Liz Pt. 01 free porn video

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This is my first ‘romantic’ story that I have ever worked on without being so incredibly over the top sexually speaking. This is Part I and of course there will be more parts coming soon.


A relationship is more than just a simple partnership, it’s a task that requires dedication and hard work. It takes a considerable effort to tend to the needs of one’s partner as well as your own while attempting to do a dozen other things throughout the day. A relationship therefore requires one to be a master at multi-tasking, something not easy to do within the confines of a 24 hour day. Now considering what has just been put forth and magnify that by a difficulty x100 or x1,000. Make the task a bit more difficult by having a relationship with someone who is well known. Better yet, attempt it while the other is a member of the A list. A person who is among the most adored, wanted, loved, hated, recognized, photographed, filmed, watched, spied on individuals in the world. This person is a movie star.

Perry Savich was in New York, Soho to be precise. He was laboring to be a freelance painter ever since graduation from art school years before. By this point in his so called career he should’ve sat down to write a book on the travails and misery of becoming an artist. Thus far it had been one long rocky road and didn’t appear as if it were going to get any better. Perry had made up his mind that he would go back to teaching full time. He should’ve stuck to teaching he kept telling himself over and over instead of leaving it after only a year and a half at a community college in Pennsylvania. It was a nice gig, instructing college kids on the rudimentary skills of making art outside of Pittsburgh. On weekends he’d drive home to Youngstown, see his parents have Sunday dinner before driving back. He wasn’t sure when he began to get the itch to leave his gig, but the idea must’ve come from the artist co-op he often visited. Seeing so many artists showing their work was a constant reminder that he should pick up the brush and start producing his own art. Perry felt guilty he had been neglecting his own creative energy for teaching. He decided that he’d take the plunge, and devote all of his time producing paintings, become known, and sell his artwork. If that didn’t work out he would grudgingly go back instructing would be artists at some community college.

Upon leaving Perry went to Pittsburgh, then Miami all the while sending galleries across the U.S. his resume and collection of works. At first there was no word, then a few bites here and there. Perry managed to have several paintings hanging in group shows and happily managed to sell a few. To help make ends meet he obtained employment at an art store, before moving yet again to someplace he felt the grass would be greener. His biggest mistake was moving to New York where the price of living was astronomical, but the amount of galleries and places to show his work were almost innumerable.

It was extremely difficult living, most of the time eating only once a day, sometimes going in a grocery market putting items in the cart for fun before placing them back on the shelf because he simply didn’t have enough to pay for them. He had two jobs waiting tables yet despite the hardship he kept going telling himself if things didn’t get better the following month he’d leave. He had a few more group shows but thus far no solo events which is what every artist craves for.

Perry took to doing commissions in addition to his own work. He did a few portraits for individuals including one Martin Taylor. At a group show Mr. Taylor approached Perry inquiring about his promotional brochure which included a line concerning commissions. He told Perry that he had followed events that showed his work and had even purchased one of his landscapes for his town home. Apparently Martin Taylor had money and Perry was very willing to fit into his busy schedule any work Martin could send his way. Perry was in luck as Mr. Taylor wanted a self portrait of himself and awarded him the commission. An appointment was made for Martin to sit for a painting at Perry’s small studio at a pre-arranged time.

Sitting for a portrait is painstaking not only for the model but the artist as well. One has to sit perfectly still for a lengths of time while the painter does his/her best to encapsulate the subject upon the painting surface while finagling with the lighting and props. Perry had done a number of works where someone sat for him and thus was prepared for his subject to be either quiet or very talkative. Perry preferred the sitter to say little, not because he disliked conversation but because it often led to losing the moment whilst trying to concentrate. One could always embark on conversing during a break. Martin sat for his portrait four times during the month all the while saying a few things that lead Perry to believe that he had quite a fan of his works. That suited the artist just fine as it translated to someone buying more of his work.

While on break during a sitting Mr. Taylor looked around the studio at the paintings, some framed other rolled and asked whether any were for sale. Of course they were and one which caught Taylor’s eye was a self portrait of the artist himself. Out of all the works available Perry was a bit uncomfortable selling it. He had painted it as a joke with another artist who did one of themselves, and the idea was to do a Renaissance styled self portrait that had an odd feel to it. For Perry that meant placing his eyes a bit off so that they were not quite looking forward and painting small beads of sweat upon the brow and forehead of his portrait. He liked the result. So did Mr. Taylor obviously and he offered two thousand dollars for it. To hell with odd, Perry thought. He quickly sold the painting to him.

