Gordy and Patrick
- 2 years ago
- 23
- 0
I pulled onto the verge just past Mungalla.
"Are you okay?"
Patrick nodded. His eyes were red.
"Sad about not seeing the nungungi again?"
"And the ranch, too."
"Yes. Many changes. For many people, life goes on placidly, without storms or changes. Our lives, yours, Sarah's, Mum's, mine seem to thrive on change. But it doesn't ever get easy or even painless. But that's what life is."
He nodded.
"Back to the ranch?"
"Yes." I drove back.
It was really nice to turn into the drive, even though I was aware that it would be but a few times more. But it had been home till I went to the uni and had been my security place. But now there was Weena and Patrick and Sarah. Mum and Dad would move and all that would remain of Mitchell would be Jacky and his new family and memories. I wondered what Weena and Mum had been doing and how Dad had done with the solicitor. I pulled up at the side of the house.
"If you want, you can tell me about the nungungi. Not right now. When you're ready."
"Thank you."
"Now go see how Weena and your sister are."
He ran up the steps and into the house. I followed him and found Dad in the kitchen with a stack of paper and a cup of coffee.
"How'd it go?"
"Pretty well. He was crying on the way home. The number of changes hit him. He's only six. Losing the ranch and the nungungi at the same time was too much. But he'll be okay. Wait till he sees the rocking horse."
Dad laughed.
"And how was your meeting with the solicitor?"
"Fine. Just fine." He patted the papers. "He'll be back Wednesday morning and we should have everything signed and sealed before Jacky gets here. We'll see what the surveyor ends up with tomorrow."
I got myself coffee and sat down. "I'm not even certain what a surveyor does these days. I'm sure they don't carry a theodolite and a two-metre pole. Is his name Ferdinand Rudolf Hassler? Is he Swiss?"
"Is that a joke?"
"Sorry. Hassler was a Swiss hired by Thomas Jefferson to survey the US."
"Oh. I knew we shouldn't send you to the uni. No, I expect it's largely electronic; most likely GPS and laser. He'll probably take a dozen readings and then the rest is calculation."
"I wonder. We'll see. By the way, do you have packing materials?"
"Not yet."
"Have you got a mover?"
"Oh, yes. Chinchilla Movers."
"Do they have cartons and such?"
"I suppose so."
"Give me their number; I'll phone."
I called and introduced myself. I asked about packing materials and they were very helpful. It turned out they had a van that would be in Roma tomorrow (Tuesday) by noon. I asked for 100 cartons and two rolls of corrugated paper. They told me where the van would be; I told them I'd be there with a cheque — they could subsequently deduct that from the removal amount.
"You made that easy," Dad said. "That's why they made you an admin."
"Right. I sit on my fat bum and arrange for others to work. Can I take the ute in the morning?"
"Of course."
"What have the girls been at?"
"They were upstairs from about nine till noon, then lunch, then Sarah had a nap and Mum and Weena went out to the barn. They got back a few hours ago. Brace yourself."
I laughed. "I will. Weena's a packrat."
There was a noise on the stairs and Patrick appeared. "Dad, dad..."
"Can I have the horse?"
"The one you were riding? Where would we keep him?"
"No-o-o! The rocking horse. There's a rocking horse! Can I have the rocking horse?"
"I'm not sure. I'll have to try it out. If I've outgrown it, I guess you can." Dad was choking, holding back his laughter.
"Da-a-ad!" He was bright red.
"Of course, Patrick. It's yours. Your grandmother asked me days ago whether you'd want it. Remember what we were talking about. Good changes and bad changes."
"Thank you. It's wonderful. Can we refinish it?"
"We could sand it and repaint it and then varnish it."
"No. Just that stuff like glass. I want to keep it old."
"No problem. We'll get a tin of polyurethane and give it two coats."
"Great!" And he was gone back up the stairs.
"See, you solved another problem," dad said.
