TimeChapter 24 free porn video

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Morning came and I got out of bed to use the bathroom. I was sleepy but I had spent my year as an intern and also through many all-night negotiations. I could survive this but I might not have all my faculties. I put my clothes on and ordered some coffee. In a moment a sleepy young man delivered a large flask of coffee and left without wanting a tip.

An hour and a half later the clock rang and Aron got up. I shut the alarm off while Aron got ready for school.

Natalie and soon the rest got up but they did not look like they had slept much last night. Linda was the only one that was still asleep.

Laura asked, "How is she?"

I waved to the other room and said, "It looks good so far. I don't think she got enough in her to do serious damage. We have to seriously watch out for her now. She may, at any time, decide there is easier ways of ending her life. Jumping would be good but so might a slow knife or a razor. Clean up the bathroom and then take anything sharp out of all the luggage. I can store it in a box downstairs."

"Let's have some breakfast in shifts and we can watch her till she is over the dangerous period."

Natalie said, "I thought you said she would be all right."

"I believe so and in twenty-four hours I will be much more confident of my prognosis. Natalie, will you drive Aron to school when you go?"

Natalie said, "Laura, Helen and Valerie can watch Linda. You have to get your hours in. I could stay, too but three are enough."

We ate in two shifts and the last one brought up food for Linda.

Natalie dropped off Aron and we continued to the school. She asked, "What are we going to say about their absences?"

"I will handle it."

"I don't see why Linda didn't trust you. I do."

"Enough to live with me the rest of our life?"

"I am ready but I am giving you a chance to pull out."

We made phone calls every hour to see if anything had changed. Linda had got up and ate her meal after being encouraged. Linda had not got dressed and tried to make up for her actions by making the rest happy. This had worked for a while and then the other girls had used what resources to bring Linda off. They were only able to do it once and after that Linda seemed to be immune to this activity.

When I heard this I told them to be even more watchful.

I worked hard that day and it was mostly to forget about my problems. For the amount of effort I didn't seem to get much done, though.

After school Natalie drove me to the hotel and we both looked in on the family. Linda was still naked and came to me, knelt down and tried to open my fly. I picked her up and sat her down on a chair.

"Linda, I can remove the foetus. You will no longer be pregnant. Is that what you want?"

"Oh yes, Alex. I want that most of all."

I looked at Laura. "Are you up to assisting? I can do it myself but it is nicer if you were present."

Laura thought for a few seconds and said, "If it will help Linda, then I will help."

I left word with Helen to tell the guests that I would be delayed. We went to Doctor Smiles' office and I looked to find what I needed. Actually, it was a small vacuum pump and a bottle of ether. Linda took off her clothes and lay down on the table with her feet fit into the stirrups. After she was strapped down I administered the anaesthetic and left the job to Laura with a few instructions. I heard Laura's voice as she counted off before adding another drop to the mask.

The job was over in less than five minutes and I cleaned up all the equipment and put it back where it was found. Linda woke naturally ten minutes later and weakly said, "Is it done?"

I was very proud of Laura and Linda. They did as I asked without a question. I couldn't see many other women who would trust me to do what I had just done.

I held her head and said, "You are no longer pregnant." She started to cry now but I knew it was tears of joy. Laura dressed Linda and she now had a pad in her panties to catch any bleeding but I knew there would be little. On the way back to the hotel she was very upbeat and we both tried to mimic her mood but I was not really feeling that way.

At this time, abortion was very much frowned on. Over the years I had become a realist and saw that a lot of suffering would be reduced if the foetus were removed early. When I thought of the sanctity of human life, I remembered how congested China and the Middle East were and how the world would be when it reached eleven and a half billion individuals. It was so much easier to use condoms or the pill when they came out but people, especially the ones with little education, didn't seem to care as much about life.

I put Linda into the care of the others and I went out to start finding out how much some virgin engineers really knew about electronics, metallurgy and mechanics.

Friday and Saturday

I hired thirteen out of the sixteen engineers. They would leave in another day with Martin. They would have to find their way back and bring with them some of the equipment I needed. If they ran off with the cash now, it would be much better than having them do it later after they had learned even more.

Martin said he would send up more prospective engineers as he found them. If I were more prepared, I could have taken in medical personnel, too, as well as almost all the other degrees the school passed out.

Mr Jackson and his wife were very happy to come over and witness the signing of the papers for the loan. His hand shook as he put his own signature on the papers.

