KlutzChapter 20 free porn video

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"Moooom," Mandy wailed. "You can't go in. You didn't even need to drive us over. Jimmy said he would pick us up."

They were double parked in front of a ranch style house and the big F-250 was still rumbling. Bill didn't park yet because both sides of the street were lined with cars and trucks in various states of repair. Bill assumed they were all functional cars and trucks because most of them were driven to the party by friends of Jimmy's. The only open spot to park was in the driveway. Bill shrugged and eased the big truck into the space and turned off the engine.

"Mandy Rene Pierce," Susan said sternly. "You are 16 and Beth is 14. Neither of you are going to Jimmy's party until I make sure Carol is here. Allen would probably supply the beer for the party if it was up to him. Carol at least has some common sense."

"But Mom, Jimmy told me today that both his parents would be there. You don't have to come in," Mandy said a little quieter. Some of the kids standing around outside were watching and without the big diesel to muffle her words they could hear her.

"Give it up," Beth said in exasperation. "You know that mom won't change her mind when she puts on her super mom hat."

"I have an idea," Bill said. All three females looked at him expectantly. "We haven't officially invited them to the party in the park. Why don't both of us go in with the girls and we can invite them?"

Susan shrugged and said, "OK." She turned her head a little so Mandy couldn't see her face but Bill could. She winked and continued. "But I was really looking forward to embarrassing her. Can't I at least tell Carol that I don't want my babies to be kissing any boys? I can tell her real loud so the rest of the kids can hear."

"I guess that would be OK," Bill said controlling his smile. "But you get to embarrass her all the time. Once we get married that will be part of my job and I don't have any practice at all. Instead of you telling Jimmy's mom, why don't I tell Jimmy? You said the party's in the basement. I can call down the stairs and tell him."

"Oh, that would be even better. Can you make sure all the kids can hear?" Susan asked wiggling in her seat as if she was excited at the prospect of embarrassing her daughter more.

"No problem," Bill replied smiling. "I learned to yell like a drill instructor. I can make sure the whole block hears."

"Oh honey," Susan gushed. "You're going to be such a good dad."

Mandy had been following the conversation with growing horror. It wasn't until the last exchange that she figured out they were yanking her chain.

"You guys are terrible," Mandy grumped.

Bill and Susan started laughing and they all got out of the truck. Susan had perfected the slide, hop and fall technique of exiting the tall vehicle. She liked it when Bill helped her down because his hands on her gave her tingles but tonight she was focused on her daughters and their safety at this party. She remembered some of the parties she went to as a teen and wasn't going to take any chances with this one. Besides, she had a question for Carol.

The front door opened as they approached it and a burly, red headed man greeted them.

"Hey Suzy-Q," the red headed man said with a friendly grin. "I see you still can't stay away from my party's."

"Don't puff up to much Allen," Susan said smiling back. "Since my daughters want to come to this party I need to make sure there was some adult supervision. Is Carol around?"

There was tinkling laughter behind Allen and a petite blond pushed past him.

"Now Susan," Carol Randal said. "You know I wouldn't let him do anything unsupervised. I even have to supervise his bath time."

Allen grinned down at his wife and wiggling his eyebrows said, "You just think I keep forgetting how to do it."

Mandy blushing a bright red said, "Grownups will talk about anything," as she led Beth past the grownups.

Carol hugged the girls as they crowded past her then turned back to Susan and Bill.

"Come on in to our den of iniquity," Carol said. "Excuse the mess. I have the boys pretty well trained but Allen isn't house-broke yet."

Susan punched Allen in the arm and hugged Carol as they entered. Bill thought it looked like the standard greeting between the three. He smiled at the banter and thought he would like them.

"Carol, Allen, I want you to meet Bill Miller. We're getting married," Susan said with a shiver of excitement. "Bill, I would like for you to meet Carol. Carol, Ruth and I were the three musketeers in high school. Then Allen came along and broke us up. None of us have forgiven him but Ruth and I think Carol should since she married him and all."

Carol squealed and hugged Susan again. "I heard you were getting married but I didn't believe it," Carol said.

"What?" Susan asked leaning back to look at her friend. "You didn't believe a man would marry me?"

