Erholsame Nacht free porn video

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Erholsame Nacht

Es ist 2 Uhr nacht, es ist immer noch schön warm. Wir haben nach unserem Intermezzo am Abend die Klamotten weg gelassen. Ich bin nur kurz aufgewacht um ein bis zwei schlucke zu trinken, der Helle Vollmond scheint durch das Fenster auf deinen nackten Körper herab und taucht ihn in sanftes Licht. Ich kann nicht anders und muss dich anschauen. Deine Zarte weiße Haut, sie leuchtet fast in dem weißen Mondlicht. Du schläfst tief und fest, ich fange an dich zu streicheln ich fühle deine warme weiche Haut. ich bekomme eine Gänsehaut und es fängt an zu Kribbeln. Ich lasse meine Hand über deinen Körper wandern bis ich bei deinen Tollen Brüsten angekommen bin ich streichle Sie zart und vorsichtig ich will dich schließlich nicht wecken. Ich acht bei dir auf jede kleinste Regung deines Körpers. Als du dich immer noch nicht regst, werden meine Liebkosungen energischer. Ich beginne sie sanft zu kneten. Mein Kribbeln wird immer mehr. Ich merke das es dir gefällt dein Körper bewegt sich in Wellen aber machst keine Anstalten wach zu werden. Aber trotzdem bist du ganz schön aktiv dein Becken kreist in Erregung und deine beine öffnen sich leicht. ich kann es wirklich kaum fassen, du schläfst und bist doch erregt. mich lässt das alles nicht kalt und mein schwanz ist hart und prall und steht wie eine eins. ganz so wie am Abend. Nun streichle ich mich tiefer über deinen Bauch zu deinem Venushügel. wieder bin ich ganz vorsichtig, ich möchte wissen wie weit ich gehen kann bis du aufwachst. Da kommt mir eine Idee ich mache das kleine Licht an und stelle mein Tablet so hin das wir beide auf dem Video gut zu sehen sind und drücke auf Aufnahme. Ich streichle nun tiefer und spüre deine warme feuchte. Ich kann es kaum glauben und mir bleibt die Spucke weg, du schläfst Seelen ruhig und und läufst hier regelrecht aus. Ich kann nicht an mich halten und beginnen meine harten schwanz zu wichsen. Ich massiere deine Scham lasse meine Finger um deinen Kitzler kreisen und massiere deine Schamlippen. Du seufzt leise auf aber atmest dann wieder ruhig und gleichmäßig wie vorher. ich muss mich beherrschen und Atme schwer. ich lasse einen Finger sanft und tief in dich gleiten. ich massiere diesen kleinen aber wohlbekannten Punkt tief in dir deine Beine öffnen sich weiter so weit das ich Platz dazwischen habe. Jetzt setze ich alles auf eine Karte und bewege mich langsam und vorsichtig und knie mich zwischen deine geöffneten Schenkel, mein schwanz zuckt und es fließt einiges an Lusttropfen aus ihm heraus. Ich reibe meine Pralle Eichel über deinen Eingang bis hoch zu deiner Klit und wieder herunter. Dann ist es soweit und ich dringe in dich ein, ich muss dem Drang widerstehen dich wild und hart zu vögeln wie noch am Abend. Denn davon würdest du sicher wach werden. Ich bewege mich langsam in dir hin und her stöhne unterdrückt und genieße dieses Wahnsinns Gefühl. Ich spüre wie du immer feuchter wirst, dein Saft läuft mir an meinen Hoden herunter auf das Lacken. Du scheinst es auch zu genießen, dein Atem wird schneller deine Brustwarzen richten sich auf und dein Innerstes wird immer enger so eng wie noch nie. Ich werde etwas schneller und bemerke lange dauert es sicher nicht mehr. Auch du scheinst näher an deinen Höhepunkt zu kommen, dein innerstes pulsiert wie verrückt und massiert meinen harten schwanz nur noch mehr. Ich werde etwas schneller und dann ist es soweit, ih ziehe mich aus dir zurück und entlade mich auf deinem Körper, bis zum Hals schießt mein Saft in vielen kleinen Stößen. aber auch du sollst zu deinem Recht kommen und beginne dich wild mit drei fingern wild dein innerstes zu massieren. Dabei verreibe ich meinen Saft auf deinem ganzen Körper, Ich massiere dein innerstes immer schneller und dann fängst auch du an zu zucken, dein Becken bebt und kreist, du stöhnst sogar. Ich ziehe meine Finger aus dir heraus und lege mich eng an dich und Kuschel mich zärtlich an deinen nackten Körper. Dann Schlafe ich glücklich und zufrieden ein.

