Me, Kemo SabeChapter 2 free porn video

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I took an hour nap in the afternoon. I took time to lay out my Lone Ranger suit. I had a feeling someone might want to see me dressed that way. We met the Rockford's at the door. Cindy handed the baby to Melanie to coo over. Rich shook my hand and eyed my wife closely. She smiled at him saying, "I'm glad you came to dine with us."

"Have a beer, Rich?"

"I shouldn't but sure, I'd like one. I'm not driving yet. I can manage the cast on my arm, but I don't have my license back yet."

"I'm sorry you lost it. I mean that."

"Yeah, I should have known better than to get drunk and trying to drive. Not your fault."

"Thanks for saying that. Maybe we will wait until after dinner to talk about things. How does it feel being a new father?"

"It is great. A big responsibility. Makes a man want to stop doing foolish things. 'Course a few have been curtailed all ready. Cindy has seen to that."

Dinner was fun and Rich and Melanie both told about funny things that happened to them and others in school. I had a few anecdotes to relate myself about the accounting business. The baby cried when we were clearing the table. She was hungry. "Does anyone want to watch me feed Annie? Brad, how about you? It would seem only fair."

I thought before answering. "No, but thank you for the offer. I'm not going to do anything that would cause friction between any of us Melanie, so it is better to refuse." Melanie looked at me and I knew I was going to get lucky tonight.

She surprised me by declaring, "Brad, I'm glad you turned Cindy down. You will be seeing some full breasts on me in a few months. I'm hoping to get pregnant soon. This is why I have been so insistent in putting our problems behind us and smoothing things out for a happy future ahead." I immediately rose and hugged Melanie. She followed Cindy in and Rich and I sat over coffee.

"Where do we stand, Rich?"

"I'd kind of like my suit and my wallet back. There are a few things in it that I could not replace. I guess this is the time I should apologize directly to you about that picture. I think we both got our licks in, but I know I am sorry for starting it."

"I can accept that. What I did to you certainly turned out more harshly than I anticipated and I'm sorry about that as well. You know, your car and all. I'll go get your things."

Uh, could you put on that Ranger outfit and stand where you were when you first got my attention? I want Cindy to see you just as I saw you."

"Sure, but I won't shoot my gun with the baby here."

"Good thinking. Both women would kill us if you did and knew I suggested it."

Rich's wallet was in the cupboard here in the kitchen. I handed it to him. He opened it, saw there was still money in it and then asked, "Did you see the pictures of yourself?"

"Yes. Where did you get the photo of me in the mini bathing trunks that you used for the other one? Did Melanie give it to you?"

"No, of course not. I kind of stole it. I was in the Rite Aid drug store and I guess you were having some film developed. The clerk was busy. Just as she took the pictures out of the processor, another clerk asked her something. She piled the pictures on the counter. One slid off the top and onto the floor right at my feet. When she wasn't looking, I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

"I forgot about it for a few days and then at the poker game with my buddies I remembered it. Tim Jenkins suggested I doctor it up as a joke. He even told me how to do it. I made a half dozen copies and they were spread around the neighborhood. I wish now I had handed it back to the clerk when I picked it up. I'm damned sorry about all this."

"It is in the past, so I guess we better drop it. Melanie kept saying just forget it. That hurt more than anything you did. I mean I felt she should be really pissed off about me being dissed. I almost came to believe she had supplied the original snap to you. This was about my manhood and it was taken from me."

"I understand though, that just the opposite of the image in the faked picture is true."

"And how would I prove that? I'm not going to have a real picture of me naked floating around out there for the public to see."

"Maybe a real image of you did get out. Stop and think how quick people stopped referring to you as having a needle dick? Why was that do you think? Suppose there was such an image? Who would have one and what would she do with it?"

I stared at Rich. It slowly got through to me who and what had been done in my interest. I got up and went to the door of the living room. "Melanie, remember when we were fooling around with the camera and we took pictures of each other? Where are those pictures?"

"Brad, I destroyed them."

