DianneChapter 2: Symbiotic free porn video

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Foreword: It’s been a while since chapter one guys, I know. I’ve been working heavily on A Paladin’s Journey, but felt compelled to come back and add some more to Jake’s story. Can’t promise a fast release of chapter three, but I do plan to keep going with it at this point. Thanks for reading, as always. -Anti.

This is a work of fan-fiction. The author, Antidarius, does not derive profits from the release of this material, nor does the author claim ownership of any characters or titles mentioned that are the existing property of other entities.

--Friday, 21st May, 1999: Day Two

I slept deeply, visions flashing through my mind, swirling and melding incomprehensibly. Occasionally, I made sense of some of it, as if there were a corner of my brain functioning lucidly even as I slept. I lived as Cloud, thinking his thoughts, feeling his emotions and knowing the sting of his wounds as he adventured across the world in search of Sephiroth and the Black Materia.

I felt his elation at the end of every battle, his love for his friends as he came to trust them in ways he had not before. His near-madness when he discovered who and what he truly was; a product of J.E.N.O.V.A. and Mako energy. The shattering of his heart when Aerith fell to Sephiroth’s blade in the City of the Ancients, and the blood-boiling desire for revenge.

My eyes snapped open and I stared around my room wildly. My heart was racing, my breath coming in short, laboured gasps. I lurched upright to a sitting position, peeling my sweaty back and shoulders off the sheets beneath.

“Fuck me sideways!” I rasped. “That was one intense dream!” I felt like I’d lived another life entirely, riding behind Cloud’s eyes as somehow both a passive observer and co-protagonist. Resting my arms on my legs, I looked down at my hands as I flexed them. They felt stronger, tougher than I remembered.

“What the fuck is happening to me?” I whispered to myself. Right then, my stomach growled insistently, demanding food. Whipping back the sheets, I hopped out of bed with a nimbleness previously foreign and crossed the hall to the bathroom to relieve myself. The food could wait; I needed to piss like a racehorse.

Member in hand, I stood over the toilet bowl and bent my semi-erection down to the right angle, only to realise that from all appearances, my cock had added a little more size to itself overnight, unless I was completely mistaken. Nothing major, but it was noticeable.

“Fuck me,” I breathed as I began to piss. Those two words were beginning to be my favourite phrase. Most of the soreness was gone from my muscles, and I felt quite good, really. “This must be how people who exercise feel all the time,” I muttered to myself as I waited patiently for my bladder to empty itself.

My stomach grumbled again, and I wondered what I was going to eat; the pantry had fuck-all in it, and the fridge was better left unopened due to old leftovers I hadn’t thrown away. Maybe a trip to the shops would be a good idea before work. I could use some of that two thousand bucks to stock myself up.

Wait. Work! What time was it? Shaking my dick to clear the last drops, I rushed back to my room and snatched up my mobile from my computer desk. Four forty-five?! FUCK! I’d been asleep for nearly twenty-four hours!

And worse: I only had fifteen minutes to get to work!

Even worse: I’d missed the last bus going that way for at least another half hour.

Worse still: Melinda - the bitch of a manager - was likely going to sack me for one more late appearance.

Swearing under my breath, and muttering about Melinda’s disposition, I hurriedly rifled through the pile of clothes on my bedroom floor for my work uniform; a blue shirt with the DP logo and a pair of black trousers. I pulled them on in a flurry of fabric and raced for my shoes which sat just inside the front door.

I realised with dismay – as I wriggled my feet into my black work joggers – that I was going to have to delay my meal until my shift was over, as the shift wasn’t long enough to warrant a break. Grabbing my keys and wallet off the kitchenette bench, I cast one longing glance at Dianne before pulling open the front door and stepping out into the late afternoon.

Locking the door behind me, I knew I really only had one option: run as hard as I could and hope I find a vacant taxi along the way. Either way, I was going to be late. How late was up to the fates. Not wasting any time, I charged for the stairs at the end of the walkway and took them three at a time, shocked at how easily my legs supported my weight each time my foot hit a step. In less than twenty seconds I was four floors down and on the concrete path leading out to the road.

That was when I began to run. Not the shambling, awkward gait that had plagued me since before I could remember, but smooth, long strides that flowed easily. Not like I was a champion runner or anything, but as if I was used to at least going for a jog every couple of days. In comparison to my former condition, though, I really did feel like a champion runner!

Despite my hunger, energy pumped through my body as I hit the main footpath by the road and sped north toward the mall, hoping this new energy lasted all the way there.

When I reached the mall, I was in a very different state to how I’d left home. My newfound fitness had failed me after about five minutes, and the run had been death after that. Not a single cab passed me, and I didn’t have the time to stop and call one on the phone. I was drenched in sweat, and limping where I’d pulled a calf muscle in my right leg. My hair was matted to my head, and I shivered at the sudden chill as I stepped through the sliding doors into the air conditioning.

Knowing I looked a mess, I hurried as best I could past the various shops until I reached DP Games. As I entered, Melinda looked up sharply from behind the counter, her dark eyes stormy behind her square, dark-rimmed glasses. Her jet hair was pulled back in a ponytail, today, and it contrasted nicely with her pale skin. I thought she might be good-looking, in a way, if she ever smiled. Not that I’d ever tell her.

She was a bit shorter than me, and a little older – maybe twenty-four or twenty-five – and she filled out her blue top nicely, though the loose shape of the shirt did little to accentuate what lay beneath. Her tight black pants were more of interest, showing shapely hips and thighs, and an arse that looked plump without being fat.

Not wanting to cause a fuss in front of the handful of customers perusing the store, she whipped up her arm and pointed at her watch as she glared at me. Trying to look as apologetic as possible, I quickly headed through the store and out the back to dump my accessories before returning to the floor.

“Where the hell were you?” Melinda hissed as I stepped behind the counter. “You look like shit! Did you run here, or something?” She was eyeing the wet patches on my shirt. I hoped I didn’t smell too bad.

“I woke up late,” I replied softly. “And I’ve been feeling a bit off, today.” That was a massive understatement. “And yes, as a matter of fact, I did run all the way here. I missed the bus.”