Before noon the next day, Cook told me there would be visitors today. About an hour later, there was a good deal of noise and two ATVs popped over the bank of the waterhole and “parked” near the humpies. There was a crowd around them in a moment, so I hung back. Then one of the riders called out “Mornin’, Gordy!” and I realized these were two of the hands from Epsilon Station. “G’day. I thought you told me it was a three-day-walk!” “It is ... if you walk. Graham let us borrow ATVs from time...
The Hastings River starts high on the Great Dividing Range running east down through the picturesque Hastings Valley, through unique river towns such as Mount Seaview, Ellenborough and Wauchope before entering the Pacific Ocean at Port Macquarie. Fishing is popular particularly from October through to June each year with peaks during Christmas and Easter. The river has a wide range of fishing opportunities from freshwater bass and catfish in the upper reaches to estuarine species such as...
I felt much better as I walked back to Settlers Inn. Much better. I though of just where I was. Northern coast of New South Wales. I had old friends nearby. Well, only a few hours away. I got my phone book and sat down. There they were: Evans. South Grafton. And a phone number. I tried to call. Busy! What nerve! I’d shower, dress and try again before going out for a drink. But first I looked at the directory beside the phone in my room. There was a LandRover dealer here in Port Macquarie! My...
After dinner I called Patrick and spoke to Rachel about invading her parents. With her encouragement, I called Chaz in Canberra. He was quite enthusiastic about a visit and wanted to know when I’d arrive. “It’s Monday. I won’t leave before Wednesday. I thought I’d cross the Dividing Range, look at the MacIntyre in Inverell and stop in Moree. Then through Narrabin to Dubbo and from there to Canberra. But I want to stop in Cowra. I was there when I was a grad student, but the woman I was with...
I walked to the front door and knocked. Michiko opened the door – petit, wearing a blouse and dark slacks, smiling. “You’re here!” “Obviously.” “Welcome to our home.” I gave her a hug. “You seem well.” “I’m OK. It’s been difficult. But the past week or so have seen improvement.” “Charles will be home in about an hour. Perhaps less, as it’s Friday and as he knew you would be arriving. Let me show you to your room.” “Should I get my stuff?” “No. Charles will want to help. It will make...
I registered, thanked Cook and went for a walk across the bridge to the more fashionable side of Batemans Bay. I was relatively unimpressed. The cafes and windows looked like those near the Opera House, but Cook had been right: there were certainly more seniors than I’d have expected. I was too young to be retired. Or at least I thought so. I thought of having a drink prior to walking back, but picked the wrong venue. I wearing neither jacket nor tie. I shrugged to myself and walked back to...
Dinner with Winnie was a pleasure. We chatted about my wanderings and about the whole notion of loss and search; it was serious, but constructive. “I understand,” Winnie said. “I may not have been devastated when I became a widow. But it was sudden and unexpected. And it changed my life.” “Ten years ago.” “Over a dozen. Time flies.” “‘Tempus edax rerum‘ is what Ovid wrote in Metamorphoses [xv: 234]. ‘Time destroys all.’ Did you ever see Golding’s translation?” “What?” “Arthur Golding. A...
The paddleboat ride along the Darling was interesting, but noisy. I wondered whether folks brought unruly children in the hope that they’d fall in, but this was too far upstream to think they’d be eaten by a giant cod, like Ken in “Love Serenade.” But that took place far downstream, along the Murray. And it was just an idle fantasy. (The Murray Cod, which can grow to about two metres, is not really a cod in a Northern Hemisphere sense, but a giant freshwater perch.) But it was interesting to...
I topped off my diesel before leaving the hotel. I didn’t want to be stranded short of Cameron Corner. [Before I go further, I ought to remark that there are five places where there are surveyed right-angle state border intersections. Cameron Corner, surveyed by John Cameron (NSW) and George Watson (Queensland) in 1879, where the east-west border hits South Australia; Haddon Corner, where South Australia ends in the Channel Country; Poeppel Corner, where South Australia, Queensland and the...
