Liza free porn video

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The taxi crept along the tree lined street. On either side were mansions, one bigger than the other.

“Nice place,” said the driver.

“Mm, I guess it is.”

“Do you live here?”

“I used too, a long time ago.”

“Must be nice to be rich,” I heard the sarcasm in his voice but ignored it.

There it was, my parents gleaming white house. Three stories with a tiled roof. Balconies on every floor, and a garden that took two days to water. Behind it was a large swimming pool, with a pool house and guest rooms.

“You can stop here,” I said.

“$50, please.”

I paid him and got out. I guess he was too lazy to get my bag out of the trunk since he only popped it and I took it out. He drove off and I stood alone on the sidewalk. The street was quiet, it was early in the morning, just after six and the sun was coming up over the neighbors palm trees. I lit a cigarette and drank from the water bottle I had bought at the arrival hall.

A woman came jogging towards me and smiled as she ran by. I looked at her ass and thought that she needed to run a lot more to make it firm.

It was time to meet my parents. I hadn’t seen them in close to fifteen years. After I graduated high school, I had decided not to go to college, but to travel. My father had hit the roof and my mother had cried. I told them I wanted to see it all, experience new cultures, not to be bogged down in a classroom. I had told them it was only for half a year or so, but it turned out a lot longer. My dad had given me a credit card and hugged me goodbye at the airport, thinking I would show up soon enough.

When six months had past, I sent them a postcard from Hong Kong telling them I wasn’t coming home. I bought a camera and made enough money being a freelance photographer. I basically lived out of my backpack. I left Hong Kong and traveled to South East Asia, then on to Africa and across to South America. I had done Europe during the first six months of my adventure.

Now I was back, my mother was ill and the doctors had told her she had no more than three to six months to live. I hated death, and I hated sickness, it made me feel uncomfortable, and in my line of work I had seen enough of it. Covering wars and outbreaks.

I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder and walked up the tiled path with flower beds on either side. Then I knocked on the door.

When it opened my father was standing there, he looked at me, curiosity in his eyes.

“Yes? Can I help you?”

“Hi dad, it’s me.”

“Chris? Oh, my god, I didn’t recognize you at first. Come in.”

I walked past him into the large foyer. Across it were the French doors out onto the back terrace, pool and garden.

When he had closed the door behind me he hugged me and said, “we have missed you so much.”

I let go of him. “Where is Mom?”

He sighed. “Upstairs, sleeping.”

“How is she?”

“Some days are better than others, I guess, but she is very sick.”

He walked away and I left my bag by the door and followed him into the kitchen.

“Coffee?” he said.


“Where did you fly in from?”

“La Paz, Bolivia.”

“What were you doing there?”

“Covering the elections.”

He was quiet while he poured two mugs and handed one to me. Then he said, “how long are you staying?”

“A couple of days only.”

“C’mon, stay longer. Your mother would love to have you around.”

“Maybe, let’s see how things go.”

We sat in silence and then I said, “When do I get to meet her?”

He looked up from his mug. “Liza?”

“Yeah, who else? Have you adopted more kids while I was gone?”

He smiled, “no, just her. I guess she is still sleeping.”

“Tell me about her. All I know is that you adopted her ten years ago, and she is from Colombia.”

“Well, your mother and I got in touch with a company that works with poor people in Latin America. We went down to Colombia to see the work they did, and that’s when we first met Liza. She was eight at the time.”

“What made you decide to adopt her?”

“She was an orphan. Her parents had been killed by the FARC guerillas, and she had no other family. We thought we could give her a better future here in the States.”

“How did she adapt to her new country?”

Dad shrugged his shoulders, “Fine, I suppose. She learned English quickly and have decent grades in school. She will go to university this fall.”

“Sound’s good.”

“Mm, I guess so.”

He looked worried, and I said, “C’mon Dad, what is it?”

“Well, she is a special girl.”

“Okay, and what does that mean?”

“You will see when you meet her, and please, I beg you, do not judge her.”