Derrick wrote up some contracts for the new employees. We broke from the traditional way and made them in simple English. They were more binding in their wording and I did not want any misapprehension. Eleven days later they would show up with their belongings and some equipment to grow and to process large silicon crystals.

Martin left with a good idea of how to start his business. He would have to hire somebody to take care of the day-to-day work while he stayed at his own job. Joseph and Silva liked the idea, too and knew that the company would grow faster if it had partners. So, this is how Purolator would start this time around.

My prospects for starting Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Zehr's had to be put on the back burner. Most would have to open in the Unite States because Canada was very under populated and most stores would be very uneconomical.

Joseph was given a simple contract but it went into three pages. Many business contracts were much longer. In this case it was just an interim agreement, so he would get compensated if I did not follow through on my end.

I gave Millie permission to talk to Margarete about the operation I proposed. They somehow bolstered each other's courage because Millie had found a doctor who was very intrigued by my idea. The operation was scheduled for a week from now. Millie was both relieved and apprehensive but that was normal.

Everybody seemed to be interested in the operation on the dog. Part of it was that MGM had made some movies that were wildly popular. The television series had not even been contemplated yet for 'Lassie' and my operation might even assist, if it became known. Our patient was coincidentally called 'Lass' and there was no way the papers were going to miss it. The fact that the dog was older than even the movies would show that we were not trying to steal their limelight or copyright.

All this did not happen on one day but carried over to Friday and Saturday. Negotiations sometimes took months and had to wind their way through intermediaries of every stripe.

We had lunch at Mario's and I tried my best to assist his business career. It was good that Martin's title was not fully expressed. Martin and Joseph seemed to be very impressed. I asked Martin, "Do you have a cafeteria in your main bank?"

"Yes, we do, because we eat there. It is usually very good."

"Mario wants to begin franchising his ideas and Chicago and Toronto are two good choices." Mario and his family were seated with us. Mario and Maria just listened, open-mouthed. "You are getting a manager to run your delivery service. Could you recommend some good candidates to assist Mario?"

"Come to think of it, there are quite a few."

"I think a hungry one as the manager and a few even hungrier under him, who will make sure he does his job."

"You are starting office politics before there is an office?"

"No, it's just inevitable."

Late Saturday afternoon I went to the airport with my guests and saw everyone off. Martin volunteered to send up some aircraft aluminum for my hip. The A.V. Roe Aircraft Company was in Malton, just outside Toronto at the time. Soon it would begin the construction of the Avro Arrow, only to have it dashed when the first planes came off the line. It was the most advanced plane of its time and the pride of our country. In the meantime, the company was making the CF-100 and that used the same metal I required.

The girls came too. Linda, though suffering a small amount of discomfort, was being the opposite of her old morose self. They seemed to like the way the young men looked at them. I wasn't worried because I was usually a good judge of character and the girls liked me a lot more than the men.

We went back to the hotel and cleaned up our mess. I thanked what staff I found about their exemplary service. This was done in front of Jason, if possible and this made the words even more important to the employees.

Margarete and Jason now were more than just behind me, they made sure everyone knew that I could walk on water, if I so chose.

When the girls were dropped off at their home I got some heart felt hugs from them all and especially from Linda. She said in a whisper, "If the baby were yours, I would cherish him always." She then hung her head.

I picked her head up and said, "Our child certainly would be something, wouldn't he?"

She smiled widely and hugged me again.

On the way back to the farm and family I had a serious talk, again, with Aron to make sure he said nothing about certain matters. He was free to talk about other things to the family. Business matters he had to remain quiet about as well.


Church was the same in regard to the fair and after the services I had an impromptu board meeting. When I asked for reports, I began with people who were surer of themselves. By the time it was over, even the shy ones were putting their voice into what should happen and why.

Back home we found that some of the congregation was with us. This was not bad because our family was naturally gregarious. Mom started to bring out snacks and soon she was starting a large meal. She was used to this now and only objected to the fact that she didn't have the large pots that were used at the mine.

Rita's family was one that had come with us. Maria helped mom. Mom would have refused the assistance but Maria started to tell her about what happened at the restaurant. When mom heard this she said, "Martin, oh he is not a manager. He is the president of that Toronto bank." Maria quickly whispered in her husband's ear.