The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...
I called Patrick after dinner. After telling him about my trip, I told him that I’d visited CACH and met Wilgar. “I’ve heard of him. He’s an elder.” “So he said.” “You’re aware of the CACH’s role?” “No, but you’re going to tell me.” “OK. Back in 1999 the Queensland Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Development reported that Cunnamulla’s indigenous community suffered from a high level of domestic violence stemming from an over reliance by the police and the...
I made good time in the morning, but Narrabri was nothing like what I recalled. Thirty years had totally altered the town. There were many new buildings and there was an atmosphere that I didn’t recall sensing. When I registered at the Crossroads Hotel, I realized that the park, the CSIRO and the agricultural wealth had totally altered the ambience of what had been a small town. A pamphlet proclaimed Narrabi “the second richest agricultural shire in Australia.” A glance at the women drinking...
I took my time in the morning, as I intended to stop at Apsley Falls, and that meant waiting till the sun was over the mountains. It took just about an hour to get to the turnoff, a bit east of Walcha. Apsley Falls are the first falls in a succession of dramatic drops in an area that has some of the most remarkable scenery in Eastern Australia. The first drop of the falls is about 65 metres in depth, and the second, which is about 800 metres further on, plummets 58 metres metres to the...
“By the way, what was the flooding like three years ago?” I asked Evans. “A lot of rain. The upstream tributaries in the Range really got hit. And that meant there was really a lot of water in the Clarence. They talked about the Great Flood – well, we nearly beat the record. But our house is over eight metres above high water, so we weren’t in danger.” At nearby Lilydale, the Clarence River peaked at 20.94 metres at midnight on Monday, 28 January 2013. That was close to the 1954 flood...
The next morning we were up and breakfasting well before eight. “It’ll take us two hours to get near the islands and the sugar cane farms,” Evans explained. “There are a few areas I like to fish, about five kilometres up from the mouth. You can look at a chart when we’re on board Rainbow. It looks like a decent day for bream or flathead. We’ll keep some for dinner and release the others.” I’d phoned Patrick when we got back to South Grafton. He’d be happy to help Olwen in any way he could....
I was already feeling hungry when I passed through Narrabri, but I kept on till I got to Pilliga National Park. I stopped at the posting of the Park Service to see where the archaeological remains were. I lost both my appetite for food and for archaeology when I read: Deep in the vast Pilliga Forest lies exquisite Dandry Gorge and the magnificent Sculptures in the Scrub. This once secret location of the Aboriginal Gamilaroi People is now an extraordinary place for all to share. Visit the...
I looked at my notes. They were neither orderly nor compact. But they were terse and they represented, in some way, my thoughts. return to work find a place to live (do P&R want the house?) make friend[s?]? retire in eighteen months do something else (entomology; school; write;?) other? It didn’t look like much. Six points. The first and fourth were straightforward. The second was tough. Or was it? Did I want to relocate for two years or five or... ? If I were to retire, what sense...
I pulled my list from my pocket. “While I was with your parents [nodding to Rachel], I tried to put together a list. But it wasn’t very long. In fact, there are only a few relevant items: return to work find a place to live (do P&R want the house?) make friend[s?]? retire in eighteen months do something else (entomology; school; write;?) And what I want to talk about is three or four of those. First, do you two want the house in Pennant Hills?” “I don’t think so,” said...
I phoned Rachel when I returned to the hotel. “I met your friend Professor Wynne today.” “Oh, she’s a dear.” “Yes. To be blunt, I was wondering whether she’d be a possible friend.” “Hmmm.” “Which means?” “I’d never thought of her in such a way.” “Didn’t Patrick tell you what I said?” “Yes. But I worry.” “Foolish to worry about Winnie or – uh – Sandra.” “You’d enjoy talking to Sandra. She knows as many stories as you do.” “She lives near Kings Cross?” “Yes. On McElhone. I’m not...