"Let me ask you a more specific question. Did you happen to show the picture of me naked to anyone?"

"I don't want to answer that. If I did it was totally in your interest."

Cindy spoke up, "I saw it. Melanie is a very lucky woman."

I looked at my wife. "Is she the only one who looked at it?"

I heard a faint "No."

"So you broadcast a picture of my genitals all over the neighborhood, is that correct?"

"Just to the wives of the men who saw what you call a needle dick. Most of the men are envious and the women are all jealous of me. I did it for you dear. I made them all promise that they would not show it to their husbands. I knew you wouldn't want any man to see you that way."

"Well thank you for that. Gees', I don't know what to think now."

Cindy giggled, "Be proud. I know Rich would have been."

"We'll talk about this later." I turned back to the kitchen, shaking my head.

Rich was grinning. "It is hard to keep ahead of a woman, isn't it?" Now I grinned a little at the situation, myself.

"Open us another beer. I'm going to go put on my outfit." I went out and around to the deck and came into my bedroom from there. I donned the whole outfit and was dressed just as I was the night that Rich was here. I positioned myself and I could see Rich lounging in the doorway. I could see the baby was asleep on the couch between the two women. I nodded to him.

In a loud voice, he exclaimed and pointed, "Look Cindy."

I spoke in a gruff voice immediate after he had the words out of his mouth. "Me, Kemo Sabe." Cindy ducked and rolled onto the floor. Melanie knew what to expect at some point, but she still flinched. Both pistols were drawn and I held that pose until Cindy was sitting on the couch again. Then I walked out into the room. With my Stetson on, I must have looked larger than life.

"Cindy, just think if you were pretty drunk and you looked up and saw him standing there, and then he fired one of those big pistols and ordered you out of your clothes while saying you were going to die. Do you wonder I was rattled enough to smash up my car?"

"Cindy, believe it. He did almost the same thing to me. I about peed my panties."

"I can believe it."

Rich and Cindy didn't stay late. Cindy wanted to get the baby home and to bed. I tackled Melanie when they had gone. "You actually took one of those nude pictures of me and showed it to some women. What in hell were you thinking?"

"Brad, I just wanted you to get beyond what was bothering you. It worked. The women all got after their husbands about it. As I said before, I was proud of what you had and wanted other people to know it was all mine."

"If that asshole hadn't altered the photograph in the first place, it wouldn't have been necessary."

"Damn it, don't go back to that. You forgave him and that ended it."

"I did, but I still think he is an asshole. I don't like him any better now than I did before. I only did it to save you from some scandal. Think about this, how about I take some nude pictures of you and show them around to the men. How would you feel about that?"

"Go ahead, I'm not ashamed of my body. In fact I'm proud of it."

I was shaking my head in disbelief. Melanie and I had been married four years. Right now, she didn't seem like the same person she was when I married her. I decided to tone it down. "What's this about us planning a baby? I thought you did not want children until you were past thirty. I was tickled to hear you say that."

"I haven't changed my mind. I just said that as a way to stay in the conversation. No way do I want my boobs all stretched out the way Cindy's are. I may decide not to have any kids at all. If you want kids, you should be married to Cindy. She claims she wants at least three and wouldn't mind four. Poor Rich didn't want this one, but Cindy went off birth control without telling him. She'll be lucky if he is around for the second one."

"Poor Rich--that sounds as if you were in agreement with him. I'll tell you this. You stay away from him. I don't like him and I don't want you near him."

"I'll be around him if I want. You may be my husband, but you can't tell me who to be friends with."

"You're entirely too friendly with him already. No more."

"Says you!" Melanie stomped into the bedroom and I heard the door slam. When I went up after the late news, I found the door locked. I went into the other bedroom and went to sleep. In the morning, Melanie was waking me up.

"Brad what you must think of me? I locked the door and then I fell asleep. I am so sorry and I will think about having a baby sometime. I really am sorry and I didn't mean to shut you out. Would you like to fool around? We usually do on Saturday night. We just missed this one."

