DianneChapter 2: Symbiotic free porn video

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Foreword: It’s been a while since chapter one guys, I know. I’ve been working heavily on A Paladin’s Journey, but felt compelled to come back and add some more to Jake’s story. Can’t promise a fast release of chapter three, but I do plan to keep going with it at this point. Thanks for reading, as always. -Anti.

This is a work of fan-fiction. The author, Antidarius, does not derive profits from the release of this material, nor does the author claim ownership of any characters or titles mentioned that are the existing property of other entities.

--Friday, 21st May, 1999: Day Two

I slept deeply, visions flashing through my mind, swirling and melding incomprehensibly. Occasionally, I made sense of some of it, as if there were a corner of my brain functioning lucidly even as I slept. I lived as Cloud, thinking his thoughts, feeling his emotions and knowing the sting of his wounds as he adventured across the world in search of Sephiroth and the Black Materia.

I felt his elation at the end of every battle, his love for his friends as he came to trust them in ways he had not before. His near-madness when he discovered who and what he truly was; a product of J.E.N.O.V.A. and Mako energy. The shattering of his heart when Aerith fell to Sephiroth’s blade in the City of the Ancients, and the blood-boiling desire for revenge.

My eyes snapped open and I stared around my room wildly. My heart was racing, my breath coming in short, laboured gasps. I lurched upright to a sitting position, peeling my sweaty back and shoulders off the sheets beneath.

“Fuck me sideways!” I rasped. “That was one intense dream!” I felt like I’d lived another life entirely, riding behind Cloud’s eyes as somehow both a passive observer and co-protagonist. Resting my arms on my legs, I looked down at my hands as I flexed them. They felt stronger, tougher than I remembered.

“What the fuck is happening to me?” I whispered to myself. Right then, my stomach growled insistently, demanding food. Whipping back the sheets, I hopped out of bed with a nimbleness previously foreign and crossed the hall to the bathroom to relieve myself. The food could wait; I needed to piss like a racehorse.

Member in hand, I stood over the toilet bowl and bent my semi-erection down to the right angle, only to realise that from all appearances, my cock had added a little more size to itself overnight, unless I was completely mistaken. Nothing major, but it was noticeable.

“Fuck me,” I breathed as I began to piss. Those two words were beginning to be my favourite phrase. Most of the soreness was gone from my muscles, and I felt quite good, really. “This must be how people who exercise feel all the time,” I muttered to myself as I waited patiently for my bladder to empty itself.

My stomach grumbled again, and I wondered what I was going to eat; the pantry had fuck-all in it, and the fridge was better left unopened due to old leftovers I hadn’t thrown away. Maybe a trip to the shops would be a good idea before work. I could use some of that two thousand bucks to stock myself up.

Wait. Work! What time was it? Shaking my dick to clear the last drops, I rushed back to my room and snatched up my mobile from my computer desk. Four forty-five?! FUCK! I’d been asleep for nearly twenty-four hours!

And worse: I only had fifteen minutes to get to work!

Even worse: I’d missed the last bus going that way for at least another half hour.

Worse still: Melinda - the bitch of a manager - was likely going to sack me for one more late appearance.

Swearing under my breath, and muttering about Melinda’s disposition, I hurriedly rifled through the pile of clothes on my bedroom floor for my work uniform; a blue shirt with the DP logo and a pair of black trousers. I pulled them on in a flurry of fabric and raced for my shoes which sat just inside the front door.

I realised with dismay – as I wriggled my feet into my black work joggers – that I was going to have to delay my meal until my shift was over, as the shift wasn’t long enough to warrant a break. Grabbing my keys and wallet off the kitchenette bench, I cast one longing glance at Dianne before pulling open the front door and stepping out into the late afternoon.

Locking the door behind me, I knew I really only had one option: run as hard as I could and hope I find a vacant taxi along the way. Either way, I was going to be late. How late was up to the fates. Not wasting any time, I charged for the stairs at the end of the walkway and took them three at a time, shocked at how easily my legs supported my weight each time my foot hit a step. In less than twenty seconds I was four floors down and on the concrete path leading out to the road.

That was when I began to run. Not the shambling, awkward gait that had plagued me since before I could remember, but smooth, long strides that flowed easily. Not like I was a champion runner or anything, but as if I was used to at least going for a jog every couple of days. In comparison to my former condition, though, I really did feel like a champion runner!

Despite my hunger, energy pumped through my body as I hit the main footpath by the road and sped north toward the mall, hoping this new energy lasted all the way there.

When I reached the mall, I was in a very different state to how I’d left home. My newfound fitness had failed me after about five minutes, and the run had been death after that. Not a single cab passed me, and I didn’t have the time to stop and call one on the phone. I was drenched in sweat, and limping where I’d pulled a calf muscle in my right leg. My hair was matted to my head, and I shivered at the sudden chill as I stepped through the sliding doors into the air conditioning.

Knowing I looked a mess, I hurried as best I could past the various shops until I reached DP Games. As I entered, Melinda looked up sharply from behind the counter, her dark eyes stormy behind her square, dark-rimmed glasses. Her jet hair was pulled back in a ponytail, today, and it contrasted nicely with her pale skin. I thought she might be good-looking, in a way, if she ever smiled. Not that I’d ever tell her.

She was a bit shorter than me, and a little older – maybe twenty-four or twenty-five – and she filled out her blue top nicely, though the loose shape of the shirt did little to accentuate what lay beneath. Her tight black pants were more of interest, showing shapely hips and thighs, and an arse that looked plump without being fat.

Not wanting to cause a fuss in front of the handful of customers perusing the store, she whipped up her arm and pointed at her watch as she glared at me. Trying to look as apologetic as possible, I quickly headed through the store and out the back to dump my accessories before returning to the floor.

“Where the hell were you?” Melinda hissed as I stepped behind the counter. “You look like shit! Did you run here, or something?” She was eyeing the wet patches on my shirt. I hoped I didn’t smell too bad.

“I woke up late,” I replied softly. “And I’ve been feeling a bit off, today.” That was a massive understatement. “And yes, as a matter of fact, I did run all the way here. I missed the bus.”