Rita continued to take notes as if she were taking minutes at a meeting. I found that Izzy had been kept busy and he had ordered some large truckloads of plywood and lumber to fabricate more structures. They were even being set up at the fairgrounds on a temporary basis.

Mario drew a map as if this were a military campaign. The rough layout of the properties was given with the public roads and the one that we still had to construct. It needed to be covered in stone that had to be trucked in. He seemed to be worried about the cost of the load but I assured him that you couldn't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

The area for parking was large but I wanted it larger still. I told them that boys would have to be hired to direct traffic. Lights with markers would have to be put up because many people would not be leaving until late. This he understood and nodded his head. I had many times gone to large attractions and seen how they had been forced to adapt.

I said to Rita, "Make a note to talk to city council and the utility commission. There are quite a few things I have to discuss with them. Try to find the names of the engineers and their phone numbers. I can talk to them before or after the meeting."

"Yes, Alex."

Dad looked like he wanted to question me but I think he had given up on trying to follow my moves. The mine filled his world now and he was happy. Having Roch and her parents, close by and helping must have made it even enjoyable.

Aron was pleased to say that he was being trained to be a CEO, even if he was still unsure about what it really meant. Helen had to say that she was also learning, about the hotel and other things and she found it interesting. The trouble was that they were close to me all the time and not learning as much as they could.

People left for their own families. Rita and Libra wanted to stay when their family left. Dad said he would drive them home later tonight. Another family had stayed too and the two sons played with Aron.

Helen had been talking to the girls and said, "We wanted to go for a walk; Alex, do you want to come with us?"

I could almost see the wheels turning in her head and I said, "Ok, I just want to change first."

When I came downstairs, Helen had a small bag. She explained that they had a snack.

The day was quite warm and we walked down the road leading to the back of the property. The girls talked among themselves and tried to get me involved. It was a sleepy type of afternoon and I just enjoyed the company and the exercise.

The talk again centred on the fair and then on the party at the end of the school year, for the people who helped me make the things I needed. Before I noticed it, we had stopped on a grassy bank by the stream. Two tightly rolled blankets came out and were spread on the grass. No food or drink was visible. Helen sat and patted the place beside her. I sat down beside her and eventually lay down with my arm over my eyes.

The girls continued to talk and it was nice to just listen to the sound of their voices instead of their words. I felt Helen push me. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Rita and Libra have cramps again from the walk and want you to fix it."

"Hmmm, I see you girls have been talking." I looked at Rita for a few seconds then to Libra. "We can progress to the next step but it is up to the both of you to follow if you want." I looked at Helen and said, "Helen, Honey, take off all your clothes and enjoy the sun on your skin."

She started right away and said, "Yes, Alex," with a large smile.

I started to take off my own clothes and made a neat pile of them where my head was. When Helen was completely nude, I got behind her and started to rub her abdomen, as if she had cramps. She leaned back onto my chest and just murmured her contentment.

The other two stared and Rita began to furiously remove her own clothes. When Libra followed, I used one hand to caress Helen's breast. As Helen got close, the girls started to play with their own nipples. When Helen started to orgasm, I turned her mouth to me and kissed her as she screamed my name.

When Helen calmed enough, I saw the other girls with their own eyes closed, as they must be running the scene through their mind. I kissed Helen and then got up. Rita and Libra watched a certain part of my anatomy point the way I was walking.

Choosing Libra first, I began doing the same thing to her. She responded even more quickly and my fingers slipped onto her mons and caressed her small bump. She squirmed and squirmed but I continued. I slipped a finger into her opening and I found that she had no hymen. In a moment I continued, till I found her 'G' spot but I had to abandon the act of giving her a therapeutic massage and lay her down. I kissed and suckled her breast with my mouth while my hand kept the other teat happy. My other hand worked on her clit and her vagina.

Libra was working up to a good orgasm when I pulled my mouth off her nipple and said, "Helen, kiss her now." I went back to suckling and in a few seconds Libra thrashed and arched her back till her pelvis was far higher than her head. My hand stayed with her and her hands held Helen's head to her lips.

The feelings were so intense that Libra simply collapsed. The girls looked at her still body and I said, "She fainted. She will be back in a moment."

Helen and I held her till she recovered. She opened her eyes and looked back and forth between us. It took a second but I knew, just like I had known about the bottle of Digitalis, that Libra was looking forward to kissing each of us and with equal fervour. We settled it by both of us kissing her.

