Erholsame Nacht free porn video

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Erholsame Nacht

Es ist 2 Uhr nacht, es ist immer noch schön warm. Wir haben nach unserem Intermezzo am Abend die Klamotten weg gelassen. Ich bin nur kurz aufgewacht um ein bis zwei schlucke zu trinken, der Helle Vollmond scheint durch das Fenster auf deinen nackten Körper herab und taucht ihn in sanftes Licht. Ich kann nicht anders und muss dich anschauen. Deine Zarte weiße Haut, sie leuchtet fast in dem weißen Mondlicht. Du schläfst tief und fest, ich fange an dich zu streicheln ich fühle deine warme weiche Haut. ich bekomme eine Gänsehaut und es fängt an zu Kribbeln. Ich lasse meine Hand über deinen Körper wandern bis ich bei deinen Tollen Brüsten angekommen bin ich streichle Sie zart und vorsichtig ich will dich schließlich nicht wecken. Ich acht bei dir auf jede kleinste Regung deines Körpers. Als du dich immer noch nicht regst, werden meine Liebkosungen energischer. Ich beginne sie sanft zu kneten. Mein Kribbeln wird immer mehr. Ich merke das es dir gefällt dein Körper bewegt sich in Wellen aber machst keine Anstalten wach zu werden. Aber trotzdem bist du ganz schön aktiv dein Becken kreist in Erregung und deine beine öffnen sich leicht. ich kann es wirklich kaum fassen, du schläfst und bist doch erregt. mich lässt das alles nicht kalt und mein schwanz ist hart und prall und steht wie eine eins. ganz so wie am Abend. Nun streichle ich mich tiefer über deinen Bauch zu deinem Venushügel. wieder bin ich ganz vorsichtig, ich möchte wissen wie weit ich gehen kann bis du aufwachst. Da kommt mir eine Idee ich mache das kleine Licht an und stelle mein Tablet so hin das wir beide auf dem Video gut zu sehen sind und drücke auf Aufnahme. Ich streichle nun tiefer und spüre deine warme feuchte. Ich kann es kaum glauben und mir bleibt die Spucke weg, du schläfst Seelen ruhig und und läufst hier regelrecht aus. Ich kann nicht an mich halten und beginnen meine harten schwanz zu wichsen. Ich massiere deine Scham lasse meine Finger um deinen Kitzler kreisen und massiere deine Schamlippen. Du seufzt leise auf aber atmest dann wieder ruhig und gleichmäßig wie vorher. ich muss mich beherrschen und Atme schwer. ich lasse einen Finger sanft und tief in dich gleiten. ich massiere diesen kleinen aber wohlbekannten Punkt tief in dir deine Beine öffnen sich weiter so weit das ich Platz dazwischen habe. Jetzt setze ich alles auf eine Karte und bewege mich langsam und vorsichtig und knie mich zwischen deine geöffneten Schenkel, mein schwanz zuckt und es fließt einiges an Lusttropfen aus ihm heraus. Ich reibe meine Pralle Eichel über deinen Eingang bis hoch zu deiner Klit und wieder herunter. Dann ist es soweit und ich dringe in dich ein, ich muss dem Drang widerstehen dich wild und hart zu vögeln wie noch am Abend. Denn davon würdest du sicher wach werden. Ich bewege mich langsam in dir hin und her stöhne unterdrückt und genieße dieses Wahnsinns Gefühl. Ich spüre wie du immer feuchter wirst, dein Saft läuft mir an meinen Hoden herunter auf das Lacken. Du scheinst es auch zu genießen, dein Atem wird schneller deine Brustwarzen richten sich auf und dein Innerstes wird immer enger so eng wie noch nie. Ich werde etwas schneller und bemerke lange dauert es sicher nicht mehr. Auch du scheinst näher an deinen Höhepunkt zu kommen, dein innerstes pulsiert wie verrückt und massiert meinen harten schwanz nur noch mehr. Ich werde etwas schneller und dann ist es soweit, ih ziehe mich aus dir zurück und entlade mich auf deinem Körper, bis zum Hals schießt mein Saft in vielen kleinen Stößen. aber auch du sollst zu deinem Recht kommen und beginne dich wild mit drei fingern wild dein innerstes zu massieren. Dabei verreibe ich meinen Saft auf deinem ganzen Körper, Ich massiere dein innerstes immer schneller und dann fängst auch du an zu zucken, dein Becken bebt und kreist, du stöhnst sogar. Ich ziehe meine Finger aus dir heraus und lege mich eng an dich und Kuschel mich zärtlich an deinen nackten Körper. Dann Schlafe ich glücklich und zufrieden ein.