She wrinkled her petite nose. “You smell like it.” Was all she said in response before turning back to what she was doing. By the looks of it, she was entering traded-in games back into the system.

I decided to try and plead my case to save my job. “Melinda, listen,” I began, looking her in the eye. “I know you said I would be fired if I was late again, but-”

Melinda’s raised hand cut me off mid-sentence. “It’s too late for that,” she said, shooting me a dark look. “You were warned, and warned fairly. You’ll be handing over your staff card at the end of this shift.” Looking me over with disdain, she added, “The uniform you can return after you’ve washed it.”

I felt my shoulders slump in dismay. I really liked this job, and it kept me around games, which were my only escape from this dreary life I seemed to have fallen into. At least I didn’t have an erection at present, which was something of a blessing.

“Go and tidy the shelves,” Melinda ordered without looking away from what she was doing. Glumly, I trudged out from behind the counter and began to right fallen cases and straighten the displays, doing my best to stay away from customers.

It was when I was fixing up the PlayStation games in the back corner that someone approached me from behind.

“Hi, Jake!” a bubbly, feminine voice greeted.

Turning, I blinked in surprise when I saw Debbie the pizza girl standing there, a shopping bag held in one hand. Out of uniform, my suspicions about her figure were well confirmed. She wore her hair loose – it was sandy blonde, I could see now – and it fell down to her shoulders, which were bare but for two thin straps holding up her white tank top, which seemed a little strained by the generously proportioned tits they contained. To my delight, she wasn’t wearing a bra, and the outlines of her small nipples were clearly visible above her bare midriff.

A tiny pair of denim shorts and a pair of white sandals completed her ensemble. Simple clothes, really, but I thought she looked sexy as hell.

“Debbie?” I asked dumbly, caught off guard.

“That’s me,” she replied, grinning. “I thought I recognised you, so I thought I’d come say ‘hi.’”

“Oh,” I managed, not knowing what to say. “That’s, uh ... Nice of you.” Now I really hoped I didn’t smell.

“How was your pizza?”

“Really good!” I enthused, finding myself smiling. “I’ll be sure to order more, definitely.”

“Cool!” she said. “I’m working tomorrow night, if you get hungry. My shift ends at eleven, and I sometimes do the last delivery on the way home.”

“No worries,” I replied, wondering why she was telling me this seemingly pointless information. Then it hit me; was she hinting that I should order late so she could come over? Surely not! What would a hottie like Debbie want with me?

She likes you, dumb-arse. Ask her out.

My breath caught in my throat. That voice inside my head ... Was that Cloud?

Yes, I am Cloud. What is this place? Who are you?.

Fuuuuck ... My brain ground to a screeching halt. ‘This is all a bad dream,’ I thought to myself. ‘And I’ve actually lost the plot. I’m going to have to commit myself to a mental hospital, I just know it.’

Nope, no dream, Jake. This is as real as anything I’ve ever experienced. Where are we, anyway? This doesn’t look like any place I know. Are we in Midgar?

“Are you alright, Jake?” Debbie asked, a concerned look on her face.

I didn’t have time to respond to Debbie’s question, for an ostentatious throat-clearing from the front counter brought our attention over to Melinda, who was once again glaring at me, probably for wasting time. Debbie came to the rescue, however.

“Hi!” she said brightly, waving at Melinda. “Jake was just recommending me a game. He’s always so friendly when I come in! And he knows so much about games!” Turning back to me, she winked and leaned in close. Reaching past my shoulder, she plucked a game from the shelf and turned it over in her hands.

“Tekken Three, ey?” she mused, studying the cover.

“It’s excellent,” I told her, pushing Cloud to the back of my mind. Surprisingly, I felt his presence lessen. “Great fun. Do you play games much?”

She shrugged. “Every now and then. My little brother has a PlayStation he lets me use sometimes. I’m no good at games, but they’re fun to play.”

A stroke of boldness overtook me, unbidden. “Maybe we could hang out sometime, and I’ll teach you?” The words tumbled off my tongue before my brain could process them. What the hell was I doing?

Debbie’s eyes lit up, much to my surprise. “That would be awesome, Jake! How about tomorrow night, after my shift? I can bring a pizza!”

“Uh, yeah!” I managed, my moment of coolness gone. “That sounds great!” To be honest, I’d expected anything but Debbie’s response.

“Cool!” She gushed, bouncing on her toes briefly, which did interesting things to her chest. “Should I bring this?” She held up the game, looking at me questioningly.

“No need,” I said as casually as I could. “I’ve already got it.”

“Okay,” Debbie replied, reaching back past me to put the game away. Her perfume was light and flowery, but it had a seductive depth. I liked it. “See you tomorrow, then.” With a wink, she turned and left, giving me an amazing view of her arse as she did. The bottoms of her cheeks were visible beneath the cuffs of those shorts, bouncing slightly as she walked.

A glance at Melinda showed her glowering at me, her cheeks flushed with anger. Sighing, I turned and resumed my work until the end of my shift, no longer as dismayed at losing my job as I had been earlier. By some mad stroke of luck, I was actually having a hot girl over tomorrow!

Page Break

Upon returning home less my DP staff card – the uniform I would have to clean and return sometime in the next few days – I stood in the doorway and looked around my tiny apartment, empty McDonald’s bag clutched in my hand; the remnants of the meal I had finally eaten to quiet my cantankerous stomach.

With the TV and armchair on the right, and the kitchenette on the left, there wasn’t really a whole lot of room for entertaining. Straight ahead from where I stood was the small hallway with two doors; the one on the left leading to my room, the right to the bathroom.

I wasn’t exactly the neatest human being on the planet. There were clothes scattered across the floor, and the pizza box from last night was still on the tiny bench in the kitchen. Empty beer and coke cans overflowed the small bin next to the fridge. The carpet in the living room was dirty and in need of a good vacuum, too.