I pulled away and Helen wrapped her arm around Libra as if taking possession of the girl for me. Turning around I found Rita with her fingers on her mons. She stopped moving as I watched. My hand went out and I smelled her fingers before popping them into my mouth, one at a time. She just watched me do this, as if she could not believe it.

"Lie down, Rita."

She reacted like a robot, with her arms at her sides and her legs tightly together. "I am going to make you happy, I hope."

I moved close and did the same thing I had done to her sister but this time found an intact hymen. Her breasts were small but she was just as responsive as her sister. Soon her hips began to thrust to my fingers and she called her maker many times before going into a full spasm. Her arms held mine and her finger nails dug painfully into my arms. My pinching and nibbling her nipples seemed to send her even higher.

I cuddled with her while she recovered. Across the blanket I could see Libra and Helen in a 69 position and Libra was not an unwilling participant.

Before Rita could object, I slid down and over her leg. Her legs came up and I simply said to her, "Hold them wide."

She didn't seem to understand but soon I was licking her lower lips and her legs came onto my back as she started to go into a vocal mantra that only she could understand. In only five minutes her claw-like hands were digging into my scalp and I vaguely heard her call my name with her legs tight on my ears.

It was difficult to breathe and I had to withstand more pain to get the occasional breath but eventually her hands released my hair.

When I was able to look up, I saw that Rita was still not all here. Her breathing was still rapid but it was slowing down. Helen and Libra had moved but were still locked together. Perhaps it was a good idea to teach Rita a few things.

Lying head-to-feet to her, I coaxed her body onto mine and again I went back to sampling her mons. Her face was in my groin but soon she came to and found where she was. It took a few minutes before I could feel a tentative licking before she started to work on me. My neck, shoulders and tongue were tired when she finally had her orgasm and she had to spit me out, before lying down to rest, herself.

This time she climbed off me and turned around to kiss my lips. "Oh Alex. I didn't know that a boy would do that to a girl. I thought that only girls..." She stopped dead because she knew that she had already said too much.

I held her face in my hands and after kissing her I said, "Look beside you." She did and saw her sister and Helen holding each other like we were. "I can only see you and your sister doing that. If it is true, then it is fine with me. Helen will have my children one day."

Same as Time
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Morning Visitor For A Gay Escort

This story is not exactly a sequel to my previous sex story “Straight to Gay for pay”() but part of the same series. As most of you know, I had taken up gay escorting to support my photography career . This story happens few months after I had lost my virginity to another man. I had been working for 3 months with Amy aunty and she had trained me in a way that my clients would keep coming back. I still hated getting fucked but money was good. In those three months of escorting, I had developed a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 09

Before I left for Baton Rouge on Friday morning I ventured into the kitchen for a cup of coffee … I sat at the kitchen table watching Queen as she slowly kneaded a mountain of dough for her famous pastries. The sleeves to her darsheka were rolled up above her elbows and her forearms showed the strength of a woman much younger. She was silent and acted as though I wasn’t even in the room … she began to hum an unfamiliar tune as she continued her work. I crossed the kitchen to pour myself...

4 years ago
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No Ordinary Game CH 05

Sy didn't hear the garage door go up and didn't know Amanda was home until she shook him awake. "Wake up, Babe, I'm back," she said. She noticed the open whiskey bottle, the baby oil, the scattered tissues, and Sy's open laptop. The room smelled of stale whiskey. She picked up a crumpled tissue and sniffed it. Yes, he had broken his promise to her. "Oh, and someone seems to have lost his pants," she said with a laugh. She had made up her mind on the drive home to be angry with her...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Life Inside

Today is the culmination of your whole life. Graduation day of your 18th year. After today you will be assigned to your profession, graded for mental, physical, and emotional potential, and be allowed time to field offers/seek re-evaluation. You've listened to your parents tell their tales of this day ad-nausea. Your mother 73/59/82, was given an accounting offer and the blue pill. Your father 66/81/92, was given a policing offer and the blue pill. As you finish your breakfast, butterflies fill...

2 years ago
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Surelick Homes and the Evil Dr Phallus

THE COZY den-like room had the unmistakable smell of male scrotum musk, female vaginal juices and stale Corvosier vsop cognac. Surelick Homes looked deranged, his hair stood out porcupine-like. His eyes were glazed over as if he had coated them with the contents of the opened jar of Vaseline that now sat brazenly on the coffee table as if begging to be applied to someone's anal canal. Homes spoke, breaking the pregnant silence. Dr. Whatsin looked over at him. "Quick, Whatsin! Light up my...