She wrinkled her petite nose. “You smell like it.” Was all she said in response before turning back to what she was doing. By the looks of it, she was entering traded-in games back into the system.

I decided to try and plead my case to save my job. “Melinda, listen,” I began, looking her in the eye. “I know you said I would be fired if I was late again, but-”

Melinda’s raised hand cut me off mid-sentence. “It’s too late for that,” she said, shooting me a dark look. “You were warned, and warned fairly. You’ll be handing over your staff card at the end of this shift.” Looking me over with disdain, she added, “The uniform you can return after you’ve washed it.”

I felt my shoulders slump in dismay. I really liked this job, and it kept me around games, which were my only escape from this dreary life I seemed to have fallen into. At least I didn’t have an erection at present, which was something of a blessing.

“Go and tidy the shelves,” Melinda ordered without looking away from what she was doing. Glumly, I trudged out from behind the counter and began to right fallen cases and straighten the displays, doing my best to stay away from customers.

It was when I was fixing up the PlayStation games in the back corner that someone approached me from behind.

“Hi, Jake!” a bubbly, feminine voice greeted.

Turning, I blinked in surprise when I saw Debbie the pizza girl standing there, a shopping bag held in one hand. Out of uniform, my suspicions about her figure were well confirmed. She wore her hair loose – it was sandy blonde, I could see now – and it fell down to her shoulders, which were bare but for two thin straps holding up her white tank top, which seemed a little strained by the generously proportioned tits they contained. To my delight, she wasn’t wearing a bra, and the outlines of her small nipples were clearly visible above her bare midriff.

A tiny pair of denim shorts and a pair of white sandals completed her ensemble. Simple clothes, really, but I thought she looked sexy as hell.

“Debbie?” I asked dumbly, caught off guard.

“That’s me,” she replied, grinning. “I thought I recognised you, so I thought I’d come say ‘hi.’”

“Oh,” I managed, not knowing what to say. “That’s, uh ... Nice of you.” Now I really hoped I didn’t smell.

“How was your pizza?”

“Really good!” I enthused, finding myself smiling. “I’ll be sure to order more, definitely.”

“Cool!” she said. “I’m working tomorrow night, if you get hungry. My shift ends at eleven, and I sometimes do the last delivery on the way home.”

“No worries,” I replied, wondering why she was telling me this seemingly pointless information. Then it hit me; was she hinting that I should order late so she could come over? Surely not! What would a hottie like Debbie want with me?

She likes you, dumb-arse. Ask her out.

My breath caught in my throat. That voice inside my head ... Was that Cloud?

Yes, I am Cloud. What is this place? Who are you?.

Fuuuuck ... My brain ground to a screeching halt. ‘This is all a bad dream,’ I thought to myself. ‘And I’ve actually lost the plot. I’m going to have to commit myself to a mental hospital, I just know it.’

Nope, no dream, Jake. This is as real as anything I’ve ever experienced. Where are we, anyway? This doesn’t look like any place I know. Are we in Midgar?

“Are you alright, Jake?” Debbie asked, a concerned look on her face.

I didn’t have time to respond to Debbie’s question, for an ostentatious throat-clearing from the front counter brought our attention over to Melinda, who was once again glaring at me, probably for wasting time. Debbie came to the rescue, however.

“Hi!” she said brightly, waving at Melinda. “Jake was just recommending me a game. He’s always so friendly when I come in! And he knows so much about games!” Turning back to me, she winked and leaned in close. Reaching past my shoulder, she plucked a game from the shelf and turned it over in her hands.

“Tekken Three, ey?” she mused, studying the cover.

“It’s excellent,” I told her, pushing Cloud to the back of my mind. Surprisingly, I felt his presence lessen. “Great fun. Do you play games much?”

She shrugged. “Every now and then. My little brother has a PlayStation he lets me use sometimes. I’m no good at games, but they’re fun to play.”

A stroke of boldness overtook me, unbidden. “Maybe we could hang out sometime, and I’ll teach you?” The words tumbled off my tongue before my brain could process them. What the hell was I doing?

Debbie’s eyes lit up, much to my surprise. “That would be awesome, Jake! How about tomorrow night, after my shift? I can bring a pizza!”

“Uh, yeah!” I managed, my moment of coolness gone. “That sounds great!” To be honest, I’d expected anything but Debbie’s response.

“Cool!” She gushed, bouncing on her toes briefly, which did interesting things to her chest. “Should I bring this?” She held up the game, looking at me questioningly.

“No need,” I said as casually as I could. “I’ve already got it.”

“Okay,” Debbie replied, reaching back past me to put the game away. Her perfume was light and flowery, but it had a seductive depth. I liked it. “See you tomorrow, then.” With a wink, she turned and left, giving me an amazing view of her arse as she did. The bottoms of her cheeks were visible beneath the cuffs of those shorts, bouncing slightly as she walked.

A glance at Melinda showed her glowering at me, her cheeks flushed with anger. Sighing, I turned and resumed my work until the end of my shift, no longer as dismayed at losing my job as I had been earlier. By some mad stroke of luck, I was actually having a hot girl over tomorrow!

Page Break

Upon returning home less my DP staff card – the uniform I would have to clean and return sometime in the next few days – I stood in the doorway and looked around my tiny apartment, empty McDonald’s bag clutched in my hand; the remnants of the meal I had finally eaten to quiet my cantankerous stomach.

With the TV and armchair on the right, and the kitchenette on the left, there wasn’t really a whole lot of room for entertaining. Straight ahead from where I stood was the small hallway with two doors; the one on the left leading to my room, the right to the bathroom.

I wasn’t exactly the neatest human being on the planet. There were clothes scattered across the floor, and the pizza box from last night was still on the tiny bench in the kitchen. Empty beer and coke cans overflowed the small bin next to the fridge. The carpet in the living room was dirty and in need of a good vacuum, too.