Oh, well. These problems were for tomorrow-Jake to deal with, I decided as my eyes fell on Dianne. My cock twitched greedily as I thought about how I wanted to spend the rest of tonight. It was a no-brainer, really. Tossing the Maccas bag in the general direction of the kitchen, I shucked my clothes and flung them away before settling into my armchair before the TV.

“Good evening, Jake,” Dianne greeted as I got comfortable.

“Hi, Dianne,” I replied cheerfully.

“How was your evening?”

“Equal parts shit and great,” I told her. “I lost my job, but I got a date for the first time ever, so there’s that.”

“That sounds interesting,” Dianne said in her feminine monotone. “Well done on securing a bonding opportunity with a female, Jake.”

I chuckled at the phrasing. “Thanks, Dianne.”

“What would you like to do tonight, Jake?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” I said slowly. “I can return to Final Fantasy Seven, or I can sample another title.”

“Might I suggest,” Dianne began. “Continuing to raise your synchronicity with Final Fantasy Seven?”

“Raise my what, now?” I blurted, sitting forward.

“As you interact with a game world,” Dianne explained. “Your consciousness becomes aligned with the character you are playing. This is called ‘synchronising.’”

I sat back, thoughtful. “Is that why I heard Cloud’s voice in my head today?” I’d forgotten all about that strange moment until now, what with work, and Debbie and all.

“That is the expected cause, yes,” Dianne answered. “Although this particular outcome does not usually occur so rapidly.”

“What do you mean?” I asked warily. “Is there something wrong with me?”

“I do not believe so, Jake,” Dianne assured me, if a monotone could be said to be assuring. The drawer with the headband slid open in the lower front of Dianne’s console. “Please attached the band and I will scan you.”

Eager to find out if I was alright, I snatched up the headband and fitted it on. I felt nothing for long moments, and I saw no indication from Dianne that she was doing anything, other than retracting her drawer.

A moment later, she spoke. “You appear to be in perfect mental and physical health, Jake. In fact, you are marginally healthier than you were yesterday. Your muscles have developed slightly, your brain function has increased by five percent, and you have reduced your body fat by two percent, also.”

“Really?” I asked, looking down at myself. I didn’t feel any skinnier. If anything, maybe my belly paunch was a little smaller. It was certainly a maybe, though. “So, it’s a good idea to synchronise further with Cloud, then?”

“It is recommended,” Dianne said. “To receive the full benefit of the technology you are testing. You are currently forty-six percent synchronised with Final Fantasy Seven. It is remarkable progress, but you still have some work left to do.”

“Very well,” I agreed, sitting back and relaxing. “Load me up.” I felt like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. That movie had only come out last month, but I’d seen it three times already. Indeed, from what Dianne was saying, this tech operated in similar ways to the Matrix operating system.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I was sitting on a hard surface, my back against a wall. I was in a tiny room with grey metal walls and floor, and closed security door the only apparent exit. A red light shone above the door, telling me one very obvious fact: CLOSED.

The room was no more than three metres square, with a bed built into one wall, and a metal toilet in the opposite corner. A fluorescent strip circumnavigating the ceiling provided a clinical source of illumination. If I wasn’t mistaken, this was a prison cell.

To my pleased surprise, Tifa occupied the room with me. She lay on the cot with her legs crossed, twitching one foot idly as she looked around with a bored expression on her beautiful face. She was talking about something, but her words were drowned out by the voice in my head.

Ah, we’re back in my world, I see. In a cell in the Shinra building, if I’m not mistaken.

‘You would be correct, I think,’ I thought back at Cloud. ‘And we’ll be let out in no time at all.’

That’s unlikely, Cloud said wryly. The Shinra have us. They are not going to free us just like that.

I frowned. So, Cloud couldn’t see past the present in-game moment? That was interesting.

I see you have discovered a limitation, Jake, Dianne chimed in. Cloud is aware of your presence in his world, and his presence in yours, but he is still limited to his programming. The more you interact with him, however, the stronger the synchronisation will become.

‘Thanks, Dianne,’ I thought back to her as I stood up. ‘What abilities will I have at full synchronisation?’

That depends on your capabilities, Jake. Your limits are your own.

What did that mean? I stared around the cell as I pondered Dianne’s enigmatic words. I called to her again, but she appeared to have gone silent, for now. My eyes were drawn to Tifa again, like iron filings to a magnet. Her legs were so long, and so smooth...

When I looked at her face, I saw she was watching me with a small smile. “I like when you look at me like that,” she confessed quietly.

My pulse quickened at the heat in her voice, and in her gaze. “It’s hard not to,” I replied. Did she have any memory of what we did back at Seventh Heaven? Testing my abilities, I imagined Tifa nude. Sure enough, a moment later her clothes vanished, leaving her naked on the bed. With a cry, she sat up hurriedly, looking down at herself.

“What the fuck?” She exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes. I noticed she made no attempt to cover herself, though. My cock surged to life in my pants as she stood up and looked around for her clothes. “Did you do something?” She asked accusingly, her eyes narrowing. She stood looking down at me, her arms folded beneath those spectacular breasts.

Holy shit! Cloud blurted in my head. How did you do that? Wait, this has happened before! I remember a beach, and Tifa and Aerith naked... He trailed off, sounding confused.

Ignoring Cloud, I stood up, grinning stupidly at my success. “I’ve been working on a new ability,” I confessed to Tifa. “It appears to be functioning as hoped.”

Her eyes flashed dangerously, and for a moment I wondered if I was about to get kicked in the head. “Well, that’s hardly fair,” she finally said, looking me up and down.

“What isn’t?” I asked.

“You can make my clothes vanish, but I can’t do the same to you.”

“Ah,” I replied. “I think I can handle that.” I briefly concentrated again, and immediately felt cool air on my newly exposed skin, particularly on the length of hard meat extending from my waist.

“That’s better,” she cooed as she leaned into me. Her soft lips found mine, and we were soon necking madly while groping each other everywhere we could. In a feat of agility I almost couldn’t believe, she lifted one leg and placed her heel on the wall next to my head while leaving her other foot flat on the ground. Grasping my cock, she deftly adjusted the angle and flexed her pelvis forward, impaling herself on it.