Upon completion of the commissioned portrait, Perry was invited to a gathering thrown by Taylor at his upper East Side home. The artist felt out of place being amongst so many phony, pretentious, conceited people. No matter how much he may have disliked them, they had the money. He’d have to suck it up and deal with it. Mr. Taylor introduced Perry to his friends and they all claimed, whether they were truthful or not, that they liked his work and wanted to see more. He told them about his group shows and a possible upcoming solo event. The artist realized that such parties were goldmines in which to help cultivate future prospective buyers, so it was imperative to schmooze or lose. While he did so everyone complemented him on the portrait sitting in the hosts study. Perry was curious himself as to how the finished work looked in it’s new home. Taylor was more than happy to show him.

With a number of people following, the artist was lead into the study. There above the fireplace mantle was the framed portrait of Martin Taylor looking to his right. Perry’s mouth just about hit the floor when he realized where his own self portrait ended up. Because of the juxtaposition of figures both portraits hung within a foot of one another and appeared as if they were staring at each other. Taylor looking to his right, Perry’s faux Renaissance self portrait looking left, sweat and oddball eyes included. It was simply eerie.

Oh my God, Perry thought. This guy wasn’t just a simple fan but an obsessed one. It dawned on him that Taylor never mentioned he had a wife or life partner, nor any children for that matter. This man was alone and now had arranged some strange fantasy involving the two of them. He honestly felt like running out of that town home immediately. Perry headed not for the door but the bar. While throwing back a few glasses of straight Balvenie he put on the best face to conceal his true feelings. He somehow had to maintain a business relationship while keeping a creepy wealthy fan at arm’s length. Perry vowed never to paint a commission ever again.

He was still trying to shake the weird event from his mind when he got word from a gallery that they would like
to schedule a solo show. Perry was ecstatic and felt energized. The gallery called M55 was interested in his series of abstract landscape paintings. He had close to thirty pieces in that series and they were ready to go. After meeting with the gallery owner Mindy Gold he’d have a chance to hit the ground running with a solo event scheduled for mid September. He couldn’t wait. Who would show up and how much will they buy, he thought.

Little did Perry know that he was on the verge of meeting someone who’d eclipse those thoughts entirely. Her name was Elizabeth Beresford.

It was September 16th, a pleasant cool late summer evening in Soho. Perry Savich tried to relax as the opening of his solo show began. He and Mindy went over their last minute checklist ensuring everything was done, paintings hung with prices and relevant information check, food check, alcohol check, price-list check, music check, artist statement check. Perry looked at Mindy as the doors officially opened to M55 and crossed his fingers and said, ‘Well Mindy here’s goes nothing.’

She shook her head and replied in a motherly tone, ‘You’ll do just fine Perry. In fact I foresee you selling most if not all your pieces.’

‘Wouldn’t that be nice?,’ he smiled as he walked off to the makeshift bar to get a Balvenie.

The public started to filter in from the curious to serious aficionados and collectors. According to Mindy a critic or two would make an appearance and she promised to point them out to Perry considering she knew almost all of them in the New York after spending 30 years in the art scene. A friend of Perry’s named Keith Kewley who was a photographer for Conde Nast magazine dropped by to lend his support.

‘Hey Keith, thanks for coming. Didn’t think you’d be able to make it man. I thought you were flying out to Turkey today?’ Perry said.

Keith ran a hand through his curly brown hair and replied, ‘No way I’d miss your opening Perry. As for my flight it doesn’t leave until after midnight so no problemo.’ Perry always thought that if Keith failed to find photography work he could always act as the actor Jeff Bridges’ double. Same look and mannerisms of the famous celebrity. Keith had a knack for doing impressions of Jeff Bridges famous character, ‘The Dude’ from the film The Big Lebowski when it fitted him.

‘Well appreciate it Dudester,’ Perry patted him on the shoulder.

‘Oh, hey Perry somebody very big is gonna drop by. Just wanted you to know.’