Everything went smoother than I had expected. The closing was painless as the total came to less than Allianz had paid out. It turned out that Rachel had an acquaintance who worked at a “vintage clothing” shop in a mall on Castlereagh. Rachel escorted a “buyer” to Pennant Hills, where she combed through the closets and drawers and emerged with an SUV-full of clothing, coats, bags and footwear and gave Rachel a sizeable cheque. She expressed interest in the jewelry, but that (Rachel reported)...
About 30 minutes later Holly knocked on the door, and wow! Her black sweaterdress with the white belt, dangly earrings, and instead of her usual poofed out hairstyle she had it with no hair spray and pulled back into a simple ponytail.“Holly, you look great!” I said as I hugged her. And she was wearing a perfume that would give an erection to a corpse. “Do you know where we're going?””Yea, he gave me his address, but I have no idea where it is.”“No problemo,” I said, and went into the game room...
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Attention Seeking Whore – Part 3 Welcome back, dear reader. I am ecstatic that you have taken the time to visit, that you have resisted all other temptations to be here with me. I do appreciate it. Honestly, I do. Without your tender, loving attention I would be a sad and empty soul, mere flotsam cast upon the ocean floating meaningless and without purpose. But now I must entertain, now my dear friend Playsit has found a use for this … Attention Seeking Whore Playsit This came to me last...
our fantasiesWhat I am going to report occurred in late summer 2015, we live very close to the beach, more precisely about 30 minutes from the coast of caparica, it was a very hot day, I left early to work and dropped the k**s off at school and soon came to mind, "I have a morning to take, it's today!", I arrived at work at 8:00 am, fulfilled my initial morning routine and at 8:30 am I said I would be taking the rest of the morning off and I quickly returned home, my home is 5 minutes from...
So Becky wrote her side and I told her I would write my side too.I went to California to help my daughter celebrate her birthday. Since Kelly died and I moved to Washington, I would fly her up her on her birthday because it was still so painful for me to be there. To get from the airport to her, I had to pass the very corner that Kelly was killed. I had to work up the nerve when I started to come to that corner, but I did it. As I passed through that intersection, I did look up and tell...
frannie again and i am still lusting with wishful fantasy - i love dressing but i really crave sucking cock while wearing my womens clothing - mmmm mmmm - munching on masculine meat is a treat i always think about when i am heeled in my wig so when i heard from my reluctant friend from up north, i got real excited thinking about going down on his meaty manhood in pantyhose - third time a charm maybe ? his previous two visits were on a friday but this time he suggested a monday - ahh the window...
"They haven't slacked off very much, sir," Moira told the admiral through the ship's comm. "Even after a couple of decades, they're still patrolling between the ships of the attack fleet, and they've got guards in the passageways. I guess they don't figure the support fleet's in any danger, though. They never stepped up security there." "Okay, Commander," Colin told her, "Good work, as always. I guess we'll have to work with that. They're getting too close to the...
This is the 5th part in continuation. I will be better if you read the previous ones before going through this one. Enjoy! 15th July 2015 Our plans of seducing Sid went in vain as he didn’t show any interest in Riya. He was in Australia at the moment and Riya was busy in her college. Ishan had got admission in a reputed college of Delhi University and I was alone and hungry. I desperately needed a cock. I looked around. Everyone was busy in their work. After lunch, I called it a day and was...
How I met Holly.I moved into town in the middle of summer. That day the temperature at 1pm was close to 108 and sweat was dripping from my body when I tried to open the front door my brand new key. As usual with new keys it was difficult to get into the lock but after some struggling and cursing I got the door open.A wave of cool air greeted me and I sat down on the cold tile floor to get the heat out of my body before I had to go back out and unpack my car.I got a small drink of cold water...
