is a fond memory I must share. I was 18 and dying for a hot piece of ass but at that time in my life I had never actually got lucky without having to use a rubber. Like any guy I wanted to know what a girl really felt like inside without the use of a condom. I did have a girlfriend at the time but I wanted to go out with someone who was on the pill so I could cum in her. I figured every girl but my girlfriend was on the pill and that a lucky encounter would be so good that I would never...
One day a man in a nice suit came in and asked if I had a few minutes to spare. I thought he might be a salesman, but I had time, so we went into my office. He surprised me by pulling out a portfolio of my holdings, my stores, the bakeries, the pastry shop, showing how much they were worth. “You have a lot of money tied up in this section of the city, Mr. Moore. It would be a shame if something were to happen, say fires, vandalism, that sort of thing. I’m offering you an insurance policy...
Classes started on Monday and I knew I wasn’t in high school any more. After I got back to the dorm that afternoon I waited for Ashley. As soon as she came in I told her to sit down. I let her know that I really loved everything that she had done for me and I wanted it to continue. I just needed it to only happen on weekends. I had come to college to get a degree and I really wanted it. She said that she wanted a degree too and that if I helped her stay focused during the week she would make...
ExhibitionismIt was on a surfing holiday to Phuket, Thailand when unexpectedly I had my first bi experience. By day I rode the waves of Kata, Kalim, Laem Singh, Mai Khao, and Nai Harn Beaches. At night I played the go-go girlie bars of Patong's famous bar beers concentrated along Bangla Road spilling over into the small streets around.I was staying at a nice medium priced hotel. Each evening after selecting the sexiest bar girls, I would bring spectacularly beautiful hotties back to my room for a self...
Like those Grecian statues you see, towering in neatly mowed lawns, every inch of them perfect. And I mean, every inch, which left little to my imagination. It was impossible not to steal a glance at his crotch, and I immediately regretted it as my attire for that day was a pair of very revealing black jeans littered with chain and buckles. The slight bulge beneath Elixir’s belt buckle sent my mind into madness, and the tiny voice of my conscience screamed at me not to fuck things up by being...
The easily distracted professor was busy examining the various crystal structures that he failed to notice several pale skinned beauties emerging from the dark recesses of the town. They ignored his assistant, Harmony, because her body was built the same as theirs. The mad ones were interested in the professor. He was different, bigger, stronger, just different, and that by itself was enough to intrigue them. They snuck down streets to where the couple was standing, and by the time, Byron and...
Janet finished with Chris’ ass and began to suck my hardening cock. At first, she took it deep easily. As I hardened, she continued to take it deep and to lick my balls though not as easily. Ike was already hard and Nats knelt in front of him and swallowed his cock taking in all the way into her mouth. Charles went to Chris and fed his cock into her mouth and then pushed into her throat. He held his cock deep in her mouth and throat. “Did you enjoy his cock fucking your ass?” He pulled out...
I came home from work early one day and I found my wife fucking the college kid from next door. To give you some background I am 45, rich, successful and if I do say in damn good shape for a guy my age. My wife is 25, gorgeous, big tits, dark hair, blue eyes, long legs and a tight ass that won’t quit. She had been quite a party girl when she was in college, but I still was quite surprised to find her riding the big cock of the hunk next door as I had always made it quite clear to her that I...
The two silk tents weighed practically nothing, and folded up very small. Both were the same size, one a rose pink, Wong's former tent, the other a dark wine color. They were short enough that one could not stand inside, but could sit comfortably even on a cushion. Taking cushions on an adventure, John thought with a wry grimace. However, it beat sitting on the hard ground. At least the things being carried by the extra horses were light, rugs and blankets and bedding, and not taxing. John...
This was another contest I entered before I took a break fort the holidays. As usual it wasn’t as well received as I thought it might be. The theme was, in the face of adversity. I let out a sigh what in the hell was I going to do? It was going on four weeks now with nothing new happening. If something didn’t happen soon I was a dead duck for sure. Hello, I am Ty Donald, I am what you might consider a mage, though many would probably call me a wizard. What’s the difference? Hell, I hadn’t...
Ms. Peters got up of the ground. I saw that drops of my cum were falling from her pussy to the ground or running down her legs while she walked toward her desk. She got some wet wipes out of her purse and cleaned herself up. There was this awkward silence combined with the smell of her juices in the room. I stood up too and got my clothes back on. Ms. Peters was already fully dressed when i was done."We have to watch out. The janitors must been cleaning the hallway already.", she said in a...
My trip to New York was ace. The city is frantic, the shopping was fantastic and the food was brilliant. I even managed to get in a couple of discrete fucks while I was there. It was most unexpected, but incredibly sexy to say the least. A nice set of genuine intercontinental one night stands. I was fucked by total strangers on another continent. How it all came about was I met this guy from England in the apartment Kitchens. The kitchens were communal and I was making some coffee as mum was...
Captured familyThe Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...
Got the bag! The chips are stale and nasty, but it's something. So, I went all MacGuyver to do it. I had to tear up my pillowcase dress to do it. Now it's a tiny little pillowcase bra, and an absurd "skirt" that's like 3 inches tall. The rest of it I tore into as narrow strips as I could manage, and tied them into a kind of rope. Then I tied the vibrator's cable to the end of it, and I made a loop around the vibrator on the end. So I could throw this out and just reach the bag of...
Holding on to hope - I had been secretly in love with my best friend for nearly three years before my feelings where discovered. I remember the very moment that I realized that what I was feeling for my friend was love. It happened about a year after we had met in the summer of 1978 when we where both 18-years old. This all began more then 20 years ago and now more then 10 years has passed since I have seen his face. What a special time it was to grow up and become a teenager at the transition...
GayMy name is Sheldon and this is the day that I first had a sexual encounter with the man that I now call my husband. I was seventeen at the time and he was thirty eight. He was my teacher at a boarding school that my parents had sent me too. They were obsessed with god around here and the fact that I was a gay kid never set well with them. Guess I was not the only gay one around …. ********** I had not been in the mood to eat lately. I missed being home and I missed my friends and family. How...
We went to the The Craven Heifer Inn Grassington Road, Skipton. We had arranged it by email he had sent a lovely invite. Arrived just after 12 noon, parked the car then Wayne left the car to make a phone call outside round the back of his car. After the call, as we entered the Inn Wayne commented on the beautiful colorful flower tubs outside and the fact that the Inn had accommodation. We went to the bar and I went to find a table, in the lighter, brighter extension. I handed him a menu. We...
EroticThe next thing to hit me was big, literally, it was about a week after the argument. I started off for Bradford on that Friday morning in a good mood. I had just landed a contract locally to redesign a production line which would give me 2 years work... I was driving along the A629 towards Keighley when the accident happened. An impatient moron coming towards me pulled out to overtake the queue he was stuck behind. It was so sudden that I didn't even have time to react and we met in a...
A few years before I started dating my wife Molly, I had a really steamy hot summer with a much older woman named Barbara. I met Barb when I took a job working at a tree and plant farm. I was 21 and a student at the local University, and this was a great part time job. The money was good, I got to work outside. The only drawback was that it was hot and dirty and not in a good way, but I was young and didn’t mind the Texas heat.The farm had several greenhouses and a store. Barb worked in...