This made me wonder what was going on. Did she have a disability or something? I had met kids with severe illness and victims of war atrocities, so I wasn’t easily shocked.

My Dad offered me more coffee, which I accepted and then he left to go upstairs. I took the mug with me and walked out onto the terrace where I lit a cigarette and sat down under one of the palm trees. I sat on the grass and the smell of the flowers around me was strong. I was about to light another cigarette when the French doors opened and a person walked out.

At first, I couldn’t see who it was because the sun was in my eyes, but apparently the person noticed me and walked towards where I was sitting. Suddenly I realized it was a young woman, it must be Liza, I thought. I got up, ready to say hello. As she came closer I saw that she was only wearing a pair of white cotton panties, nothing else. Her boobs were quite large and set high on her chest. She had that special Latin swing in her hips, and her hair was long, raven black and slightly curly.

When she reached me, said, “hi, you must be my step-brother, Chris?”

I was speechless. She was a half a head shorter than me, which made her around five foot seven. She looked up at me with large brown eyes and her full mouth had a big smile, showing perfect white teeth. This close I could see that her nipples were dark brown and hard. I looked away and said, “yeah, I am. It’s nice to meet you, finally.”

“Come here, and give me a hug,” she said.

Before I could stop her, she wrapped her arms around me and pressed herself against my body. I could feel her firm boobs against my chest and it made me squirm inside. This was not the time or the place to get a hard on. I gave her a quick hug and then stepped away.

“How was your trip?” she asked.

“Fine, long, but good.”

“Have you had breakfast?”

“No, just coffee.”

She took my hand.”C’mon, I’ll make you some scrambled eggs and bacon, and we can get to know each other better. We have so much to catch up on.”

While I sat at the kitchen table Liza busied herself at the stove. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her round ass moving in front of me. When she bent down to get something out of the fridge, I could see the outline of her pussy between her legs. It was one of those that look like if someone had placed a little bun between her thighs.

I swallowed hard and looked away. My cock was by now hard in my pants and I adjusted it a little so it wouldn’t be so obvious under the thin fabric. While she made breakfast she told me about her life in the States since she had arrived. The new language, making friends at school and the soccer team she had joined. At one point she turned around and said, "You know, I don’t get you guys.”

“What do you mean?”

“All you can think about is sex. I get guys at school coming up to me saying how they love my body, and what big tits I have. It’s like if the only thing that is working in their bodies are their hormones and the only thing they do is to send messages to their brains about fucking.”

I was shocked at the word she had used and stammered, “I, I guess, young guys are like that.”

Waving a fork in the air, she continued, “C’mon, Chris. Don’t tell me you think less about sex when you get older?”

“I guess you are right.”

She turned around and moved the eggs. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“No, I don’t.”

She turned back around, eyes wide open.”How come?”

“Well, I travel a lot and it’s hard to keep a long distance relationship.”

She gave me a slight smile.”What about sex?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t lack of it.”

“Of course not, you are very handsome. I’m lucky to have such a good looking step-brother. My friends are dying to meet you.”

“Meet me?”

“Yeah, I invited Brooke and Josie over this afternoon.”

“Is that such a good idea? I mean, Mom is very sick.”

Liza put the food on two plates and placed one of them in front of me. When she had sat down, she said, “Not at all, Mom likes having us around. She says she loves the sound of us laughing.”

When I was half way through my plate my father came in.

“Dad, there is breakfast for you too, on the stove.”

“Thanks, Liza. Are you off soon?”

She looked up at the clock hanging on the wall above me. “Shit! I got to run.” She got up and put her plate in the sink and then disappeared up the stairs.

“So, what do you think?” said my dad, when he had sat down.

“What’s up with her walking around half naked?”

“Well, that’s what I meant when I said she was special. I think it has to do with how she was brought up. Out there in the jungle, where she lived, most people were so poor that they couldn’t afford clothing. She only uses clothes when she goes out and she is extremely careful with the things she buys. Always hangs them up or puts them in drawers.”

“Still, it’s a bit uncomfortable, don’t you think?”