2 years ago
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In Peters Arms Ch10

One night I was at my house taking a shower when my father knocked on the bathroom door and came in. I told him I was taking a shower and ignored him. The next minute I heard him getting in the shower with me. I was about to scream when he covered my mouth with his hand and yanked on my ginger hair. "Be quiet," he hissed. I sobbed quietly as his hand drifted down to my breasts. His finger circled my nipple, and he could tell it wasn't becoming erect. That just angered him, so he...

3 years ago
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The beach voyeur STORY

It was a hot summers day, the sky was an iridescent blue there were no clouds to be seen anywhere, I walked along the golden sand, it was warm as it slid between my toes, I could feel the golden grains sliding off the top of my feet as they sank into it too. The sea shone in the golden sun it was so still and calm it was almost mirror like. The warm breeze seemed to be caressing my torso, I was dressed in only my swimming trunks.I walked for what seemed an age until I came across a small and...

2 years ago
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Shopping for passion

I pulled up to the store and as I was walking up to the store this handsome gentleman caught my eye. He looked at me and kept walking then he turned for a second look with a huge smile. I walked over to the womens' clothing section and he headed somewhere else. He had an amazing smile I could not get it out of my head. I was wearing a skirt and nice thin blouse so even a slight breeze got my nipples hard, he must have noticed when he turned for the second glance. I began to look at the clothes...

3 years ago
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My Brother8217s Bride 8211 Part IV 8211 The Holi Encounter

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 3 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. The first 3 parts were about how I made her compromise the situation and gift her virginity to me and we had a...

1 year ago
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Mandy Finds Out moms a Cum Slut

Note : This story is completely fictional! Amanda Blake was alone and bored. She wasn't supposed to be alone but her big Brother Timmy who was supposed to be her sitter was across the street at the park, playing ball with his friends. Her were visiting her Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry Barrett. They visited them one or two times a month and spent the whole weekend with them. They were very close, Aunt Cindy was her Dad's sister and Uncle Jerry was her Mom's Brother, They were married in a double...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Leah Lee 02032020

Leah wanted to get a cool gag gift for her sister that was getting married. She goes to the Adult book store hoping to find some sort of goofy party favor for the bachelorette party. Quickly she realizes that this video store isn’t for the part time adult toy and video fan. This place was for the hardened…dirty porn connoisseurs. The clerk said they didn’t carry what she was looking for…but suggested a more “hands-on experience”. Leah was intrigued. Inside a...

2 years ago
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Its Not the Size That CountsChapter 7

"Can I make a suggestion?" "Sure." "Start by not laughing at him at inconvenient times." That was J. Still teasing me on the phone. "Thanks a lot, genius. I had figured that one out, all on my own even." If I was writing this in an email, I would have inserted one of those little smiley faces with the tongue sticking out. As it was, I had to make do with sticking my tongue out at the telephone receiver instead. It wasn't quite as satisfying, somehow. "J, you're really not...

2 years ago
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Massage with a starnger Part Two Anal Sex

Sorry it took so long to finish this but here is how the rest of the massage went. I reached for the bag of goodies I brought and pulled out the body rub. I poured some in my hands and rubbed them together and began at her toes. I rubbed each foot and then worked my way up her calves and then up to her quads. I pushed her legs apart and pressed my chest against her ass. I rubbed my hairy chest up and down and breathed hot air into her crack and on her ass. Then I slid all the way up to her neck...

1 year ago
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At last I found a dominant daddy

This is a true story. I hope it will get you as horny as I was, and still am. I am a straight looking and acting guy, who can be an absolute slut for the right man. And I found him! I placed an ad on gaydar that I wanted to be fucked by an older man, preferably over 60. He responded at once, but wanted to chat first to get to know me. We started ou contact in June and chatted very intensely, but I did not want to visit him because I knew I would get addicted to his cock and he did not want to...

2 years ago
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Trust MeChapter 2

The next day she quit work early When I returned from an errand in the early afternoon I saw Monica's car in the driveway, heard noises upstairs, and went to investigate. There she was, just completing a fast shuffle through the guest-room closet where I kept my skirts, blouses, and dresses. I looked questioningly at her, but she merely looked up, appraised me at once in a single glance, and said, "No, you're no way ready. You have some nice things, dear. I'll bet I could wear some of...