Oh, well. These problems were for tomorrow-Jake to deal with, I decided as my eyes fell on Dianne. My cock twitched greedily as I thought about how I wanted to spend the rest of tonight. It was a no-brainer, really. Tossing the Maccas bag in the general direction of the kitchen, I shucked my clothes and flung them away before settling into my armchair before the TV.

“Good evening, Jake,” Dianne greeted as I got comfortable.

“Hi, Dianne,” I replied cheerfully.

“How was your evening?”

“Equal parts shit and great,” I told her. “I lost my job, but I got a date for the first time ever, so there’s that.”

“That sounds interesting,” Dianne said in her feminine monotone. “Well done on securing a bonding opportunity with a female, Jake.”

I chuckled at the phrasing. “Thanks, Dianne.”

“What would you like to do tonight, Jake?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” I said slowly. “I can return to Final Fantasy Seven, or I can sample another title.”

“Might I suggest,” Dianne began. “Continuing to raise your synchronicity with Final Fantasy Seven?”

“Raise my what, now?” I blurted, sitting forward.

“As you interact with a game world,” Dianne explained. “Your consciousness becomes aligned with the character you are playing. This is called ‘synchronising.’”

I sat back, thoughtful. “Is that why I heard Cloud’s voice in my head today?” I’d forgotten all about that strange moment until now, what with work, and Debbie and all.

“That is the expected cause, yes,” Dianne answered. “Although this particular outcome does not usually occur so rapidly.”

“What do you mean?” I asked warily. “Is there something wrong with me?”

“I do not believe so, Jake,” Dianne assured me, if a monotone could be said to be assuring. The drawer with the headband slid open in the lower front of Dianne’s console. “Please attached the band and I will scan you.”

Eager to find out if I was alright, I snatched up the headband and fitted it on. I felt nothing for long moments, and I saw no indication from Dianne that she was doing anything, other than retracting her drawer.

A moment later, she spoke. “You appear to be in perfect mental and physical health, Jake. In fact, you are marginally healthier than you were yesterday. Your muscles have developed slightly, your brain function has increased by five percent, and you have reduced your body fat by two percent, also.”

“Really?” I asked, looking down at myself. I didn’t feel any skinnier. If anything, maybe my belly paunch was a little smaller. It was certainly a maybe, though. “So, it’s a good idea to synchronise further with Cloud, then?”

“It is recommended,” Dianne said. “To receive the full benefit of the technology you are testing. You are currently forty-six percent synchronised with Final Fantasy Seven. It is remarkable progress, but you still have some work left to do.”

“Very well,” I agreed, sitting back and relaxing. “Load me up.” I felt like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. That movie had only come out last month, but I’d seen it three times already. Indeed, from what Dianne was saying, this tech operated in similar ways to the Matrix operating system.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I was sitting on a hard surface, my back against a wall. I was in a tiny room with grey metal walls and floor, and closed security door the only apparent exit. A red light shone above the door, telling me one very obvious fact: CLOSED.

The room was no more than three metres square, with a bed built into one wall, and a metal toilet in the opposite corner. A fluorescent strip circumnavigating the ceiling provided a clinical source of illumination. If I wasn’t mistaken, this was a prison cell.

To my pleased surprise, Tifa occupied the room with me. She lay on the cot with her legs crossed, twitching one foot idly as she looked around with a bored expression on her beautiful face. She was talking about something, but her words were drowned out by the voice in my head.

Ah, we’re back in my world, I see. In a cell in the Shinra building, if I’m not mistaken.

‘You would be correct, I think,’ I thought back at Cloud. ‘And we’ll be let out in no time at all.’

That’s unlikely, Cloud said wryly. The Shinra have us. They are not going to free us just like that.

I frowned. So, Cloud couldn’t see past the present in-game moment? That was interesting.

I see you have discovered a limitation, Jake, Dianne chimed in. Cloud is aware of your presence in his world, and his presence in yours, but he is still limited to his programming. The more you interact with him, however, the stronger the synchronisation will become.

‘Thanks, Dianne,’ I thought back to her as I stood up. ‘What abilities will I have at full synchronisation?’

That depends on your capabilities, Jake. Your limits are your own.

What did that mean? I stared around the cell as I pondered Dianne’s enigmatic words. I called to her again, but she appeared to have gone silent, for now. My eyes were drawn to Tifa again, like iron filings to a magnet. Her legs were so long, and so smooth...

When I looked at her face, I saw she was watching me with a small smile. “I like when you look at me like that,” she confessed quietly.

My pulse quickened at the heat in her voice, and in her gaze. “It’s hard not to,” I replied. Did she have any memory of what we did back at Seventh Heaven? Testing my abilities, I imagined Tifa nude. Sure enough, a moment later her clothes vanished, leaving her naked on the bed. With a cry, she sat up hurriedly, looking down at herself.

“What the fuck?” She exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes. I noticed she made no attempt to cover herself, though. My cock surged to life in my pants as she stood up and looked around for her clothes. “Did you do something?” She asked accusingly, her eyes narrowing. She stood looking down at me, her arms folded beneath those spectacular breasts.

Holy shit! Cloud blurted in my head. How did you do that? Wait, this has happened before! I remember a beach, and Tifa and Aerith naked... He trailed off, sounding confused.

Ignoring Cloud, I stood up, grinning stupidly at my success. “I’ve been working on a new ability,” I confessed to Tifa. “It appears to be functioning as hoped.”

Her eyes flashed dangerously, and for a moment I wondered if I was about to get kicked in the head. “Well, that’s hardly fair,” she finally said, looking me up and down.

“What isn’t?” I asked.

“You can make my clothes vanish, but I can’t do the same to you.”

“Ah,” I replied. “I think I can handle that.” I briefly concentrated again, and immediately felt cool air on my newly exposed skin, particularly on the length of hard meat extending from my waist.

“That’s better,” she cooed as she leaned into me. Her soft lips found mine, and we were soon necking madly while groping each other everywhere we could. In a feat of agility I almost couldn’t believe, she lifted one leg and placed her heel on the wall next to my head while leaving her other foot flat on the ground. Grasping my cock, she deftly adjusted the angle and flexed her pelvis forward, impaling herself on it.