“I guess. Your mother and I have spoken to her about it, but she refuses. Only when we have visitors does she put something on to cover herself up. I had to forbid her opening the entrance door after some of the neighbors complained that she was topless when they would knock.”

I finished my breakfast. “Is Mom awake?”

“No, she is still sleeping.”

“Okay, I’m going to rest a little. It was a long flight. I’ll see you later.”

As I walked up the stairs, I met Liza halfway up. She was wearing tight shorts and a blouse that was knotted above her belly button. Her boobs pressed against the fabric and when she saw me she smiled. “I’m off, and I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Liza,” I said and watched her firm ass while she walked down the last steps.

As I lay on my bed in my old room looking up at the ceiling, memories flowed back. My parents had left my room exactly as had been when I had left. The posters on the walls showing different bands and sports stars still hung there. On the desk stood my computer, very outdated, and pens and pencils in their holder.

I tried to sleep, but one thought came back to me as soon as I began drifting away, mother. Even though I knew she was dying, it felt distant, like if it wasn’t happening. I put it down to me being away for so long and losing contact with my parents. We only kept in touch over birthdays and a Christmas cards.

My father felt more like just another man than my dad. He had been in the middle of his career as a lawyer when he had left and I remember going to bed and waking up in the morning not seeing him around. It could take days and even weeks before we had breakfast together. He often traveled and even though he always brought me a gift when he came back it was never enough.

Maybe I had left as a way to get revenge on him, for letting me be alone for all those years, just with my mother in the house. She was overprotective and seldom let me go out with my friends after six in the evening. I once took a girl home and my mother told me she was a slut after she had seen her kiss me goodbye on the porch. I never brought one back after that. I was still a virgin when I boarded my flight to Paris at the age of eighteen.

I eventually paid a hooker in a seedy bar somewhere in the red light district of Paris to get laid. It wasn’t very good, or at least not what I had expected. She lay there with her legs spread wide and looked at her fingernails while I tried to fuck her. I say tried because I was so nervous my cock wasn’t hard enough at first. When I finally slid in, I managed three or four thrusts before I came in the condom she had provided. When I slumped down on top of her, she pushed me off and in heavily accented English told me to get my shit and get the fuck out. The next customer was waiting.

When I woke up after my nap, I got dressed and walked down the corridor to my parent’s bedroom. I knocked on the door and then walked in. My mother was lying propped up in her bed with several pillows. Her cheeks were sunken and she had dark rings under her eyes. She looked up from a book she was reading and when she saw me she smiled and put it down.

“Chris, you came.”

I walked over to the bed and sat down, taking her hand in mine. It was cold and dry, not warm and soft as I had remembered it.

“Yeah, Mom. I came. How are you feeling?”

“I have good days and bad. Today I am OK. I have pain, but the drugs take care of that. Did you meet Liza?”

“I did; she is, how do I say this, interesting.”

My mother scoffed. “She is a little whore, but I love her”

“Mom! Why do you say that?”

“What? Was she dressed when you met her?”


“Then you know I am right. A girl walking around half naked most of the time is nothing but a little slut, and you know it.”

“But Dad told me about how she grew up.”

My mother patted my hand with her free one. “Sure, sure, and Santa is real. I thought she would grow out of it by the time she entered puberty, you know, becoming aware of her body, but no, she kept on going around in only panties. It drove me and your father crazy. We even took her to see a shrink.”

“What did he say?”

“Nothing interesting, he took our money and said that Liza just wasn’t like other girls. Something about being over comfortable with her body and not being able to feel shame.”

At that point, my mother began to cough, and I helped her sit up straighter. She kept on coughing and by the time she stopped, she passed out. I pulled the sheets up and left her to rest.

When I came down the stairs my father came in from the terrace. “Did you talk to her?”

“I did, but she began to cough and I left so she could sleep a bit.”

“Okay. I have to go out. Will you stay here with her?”


“Thanks, and remember that Liza is having some friends over.” He looked at his watch and continued. “They should be here in a couple of hours. Just keep an eye on them. Sometimes Liza will try to steal from the liquor cabinet.”