So, we fooled around. Nothing was settled, and I was sure with Melanie being so adamant last night about not having children, I probably would never have any. I didn't bring up the subject the rest of the day on Sunday. We did profess that we loved each other and we both went out the door to work on Monday. Something between us had changed, but it was something I couldn't define. Time will tell.

Melanie's summer job ended 20 August. I took a week's vacation and at the end of the week, I had another reenactment. We were together until then and had a wonderful time together. Melanie said she guessed she would skip it, as she had to get her school clothes ready. This time I won first prize in the fast draw contest. School commenced and we settled into the routine the same as we always did.

"Honey, would you mind if I rode back and forth with Rich? We finish class at the same time. Then we spend an hour or so getting our class ready for the following day. We often come out the front entrance the same time."

"What does Cindy say?"

"It was at her suggestion."

"I guess it is okay. Sure go ahead."

I always got home an hour before my wife. If it was a good day, I grabbed a beer and sat on the front porch. Cindy usually was pushing Annie up to the little grocery on the corner about this time. Eventually she would stop and talk and soon she was picking up the baby and sitting on the porch with me. I offered her a beer, but she declined.

A couple of times she was still there when Rich and Melanie arrived from school. They joked about us hanging out together. Rich had got his Firebird repaired and there was never room enough to put the stroller in it. "Offer me a beer and I'll push it down after dinner."

"You're on." Melanie showed a jealous streak and accused me of flirting with Cindy.

"Never happen. It is a long walk to the store and she is tired when she is on the way back. It gives her a chance to rest for a minute."

"Well you watch out, Buster."

This soon ended as Cindy inherited her folk's house when they downsized. She and Rich moved twenty-five miles away. Rich kept his job and commuted the distance. Melanie was out of sorts over this, saying she never bonded with other teachers and didn't have someone to joke with anymore. Why did Cindy have to spoil things?

I didn't say anything, but I missed the easy camaraderie I had with my neighbor Cindy, as well.

It was warm for a day in October. I was on the porch having a beer. My cell chirped. "Me, Kemo Sabe."

I recognized the voice. "Hi Cindy. I can't break the habit. I'm right where you saw me the last time. Want a beer?"

"I wish I was there and I'd drink one with you. Brad I wanted to talk to you. Is Melanie coming home from school the same time she used to?"

"Pretty much. She is late an hour or sometimes two one day a week. Something about a class she has to attend on disciplining the students. Why do you ask?"

"I found faint lipstick on Rich's shorts when I was doing the wash this week. Rich and Melanie have always had a thing for each other so I was just wondering."

"Let me guess you washed on Wednesday."


"Her late day is always on Tuesday. What are we going to do about it if they are getting together? We don't know it is Melanie even."

"I know. You know the last car rally is Saturday, November 3. Rich is going with his Firebird and it is in your town. Can you watch and see if they pair up?"

"I can't Cindy. I'm going to be out of town that weekend at a conference."

"Damn, that kills that plan. I'll have to think of something else."

"You think they will pair up?"

"I don't have any proof, but, yes I do."

"Cindy, I hope not. What would you do if we found out they were cheating?"

"Divorce his ass, most likely. I would be all right financially. I have money in my own right that Rich can't touch. What about you? It will just about kill me if he is cheating."

"If I went through a divorce, I'd lose half of everything, I believe."

"I'd just have to share with you then wouldn't I?"

"Cindy, don't joke around. Anyway, I'm sure you are wrong about our spouses."

"I hope so. I'll call you tomorrow if I think of some way to find out about them."

Cindy called and had no plan. "Cindy if you think they are really cheating, I can have the bedroom bugged."

"I do think they are and I'll pay."

"That's not necessary."

"I wish you were home where we could catch them together."

"I can't get out of this conference. I tell you what. Would you like to borrow my Lone Ranger suit? I can lend it to you as an excuse to be here in town. I'll send you a key to the house and you can pick it up at your convenience. That way you could come in check for both of us."