"Nope," Carol answered with a giggle that sounded like a little girl. "I couldn't believe you found a man that could measure up to your standards." She slowly looked at Bill and exaggerated the motion as her eyes traveled from his feet to his head. "It sure looks like he measures up," she said with a wicked grin. "Glad to meet you Bill. Let me know if she dumps you and I'll trade Allen in for you."

"Hey," Allen said in mock shock. "I'm right here!" He turned to Bill and with a grin said," Glad to meet you Bill. I don't know if Susan told you but I own the local Farmhand insurance office. I have a special comprehensive policy that I have devised just for people that spend time with Susan. Since you are getting married and will be spending an extended time with her I can give you a discount."

Bill was laughing when he shook Allen's hand and replied, "Thanks Allen but I don't think that's necessary. I've been immunized against any major damage."

"Yeah, I heard about that," Allen said feigning gloom. "I've made a lot of money off that policy over the years."

Susan punched Allen again and said, "You know you can't even read and write yet you dumb ox. Carol put that policy together."

They were still laughing when they sat down at the kitchen table. Allen offered sodas to Bill and Susan and apologized to Bill for not having anything stronger.

"Carol made me get rid of my beer for the party," Allen explained. "We trust Jimmy but some of his friends are a little less dependable."

"That's OK. We can't stay anyway," Bill said. "We thought we would go out on the town tonight. We just came in to embarrass the girls and to invite you to a party we are having at the town park next Saturday."

Allen rolled his eyes and complained, "Town park, no beer, another boring party."

Carol punched him this time.

Allen grinned at Bill and rubbing his shoulder said, "Let me give you some advice from an old, worn out, beat up, married man. Wear shoulder guards. Women have sharp fists."

Carol absently punched Allen's shoulder again before saying, "Of course we'll come. So, when's the wedding and how are you embarrassing the girls? Can I help? Where are you going tonight?"

Susan's giggle was very similar to Carol's earlier and she explained how they teased the girls and about the wedding plans and about going to Paddy's Place because of the live band. Bill was amused at the way the women communicated. The rapid fire questions and answers between the two were almost indecipherable.

"There is something that I would like to ask you," Susan said."Ruth and I talked about it. Since it's going to be a double wedding, Bill and Tim asked Bill's brother to be the best man for both of them. Ruth and I thought it would be great if you would the Maid of Honor for both of us. Would you?"

"Let me see," Carol said musingly. "Allen said I can't hang around with you two anymore because I always get in trouble. Since it wouldn't be 'any more' than I used to but it won't be any less and I don't pay attention to what he says anyway, Yes."

The women giggled and hugged.

"So, do we get to embarrass the kids now?" Allen asked.

"It isn't necessary," Bill said still laughing at the women. "I already talked to Jimmy about it."

"What did you talk to Jimmy about?" Allen asked curiously.

"I explained to him how I expect him to treat Mandy and to watch out for Beth when she's with him," Bill said seriously. "I hope you don't mind but I love those girls as much as I do Susan. I felt like it was my responsibility, kind of like they were my daughters. Also, Jimmy asked if he can work for me. When I explained how to treat the girls to him I put it in the context of how I expect my employees to conduct themselves."

Allen nodded his head and said, "Yeah, I guess I would react the same way if we had daughters."

"Jimmy's going to college at ASU next fall," Carol said warningly.

"I know," Bill replied. "This project should be finished by then anyway. I did offer him a part time job in Phoenix when he goes down to college. Our office is in Phoenix and Jack, my brother, is always looking for dependable people. I talked to Jack about it and, if Jimmy accepts, we thought about setting it up like an apprenticeship program."

"The money would help," Allen said thoughtfully. "The economy has hammered his college fund. There's still enough to pay for school but not much else."

"What's the difference between working part time and an apprenticeship program?" Carol asked.

"Everything is controlled by federal regulations," Bill explained with more than a little frustration in his voice. "The cost of benefits for part time workers is different from people in an apprenticeship program. A person on an apprenticeship program can be counted as a full time worker even though they are only working and getting paid for part time work. It's good for the company too because we can get tax deductions for people in apprenticeship programs. Apprenticeship Programs are also eligible for some federal money because it's considered training. It would be a good fit for Jimmy too because he said he was thinking about going into structural engineering his second year. If he does we can adjust his job to better reflect what he's doing in school so he gets real experience to go with what the books tell him. I don't know where he will be staying down there but we have a couple of other construction 5th wheels and Jack has a big place. We can offer him a place to stay until he gets settled."