‘Oh, who might this person be? Wait let me guess, Nora Cohen the critic from Artnews? Mindy said she might make an appearance.’

‘No sir. This person is many times younger and doesn’t have the whole Medusa thing going on at all,’ Keith motioned with his hand mimicking Nora’s wild hair and cringe worthy visage.

Perry chuckled and asked, ‘Okay so this person is a she. Hey, I know who it’s that Israeli girl in the IDF(Israeli Defense Force) what’s her name the one you’re crazy about, Sarah something or another.’

Keith smiled while helping himself to the food and shook his head, ‘Heh, I know you’re a connoisseur of beautiful women and an ardent fan of my little Sarah Friedman. Rest assured Perry, the person I’m referring to will equally amaze and astonish you because you have mentioned her many times over many brewskis.’

‘No shit? Okay man I give up. So just who is this incredible female?’

‘You know I’d love to torture you over whom I’m referring to but seeing that she’s shown up early all you have to do is spin around and look for yourself man,’ Keith replied doing his ‘Dude’ routine.

Perry did so and at first couldn’t tell who Keith was referring to. There were several couples, an older lady in her 60s, and even older gentleman in his 70s wearing a peach ascot with black beret. ‘Keith who precisely are you speaking about?’ Perry tried to ask before seeing a girl wearing a white blouse, black vest, leggings, and black boots. She was bending down to get a better view of detail from one painting whilst biting her thumbnail. ‘Yep partner that’s her,’ Keith nudged. A proverbial light bulb went off over Perry’s head. The girl’s facial profile, her nail biting, the way she stood, and her long straight brown hair.

‘Holy shit is that?’ Perry asked turning to Keith.

‘Miss Elizabeth Anne Beresford herself, in the flesh looking at your work. She’s quite something isn’t she?’

‘My God it is. It’s her. I can’t believe it,’ Perry said his palms getting sweaty and his heartbeat racing.

Elizabeth Thalia Beresford was one of Hollywood’s premiere A list celebrities. Her net worth was reputed to be around 32 million pounds and thus far she was a sure fire money maker for the film industry. Elizabeth’s name carried weight and as such she was employed not only in films but by representing the products worldwide for the make-up giant L’Oreal and fashion designer Jason Wu.

Elizabeth Beresford was born and raised in Guildford, southwest of London. Before she made it big she had managed to appear in several commercials for television by the age of eight and nine. She then appeared on a children’s program produced by Yorkshire Television called ‘Spyglass’. Her mother Ruth who once worked in radio discovered that there was to be a casting call for a new movie called ‘The George Street Gang’ being produced by the studio giant Fantasia Productions. She arranged to have her daughter try for a part, in fact any part in the production.

Thousands of girls aged 11-13 vied for the part of Frances ‘Frankie’ Rhodes, a plucky tomboyish English girl who formed part of the ‘Gang’ along with five other characters (4 male and two female) ranging in age from 10-15 years of age. There other female role was for a character named Joy Fitzlyon, a wealthy snobbish type which stood as an alternative for any girl who wasn’t chosen to portray Frances.

After multiple call backs and readings Elizabeth got the part. No one had any notion just how successful the first film was to become, but it broke box office records. Who would’ve figured a story revolving around a group of friends in 1930s England who find action, mystery, and adventure could capture the imagination of so many people, young people especially, around the world. The first film led to six additional George Street Gang movies, for a total of 7 films that propelled the young actors into the limelight, their names becoming household items. With merchandising Fantasia Productions earned a whopping return for it’s initial investment in the first film. For the actors like Elizabeth it earned them an immense cushion of cash and admittance into the big leagues.

‘Well don’t just stand around looking stupid, go up and talk to her,’ Keith said munching on a cracker.

‘Are you joking? That’s the Elizabeth Beresford, the freaking actress, an A list celebrity. That is Frances Rhodes from the George Street Gang movies. Dude Frances Rhodes,’ Perry replied taking a big gulp of Balvenie.

‘Hmmm, she’s talking to Mindy about something. Looks like she’s done a job hiding her bodacious ta-tas from the looks of her outfit, but you can still tell her twin girls cannot be fully hidden,’ Keith winked taking a sip of beer.

‘How the hell did you know she was coming tonight?’ Perry asked.