I groaned as I sank into her hot pussy. Leaning back into the wall a little more, I began to thrust insistently. This position gave me excellent access to her breasts, which I squeezed and kneaded to my heart’s content.

“Yes, Cloud!” Tifa cried as she hooked her hands behind my neck for leverage. “Fuck me!” I didn’t disappoint her, and Cloud’s body certainly had plenty of stamina, as I’d discovered in my previous foray.

I’m fucking Tifa again! Cloud exclaimed in my mind. But I’ve never fucked her before. Why does this feel familiar? How can this be real?

‘Just shut up and enjoy it!’ I grunted mentally as I ravaged Tifa. Her cried were getting louder, and the sound of slapping flesh was reverberating around the small room. ‘I’ll explain later.’

Cloud went silent again after that, thank God. I was having far too much fun to talk to anyone right now. Wanting a change of position, I maneuvered my lover around until she was bent at the waist and facing the wall, palms flat against the surface. I sunk into her once again from behind, until her supple buttocks were firmly pressed into my pelvis.

“I could honestly fuck you until I dropped dead,” I groaned as I began to saw my cock in and out of her clenching tunnel.

Suddenly a voice floated through the wall behind me, where the bed was. “Are you guys okay in there?” It sounded like Barrett.

Before I could reply, Tifa did. “Yep, we’re fine!” She managed. When I made to stop thrusting, she pushed her arse back into me, indicating she wanted no such thing. “Just exercising!”

I chuckled softly at the poor excuse. There’s no way Barrett would buy that. “Fair enough!” He said. “I might do the same. Boring as bat shit in here anyway.”

Tifa giggled and shot me a look. The way she was biting her bottom lip spiked my arousal even higher. “Put it in my arse,” she whispered. My cock flexed at the suggestion, and I was dangerously close to nutting right then and there. Somehow, though, I pulled it together and withdrew from her pussy.

There was enough juice on my cock to justify an easy entry into her puckered pink ring, but I found myself concentrating again, this time to lubricate her. Sure enough, the skin of her rosebud instantly began to glisten as if a fresh coating of lube had just been applied.

Tifa uttered a soft cry, and her hips twitched. “What did you just do?”

“I just added some lube to make things easier for you,” I replied as I pressed the angry head of my – or Cloud’s - cock against her hole. She pushed back eagerly, and I stifled a loud grunt of pleasure as her opening gave way and I slipped inside.

“Holy fuck,” I grated as intense sensations flooded my prick. It was hot and tight – so tight! - and slippery, like a delicious vice. Tifa slipped a hand down between her thighs and began to rub her clit furiously while I busied myself with reaming her arse.

After a minute or so, she urged me to cum inside her, and I granted her request. Releasing my control, I felt my balls lift and boil before I reached my peak. I was unable to stop the cry of pleasure that escaped my lips as I emptied myself into this goddess of sex and beauty.

“Fuck,” I panted as I bent forward to rest my chest on her back. My hand came up to cover one of hers on the wall. I stayed lodged in her arse for now, unwilling to retreat from such a pleasant abode.

“Fuck is right,” she agreed breathlessly. “That was just what I needed. It’s strange, though; I feel like we’ve done that before, somehow, though I know we couldn’t have. I’d remember.”

Unsure whether to tell her the truth just yet, I gave a neutral response. “I feel like that, too. Maybe we’re just good together, yeah?”

I felt her nod beneath me. “No doubt.” She straightened, and I popped free of her butt. “I better clean myself up. Never know when someone’s gonna come in.”

“Don’t bother,” I told her as I concentrated again. I saw her expression change as she sensed something happening inside her, then she beamed.

“I don’t know how you’re doing that, but I like it! Have you got some special materia hidden on you somewhere?”

“Something like that,” I said with a wink.

“You know something else that’s strange?” Tifa began. “I keep thinking about Aerith. I was jealous of you and her, before, but while we were having sex just now, I was kind of wanting her to be with us.” She eyed me, looking a little vulnerable. “Is that weird?”

“Not at all,” I assured her. I grasped her slim shoulders encouragingly. “To be honest, I’ve been feeling the same way. Maybe we should talk to Aerith about it soon.”

Tifa smiled at that. “Really? Okay, then, I’m in.” She kissed me, and soon I felt the heat building between us once again.

Are you saying I can have them both? Cloud asked suddenly. I never dared to dream...

‘I believe you can,’ I replied as I planted kisses along Tifa’s cheek and down her slender neck. ‘I think it’s what they want, too.’ Suddenly an idea occurred to me. ‘Want to see if it will work?’ I asked Cloud as I palmed one of Tifa’s heavy breasts. Her hand was wrapped around my cock again. ‘I think I know just what to do.’

There was a moment of silence from Cloud. Sure, he said finally. You’ve done this much, Jake, whoever you are. Let’s see what else you can do.

Synchronisation at fifty percent, Jake, Dianne intoned at that moment.

‘Dianne?’ Although I was only speaking inside my mind, my thoughts sounded ragged from my mounting lust. ‘Please take me to the Gold Saucer.’

As you wish, Jake, she replied. But you no longer need to ask this of me. You are now synchronised enough to move yourself around the game as you see fit.

That was good to know. Reluctantly, I let go of a naked and very horny Tifa and closed my eyes. I concentrated on the place I wanted to go, and a few seconds later I opened my eyes to find myself in a small hotel room decorated in what appeared to be Halloween effects. Spider webs adorned the cornices around the ceiling, and skulls and ghostly figures hung about the place here and there, which was typical for the Gold Saucer Ghost Hotel.


I was fully dressed again, though my arousal was still apparent when I looked down at the tent in the front of my pants. I made my erection abate with a quick thought. There would be time for that later. Now, if my suspicions were accurate, and I was having the effect on the game I thought I was having, then any time now...

I grinned as a tentative knock sounded at the door. “Come in!” I called. My heart – well, Cloud’s - skipped a beat when the door opened to reveal Tifa and Aerith together. They had changed out of their normal clothes into shimmering, form-fitting, low-cut dresses that left most of their smooth legs bare. Tifa was in dark blue, while Aerith was in lavender. Both women wore heels that added at least three inches to their height.