For our readers who have gotten confused... (And I don't blame you!)Our group of authors has encountered a problem that we have been trying to cope with for quite some time. Due to the different policies of different Erotica websites, and the number of different contributors, each having their own accounts on different sites, we have been forced to get a little creative, and at the same time, confusing, with story names. I apologize for this, and hope the readers will understand we are doing...
Hi I am thin and athletic physic boy of height 5’6 and fair skin tone of age 19 when this is happened and now of age 20 and about the neighbor teacher she is a 5’4 height and has a body measurements of 34D 28 36 and white tone. When I completed my 10+2 and started my engineering, a well studied women who is of age 26 who is of same stream stays near my home. As she is staying near my home she became so close to our family and she comes to home in the evenings and as I have so many thoughts on...
On Monday morning at 6:30 the G5 LR brought Lorrie and Vicky over and returned Marcy and me to the Island Airport. Marcy and I were both worn out. I should have warned Lorrie and Vicky what they were in for tonight with Jenny. Then I thought, let them find out on their own. At my request, the pilot made a fly-over of the airport construction site. One more piece of the runway was down. Tuesday's pour and the NE/SW runway would be completed with the exception of the turn-a-round P loops. The...
This story and all it contents and names are fictional.January 1st.Dear diary,This is my first diary entry ever, so I suppose I better tell you about myself. My name is Ashley, I'm 19 years old. I have long blonde hair with blue eyes. I think of myself as a very attractive girl. I like to stand in front my full length mirror and admire my naked body and of course play wife myself, I love looking at my pussy when I orgasm, sometimes my juices even spray on the mirror, I lick all my juices off my...
IncestSo my soon to be sister in law Lexy and I had come up with a plan to help my brother Mark become a better lover. He was according to Lex a good man but an average lover only twice has he given her an orgasm. So she asked me as a wedding present the night before to help her teach my brother how to not make love to her but fuck her stupid. I had my doubts it work but I was willing to try to help, personally I felt he would punch my lights out and call off the wedding but she really wanted him...
As if on cue she sits up. Stretches her arms above her head and stands up. I can see that she is wearing a very short dress. Once again she stretches her arms above her head and I watch the dress rise along her thighs exposing her perfectly formed cheeks. No leggings!!! No undies!!! Looking over her shoulder she glances towards my window. I know she cannot see me because my light is off and I barely have the blind slat raised. Did she really look my way? I caught myself holding my...
VoyeurCASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENT 71 - DAY 3 She refused to speak about herself at all for the rest of our first day together in the apartment, and we slept in each other’s arms until deep into the afternoon, when hunger drove us in search of nourishment. I put her into a plush bathrobe that I had used for a former patient. She did, I’m sure, realize that the presence of that, as well as a few other female items in the place, must have some story attached to them, but she didn’t...
End Of Her Exams. I was having my best days with Aswathy. Her long hair was in my hands most of the time, otherwise wrapped on my dick. Aswathy was also enjoying all the attention she and her long thick hair was getting from me. After dropping Sreeja at the exam, we used to do what all things possible. All these days, her sister, Sreeja was busy with her exams, we would drop her at the exam center and pick her up in the evening. For the three days, everyday for almost 7 hours I had the joy of...
IncestI always make it to work on time. I have a routine. Normally I hit the elevator by 7:15, but this day I was early as I stepped into the cab, the door began to close when suddenly a left hand slid into the crevice of the closing door and the doors sprang open. Her hair was a bit out of place, pulled back, blonde highlights but her graying roots were becoming. She apologized and stated something about having a bad day. The doors closed and began its trek up. First floor, second third fourth they...
Oral SexTen past six and she’s not here. Twenty past six. Half past six. Twenty to seven. Ten to seven and still no show. It’s now five minutes past seven and Rita is only now running towards my house. I sit in the living room watching her race as quickly as possible after seeing her son off with a relative. There is a knock at the door. “Come!” I yell. The door opens and closes quickly, and Rita rushes into my living room. She stands before me, her chest heaving, trying to draw in air...