I laughed. “Teenagers.”

“You never did.”

I gave him a big grin. “I didn’t have to, the winos down at the liquor store would buy for me and my friends.”

He laughed and put on his jacket and then left.

I was lying on the big leather couch in the living room channel surfing and enjoying a cold beer when I heard a key in the entrance door. A few seconds later it opened and I could hear laughter. Then Liza’s voice. “Chris?”

“I’m in the living room.”

I heard footsteps and then Liza walked down the two steps and behind her were two girls her age. One was dark haired and quite tall, with long hair and carrying a pink backpack. She wore cut off jeans and a black T-shirt. A pair of sunglasses held back her hair. The other was blond and a bit shorter, but still taller than Liza. Her hair was cut short, just above her ears and she had a black flared skirt and a white blouse knotted at her navel.

“This is Josie,” said Liza and pointed at the brunette, then she nodded to the blond and continued, “and this is Brooke. Ladies, this is my step-brother, Chris.”

“Nice to meet you,” said Josie and shook my hand.

I had stood up and when I turned to Brooke she smiled and said, “so, you are the famous Chris.”

“Nice to meet both of you.”

Liza said to her friends, “let’s go to the pool.”

With a lot of laughs and shrieks the three women left me alone in the living room and went out onto the terrace. I continued channel surfing and drinking my beer. A little while later I got up to get another and when I looked out towards the pool my jaw dropped.

The three of them were topless in the water. Josie had perfect round breasts, very perky with small dark nipples. Brooke’s were larger and because of their size hung down a little, and her nipples were larger. I tore my eyes away from them and went into the kitchen. I stood there with the door to the fridge open thinking that I had become a pervert over the years. Still, there was nothing wrong with looking, they were of age. Well, Liza was my step-sister so I shouldn’t ogle her too much, but the other two were available.

As I walked back to the couch, I saw Liza waving to me through the windows. I took the beer with me and walked out.

“Chris put on some trunks and join us,” she said.

“Maybe later.”

“C’mon, it’s lovely,” said Josie.

“In a minute.”

I walked back inside and sat down. There was a re-run of the previous day’s ballgame on the TV. My mind raced, ballgame or tits? Boobs won, and I went hunting for a pair of swimming trunks.

I hadn’t brought any with me so I went into my parent's room to see if I could borrow a pair from my dad. When I walked in, my mom was awake.

“Hi, where does Dad keep his trunks?” I said.

“Over there, second drawer,” she said and pointed.

I found a pair in black with yellow stripes, and when I was about to leave, my mother said, “Be careful, those girls are sluts.”

“C’mon, Mom. They aren’t that bad.”

“Trust me, they are worse.”

I left the room, closing the door behind me. After changing in my room, I walked downstairs.

“About time you showed up,” said Liza, when I walked out.

“Sorry, I had to look for these,” I said, indicating the trunks.

“You could have come in naked,” said Josie, and the other two giggled.

I ignored them and jumped in. The water was warm and I swam under the surface to the other side. When I came up I wiped the water from my face and turned around. The three girls were opposite me, at the other end.

“Why so far away?” said Liza.

I swam over to where they were.

“How long are you here for?” asked Brooke.

Her boobs were even larger up close. I kept my eyes on her face. “Just a couple of days.”

“Where are you going next?” asked Josie

“I am not sure, Colombia maybe.”

“Wow, I wished I could travel as much as you,” she said, with a dreamy look in her eyes.

I swam around them and put my arms on the edge and rested my legs. Liza was hanging on with one arm. Suddenly I felt her other arm against my side, and before I knew it her hand gently grabbed my cock through the trunks. I didn’t move, just hung there.

“I will miss you,” she said.


“I’ll race you to the other side,” said Josie to Brooke.

As the girls took off, Liza slid under my arms so she was between me and the edge of the pool and put her arms around my neck. She leaned in a kissed me on my lips. When I turned my face away, she said, “what’s wrong?”