‘Well you know Marla Staples from Conde don’t you?’ Keith inquired.

‘The one with the really bizarre glasses and annoying voice?’

‘You got it. Well she knows Miss Beresford’s manager Nicole Ashby. Anyhow to make a long story short Marla discovers that Elizabeth is in town to be on the Letterman Show and tells me in a passing conversation whereby, I hand Marla a card from this show to be given to Nicole who no doubt handed it over to sweet Miss Beresford who just happens to be a big fan of art.’

‘You sly devil you,’ Perry smiled. ‘But come on Keith she’s an A-lister. She wouldn’t talk to me I’m a nobody’.

‘You’re a what? Come on Perry man you got a lot to proud of. You’re an artis
t buddy. She loves art and by the way dude she no longer has a boyfriend.’

‘No way. I just saw some photos on the net of her with some guy coming out from some fancy store in London,’ Perry smirked.

‘Oh, man like you’re putting out serious negative waves here. That guy is history, trust me just like she’s gonna be if you don’t go up and talk with her right away man,’ Keith ordered.

Perry saw her in the crowd going over the last pieces in his show. It was now or never. He consoled himself to be as professional as possible and introduce himself and ask if she liked his work. He zigzagged his way through the throng of people until he stopped just behind her right shoulder. As it turned out she was studying his most favorite painting from his series. He sidled up next to her and said, ‘I love this piece.’

She turned to him and replied, ‘Yes, it is quite nice, quite effective.’ Perry’s legs felt like spaghetti and he thought to himself, ‘Oh, man her accent! Elizabeth Beresford just talked to me!’

He pushed himself to begin a conversation with her. It wasn’t easy without stumbling over his words, ‘T-This area uh, over here is rather sublime,’ he motioned over a portion of the painting.

‘Yes quite almost an homage to Frank Zeigler. I rather like that,’ she replied looking straight at the canvas.

‘What do you make of the small works on the far wall?’

‘Mmmmmm, I’m rather intrigued by those large three vertical pieces. I think the artist has discovered something profound in that work. I’m quite certain he had a rather interesting venture working on them. I’d love to ask the artist himself about that,’ she said.

Perry caught himself peeking at her cleavage while she looked in the other direction. Milky soft white skin. ‘Oh well ask away,’ he smiled.

‘I’m sorry?’ she asked.

‘I’m the artist.’

‘Oh, my goodness. I had no idea,’ she smiled which melted his heart in an instant.

‘I’m Perry Savich,’ he extended his hand.

‘Elizabeth Beresford, it’s nice to meet you Perry. You have quite a nice show.’

They chatted about art, and in particular artists whom they admired. To Perry’s surprise they both shared similar tastes and preferences. She knowledgeable enough for Perry to consider her something of an art nerd, a thought he kept to himself. He tried not to be in awe of merely sitting down and talking to such a big celebrity. Elizabeth appeared receptive and did not seem the least bit bored which was a huge relief to Perry. She even laughed at a few things he said especially when he said, ‘Henri Matisse’s long lost brother just walked in,’ regarding a visitor. A few people in the crowd did approach the two during their discussion to ask Elizabeth for her autograph which she gave with a smile, and to comment that they were big fans of her work.

It was then that Perry let on that he recognized her for who she was, ‘Ah, you did those George Street movies right? I thought you looked familiar. You played uh what was her name, Frankie?’

‘Yes, Frances Rhodes,’ she replied her smile and attention broken by a camera flash outside coming from the street.

‘Uh, oh,’ Perry frowned at the flashing. ‘Fans of yours?’

‘Paparazzi I’m afraid, and no they aren’t friends. Look I’d love to carry on our discussion some other place if you’d like,’ she suggested.

Perry didn’t even think twice before replying, ‘There’s a side entrance all the way to the back,’ he nodded.

‘Perry I don’t wish to take you away from your responsibilities here.’

‘No, not all. Mindy can take over I’m sure. Hey, are you hungry?’ he asked.

‘Yes, famished actually,’ she smiled.

‘Great, let me ask a friend for direction to an Italian place. Do you like Italian?’

‘Yes indeed.’

‘Fantastic, I’ll meet you in the back and we can make a getaway,’ Perry remarked before going to seek out Keith.