They entered slowly, and Aerith closed the door behind them. They stood there for a few moments as if uncertain what to do next.

“I was hoping you would both come,” I found myself saying. They both smiled and approached me nervously. Tifa kissed me first, then made room for Aerith to press her lips to mine. This was the stuff dreams were made of. I’d already had both of these beauties on the beach last time, but it still felt like a new experience.

Wait! Cloud interjected. I need to do this, not you!

‘What do you mean?’ I demanded.

Just trust me, he urged. I’ve trusted you this far.

‘You just want them for yourself!’ I argued greedily.

That’s not what I mean, Cloud said hurriedly.

‘Hmmm,’ I mused, telling myself I wasn’t being arrogant, but hearing the lie in my own head. I ignored it. ‘I think not, for now.’ Coldly, I walled Cloud off again to silence him.

Same as Dianne
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My first thought for the morning was about school. The first day of high school. Excitement and trepidation in equal measure made sleeping until the alarm went off,.. impossible. I opened my eyes, bleary from a restless night, and gummed with sleep. My second thought for the morning was about my bedroom. It wasn't there. Neither were my pyjamas. Sitting bolt upright in alarm, stunned for a few moments as I took in the small room surrounding me. I was naked, in someone else's bed...

2 years ago
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My First and only Milf

The following is a true story. I have been carrying it around in my mind for years. Married now with a family, it is something I have shared with nobody and it just feels good to get off my chest.Admittedly I was naive. A small town boy at a major midwestern university living on my own. Being a mechanical engineer is all I had wanted to be. I wasn't a genius by any stretch of the imagination, thus school didn't come easy for me. Studying and going to class was all I cared about. But then...

2 years ago
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The Panties Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Nick's Delimma(Nick ventures into Jaclyn's room)Nick lay back on the bed and sighed. When Monica said she was only going to be 10 minutes to freshen up, he knew it would be longer. She had asked him to come over and pick her up so they could go out for lunch.Of course, she wasn't ready yet, she had to ‘freshen up.’He looked around her room, delighted at how feminine it was. As a guy he couldn't quite understand the need for all the bright pastel colors, frilly decorations and girly...

2 years ago
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Cherry chapter 5

The last 24 hours were mostly spent with the Love of my life and I was in an amazing place emotionally. At the same time, I was still troubled about the loss of Katie. My thoughts alternated at random between the two as I drifted off to sleep. I found myself walking along an all too familiar road. Up ahead stood a girl facing away from me and I knew who she was before I got to her; she wore a yellow sundress. As I reached her, I stopped next to Katie. Without needing to look at her...

4 years ago
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His View

He leaned back in his chair, arms stretched out high and wiggled his fingers that had been cramping. There was something to be said, about handwritten contracts. He enjoyed the strategies and alliances he could construct on a simple piece of paper. There was a reason of course, as to why the law world called him the master manipulator. He ensured he had time to alway double-checked and triple when needed to secure his strategies that looked like a gift horse in the mouth, but were in fact, a...

3 years ago
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Being a Cuck and MILF For the young guys

I know young men are masturbating to me, and in my own perverted way, I enjoy the celebratory feeling that I am providing sexual release, for my close friends and sisters boys.I dont regard myself as perverted, but my body, looks and demeanor, coupled with a high sexual drive and imagination, would put me in the predatory class, a tits, ass, and cunt, on two long legs, looking for boys.Of course as with all sexual matters, we keep these traits to ourselves, only relenting once we hit on the...

3 years ago
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Starting boarding school

That's the last thing I remembered I'm waking now I move my head to see myself still handcuffed to the bed with jasmine asleep on my tummy. I wiggled around trying to wake her because I need to piss really bad she doesn't stirr I wiggle around for a hour until she wakes up. " morning baby oh it's already midday well I got go I'll be back in a hour" jasmine said putting on her robe and leaving the room before I could object. Now I was really busting I just had to I pissed all over...

4 years ago
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hot one

I gave her a hard kiss on lips and asked to kiss me. She kissed and pushed her tongue in my mouth. It swiveled in saliva and started flowing out. She has worn a tight jeans and I was unable to go any where near her junction. She was talking in mild tone and wanted to go to next action. My dick was hard enough to bear her on it and so I asked her to get up. She stood and I was quick to pull down her jeans and panty to thighs. I caught her from back firmly and inserted my finger in her pussy. It...

1 year ago
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Renas first time

I wrapped my arms around her exposed body feeling the firmness of her breasts as they pressed heavily against my chest. She stood there in my arms as my erection slipped between her legs and smiled at me then pushed away and lay down on the couch and parted her legs slightly giving me full view of her. I became as hard as I could imagine I would ever become. I walked over and she placed a hand around my 8” inch manhood and slowly started stroking it. She then gave me a look that nearly made me...

First Time
3 years ago
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Rajkot 8211 Handsome Boy Net Friend

Hi friends .I’m Raj ..again apke liye ak sexy story leke aya hoo ..vese to apne meri story padi hi hogi or iska acha responce mila 1st story jo meri real life he or uske bad ki do jo kafi hot he so apne na padi ho to pls vo bhi pad lena apko really baut maza ayega ..ab me jo story suna ne ja raha hoo vo meri story nai he kal hi ak ladki jo muje net par mili uski he me sab batai detail me Apko kaheta hoo pls detail zarur padna take apko story or interesting or sachi he iska pata chale . mene iss...

2 years ago
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LA FunChapter 32

We woke up reasonably early considering that our body clocks were three hours different from the east coast. Katie made a comment that her parents got up with the chickens, which would be six on Eastern Time, and five in the Central Time zone. It would be three in the Pacific zone, but we knew that we needed to be up earlier and had gone to bed before our normal west coast time. We were up by seven Eastern Time which was a major victory. We didn't try to go to the hotel gym that we figured...