“You are my step-sister.”

“Yeah, who you met today for the first time in your life. We have never spoken before, so it’s not like we grew up together.”

“That’s not the point,” I said, and lifted my arms over her head and moved away from her.

“Fine, be that way,” sheTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Diabolical Chapter Two        At first glance appearing to be no more then an oversized tube not unlike in a roll of toilet paper, it’s actually a pair of tubes, one encompassing the other, embedded with dozens of rows of chemical treated, needle sharp pins of different diameters and lengths.  The outer shell’s pins point inward, touching the inner shell, its pins pointing outward touching the outer shell.  Devised to have a half inch space between the tubes, an encircling pair of thin packets...

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Older Man With ED Has Not Lost His Libido

Stephan is a seventy-nine-year-old Widower who suffers from serious ED issues, and has not been able to achieve a rock-hard erection for almost three years.However, his libido had not waned all that much. He still craves and desires sexual release. In the past few years, he has sought relief by watching porn on the internet and masturbating. What else was a lonely old geezer to do?His internet searches amaze him in what is out there. At first, his choice of porn was straight sex between men and...

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Getting A Beautiful Lady At The Beauty Parlor

Hey my name is Rishi..I have been reading stories on this site for 3 years..Especially incest, couple and maid section. My email id is .Today I will share one of my experiences that took place a little while back. Basically I am from Mumbai and my age is 24 years. I have an average sized dick which is quite thick though There was a cousin’s pre marriage function and I was allotted the duty of dropping all the ladies and my cousins to the beauty parlour and then bring them back too. When I...

5 years ago
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How I Fucked My Cousin Sister Part 8211 2

Hi everyone I thank you all for your valuable comments. I’m vinith 26years from Bangalore in a reputed MNC as an hr manager Please write to me on any girls and aunties can write to me on. people who haven’t read my 1st story please read it Without wasting much time let me come to the story. As it was a Sunday I didn’t speak to my sis. I was just waiting for her call. 2days nothing happened. It was Wednesday I got a call from her. I didn’t receive, she called twice but I didn’t respond. Later...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 3 Enter Caroline

1865 Caroline French had just turned fifteen when Robert came home from the war and took up his position on the back porch. He always seemed to be sitting in the shade, whittling sticks or peeling apples for his mother, his feet raised on a piece of stove wood and his skinny ankles crossed, often barefoot. She had known Robert almost all her life and, as a child, had admired his quick wit and friendly nature. Both now seemed to have disappeared. He usually returned her cheerful greetings...

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The American DreamPart 1

The American Dream Pt.1 Dan Rice realized he was not being fulfilled. It was hard for him to even finish having sex with his wife, she was so boring to him. As a gorgeous blonde with light brown eyes and a full figure, his wife Heidi honestly couldnt be sexier. Her pink lips were always full and her hazel eyes were surrounded by soft brown lashes. She was 40 but looked 10 years younger and was the envy of all the men on the street. She had a lean build and naturally tiny breasts, if she hadnt...

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"ELSIE" a transvestite fantasy by "cc" "It's sort of A Party," Paul explains, "A Week-end thing, on a lavish estate, with rooms for the Guests. Only you have to sign some sort of Release, and put down a Deposit to get a Room Key. And it's rather a Kinky scene; you know: Well-dressed Dominants, Slaves nude except for high heels and collars. It could get exciting!" You're not into that sort of thing, but you want to be there...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 9

Bunny had been sitting outside the room for half an hour, her mind in complete turmoil. Her man, as she now thought of Jack, was in that room, having sex with at least one, and possibly two teenaged girls. That made her belly tight, and she felt jittery all over. She was quite aware that what she was feeling was jealousy. Other emotions conflicted with that, however. Bunny had never had a single thought about the sexuality of another woman. When she saw Ronnie’s mouth lovingly suck on Jack’s...