I groaned as I sank into her hot pussy. Leaning back into the wall a little more, I began to thrust insistently. This position gave me excellent access to her breasts, which I squeezed and kneaded to my heart’s content.

“Yes, Cloud!” Tifa cried as she hooked her hands behind my neck for leverage. “Fuck me!” I didn’t disappoint her, and Cloud’s body certainly had plenty of stamina, as I’d discovered in my previous foray.

I’m fucking Tifa again! Cloud exclaimed in my mind. But I’ve never fucked her before. Why does this feel familiar? How can this be real?

‘Just shut up and enjoy it!’ I grunted mentally as I ravaged Tifa. Her cried were getting louder, and the sound of slapping flesh was reverberating around the small room. ‘I’ll explain later.’

Cloud went silent again after that, thank God. I was having far too much fun to talk to anyone right now. Wanting a change of position, I maneuvered my lover around until she was bent at the waist and facing the wall, palms flat against the surface. I sunk into her once again from behind, until her supple buttocks were firmly pressed into my pelvis.

“I could honestly fuck you until I dropped dead,” I groaned as I began to saw my cock in and out of her clenching tunnel.

Suddenly a voice floated through the wall behind me, where the bed was. “Are you guys okay in there?” It sounded like Barrett.

Before I could reply, Tifa did. “Yep, we’re fine!” She managed. When I made to stop thrusting, she pushed her arse back into me, indicating she wanted no such thing. “Just exercising!”

I chuckled softly at the poor excuse. There’s no way Barrett would buy that. “Fair enough!” He said. “I might do the same. Boring as bat shit in here anyway.”

Tifa giggled and shot me a look. The way she was biting her bottom lip spiked my arousal even higher. “Put it in my arse,” she whispered. My cock flexed at the suggestion, and I was dangerously close to nutting right then and there. Somehow, though, I pulled it together and withdrew from her pussy.

There was enough juice on my cock to justify an easy entry into her puckered pink ring, but I found myself concentrating again, this time to lubricate her. Sure enough, the skin of her rosebud instantly began to glisten as if a fresh coating of lube had just been applied.

Tifa uttered a soft cry, and her hips twitched. “What did you just do?”

“I just added some lube to make things easier for you,” I replied as I pressed the angry head of my – or Cloud’s - cock against her hole. She pushed back eagerly, and I stifled a loud grunt of pleasure as her opening gave way and I slipped inside.

“Holy fuck,” I grated as intense sensations flooded my prick. It was hot and tight – so tight! - and slippery, like a delicious vice. Tifa slipped a hand down between her thighs and began to rub her clit furiously while I busied myself with reaming her arse.

After a minute or so, she urged me to cum inside her, and I granted her request. Releasing my control, I felt my balls lift and boil before I reached my peak. I was unable to stop the cry of pleasure that escaped my lips as I emptied myself into this goddess of sex and beauty.

“Fuck,” I panted as I bent forward to rest my chest on her back. My hand came up to cover one of hers on the wall. I stayed lodged in her arse for now, unwilling to retreat from such a pleasant abode.

“Fuck is right,” she agreed breathlessly. “That was just what I needed. It’s strange, though; I feel like we’ve done that before, somehow, though I know we couldn’t have. I’d remember.”

Unsure whether to tell her the truth just yet, I gave a neutral response. “I feel like that, too. Maybe we’re just good together, yeah?”

I felt her nod beneath me. “No doubt.” She straightened, and I popped free of her butt. “I better clean myself up. Never know when someone’s gonna come in.”

“Don’t bother,” I told her as I concentrated again. I saw her expression change as she sensed something happening inside her, then she beamed.

“I don’t know how you’re doing that, but I like it! Have you got some special materia hidden on you somewhere?”

“Something like that,” I said with a wink.

“You know something else that’s strange?” Tifa began. “I keep thinking about Aerith. I was jealous of you and her, before, but while we were having sex just now, I was kind of wanting her to be with us.” She eyed me, looking a little vulnerable. “Is that weird?”

“Not at all,” I assured her. I grasped her slim shoulders encouragingly. “To be honest, I’ve been feeling the same way. Maybe we should talk to Aerith about it soon.”

Tifa smiled at that. “Really? Okay, then, I’m in.” She kissed me, and soon I felt the heat building between us once again.

Are you saying I can have them both? Cloud asked suddenly. I never dared to dream...

‘I believe you can,’ I replied as I planted kisses along Tifa’s cheek and down her slender neck. ‘I think it’s what they want, too.’ Suddenly an idea occurred to me. ‘Want to see if it will work?’ I asked Cloud as I palmed one of Tifa’s heavy breasts. Her hand was wrapped around my cock again. ‘I think I know just what to do.’

There was a moment of silence from Cloud. Sure, he said finally. You’ve done this much, Jake, whoever you are. Let’s see what else you can do.

Synchronisation at fifty percent, Jake, Dianne intoned at that moment.

‘Dianne?’ Although I was only speaking inside my mind, my thoughts sounded ragged from my mounting lust. ‘Please take me to the Gold Saucer.’

As you wish, Jake, she replied. But you no longer need to ask this of me. You are now synchronised enough to move yourself around the game as you see fit.

That was good to know. Reluctantly, I let go of a naked and very horny Tifa and closed my eyes. I concentrated on the place I wanted to go, and a few seconds later I opened my eyes to find myself in a small hotel room decorated in what appeared to be Halloween effects. Spider webs adorned the cornices around the ceiling, and skulls and ghostly figures hung about the place here and there, which was typical for the Gold Saucer Ghost Hotel.


I was fully dressed again, though my arousal was still apparent when I looked down at the tent in the front of my pants. I made my erection abate with a quick thought. There would be time for that later. Now, if my suspicions were accurate, and I was having the effect on the game I thought I was having, then any time now...

I grinned as a tentative knock sounded at the door. “Come in!” I called. My heart – well, Cloud’s - skipped a beat when the door opened to reveal Tifa and Aerith together. They had changed out of their normal clothes into shimmering, form-fitting, low-cut dresses that left most of their smooth legs bare. Tifa was in dark blue, while Aerith was in lavender. Both women wore heels that added at least three inches to their height.