3 years ago
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Our Place

I think I've finally made up my mind about what I want to do if and when I grow up. I'm a junior at the university now and I've been vacillating between two majors since I came here but now it seems to be coming together. I've always enjoyed writing and I've kept a journal since I was about ten so it's fairly extensive. Now I'm thinking about tackling a book. It wouldn't be an autobiography, though. I'm not interested in sharing my whole life with the world at large but I think I've...

3 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 16

Qi spent the night sleeping on a hospital bed, with his head elevated. The sensation of a full mattress under him was unsettling. As he lay there waiting for sleep to overwhelm him, the cushiness reinforced feelings of weakness and helplessness. His sleep was dreamless. Waking up was confusing. There was a body next to him in the bed and her breath was tickling his neck. He knew it was a "she" because her breasts were pressing into his arm and side. Tears started running down his...

4 years ago
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Birthday Desires

Tomorrow is my birthday and Master has told me to come get him and bring the bag with the devices he uses on me.  I immediately go and get him.  He tells me he is going to take me out to lunch as a present and we choose a restaurant.  Once in the restaurant we go to a table and he orders me an alcoholic drink.  We begin talking about my submission to him and how we both feel on the subject.  He makes me feel safe in the knowledge that he plans on being my Master for a long time and that...

2 years ago
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A New Life for my Mother chapter six

Mum was like a dog in heat as she got ready, she put on a tiny white micro skirt which barely covered her gorgeous little bottom. A sheer white vest top through which her nipples were clearly visible and the tiniest white thong I’d ever seen, coupled with a pair of lace up Roman type sandals, completed her outfit, she looked stunning and I told her so.“I feel so fucking horny darling, that if you touch me now, I’ll explode.”So I didn’t touch her.People looked as we walked out through the hotel...

2 years ago
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The thirst

The thirst was strong and I was hard. I could feel my heart pounding in my cock. The motel was in a shitty part of town and that made it all the hotter. Small light up cactus in the window was what I was after. There on the second floor, a green erect cactus. The door was left open a crack to let some fresh air in, call me fresh air. I could smell the sweat and odor of man sex was thick in the air. The bottom, Robert, face down on bed, was leaking from the men who'd been there previously. The...

2 years ago
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BlackValleyGirls Nia Nixon Afrocentric Snatch Games

Nia Nixon is looking extra sexy in her skin tight top today. She does a split and shows off her flexibility for the cam while getting herself nice and juicy for the cock to come. And when our stud shows up, she does not disappoint. She rides his meaty prick, sliding her pussy up and down to create some of the hottest friction he has ever felt. Then she flips around on her stomach and lets him pierce her pussy from behind. She loves cumming on his hard shaft! Finally, she kneels down and takes a...

2 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 37 Swoop n Snatch

General Mikelsen, Mike Hawthorne, Tib Tibbets, Chuck Briggs, Berl'ahan, and John Evans, force commander of the new Southern Hemisphere Operations Squadron of Interdictors concluded a lengthy special operations planning session in the Embassy's secure information center in the Embassy basement. "Agreed. This final rehearsal will be a live exercise involving the Guantanamo Bay prison complex. We drop in, stun 'em, free the native American political prisoners, and screen the others against...

2 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 4

I arrived at school and saw Douglas sitting down on the bench waiting for me. I smiled and walked towards him. “God, he is so cute,” I thought to myself. He looked up and smiled when he saw me walking towards him. “Hello beautiful.” “Hello yourself,” I said to him, still smiling. He got up and hugged me, kissing me on my forehead. I sighed happily, “This is pure heaven.” “How was your sleep?” Douglas asked me. “Hm? Oh, it was okay. I had a weird dream though…” I said. “A weird dream, what was...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Captain GoldChapter 5 Planetary Probe

They moved furtively from star to star. In each system, unknown worlds seemed to float serenely off Skryben's bow, brought close by the magic of long range scanners. Each time, the image in the central screen gave little or no hint of the world's potentials. Each one was just a planet, some smaller, some larger. Each system was studied with almost exaggerated care, only to be rejected for one fault or another as unsuitable to their purposes. They jumped, and jumped again, heading for a...

3 years ago
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Carol Singer

It was a few days before Christmas and I was in my usual mood for the time of year - foul. I hate Christmas and all the falseness that comes with it. Let's face it, this once pagan festival of midwinter, turned into a Christian one by zealous fanatics keen to destroy the old ways, is now nothing more than a licence to print money for the multinational retail and manufacturing chains. Consumerism is the new religion of this country. Anyway, this was the mood I was in when, early in the evening,...

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Divorced women

Well we started as chat mates and as our chats progressed we moved to a sexual fantasy discussion.With out our hints of hooking up we kinda sent fantasies back n forth.Then with out warning she tells me she needs to be fucked real hard to celebrate her 10 years seperation from her hubby.So I asked her was she gona act out her fantasy of fucking a stranger.She sounded like that's wat she might do then she asks me to join her for coffee and I would have the honour of choosing a stranger for her...

4 years ago
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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 25 Battle Stations

The Thauran behind the altar thundered with a deep voice.”What is this?” “Itz ze Meeze, stoopiz. Meeze goez now, whenz the Meeze comz backz. Ze girlz Soburz iz bettzer reazy zo goez.” Men drew weapons, none appeared to be of Union origin and aimed it at the Wheeze. One of them said.”I never have seen a creature like that, and I can not identify the hardware it is wearing but it speaks a very garbled version of Union standard.” “Pffz youze triez to doez ze speakiz witz a ringmouz, noz...

4 years ago
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Thanks to Private_Label and Black Tulip for the suggestions and their time. July 1916 I knew how much time I had left to enjoy before I went to France. I had what remained of this day, tomorrow and the two nights that separated the daylight hours. That was it and then I’d be off to God knew what. Feeling pensive I stood at the side of the track and looked down at the houses crammed together side by side, the town of my boyhood, the town where I was born. I looked down at the grey sided...

3 years ago
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Lesbian HookUp

I saw her sitting at a table close to the dance floor. She had just lit a cigarette, and I watched her full lips circle the end of it as she inhaled. I smiled as I watched her turn her head up and crook it to the side as she slowly let the smoke out.From where I sat, I could only see her profile. She was pretty, with short red hair; I could see the outline of high cheekbones, and big, wide eyes. Her lips were what I was most fascinated with, full with a natural pout, perfectly shaped, I wanted...