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Army Life Bisexual mmf mfm

Written By MusclecockI'm Samantha, an ordinary 20-year-old brunette, with an ordinary job at the reception desk in an ordinary office building downtown L.A. You might have seen me shopping at the mall or dancing at the local night club. You might have found me attractive, too. Some men can't keep their eyes off me.Did I say ordinary? Well, not quite. I'm an nymphomaniac. I just love men. I just love making myself look sexy, and make men staring at me. It makes me so hot.Anyway, I didn't mention...

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The Desperate Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers. This is a true incident of a hot bhabhi and me which happened a few days ago. I am 21 years old and active most of the time on the internet. I keep chatting with hot women online on sites like omegle. I will not be mentioning any names to maintain secrecy. The story starts now.. One day while chatting in an online site I met a woman who was 27 years old(which she told me later in the chat).. I asked her interests and I also asked why she was on that site. Initially she was a...

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Slender sexy students submission 2

She is nervous, stucked with her thesis to finish her MA at the University of Amsterdam, so close to the deadline.She accepts my conditions, as she is sure I can help her do it, but she fears for the implications of her submission.She is sexually quite inexperienced so far, so is afraid of how far I will want her to go with me, in return for my work.She knows for sure I want to have her. No idea which price she will have to pay, she hands me her blank cheque.I dreamt to dominate her hotly for a...

1 year ago
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Apples and Oranges

1. The first time I saw him we were reaching to squeeze the same orange. I hate buying oranges that look so delicious and then taste like damp, bland fiber after you've peeled them. Our eyes met. His were shining out of a dark, rugged face and so damned blue, I could have drowned in them. I realized I was staring and made myself look down. "Excuse me." he said, "After you." Those were the innocent words spoken but I had suddenly felt as if he had said, 'Take your clothes off. I want to fuck...

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The Visitors 2

If you haven’t read The Visitors please read that one first. My balls still hurt from the fucking Ashley & Amber gave me earlier that day. The girls wanted to fuck more that night (Oh how remember when I was in my early twenties). I or I should say we decided to order Chinese food & have it delivered. The girls knew a good Chinese food restaurant that delivered so they called an ordered the food. We watched the video of day 1, they climbing over the fence & playing in the pool naked....

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Sex With My Lecturer

Hi friends,This is sameer here again. Thank you for responding to my earlier story with megha. Am back with another real story with my lecturer in BE.Let me introduce her to you. Her name is Devi (name changed). She is one of the lecturer in our BE course. She is from tamilnadu and right from day one we were close since even am a tamilian. We developed a good rapport with each other. We used to share our happiness and sorrow. About her looks, she was fair, bit bulky, juicy lips, bit butt since...

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My First Time In schoolBased On A True Story

I’m not a great story teller but I’ll try. So it was my senior year in High school. Me and my friends just got done taking our senior exams. Being seniors after the exams we got to go home early. But I decided to stay a little and say my goodbye’s to all the underclassman etc. I pretty much knew everyone in school. I was also cool with everybody….Except this one bitch, which we’ll call Jezebel. I knew her and nearly all my classmates since elementary school. I had beef with many close friends...

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Learning CurvesChapter 11

Phil was still standing by the keg when Hailey returned. He put his arm around her shoulder when he saw the look of sadness on her face. “Are you ready to leave?” she asked. “That’s up to you,” Phil said. “I’m doing OK. Are you having fun?” “I’m not sure,” Hailey admitted. “I’m usually like that girl by now.” She pointed to a topless young woman who was straddling a guy’s lap and making out with him furiously. Phil gave her a raised eyebrow. “Not half naked,” Hailey said. “At least not...

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Last Frontier IIChapter 5 They Will Take Anybody Almost

Roxie completed her application to the State Police Academy, and was accepted. She figured they were desperate if she got in. Roxie was a tough woman though, and wouldn't take grief from anyone. The night after the incident, she went with Tim and Marie to the hospital to see Officer Langley. He was still in serious condition, and barely recognized them. "Now I know why you were standing over the SOB like that," Langley croaked. "My Captain told me that he raped one of you, and he had...