3 years ago
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Tempting Mommy

Evelyn stepped from her shower into the cool air of the bathroom, still yawning as she fumbled for a towel. The banging of the shower door woke her daughter Cyndi. She struggled sleepily out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. "Morning, Mommy." "Morning, honey." Evelyn smiled wearily at her daughter as she dried herself. Replacing the towel on the rack, she padded into her room. Cyndi followed her naked mother into the bedroom, where Evelyn selected a pair of panties from her dresser...

2 years ago
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A cock for Vikki 6

Will did not know where he was going, but he knew he just had to get out of the house. The air con in the car was starting to dry the t-shirt and shorts he had thrown on when almost running from his hot tub. His cock was still hard though, straining at his shorts. The thoughts and feelings of his daughter, Vikki, giving him a topless lap dance in his hot tub never leaving his mind. Not only that, but the good feelings of when he had cum over and in Vikki did nothing to stop his raging hard...

3 years ago
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The Good Guy all the Bad Girls Want part 3

Part 3. Ruth and Ben.The four of us sat around Sharon's kitchen table working out our new routine for the coming week. A couple of days had passed since the first session and yesterday had me flat out on my sofa recovering from our little adventure.Angie, as usual, was in charge and taking notes."Alright," she said, calling us to order, "Here's what I'm thinking. Six days. Monday till Saturday. That means a potential two appointments per week for the three of us to have sex with Ben on our own....

2 years ago
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Gossip GirlonGirl

Gossip Girl-on-Girl “Honestly, I don’t know what you ever saw in him.” “Says the girl who’s never had a boyfriend in her life.” “So? He dumped you six months ago, Leighton; you’ve been mopey about it since the day we started shooting.” Leighton Meester looked up at her co-star, Taylor Momsen, and sighed. There was no way that Taylor could know what she was going through; she was so young, and so naïve, and so… Leighton couldn’t even think of any other words to express how little knowledge she...

3 years ago
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Making DoChapter 7

It had been so much fun for her to dine and have a conversation without a baby crying. The wine had flowed and she even had an after dinner drink. Then Aunt Flo had reminded her to go change. She told Harry and Fred that they were to be surprised. She hurried but it took longer than she had thought it would. But it was fun to see the expressions on their faces when she came out of the changing room. Both of the men had such unexpected reactions. Her dad looked like he was about to cry. Fred...

4 years ago
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Sindie and Ashley

I was sitting on the bench in the park just watching people. Trying to decide what I was going to do about my girlfriend. You see we had this really big fight and now she won’t talk to me. Oh, where are my manners. My name is Sindie. I am a five foot ten inch tall woman. I have short dark brown hair and I am told that I have a body to die for. I guess in order for you to understand my situation I should go back to before the fight. *********** ‘God where are my damn heels?’ I asked to the...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour

I Am Raj(name changed) from Ernakulum. Any girls/house wife/aunties/widows etc need of sex, My mail ID: This is my first story, and please forgive me for any mistakes. Am 21 with a height of 6′ and with a average body. I Am doing my Computer Engineering now. The actress in the story is my neighbour aunty(she likes calling her aunty) Sindhu(name changed). She is in her late 30s. Being my first time I don’t know much about her structure. She has a nice Breast of 35 I thing. Any way she is too...

3 years ago
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1BHF Gwendolyn Teddy

Gwendolyn looked at herself in the mirror as she put slid on a tight camisole shirt over her large breast giving them a little squeeze and rubbing her hard nipples that poked through. Next Gwen slid on a tight pair of panties pulling them snug over her very round ass then slid her hands around the front tugging it against her tight little pussy, she was in a mood tonight and knew she would need a good stiff cock in her before she could get to sleep. Though it would be a plastic cock inside of...

1 year ago
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The Girl from JuarezChapter 7

Thanks to the California drivers license, social security card, and other assorted documents I had purchased between San Diego and Los Angeles, Margarita's name had been changed from Margarita Arguello to Margarita Salazar. Keeping the "Margarita" part of her name intact had cost extra -- a lot extra. I had actually wanted the last name changed, on the off-chance that someone from Mexico might try to trace Margarita's whereabouts, using her real name. "You must memorize your new last...