They entered slowly, and Aerith closed the door behind them. They stood there for a few moments as if uncertain what to do next.

“I was hoping you would both come,” I found myself saying. They both smiled and approached me nervously. Tifa kissed me first, then made room for Aerith to press her lips to mine. This was the stuff dreams were made of. I’d already had both of these beauties on the beach last time, but it still felt like a new experience.

Wait! Cloud interjected. I need to do this, not you!

‘What do you mean?’ I demanded.

Just trust me, he urged. I’ve trusted you this far.

‘You just want them for yourself!’ I argued greedily.

That’s not what I mean, Cloud said hurriedly.

‘Hmmm,’ I mused, telling myself I wasn’t being arrogant, but hearing the lie in my own head. I ignored it. ‘I think not, for now.’ Coldly, I walled Cloud off again to silence him.

Same as Dianne
Chapter 2: Symbiotic Videos

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HOW TO MAKE A SISSY by Throne Hi, my name is Shirl and I've been asked to tell how I turned my husband Rob into my pansy Robin. The funny part is that I had never thought of doing anything like that. We had been married for just over a year. Physically we were a good match. Both kind of short and finely built. I'm considered sexy in a cute way. He was attractive but not at all macho, which kind of bothered me. His penis was on the small side of average. On top of that, he was...

3 years ago
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Kathryn Chronicles Heading Home Ch 04

‘Just a couple?’ Maria asked with a pout. Stepping out of the Jacuzzi, she walked over to her Victoria’s Secret bag and pulled out a pair of silk black boxer shorts. ‘Dry off and put these on’, she said slyly, laying them on the counter. ‘We’ll meet you in the bedroom.’ My ears perked up at ‘we’. I turned and stepped on to the bathroom floor. I grabbed a towel, grabbed the boxers and headed towards the door. Maria closed the door behind me. I dried myself off and stepped into the boxers. I...

3 years ago
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Six Weeks of Grace Pt 05

At that, Don and Anne both turned to see two men following them. They were scraggly and unkempt, looking like they had just left a bar after an all-night drunk rather than at the zoo with families. ‘Do I know you?’ Don glared at them. Anne grabbed Grace’s hand and instinctively moved behind Don with the little girl. ‘No, but we know you, you fucking asshole.’ One of them spit out as the other laughed. Don’s anger was building and he had no doubt he could take these two. ‘What did you say...

3 years ago
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Bi Bi

The things we saw shocked us both. Scenes with threesomes, gay sex (male and female), guys with huge penises, groups having orgies. Finally we found sites with just one on one. Oral sex seemed to be how couple started. Sue wasn’t too keen on sucking my penis but thought me licking her would be fun. We experimented and I found that it wasn’t licking her pussy that excited her it was teasing her clit with my tongue and my fingers. In fact she would beg me to do it. I countered with asking her to...

2 years ago
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Nivedha yields

This is Nivedha’s tale. Nivedha is a 21 year girl just completed her studies. She loved her classmate Rahul. Rahul wanted to talk to her in privacy and Nivedha was not accepting it for a longtime. As their final exams approached she decided to go with him to a friend’s marriage. Nivedha is a brilliant active girl with a healthy body and she was expert in dressing up beautifully making even women admire her. Rahul could not convince her to stay in lodge. Rahul found a isolated storeroom in the...

4 years ago
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New DaughterChapter 2 Daughter or Girlfriend

When I opened my eyes groggily and looked at the clock, I realized we had been napping for over two hours. Kimmy at least had an excuse; she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. I, however, had gotten plenty. It was just that every time I had half awakened, I felt her warm body next to mine and it relaxed me so much that I couldn't work up the willpower to get up. There was something incredibly soothing about holding a sleeping child in my arms. It seemed a shame to wake her, but we...

1 year ago
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We fucked each others brains The best fuck ever

The best fuck ever My name is Marcos, I’m 33 yo, currently living in Barcelona, Spain.   I always read your erotic stories and it’s now as I’ve decided to write one on my own, the most passionate and widest sex escapade a man can have. This account is a real one and just took place on August this year as I was working in a small business office in Barcelona.   Since my co-workers had gone for their holidays for two weeks, I was the only clerk left at work here.  These buddies really deserved a...

3 years ago
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Officer Joeys Unexpected Opportunity Episode 4

“How did I get here?” I asked myself, sitting alone at a back table of a popular restaurant. I was on my “lunch” break, working third shift (3:00 to 11:00 pm) as a police officer. My name is Joey Holmes. Moving from day to night shifts was the downside of my new promotion. When the opportunity was offered, I thought, “Why the hell not? I deserve the promotion. Having evenings free would just be a painful reminder of my recent breakup with Ashley.”It was not how I planned or wanted things to...

4 years ago
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Blowing Betty

©2001 by Couture "... last night I had a dream that I had a penis. I think I had it because I've been reading Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice, in which Lestat takes over a mortal's body." Betty continued telling me all about her dream last night, instead of doing her homework. She did look lovely though twirling her blonde hair around her finger and playing with the hem of her skirt. "Then he had to figure out how to use his penis again since he hadn't been mortal in...

3 years ago
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He Knew The Whole Time

Mike and I had been friends for more than 5 years. We met in college and became close friends almost immediately. He picked up on my total lack of racial baggage - a rare gift for a white guy - and the fact that he is black and I am white was totally irrelevant.I soon developed a crush on him. I am a straight leaning bisexual. Mostly straight but too gay to ignore my urges for men. Cute black men with dark brown skin and huge cocks. Mike is all of these. Everyone can see that he is cute and hot...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 32

They stood by their vehicles in Martha's parking lot, Carla arguing with Jeff, "But Mr. Matthews. We..." "Jeff." "Uh, Jeff ... We can't spend the night with you. I mean ... Why do you want us to do that? I'm afraid to leave. You know that you really pissed Carmichael off. I'm afraid he'll come back tonight..." "Mother, don't let him talk you into staying, please. That SOB will come back tonight just as sure as we're standing here. The county couldn't find any evidence...