2 years ago
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Irish Encounter

In 2008 I was leading an exciting double life. On the one hand I was a mild-mannered professional with a good job, house and fantastic circle of friends but on the other hand I was this sex enthused guy whose sole desire was to fuck as many sexy girls as possible. I was single, happy and did not care to get into any sort of relationship, partly because I had not found anyone serious in 4 years and I had been through some tough times in the last year. In addition, I had been unlucky in love and...

4 years ago
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Demon Queened Chapter 10

Demon Queened Chapter 10 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Proofread by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. Standing naked in my bedroom with my back pressed against the wall, lacking even a towel to hide behind, I fought to maintain my composure as I took...

3 years ago
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The rehearsal dinner pt 4

I'll refresh your memory. My name is Kim I'm 53 5-11 175lbs I have 44dd boobs. I've been having an affair with a college buddie of my nephew. He has come to visit me while my husband is away on business. On Tuesday morning hubby left for the airport and I was getting ready for work. I couldn't wait till the day was over so Greg and I could spend the night together. At noon time I called Greg and asked if he wanted to meet me for lunch. Greg said to just come to his hotel room. When I arrived I...

3 years ago
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Lost Tribe

As I sat at my desk I was literally counting down the hours. It was only two more hours till the end of the day and the start of my vacation. A well-deserved vacation I might add. I had been working long hours for months now without a day off in my new job. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the work. It was very gratifying and the boss appreciated my efforts. I just needed a vacation and bad. Since getting a divorce several months back, I have had newfound freedom to do things I had always wanted...

2 years ago
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Private Ria Sunn Blonde Nympho Takes On Black Studs

Sexy, blonde, and extremely horny… that’s right it’s Ria Sunn and she has come to Private Specials, 5 BBC Gangbangs 2 for a wild time. They say once you go black you can never go back, and this is definitely true for Ria, she just wants more and more! When Ria encounters four black studs on the street she invites them all back to her place and wastes no time getting on her knees and enjoying a taste of dark meat before the real action begins, a hardcore interracial gangbang with anal, DP,...

3 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 2

Teil 2: Die Teeniestute und der DeckhengstAm nächsten Morgen erwachte Vanessa nur langsam. Es war hell im Zimmer und nur allmählich gewöhnten sich ihre Augen an die Helligkeit. Noch langsamer fing ihr Verstand an zu arbeiten. Irgendetwas stimmte nicht. Irgendetwas war anders als sonst. Dann begriff sie. Das war nicht ihr Bett. Das war nicht ihr Zimmer! Aber wo war sie denn? Dann erkannte sie das Schlafzimmer ihrer Eltern. Sie lag im Ehebett. Und sie war nackt! Was war geschehen?Plötzlich...

2 years ago
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Ohne Willen

Die folgende Story ist nicht von mir sondern ein Netzfund und lediglich als Fanpost zu verstehen. WICHTIG! Diese Geschichte, basiert nicht auf wahren Begebenheiten, sie ist also nicht geschehen. Sämtliche Charaktere existieren nicht wirklich. Allerdings spiegelt sie meine am meisten ersehnten Fantasien und die Vorstellung meines Sex Lebens sehr präzise wieder. Ich bin jetzt 20 Jahre alt und auf der Suche nach einer Frau (Hübsch, schlank, 18-29Jahre [Am besten so wie der Charakter Simone in der...

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Seven for a SecretChapter 10

The day of the party started of just like any other, the same comfortable routine. The early morning tea in the study tasted better today. Even the pictures, though they held my gaze, seemed to be more alive, the colours more vibrant, the expressions more loving. Today was the final lesson, the test of my skill, the test of my girl's willingness to serve. Once again '7' knelt before me, her body taut, yet supple and willing, her posture perfect as she displayed her charms without shame or...

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The Babysitters SecretChapter 9

I decided to promote my employee in the babysitting service to a full partner because she was so important to the business and I had a weak spot for her busy little tongue that worked overtime to relieve my stress after hours. First and foremost, let me state up front that Sandra was a real hot number. My first impression was that she was a little bit too prim and proper for the kind of work I wanted her to do for me but I changed my mind after the double date I went on with her that...

1 year ago
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The Gallery

His soft touch now running down your ribcage has you nearly paralyzed and your body yearns for more. You fight to regain control and look up at your tormentor. Torch light flickers on his face, the whites of his eyes glow even in the shadows. Dark green and intense, he's looking deep into yours and you feel your little bit of control slipping away. The Gallery With the lightest touch, my fingers slowly move down your neck. You stretch it out to make the sensation last longer. I do not stop...

3 years ago
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Tilly was speaking to her mother about her day's activities at school, when she heard her father pull into the driveway. She glanced at her watch. He was home early. The front door opened then slammed shut. Her father appeared at the kitchen doorway. Tilly immediately noticed that he was not happy. So did her mother. "What's up love? Was it a bad day at work?" Tilley's father was a policeman. Most days were a bad day at work. Steve looked at his wife then turned his gaze to his...

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Carrying OnChapter 11

At some point in the night, Silver had determined that it was not proper to sleep in their living area, and had awakened Bryan to go to bed. Bryan wasn't the type to get up and move about easily when he had been sleeping soundly. He stumbled and wove like a drunkard, had to stop twice and steady himself and fell into their bed sideways when he finally got there. Silver wrapped the blanked around him and snuggled next to him despite the odd angle as he fell back into restful sleep. Bryan...

4 years ago
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The Bell Curve

She had beautiful eyes. Warm, liquid brown eyes that that showed her eagerness while they bored into your soul. She was stretched languidly on the couch, her trim belly bare and her legs spread wide in invitation. I had been neglecting her terribly, long hours at work and no time for her, yet there she lay there begging me to come over and stroke her body. I felt like a cad as I stood there. "OK girl, I'll take you for a walk." Tail wagging furiously my dog leaped off the couch...