Allen and Carol just stared at Bill in astonishment. There were so many of the issues around their son going to college that seemed to be rushing at them like a freight train and they didn't know what to do about them. Business was bad and the economy was bad. They were both worried that Jimmy would need to wait a year to go to college or even do his first year at home while attending a community college. Bill had just been solved almost all of them.

Susan got up and stepped behind Bill. She hugged the big man from behind and proudly said, "See why I have to marry him? He fixes things."

Carol shook herself and said, "OK that settles it. Allen, pack your bags. Sorry Suzan but you're stuck with Allen. Bill, can you move in tonight or would tomorrow be better?"

"Not gonna happen," Susan said grinning. "I know how Allen kisses. Remember? I kissed him our sophomore year on a dare and I like Bill's kisses better."

"I've taught him how to kiss better," Carol said defensively. "It's almost fun now. Do you want to try again and see if I can change your mind?"

"Don't the men get a say in this?" Bill asked plaintively.

"The last say I had was when the preacher asked if I wanted to say 'I Do'," Allen grumbled.

The four new friends talked a little longer discussing party plans and wedding plans. Interspersed in the conversation were instructions to new arrivals of Jimmy's friends to go on down stairs and not to break anything. Bill and Susan really couldn't stay long though. They were meeting Tim and Ruth at Paddy's Place for dinner.

Bill and Susan left after they made arrangements for the girls getting home. They decided it would be OK for Jimmy to drive them home after the party. Susan stumbled going out the front door and Bill absently caught her while saying goodbye.

"Bill, if you aren't going to let her fall then I'll need to cancel that Hazardous Susan policy I took out for when she comes to visit," Allen said complained.

They were all still laughing when Bill and Susan climbed into Bill's truck.

"I still can't believe mom let me come to this party," Beth said nervously as they started down the stairs to the basement. She didn't go to many parties with kids her own age. She wasn't a dweeb or a nerd and she was glad because those groups were at the bottom of the social pecking order. She was still a long way down the ladder from the 'in crowd' so Beth didn't get invited to many parties. She had sleepovers with some of her friends but the parties she had attended in her own age group had been pretty lame. Beth had gone to parties her mom was invited to when her mom didn't have a babysitter. They were usually fun because some of the other parents brought their kids too and plans were made to keep the kids entertained. She had never been to a party with 18 year olds. Beth didn't know what to expect or how to act. What should she do if they all started kissing or something even more provocative?

Mandy stopped about halfway down the steps and looked back at her sister. She considered for a moment then said, "Mom didn't want you to. She thought you were too young for this party. She asked Bill what he thought and he said yes. Actually he said the party would have a safe, social environment to to spend time with your friends." Mandy shook her head in amazement. "Where does he come up with that stuff? He says some of the weirdest stuff sometimes."

"Do you think it's a safe environment?" Beth asked her sister.

"Yeah," Mandy said with anger in her voice as she turned and continued down the stairs. "Bill talked to Jimmy this week about how he expected Jimmy to act around me and how he's supposed to protect you when he's with both of us. Who does he think he is? He's not our dad!"

Beth put her hand on Mandy's shoulder at the bottom of the stairs and stopped her. "But Mandy, he will be our dad. He wants to be just because he loves us. Isn't that better than having one that doesn't care or not having one?"

"I guess so," Mandy said grudgingly. "It's just that ... I don't know. Jimmy is mine to talk to. It's like mom said when she tried to give us the birds and bees talk. She said it's up to the girl to manage the relationship because guys don't know how," as she moved to the side of the stairs so some seniors clattering down the stairs could get past.

Beth snorted in derision and said, "Maybe that's how she thought it worked because of the guys she's known in the past. I don't think she's been very successful with Bill."

Mandy giggled and said, "That's for sure. Did you hear them last night when mom wanted to sleep with Bill and he sent her to bed? He must be made of iron."

"From the looks of things this morning he is made of iron," Beth giggled with her sister.

Mandy got serious and after hesitating a moment said, "Beth, I need to tell you something. I thought about not telling you because I don't think you would have found out but you might. Besides, I don't like keeping secrets from you."

"What? Are we adopted or something?" Beth asked still smiling as she thought of Bill's condition that morning.