There was Keith debating with another guy over who served the best Pastrami and Rye sandwiches in Boston. Perry cleared his throat and got Keith’s attention, ‘Hey where’s that Italian joint you always rave about?’

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“Elizabeth” She stood before me, looking so beautiful, my heart ached. The wedding dress accented her slender frame, and her eyes sparkled with joy as she looked up at me. Smiling, I took her hand... Years Earlier... “Mommy? I want to go swimming. Please?” It was the holiday weekend in July, and I was home after graduating college. With my degree fresh in the frame on the office wall, I was at work at the family business. I know, a lot of folks might think that a business that takes care of...

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My real name is Elizabeth and this is my story. I got married at age seventeen to a twenty-two year old factory worker. It seemed that with his pay I would always have what I wanted. That sure wasn't true. I grew up in Pennsylvania and my honeymoon was at a theme park not far from home. Then I found out that the nice car he was driving was from one of those pay by the week lots with a high interest rate. We had to turn it in to pay rent and bought a fucked up old Dodge. So, here I was, married...

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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat. Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...

2 years ago
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2020Sitting there stirring her soy-milk latte, brunette-bob cut, and the 'librarian' glasses. A black dress, up to the collarbone - nothing to tease. Beyond the lenses though, her soft green eyes are on me. Moving down a little, the nose piercings, another just above and below her mouth, Those soft lips, natural filler-free, and the corners up-turned into a warm smile. It had been a few years since we'd last caught up at her wedding, but even longer since we'd spent any time alone...

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My eyes hurt now they were drying out, but then they always do about now. Having to wear full contact lens over my vertical slit eyes doesn't help. To make me forget the pain I was concentrating on the three young females chatting. It was funny their voices said one thing but the minds said something completely different. My family think I'm stupid, these mammals can't lay eggs so what's the point in mating with them. I may be stupid but it's great fun to push my mating probe into them...

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The first time he ever saw her, nothing had ever captivated him as much as she did in that one single moment. In all his vampire existence, he had wanted nothing more than to posses her, both in body and soul. Lucius had been returning from the vampire council meeting held by the few purebloods. Rare as they were, no vampire would dare attack them. They were practically royalty, correction, they were royalty. With all that being undead business, vampires are still able to give birth, though...

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The first time he ever saw her, nothing had ever captivated him as much as she did in that one single moment. In all his vampire existence, he had wanted nothing more than to posses her, both in body and soul. Lucius had been returning from the vampire council meeting held by the few purebloods. Rare as they were, no vampire would dare attack them. They were practically royalty; correction, they were royalty. With all that being undead business, vampires are still able to give birth, though...

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Realization By Marti B A single tear traced a ragged path down my cheek ruining my once perfect make-up. My shoulders slumped as if they were bearing the weight of the world as the full impact of my situation hit home. Angela came over to see if the dryer was too hot. I smiled and told her everything was ok and that I was fine. Angela checked my hair wrapped tight on the rollers. She said, "Looks like you're done, lets go back to my chair and I'll finishing making...

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I woke up one morning after a poor night's sleep and thought of the things I liked, the things I did, the things I wanted to do. I made a decision, I liked dick, no not true, I loved it. I craved the look of it, the taste of it, the feel of it. Hard, hot and throbbing. Sliding over my lips, over my tongue, into my throat. The feel of another body, strong, hard and insistent sliding hot and strong over me. More telling, the intrusion, slow, strong. and steady, invading my innards, spreading...

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Lost in Red Fox Woods

In the spring of 1985, Wesley and his girlfriend Audrey were on a class field trip in Red Fox Woods. They were 15 years old and shared the same birthday. Unlike the rest of their classmates who were bored out of their minds and resented every second they were spending there. Wesley and Audrey loved being surrounded by nature. The two of them had meet at summer camp when they were ten and had been inseparable ever since. They had just started dating and had yet to share their first kiss. Wesley...

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The Touch Ch 02

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. <,.em>, Chapter 2: Alfresco with Sharon Whatever had happened that night between me and Alice had a profound and lasting effect on my life from that day onwards. For the next few weeks I became mentally and bodily obsessed with sex. Getting laid dominated my thoughts night and day. It became a real struggle at first to concentrate on my work...