1 year ago
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The Accident

As the thunder outside was raging on, Richard Walton sat at his computer, watching porn like he usually did. He was eighteen years old, and in his graduate year of high-school, where he hadn't accumulated a lot of friends over the years. In fact, he had only two; James and Michael. They were both just as geeky as Richard was, and as you can imagine, they weren't very popular. They usually spent their lunchbreaks hiding in abandoned classrooms, playing card games so they wouldn't get bullied by...

Mind Control
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The things I do for love Part 2 Aaron0

If it weren't for the thoughts that raced through my mind form last night. The guys, the sexclub, my fantastic make out session with Joshie and the insane pictures he gave me. It was a lot to take in and understand, but I could still feel his lips on mine if I imagined it. I couldn't really enjoy that though. Because the most prominent thought that kept me busy today was: "What the hell is going to happen tonight?" Tonight was my first night as part of the little footballteam sexclub....

1 year ago
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Have you ever been GILFed? It’s admittedly not every man’s fantasy to bang an old bag, but then again, maybe you’ve never seen the kind of GILFs I’m going to be shaking my dick at today. The Grannies I’d Love to Fuck are older, well-aged women with decades of sexual experience, the kind of thing that can never be faked by even the most talented teen nymphette. It's also impossible to deny the inherent hotness of intergenerational hookups, with mature babes teaching younger men and women the...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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MylfXTeamSkeet Vanessa Cage Valentits Day

Vanessa Cage is a fully stacked milf with incredible tits looking for a valentine. We wish she chose us, but she chose our boy tyler instead. After parading around in her silky red lingerie and getting showered in rose petals she was ready to get fucked. First her throat was filled to the brim with hard dick, then she got on top of Tyler and rode him as her astounding breasts bounced around uncontrollably. Her pussy was then reamed to a pulp and her face covered with a phat load of love juice....

2 years ago
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Freddie and Lucy Find Love

WARNING: Don’t read this story if easily offended by niceness. The desire to create, to be given the opportunity to use any such talent for reward and to experience the joy of witnessing the end results rested deep within Freddie Redding, a media studies graduate from a third-rate college. However, because of his lowly degree plus lack of experience invariably met advice not to complete the recruitment form when he applied for jobs in creative advertising in New York. So at Grand Central he...

1 year ago
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First Date Domination 2

At first I gave you a ton of attention, either I'd tease you and be sarcastic, or give you compliments until I couldn't think of any more. We both knew why; I wanted you to hang out with me, and I wasn't going to give up until you said yes. And you did. We decided to see a movie together. I'd pick you up beforehand and we'd watch it and see where the night went.I show up at your place a little bit early so you have to invite me in while you finish getting ready. "Take your time," I tell you....

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Something about Elle Ch 06

Elle sat as if paralyzed for a moment as the shock of the moment seeped into her. She could see it clearly. The emotional upsets between Donovan and her revolved around reality, misunderstanding and faulty assumptions and basically that amounted to failure to seek clarity on matters relating to their personal relationship. They were both responsible for their lapses in interpersonal communication and were stubborn about being quick to seek realignment. She was fully aware of what he was on...

3 years ago
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First Time Suck Buddies Part 6

I borrowed this story from a friend of mine (with his permission of course) who also has a xham profile page. He decided his stories would be better suited for my page since they are about two high school guys who experiment with each other.Please read and enjoy and PLEASE comment. Thanks!I didn’t want to cum yet so I pulled out of Jason’s mouth. Jason stood up and barely gave me a chance to get to my knees before he was pushing his cock in my mouth. I’m going to throatfuck you like you did me,...

2 years ago
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Blondies Oral Lesson

“Good morning, Angel,” I feel your arms circle around me from behind. You reach up, cupping my tits, and squeeze them. “Good morning to you,” I turn and hug you properly. I do my own squeezing, as I pinch your ass. I giggle as you lean down to kiss me gently. You move down to kiss on my neck, I moan softly. Standing there in the bedroom in just my PJs, I let you work my neck. I let out a soft sigh, leaning against you as you nibble on my neck. I squeeze your ass, pulling you closer to me. My...

Oral Sex
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Sex With An ISS Reader In Hyderabad 8211 Part 2

Friends. So I m back with the second part of our story, ‘Sex With An ISS Reader In Hyderabad.  Let’s come back to the story. So part 1 was where I was satisfying Deepthi in the theatre. Now it’s time for her to repay me. One fine day we decided to go for a short ride in my car. It was a rainy day, we both had offices. I logged out early and went to pick Deepthi. We work in different offices. So I reached in my car near her office at 8.30 and was waiting for her. I called her up and she told she...

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There stood Mrs. Pertwee. She looked perfect, each of her features showing off her intense beauty. She was wearing a pink blouse and a pencil skirt, both of her long, sexy legs being covered by a pair of elegant stockings. For a teacher, she looked surprisingly young. Her face had no wrinkles or imperfections. Perhaps she truly was perfect. In comparison to you, at least. Your name was Mark, your age: 19. You had an average height, average weight and average body. There was literally nothing...

Mind Control
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The TreatmentChapter 15 Incest is Best

I think I mentioned that I had been married and divorced. My ex, Susan and I were on friendly terms but now lived in different cities. She had remarried and appeared to be happy in her new life. We have three children who are grown and out of the house although one was still in college. Bryan was the oldest and lived and worked in LA with some defense contractor. Cynthia was just out of college and looking for work. Marcie, the baby was a freshman at Florida State. I got a call one afternoon...

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The Student Doctor

This is a true tale. I know it will not have the eroticism of some of the other stories but, I being taken advantage of, by a person exploiting his advantage and position has a flavor all of its own. My being so naive, I believe adds to the exploitation. I was sweet sixteen and had never been kissed. I was very shy especially around boys. My mother decided that it was time to get my first gynecological exam and I was terrified about it and I fought my mother tooth and nail over the appointment...