"The guns, too?"

"Yes, but there are only blanks in the shell belt. Even those are dangerous if you are too close or hit someone in the face."

"I'll remember that."

I mentioned in passing to Melanie that someone was coming by to borrow my Lone Ranger suit, but I didn't know when. I was turning away from Melanie so she wouldn't question who I had lent it to.

I mailed Cindy a copy of my house key the next day and called a friend to put a camera lead in both bedrooms and a sound pickup in the living room. The receiver was in the cellar to record the action if there was any. I hoped I would only get Melanie preparing for bed--alone.

A week before I was to leave, there was a half-page ad about the Classic Car Rally. I asked Melanie if Rich were coming to the rally. "That Firebird of his might win a prize."

"He hasn't said that he was. Do you want me to ask him if I see him?"

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Pokemon Fantasy

It's the day that you finally get your first Pokemon! Excited at the prospect, you couldn't go to sleep at all last night, but you're not tired at all due to adrenaline keeping you moving. As the clock hit 7 AM, you decided you couldn't take it anymore and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As you enter the kitchen, you see a surprising sight - your mother on the counter, jabbing fingers into her pussy and moaning. Instantly, your dick turns hard. Your mother is 32-year old, and still looking...

4 years ago
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Pokemon Rise of the pokemorphs

Giovanni frowned. "Report." "The experiment, she was a success, but we-a," the scientist wondered how he could put this. "You screwed up," said Giovanni. It was not a question. "No, no, no, well maybe a little," said the scientist. "It was all that VonEcchi's fault!" "Someone explain it to me, slowly." Giovanni commanded. One of the women came forward. "The experimental Catalyst Stones were being shipped from an outlying lab to here. Unfortunately the driver of the van crashed, was an idiot and...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Go footjob

Soo today around 12:45am i rode my bike up to a Pokemon Go Pokestop near my house. As i rode up, a chick rode up right behind me and we sat down to chat. She was meeting a dude friend up there and that she had just gotten off work as a waitress. She then started taking off her small black sketcher running shoes and exposed her feet, she saw me look at them and kinda put her shoes near me. Close enough to smell. 15 mins of chatting went by and she was really into me complimenting my hair and...

3 years ago
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pokemon world ch 5

Caitlin called me over to her. She told me " I want to feel real sex. " She spread open her legs and held them up. I felt like crying becuase I couldn't stop myself, but I had to do what she wanted. Of course my cock had a mind of it's own, and it had to have her. I took off my towel to show her my already hard dick. The look on her face told me that she was begging for it. I started slipping the tip into her. She already had a pant when I did that and she was shaking. She was extremely...

2 years ago
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pokemon world ch 4

I had woken up early to some commotion out side. Some Lilypups were fighting over a newspaper. I took it and started reading about some store going out of buisness, then some team plasma assholes invasion towards south. I went to town to see if the cops would need any help. Biggest mistake of my life. The invasion had already started. People were acting like it was the apocolips. I should have followed them. Instead I was a dumbass and tried to help. I went to the station and some cops asked...

3 years ago
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Pokemon go fr Erwachsene

Den Tipp bekam ich von einer Freundin, die sich die App schon heruntergeladen hatte. Ich müßte lügen, wenn ich behaupten würde, ihre ersten Erfahrungsberichte hätten mich kaltgelassen, also lud ich mir auch diese vermeintlich geile App herunter und wartete geduldig, bis sich der Anmeldebildschirm auftat. Es wurde nicht viel über meine Person gefragt, umso mehr mußte ich detailiert anklicken, welche Vorlieben ich habe und was ich bereit bin zu nehmen und zu geben. Um mein Alter zu bestätigen...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Son Mom

** Remember to hit "Start Game" now to keep track of the so called "choices" you make ** You wake up and it takes a moment for your memories to bubble up from the depths of your sordid dreams. The air is different here and you blink at the island sunlight peeking through the window blinds. Ah yes, this is Alola. You moved here last night and basically fell asleep as soon as you got your room. New day. New life. Today a new adventure begins... but it's not going to be the adventure you were...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Ashs bangs em all