1 year ago
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The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties. I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

4 years ago
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Lost at SeaChapter 2

“What? Why ... monkey?” Will stammered. “Very eloquent.” she laughed. “Monkey!?” he repeated. “It’s a witch thing.” Bella grinned. “He’s my familiar.” “You have a familiar now?” Will said, impressed. “Isn’t that pretty high up on the witch achievement scale?” “Middle-range, really.” Bella gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I had him watching from outside in case Jack came back.” “He told you all that with one terrible noise?” Will asked, finally buttoning up his breeches. “Yes. It isn’t my...

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Promotion ki mazburi

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Jaise ki aap log janate hai ki mai sarkari daftar me auditing...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 7

For the last 2 weeks Charles had been hanging out with Ivy and her friends. They had been hanging out nearly every night. Every time he was going to meet up with her (and her friends), he was always excited. In the mornings and afternoons, he worked at his mom's shop. He got to know more about the townspeople as many of them were customers who came to the shop. Some were adults. Some were young kids. Some were kids his age. Some of the teenagers would talk to him as he was the new guy and he...

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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 10 Threesome

Lauren threw herself into the role of insatiable slut, and went to Gruthsorik for a tentacle fuck every day, sometimes even twice in one day. It wasn't long at all before she was taking two tentacles each in both her ass and her now-bare pussy, and loving every moment of it. She took an extreme liking to the monster's cum, using her hands to scoop it off her body and into her mouth, even sometimes licking it off the floor. At night Lauren slept snuggled close to the demon, often in a tight...

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Curious Clients Ariels Anal Trials

Awesome Ariel consults us in Amsterdam with several questions. She can come easily from fingering, fucking or love lips licking, but her tasty tight teenlike cute cunny stays as dry as a desert. She has several secret fancies, but wonders whether and how to integrate them into her regular love life of a shy sweet young woman with the looks of a teen. Alone at home, she spices up her rubbing of private parts by watching porn of peculiar scenes of degrading: often anal, and spitting or pissing....

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InFlight Entertainment Part Four

By the time the seatbelt light finally went out, Flight Attendant Skye Blue had been reduced to a panting, breathy mess of boobs and curls. Straddled in Mr Tarasov's lap, she was practically humping her chastised crotch against his right leg, her bruised and slobber-covered tits swinging freely between the pair of them as she thrusted back and forth. She moaned and groaned and sighed in that adorable high-pitched squeak of hers as she attempted to bring herself off, but the steel cage...

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The Perks Of Being A Gentleman

The sun tried to break the screen the opaque blue clouds made, but it was too much of a struggle. The first flakes of snow cascaded from the ominous clouds and froze onto the dying brown grass blades. She could feel the excitement pulsating through the campus as the slick white sheet began to consume the ground underneath it. It had been one of those rough and disheartening weeks that dragged on without stopping to let you get a breath of air. It was nothing a few silly comedies couldn't...

Quickie Sex
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A letter to my father

A Letter to My Father Dear Dad: I wish I could give you this letter in person. I wish we could sit down and talk. We actually have a lot in common, you and me. Both of us have struggled with a sense of worthlessness, although it may have been for different reasons. But, you left this world a long time ago, and I can only grieve for the loss, and pray that you are now at peace. I wonder what you might have been like if you had somehow overcome the suicidal impulse and had been able...

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Dirty Laundry mdash Part 2

This is my original work; originally published on another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvDirty Laundry Part 2Peter had made it a point to call the laundromat a few days after hisencounter. He'd asked to speak to the manager and told her that hewanted to thank the attendant who had been on duty that night. Hisname, he discovered, was Tyler.Peter came into the laundromat that next week on the same night,slightly earlier than the last time. A handful of others were there,but it wasn't crowded. It was...

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MyPervyFamily Ameena Green Hahaha8230 You8217re Sniffing My Panties Pervert

Poor ol’ Juan Loco was serving his sentence of endless chores after he got caught taking his stepdad’s car without permission. But ya know, accountability isn’t for everyone. His stepsister Ameena Green teased & tormented him as he scrubbed & cleaned, even throwing her dirty laundry at him. But Juan is no chump!? He used the opportunity to huff his stepsister’s dirty panties, like really get in there deep. All that sniffing must’ve drained the oxygen from...