am nächsten morgen wachen wir fast zeitgleich auf und küsst mich wild. "Oh Schatz ich hatte heute nacht einen unglaublich tollen Traum, der hat mich richtig heiß gemacht:" "Was hast du denn geträumt?" frage ich fast scheinheilig mit einem grinsen. "Du hast mich zärtlich gefickt und ich glaube ich bin sogar gekommen" sagst du total aufgekratzt. "Meinst du du hast das nur geträumt?" ich greife nach meinem Tablett und zeige dir das Video der letzten nacht. Du bist entsetzt aber merke auch die Wirkung die es auf dich hat. auch mich lässt es nicht kalt. Als das Video fertig ist fällst du über mich her. Da hat sich der Aufwand wohl gelohnt denke ich mir und genieße deine Lippen an meinem besten stück.

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Romantic Encounter With Best Friend8217s Wife Sameera

My Name is Vaatsayana(Name Changed). I am 35 years old now but this incident happened when I was in my first job and 25 years old. I am an average Telugu guy from Hyderabad having 5’10” height, 65 Kgs weight, perfect V-shaped body, and 6 inches long tool. This is my 7th story on ISS. Hope you enjoyed my previous stories. After the encounter with Nita as described in my previous story “My Virginity Lost To An Older Virgin Girl” story, I became a very mature in sex related matters. Thanks to...

1 year ago
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Too much fun

My wife and I played with out favorite couple last Friday night. I had seen this photo the day before and it gave me ideas of what to do with my lover. I deprived her of her senses, blindfolded gagged and plugged her ears with moldable earplugs that completely seal of the ear. I did that before I even put her on the bed. She can't see me and can't hear where I am, or even if I'm there. It made everything I did to her a complete surprise. Every time I added a clamp or put a cuff on or drew her...

2 years ago
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Belle and Brutus Part 1

You can contact me for requests, fan mail, hate mail, naked pics of your boobies, or anything else you have in mind at [email protected] copyright ghostwriter118, intended for use only as the author sees fit ___________________________________________________________________________________ Belle’s boyfriend had been away for only a week before her horniness consumed her. She wanted nothing more than to have someone lick her little pussy thoroughly, but her boyfriend was gone for...

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a cum tribute Story for a lady here on xhamster

A fantasy Tribute story for a lady here , we both were newbies here the first time we exchanged short meessages here and both went our seperate ways exploreing all the pics stories and vidieos here on Xhamster each of us making friends here in the safty of online chat , it had been close to a year since we first exchanged messages and commmented on eachothers stories and pics , as we enjoyed our time here and different times checking my friends news would see that she had made new friends and...

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Just the Two of Us or Four

As time went on, the line was beginning to blur between me being Greg's girlfriend and Amber's pet. Greg decided that we needed a night alone. That didn't work out exactly as planned. He booked us into a lovely, fancy hotel in the heart of the city. Next up was going to be a nice dinner at a gourmet restaurant, and then we'd see where the night went from there. I wanted to impress, so I took my time getting ready, as he went out for a bottle of wine to start the night with. Before he left, I...

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my cousin Judy

Do to hard times my cousin Judy lost her job and could not afford to keep her apartment . She had no place to go and no other family members would take her in so she come to me . I have a one bedroom apartment but told her she could stay with me until she finds work and gets back on her feet . She is 28 with brown hair to go half way down her back 5'9" with perfect 34b tits and fat brown nipples that are always hard with the sweetest tight ass . The first night she took a shower and came out to...

1 year ago
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College Bully Beat Me Up Then Used My Girlfriend in Front of Me

I don't really remember what I said, although I'm sure it was something stupid since I was pretty blacked out on this Friday night. But there I lay on my back just outside the steps of the bar. Hovering over me was Mike. He made sure I didn't get back up from his punch. I am in decent shape, but I looked like a muscle-less sissy next to Mike, who was absolutely jacked.  Mike was in our rival frat. His frat was definitely the "best" on campus but they were all meatheads and idiots.  I regained...