"This is serious," Mandy said grabbing her sister's arm. "Look, I was worried about you because everyone else was pairing up with someone and you didn't. I told Jimmy and he offered Carl $20 to skip the JV party tonight and spend it with you."

Beth jerked her arm from her sister and turned towards the stairs. "I'll ask Bill to drop me at home. I don't need to buy a date."

Mandy grabbed her sister's arm and pulled her back around. "Would you be quiet and listen to me," she hissed. She was surprised when she saw how bright Beth's eyes were. It looked like she was trying to keep from crying.

"Damn," she thought to herself. Aloud Mandy said, "I should have told you this earlier."

"You're damn right you should have," Beth said. She wished she understood swear words better because she wanted to say something really bad.

"Look," Mandy said urgently. "Jimmy offered $20 but Carl turned it down when he found out what Jimmy wanted him to do. Carl said the thought you were hot and didn't want money to hang out with you at the party. He's too shy to talk to you at school."

"Really?" Beth asked. "Did Carl really say that or are you just trying to make me feel good?"

"He really said that," Mandy reassured Beth. "I decided I had to tell you for two reasons. If you found out and got only half the story it would have hurt your feelings. I know how good you are at finding things out so I couldn't take the chance. The other reason is, well, guys are weird. We girls need every edge we can get to deal with them so I thought you should know how Carl felt about you. You know. So you can 'manage the relationship'."

They giggled and Beth hugged her big sister.

"Thank you Mandy," Beth said softly. "You're the best big sister in the world."

Mandy hugged her back and said, "Well, someone needs to get some benefit from all this experience I'm building up."

They giggled again, linked arms, and marched into the family room. Beth was no longer nervous. Her head was high and her shoulders were back. More than a couple of guys were appreciative of the generous nubs displayed by her stance with her shoulders back the way they were. The boy that was most appreciative was the guy she was there to control.

Beth saw Carl right away and smiled at him. "Hi Carl," she said brightly. "I see that you're stuck down here with the old folks too."

Mandy was laughing when she walked through the French doors into the back yard looking for Jimmy. Her little sister was going to be just fine.

The sound of lively country-western music washed over them as Bill and Susan pushed through big double doors. The Paddy's Place restaurant and bar was packed because of the live band and it seemed that every table was full. They looked for Tim and Ruth and found them sitting at a table. It was a good location too. It was next to the wall near enough to the dance floor to get up and dance but far enough away from the band so they could still talk over the music without too much of a problem. Two extra chairs were leaning forward against the table.

Bill and Susan sat down and Susan noticed that both Ruth and Tim were sipping sodas. She raised her eyebrows at Ruth in a silent question when Ruth took a sip. Susan knew both Tim and Ruth liked beer.

Ruth shrugged and said, "Tim said we couldn't order beer until you guys got here."

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Nikki’s turn: Dan 1.0’s voice when I answered the phone. “You got the helm to yourself today, Nick.” “What’s wrong?” “Cindy got in a car wreck. I’m on my way to the ER. She called. Wreck. Headed to the ER. When I find out, I’ll update you. If you’ll pass the word – gently.” The boy’s stressed. Repeating himself. But that’s the love of his life and she’s MY best friend (other than MY Dan) and... Our building has a public address system. We do regular evacuation drills, severe weather...

1 year ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 44 They learn more about the Maliri from a surprising source

Ceraden strolled into the lounge and as soon as he saw John and Alyssa he exclaimed happily, “John! It’s wonderful to see you, but what are you doin-” he cut off abruptly when he noticed the other person in the room. “What the fuck are you doing Irillith? Have you completely lost your mind?!” he gasped in stunned horror. “Be silent you imbecile,” she snarled at him, enraged. “How dare you speak to me like that!” “But ... but you know the penalty...” he stammered, shocked beyond belief. She...

2 years ago
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My First Black Cock

the night was young and I was ready to party! I slipped on the shorted mini skirt I could find and I put on a tiny little sparkly top to go with it and some high heels, me and my girls went out to the car and the first stop was the liqour store. Fast forward to the club, we had just arived, a little drunk and ready to dance. The night was young and the club was popin', and Mr. DJ. was playin all my songs. I got to the bar and got me a draft and started to bump through the croud. Right away me...