1 year ago
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Equal Shares Ch 03

Chapter 3 It was a month later. Denise and Stan had been on six dates now and were firmly established as real friends and not just as work colleagues. Denise chuckled in her mind about being ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’, but they both didn’t really think of it that way. At least, Stan didn’t. Denise found that she was thinking more and more about the way Stan held his chin in his hand sometimes, or his strange habit of whistling some unknown tune, often out of key, when he was thinking. Her...

4 years ago
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Corner Shop Suck

Just a story of my 1st Indian daddy cock.For those of you who aren't familiar with the term 'corner shop',in the UK this defines a small shop,usually on the corner of a residential street,hence the title,which are invariably run by the Indian(Asian),community & very welcome they are too.You can mainly rely on them at holiday times,like xmas,when you can be sure to get a carton of milk rather than schlepping out to a supermarket.Well that's how it was back in the day.Now it seems...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon at the Pier

CHAPTER ONE                                 “You’re doing it on purpose aren’t you,”  Holly says, admiring her companion while trying to concentrate on the road ahead.“Oh, I’m sorry, is this distracting?” Alex answers, moving the tips of his fingers up Holly’s smooth legs.“In case you hadn’t noticed, I am driving. And if you carry on like this I am going to end up slipping off my seat,” she says playfully.“And what a shame that would be,” he replies, admiring the beauty of her green eyes over...

Group Sex
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Oh Romeo Romeo

It was now Spring once again in the small town of Ridgemont, and Ridgemont High was having its annual and much anticipated high school play. This time it would be Shakesphere’s Romeo and Juliet. There had been a considerable amount of discussion and disagreement among the members of the committee in charge of play about the choice of the actors. Jill Hickson had originally been choosen to play the part of Juliet and Miles Johnson for her Romeo, but as fate would have it Jill contracted a virus...

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Gabriella Powder Room Debauchery

He lay on the floor crying his hands bound behind his back. The open safe devoid of its contents sent fear through his heart – even so, the pain she caused worried him more. The big black cases held the substances formerly in his safe while she sat next to them smoking a cigarette. She had removed the big strap-on with which she hammered his ass. "So, Mr. Banker, how long have you laundered money for the Columbians?" Gabriella asked him. "Three years and four months," he whimpered, then...

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The Coachs Wife CH 01

Chapter 1 -- A Young Shortstop's Night to Remember In the summer of '77 Devon Daniels imagined himself a fraying rope being pulled apart by two opposing teams. Having just completed his high school years and fully intent on attending university, his parents had other plans. After nearly 30 years of marriage they had decided to part ways. Amicably? Well, if shouting, swearing, and threatening were terms that described benevolence -- then yes, but otherwise a hard no. Devon's father, a...

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Accidental Womanizer

CHAPTER 1 Two and a bit years after graduating with a master’s degree in environmental design and still without employment, Fletch (Fletcher) Halifax’s life received a lift. He went to church with his mom who introduced him to Mrs Thelma Cox. Sylvie Halifax had nagged at him for years to take her to church without success until this Sunday. Fletch had awoken without his usual Sunday morning hangover and sense of abandonment. The previous night he’d scored with Polly Westhaven whose husband...

2 years ago
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25 May 2008Chapter 2

“For those of you listening to this game on NSN radio, the Spokane Chiefs are the home team, courtesy of their three round-robin wins, will play from right to left,” Jim mentioned. The players on both teams stood or leaned against the edge of the bench, the Referee at centre ice raised his arm and dropped the puck. The fans in the capacity-filled arena cheered as the game began. Mark’s clear, sharp voice described the play by play, “Referee Bob Cormier drops the puck and the game is...

2 years ago
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Sex is the Best Treatment Part 1 The Exam

I was standing naked in my private office when my nurse rushed in without knocking. I had just showered and was getting ready to go home. I was thinking about my live-in lover waiting for me there, already naked and in our bed. Waiting to fuck me so long and hard that I cummm screaming. In my mind I could feel him moving inside me and my pussy was already wet with desire, my nipple hard and erect. “What’s the matter Judi?” “There’s a young man out in the reception area. Seems to be in a panic...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 21 Selimas Wedding

The women of the harem were all excited at the prospect of Selima's wedding and Maryam was no exception. Naturally, they would not actually be present at the wedding, Selima would be the only woman present, and she not for long, but the Emir had arranged that they could all watch the festivities on closed-circuit television. Selima's mother and sisters had travelled specially into the Golden Palace to see their sister have an unprecedented state wedding. When the Emir finally left the...

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