2 years ago
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Vicious CyclesChapter 6

Darkness had fallen as the two women faced each other at Lisa's front door. "Agent Marianne Taylor," said the female F.B. I. agent shaking hands with Lisa. Their eyes met and Lisa was struck with the feeling that they had met before. "Have we... ?" she started. "Where can we talk in private?" asked the attractive twenty-eight year old. Lisa led the agent into the kitchen, leaving the other officers in the front room while Lisa poured coffee and they sat at the circular table. Lisa...

4 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 26 Happy Endings and New Lives

Over the rest of the week, life had completely transformed for Tricia, Annie, and Joey. Tricia and Joey recuperated quickly thanks to Snow Angel’s healing abilities and they both made complete recoveries. Tricia’s head and neck wounds were simple to heal, and she was out of the neck brace by the next day. Joey got his full-blood transfusion, but needed more work on his heart, lungs, and muscles. Dr. Booth worked closely with Snow Angel on these. It did not take long for Tricia to be...

3 years ago
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The Horror Of Afon Valley

Seb sighed. The hound was not known for disobeying him, yet here he was, wandering alone into the darkening interior of Afon valley. Trees hunched over the path as darkness seemed to watch his every step. The high stems swayed in the breeze and sucked every photon of light from the ever blackening sky. He didn’t know where he was headed and every now and then he shouted the dog’s name; hoping it would come running to him.“Duke. Here boy!”There was no flurry of hair, no pattering of paws, no...

5 years ago
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A Flame in the Night Ch 09

THE FLAME (Act 3 of 3) Our adventurous night has been filled with dancing and candle-lit lovemaking. There’s even a large bag full of many sensual things. Though for now, the bag sits closely nearby us with more things inside it, most of which is still unbeknownst to you. But thus far its contents, including a candle and restraining ware, have added an exciting element to the evening. However, presently, we’re lying on our sides and resting on the bed with the lights on. Indeed, I need this...

4 years ago
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The Bordunes

The Bordunes Morning, Mid-April 1882 Chapter One Lorelei Langley Part 1 On an unseasonably balmy April morning in Manhattan, a young woman in a peach colored satin dress made her way down Fifth Avenue. Catching her reflection in the window of a hat shop, Lorelei Langley paused to admire herself. After looking around to ensure no one was nearby, she leaned closer to her reflection and opened her cashmere shawl to reveal a shocking amount of décolletage for day time. Watching her reflection, she...

3 years ago
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___________________________________________________________ As I sat out at one of the picnic tables behind our office, having lunch with my friend Steve, we talked about our families. I had known him for many years and trusted him completely, so I told him about something very private that happened a couple days before. "I went home Tuesday in the middle of the afternoon to get some papers that I needed. As I passed Bev's room I heard some noises. I pushed the door open just a...

3 years ago
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Next FemDom pt 1

my phone rang, it was her. i was not expecting this call."hello Mistress", i said, my voice crackling with the unexpectedness of the call."Get over to my place now bitch. Your presents is demanded.""Mistress i cant...""NO EXCUSES BITCH! Twenty Minuets." and she hung up.i didn't know if i would be able to get ready (and while i did not know what exactly was in store for me, i knew that whatever it was, i needed to be ready), and over there in time, but i had to tryi rang the bell. the door...

4 years ago
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First Night with Alison

I’m a 60 year old man and still have more passion and desire in me then most people half my age. My neighbor Alison always comes to me when she has any kind of small home repair to do. She divorced her husband two years ago after she found out he was screwing other women. This time she called me over just to change a light bulb in her ceiling fan in the master bed room. Nothing that she couldn’t do so I think that it was just an excuse to get me in her panties. I was wearing a t-shire...

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Cathy DouglasPrologue

I wrote these two stories as separate stories but realised that at some stage I would have to join them up to enable readers to follow both without getting confused — mainly since Chris Henderson's story started mid-way during the Cathy story and ended several chapters before Cathy's end. So this is the amalgamated story of Cathy and Chris. I give you the prologues from both! CATHY DOUGLAS This story is set 3 years ahead of the events in George Douglas; and it follows on from Veronica...

4 years ago
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Untold Story On Kamya Bhabhi 8211 Part II

For next few days I didn’t get chance to get close but I every night saw from the hole of the door. I saw Kamya bhabhi getting fucked by brother several times but every time she was left unsatisfied. She used to carve to my brother for more sex but he was not able to satisfy her fully anytime. I just thinking of getting one chance to fuck her properly and I would have satisfy her every hole and fuck her. But whenever I get chance to look her I used to stare her asset, especially when I was...

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i want it doggy


2 years ago
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JulesJordan Kenzie Taylor Big Tit Blonde Outdoor Anal Fun In The Sun

Buxom blonde Kenzie Taylor gets a hard anal pounding from Manuel! Kenzie’s wearing a sexy silver bathing suit as she teases by the pool and shows off all her perfect curves. She pulls her top to the side to expose her huge tits as she plays with them and pinches her nipples for everyone to see. Her bottoms come off and she gets in the pool to make herself all nice and wet. Kenzie pulls out a pink dildo, and after shoving it down her throat, she slides it right into her tight asshole....

4 years ago
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Tale of Teenage LustChapter 12

As usual, I woke up the next morning with a raging hard-on. My truculent cock did not subside even after I finished my morning piss. I was tempted to jerk-off first thing in the morning, but held myself back. If everything went as per plan, I would need to save my cock’s stamina for the day ahead. To get my mind off sex, I picked up my weights and headed to the terrace for a work-out. Having worked up a good sweat, I hit the shower to freshen up and finish my morning ablutions. Just as I...

3 years ago
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Amudha My Aphrodisiac Mom

Fourth month of 2014, the weather forecast read 35 degrees yesterday, predicted the same today and rest of the week. It was 11 in the morning, the predicted forecast had turning to be true. The summer sun was feasting on our bodies, and every piece of garment I wore on my body got drenched in sweat due to the rise in temperature. I am pretty sure even my mom’s, she was in yellow Saree with designs and a matching blouse which looked soaked with sweat. Before I move further I want to tell you...

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