am nächsten morgen wachen wir fast zeitgleich auf und küsst mich wild. "Oh Schatz ich hatte heute nacht einen unglaublich tollen Traum, der hat mich richtig heiß gemacht:" "Was hast du denn geträumt?" frage ich fast scheinheilig mit einem grinsen. "Du hast mich zärtlich gefickt und ich glaube ich bin sogar gekommen" sagst du total aufgekratzt. "Meinst du du hast das nur geträumt?" ich greife nach meinem Tablett und zeige dir das Video der letzten nacht. Du bist entsetzt aber merke auch die Wirkung die es auf dich hat. auch mich lässt es nicht kalt. Als das Video fertig ist fällst du über mich her. Da hat sich der Aufwand wohl gelohnt denke ich mir und genieße deine Lippen an meinem besten stück.

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My StepMother Part Three

My Step-Mother Part Three We didn't speak to each other as Pat drove me to my car, still parked near the Allen's home. When we arrived, I said thank you, got out and moved my car into the Allen's drive way and began to clean up the mess I had made in their yard. I was very surprised when Pat followed me and parked her car behind mine. While I worked, Pat talked with Mrs. Allen, watching me from time to time from the window. I must admit, even with the events of yesterday, I enjoyed...

4 years ago
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When I arrived I was greeted by two glamorous women, both beautifully dressed. “I am Sandra and this is Celine, we are yours to pleasure and be pleasured,” the more feminine one smiles as cursory introductions are made. They are both wearing designer label dresses and killer heels. Both of them have all the buttons undone on the top of their dresses and they both have very appealing cleavage. “The concierge speaks highly of you, she told us you have a large cock and that you have an arse...

2 years ago
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Proposed special pain and humiliation training for My slave

Proposed special pain and humiliation training for My slaveDear Goddess: Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to You. I only wish to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him. My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the...

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Johns Night Out

John had now left the army, but every evening seemed to follow the same routine, home, shower, cook, watch TV and pub. He wanted something different, something more exciting. After all, he had joined the army straight from school, got in the special forces and was trained to kill, so his life had been full of danger and excitement. He wanted something to get his pulse racing again.Some nights, just to break the monotony of everything, in between going to the pub and the TV, he went on his...

Straight Sex
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Mercado LakeChapter 19

Bob called Ann's room and woke her up. He chided her to get ready as she had a full day ahead of her. Ann got up and rushed into the shower. She was just putting on her makeup when Bob knocked on the door. "I wouldn't put too much makeup on," Bob smiled, "You're going to be pampered like you've never been pampered before." Ann looked at him with a worried look on her face, "Isn't this going to cost a fortune? You don't have to do this." Bob got a mischievous smile on his face,...

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Familly Lessons 11 by Darklord

That night as she lay in bed thinking of all the possibilities, her pussy was aching for some sex, and she wanted more than to finger herself. especially after she'd already fucked everyone in the house. The more she thought about Julia's experience with both her parents, the more that appealed to her. It sounded so exciting, having a cock and a pussy at the same time. The thought eventually drove her out of bed and she went downstairs for a drink, tiptoeing past her parents' bedroom,...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 6

Sam figured that if he did anything to the assembled demons, it had to be big. He was afraid that anything relatively small would just aggravate them and make them fight even harder. He asked Agar, "Is there anything that the demons are really afraid of. What could we do to cause real panic in their ranks?" "I don't really know for sure, but I have heard that they are afraid of cold. If there were some way to make a cold blast hit them, it would really shake them up. I have no magic for...

3 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 8 Mike interviews Z

I departed, carrying my empty coffee mug and shaving stuff. I found the obvious place for my empty mug. A few early risers were already in the hot tub. I got in to soak. Nobody was talking this early in the morning. So I got what I wanted: a quiet soak. After my nice warm soak, I got out to prepare to shave my kitty. A guy from the hot tub looked interested in what I was doing. He got out and sat down on the grass in front of me. After a while, he mused, “So that’s how you ladies keep it so...