1 year ago
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The Scandalous Stewardess 1

"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 1 The Bahamian island of Eleuthera is a saber-shaped spit ofglistening white coral sand in the crystalline waters of the CaribbeanSea. One can get there by boat or by plane. It was on such a shuttleflight from Nassau that Davie Knight sat and breathlessly looked out ofthe narrow window on December 20th. The sixteen year old kept knottinga silk scarf between her hands, a gesture which could not escape thewatchful notice of the striking older blonde woman who...

2 years ago
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Shellys Secret Chapter 1

(True Father-Daughter Incest Story) By Greg & Shelly Readers are forewarned that this story contains graphic sex between a father and his daughter. If incest offends or disgusts you, please enjoy your day, and read someone else’s story. For those wishing to continue, let me explain that this story is a four part series about consensual sex between a father and daughter. All of the characters are of legal age. I know that in...

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Soul MatesChapter 7

Four years ago... “Get up!” Eve and I look up to see our new foster mother glaring at us. Mrs. James is a short fat lady and her husband is a tall and skinny guy. We are in another foster home. It is a small home with a basement. We are in a small basement room with no windows. The James’ keep us locked in this room at night. There are many other foster kids here in the house as well. “You, go upstairs and wait for the other children, eat and go to school,” Mrs. James orders pointing at...

3 years ago
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Coital BlissChapter 2

Robin Coxman, the mother of Janet and Wilbur screamed, "Wilbur, what on Earth do you think you are ... Oh, what's come over me!?! Wilbur, please fuck me? I can't stand it, I must have your cock!" Robin tore, literally, her clothes off, and jumped at Wilbur in the bed. Wilbur neatly sidestepped her and smeared his own nose. That was to slow down his reaction so that his mother would not be frightened by his large cock. She was lying on her back and reaching for her son before his cock...

2 years ago
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Old pervert gets with shy wife

I always had this weird fantasy of seeing her with an older man, something different, something she never had or would even consider. Without her knowing, I decided to chat with guys online. My plan was to have someone stop over as an old friend and flirt with her. I found this one guy. We chatted for about two months and I felt like I knew him the best of all potential guys. I agreed to meet him in a bar. He was more than excited to help with my plan! He couldn't wait! When he arrived he...

3 years ago
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A Virtual MFMF Experience

Vid got the idea from an episode of “Real Sex” on late night HBO. There was a segment on cybersex, and in it there is a woman who is sex chatting with some guy and her boyfriend was right next to her touching her according to the words of the guy online. Vid noticed that his girlfriend Marsha was watching intently and her breathing became a bit ragged. “Wow, that scene was really erotic,” Vid commented to his girlfriend, “Think you might want to try it?” “Uh, well , I don’t know. How do you...

3 years ago
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Mahogany Part 1

I find myself standing on a wooden dock white washed by the sun watching the yacht pull away. Behind me, beyond the oddly perfect, barren stretch of white-sugar sand, lays a complex of equally white buildings with Mahogany roofs under green fronds of palm trees. A week, I think to myself. I have a week here. I look back out to the boat, the dash of white against the impossibly azure sea, and watch it speed away. "Welcome to Mahogany," a deep, masculine voice rumbles in my ear. I jump and gasp,...

Straight Sex
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Mistake in Vegas it teez ok

It teez ok? New revised version By mitlvsmeg This story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 6

"It shouldn't have been that easy," Mike thought. "Something's wrong. What is it?" With Carrie gone to the Woman's Club deal, and with Webb at Rotary, they were going to be shorthanded in the back room, so Mike left Sally back at the shop once they'd finished with the Spearfish Lake and Albany River drops, offering to make the country run solo. At least no inserts this week, he thought. Even though they brought in part-timers to help with the inserting when needed, inserting on top...

3 years ago
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Lockdown X

Covering her mouth Savannah screamed as her orgasm washed over her. Megan slid up beside her and hugged her. Did I do it right, Megan asked. Kissing her Savannah said you were perfect. Megan jumped out of bed looking at the time. Missing the alarm she was late for signing in. Putting her uniform on she turned on her laptop. Savannah came up behind her and grabbed her breasts. What are you doing, she exclaimed. You were wonderful last night, Savannah said kissing her cheek. While Megan did her...