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Nikki Sees Mrs Denver Once Again

Mrs Denver sat in her study when Charlotte pressed the intercom. “Nikki Pearson is here to see you, Mrs Denver.” “Send her in,“Mrs Denver replied. Charlotte watched the 23-year-old walk towards the study door as much in wonder as thinking about the pain Nikki was about to endure. Charlotte had seen so many students go in to the study with trepidation and come back out with tear-stained faces, rubbing their bottoms. She wondered what it was like to be caned and wondered whether she would ever...

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Our First Time Together

We talked on the phone every night and the next time we met at the mall, I asked her to be my girlfriend. Things were still kind of awkward as we were getting to know each other. After my experiences with Rebecca and Ashleigh, I wanted to take things slow because I really did like her and didn’t want to do anything to scare her away. After a few dates, I still had not kissed her, mostly because my buddy and April were always there but also because I seemed nervous around her. Thinking about...

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A horny wife alone and far from home

Sherelle & Postman PatSherelle was horny. Not just average horny like she could satisfy herself – but really horny when only a cock will do. She is very particular about cocks though – always has been. She prefers wide rather than long. Some women, especially older ones – who’ve fucked around a lot, like Sherelle, rave on about long cocks – black ones in particular, but Sherelle reckons length is overrated. ‘Thick is what really does it for me!’ she told her friend Nancy on several...

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The StormChapter 18

Anita looked at herself in the mirror and was not satisfied with the picture. This getup just wasn’t right! She had politely declined Caroline’s offer to dress together again, tonight. Ever since she had walked up to the bar in that scandalous outfit, she had been perched on the edge of orgasm. Never before had she dressed or acted so provocatively among other people, not even when she and her husband took their annual private vacation, when John made sure she took along only sexy clothes...

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Vigilante Cop

It was pouring down, which in a sense was very fitting. Standing below your umbrella at the side of the road you watch as his widow and their kids drove off. The service had been beautiful, rain or not, and you hoped that it would help his family find peace, or whatever you can call landing on your feet after you husband and father has be torn away from you. Personally you weren’t searching for peace. The only thought on your mind was bringing those responsible to justice. At 27 years of age...

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Curved Cock in Westborough

Dildo shopping. I didn’t need another dildo, it was more of a “want” kind of thing. And I was bored. I’d finished my work for the day, had a little dinner and a couple whiskeys, and needed to get out of the house. Now I stood in front of the dildos at Amazing Superstore, trying to make a tough choice. The 8” All American Whopper had an intriguing curve to it, but had kind of a small head. The James Dean Realistic Cock had a nice head and a thick shaft, but was really pricey. I had one in each...

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Dangerous Women

If you've been through Woodburn, you know where Route 82 curves over the river coming into town and the road narrows from four to two lanes just north of the bridge over Miller's Creek. The two lanes continue until six and three-tenths miles south of town when it divides into four lanes again. The two lane section, which is within the Town Limits, is a sedate forty-five miles an hour. Since the speed limit on the four lane is seventy, some people have trouble complying with the lower speed....

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Game night

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. I’m sure you have seen those commercials from Parker Brothers about keeping the family together with a game night. Well that’s what we...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 11

The alarm went off, shattering the morning quiet. Ashleigh jumped to turn off its shrill ring. When she rolled back into the bed, Diane leaned over and kissed her lightly. ‘Good morning, Ashleigh.’ ‘Good morning, Diane, I hope the alarm didn’t shake you too much. It really has an irritating ring.’ ‘It’s ok, I have one like it myself. I hate getting up in the morning especially after I’ve had such a good time the night before. You promised we’d shower together remember? I’m ready if you...

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Drilled Nelly Kent Wants That Cock In Her Ass For Dinner

If there is one thing Nelly knows it is how to get her boyfriends attention when she uses his cucumber to masturbate with. That definitely makes him stop preparing the salad and instead watches her prep that ass for some good hot ass fucking! Once she is ready he gets that hard cock out and lets it slide right into that sexy pussy! Nelly loves how that cock feels in her pussy but wants it in her ass now! Dean happily obliges drilling that ass deep with his hard cock fucking on the chair and on...