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Doing Heather Together

I really couldn't fully believe it when she actually said she'd do it. I mean, we'd talked about it a lot of times since I first told her about this fantasy I'd been having, and she'd even gotten to the point where she'd told me yes, she'd probably do it under the right circumstances, although I was never really sure if she was serious or just going along with the game to make the fantasy more enjoyable for me. This time though, when she said it, it was with a whole new attitude,...

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My Three Sisters and Mom

I grew up in a family of all girls, and later... all women. My father died in an accident a little over a year after my twin sister and I were born. Fraternal twins, Jackie and I had many of the same facial characteristics, I looked more like my father including his almost coal black hair, whereas Jackie had my mothers almost reddish honey blonde coloration. Our mother had been forced to return to work full-time which necessitated our older sister Becky becoming almost a second mother to us...

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A Man For Valentines

The snow crunched under the tires of her jeep, prompting Elizabeth to switch over to 4-wheel drive. The deep snow was twinkling in the faint glow of the streetlights, catching the light and throwing it in all directions. Christmas lights were long gone from this country road but the crystal snow kept it looking warm and cheerful. Sometimes she had regretted moving out of the city, especially during her daily commute when the weather turned nasty, but days like this reminded her why she did it....

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GirlsWay Violet Monroe Kleio Valentien Real Girlfriends Kleio Violet

Real life girlfriends Violet Monroe and Kleio Valentien describe how they started dating and what it’s like being in a lesbian relationship while working in the porn industry. Their biggest conflict is scheduling time for each other, but otherwise it’s the most fun relationship they’ve ever had. Both girls consider themselves bisexual rather than strictly lesbian. They love dick, but they always gravitate back to vagina. They describe sex on camera as very different from sex...

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Susan My Wife Plays A Real Bitch

This story is in continuation of my previous submission titled “Susan…” After that fateful night, our lives changed forever. Khalid became the man of the house and Susan his prized possession. I stooped down to a mere onlooker who frustratingly masturbated every night watching his hot wife Susan getting fucked by this muscular bully called Khalid. What worse – I had to call Khalid as ‘sir’ and my own wife as “Madam”. But we were all happy with the arrangement. Susan was fully satisfied of her...

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Old Friends

I haven’t seen Bobby in probably fifteen years. We were best friends growing up although our lives took on radically divergent paths. He knocked a girl up when he was still in high school and took the Army route to clean up his act. I went to college and got that degree everyone said I needed. I ended up going to law school, and now I’m a corporate lawyer. I’m on the verge of being a big shot, I guess. Anyway I haven’t thought about Bobby in ages. Then, out of the blue, he asks to be my friend...

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Devlins StoryChapter 55

"Let me get this straight," Krissi said several days later as they shared a dessert in a coffee shop two blocks off campus. "You have no problem going to bed with Danny, but you're worried about going to a party at Emma's." "Partly," Devlin said. "There's more to it than that." "So, in clear conscience, you feel you can look at Evan and say, "There's this guy I've been having sex with since I was 14. Don't worry about him as competition, though. He's married." And he'll...

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Safe Porn Sites

SafePornSites! I know you guys are already used to using my website to find all the best porn platforms there’s out there. However, I think it’s good to change things up from time to time. Then again, when you have a porn list site as advanced as mine, you’ll probably be coming back after not that long. But still, it’s nice to have a change of pace at some points in your porn-watching career, and that’s why sites like exist. Well, I understand why it could seem redundant for...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Waiting In The Rain

The cold rain told a sad story in a soft voice, and I was listening. I'm a good listener; always have been. Especially out here in the woods, inside this small cemetery. I sit in the cab of my old truck, listen to the rain tell the story, and wait for Melinda. In these parts, we never seem to have nice winter weather. It's always cold, cloudy, and raining. All it's good for is hunting, mostly deer. Only I don't hunt-not anymore. But this became my favorite time of year because of...

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The Concierge

I feel I should introduce myself. My name isnt really that important. What is important is what I can do. Im simply known as the Concierge. Ive set my life up to help people with their kinks. Its not always what you know, but who. I can get most things or set up a senario just to peoples taste. All I need is time, and maybe a little cash to help. But thats not why your here is it? Lets set the scene. Chapter one. My business phone rang on my desk. This one was only given to people in...

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