1 year ago
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Nadine and Jos BlowJob Swap PART SIX

It took Jo so long to get back from her first trick that I actually started to worry about her. Maybe the panties and the make-up HAD been over the top. Maybe she was at the police station having to blow fifteen policemen to get out. (She’d actually enjoy that!) Or maybe something worse. I was concerned. Nadene was on her sixth call, Heather on her fourth and Connie on her third when Jo finally showed up. Nadene, of course was having fun. The guys loved her new look as well… her red hot pants,...

Group Sex
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 24

The storm came up in what seemed to be a matter of minutes, the cloud bank of thunderheads looming rapidly out of the southwest to quickly overcast the heavens and burst open at their dull grey bellies, unleashing vicious bolts of chain lightning with great claps of thunder and churning up a wicked sea. Fortunately, Shannon had reached the island and was mooring the boat in the cove when it let loose its wrath. He hauled in his booty and ran to the house where the girls waited tense and weepy...

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First black cock masseuse

My husband and I had been going through a bad patch the last few months, he decided it would be best if we had some space not long term just a week so we could think about what we wanted. I agreed with him it couldn't do any harm. My husband knew I always wanted to go to one of them posh spas where they pamper you and he kindly booked it for me and made all the arrangements train, taxi etc it was further then I thought " maybe he wanted me far away lol" he actually said he picked the best one...

2 years ago
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Mommy knows best part 4

I liked this routine, it was simple and both of us were having fun, thats when dad dropped the bombshell. I had just finished up giving my mother a good fucking and she went to make dinner, i checked a few things on my computer and i was called down for dinner. "Been up to much recently?" Dad asked as i sat at the table "Not really, usual stuff. Figured since im not in school for another few weeks i can relax before i go back" I replied, careful about my use in words, incase he picked...

2 years ago
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My First Time

Last but not least, this is my property. I posted it FREE and do not condone theft, or unauthorized commercial use of it. So don't go posting it on pay sites or anywhere else for that matter without PRIOR permission from ME. I finally had to pull over, my hands where shaking so bad I simply couldn't control the car any longer. My stomach was twisted up in knots and it felt like I would hurl any moment. Sweat pours from my pours causing my shirt to stick to my body. Sure, it was hot...

1 year ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 4

Again, I struggled to get the sweet-smelling panties off my mouth and nose, but failed. I was too tired and too wildly horny to think straight. Forced to breathe in the last woman's beautiful scent, I kept thinking about how I had made her orgasm against my lips. The door creaked open and someone approached me. I wondered if Mistress had finally come back to check on me; to finally give me my reward for being her good girl. The woman's hair fell across the side of my head as she leaned in...

1 year ago
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Best Party Ever Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! As soon as I enter the house, I found the house to be very noisy and I could not contain my sexual excitement. So I gestured Joan to follow me into an empty room at the end of the house. When I saw her coming, I went inside the room and hid behind the doors, waiting for her. Then she came in, she was surprised to see that the room was empty and I suddenly jumped out, grabbing her two C-cups. She gave out a soft yelp before enjoying my "massage". I took...

4 years ago
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Ginas Life Ch 09

We lasted just two weeks after that night. I reckoned it was my fault in a way. Maybe I didn’t love Martin enough in the first place. Maybe the whole marriage was wrong from the start. So off he went to tell his mum and dad. The vicious bitch was on the phone an hour later. She was spiteful and so bloody infuriating, and then she dropped the bombshell, she wanted me out of the flat by the end of the week. I just sat there and cried, which started Kelly off too. My options were limited, wrong...

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1994Chapter 24 KO

Bolstered by the way John and Suzanne had accepted my handling of the Jack Piedmont matter, I walked into the office with a plan. I was making an appointment with HR when Wanda burst my bubble. "Everyone's talking about the trouble you made for yourself," she said. "What is everyone saying? Make it quick; I've got to run," I said, replacing the receiver in its cradle. "Jack Piedmont threatened to kill you if you looked at his expense reports. Is it true that you laughed and told him...

1 year ago
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The Male Escort Ch 03

I had just told Amy about me being an escort or if you prefer a male prostitute. I could see the look of shock in her eyes that turned almost to sorrow. ‘Jeff, I don’t know what to say. It was so unexpected. I think you better take me home now,’ she said with teary eyes. ‘I need time to think.’ I paid our bill and we left the lounge without saying a word to each other. As I pulled up to her house, I told her, ‘Amy, regardless what you think of me, I really do love you and the kids. I was...