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Whipped int he Desert

The beautiful naked blonde hung on the whipping tripod used for public whippings in this arab country.The tripod was placed on a 3 meter high platform so that the crowd could view the whipping.Her legs were spread wide apart and she hung slightly inclined so that her tits hung freely .It was midday so the sun was at its peak. Christine Jones was the name of the blonde before she was captured by this band of nomads in theyear 1876. Now she was the property of Shiek Omar who she had insulted by...

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Marilyns Paradise

So to the Marilyn saga ends. This is the last Marilyn story for a very long time, possibly ever if interest in her wanes over time. However, this won't be my last story. I have more stuff developing in the lab, so to speak. MARILYN'S SEXUAL PARADISE - By Brett Lynn "Wh...what hon? What do you want?" Marilyn groggily pulled herself out of her nap and took a look at her wife sitting next to her on the airplane as they cruised their way to Hawaii for their honeymoon. She saw...

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Busted Chapter 3

It was late, past midnight when I awoke. I was alone in the great bed, and silver moonlight flooded in through the bedroom windows. I shook my head to clear it, and wondered where the girls were. I got out of bed and wandered through the silent house. As I approached the great room I could begin to hear their voices. At last I could see them together in the swimming pool, standing in water up to their breasts, speaking softly to one another and stroking each other’s hair and faces. Few things...

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Ed BiggersChapter 14

With the coming of summer, life had settled into a nice routine for Ed. Mornings were spent in school, evenings were spent at work, and weekends were spent with Kelly. He was taking three courses the entire summer; a reduced load that left him with much more time to study, and less material to study. His sex life had taken on a greater role than ever. Kelly frequently spent the night with him. On many occasions, Beth joined them for the weekend. When John was gone, Beth would spend a night...

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Family Raped And RavagedChapter 4

Cal looked down at Ellen and smiled. She was still tied up on the bed. Mickey was still down stairs with Cindy. Cal wore one of Phil's robes, and it made Ellen miserable to see him in it. She still had Mickey's jism on her tits and face. Cal teased her about it. "You're a fucking mess. Did you like Mickey?" Ellen sobbed and said, "He's an animal!" Cal chuckled, "You'd better be a good girl. You've got to be nice to both of us. If you're good to us, we won't hurt Cindy." He...

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Amelia the Pirate Queen Ch 02

The pirate sloop Phantom had begun life as the French ship Epée born in the shipyards of Marseille. The Epée had been built for speed, in order to run the blockades of the British navy. Although she was lightly armed, with only six nine-pound cannon, she was light and under full sail ran fast on the bowline. One night she had been anchored in Port-De-France on Martinique, with most of her crew ashore celebrating their escape from the British fleet, a group of out of work sailors, led by an...

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by Gail Holmes Gypsy was a girl that most men would give their eyetooth to date but she was a loner. She carried her name well, with her trim figure and lusty long dark hair and her dress sense was admirable, trouble was she didn’t appreciate the effect it had on the male population, off the shoulder blouses, flared skirts. Her mother had died when she was but eight years old, as an only child she’d been brought up by...

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Bens House

My friend Ben lives in a small house a couple blocks from me. We hang out at his house because it is a relaxed environment. Ben is laid back and outgoing and these qualities are reflected in his parents and his sister. Jerry, his dad: jovial, potbellied man in his late 40s who does some sort of banking for a living. Runs his own business and therefore makes his own hours. Oftentimes you’ll find him camped out on the sofa in front of his big flat screen TV watching stock market updates. From...

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Aladdin And Magic Lamp Sex Version

This is a fantasy story so all those who prefer the other stories please do not read if you do not want to another and this is a story loosely based on global famous and popular story so if anybody hates me to modify it please do not read. It had been a long and strenuous day for Aladdin as he had worked in the market. He slumped on his half broken bed which gave an unmistakable groan. He sighed and tried to sleep cursing the neighboring kids for making the racket on the streets but at that...

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