1 year ago
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road trip in INDIA

I am from INDIA and for my indian freinds i have added hindi text and english too............well as it happened i had to go out of town for some work and since i was travelling alone in my car i carried my bra n panty with me. i had to go to delhi and i got free around 9 pm and i started the drive back to my place abt 3-4 hrs drive on the way ii stopped on the out skirts of Delhi on a dark road and went behind bushes and wore my bra and put soft cloth pads in it then i wore my lace panty and...

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A New PastChapter 7 May Flowers

Mom immediately picked up on my sour mood when I got home Thursday afternoon. While she was obviously excited to tell me about her and Jim’s negotiation trip, she contained herself long enough to ask me what was wrong. I told her and then sat down heavily at the kitchen table and shook my head. “Maybe dating Jeryl is a bad idea. I had no idea she would be so jealous.” Mom sat down next to me and patted my arm. “Paul, you’ve always been mature for your years. You can’t expect everyone your...

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A Walk in the Woods

It was a warm, sunny morning as I stepped onto the patio, coffee in hand to feel the warmth of the sun. I had just got out of bed and slung on my dressing gown and went downstairs. It had been a warm night, so I had slept in my birthday suit and must admit, it made me a bit randy and I was touching myself as I went to sleep, caressing my cock, but I was too tired to carry on and fell asleep. As I sat on the patio, I let my dressing gown — which I hadn't fastened — fall open and looked fondly at...

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Mothers Pantyhose

It all started when I was 10 years old, the year my parents got divorced, a normal age for a lanky, soft-spoken only c***d to have his obsession with Grand Theft Auto blindsided by his first crush. I had just started junior high, where they made us read boring stuff like Romeo & Juliet, though I was too young to understand the dangers of forbidden lust, yet old enough to notice how my mother would often do the sexiest things without knowing it.Things might have been different had my mother...

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Can I Cum In Her

"Can I cum in her?" asked Dad. "I dunno... It's pretty dangerous," responded my mother. "She might get pregnant." Turning to me, she asked, "When was your period, Honey?" I looked down the front of my body, to where my hips seemed to be dancing on their own; somewhat like a separate person not really connected to me. Though I could FEEL each thrust and shove Dad made into me, the shoves I made back at him seemed almost to be made by somebody else. It took a second or two for my mother's ...

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Shelly Part 2

Shelly Part 2I woke up before and quickly dressed and drove to the Scout Came to visit it as it was in the middle of the week and off season. I had made arrangements in advance and the drive was under an hour. I joined up with the Camp Ranger and parked my vehicle and I had unfettered access to the camp. Walking around the acreage and remembering my past there as a youth was a trip down memory lane. I took a lot of pictures for later and when done the Ranger and I sat in the shade and we talked...

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Master always wants more

My master originally was a little bit more dominant, than is expected these days. However I loved him, just a little bit more than is considered normal these days. From the very beginning I had been very submissive to him. The first time I had gone to one of his club nights he had told me how to dress. Tight jeans & t-shirt tight leather jacket, boots, makeup etc. all the other girls had been dressed similarly too. We had been expected to fetch drinks & food, roll joints etc, while the men had...

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My mother in law

I wanted to share my escapades with my mil to see if there is any interest or people with similar stories. A little background before I start, My mil is 69 and I am 45. We have known each other for over 30 years and have always been close. I first met her as a teenager and always admired her looks as she was a very hot woman back in the day. Her son and I were good friends in school, and later in life I ended up marrying his sister. Anyway one night several months ago my wife was out of...

1 year ago
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Window Shopping

Window Shopping by Abe Froman ? 2006This story ? from inspiration to final text ? is courtesy of my muse and my Lady, Miss Porcelaina Valeriana.  It is dedicated to her and her wickedness and beauty.The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature, so if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any...

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Tori Spelling Storage UNIT

Went to LA and got a Storage Unit that costed me 500.00 for Some Beverly Hills 90210 {TORI SPELLING UNIT}Ok first off I'm not sure where to start. This locker has some much nasty fun stuff in it about Tori.I have a VHS Movie tape of Tori & Jennie Garth & Shannon Dorthy{sp} all drinking and talking about sex.I cant find a way to post the VHS tape to the internet or I would. I will how ever Type out some of the questions & answer that they talk about on the VHS sex tape.1. TORI ASK...

1 year ago
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Cupid Boy and the Tenticular Terror

Author's note: This is set in the 'Exotix Bar' universe and features characters from the stories 'An American Were-Hypnotist in London', 'Supernatural Erotic Xenomorphs' and 'Cupid Boy'. Don't worry though it is a stand alone story. Special thanks to 'Putrescent Stench' for use of some characters. Cupid Boy 2: Cupid Boy and Tenticular Terror The Exotix Bar, (located in a small parasite dimension illegally attached to reality by questionable methods...) It's Monday morning, and...

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My Hot Married Friend Kavya

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Adam () from Mumbai…this story is about my office mate Kavya. I first me in office, as it was our first day of training, as I saw her I was dumbstruck by her beauty and pretty impressed by attitude. When I first met kavya I have to admit that I thought about sliding my cock inside her married pussy. She is a 5′ 5″, short haired redhead, 31 years old white skin. She is soft featured with very nice curves. She possesses a polished professional look with...

2 years ago
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Caught out watching porn

"So you like this type of thing?" he asked, tipping his head towards the screen "A little..." I replied, a shiver running through me "...well a lot, It's nice to appreciate a sexy woman" I replied "But, does it, you know, get you excited?" He questioned with a gleam in his eyes "Well, it does if I'm sitting here thinking about having that woman in front of me, her body to touch and play with, but I have to be feeling kinky" "Like now?" he asked looking straight at me...

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Christinas secret

Too many times tonight guys on separate occasions tried to pick up Christina. But she was not interested she just wanted to drink alone and be with her thoughts of how unhappy she had been. The past few relationships she had did not last or ended in disaster and the last thing she wanted was to be with another guy at least tonight.  On the other side of the bar this beautiful blonde who could have stepped off a sun-kissed California beach has been watching Christina and her continued...