As they walked through the forest Ash stared at her ass. With every step she took Misty wiggled her sexy little ass before him. He couldn't stop thinking about the redheads sexy ass. And he knew he wasn't the only one thinking like that. Brock walked next to him also staring at the girl with the provocatingly short clothes. Tonight would be the night, tonight he would mount that little slut. As night had settled Ash looked through the slit of his tent seeing that Misty had already shut off her...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Story Ex

Choose your starting region. Your Staring Region will affect your adventure in many ways. Notably it will decide your possible starting areas as well as which characters you can start as.

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First of all, choose your character - Nicole is an average-height 18-year old girl. She has bouncy, D-cup tits, bright red lips, an ass to die for, blonde hair and is still a virgin. She's not into sex, but she's curious. She's bisexual. David is a tall 18-year old boy. He has a serious, good-looking face and a 9" dick. He is perverted and into sex. He is straight. If you choose Nicole, David will be the first character you meet from your Point of View. If you choose David, Nicole will be the...

4 years ago
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pokemon as you always wanted it

You wake up still kinda groggy and the first thing you notice as you open your eyes is that the room seems wrong. This is not your room! You get up and dress in the strange clothes that are on a neat pile ond the chair next to the bed. Atight black tank top and a knee length skirt, finished with high heeled boots. As you go downstairs you notice that it isn't just your room that has changes, the entire house is different. On a mirror on the walll you see that you haven't changed luckily, you're...

4 years ago
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Pokemon Psychic

All characters are 18 or older. I awoken today was April 1st it was time to start my Pokémon adventure, my name is Crimson and I am psychic. My Eevee was looking me while bouncing up and down, it was kind of creepy. Actually really creepy. I held out my arm, she climb up on it, used it as a ramp to get to my shoulder. Eevee was technically a wild Pokémon as you weren't allowed to catch Pokémon until you got your lincese and you couldn't get you license until you passed the test and then you had...

3 years ago
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Pokemon nudist adventures

Are story beings on the Melemele Island with a girl around 18 years old who is 5’9 with pale skin Fiery red hair with b cup breast and a firm medium ass wearing a black belly shirt and red shorts is Lilith. Next to her is her mother who’s around 30 with equally pale skin and red hair but with a more mature physique having d cup breasts and a large firm ass but wearing a red belly shirt and black short skirt and finally next to her is their meouth at 3’2 with a a cup chest and small ass wearing...

1 year ago
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Pokemon Ashs humiliating defeat

Ash and Ritchie are faceing eatch other as Misty watches from the side lines ok Ash Iam going to beat you and prove Iam the best Ritchie grins. Not a chance Ash smiles ok well if your so confident that you will why don’t we make it more interesting Ritchie smirks. Ok what do have I mind Ash asked. Ok the loser is stripped to there underwear and gets spanked by the winner then the loser has to give all there underwear to the winner and wear what ever underwear the loser says. Ash starts to blush...

2 years ago
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My buddies Mom

To start with, my name is Jay and my best buddy for most of my life has been Russell and this is about my 18th birthday. Well at least the celebration of it the weekend following my 18th birthday. As I was still in High School had to wait until the following weekend to whoop it up and that is just what Russell and I had planned. So early Friday evening I drove over to Russell’s house to pick him up with plans for both of us to head up to my parents cabin for the weekend that was close to a...

4 years ago
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She Puked True Story

Being a punk-rocker in the 1980's in a small city in Southern Ontario seemed to elevate my teenage status to that of a rock star. Before I dawned a Mohawk, ripped jeans and a leather jacket I was just another geek that drooled over every cheerleader that walked through the school hallways. But now I had status. I never tried to dispel the false (and sometimes true) stories that circulated around town about what nasty bits of anarchy I had committed the week before. I just loved being the...