1 year ago
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Peter Is 21 Pat and Kim

Chapter 1: Spring I was the first to admit that I don't handle breakups well, but after Yvette, I was a mess. I spent a lot of time brooding. I didn't ignore Alex or my family but I wasn't really connected either. I did what was expected of me and nothing more. Mom showed up one Sunday afternoon with luggage. "What's up?" I asked her after I kissed her cheek and got her some ice tea. "Just came to visit my baby. A mother can do that." And if I didn't know what a brilliant liar my...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 78 Naked in the Boardroom

Once Jessie Harper had cottoned onto the personal dynamics being played out here she quickly worked out her own course of action that she would follow through on regardless of the outcome of this meeting. As observed by everyone in the room, and to their utter surprise, she just stood up and began disrobing in front of them all. When she got down to her pink panties she made a big show of slowly pulling them off then tossing them with a very deliberate aim right into the middle of the large...

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The slut sister

Chapter 1 It all began when we were in our early teens when I was 16 and she was 14. Our family is pretty well off and we live in a nice 3 story house with swimming pool, BBQ pits and a small tennis court. My parents made it big during the internet boom and having now retired, they enjoy going on travels on their yacht and are fine with leaving me and my sister at home. Up to the age of 12, both of us were home-schooled and our parents hired tutors to ensure that we caught up with other...

4 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 13 The Hammer of Thor

After the ambush we made camp at Kannadi, taking over several deserted huts in the village. Under interrogation by Lieutenant LePater, the Headman of the village admitted the attack on the bullock cart had been made by the Thugs and dacoits who had taken over the village when Stead’s section was withdrawn a month earlier. It was obvious the villagers were innocent of any crime and had been closely supervised by their unwelcome guests so that no villager could raise the alarm. It also...

3 years ago
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The Stopwatch

The Stopwatch "So, here is the way this will work," she said matter-of-factly. "I will start the stopwatch when you enter me and you have to hold back from cumming for 30 seconds, or else you then have to eat me out! Deal?" "I think I can do that," I replied with some trepidation. I'm not sure when the last time was that I actually lasted as long as 30 seconds, but I was going to do my best to get there. "OK, before we start, I want you naked," she said. I disrobed and stood in...

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Cheating on her husband

Cheating on her husband ...My name is Juliana, I am 33 years old and I have been married for over 10 years. We have no c***dren. I am not a very beautiful woman, but I must have my charm, because I see men looking at me with desires.My husband and I attended an evangelical church here in the neighborhood and he was my first man. Our sex life has always been conservative, but we have sex with some frequency.A friend showed me this site of erotic stories. At first I didn't want to read the...

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The Fucking Beauty Part 1

The incident in this sex story started this summer. I like summer and really enjoy them. But this summer was totally different, to the extent which I haven’t thought of. Day 1. Snoozing my alarm again, I dozed off to sleep. I was feeling strange but avoiding it, I slept anyway. “Wake up! How long will you sleep! Lazy ass!” My wife shouted at me from the kitchen. Trying myself not to shout back at her, I sat up on my bed. I felt something heavy on my chest. I thought it must be the last night’s...

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Out and About

Me and the girlfriend were out for a walk, it was a glorious day and as usual I was horny as hell. We have always loved sex outdoors so decided to find a nice empty field in which to fuck. A perfect spot was soon found and we stretched out on the cool grass. My girlfriend is a real beauty, far too good for me really, with long slim legs, nice small tits, and a gorgeous arse. We got straight down to business, kissing passionately and running our hands over each others bodies whilst stripping off...

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Nurse Tammy

My name is Richard Smith, or rather it was. I was very wealthy, but extremely unhappy. Nothing I ever bought or did ever made my life worth while. That all changed when I got sick. It wasn't exactly cancer but it was pretty close. Within a few months I was at death's door. I had no friends or family, so no one seemed to notice my final day. Except for a mysterious stranger named Dr. Brown. "Mr. Smith, I understand you're in quite a predicament." He said with a smile. "Fuck you,...

2 years ago
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Making Her Wild Fantasies Come True

Hi ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 25 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. Once again I am going to narrate a real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much ISS for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. This incident happened when I was 21 while I was dating a girl from my college. We were madly in love with each other. I always...

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