2 years ago
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Minding the House

My neighbours Tom and Paula were going away on vacation and they asked me to keep an eye on the house for them. I gladly accepted as I wanted to see what their house was like on the inside but my curiosity really lay in exploring Paula's underwear collection. Paula was a 34 year old pretty mom of two kids, 5ft 7 with blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair. She possessed a slim but athletic body, pert tits and a nice rounded bottom. I let myself into their house the day after they left for...

3 years ago
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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 23 Lessons

The next week seemed like an exercise in sleep deprivation to the members of the Dubois family. Every night they would each roll around in bed, reliving their dreams, though often they differed in detail. Samantha kept reliving her assault by the various faceless golems. Sometimes there would be just the one, using her as she gave birth to clone-Samanthas. Sometimes she would give birth to more golems, who would use her over and over. Once the golem appeared and had two cocks; he stood...

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First girl My math teacher

In high school math in South Florida, some of us had the pleasant duty of attending Margaret Blank’s (not her name) math class. She was pretty. Kind of big hips and thighs, smallish breasts, but sexy just the same. The weather was frequently warm and she would be bra less. So on several occasions in class I got tantalizing glimpses of her sexy white panties and pretty bare breasts with large, smooth nipples. Albert so-and-so used to drop pencils and look right the way up her skirts. It seemed...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 15 Getting My Wife Back

At 12:28 I pulled up in our garage and saw that my wife’s Jag was there. Inside our house there were dirty dishes in the sink. “Marissa,” I hollered as I ran up the stairs. I saw her cell phone on the nightstand. I was a little surprised because she usually carries it with her. Picking it up, I entered her access code and looked at her call list. There were several calls to and from Tony. She had even added him to her speed dial list. I ran downstairs and got back into my car and drove like...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie 2

The Fortune Cookie 2 Chapter 1: "Another day studying? Why don't you take time out to check out some girls? That's if you really are into them," asked Phil. He was speaking to his college roommate, Casey. It was the weekend and Casey, as always, was sitting on his bed with his face buried in a book. He was a bookworm and studyholic: Something that long-term friend Phil found hard to understand. He peered over the edge of his book and turned slightly to meet the glance of...

4 years ago
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The Amazing Mind Control MachineChapter 5

I made a plan. Wednesday I knocked on Marilyn’s front door. Regina had been there about 15 minutes. Marilyn answered the door. Her eyes widened when she saw me. “I brought those college entrance forms for you to sign” I said as I held up some folders. I brushed by Marilyn and entered the living room. Regina was sitting on the sofa with a book in her lap. She looked up at me and smiled. “Hi” I said and waved as I crossed the room and entered the kitchen. Marilyn followed me and closed the...

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Sophias RevengeChapter 10

Sophia is happier than she has ever been in her whole life. She has cleaned Captain Morgan's cabin, she had his boots cleaned by one of the cabin boys who seemed bedazzled by her genteel attitude. When he closed the door behind him, she immediately would jump into his arms and offer him her lips and anything else he wanted to remove the stress of being a dangerous scourge of the seas. The villa of Captain Morgan on the island of Tortuga was spacious and well-appointed. She wandered the maze...

3 years ago
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Schooling Ashley chapter 3

Late one evening, she found herself in the corridor that led to the Headmaster's office. His last words to her repeated over the over in her head, "I can teach you things that most women will never learn in their entire lives, show you a way to live that will afford you more pleasure than you can imagine, but it has to be your choice... If you do choose to come back, it will be to stay. No changing your mind, no second chances." The office door was unlocked and she entered, finding the...

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FlashedValue for Money

Tony had taken up jogging because the doctor had instructed him to improve his fitness levels or risk a heart attack. Every morning before sunrise, he jogged the same circular route from his house, through some of the city streets and the park and back home. One morning, halfway around his route, he passed a hooker returning from a hard night's work on her back. "Fifty quid," she called as he jogged past. Tony was momentarily taken aback at bring propositioned so openly, but he gathered...

1 year ago
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mind controller chip 6

Your Sisters watching. We had decided to continue letting her think Sue was my sister. Thats ok she doesn’t mind. I undid her blouse and slid my hand inside her bra. She reached round and unclipped it. Thats nice. Can we go up. We went upstairs. I slowly stripped her off and lay her on the bed. I climbed in the opposite way round to 69 her. Becci was sucking me like there was no tommorow. Then Sue came in and climbed in the bed behind becci. What’s going on why is your sister joining...

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Shes Bound to Like It

I had been “chatting” with a stranger, on the internet now for several weeks. We had revealed very intimate details of our sex lives to each other and I knew I had found someone whom I could be completely uninhibited with and who would not judge me. He came to the area on a business which meant we could finally meet. We met for drinks and conversation. There was sexual tension between us as we discovered more in common about each other than we had realized from our emails. He apparently liked...

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Always wanting more one orgasm is never enough

Early this morning my hubby went the bathroom and came to bed with a hard on; how yummy. Of course, I got all hot and bothered at the site of it. He told me he didn't want to play and wanted to save his sperm for our weekend getaway. I thought to myself, are you kidding me? I asked him if we could spoon together and lay his cock between my pussy lips. I did not have to do much convincing and he agreed. It was hard for me just to lay there so I started moving very slowing, enjoying the feel of...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Friends Forever Chapter 2

Years have passed since I last saw Ben. He moved from Michigan to Virginia almost six years ago, and the events that happened on that spring day back in 1998 are just a memory that helps get me off from time to time. It seems like every time Ben has been in town, something has come up and prevented me from meeting up with him. Tonight I was determined to see him, no matter what. I was lucky enough to have the weekend off work, but unlucky enough to be stranded at home without a car. I called my...

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A Farm Story Final

I was walking to my bathroom when Brother Dave whacked me on the butt. "Ouch!" "Leave your sister alone," Mother screamed from downstairs. He looked at me and I looked at him. Mother had never referred to me as a 'sister' before. "Well, you're wearing Minnie Mouse jammies," he said. "What would you expect?" "Not a slap on my behind," I responded. "So, are you going to start on a sex change or something," he asked in a quiet voice, not wanting Mother to get involved in this...

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