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Gill an 18 year history of depravity

We didn't date for seven years after meeting and only then for just less than two years, mainly sex and not much else; sex in public places was her thing. Eventually work separated us and I moved away. We bumped into each other a few years later and dated again for a year or so, before this time our jobs separated us once more. Three years past and we bumped into each other again, she was out with a few of her mates, and she was quite merry and introduced me to her mates as her favourite...

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Hybrid Girls Have Special Needs

Doctor Jacques Champion always remembered wanting to be a doctor. He never thought a time existed when he was not certain that one day he would make a genetic breakthrough and discovered some new miracle drug to cure cancer or some other astounding feat of medical excellence. He had made research his field and somehow had gravitated to the study of genetic engineering and the creation of new species. Actually, there was not much investment into that area in the United States and he was...

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FITZChapter 6 The FITZ Gather

The door opened to another hallway. Doors on both sides of the hallway had signs: "Dojo," "Clinic," "Classroom," "Workout," "Toilet," "Storage." Beyond the hallway, the space opened up, becoming a living room, dining room and kitchen. It resembled a modest, tastefully decorated middle class home except expanded. The kitchen's size bordered on industrial. The dining room had a large table and four smaller tables surrounding it. The living room, defined by a large pastel carpet of...

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Threesome Me and Two Hot Men

I’m Tessa. I’m 19 years old. I have long legs, long blond hair and size B titties. ‘Hey, I’m bringing a friend tonight, just so you know,’ Jack said into the phone.  ‘Yeah that’s fine. Does your friend know that it’s just going to be me and you?’ I asked.  ‘Yeah, he’s cool with whatever. I can’t wait to see you. I know tonight will be amazing,’ Jack said. I hung up. three hours later, at around 9 PM, Jack knocked on my door. Not only was Jack gorgeous, as always, but his friend, Kyle, was...

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Erotic tennis

Madeline liked to play tennis but she wasn't very good at it, when she would hit the ball it would go all over the place even though she loved it so much . It was hard for her to find players because she was not good at it she loved her tennis racket she loved the way it looked and she loved to see the balls fly over the net. She thought it was fun to play tennis . but one day as she was playing her tennis she saw this very sexy guy and she got turned on , she couldn't keep the racket in her...

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Masters little bitch

His name is “Mike”, and he is the only man I have ever had sex with, but it is the best sex I have ever had. He is completely a top man who never touches my cock, but that is ok, I can jack off. The fact of the matter is, I love the way his cock makes me feel. I love being his girlfriend and I’ll do whatever he says. I met him at a bar one Friday night after I had a few drinks. I was standing by the pool table waiting on my turn, when I saw Mike walk into the bar. I was scared of him as...

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Millyrsquos Cousin Janie

Milly couldn’t disagree with my choices however with her wearing a baggy nightshirt I was going purely by memory which had already given me a boner which was again clearly visible pushing up the front of my shorts, “Maybe you would like a closer look Frank?” she suggested as the juice was taking a firm hold on her inhibitions as she finished off her drink.“Mmm Milly, I think that would be a great idea” I replied with a twinkle in my eye and suggested she stand up in front of me for her...

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The Pursuit of Manliness

It was patently evident to Colonel Nesmith Norman what the nawab was so clumsily suggesting. The pretty girl who was being presented to him and who was one of the nawab’s many daughters borne to him no doubt by one of his many wives was fully at Colonel Norman’s disposal should he so desire. This had become one of the many acknowledged perquisites in a career in Her Majesty’s Services Overseas, particularly to be expected when one had the power to bring advantage to one of Her Majesty’s...

Gay Male
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Incredible ChangesChapter 107 Spring Break Mission ndash Boldly Going Where

Tia and Tara are here. This should be fun. Never having told the place in my head to stop tracking them, from back when we were in D.C., I had no issue locating them down at the pool in front of the farthest building from the main resort building. I could hear them thinking that they still hadn’t found any boys that didn’t talk to their tits. It made me laugh thinking that if Tia got a good wax job she could go around in only a bikini top and no one would notice. Bambi was spot on with her...

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Military DelightsChapter 16 A New Khan

"Put the ex-Khan on the whipping bench," ordered the Emir. When this had been done, he was offered a whip but waved it away with the comment, "I would not use that on this worm. It would be a defiling of the whip." Swiftly, he drove his prick into the unprepared arse before him, causing an immense amount of pain to the hapless vanquished wretch. Immediately, he withdrew and used the man's kameez to wipe himself thoroughly. "Good," he ordered, "Take this worm away. Take the women...

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