2 years ago
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Bavi Uncle and Maid ndash Part I

This incident happened a few years back when I was doing my degree. I had a project for which I had to stay in the city for a month or so. So I was left to stay with my uncle Vinod who was staying there. He was a divorcee and was staying alone there. The only other person was a maid servant who would be staying there since she came from a remote place. I went there and got acquainted with Rekha. She was very calm n quite type of lady in her late twenties. She had left her home with her lover at...

4 years ago
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Maid In Oaxaca Part 6 Mexico2

MAID IN OAXACA - PART 6 (MEXICO-2) By Monica Graz A synopsis of the previous 4 parts in New York City and part 5 in Mexico City all published in Fictionmania in June and July 2019: In the first four parts our story is unravelling in New York City. Chris Galiano a native New Yorker and translator at UN meets Pat (Patricia Martinez-Torres) a rich Mexican student and they become an item. Chris reveals his cross dressing and maid tendencies and his transformation begins with Pat's...

2 years ago
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Enjoying brotherly Love

If i****t offends you, I suggest not to keep reading. In words of a close friend. My name is Anu and my brother's name is Raju. We've been together roughly 15 years as we are in our late 20s/early 30s. This is how it all began between us. My parents were both recovering alcoholics when I was born and fortunately never relapsed when I was growing up. I really had a simple c***dhood; I was quiet and people liked me because I didn't bother anyone.My world changed when my grandfather died in a bad...

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The niece 6 ndash Conclusion

OK. Where were we?

Oh, yes. Getting out of the shower after I had just fucked my sister in front of her daughter. Man, what an event that was!

You might think that some tension had come up after this event. After all we weren’t exactly in the habit of screwing my sister and I. I was in my forties, she in her early fifties and not once in our whole life anything of the sort had even come close to us having anything related to this type of thing. 

Quite the opposite. I got out of the shower,...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 21: THE GUARANI“I don’t understand. Why doesn’t someone’s army, police, or someone take care of this?” I was reacting to the information Sam was providing us. By phone once we were secure at the harbor, Sam agreed to meet us at the house. He would be bringing an analyst to assist him. It had seemed all very mysterious at the time and, as far as I was concerned, it was only slightly less so after hearing the news he felt he needed to share. It involved Sylvia and me in a very real way,...

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My Introduction

This goes right back to when I realized I love licking fanny.I was about 15 at the time and my sister was just over a year older than me. She had a superb figure with a slim waste and lovely tits that I later found out to be 36D. Being horny teenagers my mates and I always discussed each others sisters and what we wouldn't mind doing with them and Jimmy was fortunate enough to go out with my sister 'to help her babysit a neighbours daughter'. The following day he reported back to us and said...

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YOBSVerbal Exchange at the Body Exchange

Hiya folks: a while back, Caleb and I thought about creatiing a competitor to the Spells r' Us stores, who would open up their own store right across the mall from them. I guess that you could call this story the first entry into that sub- universe. It's called Ye Olde Body Shoppe (YOBS for short). We thought that the close proximity of thse shoppes would tweek the old wizard conceived by Bill Hart, driving him to further acts of madness. Additionally, I wanted to try an...

2 years ago
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Indecent Proposal And Its Aftermath

My husband and I were married two years ago. I am now 23 years old and my husband is 25. We bought ourselves a very nice house a year ago. I thought everything was great until I lost my job several months ago. It was a big lost for us and our bills were starting to pile up. We couldn’t keep up on the mortgage payment and fell several months behind. The bank had now filed foreclosure papers. We had only 3 weeks to get our account current or our house would be auction off. It took me a few days...

4 years ago
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Ncis LA

You have just finished you working day at the office for special projects while walking to your car Eric walks over and ask's if you want to go to the bar that Deeks owns with Kensi and that he likes you as more than a friend you remain silent for a minute letting it sink in that the one guy you have wanted to be with for the last 2 years feels the same but your unsure as to how to feel so you tell Eric to meet you at yours tomorrow at dinner time you then climb into your car and set off for...

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