4 years ago
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Fisting in Houston

Chris laid on the bed. The sheets and covers were cool and clean, recently changed by the maid. He stared at the generic flower paintings hanging on the wall that it seems all hotels seem to share in the decor. The room was lit only by a lamp by the bed. It wasn't a 5 star hotel, but it was clean and comfortable and quiet. Most important of all, it was private.It was 5:30 in the afternoon, she wouldn't be off until 7, sitter wouldn't be to her place until 8, so she should be there around 8:30...

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The Incident

"Three months, three months since I've moved here yet I've still not unpacked everything," you mumble to yourself "Slacker as always". Looking around your one bedroom apartment you notice not much has changed. Packing boxes are still piled unopened in the corner, at least the important stuff is set-up you think to yourself noticing the dull lights from your £2,000 Gaming PC and 40" 4K Television. Looking at your second hand mismatched furniture from various charity shops it’s plainly obvious...

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Strange LandsChapter 16

Jackson and Ura let go of two arrows as soon as the man that Valerie shot hit the ground. Both found their targets. They were too far way for the full effect of the heat rays. There were about thirty men. They all launched arrows at the same time. The four sought trees for shelter. The missiles fell where they were at seconds ago showing their skills with that weapon. "We've got to get them to charge us," Atlanta shouted. "They don't know about our ray guns. Both of us are charged up...

2 years ago
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The Happy Cure for the Big Biosexual Virus MistakeChapter 3

The world was in turmoil. The inability to achieve orgasm was bad enough, but that hunger for sex was terrible. Infected people were instructed to pair up and have sex when they felt the urge. Where the ratios weren’t perfect a man could satisfy several women or vice versa. Nuns and monks could be celibate no more. Where same-sex groups got infected, a few people of the opposite sex would be recruited to meet their needs. In the early days, when the forty-seven men on an oil platform started...

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Mysore Mein Mili Kuwari Chut

Hello friends! Toh kaise hai aaplog? Main Daksh kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) aapke samne fir se hazir hu apne naye kuwari chut ke experience ke sath. Please read to know about my sex experiences. Ye kahani ek saal pehle ki hai jab main Mumbai mein hi job kar raha tha. Meri company ka main office Banglore mein tha to har mahine waha ek bar jana hota tha. Waha Bidisha thi esliye bhi jab bhi boss bolta tha to main turant ready ho jata tha. Ek bar main Bangalore gaya. Tab Bidisha apne bf (jisse...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Whitney Wright Welcome Sexy Whitney Wright

Sexy hot tease Whitney Wright is eager to fuck Small Hands LIVE on camera! She loves how much her fans love her matching lingerie as her shorts and top comes off! She spreads those beautiful tan legs open giving you all a perfect view of that wet shaved pussy! Small Hands buries his face deep in between those thighs making Whitney moan out and beg for that cock! He happily fucks her hard while she begs for it harder! Small Hands can only hold that load back for so long before giving Whitney a...

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Meri Neetu Didi

Sunday ki ek subeh main didi ke room may baith ke laptop chala raha tha, jab didi bathroom se nikli to main shocked reh gya. Usne black colour ki silky nighty pehni hui thi jo mushkil se uske ghutno se 2 inch uper thi. Gora rang hone ki wajah didi ki thighs nighty may aise dikh rahi thi jaise badlo may suraj chupa ho. Geele baal se girti paani ki boonde unke gardan se hokar unke nighty ke ander ja ri thi. Uss waqt se pehle maine kabhi apni didi ko galat nazro se ni dekha tha per aaj pehli baar...

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Terris Cherry

I first saw her at a local dirt race track. The track was located on the southern edge of a southwestern desert city. It was a hot Friday night in July of 1977. Earlier in the evening my car had suffered mechanical troubles so, I was out of the show for the night. Instead of racing, I was wandering around the pit area socializing with my friends and competitors. One of those friends pointed out a young lady hanging out in a pit several slots down from my disabled car. She was with one of the...

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Naughty Healthcare Students

NHS: Naughty Healthcare Students. Nikki was a young, pretty and very, very sexy female student nurse. She was in her final year at Uni studying Adult Nursing. She was in the process of doing her final Practical Case study examinations and was very tense about passing them. Her supervisor came to wish her well as she was on week 8 (her final week) of her 8 week case study, so she really needed to concentrate and impress the supervisor (who was examining her). She had built up a very...

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